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02x15 - Where There's Smoke

Posted: 09/25/22 17:30
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

[Paige] I should wear black more often,
it hides all the stains.

Can you believe I haven't washed
this dress in six years?

- I'm proud of you.
- That's great, hon.

Let me just scrape whatever this is off.

The Tillermans are headed to
the wake of Josephine Witherstraw.

Josephine loved two things:
Central Park and bugs. Loved bugs.

You could say she was bitten
by the bug-bug.

Josephine always used to yell at people
for stepping on the grass too hard.

She was worried about the insects.
I respected her for that.

Didn't you catch her putting grasshoppers
in her purse a few times?

Eh, she earned 'em.

I'll miss her and those weird old candies
she used to give us.

Yep, you'd find chunks in your teeth
for weeks.

The gift that keeps on giving.

So, kids, first wake.
Everybody feeling okay?

I have a question.
Why do they call it a wake?

Because I had to get out of bed
early on a Saturday?

And also, what is a wake?

A wake is when people gather
to pay their respects and view the body.

Her body? Her body is going to be there?

Yes, Cole. In a casket. It'll be there,

but you don't have to look inside
if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

You can just hang out by the snack table.

Great, great. I don't know what death does
to my appetite, but we'll find out.

Are you guys gonna be okay with this?
Maybe you're too young.

- I am a big boy.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa.

Oops. I hope some puppy doesn't eat
the other side of this bacon

and we kiss in the middle.

No? But it's bacon.

Sorry to interrupt… this,

but you told me to tell you
when Ernst Von Gunten checked in.

[gasps] He's finally here.

Mr. Swiss Chocolate Billionaire.
The high achiever from Geneva.

Okay, we'll send him wine.
We'll send him cheese.

Oh, Swiss cheese. Make him feel at home.

And, um, have housekeeping
fold a towel into a Swiss watch

or something functioning, if possible.

Of course,
every maid knows how to do that.

We have to impress him.

He's my ticket
to attracting the clean-money big sh*ts

to invest in my plan to buy the park.

- Clean money?
- Legit. Aboveboard. Legal.

The cleaner your money is,
the dirtier your plans can be

because it keeps people
from asking questions.

Father told me that during one of our long
meaningful talks that I know he treasured.

♪ I'm tipsy and bored
So until one more pour ♪

♪ Why don't we talk enterprise? ♪

♪ The money that's dirty ♪

♪ Is fun and it's flirty ♪

♪ A little clean money
Thrown in there is wise ♪

♪ You can milk their money
At every stage ♪

♪ Your every Ponzi scheme
Will be all the rage ♪

♪ I think of the dirtier, hideous
Wicked and villainous plans ♪

♪ That we'll make with clean money ♪

♪ So we can still rub elbows ♪

♪ With mobsters and hooligans ♪

♪ I just add some nice clean money ♪

♪ And break all the rules again ♪

♪ So there's no reason
That we must be legit ♪

♪ Like CEOs and bankers
And industrialists ♪

♪ Even robber barons, oligarchs
And criminals can't miss ♪

- ♪ With old clean money ♪
- ♪ Old clean money ♪

♪ It's near impossible to secure ♪

♪ But when you've got it
You'll only want more ♪

♪ Clean money is the money tree
With honey that flows ♪

♪ If you listen to me, kid
You'll be swimming in the dough ♪

♪ When we plant clean money ♪

♪ We'll sit back and watch it grow ♪

We'll sit back and watch it grow.

Well, don't just stand there.

Let's trim my nose hairs in case
I have to seduce that rich Swiss mister.

- So sorry for your loss.
- Thanks for coming.

- Oh, body.
- Yep, yep. There really is a body.

You know what? That snack table
sounds like a pretty good idea.

Mom, Dad, we're gonna go
put some food in our bodies.

So, how did you know my mother?

Well, your mom loved Central Park,
and I'm the manager there. Owen Tillerman.

Owen! Mom always said,
"Ingrid, that Owen is nice,

but too lenient on the grass-stompers."

Yeah. She, uh...
She wanted me to arrest them.

Aw, that sounds like mom.

I should've gotten more deviled eggs,

but I don't wanna go back to the buffet.

There's someone sobbing
next to the hummus.

