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02x13 - Celeste We Forget

Posted: 09/25/22 17:28
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

- [cell phone vibrates]
- [shrieks]

♪ Wake up
Hurry, really we can't be late ♪

♪ The corpse flower blooms
Every seven years ♪

♪ And today is like Christmas Day
For flower heads like me ♪

♪ You should really get out more ♪

♪ They only call it that
Because it smells so bad ♪

♪ But once you see this thing
You're gonna thank your dad ♪

♪ It's like ten feet tall
And it stinks like rotting flesh ♪

♪ So it's a good thing
To smell like death? ♪

♪ Is this smell gonna ruin our clothes? ♪

♪ Well, if we hurry it up
You'll be the first to know ♪

- ♪ And you'll remember this day ♪
- ♪ Or the stench ♪

♪ For the rest of your lives ♪

- ♪ Every seven years ♪
- [Cole, Molly vocalizing]

- ♪ A stinky bloom appears ♪
- [Cole, Molly vocalizing]

♪ Come, and I promise that you will not
Have a rotten time ♪

♪ You're making such a big stink ♪

- ♪ Today is gonna stink so good ♪
- [Cole, Molly vocalizing]

- ♪ A beaming highlight of your childhood ♪
- [vocalizing]

♪ And you don't wanna miss out
On this thing ♪

♪ That is why I'm making
Such a big stink ♪

♪ Come on, let's go ♪

- ♪ Big stink ♪
- [chorus vocalizes]

♪ Big stink ♪

[Owen] ♪ You won't forget it ♪

[Cole, Molly] ♪ Big stink ♪

♪ Big stink
You're making such a big stink ♪

♪ Who wants to see a flower
That needs a shower? ♪

♪ We love you, Dad
But this is an abuse of power ♪

♪ No, it's a gift from Mother Nature
And we're running out of time ♪

♪ What if she blooms
And we're in back of the line? ♪

♪ Okay, we'll go ♪

♪ Just give us a clip for our noses ♪

♪ I promise you won't be disappointed
Can't wait to share this with you ♪

♪ We'll need stronger shampoo ♪

- ♪ Every seven years ♪
- [vocalizing]

- ♪ A stinky bloom appears ♪
- [vocalizing]

♪ And you don't wanna miss out
On this thing ♪

♪ This is why I'm making
Such a big stink ♪

♪ Come on, let's go ♪

I'm so excited!
You sure you can't join us, hon?

This flower's not gonna bloom again
for another seven years.

By then, I bet Molly and Cole
will have moved out.

- Definitely.
- I reserve the right

to swing by every day
for lunch and dinner.

And, you know, breakfast.

I know. It sucks, but Marvin needs
this stupid article for Monday.

The only thing I really wanna do
is work on my Bitsy story.

And, uh, see your death poop flower,
of course.

Paige has been marching down the gridiron
to get her Bitsy story into the end zone.

She knows Bitsy and the mayor
are on the same team.

So she threw a Hail Mary and got a hold
of the mayor's phone records.

Like a QB reading the defense,

Paige noticed that every time
something strange happened in the park,

there was always a call to the mayor
from an unlisted number.

So if Paige can somehow intercept
Bitsy's phone records,

she can beat Bitsy and the mayor.

Touchdown! Yes, I did it!

A perfect football analogy.
Gonna stop now before I strike out.

Ah, damn it!

But instead of uncovering Bitsy's
diabolical plan, I'm writing a dumb story

about people getting
free beauty stuff at the Walford Hotel.

Will they have wrinkle cream?
I wanna be smooth as a dolphin's butt.

Do dolphins have butts?

It's called a gifting suite.

Apparently, they "gift" a ton
of free stuff to the rich and famous

so they'll be seen with it and
regular people will wanna buy it.

Good for the rich and famous.
They need a win.

Oh, look alive!
Corpse flower update coming in.

The Tick Tick Bloom app says
the flower should open around 2:00 p.m.

