03x04 - My Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x04 - My Family

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Oh you were
quite a handsome bear.

Still are.

-Thank you.

Quite another time,
quite another time.

Oh, that's my mom. And my dad.


Now I know why
you're so good looking.

-What are you guys doing?

-We're looking at family albums.

Come see Teddy when
he was a little bear.

-Oh, Teddy, you look so cute.

-He was. No denying it.

-Oo! Was I cute
too when I was a baby?

-You know. I don't
think I've ever seen-

-I think this a good time
for you to know that, well...

we don't exactly
know about your family.

-You don't?

Why not?

-Well... um...

-Why not?

-Well Rexy, you see,

when we came to Caillou,
I came with teddy birth
papers and a family album.

And Gilbert came with pictures
of his brothers and sisters

and his Mom and, well, when
you came, we checked in the box

and there was...




Caillou was making sure
that he coloured this tractor

as red as he possibly could.

-Say cheese!

I found my old camera
in the attic and thought
I'd take a picture of you.

-I want to see it.

-The photograph
takes a minute to appear.

If you touch the
surface, it will smudge.

-Caillou couldn't
believe that the photograph

was appearing right
before his very eyes!

It was like magic.


Can I try?

-Sure you can.

Here you go.

look through this little window
to see what the camera sees.

When you want to take a
picture, just press this button.


-And that's it.

Now what should
we take a picture of?


Gilbert! Stop!

Okay, Gilbert say "Cheese".


-Gilbert did not
make a very good subject,

but Caillou
was anxious to see what the
photograph would look like.

-That's OK, Caillou.Cats
are pretty tricky to photograph.

You need someone who
will stay nice and still.

Just give me a minute and
I'll help you get a good photo.

-But Caillou wanted
to take a picture by himself

and he thought he knew the
perfect person to photograph.

Since Rosie was napping,

Caillou thought she was
sure to stay nice and still.


-No, no Rosie. It's okay.


-Caillou was
getting discouraged.

Not one photograph
turned out right!

-It won't work right, Daddy.

-Why don't you
take a picture of me?


-Keep the camera still,

and remember to keep your
fingers away from the lens.

-Caillou was very
proud of this photograph.

It had turned out perfectly.

-You know, most famous
photographers have assistants.

To help them out so
they can take better pictures.

Maybe I can be your assistant.

Excuse me ladies, but
could we take your picture?

-Why, of course!

-Say "Cheese"!


-Caillou felt very proud.

He liked taking pictures a lot.


I got him this time!

-You sure did!

Those are great
pictures, Caillou, but
I think you need one more.

-Caillou had a nice picture
of everyone in the family alone,

but Daddy thought
it would be nice to have

a picture of the
whole family together.

-Say "Cheese" everbody!


Oh. Nothing.

I don't have any
parents or relatives.


Why me?

I don't have anybody.

Well... I must
have had a family, but...

where are they now?


Maybe a dinosaur
eating toad ate them up,
and left me to live alone.

All by myself.


-Doesn't look too good.

-No. There must be some
little bit of paper we missed.

Something that
says where he comes from.

Oh poor Rexy,

poor little fellow.

Everybody needs a family.

-No Gilbert! Go away!

-Look Rosie, this is you.


-Oh, look!

And here's one when
Gilbert was a kitten,

come and see Caillou.

-Caillou loved looking
at pictures with Mommy.

He remembered when Gilbert
was just a little kitten

and daddy had brought him
home for the very first time.

-What is it Daddy?

-Go ahead. Look!

It's a surprise!

-It's a kitten, it's a kitten!

got him at the animal shelter.
They said his name is Gilbert.

I think it suits
him perfectly, don't you?


He ran away!

-It's okay, Caillou, I think you
just frightened him a little.

He's still a baby and
he needs time to get used to us.

don't we let him look around
a bit while we get some lunch?

-Okay, Mommy.

Is Gilbert scared of me?

-I don't think so Caillou.

You two will have
plenty of time to get used
to each other, don't worry.

-I thought this
might make a good bed.

He can sleep
here, in the kitchen.


-If Gilbert is going
to be part of our family,
he needs his own bed.

I'll just grab an old
blanket from the basement.

-Pew! I think somebody
needs their diaper checked.

be back in a second Caillou.
You finish your lunch okay?



-Caillou remembered
to move slowly so

that Gilbert wouldn't
be afraid of him.

Caillou was happy that Gilbert
didn't run away this time.

He wanted to hold him
and pet him so that Gilbert

would know that
he was his friend.

-Gilbert come back!

Are you hungry?


Gilbert, you're making a mess!

Look what Gilbert did Daddy!

-We can't allow Gilbert
on the table Caillou.

We'll get him his
very own little bowl and
put it on the floor okay?

-You better take them
both upstairs and clean them up.