Told you to stock up. No one ever says,
"Oh, I got too much buffet food."

I'm gonna eat one of your deviled eggs.

- [chewing]
- What? Cole, they're my favorite!

Then protect them better.

[Owen] Wow.
Josephine looks so much happier

when she's not yelling about grass.

Ugh, a Whitney Whitebottom
campaign button.

[Ingrid] I thought everyone knew
my mom hated the mayor.

Ooh! Mayor Whitebottom gossip.

[shushes] Pretend like we're talking.

So you know how Paige wants dirt

to take down Mayor Whitebottom's
dirty white bottom?

Ingrid's mom, Josephine, worked
for the mayor's city council campaign

a long time ago,

but one day just up and quit
for some mysterious reason.

I know. Dramatic, right?

And to make it more dramatic,

she never told her family
what happened, happened, happened.

Sorry, that was supposed to be
a dramatic echo, not a ghost voice.

It's not very respectful
'cause of the wake. You get it.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Go back.

The only thing Mom said to me

was that if she ever needed to
use it against him, she would.

Hey, hi.

Sorry, this is a really lovely gathering.
Just so beautiful.

Also, I couldn't help but overhear
the entire conversation you were having,

- and, uh, quick question, what's "it"?
- It?

As in the "it" your mother would use
against the mayor?

I really don't know.

Also, just to say again,
we're so sorry for your loss.

- Right, hon?
- Absolutely. Yep, yep.

But if you think of anything,
please let me know.

Also, my condolences.
Also, here's my card.

Come on. Come on.

Ugh, I wish I could find Josephine's
secret Mayor Whitebottom evidence.

Then I might finally
cr*ck the story wide open.

Uh-huh, this is perfect wake-talk.

♪ I follow every clue ♪

♪ I follow every little instinct ♪

♪ Pretty sure I'm part hound dog ♪

♪ And this dog caught the scent
Of something stinky ♪

♪ 'Cause sometimes just a hunch ♪

♪ Will put me on the right road ♪

♪ Maybe it's just another gut punch ♪

♪ Or maybe I'll cr*ck the code ♪

♪ I want to shout about it ♪

♪ Hey! I found the last puzzle piece
I want to shout about it ♪

♪ Hey! I found the last set of keys ♪

♪ It's like everything I need ♪

♪ Is standing right in front of me ♪

♪ Onto something ♪

♪ Don't give up
You're onto something ♪

I'm gonna keep snooping.
Put my nose to the brownstone.

[sighs] At least try to keep your snooping
respectfully mournful.

Hello, Ernst. I'm Bitsy Brandenham,

- owner of this hotel.
- Oh, hello.

I just want to come and make sure
you have everything you need.

Did you see the towel?

Yeah, I was just painting whatever
this sad little towel is supposed to be.

A Swiss watch, I think.

Our towel-gami lady sucks.
We're f*ring her.

No, don't. The towel's so heartbreaking.

I weep for it.
And I love that I'm weeping for it.

Okay. So, you're a painter, then?

Yeah. I'm here on business,
and painting is how I clear my head.

Oh, yeah. Art is great.
Paintings, doodles, other arts and crafts.

I thought you could use some lunch,
so I brought you everything on the menu.

I'm not hungry. I ate 14 bags of peanuts
on the flight here.

Oh, peanuts are great too. Art, peanuts...

Speaking of great stuff,

what if you had a chance
to get in on the ground floor

of the most historical estate deal
the world has ever seen:

buying and developing Central Park?

Central Park? That one?

With the trees and the rowboats
and big statue men?

Uh, yep.

They forgot the Cobb salad, so here it is.

I'll just put it here
next to all the food in the world.

Who is that?

Who? I don't see anyone but Helen.

Helen, move. I wanna see who's behind you.

Those sunken eyes, that pallid complexion.

- This is fun.
- You're haunting.

Like if a soul got flattened by
a steamroller and sat on by an elephant.

I must paint you.

- Me?
- Her? Wait, seriously? Helen?

That's like walking into the Louvre

and taking pictures
of the out-of-order drinking fountain,

but whatever rocks your socks.

- I really don't think, uh...
- Ignore her.

Nude or not nude?

- Not nude is fine.
- Got it. Should I be nude?

- No.
- Fair enough.

