03x02 - Words!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x02 - Words!

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Gilbert said it
was a great idea to try and
learn a new word every day.

-Oh, I love words!

-I found my new
word in the dictionary.

-Teddy? We have
to learn all those words?

-No, not all all
of them, just one a day.

My new word is "plethora."


I like it.

What does it mean?

-Oh. It means "many".

-Oh... Many.

This is a fun game.

-Now let's try and
use that word all day.

-Oh, uh... Well
Teddy, I like your word, but
can I please have my own?

-Oh absolutely!

Now let's find one.


Oh, oh, oh! Teddy, Teddy Teddy!

I like that big long one.

That's my word for the day.

-Okay, your word
is Pul-chri-tu-din-ous.

-That is the absolute
best word I've ever heard.





That must mean huge or
scary or from very far away.

-It means beautiful.






I LOVE my word!

Is it here yet? Is it?

-It should be.

Why don't you go
and check outside Caillou.


-Every Saturday morning,
Caillou and his Daddy enjoyed

looking at the
newspaper together.

liked to look at the comics
and make up his own stories.

-Oh no!

Mommy, Daddy help!

-What's wrong Caillou!

-What a mess!

-Quick! We'd better catch
them before they blow away.

-I caught one!

-Good for you Caillou!

Look, here's another!

-Hey! There's my comics.

No Gilbert.

Daddy! Look what Gilbert did!

-You know what?

With a little tape,
it'll be as good as new!

-Why don't you go with
Daddy, while Rosie and I

finish collecting
the rest of the paper.

-Okay. I'll get the tape.

-Caillou was relieved that
his torn comic could be fixed.

He wanted to tape it himself.

-See? You stick
it down like this.

Here, you can finish up.



It's stuck.

-There! Have another go.

-I did it!

-Ready for our
Saturday morning read?



Daddy! Look what he did!

Now I can't see the pictures.

-Why don't we hang
it on the clothesline to dry?

-Like the laundry!


-Later, Caillou and
his Daddy went to check
if his comic was dry.

-There! It's dry as a bone.

-I can see the pictures again!

-You'd better hold it
tight, we've got a visitor.

-No Gilbert! Stay away.

-Are the comics funny Caillou?

-There's a funny cat.

-Kinda like Gilbert?

I think it's time
for someone's cat-nap.

-Gilbert likes comics too.

-Caillou was so happy
to have his comics to look at,

that he was no
longer mad at Gilbert.

What are they doing?

-I don't know.

-I think they're
spelling a word.

-What word?

-I think I know. Can you guess?




-Here we go again!

-I know what that word is.




-This is making me hungry!


-Let's get a snack.

-Good idea!

I've had the itch to write
an Ode all morning. But now that

I'm finally doing it,
I can't think of anything
to write an Ode about.

When you write an Ode, you
have to think it's wonderful.

But, well...

I'm Odeless.

Nothing is piquing my interest.

Oh maybe if I sit here for a
while something will come to me.

-La! La! Bum! Bum! Drum! Drum!

-Caillou was having
fun playing with his drum
and making a lot of noise!

-Caillou can you
keep it down please!

-La! La! La! La!
Drum! Drum! Drum!...

-Caillou was making
so much noise that

he couldn't hear his
Mommy asking him to be quiet.

-Caillou come down here please!

-Hi Mommy, I'm
playing with my drum.

-Yes, I can hear
that. But I'm reading now

and I would appreciate
it if you where quiet okay?

-What are you reading?

-A very good book.

-Caillou loved it
when Mommy read to him.

-Can you read it to me?

-Well this is a grown
up book and I don't think

it'll interest
you all that much.

But I'm on my last
page, It'll just take me a

moment and then we can read
one of your books together okay?

-Caillou didn't feel
like looking at his books.

He wanted Mommy
to read him a new story.

-Are you finished yet?

-There, all done.

Have you chosen
a book for us to read?

-I want a new story.

-Well, I know exactly
the place where we can

find all sorts of new stories.

At the library!

-Can we go Mommy?

-Sure, I have to return
this one today, that's

why I was in
a hurry to finish it.

-Caillou was
very happy to be going to
the library with his Mommy.

-Hurry Mommy, I
want to get a book too!

-Shhh, Caillou, you have
to be quiet in the library.

-Caillou had been
to the library before,

but he forgot that he
was supposed to be very quiet.

-There are alot of people
that come here to read and work,

we have to be quiet
so we don't disturb them.

-Okay, can I get a book now?

-Caillou knew there was
a different floor where they had

all sorts of picture books.

And he was in a
big hurry to get there!

-I know where the
picture books are Mommy!

-Then lead the way!