-Can we give Gilbert a bath?

-Well cats don't
normally like taking baths,

but Gilbert certainly
needs one now!

-I want to help!

-Just as soon as we take
Gilbert's flea collar off.

We don't want to get it wet.

Here Caillou,
why don't you hold Gilbert
while I fill up the tub?

-Caillou was a little
nervous to hold Gilbert again.

He didn't like it when
Gilbert squirmed in his arms.

-Here, let's
wrap him in this towel.

It'll be easier
for you to hold him.

You see? It's just
like a holding a baby.

Hold on tight, but
don't squeeze him too hard.

-Caillou loved
his new kitten very much.

-Okay, come on Gilbert,
time to get you cleaned up.



He ran away!

-Gilbert had escaped again!

didn't understand why he was
always running away from him.

-He's not here daddy.

-Not here either!

-There he is!

-Why don't we go
real slow, okay Caillou?

We don't want to scare him.

-Okay, Daddy.

-Do you see him?


He's not in his bed.

-Caillou! Come
here, I have an idea.

-Why are you taking
off my shoes Daddy?

-Not your shoes, just the laces.

Here, now wave it
back and forth on the floor,

and I bet you
it'll get his attention.

-Caillou didn't understand
why he was doing this until...

-I've never met a kitten
that could resist a shoelace.

-He's all clean!

-He sure is!

-What's that noise daddy?

-He's purring.

That means he's happy.

-Caillou was glad
that he could make Gilbert
happy by petting him.

He liked it when Gilbert purred.

-Now all we have to do
is put back on his flea collar.


you've been sneezing an awful
lot since Gilbert got here.

I hope you're
not allergic to him.

-What's allergic?

people are allergic to animals,
they can't be around them

because they
make them sneeze too much
and get itchy watery eyes.

-This worried Caillou very much.

He didn't want to
be allergic to Gilbert.

-C'mon Caillou. Let's
go see what Mommy thinks.

-If Caillou was allergic
to cats, Mommy and Daddy would

have to take Gilbert
back to the animal shelter.

-Hmmm. No sign of hives
and your eyes aren't watery.

Do they itch Caillou?

-No Mommy.

-Here Caillou, try
holding him for a while.


I don't want Gilbert to leave!

-I have an idea.

Let's try it without
the flea collar on.

-Caillou was really hoping
that he wouldn't sneeze.

He didn't want to
be allergic to his new cat.

-Well that's a good sign.

-Caillou, let Mommy
hold Gilbert for a second.

And you hold onto this.


-That's it!

-Since it was the flea collar
that was making Caillou sneeze

and not Gilbert, it meant
the little kitten could stay!

-Gilbert has grown up so fast!

-And that's how Gilbert became
a new member of the family!

-I don't even have any papers.

Uh... I don't know
exactly what papers are,

but I know they're important.

And I, and I have nothing.

Oh, thinking about
not having a family can
make a dinosaur pretty sad.

-Oh! Hi!

I've got to tell you
something really exciting.

My family's having
a really big family reunion.

Squirrels are
coming from everywhere.

Oh, it's going
to be so much fun!



That's it?

talking about the most exciting
thing in the whole world,

and you say: "Yeah?"


Oh, I'm sorry, Diedi,

but I just found out that
I don't have any family at all,

nobody, and...

and that is making
me feel really sad...

and lonely.





♪My family, family, family,
family, family, family.

♪There's Mom
and Dad, brother, sisters,
Granny and Granddaddy too.

♪Aunts and uncles and
cousins, a lot of cousins.

♪All like me and you.


♪My family, family,
we have each other.

♪There's are lots, and lots of
us, and we all love one another.

♪We hug, we hug.
We laugh, we laugh.

♪We work, we
work. We play, we play.

♪And we're together every day.

♪My family, family,
family, family.

♪My family, family, family,
family, family, family.

♪There's Mom
and Dad, brother, sisters,
Granny and Granddaddy too.

♪Aunts and uncles and
cousins, a lot of cousins.

♪All like me and you.


♪My family, family,
we have each other.

♪There's are lots of us,
and we all love one another.

♪We hug, we hug.
We laugh, we laugh.

♪We work, we
work. We play, we play.

♪And we're together every day.

♪My family, family.

Bye bye, Mommy.

-Bye, sweetie.

Now don't get into
any trouble, you two.

-Bye bye.

Mommy and sister Rosie
were going out for the day.

And that meant Caillou
would be spending the
whole day with his Daddy.

-That's what I like.
A good strong cup of coffee.

-Mmm mmm.

That's what I like too.

-Do you remember
our secret plan?

-Caillou was helping
Daddy make a special
surprise for his Mommy.

-Do you think Mommy's going
to like her surprise bookshelf?

-Oh, yes, Daddy.

