01x01 - Caillou the Creative

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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01x01 - Caillou the Creative

Post by bunniefuu »

- You're getting to be
a big boy.

- ♪ I'm just a kid who's

♪ Each day I grow some more

♪ I like exploring,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ So many things to do

♪ Each day is something new

♪ I'll share them with you,
I'm Caillou ♪

- [ Meow ]
- ♪ My world is turning

♪ Changing each day

♪ With mommy and daddy,
I'm finding my way ♪

♪ Growing up is not so tough

♪ Except when I've had enough

♪ But there's lots of fun stuff,
I'm Caillou ♪

♪ Caillou, Caillou

♪ I'm Caillou, Ha! Ha! Ha!

♪ That's me!

- It was a cold winter morning,

and it had been snowing
all night.

Caillou was getting dressed
to go to playschool.

He even remembered
to put on his hat!

- I can't see!

- [ Giggling ]
- He didn't want to be late

because today they'd be doing
arts and crafts.

- I'm ready, Mommy!

- [ Sigh ]
You might have
to wait for me, Caillou...

[ Sigh ]
I've looked everywhere,
but I can't find the car keys.

- Here they are.

[ Laughing ]
They were in that boot!

- Thanks, sweetie.

I guess I'll have to find
a better place

to keep these keys
or I'll make us both late.


Where's the car?

It disappeared!

- Ugh! It disappeared
under all that snow.

We'd better get to work.

[ Truck horn ]

- Caillou liked
to help Mommy shovel snow.

It was fun!

When all the snow was off
the car

Caillou and Mommy tried
to warm up

but it was very chilly.

[ Engine not turning over. ]


[ Starter ]

- The car doesn't like
the cold weather.

It's having a bad day, too.

Don't worry, Caillou.

When things go wrong, it's best
to look on the bright side.

At least you found
the car keys for me.

How about we ask Grandpa

to drive you to playschool?

- OK.

- Spin.

- [ Giggling ]

- Hat.



Boot number one.

- Woah! Oof! Ha ha!

- Boot number two.

Phew! That was a lot
of work.

I'll be back later
to pick you up.

Mommy will be busy getting
the car fixed.

Sounds like she's having
a bad day.

- Hi, Caillou,
I'm glad you made it.

We're making crafts
out of clay this morning.

- I'm gonna make
a present for Mommy!

- That's a great idea,

See you later.

- Caillou tried
to think of something

that would make Mommy happy.

Like a fan
to blow away the snow!

- Ah!

[ Laughing ]

- Or the warmest coat

in the world.

- Ah!

- Or even better,

a big warm sun

to melt all the snow

so it could be summertime.

- Ahh! Thank you, Caillou.

- Ahh...

I'm gonna make a sun
to melt all the snow!

My sun is shining
on your snowman!

- Oh, no!
I'm melting!

- It's getting hotter
and hotter...


- Caillou was upset. Now he
had to start all over again.

This time,

Caillou was very careful
with his sun.

- Let's bake it in the oven
so it can dry out.

Then you can paint it.

- It broke!

- It's OK,

we'll wait
for it to cool,

and then we can glue
the pieces back together.

- After the sun had cooled,

Miss Martin glued it
to a piece of wood.

- There you go,
better than ever.

And now, you can hang it
on the wall.

- Thank you.

Now, I'm going to
paint it yellow.

[ Giggling ]

See? He's smiling!

- After snacktime, Caillou
decided to check on

his present for Mommy.

- Can I see, Caillou?

- Ah! Uh-oh!

- Caillou was annoyed
at Clementine.

His present was ruined again.

- Sorry, Caillou.

- It looks like your sun
is wearing sunglasses.

- [ Laughing ]

- Caillou decided
he liked his sun

even better this way.

- Good work, Caillou.

when things go wrong,

they still work out
for the best.

- Looks like the car's fixed.

Maybe it wasn't
such a bad day after all.

- Caillou couldn't wait to give
Mommy the sun he made.

- I made you a present, Mommy!

- A sun! Oh, thank you!

It's just what I needed to see

I was having a bad day,

but this makes it
a whole lot better.

And I know just
where this can go.

A little higher!

- What do you think, Caillou?

- Perfect!

- And now let's see
if it works...

keys, please.

- Hmmm... not again!

They must be around
here somewhere.

- Here Mommy.

- What would I do without you?

- Now you'll
always remember

where your keys are.

- And we'll always remember
to look on the bright side

when we're having a bad day.
Thanks to Caillou.

- Caillou the chef.

Caillou was very excited
because his friends

the twins, Jason and Jeffrey,

were coming over to play.

And they were staying
for lunch.

- What are we having
for lunch, Mommy?

- I thought you could make
your own pizzas.

- Yay!

- You can help me
by washing those mushrooms.

[ Doorbell ]

- They're here!

Hi, Jason!
Hi, Jeffrey!

- Hi, Caillou.

- We're gonna make
our own lunch!

Guess what we're going to make.

- Um... snail sandwiches?

- Ew! No.

- How about snake soup?

- No!

- I know. Spider pie!

I've got a glow
in the dark

spider we can eat.

Sorry Boris.

[ Laughing ]

- No, we're going to make
our own pizzas!

- I've never made
a pizza before.

- I have lots of times.

I'll show you how.
Come on!

- OK boys, now that you've
washed you hands,

we're ready to start.

Here's your pizza dough.

- The first thing
you have to do

is roll your dough flat

like this.

- Ah, making pizzas,
are we?

Did you know that
I once worked in a pizzeria?

- [All]: Wow!

- You need a lot of practice
before you can do this.

You see it's
all in the wrist action.

- Ah!
- Oh!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Oops!
[ Laughing ]

- [Muffled]: Maybe you boys
should just stick

to the rolling pin.

I'd better go wash up.

- What do we do now, Caillou?

- Next, you put on the tomato
sauce and spread it all around.

- I don't like sauce much.

- I like lots of sauce.

- Then, you sprinkle on
the cheese.

- I like tons of cheese.

- I just want a little.

- That's not the right way
to make pizza.

But now comes
the most fun part.

You make a smiley face

with the mushrooms.

- Nah, I don't like mushrooms.

I'm gonna make a spider
on my pizza.

I need something to make
the spider legs with.

- Well, let's see
what I can find.

How about carrots?

- Can I have
some broccoli, please?

