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02x01 - Central Dark

Posted: 09/26/22 07:58
by bunniefuu
Another day Of living
in the middle of it all.

Hey, don't poop there.

Another journey uptown
On the from City Hall.

Salami, huh?

While buses leave With all
the other boys and girls.

We go to the park To
live among the squirrels.

We go to Central Park.

It's the private place we share.

- It's normal that we live here.
- Central Park.

- And I watch from over there.
- You know we have to live here

I'm of course your narrator.

Which is still
your favorite part.

Back in Central Park.

It's in the middle of the city.

Central Park.

Look at them.

The first family of Central
Park. Love these guys. Love them.

I could hide in a bush outside their house
and look at them through a window forever.

But first, Bitsy.

This is a quintessentially
New York story,

and what better way to start a
New York story than in New Jersey?

New Jersey. The fart
cloud of Manhattan.

That's very poetic.

- Where exactly are we anyway?
- Weehawken.

- Weehawken? More like we-stinkin'.
- You wanna turn around?

What? And miss giving my
hilarious keynote speech

at the Hotel Owners
Association meeting

where all my competitors and worst
enemies are in one place? No.

When they find out
what I've got cooking,

they're gonna line up at Bitsy's
soup kitchen for a handout,

and I'll say, "Get away from
my soup. It's made for me."

Now I want soup.

I still don't think what you're
planning to do is a very good idea.

Sorry, Ms. Brandenham.
Traffic's a nightmare.

- Quite the chatterbox today, huh, Jarvis?
- Sorry?

There he goes again.
This place sucks.

If you turn left down that alley, the one
with the dumpster, there's a shortcut.

How could you
possibly know that?

Are you an associate
professor of crap-hole towns?

I'm from Weehawken.

Oh, cool. Good for
you. Such a cool place.

- It may not look like much.
- It doesn't.

Hey, Bitsy, I'm from this city So
please watch how you're talking.

It's home to me
I love this town.

Let me tell you about
Weehawken Now listen.

With all due respect This
town's better than you'd expect.

Never gonna meet a
more friendly bunch.

And, oh, so many
great spots for lunch.

Weehawken, that's quite the name An
indigenous word for the Palisades.

Or kinda like that
It's complicated.

And by that, I
mean appropriated.

Anyhoo, did I mention the view?

Narrows to the G-dub It's whoo.

It's the best spot in the NoHu

Jersey pride, y'all,
let me show you.

Because I'm from Weehawken.

All day we jaywalking.

Living high up on the Palisades.

Everybody be flocking
To Weehawken.

You know I'm from Weehawken

Manhattan, keep gawking.

Hit the ferry as it casts away

Hudson River be
rocking In Weehawken.

When we walk We walking tall.

Weehawken, New Jersey, y'all.

Yes, I'm proud of the pedigree
Who's from Weehawken just like me?

Fred Astaire Shake it there.

Smell that fish up in the air

Daniel Webster goes way back.

And that lady that
sang "Love Shack".

Pause it there, I love her hair
I wonder where she gets it done.

That's one more thing about this
town We've got such great salons.

Can't help but brag.

And our history's so cool We're
the home of the Hamilton-Burr duel.

There's a park and a
plaque It's top-notch.

This spot's where
Hamilton got sh*t.

What's good, everybody on The
Bluff? See, that's where I grew up

I gotta shout out Weehawken High's
Young Ladies Euchre Club, woot, woot!

Our traffic? Slow-motion
Our neighbor? Hoboken.

We use gender-neutral pronouns
Our population is woken.

It smells like the ocean And I'm
sorry for the self-promotion.

But when I walk out on Hackensack
I gush out with emotion.

Because I'm from Weehawken.

All day we jaywalking.

Living high up on the Palisades.

Everybody be flocking
To Weehawken.

You know I'm from Weehawken

Manhattan, keep gawking.

Hit the ferry as it casts
away Hudson River be rocking.

In Weehawken.

Because we're from Weehawken.

This township is rocking.

Living high up on the Palisades.

knocking In Weehawken.

You know we're from Weehawken

Manhattan, we're mocking.

Broin' out While
we're pumping weights.

We are proud to be Weehawken.

That's why we should go down that
alley. Save us, like, ten minutes.

I don't take
directions from not me.

Just keep honking the horn.
Show them we're serious.

Okay, people.

We're two minutes out. Molly,
two minutes to Gina Tracker, FBI.

