01x11 - Caillou's Furry Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x11 - Caillou's Furry Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

Mommy: you're getting to be
a big boy!

♪ I'm just a kid who's four

♪ Each day,
I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring

♪ I'm caillou

♪ So many things to do

♪ Each day is something new

♪ I'll share them with you

♪ I'm caillou

♪ My world is turning

♪ Changing each day

♪ With mommy and daddy

♪ And finding my way

♪ Growing up is not so tough

♪ Except when I've had enough

♪ But there's lots
of fun stuff ♪

♪ I'm caillou

♪ Caillou

♪ Caillou

♪ I'm caillou

That's me!

And me.

And me.

And me.

Ah, there, it fits

Wow, wow!

I guess.
What does it do?

It doesn't do

Oh, my very own
pet dinosaur!



Uh, pet?

Come along.

Come on.


Oh, rexy, I'm sorry.

You were supposed to
follow me.


Oh, dino-sneeze!
Look out!





Are you okay?

Oh, it's not my fault.

Dinosaurs sneeze that way.

Oh, you could be catching
a cold.

This is serious.

It is?

A sick pet
goes to the vet.



Good pet owners
take their pets to the vet.

Caillou took me.

I have to take you!




[ Purring ]

Caillou: I can't find him
anywhere, mommy.

It was time to take
gilbert to the vet

For his regular checkup.

Where are you?

You bad cat!

But gilbert was missing.

Father: I can't see the box
anywhere, honey.

Are you sure
it's down here?

Did you find gilbert,

No, daddy.

And I can't find
his box.

Look what I found.

When gilbert saw his box,

He knew that meant
he would be going in the car,

And gilbert didn't like
going in the car.

[ Meow ]

Gilbert doesn't want
to go to the vet.

I know, but he has to,
he needs a checkup.

A checkup?

Like when I go
to the doctor?


The veterinarian
is gilbert's doctor.

Caillou: it's okay,

I'll look after you.


Gilbert got out
of the box!

Okay, don't worry.
Everything's under control.

I hope.

[ Gilbert crying ]

I can see his tail.

Bad cat, gilbert!

He's not really
a bad cat.

He's just scared.

He doesn't like
riding in the car.

[ Meow ]

Silly gilbert.
I love riding in the car.

Gilbert was back in his box

And they were
on their way again.

By the way, caillou,

Just how did gilbert
get out of his box?

I just wanted
to pet him.

That was nice of you,

But let's leave him
in the box from now on.




Hi, caillou.
What are you doing here?

Gilbert is having
his checkup.

[ Meow ]

Ollie's here
to have his teeth cleaned.

He has to stay overnight.

Did you bring
his toothbrush?

No, silly.

He doesn't have
a toothbrush.

Dr. Orangeville has to
clean his teeth for him.

[ Arf ]

[ Arf ]

[ Meow ]

[ Grrrr ]

[ Whimpering ]

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Good, everything's fine here.

And now I have to give gilbert
his sh*ts.

Is it going to hurt?

Not very much,
and it will make sure

He stays healthy
for a whole year.

How would you like
to help me, caillou?

Just pet gilbert
and keep him calm.

Don't worry, gilbert.

[ Meow ]

There, all done.

That wasn't so bad
now, was it?

Come back!

Oh, no, not again.

Hey, if you don't like
going to the vet,

Then why did you want
to take me?

Well, that's how you take care
of sick pets.

You take them
to the animal doctor.

a prehistoric reptile.

Oh, what's that?
What's that?

A dinosaur.


Is going to the vet

The only way
to take care of pets?


Oh! Good!

Ha ha ha!

[ Purring ]

Jamie has a cat
named cookie.

Jamie brushes cookie
and gives him good cat food

To help him grow.

Jamie: cookie!

Cats love to cuddle.

[ Purring ]

Even small animals
need to exercise.

He sure likes to run.

Don't forget --

Good food
to keep him healthy.

Jordan has a bigger pet.

Chance the dog!

Chance goes to a vet
for a checkup.

Big teeth.

The vet makes sure that chance
is healthy and well.

Boom-boom, boom-boom.

Chance gets a treat
for being such a good dog.

Philip has
an even bigger pet.

[ Horse whinnies ]

Mocha is a horse.

He's so big,
he lives in a barn.

Philip brushes mocha, too,
to keep him clean.

Horses are great pets

You get to ride them.

[ Meow ]

An elephant would be
the biggest pet.

