01x03 - Caillou's Winter Wonders

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x03 - Caillou's Winter Wonders

Post by bunniefuu »

- You're getting
to be a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ So many thing to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ my world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy I'm
finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, caillou ♪

♪ I'm caillou, ha! Ha! Ha! ♪

♪ That's me! ♪

I hope, I hope, I hope!

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou just couldn't wait
for the first snow of winter.

Every morning he wished
for snow.

- No snow yet.

- Caillou knew he had
to wait a little longer,

But it was hard.

He wanted to play in the snow!

[ Laughing ]

[ Meowing ]

- No snow yet.

- All morning caillou
watched and waited

For the snow to fall.

- Still no snow.

- Don't worry, caillou.

The forecast said it
would snow today.

- You just have to be patient.

- Sometimes waiting
for something

Is the hardest thing to do.

- Come on, gilbert!
You can do it.

[ Meowing ]
jump, gilbert.

- Caillou was trying to teach
gilbert a new trick,

But gilbert wasn't very

- Come on gilbert,
you can do it... Jump!

[ Meowing ]

Lie down, gilbert.
Lie down. Stay!

[ Meowing ]

[ Meowing ]


Mommy! Mommy!

- What is it, caillou?

- It's snowing! It's snowing!

- Aren't the snowflakes pretty?

- Can I go outside and play?

- Of course you can.

- Yay!

- Caillou was in a big hurry
to go outside.

- Woah there...

I think you'll be walking around
in circles like that.

[ Giggling ]

- I'll walk like a duck.

Quack! Quack!
[ Meowing ]

I'm gonna build a snowman!

- I don't think there's
enough snow

For that yet, caillou.

- Caillou knew mommy was right.

There wasn't enough snow
for a snow man,

But he could still make
snow angels.

[ Laughing ]

Caillou started thinking
about the snowman

He was going to build when
there was more snow.

Caillou imagined himself

Building the biggest
snowman ever.

[ Laughing ]

- Wow!

[ Laughing ]

- [Several]: woah!

- Look at the size of that!

- Wow!

- Goodbye!

[ Laughing ]

- What's so funny?

- Oh, hi sarah.

I'm gonna build the biggest
snowman in the whole world.

But I have to wait 'til
there's more snow first.

Look, I can catch snowflakes!

- I bet I can catch more
snowflakes than you can.


- [Together]: ummmmm!


[ Laughing ]

- Did you know that every
snowflake is different?

- They look the same to me.

- That's because they're too
small to really see.

- Wait here!
I'll be right back!

- Caillou knew exactly

What they needed to look
at small things.

- A magnifying glass!
Good idea!

- They're falling
too fast!

- Caillou! Quick!

- Caillou wondered how they
were ever going to look

At the snowflakes
if they kept melting.

- Look! It's sticking
over there!

They are all different!
It's true!

- I told you!

Hey! How about we make our
own snowflakes?

- How?
- Come on, I'll show you.

- Sarah had learned
how to make paper snowflakes

At school, so she showed

Caillou how to make them too.

- First you take a piece of
white paper,

And fold it into a square.

- Rosie play too!

- Then you take the scissors..

- Rosie sizzer!

- No rosie.
You're too small.

Why don't you draw some
snowflakes instead?

- Rosie draw snowfakes.

- These scissors
are just for big kids

Like sarah and me.

What do I do next?

- Cut the corners
very carefully,

Then cut all around the edges
to make different designs.

Then you unfold the paper and...


- Tada!
- Tada!

- Very good, rosie!

- Caillou was proud
of his snowflake.

And he noticed something very
special about it.

- Look! They're different!
Just like real snowflakes!

Gilbert look!
We made snowflakes!

[ Meowing ]

[ Laughing ]

Watch this, sarah!

Gilbert jump!

[ Meowing ]

[ All laughing ]

Yay! Gilbert!

- I guess caillou really
did teach gilbert

A new trick after all!

[ All laughing ]

Caillou sh**t. He scores!

- Oh...

- Caillou loved to skate.

He especially loved to skate

Really, really fast.

- Look how fast I can go!

- Wow! You're as fast
as a rocket!

- Woah!

- Upsidaisy!

[ Giggling ]
- uppydaisy!

- Caillou could remember when
he was just as shaky

On skates as his little sister.

He was very proud
to be such a good skater now.

- Hi billy!
- Hi caillou!

- Caillou loved to watch the
big kids play hockey.

They could skate so fast!

He wanted to be just like them.

- What do you say, sport?

Had enough? How about
a cup of hot chocolate?

- Daddy, can I play hockey too?

- Oh, I don't know, caillou.

- I'm big enough now, and
I'm a good skater.

As fast as a rocket!

- Well, that's true,
but I don't think

You're big enough to play
on a team.

- I could play with billy.

Well, let's ask him.

- Billy!

- Can I play hockey
with you some time?

- If you don't mind.

- Sure, we're
just fooling around.

You can play with us
whenever you like.

- Thanks billy!

- Well, I guess we're going to
have to get you some equipment.

- Can I get a real
hockey helmet,

And gloves? Like billy's?

- You bet.

And a stick too, don't forget.

- Yay!

- The next day daddy
took caillou to a sports store

To buy hockey equipment.

- This is the second-hand

When kids get too big
for their gear

They trade it in
here for larger sizes.

[ Laughing ]

- Look daddy!

[ Laughing ]

- [Sing-songy]: too big!

Here, try this!

[Imitating daddy]: too small!

- Just right!

- It doesn't hurt, daddy!

- Good!

Here, try these on.

- Let's go!
I want to show mommy and rosie!

- Wait a minute,
aren't you forgetting

The two most important
things of all?

- I need a stick!

And a puck!

- Daddy found a hockey stick,

But it was too long
for caillou,

So the man in
the store cut it

To the exact right length.

And now caillou
had everything he needed

To play hockey with billy.

He was so excited!

And this is my hockey stick
and my gloves and...

[ Laughing ]

Gilbert! You can't fit in there!

- Very nice, caillou.

- You can knock on my head

And it doesn't even hurt, rosie.

- Caillou's head hard!

[ Laughing ]

- The next day,

Daddy helped caillou practice
sh**ting the puck.

- Yay!
Th ay
go there, sport.

- Yay!

- Nice shot, caillou!

- That afternoon caillou
couldn't wait to get
on the ice.

He knew he was ready to play
with the big kids.

- Take it slow, caillou.

it's not easy to play hockey.

- Hey caillou!

[ Laughing ]
- oh, oh!


- Daddy was right.

It was harder than caillou
thought it would be!

- They're pretty good
aren't they?

- [Discouraged]:
I'm not good enough.

I don't want to play any more.

- Hey, caillou.

- I thought you did pretty well

For your first time out.

Remember, billy and his friends
have been playing a lot longer
than you.

- I guess so.

- I've got something for you.

This used to be mine
when I was young.

- Wow! Thanks daddy!

- It's a little big yet.

[ Laughing ]

If you keep practicing,
by the time this fits you

You'll be able to play just
as well as billy and
his friends.

