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02x04 - The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junkfood / Go to Camp

Posted: 09/28/22 09:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Somewhere deep
in bear country ♪

♪ Lives the berenstain
bear family ♪

♪ They're kind of furry
around the torso ♪

♪ They're a lot like people,
only more so ♪

♪ The bare fact is that ♪

♪ They're just like
you and me ♪

♪ The only difference
is they live ♪

♪ In a tree ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
as things might do ♪

♪ The berenstain bears
will find a way through ♪

♪ Mama, papa,
sister and brother ♪

♪ They'll always be there
for each other ♪

♪ The bare fact is that
they can be sweet as honey ♪

♪ Sometimes, you'll find,
they might be just plain funny ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪♪

[ Mama ]: healthy food is good
for brother, sis and dad,

How can mama make them stop
eating food that is bad?

[ Munching and chewing ]

Mm, I see the bear country run
is coming up again.

Pardon, dear?

I said, the bear country
run is coming up again!

I used to run in that race.

That's the race
you used to run in.

That's what I said!

You were a runner?

Why, sure.

Take a look for yourself.


Look at that trophy.

[ Mama ]: yes. Papa was
one fleet-footed bear.

Was? I still am.

Ha, well, I have seen you
dash to the refrigerator

And be back before
the commercial ends.

[ Laughing ]

I admit I like my snacks.

But all kidding aside,

I bet I can still keep up
with bears half my age.

[ Brother ]:
why don't you

Enter the
race, papa?

Wouldn't it be great if you won?

You know what? I am
going to enter that race.


And do you
know what else?

I'm going to take this
entry form straight down

To the community centre
and be back

Before supper is on the table...

Without taking the car.

Yay, papa.
Go, papa!

[ Panting ]

Papa bear, are you all right?

Oh, ah, fine...fine, just a...

Little out of breath
is all, dr. Grizzly.

Did your car break down?

Oh,, I was...

I was just jogging to
the community centre...

To enter this year's
bear country run.

That's great!

Exercise is an important part
of a healthy lifestyle.

I agree... %!

Well, enjoy your run.

Oh, I will.

[ Panting ]

Mind over muscle, that's...
All it is.

[ Groaning ]

Oh, maybe entering this race...

Isn't such a good idea
after all.

Ahh, best quit while I'm ahead.

Where's a taxi
when you need one?

Ohh, oooh, aahh-ah-ah,



You're back
the matter?

[ Groaning ]

You don't look
so good, papa.

Ah, I'm just a little sore,
that's all.

I've decided not to run
in the race after all.

Maybe next year.

[ Groaning ]

Or the year after.

That's no way to talk, papa.

There's still lots of time
to prepare for the race.

That's right.

We'll help you get in shape.

And we'll even enter
the race with you.

What a wonderful
idea -- how can

You turn down an
offer like that?

[ Brother ]: we can do it, papa.

[ Sister ]:
we're a team.

Hmm, all right.
I'll, I'll do it.


Oh, it's time to get myself
in shape for the race. Ohhhh!

[ Groaning ]

Starting tomorrow, of course.

We'll be
in shape for

That race
in no time.

Where are we going
to do our practice run?

How about we run to that
big tree on hemlock hill?


Ok. It'll be a piece of cake.

We're off!

[ Panting ]

[ Sister ]: are we almost there?

[ Panting ]

Not even close.

[ Panting ]

Ok, i-i-i, I think we've run
far enough day.

[ Panting ]

Gee, I don't get this tired
when I'm playing baseball.

running a lot

Farther than
second base, sis.

[ Panting ]

Thanks for the ice cream, papa.

Mmm, thanks!

You're welcome.

I think we did pretty well
for our first time out.

Me too.

Now, there is a meal
fit for a fit king.

Welcome back!

I have a surprise
for my three-- huh?


The ice cream made us thirsty.

Ice cream? Ohh...
I suppose you're too full

To enjoy this healthy meal
I've made.

Well, you know how a scoop
of raspberry ripple

Can fill you up.

That's three
scoops, papa.

And don't forget they
were chocolate-dipped

With cookie crumbs, too.

[ Laughing awkwardly ]

I held off on
the rainbow sprinkles.

Looks like you're having
leftovers tomorrow.



Mmm, these sugar-balls
look good.

I think we
forgot the fudge.

And the creamy-crunchies.

Now, what's
all this?

Oh, I just remembered!

There's a special on
sweetsie-cola in aisle seven.

Only while supplies last.

Don't you think
we have enough?

You can never have enough

Dr. Grizzly, I'm so sorry.

I, I didn't see you there.

Don't worry. No harm done.

So, how is your training
for the big race coming along?

You know what?
The cubs have joined me.

We're running like the wind.

Now, papa,
that's not what

The cubs have
been saying.