Of course,
you wouldn't want one

Sleeping at the end
of your bed.

[ Whinny ]

Ha ha!

I like being a pet...

Except for the vet part.

Oh, you know it!

A dinosaur would make
a very good pet,

Don't you think?


[ Sigh ]

Yes, a pet gets to do
whatever they want,

And you have to look
after them, right?

You have to take
good care of them

And keep them safe.

Oh, that feels good!
Oh, I like that!



And sometimes you
have to rescue them.

Huh? Rescue?

Caillou was having fun
pretending to be a lion tamer.

The only problem was,
he couldn't

Get his lion to cooperate.

Come on, gilbert!

[ Meow ]

Like this.



[ Meow ]

[ Meow ]

Come back!

Ha ha!
There you are!

[ Ruff ruff ]

[ Ruff ruff ruff ]

Caillou was a little scared
by the dog.

But gilbert
was much more afraid.

Caillou: gilbert!

Come down, gilbert!

The dog is gone now!

[ Meow ]

Look, it's your favorite

He was so high up
in the tree,

Caillou worried
that gilbert might fall.

Caillou: oh, no!

Daddy! Help!

[ Meow ]

This ladder isn't tall enough
to reach gilbert.

We have to get him down!

And we will.

But we have to get help from
someone with a taller ladder.

[ Sniff sniff ]

[ Siren ]

Caillou sure was excited
to see the fire fighters

In their big red truck.

Eric, is that you?

It sure is.


Long time, no see.

Do you know my daddy?

Caillou was impressed that
daddy knew a fire fighter.

I sure do.

Your dad and I used to play
together when we were kids.

My name is eric.
What's yours?


It's nice to meet you,

Now, let's get your kitty
down from the tree.

[ Gilbert meowing ]

Okay, stacey,
let's set the ladder up.

We'll have him down
in a jiffy.

You don't mind if I
borrow this, do you?


[ Gilbert meowing ]

There you are, gilbert.

Come here.

Look what I've got.

Caillou was amazed at how high
the fire truck ladder could go.

Up, up, and up...

He could never climb
as high as stacey could.

[ Meowing ]


Caillou: yay!

[ Gilbert purring ]


Thank you so much.

My pleasure.

Can I look

Inside the truck?

I have a better idea.

Why don't you come to
the fire station for a tour?

If that's okay
with your daddy.

Can we?

That would be fun!

Can we ride in the truck?

Ha ha! No problem.


what does this button do?

That one rings the fire bell
on top of the truck.

Go ahead, caillou, push it.

[ Siren wails and horn honks ]

Ha ha!
Ha ha!

I can do it myself,

Caillou wanted to be
a big boy

And get out of the truck
like his father and eric.

But it wasn't as easy
as he thought.

It's a little too far down,

Let me help you.

This is where we keep
our coats and boots.

It's important
to have them ready

So we can move quickly
in an emergency.

These boots are really big,
and heavy!

Ha ha! Why don't you
try one on for size?

Caillou: ugh! Ugh!

Maybe you're not
quite big enough

To fill
a fire fighter's boots.

Ha ha!

It's also very important

To keep the truck
in tiptop shape at all times.

[ Ruff ruff ]

I see sparky is giving you

The official
fire station welcome.

What's a doggie doing here?

Sparky works here.
He's a fire dog.

He sniffs out fires to make sure
that we've put them all out.

[ Ruff ]

[ Ruff ruff ruff ]

This is sparky's
favorite game.

Why don't you play
with him, caillou?

[ Ruff ]

Ha ha ha!

When we're upstairs
and the alarm goes off,

We just slide down
this pole,

And presto,
we're ready for action.

It's really high!

Oh, you get used to it!

When I first started,
I found it a bit scary,

But, you know,
with a little practice,

It doesn't bother me



[ Alarm rings ]

Oh, we've got to go.

Duty calls.

Come back soon!

I think you have a little
fire fighter on your hands.

[ Sirens blaring ]

Caillou thought the pole
seemed awfully high.

He wasn't so sure he could
ever slide down that pole.

But daddy knew the perfect
place for caillou to practice.


Ha ha!


Very good.

Keep up the practice,
and you'll be

A fire fighter
in no time.

Don't worry, gilbert,

Fire fighter caillou
will rescue you.

I saved you.

Aren't you glad
I'm a fire fighter?

[ Purring ]

Exercise is important
for everybody.


I should do more.