I'm so excited. What happened to
Tracker after that crazy season finale?

Do you think she'll
make it out alive?

Cole, if there's one thing I
know about Gina Tracker, FBI,

it's that she
always finds a way.

Also she's good at tracking.

- Did it start yet?
- No, but it's starting any second.

Okay, well, real quick,

I have one non-Gina Tracker, FBI
related piece of business to discuss.

Since the show's about to start, feel
free to not think about it too carefully,

but I was wondering if I could
go to a concert tomorrow night

with Brendan
without a chaperone?

No chaperone?
Interesting. Interesting.

Casual dad over here,
casually processing.

It's just the two of
us having a good time

with a couple thousand other
people in a well-lit arena.

Just listening to music, applauding
at the appropriate moments,

perhaps drinking a soda pop.

Previously on Gina Tracker, FBI.

I don't know.

- We trust you. But...
- We'll think about it, okay?

Is it because of the soda
pop? I can have water.

Total silence
starting this instant.

Damn it, Tracker. It's no
use. The track's gone cold.

I've never seen a cold trail.

Except for that time in Glacier
National Park in January.

Because of the
snow, which is cold.

How cute are they, watching
their little show together?

Too bad they're not
gonna get to finish it.

Have I shocked you? Well,
let's just say you'll see.

Or should I say,
"You won't see"?

That will feel very clever later when
you know what's going on. Until then...

Tracker got a haircut!

The Tri-State Hoteliers
Association Conference.

You could power a rocket with
how much I hate these people.

There's Leslie Portergrave.

- Dory Sterling.
- Buy it. Buy it now.

Bury it. Bury it now.

And there's Marriott J. Courtyard.
Bunch of rich, greedy twerps.

And what's the deal
with these centerpieces?

Are they little
overflowing toilets?

I believe those are
chocolate fondue fountains.

No, they're toilets.

They really decided to have
the hotelier conference

at the worst hotel in the world.

It's old, crusty and
smells like farts.

Doesn't remind me of anybody.

Oh, great. Here
comes Portergrave.

Bitsy, have you gotten smaller? They
say that happens before you die.

I see you're desperately
trying to pretend you're young

because you have a
hotel in Brooklyn,

which is suddenly cool
for some stupid reason.

Probably because it's so lame.

Are you up to your
ass in summer scarves?

Your jokes are as tired and
played out as Manhattan.

As if people still go
there. What is this, ?

You look like a corpse buried
in his grandson's clothing.

I'm just trying to stay in
touch with the youth culture.

Tell your face.

Same old Bitsy.

We'll see about that.

And now to deliver tonight's
keynote address, Bitsy Brandenham.

Thank you, thank you.
What an honor it is,

for you to have me here.

Year after year, I drag myself
to this ridiculous conference

and suffer through it.

But now it's time for some
truth. Your hotels suck.

Leslie Portergrave, your hotel is
only stories tall. Pathetic.

Dory Sterling, your hotel
looks like a weird penis.

My hotel looks
like a good penis.

But seriously, folks, I'm actually
glad you're all gathered in one place.

I know what you people
say about the Brandenham.

That it's old-fashioned, uncool,
drafty, moldy, smells like goulash.

Well, today I'm going to show
you exactly who's got the beef.

I've obtained the city's
top-secret infrastructure projects.

With these plans, I'll be able
to buy up cheap real estate

that soon won't be cheap real estate,
'cause it'll be superhot real estate.

It's the skeleton key to the best
investments over the next ten years.

Wanna see? There
you go. Too fast?

Here, take another look.
Too quick, didn't see it?

So sad. So much money at stake.

As I may have mentioned
in my opening remarks,

your hotel sucks, your hotel
sucks and your hotel sucks.

Your hotel's pretty good.
Just kidding. It sucks!

- Tracker, what took you so long?
- I had to change into a fresh tracksuit.

Wow. Running. I did
not see that coming.

I love this show.
I love this show!

I've never read Shakespeare, but I'm
assuming this is slightly higher quality.

Do you think she'll track him down?
Or do you think he'll get away?

I mean, she usually does, but
maybe this is the week she doesn't.

And where is she running?
I don't know! I don't know!

Look at us. Loving TV together.

Does any other family
love TV together?

Are we possibly the best family
ever, having the best night ever?

Family means togetherne...

Your hotel doesn't just
suck, it super sucks.

What happened? Did I scorch everyone
too hard and we blew a fuse?