[hums] Just casually browsing.

- Paige.
- Oh, a book.

Oh, it's you. You wanna be my lookout
while I root around downstairs?

Not really.

And, Paige, maybe you can
take a break from all the snooping

and just mourn, and then we'll head home?

[sighs] You're right.
I shouldn't be doing this here. I'm sorry.

- I'll take a break from the work stuff.
- Oh, great. Thanks.

[gasps] Work stuff. Work stuff.

Whoa. What's the mayor doing here?
I thought Josephine hated him.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

- I knew I was onto something.
- [humming]

[Owen] Where's he sneaking off to?

Okay, that was definitely super smoky.

I bet he's here to look
for whatever it is I'm looking for,

which means I'm actually right.
Gimme some.

- Hmm, high-fiving at a wake?
- A little one.

- Fine.
- Oh, yeah.

Welcome to Operation Find the Dirt
Josephine Has on the Dirty, Dirty Mayor

so Mommy Can Write a Really Great Article
and Also Help End Corruption and Stuff.

- Catchy name.
- Thank you.

I'm gonna search downstairs.
Kids, you take upstairs.

By the way, how are you doing
with the wake? Okay? You good?

- Cole stole my deviled egg.
- Molly's bad at sharing deviled eggs.

Okay, not what I expected.

And, Owen, I need you to stall the mayor
so he doesn't find whatever "it" is first.

- [groans]
- And exactly what is this "it"?

No idea. Just look for documents,

or maybe a box labeled
"Definitely Not Dirt on the Mayor."

Hope "it" is not a deviled egg

because your son will steal it
and eat it on a dead woman's couch.

- Will you get over that, please?
- Never.

Go, go, go.

Did you know the kids
were so passionate about eggs?

Owen, don't let him out of that bedroom.
No rules. Whatever works.

It can be your hall pass.

- Kidding, not kidding.
- Oh.

- Uh, hello, Mr. Mayor.
- [exclaims]

Sorry, uh...
Owen Tillerman, Central Park manager.

Um… [clears throat] Uh... Of course.

Owen, hi, I...
Uh, yes, I-I totally remember you.

I am so glad I found you

because I have something extremely
urgent and important to discuss with you.

It's about, um,
a... a new organic fertilizer.

Ugh, it's like being mayor
is a full-time job or something.

[Cole] I'm not speaking to you,

but if I was, I'd say I just had
a deviled egg fart in this corner,

so maybe don't search over here
for a second. Or do.

I'm not speaking to you,

but if I was, I would say that you
and your deviled butt are disgusting.

Well, I'm continuing to not talk to you,
but also, what is that thing?

Duh, it's an old-timey telephone hut.

[stammers] I wanna see.

Ugh, Cole! You're dragging
the smell in here. Get out!

[both exclaim]

Whoa. Where are we?

- Some kind of secret room.
- That's fun.

Unless we can't get out,
which it seems like… [strains] …we can't.

[yells] I'm calling Mom and Dad.

Damn it!
Old-timey phone is broken. Typical.

- Molly, call them on your phone.
- First of all, bossy.

I didn't bring my phone.

I thought wakes were a no-phone zone
or something.

That's ridiculous.
And maybe true. I don't know!

Oh, thank God. A light switch.

[exclaims] Army of bugs!

Oh, they're not moving.
Wait, are they? No, they're dead.

- How do we get out of here?
- I've got an idea.

- Help me! Help! Help!
- Help! Help!

- I'm trapped with my brother!
- I'm trapped with my sister!

So with those 35 simple steps,

the park walkways would be 7%
less congested. What do you think?

I think I need to go to a place
where I am not talking to you anymore.

But wait... Oh. That's not good.

Anyone? Help.

Molly, can I be honest with you?
I do not like it in this room.

Ugh, no one can hear us.

I've never wanted to
get back to a funeral so bad.

Yep. So which corner should be
the bathroom? 'Cause I have to go.

No corner, Cole. None.

The pose is perfect.

You look so stiff
and uncomfortable and sad.

Oh, I didn't realize we were starting.
This is just how I sit.

So, Ernst,
I would just feel terrible for you

if you and all your billionaire buddies
made a huge mistake

by not investing in my park deal.

Helen, tell me about yourself.
What does a day in the life look like?

