03x07 - Nature

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x07 - Nature

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Last night Caillou's
Mommy read him a story
about a jungle hunter.

I'm going to be just like
him and catch some wild animals.


We have a new
flower in our garden.

So I'm going to be
a flower detective and see if

I can find out what the
name of this new flower is.

Let me see...

No, that sure isn't this flower.

-He he!


-It has lots of petals
and a really black center.

No. It's not one of those.

-Grandma. Let's go.

-No need to rush.
The birds will wait.

-Grandma was taking
Caillou birdwatching today
and Caillou couldn't wait:

he loved going on
adventures with Grandma.

-No birds here.

-Are you sure?

Listen carefully.

-I can hear
them. Where are they?

Grandma. I see them.

Look. There.

-Would you like
to see them closer?

-Grandma always knew
what to do, almost like magic.

Caillou didn't
know what to expect next.

-Here, open your hands.


-That's right.

You'll see, we'll
get some company very soon.


-Look Grandma,
the bird is eating.

Hey bird, come back.

-It's all right Caillou.

You see, small birds are
afraid of big people like us.

We have to stand very
still and be very quiet,
so they won't be afraid.

-Soon a new bird
came to eat some seeds, then
another, and a few more.

Caillou couldn't believe it.


Oh boy!

-Let's try a trick.

Can you stand up?


Put your arms like this in front
of you and stand very still.

-The bird! Grandma
it's on my hand.

-Caillou was so excited.

He'd never had a bird
sitting on his hand before.

-We're leaving?

Why are you whistling?

-Well, it's like
talking to the birds.

And if we're lucky,
the birds will talk to us.


That's a good try.

You'll see, it
takes a bit of time.

You have to practice.

-Grandma was happy Caillou
enjoyed watching birds.

She decided to give
him a special present.

-It's a house.

-Yes, but not just
any kind of house, look.

-Grandma, the
seeds are coming out.

-That's right, they're
supposed to come out.

This is a bird feeder.
I've had it for many years,

I thought you
might enjoy it, now.

-Will the birds come?

-I don't know, we'll find out.

-Grandma and Caillou
decided to hang the bird
feeder near the back porch.

-This is a fine place.

You'll be able to watch
the birds from inside the house.

-And that's how Caillou
became a birdwatcher,
just like his Grandma.


Ah ha!



Maybe wild animals
like to hide behind trees
better than playhouses.



Oh it isn't that easy
to find the right flower.

Uh, let's see...

This is rather pinkish.

Well, it's bright and all,
but it's not the same flower.

I wonder what
kind of flower this is.

Oh well, let's see.

-Caillou and Sarah were having
a picnic in Caillou's backyard.

-Look, Sarah, ants.

Why are they
coming on the blanket?

-They want cookie crumbs.

-Ah, a bird!

Sarah, look!!

It's not moving!

-Caillou and
Sarah watched the bird.

-What's wrong?

-Maybe it hurt
it's wing or something.

I'll go tell your mom.

You stay here
and make sure it's safe.

-Is the bird hurt, Mommy?

-A cat might get
it if we leave it here.

-Oh, you did the right
thing to come and get me.

We should never touch
an animal when it's hurt.

We can use this box and
slide it in so it'll be safe.


-Here's some grass and leaves.

-It'll feel
like it's in his nest.

Here's some water
in case it needs a drink.

-The bird can eat
this if it gets hungry.

You could place it
in the box next to the bird.

-Caillou hoped the
bird would get better soon.


-I have to go, Caillou.

I'll come back later
to check on the bird.


-The bird didn't
eat the bread yet mommy.

-Give it a chance
to get better sweetie.

-Caillou was startled and
excited to hear the bird chirp.

He wondered if
the bird felt better.

-Mommy! Did you hear that?

Are you hungry little bird?

why don't you hold the bread
a little closer to the bird?

-No, Gilbert!

Mommy, tell Gilbert
to leave the bird alone!

-I'll put Gilbert in the
house so the bird will be safe.

And you better
come in for lunch.

-Don't worry about Gilbert.

I'll protect you
again if he comes back.

-If the bird isn't
better by tonight we should

bring it to a bird sanctuary.

They have a special
hospital to take care of it.

-Can we go visit
it when it's there?

-We sure can.

-Mommy! The bird is gone!

Maybe Gilbert got it!

-Look! Gilbert was
inside the whole time!


-Caillou, look.

-There it is!

-We have to be very quiet and
go slowly so we don't scare it.

-Oh, no! The bird's flying away!

-Caillou was very
sad that the bird flew away.

-You protected the
bird and it got better.

See, it's flying
now all because of you.

-Caillou felt very proud.

-We could still
visit the hospital at the
bird sanctuary if you want.



I think these beans are ready.

Caillou's Mommy is away and if
I leave them on, they'll go bad.

If I pick them
we can enjoy them.

Mmm... They look juicy and
fat and well okay, they're not

chocolate cake, but it
would be a shame to waste them.

