02x05 - Caillou Creates

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x05 - Caillou Creates

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

Oh, hello!

Oh, a daisy.

Mmmm... Just what I need.


I'm gluing all kinds
of neat things that I find
in the garden into a collage.


Now, what else?

Oh! Grass is a good thing
to glue on to my collage.


All done. That was
the last piece of the puzzle.

Nice puzzle.



What's that?

That's odd.

I wonder what puzzle
this piece belongs to.

Oh yeah.

I'm sure this is the
lost piece from the puzzle

Caillou's Mom
threw out last week.

Maybe I could do
something fun with it.

Ahh. Now...

let's see.

-Hello! Is anyone home?


-Hello, Caillou.
Where is everyone?

-Mommy and Rosie went for a walk
and Daddy is mowing the grass.

The garbage truck!

-Hello Caillou!


What's that?

-I made a present for
my dad! It's a bird-house.

I made it all by
myself in my Art class.

I can't wait to give
it to him, he'll be very happy!

Bye Caillou!

-I want to make
a present for daddy too.

-So, Caillou, what
do you want to make?

-It's okay, Grandpa. I'm
going to make it all by myself.

-Okay, I'll go
finish my crossword puzzle
in the living room, then.





-Caillou was frustrated
that he couldn't make a present
as nice as Clementine's.

He wanted to make something
special for his Daddy.


-What's wrong Caillou?

-I can't do it. I can't
make anything nice for Daddy!

Not like Clementine!

-I have an idea - something
we can make together -

if you'd like to try again?

Then you take
the piece of paper and fold
it in half and you have.

-A paper airplane!

It doesn't work Grandpa!

-Well then, let's
try something else.

What if we take
this nice piece of paper, and
fold it like this and this.

-What is it?

-It's a finger puppet.

-Daddy won't like that!

-I've got it! Try this Caillou.

you fold here and
then here, that's it.

-A hat!

Grandpa! I want to
make a big hat for daddy!

-Well, we don't seem to have
a big enough sheet of paper?

-I know!

We'll use this!

-Okay, I couldn't finish
the crossword puzzle anyway.

-I did it Grandpa!
I made a present for Daddy!



-Hi, Caillou.

Oh, hi, Dad.

-Look Daddy! I made
you a special present.

-Ah, Ha!

What a great sailboat, Caillou.

-It's not a
sailboat. It's a hat!

You don't like it!

-I love it. It's the
best present you ever made.

Did you really
do this all by yourself?

-Hold still, I think
I just found a word!

-No, you don't.

Caillou and I are going
outside to play pirates.

Come on, matey!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of milk!

-That looks good.

Course, it's just a beginning.

-Oh from up here the
garden looks so beautiful.

Clearly an Ode is coming on.

Ode to a Beautiful Garden.

Now let's see... Hmmm.


What could I do with
this little lost puzzle piece?

Oh my! There are lots
of other lost things too.

Wow! That thought
gives me a really good idea!

All I need is
a stick and some string.

Sometimes I am so smart,
I can hardly believe it myself!

I love to make things!

-Me too!

-Me too!


-Oh! I'm so proud of you.

It's nice.

-Mommy, I'm finished!

-Okay. Let me see it honey!

Wow! It's beautiful.

Look at that, that's amazing.

Good job!

-That is really good work buddy.

High five!

Big hug.


excellent stuff!

-There is nothing
that Caillou liked better
than going to the park.

-First I'm going on the
swings, then the slide, then-


-Here Rosie.

-Thank you, Caillou.
That was very nice of you.


-Caillou had never heard
music in the park before

and wondered where
it was coming from.

-Look Grandma, they're
playing music! Can we stay?

-Sure, Caillou.


-Caillou was having
a wonderful time,

listening to the music
and dancing with Rosie.


-I like this song!

-It is pretty.

It reminds me of a song
I used to play on the piano.


-I want to hear more music!

-Maybe we can
come back tomorrow.

-But I want to
hear them play right now.

-How about a story?

-Grandma could see that Caillou
was still thinking about the

musicians in the park. He really
wanted to hear more music.

♪ ♪ ♪

-Can I try?

♪ ♪ ♪

-Hmm, I may have
to call in the piano tuner.

♪ ♪ ♪

-Play a song, Grandma.

-Okay, okay.

Now, how does it go?

♪ ♪ ♪


that's it.


-Caillou like the music so
much, that he wanted to join in!

-Look Grandma! I'm the drummer!

La la la la!

-You two obviously love music.

How would you
like to join my band?