- Really?
- You bet.

Now I think I know
a good place

To go and practice.

- Caillou loved going over
to skate at leo's house

Because he had
his very own backyard ring.

- Whoah!

- Now you pass it to me.

[ Giggling ]

- Caillou was glad
to be practicing with
his best friend.

He knew
they would get better together.

[ Giggling ]

- Yay!

- Whooooah! Huh!

- Leo sh**t! He scores!

- With an assist by caillou!

[ Laughing ]

- That night
caillou was very tired

From all his hockey practice,

But he was happy.

He knew that some day,
when he was big enough

To wear daddy's jersey,

He'd be
a really good hockey player.

- Practice makes perfect.

- ♪ Once is not enough ♪

♪ You got to practice
day and night ♪

♪ Over and over
and over again ♪

♪ You've got to practice
still it's right ♪

- ♪ I remember when ♪

♪ I wanted to learn to skate ♪

♪ So I practiced
over and over again ♪

♪ And soon I could skate great ♪

- ♪ Practice makes perfect
that's what I say ♪

♪ Practice makes perfect
everyday ♪

♪ Practice makes perfect
so say it again ♪

♪ Practice
and you'll succeed in the end ♪

♪ Playing soccer is hard ♪
- it is!

- ♪ You've got to give it
your best try ♪

- I will.
- ♪ Practice over
and over again ♪

♪ And soon
you'll kick real high ♪

- ♪ Practice makes perfect
- that's what I say ♪

- ♪ Practice makes perfect
- everyday ♪

- ♪ Practice makes perfect
so say it again ♪

♪ Practice
and you'll succeed in the end ♪

♪ Practice
and you'll succeed in the end ♪

- Caillou goes tobogganing.

[ Laughing ]

Caillou was very excited
this morning.

He couldn't wait to get
to playschool.

- You're certainly keen
to go to school today, caillou.

- Today
we're going tobogganing!

- Ah!

- Do you have to bring
a toboggan?

- Yes, I'm going to take
my green space racer!

- Oh caillou,

Why are you just
telling me this now?

It's time to go!

- Don't you know
where my toboggan is?

- I'm not sure.

We haven't been tobogganing yet
this year, but let's look.


[ Laughing ]

- Mommy and caillou looked
in the basement...

[ Giggling ]

And they looked
under the stairs...

[ Meow ]

They even look in the attic

But they couldn't find
caillou's toboggan anywhere.

- I'm sure we'll find
your toboggan tonight.

- But I need it today!

- I'm sorry caillou,
but we have to go.

Maybe there will be
extra toboggans at school.

- Caillou was sad that
he didn't have his toboggan.

- There are
no extra toboggans, caillou,

But I'm sure someone will share
theirs with you.

Goodbye caillou,
try to smile, honey.

I'm sure you'll still have fun.

- Bye mommy.

[ They are excited. ]

- I can't wait
to go to the park!

Did you bring
your green space racer, caillou?

- No. We couldn't find it.

- You can use mine.
We'll take turns.

- Thanks leo, but I want
to have my own toboggan.

- Come along everyone,
it's time for lunch!

- Are you finished
your lunch?

- Yes.

- Good. Can you come
with me for a minute?

Well, what do you think?

- It's just an empty box.

- It is now, but I think

You could make it
into something else.

- What?

- A toboggan!

- A toboggan?

- Yes! We used boxes
as toboggans all the time.

Some of them were really fast!

- Would it be all right
if I decorated it a little?

- That's a wonderful idea!

I bet your friends
will help too.

- Caillou spent lot of time
decorating his box.

He wanted it to look

[ Giggling ]

- Are you trying to make it
look like a race car caillou?

- No! I want it to look like
the bobsleds I saw on t.v.!

- Green means go!

[ Laughing ]


All finished!

- It looks great!

Yeah! I bet it'll go
a hundred miles an hour!


I hope so.

Thanks for helping me
decorate it.

[ Giggling ]

- What?!
[ Laughing ]

- I'm not sure what has more
paint on it,

The toboggan or your faces.

[ Laughing ]

Let's clean up everyone,

It's almost time
to go to the park!

[ Laughing ]

- When caillou and his friends
got to the park,

They had all sorts of fun
playing in the snow.

[ Giggling ]

[ Laughing ]

- Who's ready
to go tobogganing?

- [All]: I'm ready!

- Come on caillou!

What are you waiting for?

- What if
my toboggan won't slide?

- Miss martin said it would.

Come on, I'll race you
to the top of the hill!

- Is everyone ready?

- Ready?

- Hum, ready!

Ready, set, go!

[ Giggling ]

[ Howling with excitement ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

- Look out everybody!

- Wow!
You went the furthest!

- Can I try out
your toboggan caillou?

- I want a turn too!
- Sure,

Everybody can have a turn!

- Yeah!

- Yahoo!

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou was proud
of the toboggan he'd made,

And was glad
it was big enough to share

With all his friends!

[ Laughing ]

- Hi everybody! Do you want
to play a game with me?

- [A kid]: yeah!
- [All kids]: yeah!

- [Another kid]: yeah!

- Ok, let's go!

It's wintertime and it's snowy
and cool.

Rosie wants to go outside, but
she can't go outside like that.

- [A kid]: no, she can't.

- [All kids]: yeah.
It's too cold.

- [Another kid]: yeah!
- [Caillou]: we have

To help her find what she needs
to wear to play in the snow.

There's rosie's pyjamas.

She can't wear those outside.

Those are for sleeping in.

What about this?

[ Kids all laughing ]

- [A kid]: that's
a bathing suit!

- [Another kid]: she can't
wear that in the snow.

- Hee! Hee! Ha! Yeah.

Rosie would be really,
really cold

If she wore
her bathing suit in the snow.

- [All kids]: that's her coat!

- [A kid]: she should wear
her coat.

- [Another kid]: yeah,
that's right.

- Right. Now rosie needs
something on her feet.

Hmm... Those are sandals.

They're for summertime,
not winter.

Those are rosie's boots.

- [A kid]: that's
what she needs to wear.

- [Other kid]: yeah! Boots!
- [Another kid]: yeah.

- Yeah! Boots are good
for walking in the snow.

What's left?

- [A kid]: slippers!
- [Another kid]: slippers!

- [All kids]: slippers!

- Right. She can't wear those
in the snow.

Let's see what else
rosie might need.

Does rosie need
any of those things?

- [A kid]: yes, she does.

- [All kids]: she needs mittens!

- Right. Now her hands
won't get cold.

Anything else?
- [All kids]: she needs a hat!

- [A kid]: she needs a hat.
- [Another kid]: yeah, a hat.

- Right. Good.
Now her head won't get cold.

What's left?
[ Laughter ]

- [All kids]: an accordion!

- [A kid]: ha! Ha! Ha!
An accordion.

- Yeah. That's an accordion.
It's for making music.

Rosie doesn't need that
for playing in the snow.

Hee! Hee! Ha!

Rosie is going
to play in the snow.

And she wants
to build something.

What can you build in the snow?