So we should head up to the Bronx
and get in line early

so we'll be in prime
flower-sniffing position.

Hello. Oh, hey, Mom. You okay?

- Oh, good.
- That's Grandma? I'll talk to her.

I wanna tell her I finally picked
my favorite Golden Girl.

What a journey it's been.

Mom, can I call you back?
We're headed out the door.

- [knocks]
- Oh, you're at the door.

- [Cole, Molly] Grandma!
- My babies!

Give me some brown sugar.
Oh, I love you, love you, love you.

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

- Hi, Celeste.
- Hi, Paige.

Oh, my little Oweenie.

I was riding my bike
to the Chelsea Flea Market

when I passed something
called lomilomi massage.

And I just had to know what that was.

And then, as I'm chaining my bike,
I see Simon across the street.

You remember Simon, right?
With the trumpet?

- I... I think I do?
- Simon.

He plays the trumpet. You remember.

Okay. Yeah, I remember. Listen, Mom...

Anyway, Simon and I ended up
going for a bike ride here in the park.

So I figured I'd stop by and say hi.
So, hi!

- Wait, so you didn't get your massage?
- It completely slipped my mind.

Molly, you are not only beautiful,
you are a genius.

Now I have something to do on my way back.

It's good to see you, Mom.

Sounds like you have a great day ahead,
but we were heading out.

Oh, heading out. Sounds fun. Where to?

- We're gonna go see a corpse flower.
- Excuse me?

I don't know if it's gonna be
your kind of thing.

Plus, we're on a schedule.

Grandma, you should come.
They say the flower farts.

No, no. It doesn't fart. It just smells.

You should come.
You make everything more fun.

Hmm. Let me think about it. Absolutely!

- Yay!
- Yes!

Oh, Celeste, you're going?
Dang. Now I wish I could go.

- What?
- Oh! No, I mean, I always wanted to go.

Paige, quick parent chat?

Paige, look, I obviously love my mom.
You know that, right?

Yeah, I think so.

When you whisper it dramatically
like that, I'm not as sure.

It's just she has a way of taking over,
and it can just be a lot.

That's her thing. She's a lot.
But look, the kids love it.

They're so excited to see
your rotting death flower now.

- Isn't that what you wanted?
- You're right. I know.

I just can't let this turn into
another Manhattanhenge.

Manhattanhenge happens twice a year
when the sun briefly aligns

with the east-west streets of Manhattan
and sets perfectly between the buildings.

When Owen was little,
they almost missed it

because Celeste started a sing-along
on the bus.

It was incredible. Everyone knew
the words to "Ease on Down the Road."

There's more to the story,
but I'm not gonna tell you now

because this relationship's
starting to feel a little one-sided.

I'm kidding. It's for dramatic effect.

Okay, everybody, let's go.
Including Grandma.

She's coming too, which is totally fine.

- [gasps] Do you know what I just realized?
- What?

There's a great sock store
on the way that's having a sale.

[gasps] Sock store! Sock store!

Sock store! Sock store!

Sorry, we're going straight to the flower.

- But we chanted it.
- Yeah.

Does chanting mean nothing to you, Dad?

Sorry. No stops, no socks.
There's no time for any of that.

Also, no dropping in on an old friend.

No slowing down to photograph
a sewer cover that looks like a face.

You know that sewer cover
looked exactly like Kelsey Grammer.

Everybody at mah-jongg said so.

All right. The Tick Tick Bloom app
says the clock is ticking.

So let's get a move on.
Today is a day about maximum smell.

Maximum smell? This is New York.
Just inhale.

"Tongue thinners. Ankle brightener.
Earlobe smoothing cream."

Oh, cool, just a barrel
of new insecurities. Thank you.

But when in Rome…

- [Bitsy] I'm what?
- [gasps] Bitsy?

What do they mean I'm your plus-one?
You're a zero.

I can't be a zero's plus-one.
What's going on?