Well, every morning I start out
by preparing Bitsy's breakfast.

And what is that like? Awful?

She likes me to cut out all the wedges
in a grapefruit half, throw them away,

then replace them with orange wedges
because she likes oranges better,

but wants people
to think she's eating a grapefruit.

How fascinating and demeaning.

Seems like just typical maid stuff to me,
not really sure what the big deal is.

- Speaking of deals...
- I'm afraid you must leave.

Okay, Helen, you blew it. Out!

No. You, Bitsy.
You're making it hard to focus.

Oh, uh, sure.

Um, Helen,
can I talk to you real quick outside?

Girls only. Boob stuff.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but now
it's all on you to sell him my park plan.

- Uh-oh.
- Yeah. Big uh-oh.

It's not great. Just do whatever it takes
to get me the park money.

Tell the man whatever he wants to know,

but nothing personal,
political, spiritual or illegal.

I'm an open book otherwise.

Kids? Hello?

- Are you in here?
- There you are. I lost the mayor.

I tried following him after I lost him,

but he did this crazy spin move
and was gone. Pretty impressive.

- Find anything?
- No, it feels impossible.

Would using a clear organizational system
have k*lled Josephine?

I immediately regret that phrasing.

[Cole, faint]
Stop trying to come over to my corner.

[Molly, faint] It's not your corner!

That's not the muffled bickering
of our children, is it?

It sounds like it.

Where are you guys?
It sounds like you're in the wall.

- Whoa!
- [exclaims]

[both] Mom!

What the... [stammers]
Are you okay? What is this place?

I'll tell you what it's not, a bathroom.

It's some kind of a secret bug library.

A secret bug library?
Why would someone need a...

- [gasps] Wait a second.
- [Owen, faint] Uh, hello? Family?

Uh, yeah, we're good. Just a sec.

If I were secret incriminating evidence,
where would I be?

Maybe you're good, but I have to pee,

and Molly was weird
about making that corner the toilet.

Bugs, bugs, a lot of framed bugs.

Wait, look at the edge of that mat.
It's peeling back.

I think there's something
stuffed behind it.

Can you just tell me how to get in there?

I-I'd love to rescue you guys, but...

Okay, maybe if I just... [exclaims]

- What's going on?
- Owen! [shushes]

- Not now!
- Dad!

Sorry. Don't want to interrupt you
being stuck in a weird secret room.

Okay, those are definitely park bugs.

It's fine, it's fine.
I don't see anything endangered.

Aha! Unmarked envelope.

Oh, my God.

- What is it?
- [whispers] I bet it's more dead bugs.

It's not, but it is juicy. Real juicy.

Apparently Bitsy isn't the only person
Mayor Whitebottom accepted bribes from.

He's been dirty for years, and now
I have the wire transfers to prove it.

We've gotta get home
so I can start writing this ASAP.

- But how?
- The same way we came in.

Let's all just get in the phone booth
and start pulling on stuff.

Maybe it's this … [warbled] thing.

- I mean, that was too easy.
- Yeah, I preferred our screaming method.

- [all scream]
- Oh, no.

"Oh, no" is right, Mayor Whitebottom,
but I got to it first.

Oh, cool. Got to what first?

Don't play dumb.

The evidence Josephine has on you that
proves you're a totally corrupt baddie.

Oh. Well, congrats on finding
"evidence" that "I'm" corrupt...

Wait, I put the quotes in the wrong spot.
That I'm "corrupt."

Well, I'm sorry the "plan
to sell Central Park is ruined

because you'll be out of office."

You're both terrible
at the air quote thing.

Oh, okay, okay. How about this?

Bitsy Brandenham and I
have this whole plan

to blame the park sale on the not-good
leadership of a certain park manager.

- [gasps]
- I think he means you, Dad.

I do. But it doesn't have to go that way.

we can just blame the Park League.

I already froze their contract,

and you can come out of all this looking
like an innocent victim. Be smart. [burps]

Oh, excuse me.
Deviled eggs make... make me gassy.

See? Not my fault.

So, what's it gonna be?

If you don't mind, I'm just gonna consult
with my family real quick.

Out in the hallway.

And I have a very important meeting
with the bathroom. Meet you guys after.