-Sure! But you'll need
some better instruments.

-We don't have any.

-That's easy to fix,
you can make your own!

-Caillou was very interested
in what Grandma was doing.

He couldn't wait to help.

-I want to do it.

How does it make music?

-Well when you shake, it
makes a lovely rattling sound.

It's called a maraca!


-But we probably should
put the lid on first.

-Look, Rosie! I'm making music!

-Me too!

-Okay, now it's my turn.

-We're going to make you your
very own instrument, Caillou.

was disappointed that he
wouldn't be playing the maraca.

It was so much fun.

-But I want to play the maraca.

-Are you sure there
isn't another instrument
you want to play more?

One we saw in the park?

-I want to play the drum!

-Now, you take the spoon and-

-I'm the drummer!

-Don't hit it too hard
or you'll break the top.


-Now you both have
your own instruments.

-Caillou liked his drum.
What a great sound it made!

-Now, do you know
what's the most important

thing musicians do
when they play together?

They listen to what
the other is playing.

That way, they play
together, on the beat.


Alright, hold on
a minute! Listen first.

You see how my
hand moves up and down?

When you see it come
down I want you to clap your

hands with me
as I snap my fingers.

Now, pick up your instruments
and play along with me.

Don't forget to listen.

♪Row, row, row your
boat, gently down the stream.

♪Merrily, merrily, merilly,
merrily, life is but a dream.

Very good!

-Caillou was very pleased
with the music they were making.

He thought they sounded just
like the musicians in the park.

-Hi everybody. How was your day?

was just bursting to tell
Mommy how much fun they had.

-We made our own music!

-You did?

What's that Rosie?

-It's a maraca!

And this is my drum.
Grandma helped us make them.

-Oh, that sounds
like so much fun.


♪Row, row, row your boat.

We heard music in the park and
they're playing again tomorrow.

Can we go? Please?

-If Grandma doesn't
mind taking you.

-I would love nothing better.

-Caillou was disappointed
that he wasn't going to hear any

pretty music in the park today.


-Oh, that's too bad.

But I think I have something
that might cheer you up.

Maybe we can
give the concert today.

-Oh boy!

-Just follow me.

♪Row, row, row your
boat, gently down the stream.

♪Merrily, merrily merrily
merrily, life is but a dream.

♪Row, row, row your
boat, gently down the stream.

-Caillou just loved
singing and playing his drum.

This was one
of the best days ever!

♪When I'm sitting in my
chair with nothing at all to do.

♪Ideas come into my head
I want to work them through.

♪I grab a piece of
paper, a pencil full of lead,

♪and draw the beautiful
things that dance in my head.

♪Creating something new.

♪Draw, paint, build,
sketch, act, sing, dance!

♪Stories hide inside
of you,give them all a chance!

time to time a tapping stirs,
right down within my toes.

♪I dig inside the costume box,
and put on dress-up clothes.

♪Then I get up and spin around,
and leap and kick and prance.

♪I make it up as I go
on, I act and sing and dance!

♪Creating something new.

♪Draw, paint, build,
sketch, act, sing, dance!

♪Stories hide inside
of you,give them all a chance!

♪Draw, paint, build,
sketch, act, sing, dance!

♪Stories hide inside
of you,give them all a chance!

♪La, la, la, la, la, la, la...

-Caillou was spending
the day at his Grandma's loft.

He usually found lots
of fun things to do there...


-But today was different.

Caillou was in
a bad mood and he didn't
feel like doing anything.


-Caillou felt bored.

He didn't know what to do.

-Yoo-hoo, Caillou.

Uh oh!


-It seemed as if nothing
would cheer Caillou up.

-You must've
got out of the wrong side
of the bed today, Caillou.

-What does that mean?

-It means that some
days you wake up feeling
grumpy and don't know why.

-I'm not grumpy. Humph!

-Well, I'm glad to hear that.

We're going to have
an apple pie for snack time.

I have to go and check on it.

-I'm not hungry.
I don't want apple pie.

-We'll see about that.

-Caillou was very
grumpy. What was he to do?

Caillou's Grandma always
let him use her paints

and Caillou always
enjoyed painting.

Caillou liked his blue picture.

And then he decided to use
some of Grandma's other colours.




-Caillou, the pie's ready.

Caillou? Where are you?

-Here I am.

-Goodness, Caillou,
just look at your hands.

-I'm finger-painting.

-And look at your
wonderful painting.

Oh, but you'll have to
wash up if you want some pie.

You do want some pie, don't you?