- Broccoli? Carrot sticks!

They don't go on pizzas!

- Caillou was upset

that the twins were making
their pizzas all wrong!

- Everyone can make their pizza
how they like, Caillou.

- Can I put my spider on too?

- Ha! Ha! Well,
I don't know about that.

Let's just
stick to food, OK?

- Caillou imagined he was
a real chef in a pizzeria.

- OK, Chef Caillou.

- Oops!

[ Giggling ]

- Oops!

[ Laughing ]

- [Jason]: See Caillou?
I made a spider.

- [Jeffrey]: And I made
a fly for the spider to eat!

- They'll be ready in minutes

so you boys can go and play.

- I know what we can play.

to Caillou's restaurant.

Here's our menu.

- Hmm...
I don't know what to have.

- We don't have any spiders,
snakes or snails.

And you can have
any topping you want.

[ Laughing ]

- I'll take
a dump truck and a yo-yo!

- And I'll have a sock puppet
and some puzzle pieces!

but I'm still hungry, Caillou.

- [Mommy]: Boys!
Pizza's ready!

- [All]: Yay! Oh boy! Yeah!

- I'll trade you
a slice of my spider

for a slice
of your smiley face.

- Well... OK.

Mmm! The carrots make it
nice and crunchy.

[ Laughing ]

- [All]: Mmm.

- Yummy

- The boys had a good time
trying each other's pizzas.

And Caillou learned that there
really is more

than one way to make a pizza.

- OK, Mommy.

- ♪ We're cooking
We're cooking today ♪

♪ We're cooking,
I'll show you the way ♪

♪ We're cooking,
We're cooking today ♪

♪ We're gonna bake
a chocolate cake ♪

♪ First, we take
a little flour ♪
[ Giggling ]

♪ Add eggs, butter,
sugar, milk ♪

♪ Stir it up well,
that's the goal ♪

♪ Into the oven
the cake will go ♪

♪ Be careful,
cause an oven's hot ♪

♪ We have to wait,
till the cake is done ♪

♪ Let's take a look
at what we've got ♪

♪ Now let's put the icing on
- Yeah!

- ♪ I think it's ready soon

♪ Don't forget
that we have to clean up.

♪ Caillou, would you
like to lick the spoon ♪
- Yes!

- ♪ We're cooking
- We baked a cake ♪

- ♪ We're cooking
- They're fun to make ♪

- ♪ We're cooking
Don't get a bellyache ♪

♪ Night or day
- Step right this way ♪

- ♪ For real gourmet
- It's Caillou's Cafe ♪

- ♪ We're cooking
We're cooking today ♪


- Here's another one.

- Caillou was helping Mommy
sort the laundry.

His job was matching up
all the socks.

- Pink and pink.

- You're very good
at matching socks.

Here you go.

- Hum!

I need another blue sock.

- Hum!

It's not in here. Maybe it's
still in the washing machine.

Aha! Here it is!

Oh, dear.

This stain didn't wash out
of Daddy's shirt.

I guess I'll have to make
cleaning rags out of it.

- Mommy, can I have it?

- If you like.

But I'd better shorten
those sleeves,
or you'll trip over them.

- I can't find my hands!

- Thank you. Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Look, Daddy.
I'm wearing your shirt!

Mommy cut off the sleeves.

- That looks like
a good paint shirt.

- A paint shirt!
- Granma coming!

- That's right.
Grandma just called
and she's coming for lunch.

- Can I paint a picture
for Grandma in my paint shirt?

We can set up your painting
things in the back yard.

- Granma coming!

- Why don't we go out and pick
a nice flower for Grandma?

- Yeah! Pretty flower
for Granma!

- Hold on there, sweetie.

First the sunblock,
then we go outside.

- Caillou knew that you had
to put sun block on

when you went outside
on a sunny day.

- You're going
to need some of this too.

- I can do it.

Oh! This is a good sun block
paint shirt.

[ Laughs ]

- Come on Caillou, let's get
your painting gear.

There you go.
You're all set.

- Caillou couldn't wait to get
started on his painting.

He wanted to make something
extra special for Grandma.

[ Meow ]

- Hey!

- Gilbert, I'm trying to paint.

I'm going to paint a picture
of you, Gilbert.

[ Meow ]

- How about
a nice rose?

- Lily flower.

- Would you like a lily?


- Lily flower.

- Caillou liked
his painting of Gilbert,

but he wanted to paint
something even more special
for Grandma.

- I'm gonna paint
a picture of Rosie!

- Rosie! Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Caillou liked his painting
of Rosie too,

but it wasn't quite what he
wanted to give Grandma either.

Caillou was having
a hard time figuring out

what to paint for Grandma.

- Hello, Caillou.

- What should
I paint, Mommy?

- What about a tree?

- I want to use
lots of colors.

What can I paint
that has lots of colors?

- You could always make
an abstract painting.

- Abstract?

- Abstract -- that means
you don't have to

paint anything
in particular.

You can use whatever
colors you want

and make any kind
of shapes you want.

- Like circles
and triangles and stars?

- Sure.
Whatever you like.

- Caillou thought abstract
painting sounded like fun.

- Whee! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- That's a beautiful
painting, Caillou.

I'm sure Grandma
will love it!

- Thank you.

Daddy's shirt's all messy.

- That's okay, Caillou.

Paint shirts are supposed
to get messy.

It shows how hard you worked
on your painting.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Maybe for paint shirts.

But we still need to wash your
face and hands before lunch!

[ Laughs ]

[ Meow ]

[ Meow ]

- Pretty flower.

- Hello Granma!
- Granma!


- Oh, that's
too bad, Rosie.

This flower was
for you, Grandma.

- Now, don't
you fret, Rosie.

I know what
we can do.

We can press this flower

and that way it will last for
a long, long time.

There, doesn't it
look nice?

- Ooooh!
Flower for Granma!

- Thank you, Rosie.
It's beautiful!

- Hi Grandma!
I painted this for you!

- How wonderful!
Thank you Caillou!

Oh! Which way does it go?

- I'm not sure.

- Then it's an extra-special
work of art,

because you can look at
it any which way!

- And now we have two beautiful
works of art!

[ Meow ]
- Oh-oh! You mean three!

Gilbert is a work of art too!

[ Laughs ]

One fine morning
Mommy made Caillou

and Rosie
an extra-special breakfast!