All right...

For about two blocks we're
running like the wind.

Then we're too winded
to keep running.


I can't figure it out.
We should be able to go farther.

We've been practising
for nearly two weeks.

dr. Grizzly.
Hi, dr. Grizzly.

Hello, brother and sister.

I'll get that.


[ Laughing ]

[ Dr. Grizzly ]: think
I have a pretty good idea

Why you're running out of steam.

Maybe all of you should
stop by my clinic

For a little
professional advice.

Sure thing, dr. Grizzly,
uh, ha...

We'll be there
tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow afternoon will be fine.
See you then.

Maybe she has some kind of
high-speed jogging suit for us.

Or maybe some

Running shoes.

You shouldn't get your hopes up

For a fancy solution
to your problem.

Come on, cubs --
we have to get

To aisle seven for
the sweetsie-cola.

Your body is like
a train engine.

It needs the right kind
of fuel to run properly.

If you feed your body
the wrong type of fuel,

It won't run properly --
let me show you.

A movie, great! Good thing
I brought some popcorn.

This is what your body looks
like from the outside.

And this is what it
looks like on the inside.

Wow, it's a horror show.

Not quite, brother -- you see,
our bodies are made up

Of various systems
that all work together.

We have a system of nerves
that lets us feel and think;

A system that keeps the blood
flowing throughout the body;

A system of muscles that lets us
move and gives us strength;

And a system for food digestion
that lets us take in nourishment

To give us energy and keep
all the other systems healthy.

Is that the system we need
to give our bodies fuel?

Exactly -- now,
here are the four main

Food groups that help
fuel your body.

Dr. Grizzly,

What about sugar-balls?

And choco-chums?


Sweets and goodies
don't give you

The kind of nourishment
your body needs.

Are they
bad for us?

Having treats
occasionally is fine.

If you have too much, they fill
you up, and you're not hungry

For the
healthy foods

Your body
really needs.

If we're going to get
in shape for the race,

We have to start feeding
our bodies the right fuel.

You said it,
right, papa?

Ahem, oh...yes, uh...
Yes, absolutely.

Thanks for your help,
dr. Grizzly.

You're most welcome.

Help yourself.

[ Chuckling ]

Well, cubs, it's time
for us to get our trains

Back on the track.

You're right, papa.




Ha-ha, get on board, son.

Uh, ha, I think I'll walk.

I need the exercise.

Thanks, dr. Grizzly.
See you later.

Goodbye, brother.

[ Gasping ]


Yay, you did it!

Whew! Ohh, it wasn't easy
keeping up with the cubs.

[ Panting ]

[ Brother ]: you
did great, papa.

You're as fast as bears
half your age.

Oh, now, I
wouldn't say that.

But, if I stay in shape
and keep exercising,

I might be by next year.

Well, I'm proud
of all of you.

Ah, I have an idea --
let's go home and celebrate

By opening up
the freezer and--


It's far too easy to fall
back into the junk food habit.

We'll celebrate
with carrot sticks.

And some nuts
and raisins.

Yes. Yes...that's what
I was going to say.

[ Sister ]:
oh, papa.

[ Laughing ]

[ Sister ]: it's vacation time.

Hooray, hooray!

Let's spend it outdoors.

Let's get away.

[ Sighing ]

Bored with summer
vacation already?

Ha-ha, you've only been
out of school for a week.

I'm not bored. I just...can't
think of anything to do.

Me neither.

This came in
the mail today.

I thought it might
interest you.

[ Brother ]:
"grizzly ted's day camp"?

"Hiking, swimming,

"All the summer

"A growing cub
could dream of."

Hey, that sounds good.

Or you cubs could
always work with me

This summer in the wood shop.

No! Mama!

Oh, ha-ha-ha,
he's just teasing.

[ Chuckling ]

Can we really go
to day camp, mama?

Grizzly ted is holding
a place for each of you.

♪ Down by the bay,
down by the bay ♪

♪ Where the watermelons grow,
where the watermelons grow ♪

♪ Back to my home,
back to my home ♪

♪ I dare not go,
I dare not go ♪

♪ For if I do, for if I do ♪

♪ My mother will say,
my mother will say... ♪

Have you ever seen a goat...

Paddling a boat?

[ Laughing ]

♪ Down by the bay ♪

♪ Down by the bay,
down by the bay ♪

♪ Where the watermelons grow,
where the watermelons grow ♪♪


I found another one.

Look at the
rock I found.

That's a nice one, freddy.

Lizzie found a neat one, too.
Show them, lizzie.

Check this out.

[ Brother ]: hey,
it looks like a canoe.

That's what I can't wait
to do: go canoeing.

Me too. There are so many
fun things to do here.

I know. Grizzly
ted's is the best.

I hope this
summer never ends.

