04x09 - To k*ll a Ladybird

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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04x09 - To k*ll a Ladybird

Post by bunniefuu »

[Theme music]

Come on, Ladybird, fetch.

That's right, You can get it,

Come on, girl.

[Bobby grunting]


Fine, it can stay there for all l care.

Get it. Come on.

[Hank sighs]

Get him the ball, already.

Here you go, boy.
Take it easy on Ladybird, Bobby.

She's 91 years old in dog years.

Each time she fetches, it's like
seven fetches for you or me.

Well, tell Ladybird l'm done playing
'cause she only listens to you.

[Bobby grunts in anger]

[Ladybird whimpers]


[Raccoon churring]

Hold on, little fellow.
This happened to me once.

You hungry?

Let's see what Santa's got
in his goodie bag.

[Raccoon churring]

What a crime.

lf you are not a hungry man, Luanne...

you shouldn't be taking on
the Hungry-Man dinner.

Bobby. At the table.

PEGGY: l am tired of finding crumbs
in the bathtub.

ls it me, or are they making
these things bigger?

You don't want that.
Tonight's garbage is....

l brought you something special.

You know, the black around your eyes
looks just like a mask,

l'm gonna call you Masky.

No, wait. l can beat that. Bandit.

Mind if l join you?

[Soft instrumental music]

[Bandit churring]

And how about a marshmallow chaser?

[Bandit churring]


Fish. Snakes.

Yup. The dog's the only animal
that makes sense.

And l suppose a cat might work.

lf you're a little girl or an old lady,
you know, who's sick.

[Dog barks]

[Bandit churrs]

[Bandit churring]

Can l buy this, Dad?

Bobby, this is a pet store, not a toy store.

You know how much they mark
that junk up.

Excuse me. How much is it to get
your dog's picture put on this mug?

So we're eating dinner,
and Ladybird starts to beg.

That says it all right there.

BOBBY: Mrs. Gribble said
it wasn't gonna rain.

BOBBY: Accuweather, my foot!

Here. l'm gonna leave this open.

And you can use the streetlight
as a nightlight.

[Hank grunts quizzically]

HANK: What in the....

[Hank exclaims in surprise]

You're gonna wish you messed up
somebody else's garage...

you furry bastard.

[Ominous instrumental music]


[Bandit churring]

HANK: Bastard!

l'm gonna take out the garbage.

No, Bobby, there is a raccoon out there
and it almost...

literally att*cked your father.


Don't worry. l'm gonna get rid of it.

Bandit was just hungry, Dad.

Bandit? You name a pet.
You name a guitar.

You do not name a filthy animal.

And you do not feed it our garbage.

No wonder it was rooting around
in the garage.

lt was looking for more of your handouts.

lt's not a handout when you feed
Ladybird, is it?

Ladybird is a member of this family.
You've seen our Christmas cards.

Yeah, l've also seen her drink out of
the toilet, wipe herself on the carpet...

-sniff another dog's--

Bandit is a wild, disease-ridden animal
that will bite your face.

Now, does that sound like something
Ladybird would do?

Ladybird doesn't do anything anymore.
She's too old.

Bobby, Ladybird is in the room.

The whole garage looked like
one of those horror movies,

You know, tools all over the place.

Yup. Sounds like a raccoon...

or a possum imitating
the behavior of a raccoon.

Or a squirrel.

What l'm getting at is, l'll handle it.

No, thanks, Dale.
l've already taken care of it.

l've put out a spring-loaded live trap
this morning.

A trap? The only one that's going
to get trapped is you, Hank.

Trapped into thinking
a trap actually works.

Who wants to....

[Bill screaming]

[Boomhauer mumbling]

[Bandit churring]

HANK: Get out of here, you furry bastard.

My card.

DALE: No worries, Hank.

l've played out this scenario
1,000 times in my mind.

Most of them l have won.

Are you gonna need
the raccoon's pelt intact for a hat?

l thought you were gonna trap Bandit
and free him in the woods.

Why is everything you're wearing
so sharp?

You're not gonna hurt my raccoon,
are you?

That's entirely up to him, Bobby.

[Ominous instrumental music]

Hank, once l crawl in there, l want you to
quickly cover the hole with the screen.

That's the only way in
and the only way out for the raccoon.

Do not remove the screen,
no matter how much l plead...

or beg you, do not remove the screen.

[Bandit churring]

DALE: Hank!

Open the screen.
For God's sake, Hank, l'm begging you...

open the screen!

[Dale screaming]

HANK: That's it. l'm taking it off.
DALE: Get him off!

You promised Dale you wouldn't.

DALE: He's big!

That's enough.

[Dale screaming]

[Bandit snarling]

[Hank gasps]

[Ladybird barking and growling]

[Bandit churring]

HANK: Get off her!

[Ladybird snarling]

HANK: Ladybird!

BOBBY: Bandit, come back!

My God! Ladybird's hurt.
Someone call 91 1 .

l give you one little thing to do
and you screw it up.

[Gloomy instrumental music]

[Hank sighs]

l can't find Ladybird anywhere.

BOBBY: [Panting] Dad.
HANK: Any luck, Son?

l looked all over the neighborhood.