- Here you go!

Look, Rosie! Hearts!

- That's right, Caillou.
It's a very special day today!

Oh, thank you!
They're beautiful!

- Is it your birthday, Mommy?

- Ha! No, Caillou.

It's Valentine's Day!

- Caillou remembered
Valentine's Day.

He had gone
to a Valentine's party

last year at Leo's.

- It's the day
when people tell others
how much they care about them.

- But you tell Mommy
that all the time!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Yes,

but sometimes it's nice
to show it too

with flowers or a card.

- We have something for you
and Rosie too!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Happy Valentine's Day!

Now you each have
your very own valentine.

- Thanks Mommy!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Thank you.

- Oh!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sticky! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Caillou liked
his stickers very much,

but he was curious about
the little boy with the arrow.

- Who's this, Daddy?

- That's Cupid!

It's his job
to fly around delivering love

to people,
using his bow and arrow.

- Coopid?

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Rosie!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Perhaps we had
better put away

the stickers for now,
and finish our breakfast.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Good idea.

And, Caillou, you don't want
to be late for playschool.

I hear Miss Martin has a special
Valentine's Day planned!

- She does? Oh, boy!

- Can anyone tell me
what today is?

Yes, Caillou?

- It's Valentine's Day!

- That's right,
and today we're going

to make special
Valentine's cards

for all our playschool friends!

- Yeah!

- You'll all get
to decorate some cards,

so you can give one
to each of your playmates.

When we're all done,

we'll deliver them to
these mailboxes

and then everyone can take
theirs home with them!

- Caillou was having a lot of
fun making valentine cards.

He wished every day could be
Valentine's Day!

- Mine is for
my very best friend!

- Hey, mine too!

- Nice picture, Leo!

- Suddenly, Caillou's valentine
didn't seem

quite so special anymore.

- I really like yours!
- Thanks!

- Knowing Leo liked
the valentine

made Caillou feel much better,

especially since
the valentine was for him!

- Wonderful.

When you're all finished
we can start delivering them.

- I'm done!
- Me too!

- One for Emma!

Now Leo's mailbox.
And you're done!

Good job!

It's your turn, Caillou!

- Do you need
any help?

- No, thanks, Miss Martin.
I can do it myself!

Happy Valentines Day,

Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- A big heart for you, Emma!

Now, for my very best
friend, Leo!


Oh, no!

- Leo's was
the very last mailbox,

and Caillou had run out
of cards.

He couldn't find the card
he'd made for Leo anywhere!

- Is something
the matter, Caillou?

- I can't find Leo's valentine!

I think I lost it!

- Oh, dear.

Tell you what.

Why don't we have
our snack now,

and while the class
is eating,

you can have a look
for it.

- But what if
I can't find it?

Leo is
my best friend!

I have to give him
a valentine!

- We could always make him
another one.

- Yeah! Can you help me,
Miss Martin?

- Of course I can.

Let me get the class seated
for their snack

and we'll work together on it.

- Miss Martin had special
Valentine's cookies

for everyone, but Caillou was
too busy to eat.

- That's beautiful,

- Thanks. But I still want
to add something else.

[ Whispering ]

- Sure. I can help you
with that.

"L" for Leo!

I'm sure
he'll love it.

- Open yours, Leo!

That one's from me!
Do you like it?

- Yeah! "L" for Leo!

Thanks, Caillou!

- Happy Valentine's Day, Leo!

- Happy Valentine's Day,

- Winter was almost over.

Spring was on its way,

and the snow was melting.

Caillou's snowman
was starting to melt, too.

- Hm...

- Caillou decided to fix
him up again.

- You look much better now,
Mr. Snowman!

- Caillou! It's lunchtime!

- Coming!
I'll be back after lunch!

- After lunch, Caillou was ready
to play in the snow some more,

but there was a big surprise
waiting for him.

- Oh, no!

- Caillou was sad about all
the snow melting.

He really liked playing in it.

- Oh, no!



[ Cheerful humming ]

- Hello, sweetheart!
What's wrong?

- My snowman melted.

The snow is almost all gone.

- That's too bad, honey.

But you know what that means:
spring is coming!

- I don't like spring.
I like winter.

- Oh, but there are lots
of nice things about springtime.

The weather is warmer,
the days are longer,

the flowers start
coming up.

- Pretty flowers!

- Hm.

Why don't you take off
your coat, honey.

I'm putting away
all our winter clothes.

We won't be needing them again
until next winter.

- But Caillou didn't want to put
his coat away.

He didn't want winter
to be over.

- No. I'm gonna play in
the snow some more.

- Thanks, sweetie.

[ Sigh ]

- The sunshine was nice
and warm.

It felt good.

- What's up, sport?

- My snowman melted.

All the snow is melting.

- That's what happens
when springtime comes.

- I don't want spring to come.

I want it to be winter all year.

- Oh, spring's not so bad.

Can you give me a hand
and hold the bag?

- Sure!

The leaves are yucky!

- Yup. That's why I'm cleaning
the place up, so it looks nice.

And in a few weeks,
we can plant flowers.

- Can we plant
the vegetable garden, too?

- You bet.

- Caillou remembered
how much fun it was
to plant vegetables last year.

He was looking forward
to doing it again.

- Are you putting them
in the garbage?

- This isn't a garbage can,
it's a composter.

We put old leaves
and plants

and bits of food in here,
and after a while

it turns into nice dirt
we can put in the garden

to help the plants grow.

- Caillou was very surprised.

He thought the leaves turning
into dirt was just like magic!

- Now that I'm all done, why
don't you and I go for a walk.

We could go to the park.

- Yeah!

- Only let's get you
a lighter jacket.

You don't need your big
winter coat anymore.

- So Caillou put on
his spring jacket

and he went with Daddy
to the park.

It felt good not to wear
his thick winter coat

and his mittens
and his big scarf anymore.

- Look!
- Ah!

- That's a robin!
- Right!

I didn't know you were
a bird expert!

- Robins have red tummies.

We learned that in playschool.

He's looking for worms
to eat.


Mmmm, yummy!

- Daddy!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Canada Geese!

- Miss Martin says
that all the birds

that went away
for the winter

come back again
in the spring.

- That's right.

And the animals that sleep
through the winter wake up.

- Like bears!

- You bet.

- Caillou was glad the birds
were coming back

and the animals were waking up.