Exercise keeps the pet
well and happy.

See how fit and well
I am?

And I'm happy!

[ Sigh ]

Good pet owners give
their pets healthy exercise

As often as they can.

Good idea.

And I want to be the best
pet owner

In the whole wide world,
just like caillou.

I need to exercise
my pet.

Time for a walk.




[ Sigh ]

Right now,
I feel like a snooze.

But it's walk time.

[ Snoring ]

Looks to me
like it's snooze time.

Yeah, and if you think it's hard
to wake a cat up...

[ Rexy snoring ]

[ Sigh ]

♪ If I had a pet

♪ Then it would be a dog, cat,
turtle, pig, fish ♪

♪ Parrot, rabbit,
hamster, pony ♪

♪ Pardon me,
what did you say? ♪

♪ I don't think pets
come that way ♪

♪ It wouldn't be a caterpillar,
I just know ♪

♪ And it would not be
a rhinoceros to go! ♪

♪ It wouldn't be a lion
'cause he's too tough ♪

♪ And it wouldn't be
a billy goat, he's too gruff ♪


♪ If I had a pet

♪ Then it would be a dog, cat,
turtle, pig, fish ♪

♪ Parrot, rabbit,
hamster, pony ♪

♪ Pardon me,
what did you say? ♪

♪ I don't think pets
come that way ♪

♪ It wouldn't be a snail
'cause they're too small ♪

♪ And it would not be a giraffe
'cause they're too tall ♪

♪ A whale would never
fit in the tub ♪

♪ And you never, never touch
a baby bear cub ♪

♪ It wouldn't be a hippo,
no way for that ♪

♪ And it wouldn't be
a hairy, screeching bat ♪

♪ It wouldn't be a porcupine,
too prickly ♪

♪ And it wouldn't be a shark
from the deep blue sea ♪

No way!

♪ If I had a pet

♪ Then it would be a dog, cat,
turtle, pig, fish ♪

♪ Parrot, rabbit,
hamster, pony ♪

♪ And I'll just bet
you'll want one like me ♪

♪ A dog, cat,
turtle, pig, fish ♪

♪ Parrot, rabbit,
hamster, pony ♪

♪ Dog, cat,
turtle, pig, fish ♪

♪ Parrot, rabbit,
hamster, pony ♪

Rexy, did you tell gilbert

That you don't want
to be his pet anymore?

Shh! Shh! Shh!

I've changed my mind.

About what?

About being a pet.

You have?


I like it.

I get to play,
be petted,

Scratched behind
the ears.

And he gets to do
all the work.

And the best part is,
he thinks it's fun,

And I do, too.

Watch this.

Wake up!


I am your pet,
and I want to go for a walk.



Oh, I never realized

How much work it is
to have a pet.

I think I'd rather be
a pet than have one.

[ Meow ]

B-but I thought, uh...


Um, um...



Do you want a cute
little dinosaur pet?

Don't look at me,

I'm just a teddy bear,
a toy.

Oh, and I'm just a dinosaur
that nobody wants.

Caillou: mommy!

Did you see teddy
and my dinosaur?

Good thing caillou
wants me.

Yeah, good thing.

[ Sigh ]

Ha ha!
Friends make smiles happen!


Oh, oh.

Oh, teddy, teddy.


Teddy, teddy,
I got it, I got it.

Okay, let's pretend
that I'm a lost doggie

And I don't know
my way home,

And you find me.

Oh, I'll give you
a big hug

And I'll take you home.

Okay. Let's put on
the costumes, okay?

All right, here's one.

Oh, woof, woof, woof!

I can't find my way home.

I'm lost!


Oh, hello, little lost dog.

Oh, hello.

I was just following
a butterfly and --

And now I can't find
my way home.

Oh, well, maybe I can
help you.

I'll probably never
see my owner again.

Oh, he was so nice
to me.

[ Sigh ]

I'll have no place to live
if I can't go home.

Well, I could --

No one will care about me!

No one will notice me

Well, you could
come with me!

No more dog food!

Only scraps.

Stale banana peels.

I never liked them.

And one day...

Yes, but I'm
right here, and...

One day I'll be helpless
and homeless,

A dog all alone!


People will kick me when
I sniff through garbage.


And I'd never sleep.

I'll never sleep...

It's okay, it's okay.
It's all over.

It's all over.
Good puppy.

Oh, but I was just
getting started.

I think next time
I'll be the lost dog.

