02x02 - Summertime

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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02x02 - Summertime

Post by bunniefuu »




You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!

It is positively,
absolutely, unquestionably,

without any doubt, the most
sensational summer day ever!

We've got to do something amazi-



-I didn't want you to miss it!

Well, I just wanted you
to know it is a beautiful day.

That's all.

-Caillou's family
was on vacation.

It was his first trip
to the ocean and the beach.

♪The beach. The sea.
We're off to see the sea.

-Caillou. Rosie.
Do you hear that?

-What is it?

-That's the sound of the ocean.

-We're here.

was so excited he couldn't
wait to get to the beach.


Look, Mommy, the ocean.

-Yes, and look Caillou, the sun.

And that means sunscreen.


No no it tickles.


-Bye, bye!

-There. That should do it.

-Hmmm! This is a nice spot.

-Who wants to go in the water?

-I do. I do.

-Caillou hadn't
had swimming lessons yet,

so he held his Daddy's hand
tightly as they ran into the-

-It's cold.

-Oh, it's all right
once you get used to it.




-Caillou loved
any kind of picnic,

but a picnic on
the beach was best of all.

Caillou's sandwich
had sand in it.

-Look, Mommy.


-Hey!!! That's my sandwich.


followed that strange little
crab that lived in a shell

all the way to a tidal pool
full of creatures from the sea.

There were starfish and
sea horses and sea urchins.



-Who wants to help
me build a sand castle?

-I do. I do.

Go away.

Look Rosie, like
this and like this.

Mommy. Daddy. Look.

-When the tide comes
in it's time for us to go.

-My castle.

-Well, we'll
have to come back tomorrow
and build another castle.

-And we'll come
back the next day, and the

next day, and the
next day, and the next day.

-Well? What should
we do on such a positively,

absolutely, unquestiona-

-Oh, don't you start.


Well, what should we do?

-Well, we could...

no, not that.

W-what about?

No, that would never work.

Oh oh, I know!

We... no, wait, that's silly.


You mean you woke us
up to enjoy the beautiful day

and you didn't have any
idea of how we should do it?



-Oh gee. and I was having the
best dream about sitting under a

big shady tree, munching on a
lettuce and dandelion sandwich.

-Yes, and I was imagining a
great game of butterfly chasing.

-Oh. I want to do something
on this sunny day, but, um,

I don't know what.

summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime,

♪is green and hot and sun.

♪Summertime is fun for everyone.

summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime

♪is the very best season of all!

♪You can be big,
and you can be small.

♪Summertime is sprinklers,
trees and flowers.

♪Summertime is fishing
at the lake for hours.

♪Birds, bees,
bats and bright fireflies,
they light up your eyes.

Uh huh!

♪Summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime...

-It was a beautiful weekend
and Caillou was very excited.

because he was going camping!

-Mommy! I need to go.


-Are you sure you can't wait?



Whassamatter Rosie?

-Mommy gone!

-You're right.

And so's Caillou!

There you are!


-Where's Caillou?

-He needed to make a pit stop.


-I'm finished!

-Come on, we'd better get going.

-Yeah! Let's get
this show on the road!

Uuhm... on second thought.

-What's the matter, honey?

-I-I... I think
I'd better go too!

-What's that?

-It's a moose-crossing sign.

There are a lot
of moose in the forests and that
tells drivers to watch for them.

-A moose?


Can I see one!

-Rosie too!

-Hmmm. You shouldn't get
your hopes up too high, Caillou.


-Because moose are very shy.

-Caillou thought
it was strange that such
a big animal could be shy.

-Hi, folks!
Welcome to Camp Brome!

My name's Pierre! What's yours?


-You're going to have lots
of adventures here, Caillou.

can play games, and go swimming
and even climb a mountain.

What would you like to do first?

-I want to see a moose!

-I'm afraid
it's not very likely.

Moose stay away from
people most of the time.

I don't think we've ever
seen one in the camp before.

What do you say we
give them a hand with that?




-Nice work, Caillou.

-Are you coming in, Caillou?

-Wait for me, Mommy!


-What's the matter, sweetie?

Come on! The water's great!

-But something's
swimming in the water.