- The snow's gone
from the sandbox!


- Caillou liked playing
in the sandbox.

He started thinking of all
the other things

he could do
now that the snow was gone.

- Wheee!


[ Giggling ]

Ha! Ha! My bike!


- Hi, Caillou!

Come on in!

[ Laughs ]

- Yahoooo!!

Summer comes right after
spring, right, Daddy?

- Yup --
Summer, then fall,

and after that,
it'll be winter again.

- I like spring.

- Me too.

- When they arrived back home,
there was

another spring surprise
waiting for Caillou.

Caillou remembered
how much Rosie and Mommy

liked pretty flowers.

- Mommy! Rosie! Come quick!

Look! Flowers!
- Flowers!

- Aren't they pretty!
Those are called crocuses.

They're the first flowers
of spring.

- Good work, Caillou!

- Caillou was very proud
to have spotted

the first flowers of spring.

- I'm glad spring is here!

Now I can ride my bike
and play soccer
and play in the sandbox

and go on the slide
and the swings

and play baseball
and go swimming

and play croquet.

- ♪ It's spring, it's spring

♪ We're really glad
it's spring ♪

♪ The flowers grow,
there's no more snow ♪

♪ We're really glad
it's spring ♪

♪ It's spring, it's spring

♪ It's time to laugh
and sing ♪

♪ Let's go outside
- I'll run, you hide!

- ♪ We're really glad
it's spring ♪

♪ There's fun things we can do:
a treasure hunt, a barbecue ♪

♪ Fly a kite
(Go to the zoo) ♪

- ♪ We're really glad
it's spring ♪

♪ It's spring, it spring
- I'll push you on the swing.

- ♪ The leaves turn green,
it's time time to clean ♪

♪ We're really glad
it's spring ♪

♪ Each season
has something to do ♪

♪ Each season has
something that's new ♪

♪ We like spring,
how about you? ♪

♪ We're really glad
it's spring ♪

♪ Hiking, biking,
playing ball ♪

♪ Young or old, big or small

- I like summer.
- I like fall.

- But we like spring
the best of all.

♪ It's spring, it's spring

♪ Finally, it's spring

♪ Here comes the sun,
let's have some fun ♪

♪ We're really glad it's...

♪ It's spring

One morning at breakfast

Daddy did something funny.

- Daddy, what are
you doing?

- I'm playing
a little joke on Mommy.


- Shhh!
- [ Giggles ]

[ Yawn ]
- Good morning, everyone!

- Good morning!

- [ Giggles ]

- Thanks.

Oh, my goodness!

It's : already?

I was sure it was eight.

That is strange.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
April Fool's!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Daddy changed the clocks!

- It's only : ,
not : .

- Oh!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- That was a good
April Fool's joke.

You really had me going!

- Mommy, what
is April Fool's?

- Today is
April Fool's Day.

It's a special day
when you play funny jokes

and tricks on people,

as long as they're
in good fun

and don't hurt
anybody's feelings.

- Can I play jokes, too?

- Of course you can!

But that also means
that someone
can play a joke on you.

- Well, I'd better get started
planting the spring bulbs!

- What are spring bulbs?

- They're big flower seeds
that will only grow
in the springtime.

So in about a month,

we'll have beautiful flowers
in our yard.

[ Singsong ]
- I'm gonna get you back!

[ Singsong ]
- You can always try!

- Caillou wanted to play

an April Fool's trick on Rosie,

but he didn't know what kind of
a joke would make her smile.

Then Caillou had a great idea.

Something he was
sure would make Rosie laugh.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Rosie will be so surprised!

- [ Giggling ]

- Quick Gilbert,
we have to hide!
- [ Meow ]

April Fool's, Rosie!

- Dolly wrong.

- Yeah, I dressed
your dolly.

It's a joke.

- Caillou plays dolly?

- Okay. I'll play dolly
with you.

- Caillou was disappointed

that Rosie didn't laugh
at his trick.
[ Phone ]

- Caillou! There's
a phone call for you!

- Coming!


- Roar!

Who is it,

- I... I don't know.

It sounds like a...
a dinosaur!

- April Fool's!

- [ Laugh ]

- That was
a good joke, Mommy!

- Now it's your turn
to play a joke on me!

- Okay!

- Caillou wanted to think up

a really good joke
to play on Mommy.

- Oh, yikes!

[ Honk ]
Ha! Ha! Ha!

[ Ding, ding-a-ling ]

- April Fool's!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Then Caillou had

an even better idea
for tricking Mommy.

- That's strange.

I know my slippers are
around here somewhere.

Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha!


[ Sigh ]

How about carrots?

There you go!
You're all set.

- April Fool's!

- Hi, Caillou.
What are you up to?

- I'm playing a joke on Mommy.

Don't tell her, okay?

- I won't, I promise.

- No, Gilbert, don't!

- Oh, Caillou!

You found my slippers.
Thank you.

I've been looking
all over for them!

- Nice try, Caillou.


Every other page in this
newspaper is upside down!

- April Fool's!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
You got me!

- Caillou was determined to play
a good joke on someone today.

Then he had a very good idea!

- Roar!

- Ah! Oh, my!

- April Fool's!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Did I trick you?

- You sure did!

For a moment there,
I thought a real dinosaur
was in our fridge!

- That's silly!
Now I want to trick Daddy.

Can you help me, Mommy?

- Sure, I'll help you.

What do you have in mind?

- Daddy! Daddy!
Come quick!

Your flowers have already
grown big!

You didn't have to wait!

- Wow! Those must have
been magic bulbs!

- April Fool's!

[ Meow ]

- Hey! Those aren't
real flowers.

They're plastic!

you tricked me!

- Yeah and I tricked
Gilbert, too.

April Fool's, Gilbert!

[ Meow ]

[ Laughing ]

- Caillou loved playing
in the dirt.

He was finding all sorts
of interesting things.

- Ooh! Ha! Ha!

Look what I found!

Can I keep it, Mommy?

- [ Meow ]

- Why don't you
help me plant

some tomato seeds.

Good job!

- Hi, birdy!

- Shoo! Go away! Shoo!

- Why did you do that?

- If the birds eat
the seeds we're planting,

there won't be
any vegetables!

- I thought birds ate worms!

- They eat worms and seeds.

- We need a sign
for the tomatoes!