No sign of Bandit. Not even a dropping.

What? You've been looking
for that dang raccoon?

lt would have att*cked me
if it weren't for Ladybird.

And now my dog's out there,
possibly hurt, exposed to the elements...

and even if she does find something
to eat, who's gonna mix in an egg?

l'll find Ladybird.

Lucky for you
l'm not only an exterminator...

l'm also a bounty hunter.

DALE: My other card.

Tell me l sent you. You'll get 100/0 off.

HANK: That picture was taken
at her birthday party last month.

Sorry, l don't have a more recent photo.

l don't wanna get your hopes up.

The odds of finding a dog
that has run away are not--

Ladybird did not run away.

She got in a fight with a raccoon
and took off after it.


Hank, let me take over.

As one animal-control professional
to another...

it was what appeared to be a raccoon.

But l only saw it briefly,
and it was dark, so l don't know.

lt's too bad you didn't catch it.

'Cause without being able to autopsy
the raccoon...

we don't know if it gave your dog rabies.


Now, as l said,
l am an animal-control professional.

Explain to Hank how you get rabies.

TERRY: Raccoon bite is the most
common way, followed by rat bites...

-and then raccoon scratches.

Raccoon scratches moved up to third.

Good for them.

[Ominous instrumental music]

What does it say?

NANCY: ''The earliest symptoms of
clinical rabies in humans are chills.''

l'm cold, Nancy, so cold.

-You're in your underwear, sug'.
-Read on.

''Some sufferers may have a sore throat.''

[Croaking] My throat's on fire.

NANCY: ''Diarrhea.''

Go on.

''They may also feel anxious or fearful
of things with no clear reason.''


Nancy, l think l have rabies!

Dale, you're gonna be fine.

All we have to do is get you to a doctor
so they can give you a shot.

Sorry, seven sh*ts.

Let's say l don't get the sh*ts.

ls it possible to live a normal life
infected with rabies?


LUANNE: ...and please make sure Ladybird
is safe and without rabies.

And if rabies is part of your divine plan...

then please change your plan
and send us back Ladybird rabies-free.

-And Bandit, too. Amen.
-No, sir.

Bandit is not in this prayer.
lt's Bandit's fault we're in this mess...

or your fault for feeding him.

l'll let you decide, Lord.

Now, Hank, l know Ladybird is just fine.
She saved your life.

l'm sure she can save her own.

l hope you're right. But if she's out there
suffering with rabies...

l'll have to sh**t her, and with my aim,
l'll probably have to sh**t her twice.

Oh, God!

Okay. Ladybird, good. Rabies, bad.
l just wanna find Bandit.

We all wanna find Bandit, Bobby.

lt's the only way they can figure out
if Ladybird's got rabies.

How do they do that?

Well, they take off its head.

[Knocking on door]

l don't want to abuse the privilege...

but l need you to get Dale
out of the basement again.

All right. Everybody ready?

And go.

[Nancy clears throat]

Dale, honey, pizza's here.

[Dale grunts in approval]

DALE: Pizza.

[Door unlocking]

[Dale shrieks]

No, Nancy! Look, Nancy, they're taking....

[Dale screaming]

All right, Dale.
We can do this the easy way...

or we can do it the hard way.

[Dale grunting]

Do it the hard way.

[Dale yelling and grunting]

[Boomhauer grunts]

[Bill groans]

HANK: Get in there.
BlLL: Come on!

l'm worried about Bandit.

l'm worried about my dad. And Bandit.

See, l settled down.
Now, give me back my hat.

lt's easy for you to sit there
with a head full of thick, gorgeous hair...

laughing at me. Please.

l told you, Dale, l'll give you the hat back
after you get the sh*ts.

HANK: Dale! Where are you....

HANK: Dale, get back here!

[Dale groans]


A raccoon, Ladybird, and Dale
are on the loose...

and they all might be rabid.

Peggy, you should stay here
in case Ladybird comes home.

Not ''if,'' Hank. ''Whether or not.''

The rest of us are going to cover
every inch of Arlen.

And l'm gonna need somebody to help
Nancy in case Dale comes home.

HANK: Okay, any volunteers?

l had my hand up first.

[Solemn instrumental music]


[Slow instrumental music]

Survival Diary update.

l have been drinking dewdrops
found on the forest leaves...

and l have been eating mushrooms
and moths.

Mostly mushrooms.

My rabies has taken a turn for the worse.

l am starting to hallucinate.

When l close my eyes, l can see
strange characters running around...

chasing colorful geometric shapes
in a dark and infinite limbo.

l have stopped closing my eyes.

l fear l am going mad!

Survival reminder:
Need hammer and nails.

And batteries for tape recorder.

Also need new tape recorder.

[Solemn instrumental music]

[Table saw whirring]

[Hank sobbing]

[Solemn instrumental music]

[Clears throat]

[Both gasp]







You need a shot, sug'.


[Nancy gasps]

[Dale yelling]

[Telephone ringing]


TERRY: Mr, Hill, this is Vic Terry
from animal control,

We've had reports of a bloodhound
walking funny by the campgrounds,,,

at the Mariella Sherry Shivers State Park,
We're heading there now,

l'm on my way.
Just in case you find her first...

when you call her name,
say the first half longer than the second.