-Caillou loved spending
time with his Daddy like this:

just the two of them together.

-Now this should dry
very quickly, so we can-

Oh, NO!

-Oh NO!

-Oh, no.

-What is it, Daddy?

-Well, in the first place,
you're covered with paint.

-So are you.


Yes. You're right.

And in the second place,

I forgot to buy
the blue paint that goes
on top of this undercoat.

I'll tell you
what we're going to do.

We're going to
take care of business.

That's what we're going to do.


-There you go.

Are you ready?


-Then let's go and
take care of business.

Hmm... Which colour
do you think Mommy would like?

-This one.

-Let's take it.

-Are we taking
care of business, Daddy?

-You bet we are.

-Caillou and his Daddy decided
to have a hot dog for lunch.

-Hell-o. We're ho-me.

-Caillou! Caillou!

-It's dry, Daddy.

-What on earth
have you two been up to?

-We've been taking
care of business, Mommy.


-Oh. A bookshelf.

It's just what I wanted.

But wait a minute.

It looks like
I have a new book too.

-I made it, Mommy.

-We need to think
of something to help him.

-Something that
will prove to him that

we are his family
now and we love him.


Oh, this is perfect.

All I need is a
piece of paper and pencil!

-I think I missed
something there.

But if I gave you
a good idea, I'm glad.

We could really use one!

-Hi. Welcome to the zoo.

My name's Zoe.

-Are we going
to see lots of animals?

-Oh yes. And we're very excited

because lots of our animal
families have new babies.

Would you like
to see some baby wolves?

-Baby wolves?



-See the baby wolves?

Those are their noses.

-Why don't they come
out? I want to see them.

-They were just born
the other day, so they want
to stay with their Mommy.

-Oh. I wanted to see them.

-You know, Caillou,
they'll stay with their
families all their lives.

-Do all the baby animals stay
with their Mommies and Daddies?

-Oh, no. Most animals
leave their families
when they're big enough.

Would you like to
see another animal family?

-Yes, please.

-Caillou liked the idea
of animals having families.

-Where are they? Where are they?

-They must be
in their house, Caillou.

I'm afraid we might
not see them today.

Athough, I think we
might be lucky after all.

-WOW!!! He's so BIG.

The rhino's
as big as a dinosaur.

-Rhino. Dino. Rhino. Dino.

-You know what, Caillou?
That rhino's not a he.

She's a she. And she has a baby.

-Really? A baby rhino?

-Of course, Caillou.

Even really big
animals have babies.

-Look. Look.
It's the baby rhino.

-He's not very cuddly, but
I think he's cute as a button.

-Yay. A Sea Otter.

It's a Sea Otter.

They're my favourite.

-That little guy came to us when
he was just a baby, Caillou.

-Does he have a family too?

-I'm afraid not.

You see, his Mommy died.

-His Mommy


Will he be all right?

-He'll be fine.

But you know, because
he didn't have his Mommy

to show him what to do, we've
had to teach him everything.

Even how to swim
and how to feed himself.

-It was the first time Caillou
had seen a real Sea Otter.

-I wish we could
take him home with us.

-Oh, you can't do that.

He's almost ready
to go back to the ocean.

-What's so funny, Caillou?

-That chimpanzee
looks like Grandpa.

-You're right. He
does look like Grandpa.

But you know what?

That little guy looks
a bit like you, Caillou.

-He's coming to say hello.


It's always fun
to do things together.


We play games, like bowling.

Bowling's not easy,

but with your family, you're
sure to have a great time.

Here we go!

Here we go!

Yes! Reset!

OK thanks Melanie.

Here I go. I'm going
to try 'n get some pins down.

Here we go.



And when you do well,
your whole family celebrates.

Oh I came over to
tell you something happy

but I can't keep happy
inside me when you're so sad.

-Oh... Sorry, Diedi.

-I just wish I knew what
would make you happy again.

Oh, Rexy's really sad because
he doesn't have a family.

I don't know what to do!


This paper certifies. That
means, it makes it really true.

That you, Rexy the
dinosaur, do officially.

That means, that
it can't be changed now.

Belong to Caillou and
his family and are trusted

into the care, and
love of, If you'll accept us,

of Gilbert Felinius
Cat and Matthew Theodore Bear.

We will raise you and
love you as our very own.

And from this day forward
be known to all as your family.


Do you really want a little
dinosaur from who knows where?

-We do!

-We do!

you really want one cat, live,
and one teddy bear, stuffed,

to be your loving family?


YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

-Oh, Rexy, a
family reunion of your own!

-I have a family.

I have a real live family!

-My friends and
I will see you tomorrow.









My daddy shows me how
to do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating except
it's not that easy at first.

And sometimes daddy acts silly.

But he always knows
how to take care of us.

When I grow up I wanna
be just like my daddy.
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