01x05 - Caillou, The Everyday Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x05 - Caillou, The Everyday Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

- You're getting to
be a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's

♪ Each day I grow some more

♪ I like exploring,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do

♪ Each day is something new

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm Caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ My world is turning

♪ Changing each day

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough

♪ Except when I've had enough

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, Caillou

♪ I'm Caillou, Ha! Ha! Ha!

♪ That's me!

Caillou and his family were
having dinner.

Everybody was eating.

Everybody except Rosie.

[ Meow! ]

[ Meow! ]

- [Mom]: Please finish your
supper, sweetie.

[ Rosie's whining ]
- [Dad]: What's wrong, Rosie?

- Look Rosie,
I'm all done.

- You haven't eaten a thing.

- Rosie not hungry.

[ Meow! ]

- But spaghetti is yummy!


[ Rosie cries ]

- Caillou wondered why his
little sister was so upset.

- And the Mommy and
Daddy watched

the baby bird flap his wings
and fly all by himself!

They thought the baby bird was
getting to be a big boy.

I mean, a big bird.

The end.

- That was a very good story
Caillou. Thank you.

- Tweet-tweet! Look daddy,
I'm a baby bird!


- And I am the daddy bird coming
to take the little bird
back to his nest.

[ Squawks ]
[ Laughing ]

- Do it again!

- Ah-ha, now its time for baby
bird to go to sleep.

- Aw, I wanted to tell
you another story.

- You can tell me another story.

- Really?

- Sure. Tomorrow night.

[ Rosie's crying ]

- Is Rosie okay?
She's still crying

and she didn't even eat
her spaghetti.

- She'll be all right.
Her teeth are growing in,

and that can hurt.

- My teeth don't hurt.

- No, but when you were small
like Rosie they did.

- Really?
- Yup.

- Maybe I can cheer Rosie up.

- Maybe you can help, Caillou.

See if you can get her
to fall asleep.

- Okay!

[ Rosie is crying ]

- Caillou didn't like hearing
his little sister cry.

He wanted to make her
feel better.

- Caillou!

- Shhh Rosie!

Can't you fall asleep?

Just try closing your eyes.

- Caillou tried to think what
his mommy would do.

- Do you want me to sing
you a song?

- Caillou sing song!

- ♪ Rock-a-bye, Rosie,
in the tree top ♪

♪ You have to go to sleep cause
it's night time ♪

♪ Dad says your teeth hurt

♪ I hope you feel better soon

♪ So rock-a-bye Rosie,
go to sleep now ♪

- Caillou was very proud
of his song.

But Rosie wasn't
falling asleep.

- Sing more.

- No, Rosie,
you have to sleep now.

[ Crying ]

- Then Caillou had
another idea.

- Just a minute, Rosie.


- Caillou thought a special toy

might help his little sister
fall asleep.

He just had to find the
right one.

- Ha, ha!

My very favourite!

Here, Rosie,
you can borrow my fire truck.

[ Siren ]

- No!

[ Crying ]

[ Door opening ]
- It's okay, mommy!

It was just my fire truck.

[ Meow! ]

- Oh Gilbert, it's only you!

[ Meow! ]

Come and lay down with Rosie.
[ Meow! ]

- See? Gilbert's going
to sleep

so you have to go to
sleep too, okay?

- Rosie want bunny!

- Okay Rosie.


- But Bunny was nowhere
to be found.

- I can't find bunny.

How about your kangaroo instead?

- No!
[ Meow! ]

- Suddenly Caillou remembered
where he'd last seen

Rosie's bunny.

- I'll be right back.

[ Toy sound ]
- Ah...

[ Meow! ]

- Shh, Gilbert!

[ Giggles ]

[ Meow! ]

- Hum?

[ Meow! ]

Rosie's bunny!

Thanks, Gilbert!

[ Sniff! Sniff! ]

- Bunny!

- I'm gonna tell you a story to
help you go to sleep.

Hmm... Let's see.


One day Rosie and Caillou

went to the fair
and took a ride

on the big merry-go-round,
on a kangaroo!

[ Giggles ]


[ Giggles ]

Hold on tight, Rosie!

- Whee!
Kanga-wou fun!

- [Caillou]: The kangaroo took
Rosie and Caillou

all around the fair.

Then the kangaroo jumped really,
really high!

Look, Rosie!
We're flying like birds!

- Rosie, Caillou flying!!!

- [Caillou]: Flying in the sky
was a lot of fun.

They flew all the way up to
the stars.

- Ooooh! Shiny!

- Wow! Look at that!

- Pretty!

[ Yawning ]

- [Caillou]: Rosie was
getting tired...

...so the kangaroo took
them back home.

Rosie and Caillou waved goodbye
to their new friend
the kangaroo...

...and went to bed.

The end.

- Caillou was glad he had
helped Rosie fall asleep.

And now he was feeling
very sleepy too.

- Goodnight, Rosie.

Sweet dreams.

- Goodnight, big
brother Caillou.

Caillou, the firefighter.

- [Children]: Woo ooo!

Woo ooo!

[ Laughing ]

- Stop! I'm a stop sign!


[ Laughing ]

Can I wear your
hat, Caillou?

- But I want to
wear it now.

- [Miss Martin]: Attention!

Time to clean up everyone.

It's just about time for our
special visitor.

- Caillou felt bad about not
letting Leo wear his hat,

but he really wanted to wear it
for their special visitor.

- It's mine!

- No, it's mine!

- I had it first!

- I had it first!

- Come on!
Give it to me!

- No way, it's mine.

- Then Caillou remembered what
Miss Martin

always told them about sharing
and taking turns.

- Jason, why don't you let
Jeffrey have it for a while?

- Psst! Leo! Over here!

We can take turns. I'll wear
my hat for a little bit

and then you wear it, okay?

- Okay!
Thanks Caillou!

- [Miss Martin]: Children,

does everyone know what
a smoke detector is?

- Hmm?
- Uh-huh.

- A smoke detector beeps

to tell us if there's smoke
in the air.

Why is this important to know?

- Because if there's smoke that
means there's a fire somewhere!

- Right! We have a smoke
detector in our classroom.

Can you find it?

[ Children are giggling ]

- Where is it?
I can't find it.

- Smoke rises up,

so where should a smoke
detector be?

- Hum?

There it is!
- I see it!

- It's on the ceiling!

- It's up there!
- Yeah!

- Well done!
[ Door opening ]

Our visitor is here! Everyone
sit down please.

Children, say good morning
to the Fire Chief!

- [Children]: Good morning!

- Hello everybody!

I see we already have four
firefighters in the class.

[ The children are laughing ]

I like your hats.

Mine can be a bit heavy.

- Whoa!

[ Chuckles ]

- Today we'll practice

what to do if there's a fire
in the school.

Does anyone know what
that's called?

- A fire drill!