Why is Bitsy so confused, you ask?
Let me explain.

There was a little incident last year.

Bitsy went bonkers when the gifting suite
ran out of lash extensions

made from Bolivian weasel whiskers.

She doesn't know Helen had to work
overtime to get her back in

because Bitsy actually got
kicked off the invite list.

Helen's hoping they don't run out
of a new jowl tightener

made from chinchilla dung, because
if they do, Bitsy will lose it again.

Marvin, my story is changing.

Are you playing that game
where you say words editors hate?

Just listen. Bitsy Brandenham is here.

It's the perfect opportunity
to get a peek at her phone

to prove she's the one calling the mayor.

- I just have to figure out how to do it.
- You shouldn't do it. That's how.

- I gotta go. I'm going undercover.
- Paige, no!

Hello, disguise. Ow!

"Laser eyelid tanner."
None of those words belong together.

I love taking the train because
people just mind their own business.

[loudly] You can scream whatever you want
and nobody even looks up!

Kids, your turn. Try it.

- No, Mom, I don't think they wanna...
- [shouts] I love my grandma!

- Okay, good. Got it out of your system.
- Smurfs don't have nipples!

See, they didn't even flinch.
You kids are fun.

- Not as uptight as some people.
- I am not uptight.

[man on PA] Transfer available
for the A, C or D train.

The express is arriving.
That'll get us there faster.

Everybody up. We're changing trains.
Up and out in an orderly fashion.

Yep, not uptight. Just normal,
calm, cool train guy over here.

We're moving. We're talking.
We're talking while we're moving.

Oh, whoop, whoop!

These djembe drums are taking me
back to my trip to Ghana!

Ah, no. Mom, no. We gotta move.

- Move like this? [humming]
- Uh, no. It's more like this.

All right. Good dancing.
Now let's dance toward the express.

Pick up the beat?
We're in a rush to see the corpse flower.

I'm sure you understand.
Go, go, go! Right this way. Come on!

We barely made it. That was exhilarating.

- You feel that, kids?
- [sighs] What a rush!

I feel alive! It's fun taking the train
with Grandma. Right, Dad?

Yep, yep. So fun!

This is a totally joyful experience.
Totally full of joy.

Okay. The botanical garden is this way.

You know, before we go,
I have one request.

- Oh, boy.
- No, no, no.

It's just that you were in such a rush
to leave the house,

I didn't wanna slow you down.

And I never got a chance
to go to the bathroom.

- Let a lady pee, Dad.
- Oh, Mom, I'm sorry.

Of course you can go pee.

That's why I always evacuate
before I evacuate.

Let's find you a bathroom.
Just trying to think of where.

Well, I happen to know where they have
the cleanest bathrooms in New York.

And don't worry, it's on the way.

Ah! A clean New York City bathroom
and a flower that smells like death.

- That's two wonders in one day.
- Oh, my Lord.

That sewer cover looks
just like Suzanne Somers.

- The gals are not gonna believe this.
- Okay, let's keep moving.

"Snail lip goo." Disgusting. Load up.

- These bags are getting heavy.
- Giddyap, swag mule. Giddyap.

I want to try out the edible mascara
before the hungry uggos get to it.

- [groans]
- Wow, "swag mule."

She must really hate Bitsy.
Maybe she's my way in.

Would you like to try our essential oils

to break up the tension in your face?

- Uh, sure.
- Oh, you're not supposed to…

Oh, God! What was that?

…drink it.
That's essence of wombat urine.

[gags, coughs] Ah! [coughs]

Oh, God.
Is this a Poison Control situation or...

Or just a future diarrhea situation?
[gagging, coughing]

Who's that choking idiot?
She looks familiar.

You really want me to turn around?
I'm holding so many bags.

Oh, boo-hoo!


Hello, and welcome to
Vance's Vantastic Vance-overs.

- What's your name?
- Uh, Paige.

You look like a page

of a tired little book that needs to be
Vanced into something fresh and new.

