02x09 - Just For Laughs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x09 - Just For Laughs

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!


-Good morning!

-Ah Buenos Dias!

-Buenos Dias?

-Yes, that's Spanish
and it means "Good Day."

-Umm. Spanish.

-I've decided to make
the whole day different! Fun!

-Well, I woke
up thinking of a riddle,

but I can't remember the answer.

-How does the riddle go?

-Well, it goes like this.

What did the huge hippopotamus
say to the tiny ladybug

when the ladybug asked the hippo
to help him cross the river?

-Oh. Ummmm... I don't know.

-Me neither.
I can't remember it.

But I remember how funny it was.

-Ah, I can see that.

Leo's birthday and everyone's
very excited there was

a magician about to perform
magic tricks just for them.

-I am Bravo the Great!

Watch very carefully as I make
a rabbit appear out of my hat!

But first I must
say the magic words.




-A bunny!

-Caillou was amazed.

He wanted to see
if the bunny was real.

-Can I pet him?

-Of course you can.

-Me too!

-Can I?

-Now for my next trick

I will make the rabbit disappear
using my special magic cape.

On the count of three,




-Caillou couldn't
believe his eyes.

the bunny was there one
minute, and then it was gone!

-Ta dah!


-Now Leo, since
you're the birthday boy,
I want you to be my helper.

-Oh boy!

-Now make sure that
the scarves are all separated.

-Caillou couldn't wait
to see what Bravo was about

to do with all
the colorful scarves.

He loved watching magic tricks.


Now watch carefully.

Hocus pocus funny fun!

Scarves, scarves must be one!

-Show me how!

-A Magician never
reveals how he does a trick!

Here's one that
you can do Caillou.

Now watch very closely!

Which hand has the penny?

It was in your
ear the whole time! Ha!

For being such a good sport,
you can keep my magic penny.


Bye Clementine!


I'm going to be a
magician just like Bravo.

-Which hand?

-That one!

Your not a magician!

-Caillou was disappointed.

He really wanted to
be a magician, and Bravo said
that it was a magic penny.

He didn't understand
why it didn't work.

-Hi everyone!

Happy birthday Leo!

Are you all set Caillou?

-Bye Caillou! Bye!

-Vroooom. Vrooooom.

-No Rosie, that's mine!

-Caillou! Let Rosie
play with the truck.

-Caillou was in a bad
mood because his magic penny

wasn't working and Leo had
said that he wasn't a magician.

-Did you have
fun at Leo's party?

I heard there was a magician,
that must of been lots of fun!

-He gave me his magic penny.

I want to be a magician too!

-Well it takes lots
of practice to be a magician.

Let me see that
magic penny of yours.

-It doesn't work!

-I think Daddy would
know how to make it work.

Why don't you go
and ask him to help you.


-In here Caillou.

my magic penny doesn't work
and I want to be a magician.


Hmmm... lets see?

Did you say a magic word?

Well that's why it's
not working, every magician
needs a magic word!

Can you think of one?



Now try your magic on me.

It's in that one!



-Caillou felt like
a real magician now.

He wanted to do more magic.

-Now you're Caillou the Great!

Here, why don't you put this on.

All great magicians
wear magic capes.

-For my next
trick, I need a helper.


Rosie, watch.

I'm going to make Gilbert
disappear with my magic cape!

Count to three.



-Gilbert! Gilbert!



He's gone!

I'm Caillou the Great!

I made Gilbert disappear!

How do I get him back?

-Well what do magician's
do when they want
something to reappear?

-I know.



-Caillou made Gilbert
reappear with his magic word.

He really loved
being a magician and he
wanted to do more tricks.

-Come on Rosie. I want
to show you another trick.


This coin is magic.

A magician gave it to me.

Which hand has the penny?

Hold still.

Ta dah! The
penny was in your ear!

-How's my favorite magician?

-Want to see my magic tricks?

-That sounds like fun.

-Okay, wait a minute!

-Caillou loved putting
on a magic show for his family.

He felt proud. He even
made up a few tricks of his own.

-Watch me pull
a rabbit from my hat!


Ta dah!

-Wow Caillou!
How did you do that?

-I'm Caillou the Great!

-What are you
laughing at, Teddy?

-Oh, oh. Well, it's this
really funny riddle I... I

-Oh! Oh! Tell me,
tell me! I love riddles!

-Okay, okay...

-Well come on, I want to know!

-I'm trying but
it's just so funny.

-Well, what's so funny?

-Okay, okay, here it is.

What did the huge hippopotamus
say to the tiny ladybug

when the tiny
ladybug asked the hippo to
help her across the river?

-Well what did he say?

-I forget! Ha ha ha ha!

-I don't get it.