Can she build
a tower out of blocks?

- [All kids]: no!

- [A kid]: no!
- [Another kid]: no.

- No. She doesn't have
any blocks.

- [A kid]: a sandcastle?
- [All kids]: a sandcastle?

[ All laughing ]

[ A kid laughing ]

- Hee! Hee! Ha! She can't build
a sandcastle

Because there's no sand.
There's just snow.

- [All kids]: she can build
a snowman!

- [A kid]: she can build
a snowman.

- [Another kid]: a snowman.
- Yeah!

She's got lots of snow,
so she can build a snowman.

And I can help her make it.

That's the end of our game.

See you next time. Bye-bye!

-I like playing with my grandpa.

One time we looked at
the moon way up in the sky.

Grandpa knows
how to make things...

We even made a tent once

And my grandpa
gives the best hugs.

- You're getting toor ways
be a big boy.se ours bodie

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm caillou ♪

[ Meow ]
♪ my world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, caillou ♪

♪ I'm caillou, ha! Ha! Ha! ♪

♪ That's me! ♪

- Caillou goes caroling.

Christmas was only a week away,

And it was
a beautiful snowy day.

Caillou loved playing
in the snow,

Especially building snowmen.

- Look at my snowman, daddy!

- Good work, caillou!

Why don't you ask mommy
for a carrot for his nose?

- Hmm!

Mommy! May I have
a carrot, please?

- Are you hungry already?
We just had lunch.

[ Giggling ]
- it's not for me!
It's for my snowman!

- Oh, is he hungry?
[ Rosie's whimpering. ]

[ Laughing ]
- no! It's for his nose.

- Oh, of course!
I'll get one.

- Mommy, mommy, mommy.
- Oh, honey.

Mommy's got a lot
of things to do.

I can't hold you
right now.

- You can come out and make
snowmen with me, rosie.

- No!
- Rosie's not
in a very good mood

Because she didn't have
her nap.

Did you, sweetie?

- It's okay, caillou.
Why don't you go put

The nose on your snowman
and then come back inside.

- But, I was going
to make more snowmen

A whole snow family.

- You can make them tomorrow.
Grandma and grandpa are
coming over

So we can practice before
we go caroling tonight.

- What's caroling?

- It's when you go visit
your friends

And sing christmas
carols for them.

It's fun!

- Caillou didn't think caroling
sounded like much fun.

He'd rather stay home
and play in the snow.

[ Car approaching. ]

- Hello, caillou!
- Oh!

Hi, grandma!
Hi, grandpa!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Someone's lost his nose.

Is it yours?

[ Giggling ]
- no!

- Well then,
it must belong

To this fine
looking fellow.

A perfect fit!

- How's my little
rosie today?

- Huh!

- So, what will
we be singing today?

- We three kings?
Hark the herald angels?

Good king wenceslas?

- Caillou wanted to sing
with the grownups

But he didn't know
any of those songs.

- Let's start with something
everybody knows.

How about jingle bells?
- I know that one!

We sang it
at playschool.

- Which reminds me.
I brought something along.

Here they are!

Would you like to play
the jingle bells, caillou?


♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪

- [Together]: ♪ jingle all
the way ♪

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Oh! Jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh! ♪

[ Applause ]
- yeah!

- Caillou decided that going
caroling might be fun
after all.

And he especially liked playing
the jingle bells.

After dinner they were ready
to go caroling!

- Ah!

- Rosie, you've got
to wear your hat or
your head will get cold.

- You need your mittens
too, sweetie.

- No!

- We're going
caroling, rosie.

It'll be fun!
- Bells!

- No, caillou has
the bells, honey.

[ Whimpering ]

- Here rosie. You can have them.

[ Giggling ]

- Thank you, caillou!

- That was a very nice
thing to do.

Very christmassy!

- Their first stop was at
sarah's house, right next door.

- [Together]: ♪ jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Oh! Jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh ♪

- Caillou decided
he liked caroling.

He liked surprising people,

And singing was a lot of fun.

Caillou also liked staying up
past his bedtime.

And he especially liked looking

At all the pretty christmas
lights on the houses.

They went to lots
of houses to sing.

- [Together]: ♪ we wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a merry
christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year! ♪

♪ Good tidings we bring ♪

♪ To you and your kin, good
tidings for christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year! ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a merry
christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year! ♪

- And sometimes they got
a special treat!

Their last stop was
the senior's home.

Caillou had been there
lots of times with his grandma.

He wanted to include mrs.
Wilson, one of his friends.

- I'll be right back.
Don't start without me!

- Caillou!
What a surprise!

- We're singing carols
in the big room!

I can drive you there.

- [Together]: ♪ jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Oh! Jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh! ♪

[ Applause ]

- Giddyup!

Merry christmas everybody!

- [Together]: yeah!

- Kissmass!

[ Laughing ]
- yay!

Pretty tree!

- [Together]: ♪ we wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a merry
christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year! ♪

[ Applause ]

- A playschool party.

- Caillou was very excited.

There was going to be a party
at playschool today,

Because it was the last day
before the winter holidays.

- Is miss martin's present
in the bag, mommy?

- Yes, caillou.

You've asked me three times
already this morning.

- Can you check again?
Just to make sure?

- It's here all right.

And I'm sure miss martin
will love it.

- Did you put in my stocking?

We're supposed
to bring christmas
things for show-and-tell.

- You mean holiday things.

Your friends celebrate
many different holidays at
this time of year.

- Hmm!

Oh yeah. I hope everyone likes
my stocking.

- I'm sure they will.

- Let's go!

- Look, mommy, reindeer!

And look over there!

Leo's got one of those
at his house.

- That's right.

Jewish people put those up
to celebrate hanukah.

Do you remember
what it's called?

- Hmm!

Leo told me but I forget.

I'm going to ask him
when I get to school!

- Good idea!

- Thank you very much, caillou!

- You're welcome!
Merry christmas!

[ Sniffing ]
that smells good!

- Xavier has brought burritos
for everyone.

That's his favourite
holiday meal.

- This is going to be
a yummy day!

I brought dessert for everyone,
but it's a surprise!

Oh! Wow!

Hi, leo!

- Hi, caillou!

- What's that called
again? I forget.

- It's a menorah.

- Hmm!

Is that corn?

- Yup. It's muhindi
for kwanzaa.

- Muhindi!

- Kwanzaa is the holiday that
clementine and her family

- Nice christmas tree!

- Thanks, clementine.

And those are nice...
Hmm... Muhindi!

- Children!
All right, everyone,

Let's start our show-and-tell.

- [Childrens]: yay!

- This is a 'dreidel'.

It's for a game
we play during hanukah.

♪ Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, ♪

♪ I made it out of clay. ♪

♪ And when it's dry and ready, ♪

♪ My dreidel I shall play! ♪

Who wants to try?

- Leo showed me
how to play at his house.

- Caillou was very proud that
he knew how to spin
the dreidel.

- Look!
I'm a dreidel too!

[ Laughing ]

- The children got
a chance to talk

About things they did during
their winter holidays.