Oh, no. I, uh... [stammers]
I don't think I need to get Vanced.

♪ I can tell you are a skeptic
By the lines you have right there ♪

♪ But I'll make you a believer ♪

♪ Once I get you in my chair ♪

Oh, that's not necessary.

- ♪ Put on this lotion ♪
- ♪ Prefer my store brand ♪

- ♪ It's a magical potion ♪
- ♪ It's stinging my hands ♪

♪ It won't take off a year ♪

♪ It'll take a dang century ♪

♪ I'm just trying to hide ♪

- ♪ Rub in this ointment ♪
- ♪ I'm gonna say no ♪

- ♪ A mani-pedi appointment ♪
- My feet aren't that gross.

♪ Every product A to Z
Is absolutely free ♪

♪ It's just a cheat for the rich elite ♪

- ♪ Take one or two, Paige ♪
- Nope.

- ♪ You'll look good as new, Paige ♪
- Is that so?

♪ Just wait and see ♪

♪ It's a cure-all remedy ♪

- ♪ Roll on this lip balm ♪
- Wait. What kind is that?

- ♪ Exfoliate with this bath b*mb ♪
- Oh, that smells good.

♪ Scent of eucalyptus leaf ♪

♪ From the pouch of a kangaroo ♪

Are you serious? I love kangaroos.

♪ What about a home face-lift? ♪

- They can do that?
- ♪ We can do it in five minutes ♪

- ♪ That's pretty darn fast ♪
- ♪ Take my word ♪

♪ Essential oils will bring you
Health and fortune too ♪

♪ Okay, just oil me up ♪

♪ Take one or two, Paige
Why not a few, Paige? ♪

♪ It might not be hoi polloi ♪

♪ But relax, indulge, enjoy ♪

♪ Our latest convert ♪

♪ A little luxury never hurt ♪

♪ With her new makeover ♪

♪ Watch Paige take over ♪

Wow! I look like I've had more than two
nights of good sleep in the past decade.

- I'm coming to you the rest of my life.
- Yeah.

Well, at my salon this will cost you $900.

Whoa. What if I only have, like, $20?

For 20, you can get a sparkling water
and a copy of my memoir,

Vance Like No One's Watching.

Didn't realize that bathroom break
was gonna turn into a pit stop for flan.

- We lost some time there.
- A lot of people don't know this,

but flan actually makes you walk faster.

Good point.
We should go back and get another one.

- Going back.
- No, no. We're not going back.

Oh, no. The app says the flower might
bloom five minutes earlier than scheduled.

Let's get a move on, people. Look alive!
We're gonna see that death flower.

Ah, my sweet jowl tightener.

It's not easy to maintain the jawline
of a Greek goddess.

You're lucky they still have some.
I would've taken it out on you.

There's a shocker.

I'm gonna need one more because I want it.

I'm only standing here so someone
doesn't notice me, but thank you.

- Sorry, everyone.
- Shh, shh!

We're all out of our patented
jowl tightener,

but we've still got plenty
of our knee calming ointment left.

And I'm casually walking this way.

Have fun with your potato sack faces,

Now if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to take a victory pee.

I know you're really happy,
but use the toilet this time.

Fine, but I'm going to pretend
you're down there.


Blister. Blister. Callus.

Ooh, blister on callus. Callus on blister.

Hi, I'm Paige. I'm Cole's mom.

Cole? Cole? Oh, the dog kid, right.

No offense,
but you look too poor to be in here.

- Oh, I am by a lot. Band-Aid?
- Oh, thank you.

They're giving out a bunch
at the pimple popper booth.

So gross but so satisfying.

Uh, so, I can tell by your face
and your feet that you're miserable.

How would you like to help me
take out your terrible boss?

- What are you, an assassin?
- No, I'm a writer.

Wait, do I look like an assassin?

No, you have too much yogurt
on your pants.

[Birdie] Oh, you see that?
That oh-so-casual glance? Ping.