Ok, campers, time for lunch!

Last one there is a rotten egg.

Woo-hoo...let's go...ha-ha-ha!

[ Straining ]

[ Straining ]

[ Straining ]


[ Laughing ]

[ Straining ]



Watch your step, cubs.
We're almost there.

[ Panting and straining ]

[ Sister ]: I hope the surprise
grizzly ted has for us

Is worth all this work.

[ Lizzie ]: me

This is the
hardest hike

Of the whole

Here we are, g*ng. Skull rock.!

This is so cool.

Is it ever.

You were right, grizzly ted.
This is a great surprise.

I thought you'd like skull rock,
but that's not the surprise.

It isn't?

What's the surprise?

As you know, the end of
summer camp is coming up.

In keeping with
the tradition here,

We are going to have a sleep-out

This friday on top
of skull rock.

This is going to be great...
I can't!

A sleep-out? Outside? At night?

Wow, can you
believe it, sister?

A sleep-out!
Are we ever lucky.

Yes...we sure are.

Go, freddy...come on,
you can do it...go...woo!

[ Brother ]: get it, sister!

Woo-hoo...yay...i did it!


Earth to sister, earth
to sister. Do you read me?



I didn't see it go in.

No kidding.

Are you
feeling ok?


Do you think this sleep-out
is a good idea?


Oh, good.

I think it's
a great idea!


Are you worried
about something?

What are you worried
about, sister?

Why would I be
worried? I don't

Know what you're
talking about.

Well, the only think I'm worried
about is our soccer score.

I'll play goal for a while.

Come on, sister,
we've got

To score
some points.

I can't wait to
toast marshmallows

Over an
open fire.
Me too.

And then sleeping
under the stars.

I've never
slept so far

From home

Just one
more day.


Do you think
it's a good idea

To go on
the sleep-out?

What if the

Are really bad?

I've got some super bug
lotion you can borrow.

Pass me the twigs, please.

Well, what if
it rains?

We don't have
any tents.

It's not going to rain.

Grizzly ted said
the forecast calls for

Clear skies right
through the weekend.

What if grizzly ted cooks us
liver and broccoli to eat?

Liver? Yuck!
But grizzly ted

Isn't making
us liver.

We're having
hot dogs.

I saw the menu.

Hot dogs?

My favourite.

Mine too.

[ Sighing ]

Don't worry,

Grizzly ted told us
that he's never had a cub

Who didn't have a great
time at the sleep-out.


It sounds like you don't
want to go on the sleep-out.

Huh? You don't
want to go?

What's the
matter, sis?

Nothing's the matter. I didn't
say I didn't want to go.

Who wouldn't want to go?

Well, something is
sure bothering you.

Why do you say that?

Ha, you're pouring glue
all over your picture frame.

Ahh...oh, no!

Come on, sister. Let's get
some paper towels.

Is something
bothering you, sister?

Because, if there is,
you can tell me, you know.

Ohh, I'm not
so sure I can.

I'm your friend.
Of course you can.

[ Sighing ]

All right. I don't want
to go on the sleep-out.

Why not?

Shh! I'm scared.

I've never slept
outside all night before.

I have.

There's nothing
scary about it.

The air smells so nice,
and you can hear

The wind in the treetops

And see the stars
all over the sky.

I'm sorry, lizzie, but
I really don't want to go.

That's ok. I'm really glad
you told me, though.

Me too.

Hey, you know what?


There's enough time before
the sleep-out for a trial run.

[ Gasping ]

Sleeping out in
your own backyard is

The perfect place
to test this out.

What if
I get scared?

Then we can go back inside
and sleep in your living room.


Got your

Right here.

Ahh...what's that?

[ Gasping ]

[ Giggling ]

Sister, sister.


You did it. You slept
outside all night!

I did, and it
wasn't scary.

So, how do you feel about
the sleep-out tonight?

I think it
will be fun.


Your pancakes are getting cold.

Maybe I should eat them for you?


We're coming.

[ Laughing ]

And so,

The great bear tried
one more time

To catch salmon
in his mighty paw.!

But salmon leapt one more time

With the last strength
that was in him.!

He jumped higher than the water,

Higher even than
the great bear himself,

Until he jumped
right into the sky.

And there he remains
to this day.

How do I know?

Because every time it rains,
the water makes him jump again,

And the bright colours from
his scales make the rainbow.

I love that story...excellent!

[ Harmonica playing ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

I sure am glad I had
someone to talk to.

And once I told you
what was bothering me,

I wasn't so worried
any more -- thanks, lizzie.

You're welcome --
it wouldn't have

Been the same
without you here.

I'm so glad I didn't
miss out on this.

Let's see
who can find

A sh**ting
star first.

All right.

[ Yawning ]

There's one! Did you see it?


Good night, sister.