02x04 - Pets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x04 - Pets

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

IWm fiing my way
♪With mommy and daddy

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

of fun stuff I'm CaillouBus

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

There, it fits perfectly!

Wow! Wow! I guess.

What's it do?

-It doesn't do anything.

My very own pet dinosaur!



-Come along...

come on!


-Oh! Oh Rexy, I'm sorry.

You were supposed to follow me.

-Oh no! Dino sneeze! Look out!



Are you okay?

-Oh, it's not my fault!

Dinosaurs sneeze that way.

-Oh, you could be catching
a cold! This is serious!


It is?

-A sick pet goes to the Vet.



-Good pet owners
take their pets to the vet.

Caillou took me.

I have to take you!




I can't find him anywhere Mommy!

-It was time to take Gilbert to
the vet for his regular checkup.


Where are you? You bad cat!

-...but Gilbert was missing.

-I can't see the
xanywhere, Honey. Are
you sure it's down here?

Did you find Gilbert, Caillou?

-No Daddy.

-And I can't find his box!

-Lookw a÷ % vound!

-When Gilbert saw his box,
he knew that meant he would be

going in the car and Gilbert
didn't like going in the car.

want to go to the vet.
-Gilbert doesn't

-I know, Caillou, but
he has to. He needs a checkup.

-A checkup? Like
when I goto the doctor?

-%x ctis Gilbert's doctor.

-It's OK, Gilbert.
I'll look after you.


Gilbert got out of the box!

-OK. Don't wozr=.@
Everything's under ctz.@

I hope.

-I can see his tail!

Bad cat, Gbert!

-He's not really a
bad cat. He's just scared.

He doesn't like
riding in the car.

-Silly Gilbert!
I love riding in the car!

-Gilbert was back in his box and
they were on their way again.

-By the way, Caillou, just how
did Gilbert get out of his box?

-I wanted to pet him.

-That was nice of you.

But let's leave him
in his box from now on, OK?



-Hi Caillou! What
are you doing here?

-Gilbert is having his checkup.

-Ollie's here
to have his teeth cleaned.
He has to stay overnight.

-Did you bring his toothbrush?

-No, silly! He doesn't
have a toothbrush.

Dr. Orangeville has
to clean his teeth for him.

-Good. Everything's fine here.

And now I have to
give Gilbert his sh*ts.

-Is it going to hurt?

-Not very much
and it'll make sure he stays
healthy for a whole year.

How would you like
to help me, Caillou?

Just pet Gilbert
and keep him calm.

-Don't worry, Gilbert.

-There! All done. That
wasn't so bad, now was it?

-Gilbert, come back!

-Oh, no, not again!

-Hey, if you don't
like going to the vet,

then why did
you want to take me?

-Well, that's how
you take care of sick pets.

You take them
to the animal doctor.

-But he's a prehistoric reptile!

-Uh what's that? What's that?

-A dinosaur.


-Hmmm, is going to the vet the
only way you take care of pets?


-Haha good hehehe good...

-Jamie has a cat named Cookie.

Jamie brushes
Cookie and gives him good
cat food to help him grow.


Cats love to cuddle.

Even small animals
need to exercise.

He sure likes to run.

Don't forget...

good food to keep him healthy.

-Jordan has a bigger pet.

-Chance the dog!

-Chance goes to
a vet for a check-up.

Big teeth.

The vet makes sure that
Chance is healthy and well.

-Boom-boom. Boom-boom.

-Chance gets a treat
for being such a good dog.

-Phillip has an even bigger pet.

Mocha is a horse.

He's so big, he lives in a barn.

Phillip brushes Mocha
too, to keep him clean.

Horses are great pets because...

you get to ride them!

-An elephant would
be the biggest pet.

'Course, you wouldn't want one
sleeping at the end of your bed!


I like being a pet,
um, except for the vet part.

-Oh, you know it!

-A dinosaur would make a
very good pet. Don't you think?



-Yes. A pet gets
to do what ever they want

and you have to
look after them? Right?

-Mmmm... you have to take good
care of them and keep them safe.

-Uh, oh, that feels
good oh, I like that - whoop!

-Sometimes you
have to rescue them.



Caillou was having fun
pretending to be a lion tamer.

only problem was, he couldn't
get his lion to cooperate.