Paige knows this is her chance to check
Bitsy's phone and tie her to the mayor.

Go, team Paige!

I hope we get out of here soon.

I've had enough
of this wrinkle convention.

All you have to do is let me
check out Bitsy's phone

for, like, two seconds, so I can
peek at what numbers are in there

while you nonchalantly
look at some neck butter.

Sorry, that's not gonna happen.

Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no.

What? What, what, what?

Someone took the bag
with all of Bitsy's jowl tightener.

I guess that makes sense.

This is literally a room full of greedy,
materialistic monsters.

Well, world, it's been nice knowing you.

Who am I kidding? No, it hasn't.

Oh, my God.
We're so close. I'm so excited.

Let's put the pedal to the metal
so we can see some petals.

I haven't seen Dad this excited since
he took us to that documentary about soil.

- Oh, right, Lorenzo's Soil.
- Oh, double Dutch!

Look at them go.

I've always wanted to learn
how to do that.

Figured I'd start at single Dutch
and work my way up.

Did you kids know I used to be
a champion double Dutcher?

Did I mention this flower blooms
only once every seven years?

Wait, Grandma,
can you seriously double Dutch?

Not three years. Not five years.
Seven years.

You bet I can. And you know who else can?

- Your father.
- Wait, what?

You kids ready to see your pops
do some funky hops?

No, no. I don't do that anymore.
And also, we're kind of in a rush.

Remember when I was talking about that
five seconds ago?

Oh, come on, honey.
You know you wanna get your Dutch on.

I've heard of a Dutch oven,
but a Dutch Owen?

Well, I used to be pretty good, actually.
Wait, why is that so hard to believe?

- Because of your body?
- [panting]

- She's got a point.
- Okay, fine. One run, but that's it.

Girls, pick it up a little, will ya?
Us seniors need to get our blood pumpin'.

I'm actually not a senior.
I'm a middle-aged man.

- Okay, that's fast.
- Isn't this fun, Owen?

- Double Dutchin'?
- [sighs]

♪ It's just we gotta go, we gotta go
We're gonna miss the flower show ♪

♪ Baby, you know I know you know
You love this jumpin' toe to toe ♪

♪ Can't double Dutch
We're in a rush ♪

♪ Although I'm pretty sure
I'm crushing it ♪

- Look at him go.
- Wow. Those spaghetti legs don't quit.

Come on, please? Sing the song, please?

[sighs] Okay, but just for a bit.

♪ Going to the candy store
Gonna buy some candy for ♪

♪ My brother and my sister
And my best friend Scott, Scott ♪

♪ Scott's an astronaut, naut
Goes to space a lot, lot ♪

♪ Met a pretty alien
And so they tied the knot, knot ♪

♪ Moved to Quebec
Bought a discotheque ♪

♪ Everyone in Canada wears
Fancy turtlenecks ♪

♪ Turtles neckin' on the docks
Now they're petting in the park ♪

♪ Huggin' and a kissing
Making babies after dark ♪

♪ Turtle babies, turtle babies
Turtle babies here and there ♪

♪ Turtle babies, turtle babies
Turtle babies everywhere ♪

♪ Turtle baby army
Run ♪


- [pants]
- [pants]

- My knees said stop two minutes ago.
- But your heart said keep goin'.

Wow, Dad. That was incredible.
You were almost athletic.

It was like watching a plastic bag
flap around in the wind.

I couldn't take my eyes off you.

Oh, no. The flower's blooming now.
Look, the skulls.

- We're gonna miss it opening.
- Oh, my little Oweenie. I'm sorry.

You know what?
Don't "my little Oweenie" me right now.

This is Manhattanhenge all over again.

What are you talking about?

We made it to Manhattanhenge.
It was beautiful.

Mom, we weren't even going
to Manhattanhenge.

We were going to get me
the Micro Street Sweeper.

But you probably don't even remember that.