Clementine brought
a mat called a "mkeka".

Her family put things on it

To remind them of
their relatives during kwanzaa.

- I always put out
this picture of my grandpa

Because that's me he's holding,

When I was just a baby!

- Emma brought in her favourite
christmas tree decoration,

A beautiful angel.

Jason and jeffrey's
family decorate

Their tree with popcorn!

Only sometimes there isn't
enough popcorn

Because the twins keep
eating it!

Finally it was caillou's turn.

- On christmas eve,
I hang up my stocking,

And when I'm sleeping santa
claus comes and fills it
with treats!

And I brought treats
for everyone! Gumdrops!

- [Childrens]: yay!

- At lunch the children shared

The different foods
they had brought.

Lee wun brought chopsticks

And everyone tried to use them.

- Thank you all
for bringing food today!

We even have dessert.

- Look! I did it!
I used my chopsticks!

Do you want some
of my grandma's fruitcake?

- Mmmm!

Do you want one of my banana
squares? My dad made them.

- Sure.

Mmmm! Yummy!

[ Giggling ]
mmmm! Still yummy!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- All the children tried
to use the chopsticks.

It was harder than it looked!

[ Laughing ]

- After lunch
they all went outside to play.

- Let's build
a snow fort!

[ Laughing ]


[ Penguin cry ]

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!


[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

- Did you have fun
today, caillou?

- Yeah!

We had
the best party ever!

I love the winter holidays!

All of them!

Make each day special!

♪ Make each day special ♪

♪ Make each day great ♪

♪ Make each day special ♪

♪ It's never too late ♪

♪ Not just on birthdays
or when holidays' are near ♪

♪ Make each day special ♪

♪ All through the year ♪

♪ Everyday we should give ♪

♪ Everyday we should share ♪

♪ Everyday we should help ♪

♪ Everyday we should care ♪
[ purring ]

♪ Make each day special ♪

♪ Set your goals high ♪

♪ Just follow your dreams ♪

♪ Be willing to try ♪

♪ In winter or summer ♪

♪ Spring or the fall ♪

♪ Make each day special ♪

♪ If you're big
or you're small ♪

♪ So make each day special ♪

♪ There's lots you can do ♪

♪ Just make each day special ♪

♪ 'Cause you are special too ♪

- Caillou's christmas eve

Christmas eve was one
of caillou's favourite times.

And his favorite smell on
this special day was

That of freshly baked
christmas cookies.

[ Caillou sniffing. ]
- Ah!

- That looks like a lot of
cookies for one little boy.

- They're not all for me, mommy.
I'm giving two to rosie.

- All right, then. Just remember
to leave some for daddy.

He likes christmas cookies too.
- Okay!

Look, rosie.

Christmas cookies.

- Cookies!

- No, gilbert.

That's my present
for rosie.

- Rosie present?

- Uh-huh.
Daddy helped me wrap it.

- Pretty ribbon.

- No, rosie!

You can't open it yet.

Do you know who puts all these
presents under the tree?

- Ah! Rosie family.

- Right.

And who else brings us presents
at christmas time?

- Ah! Santa!

- Yeah! And he's
coming tonight!

- It had been a whole year
since last christmas

And caillou was
a much bigger boy

Than he was then.

He wondered if santa would
bring bigger presents

To bigger boys like him.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Funny how these
ornaments keep falling off
the tree.

I wonder why that is?
[ Meowing ]

- When can we open
our presents, daddy?

- Tomorrow morning,
when it's christmas day.

- Can't I open one now?

- You have to wait until
santa comes and leaves
his gifts too.

- When will that be?

- When it's dark and
you're fast asleep, caillou.

- When it's dark?

- Christmas cookies!
My favourite. Thank you.

- Daddy, daddy! It's dark!

Now can santa come?

- It has to be
nighttime dark, sweetie.

- But don't worry.
It'll be nighttime soon.

- Caillou was impatient.

He wanted it to be
nighttime right now.

- No, daddy.

Those cookies are for santa.

- Hmm! And the glass
of milk.

Of course.
How silly of me.

- Are you getting something
else for santa?

- Not for santa, mommy.

For the reindeer!

- How thoughtful!

- Well, caillou, I think
it's nighttime dark now.

- Yay! It's bedtime!
Santa's coming!

[ Both laughing ]

I'm gonna stay up all night
so I can see santa.

- But santa won't bring your
presents if you're not asleep.

- Sleep tight, caillou.

- Sweet dreams.

- Caillou had an idea.

If he stayed up all night -

And pretended to be asleep -

Then he would be able
to see santa.

- Nothing in my stocking.

That means santa hasn't
come yet.

I'm gonna stay awake
and watch for him.

And you can stay awake
with me, gilbert.
[ Meowing ]

- Caillou pretended
to be asleep,

But he was really listening
carefully for santa.

Only it was taking a long time!

Caillou was beginning to wonder

What was taking santa so long.

Then he remembered
that on christmas eve,

Santa had to deliver presents

To all the children
in the whole world.

If only santa had a helper,

Maybe he'd be able to deliver
his presents faster.

- Oh my. It's hard to see

Where you are
when it's snowing so much.

Where are we,
little helper?

- We're over
my street, santa!

- Are we now?

Well... Jason and jeffrey
are next on my list.

Do you know
where they live?

- There, santa! That's
their house! Right down there!

- Splendid! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thank goodness you're
with me tonight, caillou.

Without your help,
I'd be completely lost!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

- I bet I could help santa.


- It was so warm under
the covers

That it was hard
for caillou to stay awake.

Caillou decided to close
his eyes - just for a minute.

- Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry christmas,

Ho! Ho! Ho!

- Before long it was morning.
Christmas morning!

- Mommy! Daddy!

Santa came!
Santa came!

- So he did!

- And look! Presents!

- We told you santa would come
if you went to sleep.

- He did! He did!
Can I open them now?

[ Doorbell ]

Grandma! Grandpa!

- Kissmass!

- Merry christmas,

- [Mommy, daddy]: merry
christmas, caillou!

- [Grandma, grandpa]: merry
christmas, caillou!

- Hi everybody! Do you want to
play a game with me?

- [Boy]: yeah!

- [Children]: yeah!

- [Boy]: yeah!

- O.k. Let's go.

Let's play lost and found.

I want to decorate the
christmas tree,

But rosie hid the decorations.

There are . Can you find them?

- [Children]: over there!

- [Girl]: by the tv!

- Yeah! That's !

We need to find more.

- [Boy]: I know, I know!

Behind the couch!

- Yay! That's !

That means we need to find

- [Girl]: over there!
On the books!

- These books?

- [Girl]: no! Look up!

- Up?

Yeah! There it is!

That's number...

- [Children]: three!

- And we still have to find...

- [Children]: two!
- Right.

I think I see .

I'll give you a hint.

It's right in the middle
of the room.

- [Boy]: I see it.
It's under the table!

- That's...
- [Children]: four!

- And we need...

- [Children]: one more!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah! One more!

This one's hard.

- [Girl]: I know!
I know where it is!

- Where?