- Right! Now first of all,

fires don't happen very often
if everyone is careful.

But a fire can be dangerous

so we all need to know what
to do if one starts.

Today we're going to test
the fire alarm.

Whenever you hear it you should
stop everything you're doing

and leave the school.

It's very, very...
- Loud!

- Would you like to hear how
loud it is?

- [Children]: Yeah!

- Get ready, here it comes!

[ Fire alarm ]

- Was that loud enough for you?

- [All]: Yeah!

- So we've heard the alarm.

Now we need to get outside
quickly and carefully.

Could I have some help from
our four firefighters?

- Caillou wanted to help the
Fire Chief, but he remembered

that Leo wanted a turn wearing
the hat too.

- Here Leo,
you can be a helper.

- Thanks Caillou!

- Okay Leo, give me your hand.

Now everyone hold
hands in a line.

- It's important to be very
quiet as we go.

- Ready? Let's go!

- Wow!

- [Children]: Wow!

- Good work everybody!

I've got a friend in here
who is very anxious

to meet all of you.

[ Whistling ]
[ Barking ]

- It's a dog!
- Yeah!
- He's cute!

- This is Sparky.

Come on boy, come meet
my friends!

[ Laughing ]

- Would you like to see him
do a trick?

- [Children]: Yeah!

- Sparky, speak!

[ Barking ]
[ Laughs ]

- Good boy!

Now how would you like
to be the first to sit
in the truck?

- Can Caillou come too?

- Sure! There's room
for two.

- Yay!

[ Giggles ]

It's too big.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

[ Making siren noises ]

- Would you like to
sound the siren?

- Yes please!

- Now get ready because this
siren is very,

very loud. It has to tell all
the cars on the road

to pull over and let the
fire truck through.


[ Siren ]
- Ooh!

- Do it again, Caillou!

- It's Leo's turn.

- [Children]: Yeah!

[ Siren ]

[ Giggles ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Siren ]

- Here we come in our
big red truck!

Move out of the way!

We're in a hurry!

[ Meow! ]

Sparky, speak.

[ Barking ]

- [Children]: Yeah!

- I'm going to be a firefighter
when I grow up!

- Well, we would be very happy
to have someone like you
on the team!

Thank you.

Who wants to be next?

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Here Caillou. It's your
turn to wear it now.

- Thanks Leo.

- I'm going to be a firefighter
when I grow up too!

[ Making siren noises ]
[ Giggles ]

- Caillou thought that he and
his best friend Leo

would be a great
firefighting team.

[ Children making siren noises ]

[ Barking ]

- Whoa!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Sparky!

Bring that back!

[ Laughter ]

- Caillou the fireman.

[ Fire alarm ]
- Oh-oh! I hear the fire alarm.

- ♪ Caillou's here to save
the day ♪

- ♪ I'm Caillou, the fireman

- ♪ If you need help,
help is on the way ♪

- ♪ I'm Caillou, the fireman

♪ I wear a hat and
special clothes ♪

- ♪ And he knows how to use
a water hose ♪

- ♪ I drive a bid red truck with
a siren that's loud ♪

- ♪ He's Caillou, the fireman

- ♪ I waved to the crowd and
my mom is so proud! ♪

- ♪ He's Caillou, the fireman

- ♪ Even my dog gets to
come along ♪

- ♪ A fireman is brave and
a fireman is strong ♪

- ♪ A smoke alarm is important
- That's true! ♪

- ♪ I akways check to see that
the batteries are new ♪

- ♪ If you see fire or
smell smoke ♪

- ♪ Get out fast,
cause it's no joke! ♪

- ♪ Call a real fireman

- ♪ Call a real fireman

- Oh look, it's only Mister
Hinkle and his barbecue.

Oops! Sorry Mister Hinkle!

- Caillou to the rescue.

- Guess what Gilbert?
Leo's coming over!

[ Meow! ]

I'm gonna show him the car
Grandpa gave me!

It used to belong to daddy!

It's in here somewhere.

[ Meow! ]

Here it is!

[ Meow! ]
[ Laughing ]

Gilbert! The toy box is
for toys, not cats!

[ Meow! ]

- Dolly hide!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

[ Meow! ]

Hide an' see!

Caillou play hide an' see!

- Not right now, Rosie.

Leo's coming over
to play cars.

- Dolly hide!

[ Rosie's giggling ]

Rosie play too!

- [Caillou]: Vroom! Vroom!

Not right now, Rosie.

[ Purring ]

[ Giggles ]

[ Meowing ]

- Rosie play cars!

- No Rosie.

You're not big enough
to play with these cars.

- Rosie big!

- Not big like that.

You have to be big like me.

- Rosie help Caillou!

- Rosie!

- Caillou, like many
big brothers,

didn't like it when his little
sister messed up his toys.

- Now I have to start
all over.

[ Ding-dong! ]

Leo's here!

[ Giggles ]
- [Mom]: Caillou!

- Hi Leo! Guess what?

My grandpa gave me a car that
used to belong to my daddy!

- Wow! It must be really old!

[ Giggling ]

- Uh-huh! And it has
doors that open!

- Can I see?

- Sure, come on.

- Hey! Rosie, where are
my cars?

- I bet we can find them.

[ Giggling ]

- Cars hiding.

- Where?
[ Rosie is laughing ]

I think I know where
to look...

We have to rescue
those cars!

- It's gonna be
a big job!

- I know how we can get
them out - follow me!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Under here, Leo.

You get the other one.

- It's stuck.

- I'll help you.

[ Meowing ]

Hey! Ha! Ha! Gilbert!

[ Laughing ]

- Gilbert! That tickles!

Got it! Rescue team
is ready for action!

- Hide an' see!

[ Meow! ]

Rosie play too.

[ Meow! ]

[ Giggling ]

[ Meow! ]

- Vroom! Vroom!

[ Leo making
engine noises ]

- Vroom! Vroom!

[ Engine noises ]

- All done!

Now we can get the cars out.

- Okay! Hook me up!

- All set!

- The car grandpa gave me
is still missing...

...so's the red one and the one
with the black stripe.

- Let's use the crane!

Here they are!

- Now they're all safe.

This is the one that used
to be daddy's.

- What have you two
been up to?

- All these cars were trapped
in the rocks

and we rescued them!

- That sounds like hard work.

You must be hungry. How about
something to eat?

- [Both]: Yes please!

- Okay, then...

while the two of you tidy
this place up,

I'll go and fix you a snack.

[ Making engine noises ]

- [Leo]: Beep! Beep! Beep!

[ Making engine noises ]

- [Mom]: Caillou!
- Let's go eat!

Rescuing cars is fun.

- Yeah! I liked pulling
them out with the crane.

[ Both making engine noises ]

[ Giggles ]

- Rosie play too!

- Not now, Rosie.

[ Rosie is giggling ]

What are you doing with
my car, Rosie?

- Rosie play car too?