Ladybird. You got that?

TERRY: Mr, Hill, lf we get there
and the dog is acting strange,,,

we'll have to put Ladybird down,

Oh, no.

TERRY: Mr, Hill? Are you there? l'm sorry,

l meant we'll have to put Ladybird down,

Now, Bill, if you see Ladybird first,
fire this flare...

straight up in the air, not at her.

All right, Bobby, let's....

BlLL: False alarm !

[Soft instrumental music]

What are you doing, Bobby?

lf you're looking for that raccoon,
you're wasting your time.

lt's probably two towns over by now,
eating some other kid's garbage.

At least Bandit never ate my lunch
until after l'd thrown it out.

That's what l'd call common courtesy.


l remember the time Ladybird jumped up
and ate your...

peanut-butter sandwich
right off your plate.

l thought she'd never stop licking the roof
of her mouth, l tell you what.


l never laughed that hard ever again.

[Somber instrumental music]


Come here, girl. Come to Daddy...

so he can send you to...


doggy heaven.

[Bird screeching]

[Lightly suspenseful instrumental music]

[Birds chirping]

What the heck....



[Slow instrumental music]


Dad, you're okay.

Don't look him in the eye.
lt makes him start howling.

[Dale makes karate sound]

Thought you could just waltz in here
and k*ll me, did you?

So did he.

Damn it, Dale! You stupid--

You will speak only
when l say you can speak.

Remove the tape, Dale.

Okay, you can speak.

Let us go now and l promise
l won't kick your ass later.

l'm sorry but l can't do that, Hank.

l've got plans for you.

Oh, yeah.

l'm going to drain
all the blood out of your body.

Then l'm going to replace my blood
with your non-rabid blood...

which will both cure me and give me...

all your knowledge of propane
and propane accessories.

l think you might be eating
the wrong kind of mushrooms, Dale.

l know what l'm doing. These mushrooms
have been keeping me alive.

But what l don't know, Hank,
is how you can still talk...

when there's a million bugs
squiggling in and out of your mouth.

Yeah, l can talk.

And you just wait
until Bill and Boomhauer find us.

[Bill whooping]

Geronimo! Water's great!

BOOMHAUER: Dang old Geronimo!
Dang old....

Let's see you try and sell your way
out of this one, propane salesman.

Where's your precious propane now?



Yeah, you got me, Dale.
There is no way out of this.

So, if l understand your plan...

it is to replace your rabies blood
with my clean blood. ls that right?

-Who gave you a copy of my plan?
-You told me.

So, step one, drain my blood.

And, since you can't stand
the sight of blood...

l guess you'll have
to hand me my pocketknife.

l'll do more than hand it to you.
l'll open it for you.

You might wanna step back, Dale.
There is going to be a lot of blood. A lot.

[Dale groans]

Okay, there. That's the vein.

[Hank exclaims in pain]

-Boy, that smarts.
-Wait a minute.

You've never cried out in pain in your life.

That's what l get for trusting you
to drain your own blood.

[Dale makes karate sound]

[Stuttering] Okay, Dale, take it easy.
l'm sorry. l made a mistake.

l shouldn't have done that.
l should have cut my veins.

Shut up! l'm tired of your face.



[Ladybird growling]

All right, dog. You wanna tango?

[Ladybird snarling]

[Dale screaming]

[Ladybird snarling and barking]

Bobby, the knife.


Get your dog away from me.
She's got the rabies!

Ladybird! Down, girl.

BOBBY: Dad, watch out.
HANK: That's it. Come here.

BOBBY: She's got rabies. She'll bite you.

No, she's just wounded and scared.
l'm her master. She'd never bite me.

-Dad, look out!
-Bobby, don't.

sh**t her! sh**t her with the g*n!

HANK: Bobby, no!
DALE: Yes, Bobby!


You missed her!

[Sighs] Ladybird.

You see? l was right.
lt's a good thing you missed, Bobby.

l didn't miss, Dad.

[Somber instrumental music]

-l saw him coming.

l think he was gonna bite you.

DALE: This isn't over.

So long, suckers.

[Dale yelling]

[Hank sighs]

DALE: Hank, l can see your house
from up here.

l guess l'm glad Bandit didn't have rabies.

So, at least we know Ladybird
and Mr. Gribble will be okay.

HANK: That's right, Son.

-Thanks for building the cross.
-No problem, Bobby.

-l'm gonna say a few words now, Dad.
-l understand.

[Bobby churring]

HANK: Amen,

[Gentle instrumental music]

HANK: Say, Bobby,
l know this won't be for a while...

but when Ladybird dies,
how about if l let you pick our next pet.

BOBBY: Really? Okay.
l'm gonna get a possum.

HANK: No. No possums.
BOBBY: An ostrich then.

HANK: l was thinking
more of a traditional pet, Bobby.

HANK: Like another dog.
BOBBY: Okay.

BOBBY: Can i get a poodle?

DALE: So long, suckers,
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