Can I make one?

- Of course.

- Oh!

- When Caillou saw Rosie...
- [ Giggling ]

He thought
she looked very funny.
- [ Laughs ]

- [ Giggling ]
Rosie, you're all white!

- Rosie baking!

- Oh, is that
what's going on here?

- Yup, believe it or not,

this will all result in
a delicious apple pie.

How's the gardening
coming along?

- I planted tomato seeds

and now I'm going to make a sign
for the tomatoes...see?

- [ Laughing ]

- Here you go, Caillou.

- Thank you!

- Caillou was proud to have made
the sign all by himself.

- I'm going to put it
in the garden!

- Caillou was in a big hurry
to put his brand new sign

in the garden.

[ Clanging ]

- The birds ate
more seeds!

[ Clanging ]

- Hm! Let's make a scarecrow
to keep the birds away!

- What's a scarecrow?

- C'mon! I'll show you.

- Mommy had found
some old clothes

that were perfect
for their scarecrow!

- What is a scarecrow?

- A scarecrow is
a man made out of sticks,

with a hat and clothes,
and he stands
out in the garden.

- How will that keep
the birds away?

- If you were a bird,
and saw a strange person

in the garden, wearing
all these funny clothes,

wouldn't you fly away?

- Yeah!

[ Meow ]

- Good pick!
Now, we'll need some pants.

[ Meow ]

- He needs a face.

- Can you draw
a scary face?

- Yeah! Scary like this!

- Yikes!

- Caillou thought he could be
an excellent scarecrow himself!

- Stay away, birds!
Stay away, birds!

[ Laughs ]


It worked!
I'm a good scarecrow!

- [ Caw! Caw! ]

- Shoo! Shoo!
- [ Caw! ]

That was a big bird!

Whoa! Shoo! Shoo!

- [ Squawking ]

- [ Laughs ]

That was the biggest
bird of all!


Look, Mommy!

A scary scarecrow face!

- That's very good, Caillou.

Now let's go put
our scarecrow together.
- Yeah!

- Caillou couldn't wait to see
their finished scarecrow.

- I can help!

- Thank you, honey.

[ Clanging ]
- Birdies!
Birdies! Birdies!

- [ Meow ]

- Caillou couldn't believe
his eyes.

The scarecrow looked like
a real person.

But there were still
a few things missing.

- Boo!

- [ Squealing and giggling ]

[ Clang ]

You know, Rosie,

your pie plates could help
the scarecrow make noise!

I think
we're almost done.

- [ Sniffing ]

And I think something
else is almost done.

- Apple pie!
- Yum!

[ Birds singing ]
- Oh!

Look! The birds
are coming back!

It works! The scarecrow
scared them away!

- Good! That means our carrots
and tomatoes will grow.

- They're gonna grow
really, really tall,

up over my head!

- Really? That big?

- Yup -- the tomatoes
will be this big

and the carrots
will be as big as...

our car!

- We could put wheels on it

and drive around
in our carrot car!

- [ Laughs ]

And then, we can eat it!
Yum! Yum! Yum!

- Mmm! These tires
are chewy!

- Yum, yum! This steering
wheel is delicious.

[ Laughing ]

- One Saturday morning,
Daddy suggested it might be
a great day for a drive.

- Where are we going
to drive to, Daddy?

- Oh, I don't know.

- [ Laugh ]
- You don't know?

- Nope.

We'll just drive
and see what we can find.

- Caillou thought
it was strange not to know

where you were driving to.

He wondered
what they would find.

- Here we go!

- Yay!
- Yay!

- Who wants to play a game?

- I do!
- Yeah!

- Okay, for this game,
you have to look for...

a red barn.

- Hm!

There's one!
I see a red barn!

- Barn!

- Good!

Now, how about
a white car?

- Car! Car!

- It's a car, Rosie,

but it's black,
not white.

A white car!

White car!

- Now let's look

- Cows! Moo!

[ Giggles ]

- Caillou was first
to see the cows,

but he wanted
to let Rosie call it out.

- Watch for cows, Rosie.

- Cows! Cows!

Rosie see cows!


- Way to go, sweetie.

- [ Laughing ]

- Moo-o-o-o-o!
- [ Moo ]

- Soon it was time to stop
for lunch

and fill up the car with gas.

- Is the gas going
in the car now, Daddy?

- Yup -- those numbers show us
how much gas is going in.

- It's a lot!

- Gas is like
food for the car.

The gas makes the car go.

- [ Giggles ]
We're going to have lunch

and the car is having
lunch, too!

- You got it!

[ Horn blows ]
- Wow!

Look at the truck, Daddy!
Can we go and see it?


- Sure, let's go!

- Caillou liked big trucks,

and this one was really nice
and shiny!

Caillou imagined
what it would be like

to drive a big, big truck
like this one.

[ Honk! ]
- I'm Truck Driver Caillou!

[ Honk! ]

Hm! That sign means that
deer cross the road here.

I'd better slow down.


Duck crossing! Hm!


[ Quacking ]

- [ Laughs ]
Hippo crossing?!

[ Honk! Honk! ]

Excuse me!

Can you let me
through, please?

Thank you!


Vroom! Vroom!
Vroom! Vroom!

- Okay,
Truck Driver Caillou,

it's time to get
some grub.

- Okay!

- In the restaurant,
Rosie sat in a highchair,

but Caillou got to sit
in the booth like a big boy.

He could even pick out
what he wanted on the menu,

because it had pictures!

- I'd like
a cheese sandwich, please.

- What would you like
to drink, Caillou?

- Hm! Moo-o!

Milk, please.

- [ Laughing ]

- After lunch,
they drove some more.

Caillou was starting
to get tired of driving.

- Caillou.

Look up ahead!

- Is that a ferry boat?

Are we going on it?

- You bet!

- Caillou had never been on
a ferry boat before!

- Can I go look at the boat?
- Not yet.

We can't get out of the car
until we hear the horn.

[ Horn blows ]

- [ Laughs ]

That's loud!

One, two, three, four,
five cars!

- This is just a little ferry.

There are big ferry boats that
can carry a hundred cars!

- Wow!

Look, Daddy!
The birds
are following us!

- Those are seagulls.
- [ Cries ]

- [ Imitating cries ]

- Caillou, look,

it's the captain.

- Welcome aboard!