- Caillou wasn't very happy
about Rosie playing with
his cars...

...but then he remembered
how much fun

he and Leo had rescuing them.

- Do you want to do another
rescue, Leo?

- Yeah!
- Rosie, can you hide
my cars again?

[ Giggles ]

- Rosie hide car!

- Rosie could help us
with the rescue.

- Yeah, she can drive
the tow truck!

- Come on, Leo!

We've got some more rescuing
to do!

[ Leo is making
engine noises ]

[ Giggles ]

[ Leo is making
engine noises ]

It was a beautiful summer day,

and Caillou's Mommy was taking

him to playschool.

- Swoooooosh!!

- What are you doing,

- I'm climbing up a mountain and
sliding down again!

- Ooh, that's very
adventurous of you!

You must be very brave.

- I am! Swooosh!
[ Mom laughing ]

- Well, Mr. Mountain
Climber - here we are!

- Good morning! Are you ready

for our trip to the pool,

- Hee! Ha! Ha! Yeah!
[ Laughter ]

- I'll see you later.
Have fun!

[ Big noisy hug ]
- I will!

Bye, Mommy!

- Caillou was very excited
about going swimming.

It was his favourite thing
to do on a hot day.

- Red light!
That means stop!

- Very good, Caillou.
[ Ding! ]

- Green light!
Now we can go!

- That's right.
Everyone follow me.

[ Children all laughing ]

- Yahoo!
- Yay!

- [Caillou]: Race you
to the swings!
[ Leo laughing ]

- Caillou liked to swing up
as high as the birds.

- Hmm...

[ Clapping ]
All right, everyone!

It's time to go swimming!

- [Both]: Yay!

- Whoo-hoo!
- I love swimming!

- [Both]: Yeah!

- Look, Caillou.
A water slide!

- This is Mary,
our lifeguard.

She'll be helping
us out today.

Make sure you listen to her and
do what she tells you to do.

[ Laughter ]
- This will be fun!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- Guess what I am!
[ Glub glub glub! ]

- Hmm...

Hee! Ha! Ha! A fish!

- Right! Come on, let's
go on the slide!

[ Laughing ]
- Oh!...

- Caillou thought the slide
looked a little scary.

[ Laughing ]

- Whoa!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Your turn,

[ Laughing ]

- Whoo-hoo!

- You're next, Leo!
- Yay!

[ Glub glub glub! ]

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Wheeee!
Ha! Ha!

- Okay, Caillou!
Up you go.

- That was so fun!
I wanna go again!

[ Gasping ]

- Caillou thought it looked

like a very long way down
to the bottom!

He wasn't so sure he wanted
to slide down at all.

- Caillou?

It's okay if you don't want
to slide down.

Just climb down
the ladder again.

[ Children all laughing ]

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Have you ever been
on a water slide before?

- No.
- It can be a bit scary up there
the first time,

but you might like it
if you gave it a try!

You know, I used to be afraid
to go on the swings.

- Really?

- Uh-huh. I didn't like the idea
of swinging up so high.

- I like swinging
really high!

- Yes, I know.

I saw how much fun you
and Leo were having.

I liked the swings too,
once I tried them!

So maybe you'll like
the water slide,

if you give it a try.
What do you say?

- Okay.

- Caillou was still
a little bit afraid,

but he really wanted to give

the water slide another try.

- You're doing great, Caillou.

It'll be worth the climb,
you'll see!

- As Caillou went up
the ladder,

he imagined he was climbing
a huge mountain.

[ Straining ]

[ Bird cry ]

- Here I go!

Hee! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Yay! I did it!!

- Yes, you did!
And did you like it?

- Yeah!

Guess what I am!
[ Bloop bloop bloop! ]

[ Laughs ]

I've got lots of arms.

- An octopus!

- Right! Let's go
down the slide again!

- Okay!

I could go down
a million times!

- I could go down a million
billion times!

[ Both giggling ]

- Caillou...

- Hi, Mommy! I was afraid
to go on the water slide today.

But Miss Martin...

- Caillou told his mommy
all about the big water slide.

- So I pretended I was
climbing up a big mountain,

and I wasn't
afraid after that.

- Just like you were doing
in the car this morning!

That's my brave
little mountain climber!

- And now I could do it

a million billion
kajillion times!

- Caillou the sailor.

Mommy and Daddy were getting
dressed up to go out
to a party.

- Pretty Mommy!

- Thank you, sweetie.

[ Giggling ]

- Pretty Rosie!

- Who's going
to babysit us?

- Grandpa's coming over.

And he said
he's bringing a surprise.

- Caillou was excited
that Grandpa was coming.

- Hmm...

- He wondered what the surprise
could be.

[ Doorbell ]
[ Rosie giggling ]

- [Caillou]: Grandpa!
- [Rosie]: Grampa! Grampa!

- Hi Grandpa! Yay!
- Grampa!

- Hello, Caillou!
Hey, Rosie, my big girl!

Quick, back inside now.

It looks like a storm is
brewing out there.

- Rosie pretty!

- You certainly are,
Sweetie pie!

- What's in the bag, Grandpa?
Is that the surprise?

- The surprise? No, these
are just my dirty socks.

I thought you could
wash them for me.

- Hee! Ha!

Grandpa! You didn't bring
your dirty socks!

- I didn't?
Hey, you're right!

Come on, the two of you
go put on your pyjamas,

we can see what
I've really got in here.

- Grampa! Grampa!
Grampa! Grampa!

- A book about ships!

- Do you know what
he's looking through?

- It's for looking
at things far away.

- That's right. It's
called a telescope.

- Whoa! A real telescope!

I can see Gilbert!

He looks huge!

[ Meowing ]

This makes him
look really close!

- Goodnight Caillou!

Goodnight Rosie!

- Goodnight!
- Night night!

- Be good for Grandpa.

- We will!

- Rosie look!

- Caillou was afraid that Rosie
might drop the telescope.

- Here Rosie, I'll hold
it for you.

Close one eye
and look through it.

[ Giggling ]

[ Laughing ]

Not like that!
Just close one eye!

[ Giggling ]

- Grandpa read
to Caillou and Rosie

about sailing boats

and brave sailors
and the big blue sea.

- There's the Captain
on the bow.

The bow is
the front of the boat.

The back of the boat
is called the stern.

- Why is he yelling?

- He's giving orders
to the crew.

And when he gives an order,

the crew salutes and says:

"Aye aye Captain!".

- Aye aye Capa!

[ Giggling ]

- Would you like
to be my crew?

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

- All hands on deck!

- Aye, aye, Captain!

- Aye aye Capa!

[ Giggling ]

- Trim the sails!

- Aye aye Captain!

[ Giggling ]

[ Giggling ]

- Batten down the hatches!

- Aye aye Captain!

Batten down the hatches?

- Yes, when a storm is coming,

they have to shut all
the windows

so the water doesn't get in.

