03x09 - All Kinds of Weather

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x09 - All Kinds of Weather

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

♪ hmm, hmmmm, hmmmm!...

♪ hmm, hmmmm, hmmmm!...

♪ hmm, hmmmm, hmmmm!...

♪ hmm, hmmmm, hmmmm!...

♪ hmm, hmmmm, hmmmm!...



I don't like to get wet.

I could shrink down
to the size of an ant!


-Caillou was frightened.

never heard such a loud noise
coming from outside before.


There you are!


I-It's okay Gilbert,
it's just a bad storm.

-Poor Caillou was
trying to reasure Gilbert,

but the flashes and
thunder scared him too,

and when Caillou is scared at
night, he needs Mommy and Daddy.

-Come on Gilbert.
In here, quick!




-It's all right
Caillou, I'm coming.

I'm coming.


Caillou? Where are you?


-There you are.

Why are you
hiding in the closet?

-I don't like storms Daddy.

-Yes I know.

Hey, let's go see
if a mug of hot chocolate
will make you feel better.


-Thunderstorms make
a lot of noise, don't they?


-It's only the wind
Caillou, I'll shut the window.

-Caillou was glad his
Daddy closed the curtains,

but he was still
feeling a little scared.

-Mmmm! Delicious!

How's yours Caillou?


Daddy! Make it go away!

-Let's both try
to make it go away.


-When I was a boy,
storms scared me too.

But Grandma taught
me the Counting Game.

Do you want me
to show you how it works?

When the lightening
flashes, we start to count.

Then, when the
thunder BOOMS, we stop.

It'll make it go
away, do you want to try?


Two... three...

-Now, next time we count,
we'll reach a higher number

and that means
the storm is moving away.

-It does?

If I count quickly,
will it'll go away faster?

-Now that Caillou and Daddy
we're playing the counting game,

the storm wasn't
as scary anymore.

-Will it go boom again?

-Hahaha. Yes Caillou
it'll boom again.

-One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven...

I counted to seven!

Last time I
only counted to five!

It works! The
storm IS going away.

-You're right!

And now I think it's
time for bed. Hop to it.

-Okay Daddy!

-With the storm moving
away, and Gilbert by his side,

Caillou felt
safe and happy again.


Oh, Teddy, it's you!

Why are you all wet?

-The sky is leaking.

-The sky is leaking?

-U-huh. Just like
the tap in the bathroom.

-The sky's a whole
lot bigger than the tap!

-Well I need to
get a towel and dry off.

-If the sky is
leaking we could all be-




-Gilbert, Gilbert...

We've got a problem!

-Oh can't a cat nap?

-A big problem.

A great big problem.

A great, big, huge, gynormous...

bigger than the bed,
bigger than the house.

-What is it?

The ceiling?

-The sky.

-The sky?

-The sky is... leaking.


Skies don't leak!

-This one does.

Teddy said so.

-We're going to run
a few errands together.

With all that rain outside
we have to dress up to keep dry.

-We can jump in all the puddles.

Uh-oh... this feels funny.

-Here, let me help you.

-It's OK. I want to do it.


I did it.


Need some help
with your buttons?

Let's go.

-But, Caillou had forgotten
something very important.


-Yes, dear?

-I have to go to the bathroom.

-I'll wait for you here.

-Caillou rushed
off to the bathroom.

On his way there, something
caught his attention.


phew, watch out...






-What are you doing here?

-I... I was... um...
going to the bathroom.

Oh, no I've got to go now.

I really have to go.


Daddy look, an airplane.

-May I see your airplane please?

-Let's land your airplane
back in the airport, OK?

It'll still be
here when you come back.

And have you
forgotten about Mommy?


I forgot.

Did Mommy wait for me?

-Caillou came back
quickly to meet his Mommy,

but when he got there, she
was putting away the raincoats.

-Mommy. I'm here...

Aren't we going any more?

-Oh no, we're
still going, but look.

-The sun was shining so Caillou
and Mommy didn't need raincoats.

But there were
still plenty of puddles.

-This one first...

And this one goes in here.


I think you forgot something.

-Yay puddles.

Look Mommy.

-I know they're fun,
but we have to run errands now.


-You know what we can do though?

We can leave tracks
on our way to the store.


You know what's
fun about rainy days?

-Wet, raindrops
and water everywhere?

-Yeah, but there's more.





Rain hats.

Rubber boots.


We love the rain!

♪Pitter patter on the windows,
Rain is falling from the sky.