You certainly do know
your way around Caillou.

-Caillou loved looking
at all the colorful books.

There were so
many, it was hard to chose
which one he would borrow.

-Hello Caillou!
What a nice surprise!

-Look Caillou,
it's Clementine's mommy.

I didn't know you worked here.

-I volunteer once
a month for storytime.

In fact, it's
just about to start.

Would you like to come
and sit with us Caillou?

-Can I mommy ?

-Of course you can.

I'll go browse
around for a new book.

I'll be back later, okay?

-Would you like to help
me choose the story for today?

-Can we read this one?

-Baxter the Bashful Bear.

That's an excellent choice!

-Clementine's Mom first
read the story about Baxter

the Bashful Bear, then she read
another story, and then another!

They were all new
to Caillou, and he thought
they were wonderful.

-...The end.

Did you all enjoy the stories?


-I see that story
time was a success.

-Baxter is very funny, Mommy!

-I want you to tell me
all about him on our way home.

-I don't want to go!

I want to stay
and look at the books!

-Would you like to take these
ones home with you Caillou?

When you bring them
back, you can choose some new
stories for storytime okay?


-Now take very good care
of them so that other children

can read them after you're done.

-Daddy, look, I have new books!

-And you have your
own library card, too!

-We had story time
with Clementine's Mommy

and she read stories
about Baxter the Bashful Bear!

-That sounds like a lot of fun!

-Can you read them to me?

-I sure can!

-Over the next few days,
Caillou read his new books

over and over with Mommy
and Daddy and Rosie too!

In fact, he had read them so
often that he forgot they were

only borrowed, until it was time
to return them to the library.

-Caillou, come on,
we're going to the library!

-Okay Mommy.

-Don't forget to bring
back the books you borrowed.

-Caillou had accidentally
colored on one of the books that

belonged to the library.
He didn't mean to do it,

but now he was afraid
of bringing them back.

-I'll meet you here right
after story time, Caillou.

-Okay, Mommy.

-Hello Caillou!

I was hoping
you'd come back soon.

Did you come to return
the books you borrowed?

-Caillou was worried that
Clementine's mom would be upset

when she saw the book
with the crayon scribbled on it.

-Can I keep them?

-Wouldn't you rather
take some new books instead?

I'll tell you what: if
you return the Baxter books,

you can borrow this one
about the Ten Little Piglets.

We'll be reading about
them at story time today.

Is this your drawing, Caillou?

-I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to.

-Don't cry.
There's no harm done.

-You're not mad at me ?

-No, these books
can take a little punishment,
they clean right up, look!

And besides, it
was an accident right?

-It's all gone!

-I can tell you're
very good with crayons.

Would you like to
draw something that we can put
up on the wall in the library?

-I'm going to
draw Baxter the Bear!

Mommy, we read a story
about the Ten Little Piglets.

-The story must
have been very funny.

-And Clementine's Mommy
put my drawing up on the wall!

-That's wonderful Caillou.

bring your books to the counter
so we can take them home.

-I want to do it!

-Caillou was happy to
take home a new book again,

and this time, he would
be extra careful with it.

-Goodbye Caillou, see you soon!


-You're cute, but you're
not really pulchritu...





There are a plethora
of marbles in this bag.

Hmph I think Caillou likes them.

-My word is hard to fit in.

got to find something really,
really, really pulchritud...


-Dinous. Yeah.

Um, Well maybe I'll
have more luck outside.

-Oh Oh, you're sure to find
a plethora of things out there.

-Okay. I just go out of here...

-Are you having fun dear?

-Yes, Mommy.

-What a wonderful sunny day.

-I'm going to draw the sun.

-I think the mail's arrived.

I wonder if there's
any nice letters today.



Bills, bills, bills...
nothing but bills.

It sure would be nice
to get a letter for a change.

-Hi Caillou.
Is anything the matter?

-Mommy wants to get a letter.

-Does she, now?

-Caillou explained
how Mommy didn't like bills

and wanted to get a letter.

-Well, why don't
we send her one?

In fact, I think
you've already made one.

Yes. Look... That would
make a wonderful letter.

-Can we send it to Mommy?


We'll make sure the mailman
brings it tomorrow morning.

-Caillou knew that
people sometimes put kisses
on letters with an X.

-A kiss. That's great.

Now all we need is an envelope.

-I know where they are, Daddy.

I'll be right back.

-How about a stamp?


Oh, Gilbert...

-Caillou. Where are you?

Now what are you two up to?


Nothing at all.

Isn't that right, Caillou?

-That's right, Mommy.


-If we want Mommy to
get her letter in the morning,

we'll have to have
everything finished tonight

and we have to get up
extra early in the morning.