- Oh, no.
- Mom, make TV come back.

I can't. Maybe I can. TV,
on! Nope, didn't work.

If I don't find out what
happened to Tracker, I'll die.

Me too, son. Me too.

Remember when I said you wouldn't
see it? Pretty clever, huh?

Moth! Or baby bat! Is
it a moth or baby bat?

I think it's a blackout.

Too bad. I still had ten
minutes of material left.

I think they got the gist. Everyone
in this room hates your guts.

You're just being nice.

Come on. We're done here. Let's
get the hell out of Weehawken.

That's right. This is a
New York City blackout.

And you know what that means?
Things can get a little dark.

Are you scared? You should
be. I mean, I'm not.

Oh, my God, bats! Or moths!
I can't tell! It's too dark!

Come into the
darkness Follow me.

Right in front of your
face You can't see a thing.

Blinded by the darkness
Your head starts to spin.

Was that a murdery guy?
Or was it just the wind?

Wait. What was that? What
in the hell was that?

You have no choice If you
want to survive, follow us.

All the lights are out
Come into the darkness!


We could all die tonight
Or maybe we'll live.

We should all run and hide
Or maybe we just stay in.

Deeper into the void
We still can't see.

Society is breaking
down What will we eat?

Carl? Maybe we'll eat Carl.

- Wait, what?
- I said maybe.

- Dude.
- Definitely eating Carl.

No schools, no banks Nowhere
to charge your phone.

No movies, no gas Okay,
maybe there's gas.

But there's still nowhere
To charge your phone.

Come into the darkness Yeah!

We could all die tonight
Or maybe we'll live.

We should all run and hide
Or maybe we just stay in

I can't see.

Looks like we're
not going anywhere.

We're trapped in New Jersey.

Oh, crap. This is your fault.

Yep. Sorry. Must have
plugged in too many things.

At least I have the infrastructure plans,
so it doesn't really matter where I am.

I'm just always that hot lady
who's gonna make so much money.

Oh, my sweet, sweet plans.
No one can have you but me.

What are you all looking at?

I think we should go.

Why? Stay here where
it's safe. In the dark.

There's nothing to be afraid of
just because there are no rules

in a tri-state blackout.

You know, during the blackout of
' , I did some terrible things.

I pooped in a garbage can. No one
cared. And you know what else?

I liked it. It felt right.

Very interesting, Portergrave.

I hope you find somewhere interesting to
poop this time. But if you'll excuse us...

You were a fool to bring
those plans with you, Bitsy.

I didn't. I brought
fakes. I'm not an idiot.

- You're lying.
- I'm not.

I'll prove it to you. I'm going
to tear them up right now.

- You're not doing it.
- Well, not right now.

I was gonna save it as a
treat for when I get home.

Let's get out of here.
Where the hell's Jarvis?

Don't know. Probably
stuck in all this traffic.


How come you get to mug
Bitsy? I wanna mug Bitsy.

Helen, get us out of here.

How? I don't have a car.

Carry me. Put those long,
stringy arms to use for once.

Up you go.

Bitsy, don't go.

Come out and play.

So, without their beloved Gina
Tracker, FBI, the family is...

Damn it. Not you too.
Oh, good. Eight bats!

I just want you to know the
power's out in the park.

Yeah. I know it's out in the
park. It's out everywhere.

I changed all the
lightbulbs. Still nothing.

Yeah, it's a blackout, Elwood.

Well, then I'm just
gonna microwave some food

and hang out in the office.

- No. Elwood...
- Strike that, boss.

The microwave doesn't work.
What a night. What are the odds?

All right, call
me if you need me.

Maybe I'll k*ll some time,
watch Gina Tracker, FBI.

Bye, Elwood.

You want me to bring this
microwave to the dumpster?

No, don't do that.

I'm throwing away this
computer too. Totally dead.

- No, don't do that.
- They're all dead, boss.

I'll check in with you later.
Don't throw anything away!

If they get us,

I think you should be prepared to
sacrifice your body like we agreed upon.

- Never agreed to that.
- Unspoken agreement.

Bitsy, where are you?

They're close. We should hide.

Hide? We're in the middle of
the street. Where can we hide?

All I want are the city plans,
and I'll let you go. I promise.

You can trust me. What,
these fondue forks?

Just something I use to find
my way through the city.

They're my feeling forks.

This whole place stinks.