♪All I need is
a big umbrella, To walk in
the rain and keep me dry.

♪Out in the weather
under my umbrella,

♪I can jump in the puddles
and dance in the rain.

♪Out in the weather,
under my umbrella,

♪there's room
for more to do it again.

♪Rain is plunking
all around me, On trees
and flowers and ground.

♪But underneath
the big umbrella, I only
hear the plunking sound.

♪Out in the weather
under my umbrella.

♪I can jump in the puddles
and dance in the rain.

♪Out in the weather,
under my umbrella

♪There's room
for more to do it again.

♪Out in the weather
under my umbrella,

♪I can jump in the puddles
and dance in the rain.

♪Out in the weather,
under my umbrella

♪There's room
for us to do it again.

♪And again.

♪And again.


Oh look, it stopped raining.

-Come on Rexy, come on up.

Oh, it's O.K. Come on,

there you go.

You see, you can't stop
the rain like turning off a tap.

-It's raining.

Gilbert... What's raining mean?

-Oh, well rain happens
when the clouds get

so full of water they
can't hold it any more.

They have to drop
the water on the earth.

-The clouds are dropping water.

-The weather this evening
will be cold and snowy.

An artic wind
blowing from the north will
lower the temperature...

-Vrooom, vrooom, beep, beep!

-Caillou and Daddy didn't
know it yet, but a winter
storm was heading their way.

-Vroom, vroom...


Do you want
to go outside Gilbert?

-Why don't you
let him out Caillou?


Come on Gilbert.

Daddy, look!

-Caillou was amazed by the snow.

The wind was very strong
and was blowing the snow

around in circles, making
it very hard to see outside.

Caillou was sure that
tomorrow would be a great
day to build a snowman.

-Boy, that's some storm.

The weatherman said there
would be freezing rain tonight,

I'd better turn up the heat.

Why don't we go and see if mom
needs help setting the table?

-Okay daddy.


Red light!

Green light.

Vroom... vroom...

Red light!

-Hi sweetie,
are you getting hungry?


Green light!


-Ha ha ha ha!


-Okay, now we're parking!


-Oh, that's an awful storm!

-It looks like
it's getting worse.

there's no use worrying about
something we can't control!

Why don't you go get
washed up for supper Caillou?

-Caillou wondered
why mommy and daddy

we're so worried
about the storm?

-I think we forgot
the magic words!

Green light!

-Vrooom, vroom!



-Caillou was feeling very
alone in the dark and he decided

he would try and turn
the lights back on himself.

Caillou didn't
understand how the lights could
turn off all by themselves.

When he couldn't turn them
back on, he was very afraid.


-I'm coming Caillou,
stay where you are!

-The lights
aren't working daddy!

-The storm must have
caused a power failure.

-What's that?

when there's no electricity,
so the lights don't work.

-Caillou didn't
know that a storm could stop
the lights from working.

He'd never heard
about that before.

-Let's go downstairs
and get the flashlights.

-Ha ha ha!

don't blow out the candles
sweetie. We need them to see.

-I'll go to the
basement and get the flashlights
and some more candles.

-I want to go with you.

-Caillou wanted to help
his daddy find the flashlights.

-Be careful, it's
pitch black down there.

-I guess the basement
isn't the best place to

keep the flashlights
huh Caillou?

-Be careful daddy.

-Caillou was trying
to be brave but he didn't like
sitting alone in the dark.


-It's Okay Caillou.



-Oh no! My, my candle is out.

I'm sure the flashlights
were right here somewhere.


was frightened sitting in the
dark stairwell all by himself.

He couldn't
see his daddy anymore.

-Found them!


-Daddy's appearance
startled Caillou at first,

but he was relieved to
see daddy with the flashlights.

-I'm sorry Caillou
I didn't mean to scare you.

Here you go,
you can have one too.



Don't do that,
you're scaring me!

-Ha ha ha ha!

Gilbert you silly cat.

-Ha ha! Gilbert!

-There we go.


-Caillou was happy
that there were lights again.

He figured that they
could have supper now.

-When can we eat mommy?

-Hmmm? That's
a good question Caillou.

I'll go get some
wood and build a fire.

We can heat something
up in the fireplace,

just like when we're camping!


-Caillou couldn't imagine
how they could cook with the

fireplace in the living room.

He thought it would
be fun to pretend the living
room was a camp ground!

-I like camping
in the living room daddy.

-Yes it is fun,
but I hope the electricity

comes back on soon, the house
is getting a little chilly.