That's what that means.

[ Yawning ]

Is Rosie getting sleepy?

[ Yawning ]

- Look at him!

- He's climbing way up
there to fix the sails.

- Oh!

It must be scary
going up that high!

- I'll bet it is!

Those sailors must
have been very brave indeed.

What do you think, Rosie?

[Whispering]: Looks like
it's somebody's bedtime.

I'll be right back.

[ Thunder ]

- Caillou didn't like thunder.

He knew there was nothing
to be scared of,

but it was so loud,
it frightened him sometimes.

Caillou thought about the brave
Captain of the ship.

He wasn't afraid of thunder!

[ Dolphin cry ]

[ Wind blowing ]

- Looks like a storm's brewing.

[Shouting]: All hands on deck!

- Aye aye, Captain Caillou!

- Trim the sails!

- Aye aye, Captain Caillou!

[ Straining ]

- Batten down the hatches!

- Aye aye, Captain Caillou!

[ Door opening ]
[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

- Daddy!

- Hi honey.
Did you have fun with Grandpa?

- Uh-huh. He read us

a book about
ships and sailors.

He's putting Rosie to bed.

- And now it's
Captain Caillou's turn.

- Go on. We'll be
up in a minute.

- Hop on, I'll give you
a piggy back ride.

I hope the thunder
won't keep you awake.

- Captain Caillou
isn't afraid of thunder!

- I'm glad to hear it.

Good night Captain Caillou!

[ Giggling ]

- Good night, Grandpa!

- The thunder didn't scare
Caillou anymore.

Tonight he was the very brave

Captain Caillou!

- Sailing.

Ahoy mates.

Time to set sail.

♪ Come my friends,
and follow me ♪

♪ Come my friends,
we're off to the sea ♪

♪ With the hi-ho,
away we go ♪

♪ Sailors to the bow

♪ Hoist the sails,
catch the wind ♪

♪ We're really moving now

♪ Sailing, sailing

♪ Over the ocean blue

♪ Sailing, sailing

♪ Come and join Caillou's crew

I hope nobody gets seasick.

♪ Now if the wind picks up

♪ And a storm is near

♪ Don't be afraid,
'cause Caillou's here ♪

♪ I think I see a pirate ship

♪ We better make the turn

♪ Hey! Is that a whale I see

♪ Swimming off the stern

♪ Sailing, sailing

♪ Over the ocean blue

♪ Sailing, sailing

♪ Come and join Caillou's crew

Ahoy, mates. I see land!

- Caillou?
Time to get out of the bathtub.

- Okay, Mommy.

- Caillou and
the creepy crawlings.

It was a lovely peaceful
morning at Caillou's house.

- ♪ Dolly, dolly.

[ Meowing ]

- At least until Gilbert

decided to do
a little exploring.

[ Meowing ]

- Gilbert!


- Rosie!

- Yucky!

- What's yucky?

Oh, it's just
a little spider, honey.

- Spiders aren't yucky, Rosie.

I like spiders because
they've have eight legs!

- Yuck!

- Rosie isn't
very fond of bugs.

- Caillou liked insects.

He wanted to show Rosie that
they can be interesting
and fun.

Maybe then she
would like them too.

- Come on Rosie!

I'll draw all
the bugs I know for you,

and then maybe
you'll like them too!

- What a good idea!

And why don't you bring
your drawing things outside?

We can have a picnic.

- Okay!

- ♪ Picky-nic picky-nic!

- Come on Gilbert.
We're having a picnic!

[ Meowing ]

- Rosie too!

- Thank you.

[ Giggling ]

- One, two,






[ Giggling ]

See, Rosie?
This is a spider.

Isn't he cute?

- Bugs icky!


- That's a bug
and it's not icky.

It's called a ladybug.

Isn't she pretty?

- Pretty bug!

[ Meowing ]

[ Giggling ]

- I'll draw
a ladybug for you, Rosie.

- Lady-bug.

- Who's ready for lunch?

- I am!
- Me!

- Thank you!

- Thank oo!

[ Giggling ]

Gilbert tickling me!

- Gilbert isn't tickling you,
he's on the picnic table.

- Oooooh! Caillou!

- Its okay Rosie.
They're just ants,

they won't hurt you.

- Caillou knew the ants were
just looking for food.

- See how they go
in a straight line Rosie?

It's like the way we go
into playschool after recess.

- Oh!

- They're going to take
the food back home

and share it with
all the other ants.

- Mommy! Ants go home!

- That's right, honey.

- Miss Martin read us
a story about ants.

She said every ant has a job.

Some dig tunnels and
some take care of the babies.

- Oh!

- Wow! Look!

Here's another bug, Rosie.

[ Giggling ]
- Fuzzy!

- It's called
a caterpillar. Here.

- Caterpiggle.

[ Giggling ]

Caterpiggle tickles!

- Do you want to know what
I learned about caterpillars?

They go to sleep
and when they wake up...

They turn into butterflies!

- Flutterbye!

- You like butterflies,
don't you, Rosie?

- Uh-huh. Rosie like flutterbye!

[ Giggling ]


- Caillou thought about
what it would be like

to be as small as a bug.

- Ah! This is comfy!

Hello Mrs. Ladybug!

Hello ants!
May I have some apple please?

Thank you!

[ Rosie's giggling ]

- Wheeee!

- Rosie? Where are you?

- Rosie flying!

- Wow!
[ Giggling ]

- Rosie on a flutterbye!

- Here Rosie.

- Oooh! Flutterbye!

- Come on, you two.
You haven't finished your lunch.

- I think Rosie
likes bugs now.

- Good!

Thank you for teaching
us about insects, Caillou.

You sure know
a lot about them.

- Caillou was proud of what
he'd learned at playschool,

and he was glad that
he could teach

his little sister about bugs.

- Nice caterpiggle!

Look Gilbert!

[ Meowing ]

[ Laughing ]

Gilbert scaredy cat!

- I guess Gilbert doesn't
like bugs, huh Rosie?

Not like us.

- Silly Gilbert.

[ Meowing ]

[ Giggling ]

- Gilbert.

[ Meow ]

- Oof! Ha! You missed
again, Gilbert.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Want to play my game, grandpa?

- Sure do. Ha! Ha!

Here kitty, kitty. Come
and get it.

[ Gilbert's purring ]

Hmm, I guess Gilbert decided
the game's over.
[ Sigh ]

- Caillou was disappointed.

He didn't want the game
to be over.

- Oh!
- Suddenly he had an idea.

- Here kitty, kitty.
Come and get it.

- Meow! Meow!

Ha! Ha!
- Ha! Ha!

- Meow!
[ Meow ]
No, Gilbert.

- Caillou was upset
with Gilbert.

Gilbert wasn't doing what he
wanted him to do.

- Go away, Gilbert. I'm
the cat now.