- [Girl]: wait, I forget.

- [Children]: ha! Ha! Ha!

- [Girl]: oh yeah!
It's in the curtains!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Not up there!
On the floor!

- [Children]: yay!
- [Girl]: ha! Ha! Ha!

- That means we found...

- [Children]: five!

- And we still need to find...

- [Children]: ha! Ha! Ha! None!

- [Boy]: we found them all!

- [Children]: ha! Ha! Ha!
- [Caillou]: ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah!

Thanks for helping me find
them all!

Now we can decorate the tree!

- [Children]: one, ,

, , !

Yay! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- That's the end of our game.

See you next time! Bye-bye!

- That's me!

I'm caillou!

I'm four years old, and
there's lots I can do.

I can make things with my daddy.

I know how to make my
teddy bear all better.

I even read stories
to my grandma.

But what I'm best
at, is having fun!


You're getting to be
a big boy!

♪ I'm just a kid who's four ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ My world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou ♪

♪ I'm caillou! ♪

ha, ha, ha!

That's me!

jonas had invited
caillou's family

For a visit
at the ranch.

(Horse whinnies)


caillou liked the sound
the sleighbells made

When the horses moved.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Look, there's a bucket
on that tree!

That's right!

Let's go check it out.

Whoa! Whoaaa!


(Horse whinnies)

this way!

What's in there?

It's water?

it looks like water,

But it's sap from inside
the maple tree.

See? It comes out here.

caillou was surprised
that something like that

Could come out of a tree.

Wanna taste some?

'Osie, too!

We can make great things
from sap!

What things?

All kinds
of great treats

Like maple syrup,
maple sugar, oh...


And maple butter.


first, we need
to collect some sap.

I wanna help!

okay, partner.

Can you carry this
to the sleigh?

can I do it?

Sure, go ahead!

Great job!

Let's bring
the sap back

To the sugar shack

And turn it
into maple goodies!

Look at this!

It's become maple syrup!


caillou couldn't believe it!

All the watery maple sap

Was now thick maple syrup!

Can I taste it?

It's really
too hot right now.

Besides, I need to boil it
longer for a surprise.

I sure could
use some help

With the special
table outside.

sure, I'll get right to it!

me, too!

'osie, too!


That's great,

We'll be done
in no time!

Nice and flat now.



Stay back,
this is very hot.

Why are you pouring
that on the snow?

The snow cools it off.

This is my favorite
treat of all!

It's maple toffee!

Try this, partner.

Mmm. This is the best
maple toffee

I've ever tasted!

My turn!

'osie, too! Mmm!

Mmm, yum!
What a treat!


do you want some help there,

caillou was determined
to get the toffee by himself.

He couldn't wait
to taste it!




bye caillou!

wait for me, daddy!

caillou! (Laughs)

We're not done yet!


the strong wind had knocked
the bird feeder down

During the night.

Daddy was fixing it.

There we go!

All fixed up,
we can fill it.

I can do it!

Good job!
The birds will love it.

Where are they?

They'll return

As soon as their house
is back in place.


Some of them have
been here already.

They left tracks.

caillou was surprised

That birds could make
prints in the snow.

You have visitors,

They're coming around
the side of the house.

caillou was happy
to see the twins.

Hi, jeffrey!
Hi, jason!

make sure you stay
in the yard

Where we can see you.


Look! Bird tracks.

I can make bigger tracks.


let's play follow
the leader!

Follow me!

Ready, go!



caillou was curious
about these new tracks.

They were smaller
than his own,

But bigger than
the bird prints.

Let's follow
these tracks!

they're gone!

caillou wanted to know
where the prints went.

They stop here?

let's play snow tag!

You're it!

(Playful giggling)


Gotcha, caillou.




what could have made
the snow fall like that?

a squirrel!


He's leaving!

He made the tracks!

caillou was delighted

To have solved the mystery
of the vanishing tracks!

He wants to play!

Wait for us!

caillou, jeffrey and jason
were getting tired

Of trying to keep up with
their energetic new friend!

Let's make angels!


yeah! Me, too!



the squirrel is making
angels, too!

and so caillou, jeffrey,
and jason

Decided to make more angels,

Which were beautiful!

caillou loved snow.

He couldn't wait to go
outside to play in it.

look at all the snow!


how about after breakfast

I give you two a ride
to the big park

On your sled?




Off we go!

Go faster,

I'll try!
Hold on!

Ooh, sorry, I can't.

The snow is too deep
and you guys are heavy.

I wanna help.



can I play with andre?


andre was one of caillou's
older friends.

It was hard for caillou
to climb up the big snow pile.

look at me!

I'm the king
of the castle.

Look at me!

caillou liked standing
at the top all by himself.

He could see everywhere
in the park.


come on over here!


we can make
a snow fort!


(Struggling grunts)

although caillou was not sure
how to build a snow fort,

He thought it was a great idea!

Let's put
yours on top.

It'll make our
fort higher!

caillou wanted
to show andre

He could help too.

Whoaoh! Careful.

Just don't push
so hard.

Try over there.




Now we need snowballs!

To throw at the bad guys,


sarah! Hi!

Hi! Can I play, too?


You could be
the bad guy!

Hey no fair!

I wasn't ready!


time out!
We're out of snow balls!

Wanna make
the fort higher?

what a nice snow fort!

Can we help too?



thanks rosie!

caillou thought this was
the best snow day ever.

Come on, caillou.

It's cold outside.

Don't you like
your new snowsuit?

I don't wanna
wear it!

caillou liked his
old snowsuit better.

I think you're
gonna need it

When we go tobogganing.

caillou was so excited
to go tobogganing

That he couldn't
stand still.




caillou couldn't wait to slide
down a really big hill.

Come on, caillou.

We're ready to go!

(Engine rumbles)

(yelling and screaming)
weeeeee! Weeeeee!

Hold on tight!

neigh! Neigh!


caillou enjoyed watching
everyone sliding down the hill.


He noticed all kinds
of people

On all kinds of different

Some of them were
very funny.


I want to slide down
the hill too!

Okay, caillou,

But before sliding down,

We have to climb up!

me, too!


caillou was determined
to get to the top of the hill.


come on!


it's a race!

Me and daddy against
rosie and mommy!

Okay! We'll see you
at the bottom!

caillou thought
the bottom of the hill

Was a long way down.

don't worry, caillou.

It'll be lots of fun.

And if we go too fast

I can use my feet
like brakes.




Try to catch us rosie!

caillou grew more excited

As the toboggan
picked up speed.

We're almost
at the finish line!

Dad, caillou:

bye bye!


Did we win
the race daddy?

No, we went faster

But mommy and rosie
got to the finish line first.

come on,
let's go again!

I wanna win!


It's a dog!

Can we go see?

Sure, let's take a look.


caillou had never seen a dog
pulling a sled before.

Dog handler:
hike! Haw!

Haw! Haw! Haw!

he was impressed

By the way the dog
followed the commands.

Well, that's it for today

(Disappointed groans)

Hi there,
what's your name?


I'm tom,
and this is chinook.