The hippopotamus
says, "I forget!"?

Oh, well that's funny.

Yeah, yeah, that's
really, really funny.

-No, no, no, no.

No, no, that's not
funny, the punch line is.

-Oh, uh, what's the punch line?

-The line at the end.

But I forget!

-I don't get it. I
really don't get it Teddy.

♪Laughter is the happiest
thing, It fills me with delight.

♪I chuckle, giggle, or just
jiggle, it can last the night!

♪Sometimes when enough
is enough I try to hold it in.

♪But laughs won't
stay inside of me they
sneak out through my grin!


Boo! Boo!



-Guess what, Rosie?
We're going to a parade.

-P'ade. P'ade.

-We're going to see
horses, drummers and clowns.

I love clowns.

-No clowns. Noooo.

-Hey Rosie.

Yay. We're going to the parade.


-Oh, Caillou,
I don't know about this.

-What's the matter Mommy?

-I don't know if it's such
a good idea to go to the parade.

-Why not Mommy? I
want to go to the parade.

-There'll be clowns,
Caillou, and you know Rosie's
really afraid of clowns.

-No she isn't. Not any more.

I wanna go.

-Caillou was
miserable, and angry.

It wasn't fair.

-Why can't we go just
because Rosie's a silly baby?

-Remember Caillou, you used to
be afraid of clowns too when you

were little like Rosie. Well,
what are we going to do now?

-Then Caillou had an idea.

-See, Rosie? It's not scary.


-Aw, Rosie. It's only a doll.

I know, Mommy, I'll cover her
eyes when the clowns come by.

-Come on, Caillou.
Let's go up to your room.


-I have an idea. Maybe
we can go to the parade.

But I need your help.

-Caillou just couldn't imagine
what Mommy's idea could be.

-Let's see.

These'll do.

Let's show Rosie
that clowns aren't scary

because they're only
people wearing clown clothes.


Look Rosie.



-Look, hair.

-Woof. Bow-wow-wow-wow.

See, Rosie? Clowns are funny.

No, Rosie, like this.


Silly cat.

-Look, Rosie you're a clown.


-So now Rosie wasn't
scared of clowns any more.



-OK, kids, I guess
we can go to the parade now.


-Hold still Rosie.

Are my two clowns ready to go?


Let's Go!

-I just don't want
it to be the same old day.

-Gilbert, Gilbert?
Oh there you are.

Gilbert, Gilbert,
I need help, I need help.

I don't get why Teddy
is laughing so hard at his joke.

-Oh, he's laughing because
he remembers how much he laughed

when he heard it the first
time, but he can't remember now.

is there something happening
today that I don't know about?

-No. I just decided
I'm only doing things
I don't usually do today.

Just for Laughs.

-Well, I like the sound of that.

Oh, maybe I can do something
to make everybody laugh too.

-Oh, maybe.


Um, um, hmm.

I can't think
of anything funny to do.

Um... This is serious.



Gilbert. I dreamed
about a tiger.

Daddy's taking me to
the circus today. He promised.

I'm getting
dressed all by myself.

Daddy will be soooo happy.




Oh no. I forgot
to brush my teeth.

Look I got dressed
all by myself.

-Ah, I can see that.
And you did a very good job.

But it's so early.

-I don't want to
be late for the circus.

-The circus?

Oh no, Caillou.
That's not today.

The circus isn't till tomorrow.

-No. No, it's today.

I got all dressed.

It's today.

-Come on, Caillou.

Come downstairs and
help me make breakfast.


No I don't want to.

Vroom vroom vrooooommm.

Silly ol' car.


-Caillou was in a very bad mood

because he wasn't
going to the circus.

-Caillou, stop all this racket.

You woke up Rosie.

I want you to come
downstairs right now.

-Even Caillou's Daddy
was starting to get angry.

-Why can't I go to the circus?

I want to go to the circus.

-Let's make toast.

We can cut it into little
duckies, like Grandma does.


I don't wanna make duckies.

That's for babies.

-Well then...

how 'bout a circus breakfast?

We can cut circus
animals out of toast, to
have with our boiled eggs.

But wait a minute...
We're missing something.

Something that comes
before the circus animals.

Now what could that be?

-A parade.

A circus parade.

-Of course. That's it.

-I can get the eggs.



If you wanted scrambled
eggs, you should have said so.

-It's not my fault.

-I know, Caillou.

It wasn't anybody's fault.

It was an accident.

-Daddy. The toast.



-You can be in the circus,
Daddy. You're a good juggler.

-And Rosie can be the clown.

-What's going on here?

-We're having a circus.

Do you want to
be in our parade, Mommy?

-Ooh - are you going to
be the lady who rides the horse?

-I don't think so, sweetheart.