-Was it good dear?


Hi sweetie. Did you
have a nice day with Grandma?

-Mommy I did finger painting.

-Caillou was very
grumpy at first, but then
he did this lovely painting.

And now he isn't
grumpy any more.

-I don't want to go home.

-But you can always
come back another day.

-That's right. Any time you get
out of the wrong side of the bed

and you're feeling grumpy
you come and see Grandma.

-I want to be grumpy again.

-Almost done.

I just need something
for that corner there.

Something special
to finish off my collage.

Oh, I can't think of anything.

Well let's see...

I've got sand
and pebbles and leaves..

Oh Oh! I'm stuck!

-Hi Teddy! I'm making something.

-Oh, oh! I'm
making something too.

But you can't see
it, it's not ready yet.

I just need one more thing.

-Oh, well, mine's
not ready yet either.

-I've got gluer's block!

Oh! This is serious!

-Ah! Clearly,
I have done it again!



-Hello dinosaurs.

Do you remember
what we're doing today?

-The show! The show!

-That's right!


-Caillou, Leo and Clementine
were very excited.

They were going
to put on a show.

-Now, we want everything
to be ready for when

your parents come,
so let's get started!

First of all,
we need some costumes.

-The costume box! Yay!

-The costume box was
full of make-believe costumes.

-Look! I'm a pirate!

-Look at me! I'm a clown!

-I'm gonna be a scary witch!

-There were all sorts of
wonderful costumes in the trunk.

Caillou and his friends
wanted to try them all on.

-Caillou, I
want you to wear this.

You're gonna be the sun!

Clementine, you'll be a flower.

And Leo, you're
gonna be a rain cloud.

Now, let's make up our story.

-I'm a beautiful flower!

You certainly are, Clementine!

And who are you?

-I'm the sun!

-And you make the
flower feel hot and thirsty.

-Agh, agh, agh...

Come on you guys,
stop fooling around!

We need to practice properly.

Leo, the sun's made
the flower thirsty, so now we

need the cloud to give
her a drink of water. OK?


-This is gonna be a great show!

Let's practice some more.

-At last it was time
for the show to begin.




-What a nice morning.

I hope the sun comes out soon.

-Clementine expected
The Sun to come out.

But Caillou didn't appear.

-I hope The Sun comes out soon.

I hope The Sun comes out soon!

-Hello beautiful
flower. Let me warm you up.

-The hot sun
is making me thirsty.

I need a drink.

-Then Leo the
rain cloud appeared, to give
the flower a little drink.

-Thank you Mr. Cloud.

-Caillou and his friends
felt very proud of themselves

when they heard all
the parents applauding.

-I have to think!

No ideas whatsoever!

Too much stuffing in my head.

I can't have a beautiful
collage, with an empty corner.

-I've just written an Ode!

Oh, you've been busy too.

-Yeah, I have.

But I can't
think of a thing to put in
the last corner over here!

I'm trying,
but nothing's coming.

-Oh, it'll come to you.

-I hope you're right.

-And now for my-

-Look what I
made! Look what I made!


-See all the things I put on it?

All lost things.


turned the old toy pieces into
something new and beautiful.

Recycling! A work of art!

Caillou would love that.


Now I have to find
a place to hang my mobile.


My work of art
is... almost finished.

I have to find something
to put right here,

but I can't think of anything!


You've used all kinds
of things from the garden.

-I have an Ode.

-Oh! I love rhymes!

-Ah... well it goes like this.


Ode to a Beautiful Garden.

You've flowers, in bowers,

and I could sit and look
at you for hours and hours.

-Oh! I like it already!

-Oh! You've flowers, in bowers,

and I could sit and look
at you for hours and hours.

-Um. Gilbert, what's bowers?

-Oh, um, a bower is a place
with trees and leaves and stuff.


I love it!

Oh! I've got a good idea! Teddy?

-Why don't you
put Gilbert's poem on the
collage of garden things?

-Oh oh! What
do you think, Gilbert?

Oh, it would make
my collage beautiful.


I can't think of a better place
for my Ode than your picture.

It'll be surrounded
by the garden forever!

Team work!



-That was fun!


She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.

Oh! Oh! That's me Rexy!

I'm a prehistoric reptile.

That means a dinosaur.

I'm a great dinosaur adventurer.
Although sometimes...

I have a little trouble
getting past the garden gate!

I love to play games.


Even though I'm not
good at everything, every
day I'm getting better.

That's why Caillou, my family
and friends love me so much.

Just like yours love you!
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