She's a husky dog

And she loves the snow.

caillou was fascinated
by chinook.

See, chinook's fur
is like your snowsuit.

It keeps her warm
when she's pulling the sled

Through the snow.

caillou noticed
that chinook's sled

Was different from his.

I have a sled!

Dog handler:
and a nice one, too!

But chinook pulls
a special kind of sled.

Say caillou,

Would you like to take
a ride with chinook?

caillou felt a bit scared.

He'd never been
in a dog sled before.

Don't worry,

I'm sure chinook
will be very careful.

Does your little sister want
to come along for a ride, too?


Come on, rosie,
you can sit with me.

encouraging rosie
made caillou feel better, too.

He felt safer now that
they were riding together.

Let's tell chinook
we're ready to go.


(In unison)


caillou felt like
he was driving the sled.

Now I'll tell her
to turn left.


Caillou and rosie:

weee! (Giggling)



Now you can tell
her to stop.

Say whoa!


Try a little louder.

(In unison)


caillou was happy that
chinook listened to him.

Chinook and I
have to go home now,

But I'm sure she'd love it

If you gave her a pat
on the head,

Since she did
such a great job!

bye chinook!

Dog handler:


caillou wished chinook
was coming home with him.

Daddy, can we get
a dog like chinook?


It would be nice to get
a ride home with her,

But you'll have to settle
for the car today!

Come on, in you go.

Caillou, you should take off
your snowsuit first!

You'll be hot!

No! I wanna wear it!

caillou liked his new snowsuit
so much now,

He didn't want to take it off.

Besides, caillou couldn't wait
to play sled dog.

And since he didn't have a dog,

He tried something else.


You can be
the sled cat!




You listened!

Good sled cat,

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Wet is how I like to be ♪

♪ Like the fishies in the sea ♪

♪ Getting wet now you'll agree ♪

♪ Is fun for you
and fun for me ♪

♪ I like playing in a pool ♪

♪ On a hot day,
it keeps me cool ♪

♪ With my safety vest
I float ♪

♪ I can float
just like a boat ♪

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ A rainy day can get you wet ♪

♪ But you should never
be upset ♪

♪ Just take your umbrella,
hold it high ♪

♪ And you'll see
you can stay real dry ♪

♪ To take a bath
is really great ♪

♪ I'll bring my toys,
I can't wait ♪

♪ To take a bath
is really nice ♪

♪ It's so much fun,
let's do it twice ♪

♪ Getting wet,
there's lots of ways: ♪

♪ A pool, a bath,
a rainy day ♪

♪ Many things
can get you wet ♪

♪ So let's get ready,
let's get set to get: ♪

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Wet, wet, wet,
boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Wet! ♪

(Airplane sounds)

Hi caillou!

What are you doing?

I'm flying
an airplane!

My daddy and I made it.

Why do you have
your skates?

Your mom is giving me
a ride

To my figure skating


You can't skate
in the summer!

caillou, would you like
to come along for the ride?


hold on, caillou.

You better put
this on.

It's cool where
we're going.

caillou's mommy was right.

Even though it was warm

Inside it was cool
and frosty.


it's like winter inside!

I'll see you guys
on the rink.

Why are they wearing
ice skates indoors, mommy?

Because this is
a skating arena.

People can skate here
all year long.

Does the ice melt
in the summer?

no. This is special indoor ice.

Come, I'll show you.

caillou was amazed!

He had only seen ice
outside in the winter!

why don't you come out

And skate with me
after my lesson?

I only skated
once before.

They have lessons here.

You can learn all sorts
of neat stuff.



(Whistle blows)

I'll see you after class,

Mommy, could I skate
like sarah

If I took lessons?

Of course.

Would you like to come
back for a class?

Yes please!

a few days later,

Caillou was ready
for his first skating lesson!


You must be caillou!

I'm george,
your skating instructor.


I already know
how to skate!

That's great.

We're gonna have
lots of fun then!

Don't forget your helmet!


All right, who wants
to learn how to skate?


Then come out here
with me!

are you coming mommy?

I don't have my skates.

But I'll be right here
the whole time.

You know,
learning to skate

Is a little like
learning to walk,

And sometimes,


you fell down!

Sometimes I do.

But that's okay
because I get right back up!

Okay, I want you all
to kneel like me.

You just lift one foot,
push up,

And bring up the other foot.

It's easy, see?


You're learning

The next part is easy.

We just walk between
the cones

And back to the carpet!

would you like to be first?

I learned to skate
with a chair.

You won't need one,
you'll see.

Just walk over to me.


That's all right.

Now get up
like I showed you.


Great job, caillou.

Now everyone.


And now back
to the carpet.

You too, caillou.




caillou was getting

Skating was harder
than he expected!

that's all right caillou,

You'll get the hang of it.

Let's practice some more,

How did you like your
first lesson, caillou?

My pants are wet
from falling so much.

Yes, but you took
the first steps

To learning
how to skate today!

And that deserves a special
sticker for your helmet!

I'll see you tomorrow,

Mommy, how come I'm not
as good as sarah?

Oh, it takes practice,

I'm sure it took sarah
a few lessons

To get as good
as she is now.

I don't want
to come back tomorrow.

Don't be discouraged.

This was only
your first lesson.

Things will get better,
you'll see.

(Low rumbling of engine)


Look at the truck, mommy!

It's driving on the ice!

It's called a zamboni.

See the water
it leaves behind?

It's making a fresh
new layer of ice.

What happened
to your plane, caillou?

It's not a plane,
it's a zamboni!

I'm making ice.
Beep beep!

You better park it
for now.

We'll be late
for your skating lesson.

Do I have to?

How about you give it
another try?

If you still
don't like it,

Then you don't
have to go.

We can stay to watch
the zamboni afterwards.

The zamboni! Yahoo!

hello caillou.

I'm glad you
came back today.

Raphaelle is new,

Maybe you can help
her catch up?

Don't worry,

I fall all the time, too,

But I know how
to get up.


I can tell you'll make
a very good teacher, caillou.

Come on, we have some
new games today.

yay! (Laughing)

That's it for today,

You all did
an excellent job.

See you tomorrow!

bye george!

caillou had so much fun
at his second lesson,

He didn't ever want
to leave!

do we have to go,

We'll be back tomorrow,

Besides, there's someone
I want you to meet.

this is henry.

He drives the zamboni.

hi, caillou!

Your mom told me how much
you like the zamboni.

Would you like to ride it
with me?

Can I really?

caillou thought
that riding the zamboni

Was almost as much fun
as learning to skate.

There was only one other
thing that he wanted to do.

(Honks horn)


now that I'm four,
if I try hard,

I can cut a perfect heart
out of paper.

good work, caillou.

perfect for a valentine!

I'm finished, mommy.

I made one for leo,
and clementine,

And xavier, and emma.

(Giggles) and I can
make a clown sunday.



wow! Do you think
it could use a hat?

rosie want!

It's polka dot ice cream!

Mm-hm! Wonderful!

Mm-mm! I love it!

Now that I'm four,

I can do lots of things.