Okay, caillou,
remember what I told you.

Keep your eyes
on the ball.

I got it!

That's okay.
Just take your time.


Give me my ball!

Come back!

Daddy, help!

He's got my ball!

Ha ha! Gotcha!

He has a collar
so he must belong to someone.

Well, we've looked a long time

And no one seems to know
whose dog this is.

He's all alone?

He must be lost.

He's a scruffy little guy,
isn't he?

We can call him scruffy!

Oh, could I keep him,
daddy, please?

I'm sorry, caillou, but this dog
probably belongs to someone

Who misses him very much.


I'll tell you what,

We can help find
his owner, how's that?


Caillou was sad.

He wanted to keep the dog
all to himself.

Anybody home?

Who's this?

I found him!
His name is scruffy.

He was lost
in the park.

I thought we could
help find his owner.


[ Meow ]

[ Ruff ]

Scruffy, no!

[ Meow ]


[ Meow ]

What a mess.

Why don't you two take him
outside and clean him up?

Time to rinse him off.

[ Ruff ruff ]

Look out!

It was time to look
for scruffy's owner,

So daddy decided
to take his picture

To put on a poster.

Smile, scruffy.


Now we just
have to make copies

And buy some dog food
on our way home.

What if no one calls,

Can I keep him?

We'll see.

Taking care of a dog
is a big job.

[ Telephone rings ]


Yes, uh-huh.

That's him.
Great, see you then.

That was scruffy's owner.

She saw your poster and is
coming over to pick him up.

[ Doorbell rings ]


She's been so sad
since we lost rocky.

I'm so glad
you found him.

It was caillou who found him,
right, caillou?

Do you have a dog?

No, but I have a cat.
His name is gilbert.

You're lucky.

I wanted a cat, too,
but my dad is allergic.

Time to go, sweetie.

I'm so happy you
found him.

Thanks for taking care
of rocky for me.

Even though caillou was sad
that scruffy was leaving,

He was very proud
that he had helped.


Bye! Bye!

[ Meow ]



[ Woof woof ]


Here, puppy, puppy,

[ Woof woof woof ]

Hmm, where is he?



No, no puppy in there.


Where are you?

[ Woof woof woof ]

Hm, now, if I was a lost puppy,
where would I be?


Here, puppy, puppy,
come here.

[ Aroooo ]

That sounds like a hound dog
in need of a hug!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!


I think someday we're going
to have to have hug lessons.

It's a good thing teddy bears
are full of stuffing.

Teddy, I just love
being a puppy.

Ha ha!


♪ If you had a puppy

♪ Would you give him
your love? ♪

♪ Would you go bananas

♪ On a cold winter day?

♪ Would you feed him

♪ And brush him?

♪ Would you play
fetch with him? ♪

♪ If you had a puppy

♪ How would you play?


[ Horn honks ]

Deon's got
a new puppy -- snuggles.

He's so lucky.

I think snuggles
likes to play.

Good boy!

Good boy, come on.

Puppies are
fun to play with.

But you also have to
take good care of them.

They need lots of
good food and water.

Come, boy, come, boy.

sure likes that,

But I prefer

Yeah, me, too.

Snuggles! Snuggles!
Look what I got.

A hair brush?

it's important

To keep your puppy
brushed and clean.

Come here.

You have to teach
your puppy, too.

I'm not sure snuggles

Feels like learning
right now.



Stand up.
Stand up, snuggles.

Most important is
that puppies

Love to be loved.

Ha ha! I think puppies
like slippers.


Puppies love to play

With anything
they can chew on.


Ready, rexy?


Ha ha ha!

Oh, good boy.
Good boy.

There we are.

Again, teddy, again.


Go fetch it.

Teddy, good throw.

Go fetch it.

I'll go get it,

Oh, my.

Dinosaurs and dogs
have something in common.

They both love
fetching sticks.

Not a teddy bear thing
to do.

No, teddy bears are a little
less energetic.

[ Woof woof ]

Oh, easy boy!
Easy boy!

[ Woof woof woof ]

Whoa! Whoa!

Ha ha!

Oh, my.

Dinosaurs really love
play acting, don't they?

Caillou and his mommy

Were on their way
to play ball in the park.

What's that?

You've heard that before,

I know, it's to tell us
when it's safe to cross.

Excuse me.

I'm looking
for the dog run.

I know where it is.

You do?

The park is just over there.
You can't miss it.

Thank you.