- I mean, we're in a dumpster.
- You're in a dumpster.

Come on.

Hey, I know we're all disappointed
about Gina Tracker, FBI,

but I have an idea for
how to make this fun.

Let's play a game. And
I've got just the thing.

I picked it up at the thrift
store for a rainy day.

This is more like
an inky blackness.

Still works. Salem Witch Hunt!

- That's creepy, Mom.
- Life is creepy, honey.

And cozy. Creepy cozy.

How do you play? Are there
rules? I wanna hear the rules.

- Let's go through the rules.
- Someone loves rules.

"In the quaint village of Prudence,
Massachusetts, evil is afoot."

While most of the townsfolk
are god-fearing Puritans,

one among you is a witch.

The Puritans win if they can identify
the witch and put her to the torch,

"and the witch wins if she can
achieve her darker purpose."

See, I told you this
was gonna be fun.

Kind of making light of a horrible
period in American history.

True, true, but in a way that's
appropriate for ages seven and up.

Yeah, Dad. Way to k*ll the
fun. Let's burn some crones.

Best family ever!

I think we lost 'em.

I can't believe you grew up here.
Did you lose a bet or something?

It's really not that
bad. It's just dark.

We have to get back to the
Brandenham. And I know how.

The docks. We'll
charter a ferry.

Everyone knows that in times of trouble,
the rich can always take to the water.

Nothing bad has ever happened
to a rich person on the water.

The Titanic?

All right, history
nerd. One time.

- Natalie Wood.
- Oh, enough.

You know, there was a shortcut
we used to take to the river.

We just have to jump a
fence. Might be quicker.

Save it for your podcast
about boring things.

The sign says waterfront
this way. Let's go.

Look, there's the water.
See? It's right there.

What, are you calling
that sign a liar?

We're listening to the sign.

Okay. The Persona cards
have been distributed.

That will tell you
your character.

Now I distribute
the Alignment cards.

Three of us will be pure Puritans,
one of us is the wicked witch.

Everyone glance at your cards.

Now we begin. Owen goes first.

If I'm understanding the rules
right, I draw one Chastity card

and one Righteousness
card, which I can then play

to ask a yes-or-no
question, so I'll do that.

My question is: Paige,
are you the witch?

Really getting to the heart
of it? No, I'm not the witch.

But you could be lying.

Exactly. I could be a witchy
woman, and you wouldn't know.

But you'd tell me if you were.

No, Owen, I wouldn't. Because
the point of the game,

if you're the witch, is to lie your way
to victory to achieve your darker purpose.

I like saying that.
It sounds cool.

- So, are you the witch?
- I am not the witch.

Okay, Cole, your turn.
This is fun, right?

I like it. Okay, my name is
Putnam Virtue, gentleman farmer.

I draw a few cards, and my question
is: Mom, are you the witch?

What? He just asked me that. No.

I think she might be the witch.

Mom, have you been cavorting
with a black goat in the woods?

An evil black goat?

No, and you haven't
drawn a question card.

My name is Goody Ruth Piousbottom,
and I make fine quilts and weavings.

How come you all
think I'm the witch?

- Well...
- It's just...

- What?
- You lie the easiest out of all of us.

Excuse me?

Don't get mad. Not in a bad way.
Just, you know, little white lies.

Name literally one
time I've ever lied.

We'd love to come to
your destination wedding,

but the kids don't have winter
break this year. I know! I know!

I think it looks
great on you, honey.

First we got married,
and then we had you.

Well, I didn't know you all
think I'm a pants-on-fire liar.

We don't think you're a liar.
We just think you're a witch.

- Because you're a liar.
- So what's happening?

Are all three of you making a
formal accusation against me?

If you're wrong, according
to the rules, you lose.

I mean, it seems like
the logical thing to do.

Okay, but before you
do, may I point out

that Cole's eye has been twitching
nonstop since we started this game.

So what? I'm tired. I only
got ten hours last night.

That's a tell.

You were awfully quick to turn
on Mom, twitchy the witchy.

Lies! The only witch I
wanna be is Stevie Nicks.

Okay, maybe we should
all try calming down.

What happened to cozy
family blackout night?

Sounds like something a witch
might say to deflect suspicion.

- I'm not the witch.
- I'm freaking out.

The lies will drown this family.

No! We're the best family ever,
remember? And we're having fun. Say it!

- We're having fun.
- Good.

There it is. Ferry-land. We're
gonna make a deal with the captain.