I think I could be a
big help to Caillou's Mommy.

Caillou couldn't wait to explore
the forest with Mrs. Martin

and his friends from daycare.

-Today we're going on a treasure
hunt. It'll be lots of fun!


-What kind of treasure?

had never been on a treasure
hunt in the forest before!

-We'll all find
something special.

Then you can bring
your treasures home!

-Haha! Look at
those funny pictures!

-Can anyone
guess what those are?

-Animal feet?

-That's right,
Leo. They're footprints.

-This is a bird, a rabbit,

a deer, and that's a bear.

-It's huge!


-Caillou was excited about
what he'd find in the forest.

-Let's take a
look at those lily pads.

See how they grow in
water instead of the ground?

-Caillou thought he had found a
wonderful treasure in the pond.

-Look at the funny fish!

-They're called tadpoles,
they're baby frogs!

-There's another one!

He ate that fly!




-Ribbid! Ribbit!

-What's that?

-Well, let's look for clues.

-Look at this stick.
It's got lots of marks on it!

-That's a great treasure, Leo.

Those are teeth marks.

Does anyone know what
kind of animal has strong
enough teeth to do that?

It has brown fur and a big
flat tail and big front teeth.

-A beaver?

-That's right.

And that's the beaver's
house, it's called a dam.

Beavers have to chew on wood or
their teeth will keep growing.

-That's a beaver's house?!

Can we peek inside?

-We don't want
to disturb them, Caillou.

It's important to
leave nature as we found it.

C'mon, there's lot's
more to see in the forest.

-Caillou wondered
what they would see next!


-Let me show you
a good trick, Caillou.

Hold onto the branch and pretend
you're holding a door open.



-Wow! That's
a big Christmas tree!

-Caillou thought it would make
the best Christmas tree ever

and it even came
with it's own decorations.



Pine trees have
needles instead of leaves.

-Caillou thought a pinecone
would make a great treasure.

-I saw it first!

-No, Caillou, it's mine!

-There are plenty of
other treasures in the forest.

If you keep looking you could
find something even better.

-Caillou wondered what could
be better than the pinecone.

He was excited to
see what he could find next.

-There is one ring for
every year of the tree's life.

Let's count them
to see how old it was.

-One, two, three,
four, five, six...

Oh. It must have been very old!

-Seven, eight, nine,
ten, eleven, twelve...

wanted to know where the
strange noise was coming from.

Suddenly Caillou
felt alone and frightened.

hadn't gone far, but he couldn't
see the others any more.



-I'm here!


It's very easy
to get lost in the woods.

You have to stay with the group.

-But I heard a funny noise
and I wanted to see what it was.

It sounded like someone
knocking on the door.

-Shhhh. Let's be very quiet
and see if we hear it again.


-It's a woodpecker. He's
looking for bugs for his dinner.

-Can I have some berries?

-You have to
be careful, Caillou.

Not all berries are good to eat.

But, those blackberries
would make a nice snack.

-Mmmm, yum.

-MMM, Yum!

-He wants my blackberry!

as still as a statue, Caillou,
and he'll leave you alone.


-Caillou was upset
because he was the only one who
still hadn't found a treasure.

-Okay everyone, time
to go. Let's get cleaned up.

Maybe you should wash
up in the stream Caillou.



-Caillou thought
the rock was beautiful!

-What do you
have there, Caillou?

-I found a rock!

It's - HUH?!

-A turtle!

-Caillou had found
the best treasure of all!

-He was hiding in that rock!

-That's his shell!

Turtles carry their houses
on their backs for protection.

-He's cute!

-Don't crowd him,
turtles are very shy.

Come on, Caillou.
It's time to go.

-Can I keep him?

-You'd be taking
him a long way from home.

-Caillou wanted to
keep the turtle but he knew
he'd happier in the forest.

-Bye turtle. See you next time.


Caillou where are you?

Now what's my laundry
basket doing there?

-Look Mommy, I'm a turtle.

This is my new house!

♪I love to go for nature
hunts to see what I can find.

♪You have to look carefully
in front, beside, behind.

♪Things are waiting there
for us to see and to enjoy.

♪When you go on nature
hunts it's really fun, oh, boy!

♪When I go out in nature,
to see what I can see,

♪I always take my camera
and keep it close to me.

♪I might see a fox,
a chipmunk, a turtle or hare.

♪I hunt with my camera
I'm as quiet as can be.

♪When I'm back home the pictures
bring nature back to me.

♪You have to be so quiet,
nature likes it just this way.

♪And leave the flowers
where they are they're
growing day by day.

♪Sunshine sparkles through
the trees making a pretty path.

♪And if you find a little
stream- take a nature bath!

♪When I go out in nature,
to see what I can see,

♪I always take my camera
and keep it close to me.

♪I might see a fox,
a chipmunk, a turtle or hare.

♪I hunt with my camera,
I'm as quiet as can be.

♪When I'm back home the pictures
bring nature back to me.

This is a wild animal
I will catch, for sure.