- Oh, how about we take
a lemonade break?

- Okay, grandpa.

- All done.

Does Caillou
the cat want

his lemonade in
a glass or a bowl?

- Ha! Ha! Oh!

- Caillou noticed that Gilbert
didn't have any water
left in his bowl.

- Caillou, I was just kidding
about drinking out of a bowl.

- Ha! Ha! I know, grandpa.
This is for Gilbert.


- After their lemonade,
Caillou decided

to play outside while grandpa
had a little catnap.

- Zzz!

- Gilbert!

- Gilbert wasn't out
in the yard.

Maybe he was having a
catnap too.

- I heard you and grandpa had a
lot of fun this afternoon.

- Uh-huh. I was pretending
I was Gilbert.

[ Gasp ]

Daddy, where's Gilbert?

He's always here
for supper.

What if he's lost?
- Gilbert lost?

- I'm sure Gilbert is fine. He's
probably just outside.

Now come on you two. Time to
clean up and get ready for bed.

- Don't worry, I'll call Gilbert
in before I go to bed
tonight, okay?

- Okay, daddy.

- Gilbert! Here, kitty, kitty!

Gilbert? Hmm. Oh, chilly.

- Daddy! Where's Gilbert?

- I don't know. He didn't come
in last night when I
called him.

Let's have our breakfast before
we go look outside, okay?

[ Squeak, squeak ]

- Gilbert!

- Gilbert!

- Come out, come out
wherever you are!


- Gilbert!

- Gilbert!
- Gilbert!

[ Meow ]
- I found him!

- Gilbert!
- Here kitty, kitty, kitty.
- Ha! Ha!

[ Meow ]
- That's not Gilbert.

- That's Sarah's
cat, Ollie.

- Not Gilbert.

- There you are silly cat.

- Sarah, have you
seen Gilbert?

He didn't come home last night.
[ Meow ]

- Oh!

Uh-uh, but Ollie sometimes stays
out longer than that.

Once when he was little we lost
him so we went to the
animal shelter.

Someone found him and
brought him there.

- That's a good idea. Let's go
to the animal shelter
and take a look.

[ Sigh ]

- Don't worry Caillou, he'll
turn up, you'll see.

- Yes, every day until .
Thank you.

[ Squawk, ring ]

- Look, the parrot's the one
making that noise, Caillou.

[ Ring ]

- That's enough, Bernie. Sorry
to have kept you waiting.

- That's okay, Bernie was
entertaining us.

[ Ring ]
- How does he make
that ringing sound?

- Parrots are good at
imitating sounds.

We used to have a bell on the
counter but it broke.

Bernie imitates it and
everything else you
say around him.

- [Bernie]: Squawk! That's
enough, Bernie!

- Ha! Ha!

- I bet you get all kinds
of pets in here.
- Yes, we do.

People have lots of different
pets, not just cats and dogs.

- Caillou thought about what it
would be like to have
a different pet.

- Ha! Ha!

[ Trumpeting ]

- Shoo! Shoo!

- Phew!

- Oh wait, slow down! Ha! Ha!
[ Boing, boing ]

- Caillou decided that he
didn't want any other

kind of pet, he just wanted
Gilbert back.

But where could Gilbert be?

- So, what can I do for you?

- We can't find Gilbert.

- Hmm.

Well I can see that Gilbert has
a tag on his collar.

That's a good thing since we can
easily identify him with that.

Let me check. Gilbert, hmm.

Sorry, I don't have any cats on
file who fit his description,

but why don't you go take a look
in back just to make sure.

[ Barking ]

- Are you lost too?

[ Meowing ]

Hello little kitty. Do you
know my cat, Gilbert?

- Come on, Caillou.
Let's go.

It doesn't look like
Gilbert's here.

- No luck, huh?

Don't worry, cats are
funny that way:

They disappear but they can
reappear just as quickly.

I'll keep an eye out for
Gilbert, okay?

- [Bernie]: Keep an eye out
for Gilbert. Squawk!

Keep an eye out for
Gilbert! Squawk!

- Thanks, Bernie. Bye.

[ Meow ]

Gilbert! Daddy! It's Gilbert!
He came home!

Oh, Gilbert, I'm so glad
you're back.

- So am I.

Let's tell Rosie and mommy
the good news.

- Mommy, Rosie, look!

- Gilbert!

- You shouldn't stay out all
night, Gilbert.

Aw, I missed you too.

[ Gilbert's purring ]

Where I saw it last.

[ Meow ]

- Vroom!

Beep beep!

See my new car, Gilbert.

The doors open and the
trunk does too.

- Caillou liked playing under
the kitchen table with Gilbert.

It was his special hideaway
place in the middle of
a busy kitchen.

- Rosie do it!

- Good job!

- Where's Caillou? I though
he was with you.

- Ha! Ha!
[ Meow ]

Gilbert, shh.
Hee! Hee!

- Well, if Caillou
isn't around

I'll have to go and get Jeffrey
and Jason all by my lonesome.

- Here I am, mommy! I'll
go with you.

- Oh good. I thought I'd
have to go and play

at the park with Jason and
Jeffrey all by myself.

Those two would have
tired me out.

Besides, I can never
tell them apart.

- Jason and Jeffrey were
identical twins.

They looked exactly alike

but Caillou could tell them
apart. Well, sometimes
he could.

- I'm going to bring my new
car to show them.

[ Smooch ]
- Ha! Ha!
- Bye, Rosie.

- Bye, Caillou!
- Bye!

- Hi, Caillou.
- Hi, Jason.

I brought my new car,
want to see?

- Ha! Ha! Sure, but
I'm Jeffrey.

- I guess I'm not the only one
who has trouble telling
you two apart.

- That's okay, we're used to it.
We have new cars too.

- Vroom! Vroom!
- Who wants to have a race?

- I do!

- This is the start

and this is the finish line.

- Vroom! Vroom!

- Everybody ready.
On your mark,

get set, go!

[ Cheering ]

Vroom! Vroom!

[ Beep beep ]
- Hi, Caillou!

[ Beep beep ]

- All right!

[ Screech ]

- Yay!

The finish line!

Vroom! Vroom!
- Vroom! Vroom!

[ Laughing ]
- Who wants to
go for some ice cream?

- [All]: I do! I do!
[ Laughing ]

- Vroom! Vroom!

- Caillou, is it

polite to play with your
car on the table?

Thank you.

- Wow!

Yummy! Thank you, mommy,
and thank you too.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- It's a mini umbrella.
Can I keep it?

- You certainly can.

[ Bird's cheeping ]

- Ha! Look, the bird's eating
ice cream too.

I bet your ice cream doesn't
taste as good as ours.

[ Laughing ]

- Are you boys going to
be able to walk

or should I roll you
out of here?

[ Laughing ]

- Can I have
your umbrella, mommy?

- Sure, here you go.

- Race you to the front door.
- Okay.
- Go!