-Come on, Gilbert jump.

Like this.

Ta da!


Come back!

Ha ha! There you are!


-Caillou was a
little scared by the dog,

but Gilbert
was much more afraid.


Come down, Gilbert.
The doggie's gone now.


It's your favourite
mousey mouse.

He was so high up in the tree.

Caillou worried
that Gilbert might fall.

-Oh No!

Daddy! Help!

-This ladder isn't
tall enough to reach Gilbert.

-We have to get him down.

-And we will.

But we have to get help from
someone with a taller ladder.

-Caillou sure
was excited to see the

fire fighters
in their big, red truck.

-Eric, is that you?

-It sure is!


Long time no see!

-You know my Daddy?

-Caillou was impressed
that Daddy knew a fire fighter.

-I sure do!

Your Dad and I used to
play together when we were kids.

My name is Eric.

What's yours?


-It's nice to meet you, Caillou.

Now, let's get your
kitty down from the tree.

Okay Stacie -
let's set the ladder up.

We'll have him down in a jiffy.

-You don't mind
if I borrow this - do you?


There you are Gilbert.

Come here.

Look what I've got.

-Caillou was amazed at how high
the fire truck ladder could go!

Up and up and up...

He could never climb
as high as Stacie could.




-Thank you so much.

-My pleasure.

-Can I look inside the truck?

-I have a better idea,

why don't you come to
the fire station for a tour?

If that's okay with your Daddy.

-Can we?

-That would be fun.

-Can we ride in the truck?!

-No problem!


What does this button do?

-That one rings the
fire bell on top of the trusk.

Go ahead Caillou, push it.

-I can do it myself, Daddy.

-Caillo= █ted to be a big boy

dgut ouof the truck
like hi; father and Eric.

But ita;nWt@
as easy as he thought.

toof r do.

Let me help you.

keep our coats and boots.sie

It's impozt nt to hat ze de

q=iskly in an emergenc

-These boots are
really big nd heavy!

-Why don'÷ you
try one on for siz

ergh... err...


It's also ry
important to keept etzusk@.

official fire station lse.t e

h tWs a doggie doing here?

-Sparky works
he.'s a f.

t a÷ █eWvu put them all out.
Hu ;niffs out fires to make sure

T i; us Sparky's favorite ga.

-When we're upstairs
and the alarm goes off,

we ju;ti e down
this pole and, pres÷
we're ready.

-It's really high.

-Oh, yo= get ud u

When I first started,
I found it a bit scary.

-áe ?


O !

Duty calls!

I think you have a lite
fieznyour hands.

-Caillou tu h÷ the
pole seemed awfully high.

But Daddy knew the perfect
plasefor Caillou to practice.



-Very good!

be a fire fighter in no time.
Keep up the practice and youl@

-Don't wor@

Fire fightez Caillou
will rescue youQ

% ;a]e you.

Aren't you gl d
I'm a fire fighter?

-Exercise is important
for everybody!


I should do more.

-Excersise keeps
the pet well and happy.

See how fit and well I am?

And I'm happyyyyy!


-Good pet owners give
their pets healthy exercise
as often as they can.

-Hmmm. Good idea.

-And I want to be the best pet
owner in the whole wide world -

just like Caillou.
I need to excersie my pet.

Time for a walk!

-Right now,
I feel like a snooze.

-But it's walk time!

-Looks to me
like it's snooze time.

-Yeah and if you think
it's hard to wake a cat up.

-Ready, Gilbezt?

Hel gbur÷.Hulp.

Yay, Gilbert.@

l gbert.The dinosaur'.

-#aillou loved
l y nosau.

I÷ was even more
fun when Gilbert joined in.

have =ou beegetting up to?-d t

-I wa; l yingith Gilbert.

I saved hum@
fr ÷hu ad=

brave to go dinosaur unting.


Gilbezt. Gb.


Hu' told Gilbert to st u÷Gil.

-Daddy, Gilbert's
gone. He didn't wait for m

-Wel e's notin here.

÷hu living room.
-And he's not

I need Gilbert for my gamu.

Gilbert. Come he righ÷o█.

Gulbert. You're a bad cat.

-Caillou was starting
to feel very mad atGul ert.