You're getting to be
a big boy!

♪ I'm just a kid who's four ♪

♪ Each day I grow some more ♪

♪ I like exploring,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do ♪

♪ Each day is something new ♪

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ My world is turning ♪

♪ Changing each day ♪

♪ With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough ♪

♪ Except when I've had enough ♪

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm caillou ♪

♪ Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou ♪

♪ I'm caillou! ♪

ha, ha, ha!

That's me!


Got one!

Me too!


Let's make a snowman.

A snowman?!


Do you wanna help me?

caillou thought
that was a great idea.

Even though he didn't
know exactly

How to make a snowman.


Why don't you start
making the head.

I'll make his body.


gonna make a snowman.
Gonna make a snowman.

Hm, I can do that.

Hey! Oof!


I can't do it.

I hate making
the snowman!

how's the head coming along,


I can't make it.

You can't?!

Don't worry,
I'll show you how.

We're going to make
the biggest snowman

In the world!

The biggest snowman
in the world?

In the universe!


I think that snowball
is big enough.

Let's make new ones.


First you have to make
a tiny snowball.


caillou liked having sarah
to show him what to do.

(Snowball squishes)
(caillou groans)

A snowball!

You did it!



Nah! Nah!


but caillou wouldn't stop.

Sarah didn't think the game
was funny anymore.

Fine! If you don't
wanna make a snowman,

I'm leaving!

no, stay please!

I want to make a snowman
with you.

Now look,
it's easy.

I'm finished!

All right.

Let's put our snowman

We have to put it
on top of this one.

Are you ready?

(grunts of effort)

I think it will hold.

Now we need a head.

That's your snowball.


(Grunt of effort)

Hi, kids.

I have a surprise
for you.

Look in the bag.

A carrot?

We can use it to make
the snowman's nose.



the bag was full
of great surprises.

And very soon the snowman

Had a big smile on his face.

hm? I have something else.

Let's see if it fits.

look sarah he's beautiful.

And he's the biggest snowman
in the universe.


Now how about coming
inside for a snack?


what's this?

it's a snowball.

no it's a snack
for the snowman.


it was a beautiful winter day

When caillou went to
the ski hill with his family.

There wasn't a cloud
in the sky,

Well maybe there
was a cloud or two.


are you ready to go skiing,

caillou was a little afraid

Because he had never
skied before.

Ski! Ski! Ski!

Come on rosie,

We're going to go
have some hot chocolate!

Now let's put on
your equipment.

Why do I have
to wear this?

for the same reason
you wear one on your bicycle,

It protects your head.

Uh oh!


These boots are
too heavy, mommy.

Don't worry,

We won't be walking much
in these boots,

They're for using
with skis.


Like that.
Look at sarah.


seeing his friend ski

Made caillou want
to try it right away.

Sarah wait for me!

Rosie ski?

No, but you can watch
from in here

And be warm and cozy

And drink hot chocolate
with your daddy.



I don't want to go,
it's too high.

caillou was afraid of going up
on the tow lift.

He thought he would fall.

But if you wanna
ski down,

First you have
to go up.

Don't worry,
I'll do it with you.

See caillou,
this isn't so bad.


it's too high!

Yes, but I'll be hanging
onto you with this.



Hi caillou.

Mommy, I want
to ski like sarah.

that's called the snowplow.

First you have to make
a pizza slice

With your skis.

like this?

Yes, but you have to bend
your knees a little,

Like this.

Oh! Ah!

that's okay, caillou,

Everyone falls when
they first learn to ski.

Come on,
try again.

You have to put your skis
sideways like this.


caillou wanted to show sarah

That he could do it
all by himself.


I don't want
to ski anymore.

But look, you've almost
skied all the way down.

caillou was proud of himself.

He may have fallen
a few times,

But he always got up
and tried again.

Brrr! I'm cold.

I'm going in
for hot chocolate.

Brrr! Me too.

rosie can't wait
to go skiing

When she's a little older.

Aw, I wish there
was some way

We could all go down
the hill together right now.

I know how we can,

Rosie and dad:


(Dog barks)

caillou loved looking
at all the christmas lights

In his neighborhood.

He was very excited

Because today he was
going to visit santa.

What are you drawing,

A picture for santa,
so he'll remember

What to bring me
for christmas.

That's a great idea!

What are you gonna
ask for?

caillou was having
a very hard time

Deciding what to ask santa

To bring him for christmas.

What about a toy car?

caillou finally knew
what to ask santa for.

When are we getting
a christmas tree?

Today, right after dad
finishes up his work.

he could hardly believe it,

Seeing santa
and decorating the tree

All in the same day!


We're gonna put decorations
on the tree,

Not on you.


Where's daddy?

I think he's still
on the phone,

He'll be out
in a minute.

I'll go get him.

Daddy, hurry!

We're going
to see santa!

I'll just be a minute,

You're tracking snow
into the house.

caillou was very impatient
to see santa,

And wanted daddy
to get off the phone.

thank you very much!

I'll talk to you soon.

Come on, daddy.

okay, okay,
I'm coming!

You know what?

I think I better go
to the bathroom first.

Go fast, daddy.

this is a switch.

I usually have
to wait for you.

I'll just be a minute.

caillou, wait for us!

he was very excited
to go and see santa.



caillou was afraid to get
on the escalator by himself

And daddy was already
on his way up!

It's okay,
I'm coming down.

daddy looked very funny

Walking down the escalator

Going the wrong way.

that's the wrong way.

You're right!

The "up" escalator
is only for going up,

But I had to come
and get you!


hi, caillou!

I'm gonna tell santa
what I want for christmas!

Me too.
What do you want?

I want a new doll
and a jump rope,

And an oven,

So I can make my own
cakes and cookies.

And maybe
a new teddy bear

Or a big fluffy dog.

What are you
asking for?

But that's only
one thing.

caillou wasn't sure

If he should ask santa
for more.

But all he really wanted

Was this one special thing.

Watching clementine
with santa,

He was suddenly a little
nervous to go up

And ask him
for what he wanted.

Go on caillou,
it's your turn.

ho ho ho!
What's this?

A picture for me?

I love getting pictures.

Did you write your name
on it?

Well, then you'd better
tell me your name

So I don't forget
who it's from.


ho ho ho ho!

This is a beautiful
drawing, caillou!

Why don't you
climb up here

And tell me
more about it.

caillou was very happy

That santa liked is drawing

And he didn't feel shy

ho ho ho!

Why this looks
like a dinosaur.


It's a dinosaur
that walks and talks.

you mean you want
a real dinosaur?

no, a toy dinosaur,

With batteries.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

I don't have many
real dinosaurs

At the north pole!

But I think I just might
have the kind what you want.


Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry christmas, caillou!

caillou was happy

That he had asked santa
for a dinosaur.

and who's this?

Rosie's my sister.


That's a beautiful name.

And what would you like
for christmas, rosie?

(Begins to cry)

ho! Ho! Ho!

Rosie's a little scared,

I think we better
wait until next year.