- Hey, wait up!
- I win!

- Let's do it again. This time
my mommy will count.

- On your mark,
get set, go!

- Ha! Ha!
- Hey!

- Ha! Ha!
[ Laughing ]

- I won! I won!
- Ha! Ha!

- Come on, Caillou, we have
to go home now. Bye!

- Bye, Jason! Bye, Jeffrey!

- Bye, Caillou.
- Thank you.

- Oh.

- Caillou had missed his daddy.

He couldn't wait to tell him
all that he had done.
- Hi, daddy.

We went to the park with Jason
and Jeffrey and raced

our cars in the sandbox, and
then we went for ice cream

and I brought you a present.
- Why thank you.

- Rosie too! Rosie want
umbrella too!

- I'm sorry, Rosie, but it's a
little too sharp for you
to play with.

- Hang on, Rosie.

I have something else you can
play with. Remember my
super neat car.

- Caillou couldn't figure out
where his car could
possibly be.

- Mommy, I don't have my car!

- Can you remember when
you saw it last?

- Hmm.
- Caillou though about
where he'd been that day.

- I remember playing with
it at the park

and after the park we went
for ice cream.

- Ice cream? Rosie want
ice cream.

- I remember having it at
the ice cream place,

because you didn't want me to
play with it at the table.

- That's right.
- Hmm.

And then we went to Jason and
Jeffrey's house,

we raced to the front
door and...

Oh, I don't think I had my car
at Jason and Jeffrey's house

so the last time I saw my car
was at the ice cream parlour.

Can we go back and look
for it mommy?

- Ice cream!
Ice cream!

- It's not here.

- We'll just have to
keep looking.

- Ice cream! Ice cream!

- Okay, Rosie, I
know, I know.

- Is this what you're
looking for?

- My car! Thank you!

- I found it on the bench. I was
hoping you'd remember

where you left it and
come back for it.

- Caillou was very proud
that he had

remembered where he saw
his car last.

- I remembered! I remembered!

- Ha! Ha!

Caillou 'membered!

[ Laughing ]

- I am the great detective.

- Come on, Gilbert.
Let's look for clues.
[ Meow ]

♪ I am the great detective

♪ When something can't
be found ♪

♪ I grab my magnifying glass

♪ And start to look around

♪ Now where did I put that
looking glass ♪

♪ I wonder where I had it last

♪ Over here, over there

[ Meow ]
♪ I can't find it anywhere

♪ But I know who can
save the day ♪

♪ Caillou, the great detective

♪ Now help is on the way

[ Meow ]
Follow me Gilbert!

♪ The first thing I do
is look for clues ♪

♪ Clues are hints
detectives use ♪

♪ Found a watch, found
some shoes ♪

♪ Lots of stuff that
I can't use ♪

Hey, what's that over there?

♪ Found my car and dinosaur

♪ But they're not what
I'm looking for ♪

We'll just have to look
some more. Nope.

[ Meow ]
Not it. Nope. Not it.

Wait a minute, I think
I've got it.

My looking glass is in
my back pocket.

[ Meow ]
♪ I am the great detective

♪ My name is Caillou
Ha! Ha!

Lost in the jungle.

[ Grunting ]

- Gilbert. Aw.


- Caillou, what are you
doing down there?

- I can't find Gilbert.
He's hiding again.

[ Smooch ]
- We'll look for him later.

It's time to get ready
for playschool.

You'll need your boots today.
It's wet outside.

- Caillou tried to get ready,

but he kept wondering
where Gilbert was.

- Oh, Gilbert!

- Caillou, are you still trying
to find Gilbert?

- Yes, he's playing hide
and seek with me.

Maybe he's outside.

- Caillou, aren't
you forgetting something?

- Oh.

Ha! Ha!

- You'll have to be a
detective, Caillou.

- How can I be
a detective?

- Well, just look for clues that
will help you find him.

- Caillou thought that was
a good idea,

so he started looking
for clues.

- A cat paw print.
That's a clue!

More clues!

- Caillou was sure he'd found
Gilbert this time.

- Maybe Gilbert doesn't want
to play right now,

but I know some people who do
want to play with you
this morning.

- Ha! Ha!

- Eek! Eek! Eek!
- Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

- Sounds like I've got a whole
zoo full of jungle animals here.

I've got a brand new book
about the jungle.

Would you like to see it?
- [Children]: Yeah!

- The jungle is very hot

and it's home to all sorts
of wild creatures.

Some live way up in the trees.

- Like monkeys! Ooh!
Ooh! Eek! Eek!

- And birds!

- Right. This kind of bird
is called a parrot.

Can you pretend you're a parrot?

- Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!

- Good.
- It's a snake.


- Who lives there?

- The king of the jungle.

- Oh.

- A lion!

- Roar!

- Caillou liked the
lion the best.

He thought he looked a little
bit like Gilbert,

but much, much bigger.

- I think it's time all of our
jungle animals went outside
to play.

[ Children cheering ]

It looks like there's some time
to play before it rains again.

- Caillou had an idea.

- Let's play hide and seek,
in the jungle!

- Okay, I'll hide and
you find me.

- , , , , , , , , , !

Ready or not, here I come.

[ Squawk! Squawk! ]

- Caillou imagined he was

a real explorer.

- Oh!
[ Ooh! Ooh! Eek! ]

Ha! Ha! You're
not Leo.

[ Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! ]

- Caillou decided it was time
for some detective work.

- A clue.

Hmm. Psst, Leo, are
you in there?

[ Yawn ]

Oops. Sorry to bother
you Mr. Lion.

[ Yawn ]

- Caillou still didn't know
where Leo was hiding.

He needed more clues.
[ Bushes moving ]

- That sounded like a clue.

- Squawk! Squawk!

- Hello parrot. Do you know
where Leo is?

- Sorry, Caillou.

- Eek! Eek!
- Ha! Ha!

- Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
- Ha! Ha!

- Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

- Ha! Ha! Hello there monkey.

Have you seen Leo?

This looks like Leo's footprint.

- Ha! Ha!

- And that sounds like
Leo's laugh.


- Caillou! How did you know
I was here?

- I just followed
the clues.

- Roar!

I am the king of the jungle.

- Ha! Ha! You're just
a big kitty cat.

- Meow! Roar!

[ Laughing ]

[ Bloop ]

- I see another clue that means
it's going to rain again.

- Caillou!

- Mommy!

And I followed the clues just
like a detective

and found Leo hiding
in the bushes.

- It sounds like you
had a busy day.

Now don't forget to take your
boots off or you'll get
mud everywhere.

- Uh-oh, too late. Gilbert!
[ Meow ]

- Oh, Gilbert.

- That night Caillou was very
happy to be in his bed.

He didn't think he'd like to be
in the jungle when it
was raining.

[ Meow ]

- Gilbert, I thought you were
the king of the jungle.