He won't get away this time.


No wild animals there, either.

Huh? That's strange.
Where are they all?

Now, if I were a wild
animal where would I hide?

Under the slide.

Yeah! That's
a really good place!

-It has long petals and a circle
in the middle. Let me see.

Oh, well look
at that, I found it!

This one has the same petals
and a circle in the middle.

Oh I am a great
flower detective!

Yes! That's it!

Ah... well.

Of course, if I
were a great flower detective
I would check the color too.

Oh I've got a problem.

This one looks the same, but the
colors are totally different.

Oh being a flower
detective isn't that easy.

-I will find a wild
animal here for sure.

They like shady places

and under the
slide is nice and shady.

Gotta be quiet.




Oh Oh!

It's strange that in the
book last night it was so easy

to find wild animals and
it isn't that easy right here.

I wonder where they went?

they're all eating vegetables
in the vegetable garden!

I'll sneak over there and see.

-Ah ha! Do you wanna
help me in the garden, Caillou?

-Yes, Mommy.

-Here, this'll
protect you from the sun.

-Hi, Caillou.

-Hi Sarah.

-Why don't you water
the flowers for me, Caillou.

I'm gonna trim the rose bush.


-Hmm... I think it's gonna rain.

We won't have to water
the flowers after all.



-Caillou. Take
a look through this.

-What is it?

-It's a magnifying glass.

Be careful it's delicate.

-What does that mean?

-It means you
can break it easily.

-But what does it do?

-It makes small
things look bigger.


-It makes your eye look bigger.

-And your nose, Sarah.

-Hmm... I have an idea.

you want to play jungle explorer
with the magnifying glass?

-What's jungle explorer?

-We'll pretend we're
exploring in the jungle

and looking at everything
with the magnifying glass.


-Look, it's a great
big jungle monster.

was right. The caterpillar
did look like a monster.

-Oh Wow!

It's as big as a bird.

It got away.

-The jungle's much thicker here.
I don't think I can carry on.

-I can. I'm not afraid.

-Good luck. I'll
wait here at the camp.

-Caillou, "The Jungle
Explorer" journeyed deeper
and deeper into the jungle.

Caillou pretended Gilbert was
roaring like a big jungle lion.

-Gilbert. Don't
be scared. It's me.

-Caillou was surprised
when he heard the thunder.

And a bit scared, too.

-Sarah. Sarah.

-What happened?

-There was a big noise.

-I expect it was jungle
drums sending us a message.

-Jungle drums?


-Well, it might
have been jungle drums.

But I think
it was probably thunder.

-Caillou was very excited
by all the things he'd seen

the magnifying glass and all
the adventures he'd imagined.

-Mommy, I saw
a lion in the jungle.

-And we heard
some jungle drums too.

-Those drums are
sending us a message.


-Yes. They're saying:
if we don't want to get
wet, we'd better hurry inside.

♪I love to go for nature
hunts to see what I can find.

♪You have to look carefully
in front, beside, behind.

♪Things are waiting there
for us to see and to enjoy.

♪When you go on nature
hunts it's really fun, oh, boy!

♪I love to go for nature
hunts to see what I can find.

♪You have to look carefully
in front, beside, behind.

♪Things are waiting there
for us to see and to enjoy.

♪When you go on nature
hunts it's really fun, oh, boy!

-Bean-picking can make an
old teddy bear awfully sleepy.

I think I'll take a little
nap in these flowers right here.

-Gotta think of colors.

Colors are important
when it comes to flowers.

Yes! This is it!

Oh this is a funny
name. "A Black- eyed Susan."

I like it!

And I solved the mystery!
I am a great flower detective.

-Aahh!!! Aahh!!!

-What's that?

-I'm sorry, Teddy.

I thought maybe you
were a wild ferocious animal

and I was going
to catch you and study.

-Oh, I wasn't a
wild ferocious anything.

I was just a teddy bear trying
to catch a nap in the shade.

-Oh I didn't know it was you.

-Oh, that's okay, Rexy, I know
you didn't mean to scare me.


What happened?

-Well, see, I was hunting
for wild animals like in

Caillou's story last night, and
then I saw this big fuzzy thing

under the bush and well, I,
I jumped and, well it was Teddy.

-Oh I'm sorry he surprised you,
Teddy, but you know what Rexy?


-I'm kind of glad
it wasn't a wild animal.

They like to live where they're
happiest, free in Nature.

-Oh... Well,
you know what, Teddy?


-I'm sorry I scared
you, but I'm glad it was
you and not a wild animal.

I don't want to
make anybody unhappy.

-See you next time!








Oh! Oh! That's me Rexy!

I'm a prehistoric reptile.

That means a dinosaur.

I'm a great dinosaur adventurer.
Although sometimes...

I have a little trouble
getting past the garden gate!

I love to play games.


Even though I'm not
good at everything, every
day I'm getting better.

That's why Caillou, my family
and friends love me so much.

Just like yours love you!
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