-Those are little fish, Caillou.

Don't worry, they're more afraid
of you than you are of them.

-Caillou wasn't so sure
that he wanted to swim anymore.

...it's too deep!

-It isn't deep at all.

-It's cold!

-Don't you want to splash me?

Caillou got into the water,
he wasn't afraid any more.

And pretty soon
it was time for lunch.

-Mmmm! Something
smells awfully good.

I could eat a horse!

-Well, I could eat a moose!



-Oh, no! A chipmunk!

Shoo! Shoo!

-We really shouldn't
feed the wild animals, Caillou.


-Because they have to
get their food from the forest.

-What are you two
doing this afternoon?

-We're going mountain climbing!


-That's it, Caillou -
keep going - you're doing great!


-Are you OK?

-Caillou was frightened
when he slipped

but he wanted Daddy
to see how brave he was.

-We're almost there, look.


-We did it!

I'm very proud of you.

-I guess mountain
climbing must be hard work!

Come on, guys. It's bedtime.

ready in the trailer!

-I want to stay in the hammock!

-It would be
fun to sleep outside.

-Okay then.

-Caillou loved sleeping in
the hammock in his Daddy's arms.

-Night-night, sleep tight!

-Don't let the bed bugs bite!


-Caillou was very
impressed by the moose.

He had never seen
such a big animal before.

-Mommy! Mommy! Come and see!


Daddy, Look!

-Oh, wow.

Shhh! We have
to be as quiet as mice!

Remember - moose are very shy.

-It's a moose!


Moose gone!

-Caillou thought it was funny
that such a big animal could be

frightened away by
a little girl like Rosie.

summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime,

♪is green and hot and sun.

♪Summertime is fun for everyone.

summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime

♪is the very best season of all!

♪You can be big,
and you can be small.

♪Summertime is sprinklers,
trees and flowers.

♪Summertime is fishing
at the lake for hours.

♪Birds, bees,
bats and bright fireflies,
they light up your eyes.


summertime, summertime,
summertime, Summertime

♪is friends
playing games of tag,

♪It's bubbles and picnic bags.

summertime, summertime,
summertime, Summertime,

♪there's so much to do.

♪Summertime is
best when I'm with you.

♪Summertime is sprinklers,
trees and flowers.

♪Summertime is fishing
at the lake for hours.

bees, bats and bright fireflies
they light up your eyes.

Uh huh.

♪Summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime...

♪Summertime, summertime,
summertime, summertime...

-Oh. We could always
practice counting.

-Oh, that's a great idea,
but we do that all the time.

We need something especially
fun for a sunny day.

-We need to plan something.

-Great, a plan!

What's a plan?

when you have to think about
things and do them in order.

-Think about what?

-I don't...

Too bad the
whole family is away.


-They said it was.

going to be.

a perfect day for a PICNIC!

Oh, wait a minute!

We could plan that!

I've always dreamed
of going on a picnic!

-Um, a pick what?

-A pic-nic!

We could have a
picnic too, right here.

It's the perfect day for it!

I heard Caillou's
Mommy say that.

-Purrfect! Let's have a picnic.

I've never been invited to one.

-Me neither.

-What is a picnic, huh?

-Okay, I've never
been invited to a picnic,

but I have noticed
when the family goes that
they always have a basket.

-A basket, yeah, good
plan, we need a basket.

-A basket.

Where are we going.

-A basket.

-Ah, and the basket
they take is always full of
dishes and napkins and things.

-Things, yes, yes, things.


There. Dishes,
napkins and things.

-Well, that's great.

I went on a picnic once,

but Caillou left me in
the car so he wouldn't lose me.

But, I do remember
they had a great big blanket.

-Big blanket, okay!

-Big blanket.

-A big blanket.




-Uh, maybe not that big.

-It was a hot, hot
summer day and Caillou

was getting ready
to go to the swimming pool.

He had a hard time
getting his water wings on.

but he was sure his
flippers would be much easier.

-Unh... Unh!

-Now all Caillou
needed was his swim goggles

and his cape!

-What's this?

A duck? Wearing a cape?

-No, it's me! Caillou!

-Whoa! Better take those
flippers off. You might trip.

going to wear them on my hands,
ha ha, instead of my feet!