- The ferry boat captain
showed Caillou
the controls of the boat.

And when they got close
to the shore,

he even let Caillou
blow the horn!

[ Horn ]

- So, Caillou,

did you enjoy your very first
ferry boat ride?

- Yeah!
Especially the horn!

Rosie slept through
the whole ferry ride!

That's okay,
because I can tell her

about it when she wakes up.

- Caillou thought about all
the nice surprises

they had found today --

the cows and the gas pumps

and the big truck

and the restaurant
where he ordered for himself

and the ferry boat
with the loud, loud horn!

Caillou decided
he liked car trips,

especially when they didn't
know where they were going!

- Caillou! Rosie!

Let's get in the car.
Time to go.

- ♪ I'm so excited,
'cause we're taking a trip ♪

♪ But daddy won't
tell me where ♪

- ♪ Come on, everybody,
put your safety belt on ♪

♪ It's gonna take a little while
to get there ♪

- ♪ It's fun to count
the cars one by one ♪

- ♪ Tell me all
the colors you see ♪

- ♪ There's a blue car,
a red truck, a motorcycle ♪

♪ and look,
he's waving at me ♪

- ♪ We're driving
in the car, car, car ♪

♪ We're going very
far, far, far ♪

♪ Do you know
where we are, are, are? ♪

♪ Yes, we're driving
in the car ♪

- Look daddy, a cow!
- [ Moo! ]

- ♪ A trip to the country,
a trip to the city ♪

- ♪ A trip to
really cool places ♪

- ♪ A car trip can be
so much fun ♪

- ♪ Meeting new friends
and interesting faces ♪

- ♪ We're driving
in the car, car, car ♪

♪ We're going very
far, far, far ♪

♪ Do you know
where we are, are, are? ♪

♪ Yes, we're driving
in the car ♪

♪ We're driving
in the car, car, car ♪

We're driving in the car!

It was a special day
at Caillou's playschool.

A young boy named Alan was
coming to visit.

- Now, everyone,

I'd like you
to meet a new friend, Alan.

- Hi, Alan!

- Alan has come to find out
what playschool is all about.

If he likes it,
he may be attending.

- C'mon, Alan,
we'll show you around!

- Yeah, come on!

How old are you?

- I'm five!

- I'm only four,
but I'm getting older every day!

- Me too!

- Um...
don't you know how to climb?

- I'm climbing!

- Hold on here.

And step up here
and pull yourself up.

Now, swing
your leg over.

- I did it!

- Look at me!
I'm swinging!

- I'm swinging, too!

- I can help.

- Whoa!
[ Laughs ]

- Hold on!

[ Laughs ]

- Do this, Alan!

- Mom, look!
I'm really swinging!

- Caillou wondered
why Alan was having

so much trouble
with climbing and swinging.

After all,
Alan was a whole year older.

Alan and his mom brought
a special treat --

brownies for the whole class.

Everyone enjoyed them
very much!

- Miss Martin,
Alan is older than I am.

Why can't he do
the things I can do?

- Some things are hard
for him to learn

and he might need
a little more practice.

I'm so happy to see

what a big helper
you're being to Alan.

- I bet there
are some things

he can do even better
than I can.

- I'm sure you're right.

- [ Laughing ]

- Let's make up a play!

I'm going to the jungle to take
pictures of wild animals.

- I'll be the driver!
I'll drive a jeep.

- What will you be,

- Vroom! Vroom!

- Caillou wondered what Alan was
going to dress up as.

- Come on, Caillou,
let's plan our play!

- Soon, they were ready to show
everyone their play.

- I'm going to Africa to take
pictures of wild jungle animals.

- I'm the driver.
Here we go!

Vroom! Vroom! Vr...

- [ Laughs ]
Wait for me!

- I'm a wild animal!

Take my picture!


- [ Laughing ]

- I'm a dragon!

- Dragons don't live
in the jungle.

They live
in fairy tales!

- Grrr!

- Look!

This dragon
is visiting the jungle
for the very first time.

- A dragon
in the jungle?!

I'd better take
a picture of him!

- Growl!


- [ Laughing ]

Hold still,

- Rowr!

- [ Laughing ]

- Rowr!


- It's OK!

- Hey, dragon!
- Look at him go!

- [ Chuckles ]

I am a magic dragon tamer

and I will tame
the dragon!

- Gro-o-o-wl!


- Oh! Oh!

Little dragon,
you can be good.

You are a good
little dragon.

[ Cooing ]

[ Coo ]

You don't have to be bad
and scare people.

Everybody wants to be
your friend.


- [ Laughing and cheering ]

- The dragon is
now tamed.

He's going to take me
for a dragon ride!

Take a picture, Clementine!
- Gro-o-o-wl!

- [ Laughs ]

- We're flying!

- Yay!

- Yay!

- [ Whistling ]

- We're flying!

- Yee-haw!

- Yahoo!

Caw! Caw!

- I found out
what Alan is really good at:


- He certainly is!

And I found a couple of things

you are very good at, Caillou.

- You did?

- You're a good
dragon tamer,

but you're also
an excellent friend.

- Now we're
dragons, Caillou!

[ Growling ]

- Come here
little dragons.

[ Cooing ]

[ Laughs ]

- I love playschool!

- Alan's first day
at playschool

turned out to be
so much fun,

everyone hoped
to see him back again.

It was a lovely,
peaceful morning

at Caillou's house.

- Mommy, can I have some
juice, please?

- Of course you can.
Your glass is in the dish tray.

- Caillou didn't want to use
his regular glass.

He wanted to drink from a cup,
just like Mommy and Daddy.

- Oh!

- Oops!

Hold still, Caillou --

I don't want you cutting
your feet.

- Oh.

- Oh, what a shame.

That's the cup that
Grandma made for me!

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to break it!

- I know you didn't, honey.
It was an accident.

I better put these
in the trash outside.

[ Car approaching. ]

- Hello there, Caillou.
- [ Sigh ]

- What's the matter?

- Hi, Grandma.

I broke Mommy's
favorite cup.

The one
you made for her.

- Well, I'm sure it was
an accident.

Don't worry about it.

I'll tell you what.

I'm going
to the craft center today.

Why don't you come along
and make her a new one!

- Really?

- Sure!

We'll tell Mommy you're coming
to help me.

We won't say you're making
her a new cup.

That way it will be a nice
surprise for her.