I'd saved my allowance for months to buy

the Limited Edition Official
New York Department of Sanitation

Micro Street Sweeper.

It looked just like the real thing,
only tiny.

The sweeper brush spun.
They had itty-bitty license plates.

So a kid could, for just a moment,

pretend he was the guy up
at the crack of dawn

- keeping the New York streets spotless.
- [camera clicks]

I wanted one so bad, but you insisted
we stop for Manhattanhenge.

By the time we got there,
they were sold out.

Right, the street sweepers.

I had to make you
sanitation truck-shaped pancakes for weeks

before you forgave me.

But we still had fun, right?

[sighs] Sort of, but sometimes
the real fun of going someplace

is actually doing what you plan to do.

And getting to the place on time.

- I don't know about that.
- Well, I do.

♪ Livin' life systematically ♪

♪ Plannin' each day pragmatically ♪

♪ That's my MO
And wouldn't ya know ♪

♪ That to "go with the flow"
Well, it's not my style ♪

♪ Once upon a time you told a fairy tale ♪

♪ To me it was a very cautionary tale ♪

♪ A Piggy trio fable
And the third was super a**l ♪

♪ Kept the end from gettin' fatal
And that's why ♪

♪ I'm a big fan of havin' a plan ♪

♪ And I plan to control what I can ♪

♪ Like to have a plan A and B
Better yet, a plan C and D ♪

♪ I'm a big fan of havin' a plan ♪

♪ It's a big part of the man I am ♪

♪ I don't understand type B
So wait and see ♪

♪ You'll benefit from havin' a plan ♪

♪ I know you think I'm gettin'
All out of sorts ♪

♪ My undies must be twisted
Inside my shorts ♪

♪ But, Ma, I'm only stressin'
'Cause I'm not a fan of guessin' ♪

♪ So it's time that I'm confessin'
Somethin' you should know ♪

♪ The reason that I'm acting tyrannical ♪

♪ Is more than
The aforementioned botanical ♪

♪ I wanna prove that waitin'
For a thing that's fascinatin' ♪

♪ Is worth all the coordinatin' and ergo ♪

♪ You're a big fan of havin' a plan ♪

♪ And I'm tryin' to understand ♪

♪ That a plan is your cup of tea ♪

- ♪ I'm a type A ♪
- ♪ And I'm type B ♪

♪ You're a big fan of havin' a plan ♪

♪ And you thrive with a plan in hand ♪

♪ And, baby, I've come to see
Maybe you'll agree ♪

♪ It's fine to think differently ♪

♪ 'Cause there's fun in never knowing
What could come ♪

♪ What could change
At the turn of a corner ♪

♪ And in the spur of any moment ♪

♪ One could end up dancin'
In a secret disco ♪

♪ Like when I met your father
On that magical night ♪

♪ And that's how you came to be ♪

- ♪ You're a big fan of havin' a plan ♪
- ♪ Ooh ♪

♪ And I'm proud of my plannin' man ♪

- ♪ Ooh, yeah ♪
- ♪ And you plan for your family ♪

- ♪ Even all my riffs are planned ♪
- ♪ You're a type A and I'm a type B ♪

- ♪ You're a big fan of havin' a plan ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

♪ And I'm proud of my plannin' man ♪

- ♪ Ooh, yeah ♪
- ♪ I love my little plannin' man ♪

- ♪ Good thing I'm a big fan ♪
- [vocalizing]

♪ Of having ♪

♪ A plan ♪

♪ Having a plan ♪

Oh, my little Oweenie. I get it now.

All this time, I thought I was trying to
spice things up by being unexpected.

But maybe what you really needed
was to get exactly what you expected.

I'm sorry, honey.
I'm gonna make this up to you.

We may miss the flower blooming,
but we're not missin' that stink.

Come on, kids! Let's go!

Oh, this is very, very bad.

That jowl cream was her
Christmas morning, her birthday,

and her tax refund day
all in one little jar.