So Bitsy told me to shut up
and said I was acting like a wah-wah baby,

but it turned out I was severely allergic
to jellyfish stings.

My brush has sprung to life!

Wow, you seem really captivated.

It's just…

♪ I can't believe how lucky I am ♪

♪ 'Cause you walked into my room
Like a sad lump ♪

♪ And you're everything I need
In this world ♪

♪ My depressing muse
You tragic girl ♪

♪ I'm really flattered
But I think you're confused ♪

♪ This is too much attention
I'm not a muse ♪

♪ Oh, Helen
I love how sad you make me ♪

♪ My Helen
I love how hopeless you are ♪

♪ Captivate me
Und fascinate me ♪

♪ Your sorrow fuels my art ♪


♪ This makes me uncomfortable
So, how about the park? ♪

♪ All I see is a window ♪

- ♪ Through your eyes to a withered soul ♪
- Oh, God.

♪ Rock bottom's never been so low ♪

♪ Oh, Helen
I love how sad you make me ♪

♪ My Helen
I love how hopeless you are ♪

♪ Wow, oh, Helen
I love how sad you make me ♪

♪ Your whole life
It breaks my heart ♪

- [knocks]
- Yes, come in.

Ms. Brandenham thought
you might need more peanuts.

Fine, leave them.
I'm talking to this sad woman.

So, Bitsy took you on a tour of Tokyo
and only let you eat rice crackers?

Yeah, she got a good deal on them
at the airport.

Uh, speaking of deal,
that reminds me of Bitsy's park deal.

I mean, developing the park
would be pretty neat, right?

Eh, she's not really serious
about that, is she?

Wouldn't the park cost, like,
hundreds of billions of dollars?

500 billion, give or take.

Affordable, but who told her
this was a good plan? A donkey?

I think the main reason she's doing it

is 'cause she's trying
to impress her family.

It's the old,
"No one ever loved me," thing.

- [Bitsy grunts]
- Oh, no.

Yeah, Bitsy was pulling the classic
hiding-in-the-room-service-cart move.

She heard what Helen said about her.

Helen might have just blown
her chance to get into Bitsy's will,

so she's now got a case
of the butt sweats.

Oh, I thought you
were the sad pathetic soul,

but it sounds like your boss
is even more sad and pathetic.

- [Bitsy groans]
- Oh, boy.

Okay, I'm back.

By the way, carpeted bathrooms,
bold choice, but I like it.

- What's happening?
- Your mom just found a huge scoop

and is about to take down the mayor.
That's what's happening.

I don't think I can print the story.

- What? Why not?
- Owen, didn't you hear him?

He's gonna blame you for the park sale.
He's gonna drag you down with him.

I can't ruin your career.

Maybe I can lay low

and find some other super cool way to take
down the mayor in five years from now.

Maybe he'll yell at a dog
or slap a squirrel once or something.

No, this story is bigger
than me or my career.

Bigger than any of us.

Everything in this envelope needs to
come out, and you're the one to do it.

[gasps] Look at my arm. Look at it.
Goose bumps. And a little eczema. [kisses]

Mr. Mayor, I'm afraid we're gonna
have to turn down your offer.

Huh. Okay. That's fine.
I'll just have to take it from you.

- [grunting]
- [straining, groaning]

Owen, quick! I'm going long.

- What does that mean?
- Football. It's a football thing.

Why are we talking about football?

- Just throw it, Dad.
- [grunting]

Give it. [grunts] Give it to me.

- [grunts, groans]
- [grunting, straining]

A little too long, honey.

[both straining, grunting]

♪ That envelope of evidence
Is gonna take you down ♪

♪ You'll have no defense ♪

♪ Gotta grab it ♪

♪ I don't know
What you're talking about ♪

♪ But can you stop kicking me
In the mouth? ♪

♪ Gotta grab it ♪

♪ It's full of scandalous paperwork
That proves that you're a jerk ♪

♪ But if I stretch my arm like this
I'm gonna get there first ♪

- Wow.
- Ow!

- Wow! That really hurts!
- [Paige grunts]

[Paige] ♪ I'll write the story
About your greed and crime ♪

♪ So I can tell the public
In the nick of time ♪

♪ Gotta grab it ♪

♪ Snooping around
Like a dog at my heels ♪

♪ Why fight each other
Can't we cut a deal? ♪

♪ Gotta grab it ♪

- ♪ I found the missing smoking g*n ♪
- [groans] Ow!