- This is
like school!

- That's right!
You're never too old
to keep learning!

This will keep
your clothes clean.

- I like that one!

Can I make a cup like
that, Grandma?

- I don't see why not.
I'm going to help you.

- Hm. It's like
my play clay at home.

- It is similar,
except we put this clay

in a big oven to dry,
and it becomes as hard as rock.

- It goes around!

- This is how
we make pottery.

- Caillou was amazed.

Grandma's pot was appearing
like magic!

- I'm gonna make
a cup for Mommy!

Now I'm gonna make
a car for Mommy!

[ Honking,
tires screeching ]

And now I'm gonna make
a flying car!

Hee! Hee!
Ha! Ha! Ha!


Hee! Hee! Hee! Ha! Ha!
- What's so funny?

- I'm thinking about what
I'm gonna make.

- Well, come here
and let's get started
on your cup.

Just hold your hands like this
until the clay takes
the shape of a cup.

Not too tight, now.

- Oh!

- [ Laughing ]

- It's like playing
with mud in the backyard!

- Maybe that's why everyone
likes to do it!

- [ Giggling ]

- Well done, Caillou!

Now I'll hollow out the inside.

Would you like
to make the handle?

Just roll the clay this way.

- Can I put it on?

- Now, we have to bake
the clay in an oven

for a short while,

to let it dry.

- How long does it take?

- Not very long.

- After a while,

Grandma took their cup and pot
out of the oven.

When they cooled down,

Grandma and Caillou sat down
to paint them.

- Are there any other paints?

I don't like these colors.

- The colors will turn bright
when the cup is fired
in the oven.

- Ah! It has to go
in the oven again?!

- Caillou was disappointed.

His cup didn't look as nice
as all the others.

He didn't think the colors
would really get brighter.

- This time, it'll fire
in the oven overnight

and we can come back
for it tomorrow.

- [ Sigh ]

But I wanted to give it
to Mommy today.

- Just be a little
patient, Caillou.

It's only one day.

Some things are worth
waiting for.

- The next day,
Caillou was playing with Rosie

when Grandma came
to pick him up.

- Caillou!

Do you remember what
we need to do today?

- Hm...

- We're going back
to the craft center.

- Mommy's cup!

- Yay!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Shhh! Don't forget,
it's a surprise!

All the finished pottery
should be over there.

- Here's your pot, grandma.

- Thank you, Caillou,
but what about your cup?

- Oh.

- Remember how you made
the handle?

- There it is!
The colors changed!

- That's what happens when
we fire the pottery, Caillou.

It takes a little longer
than modeling clay,

but it's worth the extra time.

- I'm glad I waited!

Would you like some
coffee, Mommy?

- Not right now, sweetie,
thank you.

- Hm.

Would you like some
milk or juice?

- I'm not thirsty,
but thanks for asking.

What's going on?

- Close your eyes,

Surprise! I made
this for you!

- Ah!

Caillou, it's beautiful!
How did you do it?

- Grandma helped
a little.

- And I promise

I won't break this one.

- Thank you very much.

It's the best present anyone
could ever get.

- Caillou could tell Mommy
really liked his cup.

Grandma was right:

some things really are worth
waiting for!

- One day at playschool,

Leo was telling everyone about
a party he'd been to.

- My cousin had a birthday party
for his pet goldfish Herman!

- His goldfish?!

Did he get presents
and everything?

- Yup. He got a little diver
that blows bubbles

and moves up and down in
his fish t*nk.

- A diver?
- Wow!
- That's funny!

- Herman the Goldfish's
birthday is

in the month of June,
just like mine.

- When's your birthday?

- It's next week, on Monday.

- Caillou wanted
to do something special
for Miss Martin's birthday.

But he knew he'd need help.

- We should have
a surprise party
for Miss Martin's birthday!

- That sounds like fun!
- Yeah!

[ Honking ]
- Caillou!

- Oh! I have to go.

- Bye!

- Miss Martin's birthday
is on Monday.

Clementine and Leo and I
wanna have a surprise
birthday party for her.

- Oh!
That sounds like fun.

You're going to need food.

- Hm...
Can we make cupcakes?

And we need a present, too!
A surprise present.

- Caillou thought about what
would be a good surprise
for Miss Martin.

- Surprise!
- [ Exclaiming ]

- Oh! What a shiny car!

[ Engine revving
and tires screeching ]

[ Honking ]

- [ Laughs ]

Oh, my!
Why, thank you!

I've always wanted a cape!

[ Laughing ]

I love airplanes!

Ready for takeoff!

[ Rotor whirrs ]

- Caillou realized that

the presents
he'd like to to get

wouldn't be so good
for Miss Martin.

He wondered what
Miss Martin would like.

Maybe Leo and Clementine
would know.

The next day, Caillou's friends
came over to help Caillou

plan the party.

They started by making
birthday cupcakes.

- Now for some eggs.

- Rosie help!


- [ Laughing ]

- Don't worry, Rosie,
we can clean that up.

Why don't you mix
the batter instead.

- What present should
we give Miss Martin?

- An eraser that never
gets smaller!

- Or a pink pen,
with feathers on it!

- I know! We can make
her a birthday card!

- My Mommy likes to get
flowers on her birthday.

I bet Miss Martin
does, too.

- Good idea!

- I can show you how
to make paper flowers,
if you like.

- Yeah! All right!
- Let's go make the card first!

- I drew a butterfly!

- I'm drawing happy faces
on the balloons,

because they're happy
it's Miss Martin's birthday.

- And I'm drawing a big cake
with lots of candles on it.

- Rosie draw!
- Okay, Rosie.

Here, you can color the grass!

- Very nice!

Miss Martin
will love it.

Are you ready to make
some paper flowers?

- Yeah!

- Okay, first we draw

some simple flowers
next to each other
on our sheet.

- Pretty flower!

- That's wonderful, Rosie!

Now, we cut them out.

Now, we take each flower
and poke a small hole in it,

using our pipe cleaner,

and slide the flower down
a little bit.

Then curl the top of
your pipe cleaner down

to make the middle
of your flower.

- Look at my flower!

- They all look beautiful!

Now, we make some more,
until we have a nice big bunch.

- Yeah!

- Now don't forget:
Clementine, you bring the card

and, Leo,
you bring the flowers.

I'll bring the cupcakes.