Where could he be hiding?

-What's going on, Caillou?

-I can't findGilbert.

He was supposed █aut
for me in the living room.

-He's probably sleeping
in one of the bedrooms.

Let's go and look.

We'll be like detectives.


-Well, if we're detectives,
we'd better look for clues...

-What are clues?

-A clue can be anything
that helps us find Gilbert.

So keep your eyes wide open.

-Is this a clue, Mommy?

-Caillou had found
the string from the dinosaur

he and Gilbert
had been laying with.

That meant Gilbert
mu be nearby.

-That's a very good clue.


He's not in here, Mommy.

-I think there's only
one room we haven't looked in.

-My room.



Look Mmy. The dinosaur.

-Another clue. Well,
you are a good detective.

-I found him.

♪If I had a
pet then it would be a


♪Pardon me what did you say?

♪I donWt think
pets come that way.

♪It wouldn't be
a caterpillar I just know,

♪and it wouldn't
be rhinoceros to go.

♪It wouldn't be a
lion 'cause he too tough,

♪and it wouldn't be
a billy goat he's too gruff.


♪If I had a
pet then it would be a


♪Pardon me what did you say?

♪I don't think
pets come that way.

♪It wouldn't be a snail,
cause they're too small.

♪And it would not be a
giraffe cause they're too tall.

♪A whale would
never fit in the tub,

♪and you never, never
touch a baby bear cub.

♪It wouldn't be
a hippo, no if or that,

♪and it wouldn't
be a hairy screeching bat.

♪It wouldn't be
a porcupine to prick-il-y,

♪and it wouldn't be a
shark from the deep blue sea.


♪If I had a
pet then it would be a


♪And I'll just bet
you'll want one like me,



Look Gilbert,

this is a picture of a cat.

I'm tired of colouring.
I want to play with someone.


-Caillou wanted to play with
someone, but he knew he wasn't

supposed to wake up Rosie
when she was taking her nap.



You know better
than that, Caillou.

-But I need someone
to play with, Daddy.

-Sorry, Caillou,
we can't play with you now.

You can play with Rosie later.

-Caillou didn't want
to play with someone later.

He wanted to play
with someone right now.

Do you want to
play with me, Gilbert?


Vrrrmmm.... beep-beep.

-Caillou suddenly thought
of another game they could play.

-I'll be right back.

-Caillou knew that Gilbert would
not like a story about a dog...

...but he thought Gilbert
would love a mouse story...

and a story with birds.

-Look Gilbert,

it's storytime, Gilbert.

-This is a story about
a mouse named... Mousie.

One day Mousie...

Mousie had a
friend named Meesie...

and one day Meesie and Mousie...

Gilbert, look at the cute mouse.

Gilbert, look here.


I know what we can play.

Hold still...

Daddy will take
you for a nice ride.

-Here... take that corner.



-Gilbert and I are playing
dress-up. I'm the daddy.

-Caillou, dress-up
is a people game.

-You kwwyou don't
like to pla= a y games?

That's bes
you're n a .



akitty cat, a person.lbert's

So he likes playing@
kittyc t games.

Do yo= wwhat
g mushu like; best?


You like sa÷ e;,@
don't you, Gilbert?

get it, Gilbert.


We're kitty cats...

playing a game together. Meow.

-What nice kitty cats we have.


Did you tell Gilbert you don't
want to be his pet any more?


I've changed my mind.

-About what?

-About being a pet.

-You have?

-Shh-shh-shh. Yes!

I like it.

I get to play, be
petted, scratched behind the

ears, and he gets
to do all the work.

And the best part is, he
thinks it's fun - and I do too!

Watch this!


-Huh? Wha? Who?

-I'm your pet and
I want to go for a walk.



-Ohhh, I never realized how
much work it is to have a pet.

I think I'd rather
be a pet than have one.


-But-but, uh,
but, I thought, uh.

Uh, um, um Teddy?

Do you want a cute
little dinosaur pet?

-Oh, don't look at
me, I'm just a teddy bear.

A Toy!

-Oh, and I'm just a
dinosaur that nooo-body wants.

-Mommy? Did you
see Teddy and my dinosaur?

-Hehe! Good thing
Caillou wants me.

-Yeah, good thing.

-That was fun!











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