You mean buy a ticket
to get on the ferry?

You sound so poor
when you say that.

Here we are, down on the
docks. How about a forklift?

- Portergrave!
- I'm one step ahead of you, Bitsy.

- Fork it over.
- Too much with the fork stuff.

I knew you'd be here.

Mother always told me if there's
trouble, head for the water.

Also never wear
denim after : p.m.

Back off! Those plans are mine.

Not if I get them first!

Helen, block them! Good
luck getting around this.

My beautiful ankle. Helen, help!

I could've done so many
other things with my life.

- Grab the briefcase.
- All right.

Left! No, right!

- Stop pulling my hair.
- It's a good system.

Don't worry, Bitsy. After I buy
the Brandenham, I'll knock it down.

Turn it into an improv comedy school
or whatever those dumb kids like.

No! I'm pulling but
it's not working.

Yeah, I'm taking over.


No! Where'd she go? I can't see.

Yeah, it's a
blackout, you idiot.

Well, let's get down there.
Search the waters. Find her!

Well, you're welcome. For saving your
life in a pretty cool way actually.

Holding onto the edge of the
railing, then swinging us into here.

What do you want, a
medal? What is this place?

We used to jump down
here when I was a kid.

Glad the foam finger factory
is still in business.

Still number one. We don't have much
time before they find us. Can you walk?

I think so. That's normal.
Happens every time.

- Oh, I know.
- But that's bad.

Okay, climb on. I know
a way back to Manhattan.

There's a utility walkway
next to the Lincoln Tunnel,

or at least there used to be.
Was an old dock worker shortcut.

- How do you know about it?
- My mother was a dock worker.

- I get it. You're poor.
- You wanna get home?

No, I want to hear
more about your past.

Please, dear God, let
the damn tunnel be open.

We don't have to finish
playing this game.

Yes, we do.

And that sounds like
something the witch might say

- if she was afraid we were on to her.
- I'm not the witch!

I wish we could've just
watched Gina Tracker, FBI.

Maybe we should stop. Can
we move to a place with TV?

- Interesting.
- What?

I hadn't seen it before, but now
it's so obvious. You're the witch.

- I'm not the witch.
- Oh, no?

Consider how easily you lied to
Mother and Father this evening.

- I didn't lie.
- Didn't you, Sister?

- About Brendan and the concert?
- Wait, what were you lying about?

Molly neglected to tell you

that it's not just her and
Brendan going to the concert.

They're going with
Clarissa and Ronnie.

Clarissa and Ronnie who got
caught with tequila at the dance?

- That Clarissa and Ronnie?
- That Clarissa and Ronnie.

- You rat.
- Is that true, Molly?

Is this a double
date with criminals?

Okay, it's a double
date, and yes,

Clarissa and Ronnie made some
bad choices at the dance,

but that's not what
Brendan and I are gonna do.

Brendan doesn't even like
tequila. He's a scotch man.

I'm kidding. I'm kidding!

We're not cool with Cla-Ronnie.

They were just the ones with
the tickets to the show.

- You should've told us.
- We wanna trust you.

I told you. Classic
witch behavior.

- You're right.
- Yeah, good point.

I'm not the witch!

- I'm not!
- We'll see about that.

Gimme, gimme, gimme
Reasons it's not you.

Who among us went And
chose the witch way?

Tell me, tell me, tell
me What you say is true.

We gotta point the finger
soon But which way?

I just wanted to see a show.

You lied and tried to
Get something by us

I was gonna tell you though.

Instead your actions
were impious.

See, all of them now at odds.

Our Puritans must do
What they must doth.

What was that? Oh, my God.

Bat, moth, bat, moth
Bat, moth, bat, moth.

Here comes Porty As he
swings his forksies wide.

Gotta poke her, smoke her
out But tell me which way?

I'm a demon hotelier
So, Bitsy, run and hide.

Look behind ya, gonna
find ya But which way?

Head to the tunnel outta Jersey.

Or you're dead Better do
it in a hurry, scurry!

I know I'm lookin' older.

'Cause of time And this lady
on my shoulder, hold her.

And there's no light in any
sight To show 'em which way.

But I'm in luck where I
grew up So I know which way.

Give it up Give it
up for New Jersey

Jersey New Jersey.

Gather ye, gather ye
Neath the full-grown moon.

Get ye naked 'cause, baby
That's the witch way.