Can we go to the
swimming pool, Mommy?

-Oh, I'm sorry, honey,
we can't go to the pool today.


-Daddy and I have a
lot to do around the house.

-Caillou was sad. He
really wanted to go swimming.

-Swim! Swim! Swim!

-Rosie wants to go swimming too!

-Aw, we'll try
to go tomorrow, Caillou.

-But I want to go today!

Gilbert's hot
too! He's got no water.

-Gilbert drink juice!

-Mommy, Rosie's
throwing her juice!

-Caillou! Don't clean
up juice with your beach towel!

-I just wanted to help.

I'm going outside!

-Don't forget your hat.

Oh and, Caillou! Don't
forget your sunscreen.

-But it's so-o sticky!

-You need it. The
sun is very strong today.

-And it's hot too!

-Well, here's something
to keep you cool.

-Thanks, Mommy.

-Caillou couldn't help laughing
at how silly Gilbert looked.

-Ha ha ha ha!!!

-But he was still sad about
not going to the swimming pool.


-You are hot and sticky too!

You need a good washing up

and cooling down!

-Ha ha! The sprinkler!

-You set it up
and I'll turn it on!


Nothing's coming out, Mommy.

You - ha ha ha, you tricked me!

Ha ha ha ha!

-C'mon, Caillou! Jump in!

-Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

-So Caillou found
out that you can have just as
much fun in your own backyard.

I don't know
about Gilbert though!

-Ha ha ha! C'mon,
Gilbert! Jump in!

-Ha ha ha ha!!!

-Our plan worked perfectly.

-Well um... What now?

-I don't know, but it's
supposed to be loads of fun.


-Ah. I'm hungry.

All those forks and
knives and plates make me feel

like eating something
out here in the sun.

-There was food!

-Lots of food!

-We had a perfect
plan, but the first thing

we should have
remembered was the food!

-Are we there yet, Daddy?
Are we there yet, Daddy?


-Are we there yet?

-We're here!


-Caillou was very excited
because this was the first time

he'd ever been to
a theme park and he wanted to
go on the rides with his Daddy.


first one he chose was called
the Niagara Falls River Ride.

-Stand next
to the board, Caillou.

-What is it?

-You can only go on the
ride if you're tall enough.


-Do you like it?

-Yes. It's fun.

-It's a bit scary too, isn't it?

-Caillou and his
Daddy agreed that the River
Ride was fun and a bit scary.



-Pretty soon,
Caillou was having too much
fun to be really scared.

-The water splashed us, Mommy.

-Who wants dessert?

-I do.


-I want some.



Well, I'm not sure cotton
candy is really good for you.

-Does that mean
you don't want one?

-Yay! Wheeeee!

Look Daddy. We're
very high up. Look!

-Caillou loved riding
on the Ferris wheel.

From all the way up here, he
could see the whole theme park.

-Daddy, Daddy. Look.

-It was the biggest teddy
bear Caillou had ever seen.

If they could throw all
their hoops over a wooden block,

maybe they could win the bear.


-It was a very difficult
game for Caillou.

-It didn't go.

-It isn't as easy as it looks.

-Can you do it, Daddy?

-I'll try my best.

-Way to go.

-Caillou really,
really hoped his Daddy

could make the third
hoop fall over the block.

-Did you enjoy
yourself, Caillou?

-Oh, yes, Mommy.

-What was the best part?

Was it the river
ride? The Ferris wheel?

I know.

It was Daddy throwing the hoops
and winning the bear, wasn't it?


-Now I know why
picnics are so much fun.

This was a great plan!

-Yeah. It's almost
like a dream come true.

Just like the dream
I had this very morning of a

great game of
butterfly- chasing.

-Well, I know my
dream of a lettuce and

dandelion sandwich
is about to come true!

-That was fun!








Oh! Oh! That's me Rexy!

I'm a prehistoric reptile.

That means a dinosaur.

I'm a great dinosaur adventurer.
Although sometimes...

I have a little trouble
getting past the garden gate!

I love to play games.


Even though I'm not
good at everything, every
day I'm getting better.

That's why Caillou, my family
and friends love me so much.

Just like yours love you!
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