I think I'll be the
lady who marches back to bed.

♪I feel a little tickle,
that grows and grows and grows.

♪When it hits my stomach
I can't stop it, everyone knows.

♪It happens very often,
I can't be sure just when,

♪But once it starts I have
to laugh, or cackle like a hen!

♪Laughter is the happiest
thing, It fills me with delight,

♪I chuckle, giggle, or just
jiggle, it can last the night!

♪Sometimes when enough
is enough I try to hold it in.

♪But laughs won't
stay inside of me they
sneak out through my grin!

♪I like to laugh at stories
that are silly at the end.

♪I like to laugh at funny
faces made by all my friends.

♪I like to laugh at
riddles, even if they're dumb.

♪And if I hear a funny joke,
it makes the laughter come!

♪Laughter is the happiest
thing, It fills me with delight,

♪I chuckle, giggle, or just
jiggle, it can last the night!

♪Sometimes when enough
is enough I try to hold it in.

♪But laughs won't
stay inside of me they
sneak out through my grin!

-Oh, this is so silly!

You look ridiculous!


Still can't think of it?

Too bad, sounds
like it was really funny.

-Gee. I want to do something
silly and laugh too,

but the more I think about it,

the more I can't
think of anything funny.

And that's making me feel sad.

-Now we have rivers!

-We can make lots of rivers.

-Caillou? Leo? You
have to get ready now, Leo.

Your parents are
here to pick you up.

-But we're playing.

We're making rivers.

-I know, but it's time
to go over to Grandma's.

-But I want to
stay and play with Leo.

-I'm sorry, Caillou.
But we really have to go now.

I have to take Rosie
to the doctor for a check-up

and you're going
to visit Grandma.

-Caillou was very disappointed
that he couldn't stay

and play in
the backyard with Leo.

-Hello, Caillou!

-Hi, Grandma.

was still wishing he could
have kept playing with Leo.

-Would you like to go
out and play in the backyard?

Is there something
upsetting you today?

-I wanted to
stay at home with Leo.

-You have fun playing
with Leo, don't you?

-He's my friend.

-Well, is there something
else you would like to do?

I know.

I borrowed a book
from the library yesterday.

I thought we
might read it together.


-At first Caillou wasn't
really interested in the book.

It wasn't as exciting as
playing with Leo in the backyard

but Caillou soon found
the book more interesting.

Caillou and Grandma read the
book about the clown festival.

Caillou enjoyed the book so much

he forgot all about
wanting to play with Leo.

-I like the clown
party book, Grandma!

-You do?

Well, why don't we have a clown
party of our own right here?

-But where will
we get the clowns?

-We'll make puppet clowns.

-Caillou loved making
things with Grandma.

-Hello, Grandma!

-First they glued
orange wool on the top
of a bag for clown's hair.

And, already,
Caillou got some ideas.

-I'm going to color this
clown with green polka dots

and the other clown
with red polka dots.

-And while Caillou colored
the clowns Grandma started to

make a puppet
theatre for the puppets.

She cut up a big cardboard box.

-This is fun! We
can make a clown dog, too!

Hello, Grandma! My
name is Bopadoo the clown!

Woof! Woof! Woof!

-Grandma! Caillou! We're back!

-Hello. My name is Bopadoo
and I can't find my dog.

-Woof! Woof! Woof!

-Has anyone seen my dog?

Here Doggie!

Here Doggie!


-Very good!

Encore! Encore!


Tomorrow, Caillou, you
can have Leo over all day.

-Yay! We can play puppet clowns.

-There's nothing funny about
not remembering the punch line!

-I know!

-Wish I could understand
what's so funny.

-Oh my.

-I don't get it.

-Well, you don't
get it, because he forgot.

-I still don't get it.



you see, what's so funny is that
Teddy remembers it was funny,

but he actually can't
remember what the punch line is.

That's so silly,
it's making me laugh.


Well maybe the hippo said, "I
don't know if I can take you."

-That's it! The pressure!

"I don't know if
I can take the pressure!"

Pressure meaning weight,
too heavy and pressure

meaning responsibility,
keeping him safe.

-That's not very funny.

-I know!

-Well, I still
don't get the joke,

but seeing you
two laugh so hard is making
me feel like laughing too.

-Well, laughter is contagious!

-Oh! Oh! Oh!

Is this funny?

Would Caillou laugh at this?

I was sad because I
didn't know how to be funny,

now I'm being funny
without even trying.

-Well, Well, funny is like that!

Oh I just knew this
day would be different.

-Have a Caillou-rific day!








-I Like playing with my grandpa.

One time we looked at
the moon way up in the sky.

Grandpa knows
how to make things...

We even made a tent once

and my Grandpa
gives the best hugs.
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