-When will the lights
come back on daddy?

-I'm not sure,
it could take some time.

-Caillou didn't understand
why it would take a long time,

but right now,
he didn't mind very much.

-I think it's time for dessert!

-What's for dessert?

-What's your favorite dessert
when we go camping Caillou?



-Is it done yet?

-I think it is.

Now blow on it,
because it's very hot.



-I think it's bedtime.

-I don't want
to go to bed mommy.

-I think we should
all sleep down here tonight.



-Caillou was startled awake
by the sound of the television,

but he really wanted
to continue camping out
in front of the fireplace.

-The power's back on.

-Can we still sleep
here tonight daddy?

-Sure we can. Goodnight Caillou.

-I'm just glad the sky
doesn't drop anything else,

like bullfrogs
or hippopotamuses.

-Oh well,it does
drop something else.

-It does?

What else?



-I love snow!


-Caillou. Time to get up.

It's snowing outside. Look.


I want to make a snowman.

-Let's get you dressed first.

Now, where are your sweaters?

-But I want to wear these.

-If you wear
your shorts outside you'll
feel as cold as a snowman.

-There's no more cereal.

-We'll get some
when we go shopping.

And we need some
eggs too because I'm making
a special surprise cake.

-Special surprise cake?


-Caillou and Rosie always liked
Mommy's special surprise cakes,

but they never knew exactly
what the surprise would be.

-Caillou, it's
time to go to the store.

Put on your coat and boots.

-But Mommy, I want
to play with my dinosaur.

-You can play
with him later. Now come
on. We're waiting for you.

-Caillou liked to go shopping,
but he always took a long time

to get ready because
he liked playing too.

-Caillou, get
in the car, please.

-Are we going to make a snowman?

-Well... yes...

As a matter of fact we are...

-Yay. A Snowman.

-...but right now
we have to get going.

-Mommy, I want
to ride like Rosie.

-Okay, but let's
get going, or there won't
be time to make that snowman.

-I want these.

-Caillou... We're having a
special surprise cake, remember?

So we don't
need cookies too, OK?

-What is the
special surprise cake?

-If I tell you,
I'll spoil the surprise.

Now, when we get to
the checkout, I want you to

look after Rosie, while
I take care of the groceries.

-All Caillou could think
about were those cookies.

But he forgot exactly
where he'd seen them.

Before he knew it, he was all
alone, lost, and feeling afraid.


Mommy... Where are you?


-Caillou. What happened?

-You went away.

-No, Caillou, you did.

But I'm very glad we found you.

Let's go home.

-Caillou was
still feeling upset,

but he was very happy to
see his Mommy and Rosie again.

-I didn't like it
when I was lost, Mommy.

-I didn't like
it either, sweetie.

So let's make sure
you don't get lost again.

Now, let's finish making
the special surprise cake.

-But I wanted to make a snowman.

-We are going to make a snowman.

Only we're going to make
him right here in the kitchen.

-The special surprise cake. Yay!

-Caillou and Rosie
were absolutely right.

They had guessed what Mommy's
surprise was going to be.

-Mommy, look.
He's really a snowman.

-Brrrr. Then he must be cold.

Let's give him a scarf.

-What does snow look like?

Is it as big as a bullfrog?

Or a hippopotamus?

-I'm trying to tell you.

-So am I!

It's made up of millions
of teeny tiny shapes.

Every snowflake is different.

-It's as soft as a
feather, as small as a speck

and as cold as ice.

-A speck?

What's a speck?

Is a speck big? I
mean, like a hippopotamus?

What? What is it?

-A speck.

-A speck?

-A speck.


That's small!

Wake up Gabriel!



You can do almost
anything in the snow.

Shovel, dig and build.

We can't fly,
but we can make angels!

Uh oh, a snow fight!

Sometimes snow isn't all fun.

But you can make
it fun if you want to!

After snow, the next
best thing is hot chocolate!

-Now, if you'll
just let me sleep.

-But why, Gilbert?

-Because I'm tired.

-No, no, no. Why does
the sky go to all that trouble?

-So that everything
under it can grow.


Even little dinosaurs like me?

-Even little dinosaurs like you.

-Isn't that nice of the sky?

-It really is!

See you next time!









Mommy is great!

She takes me to
fun places like the beach.

Mommy says it's
fun to try new things.

She likes it when
I draw her pictures.

-It's beautiful
Caillou! Thank you!

-And I like it when
she tucks me in at night.
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