Moon the moon Underneath
the full-grown moon.

Time to dote on a goat
It's the witch way.

Microwave, you had
such a good life.

Oh, microwave, can
I call you Mike?

You seem like a Mike to me

I'm sad to see you go

I hope you got to say goodbye.

To all of your friends.

Wow, this night
got dark so fast.

In the blackout, watch your
back And find a way back out.

Intuition shows you
Which one and which way.

Take a right, go toward the
light The end is now in sight.

Bet Gina Tracker, FBI
Would know which way

Gina Tracker Wanna
watch Gina Tracker.

Point me which way.

Which way to the light.

Make amends The tunnel ends.

And you will find your light.

Oh, thank God, we're back.
Helen, kiss the ground.

- No.
- High-five it then.

We're nowhere closer to
figuring out who the witch is,

but I feel like we can all agree that
I can still go to the concert, right?

- You didn't tell us the whole truth.
- So, no.

This family isn't
the best family.

It's just okay most of the
time. But not right now.

Sew that on a pillow.

There she is, the most
beautiful penis in New York.

I... I told you I'd get us home.

Boy, are you out of
shape. Embarrassing.

- Sneak att*ck.
- Oh, crap.

I followed you. Isn't this fun?

You're too late, Portergrave.

Go back to Brooklyn and have a craft
beer with a professional clown,

or whatever it is you
people do over there.

I think you're
forgetting one thing.

Give me the plans or
I'll use these on her.

What's it gonna be, Bitsy? The
plans or your best friend gets it.

Don't make me fondue it.

Best friend?

That's a good one. Best
friend. You know what?

Just go ahead and fork me.
Let's get this over with.

Wait! Don't do it.

- Really?
- I'm coming out.

Just take it, Fartergrave.

Ha! I'm the king of the night.

Bitsy, you didn't
have to do that.

I've been stabbed with forks before.
It's not that bad. By you, actually.

Don't worry. I still have the
plans. The old switcheroo.

Oh, good for you. You
didn't do a nice thing.

Let's go. I need to take a bath
and wash the Weehawken off of me.

Don't you want to know
what was in the briefcase?

- No.
- I pooped in it. No rules in a blackout.

- And it felt good. Portergrave was right.
- When did you do that?

What? Do you want me to
take you through my process?

Just don't mess with
Bitsy Brandenham.

Oh, no. What have I done?

Oh, thank goodness.

- Can we be done playing this?
- Definitely. We're never playing it again.

- But I wanna know who was the witch.
- I kinda wanna know too.

I want you all to know I was
telling the truth about this game,

and that you're all bad
people for not believing me.

Oh, no, no. I say shuffle
your cards back into the deck,

and then we'll never have to find out who
in our family is a filthy, filthy liar.

I know you're right,
but I have to know.

Everyone, turn your Alignment
cards over on three.

- One, two, three.
- No, no, no! Fine.

Wait, so none of us was the
witch? I don't understand.

I don't either.

I understand.

The witch card.

It must have fallen out of the deck,
and we didn't see it 'cause it was dark.

- 'Cause of the blackout.
- I told you it wasn't me.

- I told you it wasn't me.
- I told all of you witches it wasn't me.

I told you too. Though not as loudly
or aggressively as the rest of you.

Great. Well, fun family-bonding
night. Let's never do it again.

Molly, wait. I'm sorry
I ratted you out.

It was just the heat of the
moment. I thought you were a witch.

I'm sorry too. That you
ratted on me. No, it's okay.

I should've told you guys
about the double date.

I just didn't wanna give
you a reason to say no.

She can go, right, Paige?

It's not like she's responsible for
those felons Clarissa and Ronnie.

But if they show up with so
much as an expired apple juice,

I will burn them at the stake.

Now a very special encore
presentation of Gina Tracker, FBI.

Gina Tracker, FBI!

Best family night ever.

I mean, it definitely wasn't.

Gina Tracker is gonna
make everything better.

- She always does.
- I hate her new haircut.

- Should we turn it off?
- No, it's fine. It'll grow out.

In the dark, nobody
knows your name.

In the dark, everything
is fair game.

In the dark, nobody
knows your face.

In the dark You're
in a state of grace.

Can't tell if you're a lad or a lass
Ain't no working, middle or upper class.

At last, pass gas with impunity

Grant that ass immunity.

In the dark, nobody
knows your name.

'Cause in the dark You're
in a state of grace