- Okay.
- Bye, Caillou!

- Caillou was very excited
about surprising Miss Martin.

He couldn't wait
for her birthday to arrive.

On Monday morning,
they brought the card

and the flowers
and the cupcakes.

- Remember, it's a surprise.

Okay, you guys?

- And they had to be
especially careful

that Miss Martin
didn't see this!

- Miss Martin,
can you close your eyes?

- Okay, but just for a minute.

- [ Whispering ]
When I count
to three, okay?

One, two, three...

- Surprise!
Happy birthday!

- Oh, my!

Such a wonderful card!

And these beautiful
flowers, too!

Thank you!

Cupcakes, too?

You really thought
of everything!

- We made the cupcakes

Mommy helped, too.

- Oh, my!


- They look good.
- She likes them!

- Yummy!
- I'm gonna have one.

- Daddy!
We had a fun party!

Miss Martin was really
surprised and she liked
her cupcake, too!

Can I have a surprise party
for my birthday?

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
We'll see.

♪ We're having a party

♪ We're gonna have a good time

- ♪ All my friends are here

♪ And it's gonna be
a special day ♪

- ♪ We're having a party

♪ We're gonna play lots
of games ♪

- All right!

- ♪ We're gonna dance around
and everybody shout hooray ♪


- ♪ There are different kinds
of parties ♪

♪ You can celebrate lots
of things ♪

- ♪ Birthdays, holidays,
graduations ♪

- ♪ And we all get to sing,
la la la la ♪

♪ We're having a party
(We're having a party) ♪

♪ Everybody put on your hat
(Put on your hat) ♪

♪ We're gonna eat
a lot of cake
and make some noise ♪

- Yeah!

- ♪ It's fun to get presents

♪ But I like giving
them more ♪

♪ 'Cause making
somebody happy ♪

♪ Is the very best
present, for sure ♪

- ♪ We're having a party
(We're having a party) ♪

♪ And now, it's almost done
(Now, it's almost done) ♪

♪ Now, let's all help
clean up ♪

♪ Yes, having a party is fun

- It was early evening,

and Caillou and Sarah were
having fun playing outside.

- I caught it!

[ Thunder rumbles ]

- It looks like it's
going to rain.

- Daddy's home!

- Hi, Caillou.
Hi, Sarah.

I feel drops!

Did someone leave
the sprinkler on?

-[ Laughing ]
- No, Daddy! It's raining!

- Hurry up, everybody,
or you'll get all wet!

- Hurry up! Hurry up!
- [ Laughing ]

- Just in time!
You almost got soaked.

- [ Meow ]

- Gilbert's
a scaredy cat!

I'm not afraid
of storms!

[ Thunder and lightning ]

- Stay right where
you are, everybody.

I'll find a flashlight.

- Mommy!
- Don't worry!
I'm right here, sweetie.

- Here we are!
- [ Crying ]


- Don't worry, Rosie.
It's only me.

- I've got some candles
in the kitchen.

- To the kitchen!

- [ Laughing ]
To the kitchen!

- [ Giggling ]

- At first, Caillou was
a little afraid

when the lights went out,

but with the candles lit,
things didn't look

so scary anymore.

- Here we go.

- Why did the lights
go out, Daddy?

- Oh, I think the rainstorm
caused it.

Sometimes lightning hits
power lines and makes
the power go out.

- Let's see if everybody else's
lights are out, too!
- Yeah!


All the lights in the whole
world went out.

- Probably just the lights
in our neighbourhood.

Let's listen to the radio
and find out what's happening.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Aw! Cut it out!
I can't see.

[ Laughing ]

- Officials expect power
to be restored shortly.

- We just have to wait
a little longer,

and the lights
will come back on.

- How come the radio works
when we don't have power?

- Batteries!

- You're
absolutely right.

We don't have to plug
the radio into the wall

to make it run because
it runs on batteries.

Just like
the flashlights, see?

- Can I use your phone?
I'd better call my mom.

- Good idea.

I bet there's no power
at your house either.

Why don't I call, and ask her if
you can stay here for the night?

- Yeah! Ask her!
- Okay!

- Sarah's mom said it was okay
for Sarah to stay over.

After dinner,
Caillou and Sarah built a tent

so they could pretend
they were camping.

- Caillou?

- [ Laughing ]

- Caillou!

- Come on in, Rosie,
but be careful,

or the tent
will fall down.

Mommy, can you turn off
the lantern?

The dark is more fun!

[ Laughing ]

- Oh, Rosie scared.

- It's okay, sweetie.
- [ Crying ]

- [ Meow! ]

- Gilbert!

- [ Meow ]

- Look, Caillou.

It's a scary monster!
- Ah!

- Even though Caillou knew
it was just Gilbert,

he didn't want Sarah to talk
about scary monsters.

- No monsters!

- Sorry, Caillou,
I didn't mean
to scare you.

Let's pretend
we're explorers

and we can follow Gilbert
around the house.

- Look, Sarah!

Gilbert is running
after the light!

- [ Meow! ]

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Over here, Gilbert!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Over here, Gilbert!

- Aw!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay.

Now that the lights are on,
it's time for bed!

- Caillou and Sarah
were disappointed

that the lights were on again.

They were having so much fun.

But Gilbert was looking
a little tired out.

- [ Giggling ]

- All set, kids?

- Can we sleep
in our tent?

We're camping
in the forest.

- Sure, I'll go get some
sleeping bags for you.

- Look, I can make
a bunny rabbit.

There are lots of rabbits
here in the forest.

And deer, and squirrels.

- And bears, too.
Big bears!

They're the biggest
in the forest!

- Caillou pretended he was
really in the woods

with all the animals.

- Ah!

What's wrong,
little bunny?

Are you afraid
of the dark?

You can come with me --
I'm Forest Ranger Caillou,

and I'm not afraid of the dark!

- [ Whimpering ]

[ Moaning ]

- Are you scared, too?

- Mm-hmm.

- Come on with us!

Watch this!

I can make a bunny rabbit!

[ Laughing ]

And a bear!

- Oh!
[ Whimpering ]

- Don't worry,
it's not a real bear.

And you shouldn't be afraid
of bears: you are a bear!

Look, Sarah.

I can make a bear.


[ Yawn ]

- Sorry it took so long.

I had the hardest time
finding --

Sweet dreams.
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