Can you roar like a lion?

Ha! Ha! Roar! Ha!

[ Meow ]

[ Meow ]

[ Giggles ]
- Gilbert!

It's only a storm,

nothing to be
a scaredy-cat about.

- Caillou knew the noise was

just the wind blowing,
but he was still

a little afraid of the storm.
[ Rosie's crying ]


Rosie? Are you okay?

- Rosie scared!

- Don't be afraid, Rosie.

[ Wind blowing ]

- Caillou knew that Rosie was a
lot more scared than he was.

He wanted to help his little
sister to not be so afraid.

- That's just the wind
blowing, Rosie.

It's going whoo-oo-woo.

Go to sleep Rosie! Whoo-oo-woo!
- Wooooo wooo woooo.

- Nighty night, Rosie.

- Nighty night, Caillou.

- Caillou was glad Rosie
felt better.

In fact, he felt better too.

He wasn't afraid of a
silly old storm!

The next day, Mommy took
Caillou to playschool.

- It looks like that was quite
a storm last night.
I slept through

the whole thing. Uh-oh.

Look, the storm blew over
that oak tree.

What a shame, it was such
a lovely old tree.

- Is it okay?
- I don't think so, Caillou.

Its roots have been
pulled up.

They'll probably plant another
tree there, though.

Trees are very special.

That corner just wouldn't look
the same without one.

- Caillou always saw that tree
on their way to playschool.

He was sad that it wouldn't
be there anymore.

- Looks like we're going to
have to make a detour.

- What's a detour?

- It means we can't take
our usual road to the playschool

today so we'll have to
go another way.

- Bye! Hi Clementine!

I saw a big tree that got

knocked down and it was lying
right on the road.

- I saw it too! The wind
blew it right over!

- Hey, Caillou! I bet these
ponies were really rocking
in the storm!

- Good morning. Last
night's storm made

a real mess of our playground,
so today we're cleaning up.

Would you like to help?
- [All ]: Okay! Yeah!

[ Laughing ]
- Look!

That bird is fixing its nest
with that stick!

- I'll leave some more here in
case the birdie needs them.

- Caillou and his friends
worked and worked,

until the playground was
all cleaned up.

- This looks much better!
Thanks for your help!

- The sand is too
piled up to play cars.

- Let's build a road!

- [Both]: Yeah!
- Let's build a road!

- I know just what we need!

I'll be right back!

I'll drive the bulldozer that
clears the way for the road.

Vroom! Vroom!

- I'll drive the truck that
pours the hot pavement

Glop gloop glop.

- And I'll drive that... that
thing with the... with the
rollie thing...

- [Miss Martin]: That was great!
- Ha! Ha!

- Thank you.
- Miss Martin?

What is the name of
that big truck that drives
over things and makes them flat?

- It's called
a steamroller, Leo.

- Steamroller! I'm driving
the steamroller!


[ Various engine noises ]

- Wait! Where's our
road going to?

- To the lakes under the swings!

- Good idea!
- Great!

- Vroom! Vroom!

Vroom! Vroom!

Stop your trucks!

We can't build our road through
the river, which means...

- [Both]: We need a bridge!

- We can put two blocks
on the sides

and one block in the middle
of the river.

- Look out.
Crane coming through!

[ Laughing ]

- [Both]: Crane coming through!
Crane coming through!

- That's it.
- Lower, lower...


Strong enough to hold
ten elephants!

[ Trumpeting ]

- But is it strong enough to
hold... one giant foot?

- [Caillou, Clementine]: No!
- It's not that strong!

- Aw, too bad. Let's build
some more road!

[ Various engine sounds ]

- Stop! This mountain
is too steep.

We're going to have
to dig a tunnel.

- I'll start digging
on this side!

- I can see you!

- Look, it's a big old tree!

- Don't do that, Clementine.
It's right in our way!

Drive over it, Caillou.

- Caillou remembered
the big tree that was
blown down on the road,

and what his Mommy had
said about trees.

- No, we have to leave it alone.
Trees are special.

- Uh-huh. Birds live in them.

- We're going to have
to make a detour.

- What's that?

- A detour is when
you have to go

a different way
to get somewhere.

We're gonna go around the tree.
Vroom! Vroom!

We made it to the lake.
All done!

- And here's a boat for
rides on Swing Lake.

- I don't need a boat!
I'm going for a swim!

- Children! Come inside
for story time!

- Aw! I'll go for a swim later!
Race you to the door!

- Look!
[ Laughing ]

Go, squirrel!

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou's building adventure.

- Mommy, can we make jam
sandwiches too?

They're my favorite.

- Okay, Caillou.

- Caillou loved
helping his Mommy

and today they were making
lots of sandwiches!

- I can do it!

All done!

- That's great! Here,
let me cut it in half.

See? I'm going to cut
it into two...?

- Two triangles!

- [Rosie]: Mommy!

- Uh-uh! You'll have
to wait until lunchtime!

- That looks like a strawberry
jam "Caillou special".

- Do you want daddy
to put it in the box for you?

- Oh, boy!

- We'd better get going!

They're gonna need a lot
of helpers to build that house!

- Can I come too? I want to
help build a house!

- Sorry, Caillou. We'll be
really busy working.

And there's nothing for you
to play with over there.

You've already been a great help
by making those sandwiches
for the workers.

- Caillou still wanted very
much to go with Daddy

and Grandpa and help
build the house.

- What if Caillou went
for a quick visit with you?

I'll drop Rosie off at Grandma's
and Caillou can come home

with me when I bring
everybody's lunch!

- Sounds like a good plan to me!

- Yeah! Let's go!

- Yeah! Let's go!

- Daddy and Grandpa were
helping a lot of other people

build a house for a family
that didn't have one.

Caillou was very excited.

He couldn't wait to see what
everyone was doing.

- Just a minute, Caillou. Safety
is very important here.

That's why we wear work boots
to protect our feet.

- I've got my boots on!

- Good for you!

We also need hard hats
to protect our heads.

Which one would you like?

- I can help.

- How about helping me
by carrying these nails?

[ Laughing]
- Okay!

- This place can
be dangerous, Caillou.

You'll have to pay attention and
be very careful, okay?
- Why?

- Well, you don't want to get
in anybody's way while
they're working.

Just stay close to Grandpa
and me, all right?

- Caillou was a little scared

but he felt safe because
he was staying

right by his Grandpa and Daddy.

Caillou loved to watch
people working.

- Hello! Let me give you
a hand there.

See you later!

- Hi Sam! This is
my son, Caillou.

- Pleased
to meet you, Caillou.

Say, could I use
some of those nails?

I just ran out!

- Oh! Here you go!

- Thank you!
I just need a couple

to finish this wall.

Then we can put it up!

- Caillou didn't think this
looked much like a wall at all!

- Wanna help,

- Ha-Han.

- Count to three for us so
we'll all lift at the same time.