I'm going to bring
you something special

For christmas,

Bye, caillou!
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Have a merry, merry,

caillou was proud
of being a big boy

And not being afraid
of santa any more.

where are the trees,

sorry, I just sold
my last christmas tree

To that family
over there.

look at my tree caillou!

We're going home
to decorate it.


I want to decorate
a christmas tree, too.

I'm sorry caillou,
but there are none left.

Here you go, kid.

If you come back

I promise I'll
have the best tree

Waiting just for you.

I want! I want!

So I'll see you folks

Merry christmas!

caillou was very upset.

He didn't want to wait
for tomorrow,

He wanted to decorate
the tree today.

(Bells jingle)

Mommy, daddy look!

what on earth?





(Dog barks)

caillou didn't want
to be outside,

He wanted to be inside,

Decorating a christmas tree.

Why can't we get
a tree, daddy?

The man said

He'd have more trees
tomorrow, caillou.

But I want to decorate
the tree now!

you know what?

Maybe we can!


Why don't we go inside

And get that box
of decorations.

We're going
to decorate us

A christmas tree!


Can we still
have a tree inside?

Of course we can

caillou thought he was the
luckiest boy in the world.

Santa claus was bringing
him a dinosaur

And he was going to have
two christmas trees!



caillou thought it was
the most beautiful tree

He had ever seen.

(Crowd cheers on t.v.)

Announcer: (on t.v.)
He sh**t, he scores.

I wanna be
a hockey player.


But first we need
to learn to skate.

I can skate fastest
in the world.

(Crowd cheers loudly)

look mommy.

He fell down.

Hmm. So I'll be skating
with the world champion.

That's great!


See, soon you'll be able
to skate like this.

Okay, now,

The first thing
you have to learn

Is how to stand.

caillou discovered that
skating wasn't as easy

As he thought it would be.

Whoa! Ugh!

(Bursts into tears)

(Whines and cries)

oh, caillou!

This should help until
you get the hang of it.

And now you're
ready to skate.


Oh! I don't wanna
skate any more.

It's too hard.

I know it isn't easy.

But I'm very proud
of you for trying.

Let's do it again.

caillou was tired
of falling and falling.

But he did feel like
trying one more time

With his daddy.

I want to try again.

good for you.



you're doing great,

Oh no!

Look daddy!

I can do it.

Whoa! Oof!


Look at me.




Are you all right,


you're skating,

You're really skating.

look mommy,
I'm skating.

Who wants some
hot chocolate?

after falling a lot,

Caillou was finally
getting the hang of it,



Mommy, daddy!

yes dear?


I guess your next lesson
will be how to turn.

And then we'll
have to think

About getting you
a hockey stick.

A hockey stick?


♪ celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Who cares
if it's rainy. ♪

♪ Wear your snazziest clothes, ♪

♪ Wear ribbons and bows, ♪

♪ Put your best on, ♪

♪ Dress yourself up, ♪

♪ From your head
to your toes. ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Do something zany ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Who cares
if it's rainy. ♪

♪ Wear your snazziest clothes, ♪

♪ Wear ribbons and bows, ♪

♪ Put your best on, ♪

♪ Dress yourself up, ♪

♪ From your head
to your toes. ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Do something zany ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Who cares
if it's rainy. ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Do something zany ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Who cares
if it's rainy. ♪

♪ Wear your snazziest clothes, ♪

♪ Wear ribbons and bows, ♪

♪ Put your best on, ♪

♪ Dress yourself up, ♪

♪ From your head
to your toes. ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Do it up right! ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ We're celebrating tonight! ♪

(Gilbert meows)

caillou and rosie were
having breakfast one morning,

And rosie wanted her tiger
to have breakfast too.


Okay, rosie.


(Loud munching)

(Rosie giggles)

oh well,
since you're so good

At feeding that tiger,

Why don't you
give our big tiger

His breakfast as well?

Our big tiger?


caillou loved feeding gilbert.


I think he went outside.



(Cat meows)

(Cat meows)


but it wasn't gilbert.

It was sarah's cat,

that's gilbert's food!

That's the second time
you've done that this week!

Can you take ollie home,

And see if you can
find gilbert.


roar! Roar!



Gilbert came
into our house

And tried to take
ollie's food.

We were bringing
him home.

Ollie tried to take
gilbert's food.


(playful meowing)


(Ollie meows)

Sarah and lee-wun:


Caillou, this is
my cousin lee-wun.



Lee-wun's staying with us
for chinese new year.

caillou had never heard
of chinese new year before.

It's the year
of the tiger!

A tiger?

We call the new year
the year of the tiger,

But there isn't
really a tiger.

There is a dragon,

A real dragon?

Yes, we're going
to see it tomorrow.

Would you like
to come with us

To see the dragon?

at first,
caillou wasn't sure

If he wanted to see
a real dragon.

(Gasps) yes!

caillou was excited

That he was going
to see a real dragon

With sarah and lee-wun.

What is it?

Sarah's mom:
it's to wish you
lots of happiness

In the new year!

And that one is to wish
you a long, long life.

Do you want to help me
put it up?

Mom, caillou said he wanted
to see the dragon tomorrow.

Is that right?

Would you like to come
with us to chinatown, caillou?

What's that?

It's where
the dragon lives!

I'll give your
mommy a call

And ask her
if it's okay, then.

Did you clean your room,

Yes, mommy.

(Vacuum whirs)

We have to clean
the whole house

From top to bottom
for the new year.


I don't know,
we just do.

did you get a special
new year coin today?

lee-wun felt sorry
for caillou

Because he didn't get
a special new year coin,

And asked sarah
if they could give him one.


caillou had never seen

A special new year coin

Sarah and lee-wun:
happy new year!

(Repeat it in chinese)

(Ollie and gilbert meow)

(Playful meowing)

oh, no!

It looks like the year
of two tigers.


(Playful meowing)

(Gilbert purrs)

are you excited about
going to chinatown

With your friends,

Yes, mommy.

caillou was excited about
going with his friends,

But he was also a bit nervous
about seeing a dragon.

He wasn't so sure
if he wanted to go anymore.

You must be a bit scared
about seeing a dragon,

So I thought you
would like the story

About the big
friendly dragon.

that was one of caillou's
favorite stories.

Mom: (reading)
once upon a time

There was a big
friendly dragon

Who lived in a forest.

All of his friend
would gather around

And they would...

the next day, caillou went
to chinatown with his friends

For a special
new year meal.

Would you pass me
the jiaozi, please?


Um, could you pass them
again, please?


How would you two like
some more tang yuan?


Sarah's mom:
here it comes.

Go ahead, honey.
Here are your jiaozi.

Heh, that was pretty
clever, mom.

I thought so, too.

You can use your fingers.

(Fireworks whistle and pop)

What's that?

That means the dragon's

The dragon's coming!
The dragon's coming!


(Fireworks pop loudly)

caillou loved seeing
the new year dragon

And he wasn't scared at all

Because it was
a friendly dragon.

(Fireworks whistle and pop)


happy new year!

(Repeat it in chinese)

Happy new year!
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