- ♪ And all your dirty lies ♪
- [grunts]

♪ I'll give you money to shut up
And brush it all aside ♪

Ow! Was that your knee in my eye?

♪ Gotta grab it ♪

♪ That envelope of evidence ♪

♪ Is gonna empty
Your closet full of skeletons ♪

- ♪ Gotta grab it ♪
- [grunting] Whoa! [yells] Ow!

[strains] I got it!

- Yes! Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- Yes! Yeah!

My mom kneed a mayor.

[panting] Oh, God. Okay.

Can you just give me, like,
ten minutes to catch my breath?

And then I'm gonna
grab that envelope from you.

Okay, wow. Really outta shape.

Ah, I think this is the p...
The push I need to finally do Pilates.

I think he needs a little time to rest.

Wow, I am never messing with you, Mom.

[clears throat]
Miss Helen, you've begun to fidget.

- Oh, sorry.
- No, I love it.

Fidgeting is the tango of despair.

I can see every glorious mark
and crease on your face

from a life of irreparable regret
and missed opportunity.

Yes, yes. I'm sure you can.

And I do know something about regret
and missed opportunity, and so will you.

Bitsy's gonna buy that park
with or without you,

and she's gonna develop the crap out of it

and you're gonna miss out on the greatest
opportunity in the history of real estate,

crying right into
your chocolate fondue fountain,

which I'm assuming all people
from Switzerland have, I don't know.

Look deep into this sad, sad face
and tell me I'm lying.

the deadness in your eyes speaks truth.

So you really believe
this plan is gonna work?

Uh, yep. So, so much.

Uh, Bitsy is the smartest woman
I've ever known.

Well, if she can inspire
gloomy gargoyles like you,

maybe there's something to her plan.

- Wait, really?
- My interest is piqued.

Oh, I've just come from my, uh...
Tennis lesson.

Oh, how I love to tennis.
Rackets, etcetera...

What are you guys talking about in here?
Not that I care.

I want to invest in your park project.

What? Really? Wonderful.

I'll send you the wiring instructions
for your clean money.

- What's that?
- Let's see your painting.

I'm such a big art-head.

[Bitsy] That's Helen, all right.

Wow. Like looking in a mirror.

I would like you to have it, Bitsy.

I think it would look excellent
hanging in the lobby of your hotel

right above the portrait of you.

Aren't you thoughtful? [chuckles]

Let's quickly pay our respects and then go
before that weasel weasels his way out.

- Good one.
- Thanks.

- I'm sorry I ate your deviled egg.
- No, no.

I'm the one who should apologize
for making such a big deal about it.

I wasn't even gonna eat it.

I was looking for something
to distract me from the...

Yep, yep. I know.

I guess I was just weirded out
by this whole thing, you know?

I've never been to one of these before.

I've never known a dead person either.

Except for Enrique's bunny,
and I'm not allowed to bring that up.

Yeah. Some part of me
always thought people lived forever

and just got smaller and smaller
and ended up looking like little Yodas.

That's not how it works, apparently.

Oh, boy. Ready to say our goodbyes?

We can do this.

They did pretty good at this wake.

- Are we great parents?
- Yep.

And guess who's a great reporter who
got permission from Josephine's daughter

to do whatever I need with the evidence?

I'm gonna bring the mayor down so hard,
he won't know what hit him.

- It'll be me. I'll be what hit him.
- Oh, yeah, you will.

- [panting]
- And it's time for us to go.

And so as Bitsy inches closer and closer
to buying the park,

Paige has finally found the evidence

to out the mayor
and stop the deal in its tracks.

But will she stop it in time?
I don't know.

Like seriously, I don't...
I guess we'll find out together.

Now go, go, go.
See you at the next thing. Go!

[singer] ♪ Clean money ♪

♪ Clean money ♪

♪ Even robber barons, oligarchs
And criminals can't miss ♪

♪ With old clean money ♪

♪ It's near impossible to secure ♪

♪ But when you've got it
You'll only want more ♪

♪ When we plant clean money ♪

♪ We'll sit back and watch it grow ♪