- One, two,

three... lift!

[ Men straining ]

[ Giggles ]

Wow! It is a wall!

[ Giggles ]

With lots of holes!

- We'll fix
that real soon.

With everybody

our house will be
finished in no time.

- Sam's family is going to live
in this house when it's done.

That's his son
right over there.

Why don't you see
if he wants to play?

- Hi! I'm Caillou!

- I'm Frankie!

Wanna help?

- Caillou was very proud
that he could help!

He felt like a
real house builder!

- Caillou.


I think we've got enough
gravel for the moment.

Thanks for all
your hard work!

- Is this really going
to be your house?

- Yup. We live
in an apartment now

but when the house is ready,
I'm gonna have my very own room!

Wanna see it?

- Daddy, can I go look at
Frankie's new room please?

- Sure, but
I'll come with you.

Remember, we have to
be careful around here.

- This is it! My room!


- It's big!

[ Giggles ]

- This is going
to be my window.

I can see the whole
street from here!

- This is going to be
a great room, Frankie!

[ Honking ]

- Mommy's here!

- You know
what that means?

- [Together]: Lunchtime!

- Thanks you!


That's my favorite!

- Mine too!

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou liked his new
friend Frankie.

- It looks wet!

- It's soft too!


- Well, what do we have here?

I've got an idea.

You're both helping to
build this house,

so why don't you leave
your mark?

How about a handprint?

[ Giggles ]

- Okay Caillou,
it's time to go!

- Look Mommy! I left my mark!

- Bye Caillou! Come and
visit me in my new house
when it's done!

- Okay! Bye!

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou couldn't
wait to see Rosie and Grandma

and tell them all about
his great building adventure.

- Working together.

Hey, Leo! Do you want
to help me build a castle?

- Sure, Caillou!

- ♪ Working together
we can build anything ♪

♪ Like a real big castle
that is fit for a king ♪

- ♪ If we take our time,
and work as one ♪

- ♪ We'll go step by step,
till we get the job done ♪

- ♪ We need
the right equipment ♪

♪ We need the right clothes

- ♪ A tractor
to move things ♪

- ♪ And a truck
to bulldoze ♪

- ♪ Let's draw up a plan
and clear the site ♪

- ♪ We can move these trees,
to the left or the right ♪

- ♪ Let's use our shovels
and start to dig ♪

- ♪ Cause we want
our castle to be very big ♪

- ♪ Let's filled it
high up to the sky ♪

- ♪ And keep out the water

- ♪ So our castle is dry

- ♪ Now I hear there's a dragon
so we must build a gate ♪

♪ So make sure you measure,
make sure that it's straight ♪

- ♪ Now we're almost done,
let's close the door ♪

- ♪ Shush! Quiet!
I think I hear a roar ♪

Everybody run! It's the dragon!

[ Miaow!
Atishoo! ]

- ♪ Working together
we can build anything! ♪

- A house in the sky!

- It was a beautiful summer day

and Caillou the explorer

had found an anthill!

- Rosie! Come see what I found.

- Ah!
- Don't be scared Rosie...

- Daddy!
- ...they're just little ants.

[ Crying ]
Ants can't hurt you,
can they Daddy?

- Well, some ants bite,
but the ants we have here don't.

They're perfectly safe.


[ Giggles ]

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou wondered
what it would be like

to be really,

really small

like an ant.

- Yippee!

[ Sniffing ]



[ Phone ringing ]

- I'll get it.
[ Beep! ]

Hello? Yes it is.

Who's this?


It's so nice to hear
your voice again!

Where have you been?

- Can I take a look?

- Sure! They're really small
so you have to use this!

[ Giggles ]

[ Giggles ]

They tickle.

- Me too!


- That was Carol!

Remember Carol?
From high school?

Well she's moved to the city and
wants me to come over tomorrow.

She has a little boy,

His name is Kevin
and he's four.

- I'm four too!

Can I come
with you Mommy?

- Of course you can,
but it's a long car ride.

You'll have to bring
some books to look at.

- It was a very, very
long trip.

- Are we there yet Mommy?

- No, Caillou,
but we're getting close.

- Caillou knew
he should be patient and wait,

but he was starting to think
they would never get there!

- Are we there yet?

- No.

- Are we there yet?
- No.

- Caillou was bored.

- Are we there yet?

- Yes, we are!

- Where's Kevin's
house Mommy?

- Kevin lives in
this apartment building,

way, way up
on the th floor!

- Wow!
- Tall buildings like this

are called skyscrapers, Caillou.

Can you guess why?

- Because they go so
high up they scrape the sky!

- Right! Would you like
to go up and meet Kevin now?

- Caillou had never met anyone
who lived in the sky before!

He could hardly wait
to go inside!

- Thank you.
- Thank you!

- You're welcome.

[ Elevator bell ]

- Can I press the button?

- We're going to seventeen.

One seven.

- Mommy, my tummy feels funny!

[ Elevator bell ]

Bye! Thanks
for the ride!

[ Giggles ]

Why are there
so many doors?

- Each door leads
to a different apartment

where a different
family lives.

- Hum... How does Kevin
know which one is his door?

- Each door has
a number on it, see?

Kevin lives at number ten.

- Oh!



Here it is! Number .

[ Doorbell ]

- Well hello there!

- Carol,
so good to see you.

And this must be Kevin.
Hi Kevin.

This is Caillou!

- Hi, want to see my room?

- Okay!

Can we go play
in your backyard?

- I don't have a backyard,

but I have a park
that I go to everyday!

- Me too! With swings
and a big slide!

- Do you want to see my park?

- Yeah! Can I press
the buttons in the elevator?

- Caillou didn't know
what Kevin was doing.

He thought he was going
to show him the park.

Caillou couldn't
believe his eyes!

He had never seen
a view like this before.

- Wow!

- Everything looked so small.

- See over there?
That's my park.

- We're up in the
sky with the birds!

[ Giggles ]
Look, you have ants in
your backyard too!

- Caillou thought the people

down below looked like
little ants.

[ Honking ]
Just like the ones
in his backyard!

- I'm making a skyscraper

that goes all
the way up to the clouds!

- Can I help?

- Yup!

- Okay Caillou,
time to go home.

My goodness,
you two have been busy!

- We made a
skyscraper, Mommy, see?

- It's very impressive.

- Can Kevin come and play
at our house some day?

- Of course,

Kevin and his mom can come
for a visit any time.

- When you come, be
sure to bring lots of books

for the car ride,

because it's a long,
loooong way away!


- Did you and Kevin
have fun?

- Uh-huh! Kevin's home
sure is different from ours,

isn't it, Mommy?

- Yes it is,
but I bet you and Kevin

still have
a lot of things in common.

We sure do! We both have
ants in our backyards!

- Ants?

who know when it comes
to learning

how to be fit for your life,

you're never too young
to start.
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