-Now... What
else do we need to do?

-We need to stick on the stamp.

-That's right.


-The next morning, Caillou
and his Daddy got up extra early

so they could meet the mailman.

-Mommy, Mommy.
The mailman's coming.

Mommy, I think
you have a letter today.

-Well this letter
looks interesting.

Caillou! What
a wonderful surprise.

And you even
got Gilbert to sign it.

Thank you, Caillou.
I'll keep my letter forever.



-It's the nicest
letter I ever got.

I could write an
Ode to a drooling dog.

No. I want something special.

-Don't you think it's
a pulchritudinous day Rexy?

-Oh, it's a, it's nice
but it's not really pulchritu-




Um... I think
I'll go look around.

-Oh, I'm sure you'll
find a plethora of ideas.

-Ah, did you
choose a word, Teddy?

-Oh, I sure did!

And I've found a
plethora of ways to use it.

-Oh One of my favorites.

Uh... What's Rexy up to?

-Oh, he's going
to try and find a way to
use the word he's learned.

-Ah wonderful!
And what was his word?

-Well I should let him tell you.

-Good thinking.

Oh this has given me
a wonderful subject for my Ode.


-You mean, I've inspired you?

-Mmm hmm.

-Wow, I'm speechless!

-Ah, yes...


-Oh, um, uh, right. Quite right,
I should let the genius work.

-Bye bye, Mommy.

-Bye, sweetie.

Now don't get into
any trouble, you two.

-Bye bye.

Mommy and sister Rosie
were going out for the day.

And that meant
Caillou would be spending
the whole day with his Daddy.

-That's what I like.
A good strong cup of coffee.

-Mmm mmm.

That's what I like too.

-Do you remember
our secret plan?

-Caillou was helping
Daddy make a special
surprise for his Mommy.

-Do you think Mommy's going
to like her surprise bookshelf?

-Oh, yes, Daddy.

-Caillou loved spending
time with his Daddy like this:

just the two of them together.

-Now this should dry
very quickly, so we can-

Oh, NO.

-Oh NO.

-Oh, no.

-What is it, Daddy?

-Well, in the first place,
you're covered with paint.

-So are you.

-Hmmm. Yes. You're right.

And in the second place,
I forgot to buy the blue paint

that goes on
top of this undercoat.

I'll tell you
what we're going to do.

We're going to
take care of business.

That's what we're going to do.


-There you go.

Are you ready?


-Then let's go and
take care of business.

Hmm... Which colour
do you think Mommy would like?

-This one.

-Let's take it.

-Are we taking
care of business, Daddy?

-You bet we are.

-Caillou and his Daddy decided
to have a hot dog for lunch.

-Hell-o. We're ho-me.

-Caillou! Caillou!

-It's dry, Daddy.

-What on earth
have you two been up to?

-We've been taking
care of business, Mommy.


-Oh. A bookshelf.

It's just what I wanted.

But wait a minute.

It looks like
I have a new book too.

-I made it, Mommy.

♪Books, books, books, books

♪Full of words, take a look.

♪Adventure is
written on every page.

♪And there are books,
books, for every age.

♪Stories of
fairies and pixy dust.

♪Wizards and magic are a must.

♪Dragons and
monsters fill the page,

♪Knights and white
horses are all the rage.

♪Books, books, books, books

♪Full of words, take a look.

♪Adventure is
written on every page.

♪And there are books,
books for every age.

♪Stories 'bout
friends I haven't met.

♪And some about
places I haven't been yet.

♪Tales of sailors
and rocket ships.

♪And a sleeping princess
kissed on the lips.

♪Books, books, books, books

♪Full of words, take a look.

♪Adventure is
written on every page.

♪And there are books
books for every age.

♪And there are books
books for every age.




I can't find anything to
really, really use my word on.

I want to use it
on just the right thing.

Maybe I didn't
choose a good word.

-It must be a
remarkable word if you can
only use it now and then.

It needs just the right moment.

Why not listen to
my new Ode, you're in it.

-I am?



Ode to a New Word.

Rexy, learning a word a week,

it's so exciting
I can barely speak.

One day, it might
be, that he'll be a poet,

just like


-Oh, oh! That
was Pulchritudinous!!

Yes it was! It
was pulchritudinous!

And if I can grow
up to be like you, well that
would be pulchritudinous too.

And Teddy you're

You taught me my
absolute favorite word.

-Well I, I've heard beautiful,
lovely, nice, sweet,

but pulchritudinous,
oh that's the best compliment
anyone has ever given me!

-Okay a great big
pulchritudinous group hug!

-Oh purrfect!

-Come back and see me soon!









She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.
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