[ Woof woof ]

Every time caillou went
to the park,

He liked to look at the map
and decide which way to go.

I want to go this way.

Mother: okay.

[ Dogs barking ]

[ Ruff ruff ]


It's okay, don't worry,
they won't bite you.

[ Panting ]

You have two dogs?

Oh, no, I'm a dog walker.
That's my job.

Caillou thought
being a dog walker

Sounded like a great job.

I'm taking these guys
to the dog run.

It's here.

I'm going there.

[ Dogs bark ]

Maybe we'll see you later.

[ Dogs barking ]

Ugh! Ugh!

[ Dogs barking ]

Hee hee hee!

Hee hee!

Hold still, guys!

Is there anything
we could do to help?

I don't think so.

That was pretty funny,
wasn't it?

[ Caillou giggles ]

Boy: coming through!

[ Dog barking ]

[ Ruff ruff ]


Neat, huh?

His name is dylan.
He can shake hands.

Want to try?

Hi, dylan.
I'm caillou.

Why don't you
throw that for him?

He's pretty good
at catching balls, too.

[ Barking ]


Yay, dylan!

Here you go.


Hee hee!

Pretty gross, huh?

Catch ya later, dude.

[ Ruff ruff ]

I think you'd better
wipe it with this, honey.


A little farther on,
caillou's mommy

Met an old friend of hers
named barbara.

And you must be

I like your dog.

His name is maxwell.

Hi, maxwell.

Can I play with him?

You can pet him.

Will he bring
my ball back?

I'm sorry, caillou,

But I can't let him
play ball with you.

[ Gasp ]

Maxwell is
a very special dog.

He has work to do.


Yes. He helps me.

What does he do?

Well, caillou, I'm blind,

And maxwell
is my guide dog.


My friend barbara
can't see.

[ Gasp ]

So maxwell's job
is to see for me.

Caillou was surprised to learn

That dogs had jobs to do
just like grownups.

Would you like to see
how he helps me?

Barbara is blind,

That means she can't
see you nodding your head.

So if you would like to see
how maxwell does his job,

You have to tell me.

Okay, yes.

Yes, please!

This is maxwell's harness.

I hold on to it and he
leads me everywhere.

Caillou loved seeing
how maxwell showed barbara

Which way to go.

[ Barking ]

What's maxwell doing
now, caillou?

He's sitting.

When he sits down,

He's telling me
it's not safe to walk.


[ Dogs barking ]

Come back here!

Please stop!
Come back!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!

Caillou discovered that maxwell
was a smart dog.

A very smart dog.

Caillou knew
that sound meant

It was safe to cross
the street.

We can go.

But maxwell knew it wasn't
completely safe

To cross just yet.

[ Siren ]

[ Gasp ]

Good boy, maxwell.

Good boy, maxwell.
Way to go.

[ Woof woof ]

Dogs sure
run fast.

They love to run.

They love chasing
balls and sticks, too.

And they even love
to go for a walk.

Dogs play ball.


Come on, boy!

Peanut can dance!

And spirit is good
at shaking paws.

And everybody loves
to be patted.

♪ Be good to your puppy

♪ Be good to your puppy

♪ And he'll love you forever

♪ Love you forever

♪ He'll walk right beside you

♪ He'll walk right beside you

♪ And be sad when you're gone

♪ Sad when you're gone

♪ He'll lick you
and cuddle ♪

♪ He'll be a happy dog

♪ Be good to your puppy

♪ He'll love you

♪ On and on

♪ And on and on and on

♪ And on and on

♪ And on and on

[ Snoring ]


Oh, teddy, let's pretend
the sun comes up

And the dogs wake up.

It's a new day.

Oh, the little dog

Looks out the window.

And the big dog
looks out the window.


[ Gasp ]

And the little dog
sees a squirrel!

Oh, and the big dog
sees a squirrel.

Dogs really like to bark at
squirrels, don't they, teddy?

Yes, they do!

Woof woof!

Woof woof!


Bark bark bark bark!

On my property?

Woof woof woof!







Hi, gilbert.

I hate dogs!

We were just playing.

Yes, well, why don't you
play cats?

They're purrrrrfectly

Well, because we have
the best cat

In the whole wide world
to play with

Right here!

Huh? Oh!

Oh, my!

Oh, well!

I guess if I had to spend
some time with dogs,

You two would be
the best.

Ha ha ha!

Caillou: got to go.

See you next time!
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