- Want mine?
- [gasps] You have some jowl tightener?

- Nuh-uh-uh. I wanna trade.
- [groans] Name your price.

- Jar of cream for minute with phone.
- Mmm. Nope, can't do it.

Come on.
Wouldn't it be fun to take her down?

Of course it would.
You have no idea how many times

I've fantasized about stabbing Bitsy
in the back.

And also in her front and in her side.
But I just can't.

But she's so mean to you.

Look, there's a good chance
I'm in her will.

Well, not a good chance, but a chance.

And I've sacrificed too much happiness
to risk throwing away her trust in me now.

Okay. Okay, I get it. Hard to compete
with millions in inheritance.

Tell Cole I said hi
and that we got new poop bags.

They smell like lavender, his suggestion.

- You got a weird son.
- Thanks. I agree. [sighs]

- Take it. I don't want it.
- Really?

I don't need it. I mean, maybe I need it,
but you need it more.

- Thanks.
- [groans]

You're still holding it.

I need to check on Bitsy,
make sure she didn't fall in the toilet.

If she did, flush.

We're here.

Wait, the line's closed?
Dang it. We're too late.

Aw, sweetie. I'm sorry.
This is all my fault.

It's okay, Mom. [sighs]
At least the kids had fun.

Okay, let's go home.

♪ Seven years we'll have to wait ♪

♪ Till that stinkity-stank
Will reactivate ♪

♪ We didn't stick to the plan ♪

♪ So we can kiss the corpse flower
Goodbye ♪

♪ This stinks
It serves me right ♪

♪ The joke's on me ♪

♪ All I wanted was to make
Some smelly memories ♪

♪ I told you we might miss this thing ♪

♪ That's why I kept making a big stink ♪

Hold on.
I want to say hi to this gentleman.

[sighs] Sure. Why not?
Now we have nothing but time.

Hi, Herman.

Hi. I can't let you in.
This line is closed.

That's a shame
because I dragged my old bones

all the way here from Bedford Park
only to be late.

Mmm, sorry about that.

My son, Owen, told me
we had to be here at a certain time.

But what did I do? I had to stop for flan.

- Delicious.
- And then I had to dance on the subway.

Oh, she's gonna dance.

And then I had to double Dutch
like nobody's business.

You sound like a pretty fun lady.

- I am, but that's not the point.
- Okay, I'm a little lost, but...

The point is,
I shouldn't have done any of it.

Let me ask you, have you ever
been walking through Central Park

and thought, "This place is immaculate.
It's consistent. It's predictable.

It's absolutely beautiful every time"?

Still not following, but yeah,
as a matter of fact, I have thought that.

Well, that's my Owen.
He's the manager of that park,

and he puts every bit of himself into it.

Unlike me, if he says
he's gonna do somethin', he does it.

And I'm so proud of him.

Wow, Mom, thanks for saying that.

That's really nice. But I don't think
we're gonna smell that flower today.

Hey, you know what?

I guess it's okay to break the rules
once every seven years.

- Get in there.
- Oh, you're the sweetest.

Thank you so much, Herman.

Well, look at that.
Sometimes your gift of gab is a real gift.

[gasps] Is that the blouse
I donated to Goodwill 20 years ago?

It is, isn't it? Girl, you deserve it.

Sometimes. Sometimes it's a gift.

It's more wonderful looking
and terrible smelling than I imagined.

It's like wearing a diaper as a mustache,
and I love it.

Dad, this experience
really opened my eyes.

I mean, it will, after they stop watering.

Well, this is spectacular,

but you guys probably have
some other things you wanna do, right?

- You're not breathing, are you?
- I'm about to pass out.

If I look amazing and smell even better,
it's because...

Whoo! Pee-yew!

We did it, Paige.
We made it to the corpse flower.

It was glorious.
My nose hairs are burnt to a crisp.

I farted in line, but no one could tell.

That's great, but you all have to shower.

I showered three times.
You should smell my towel.

- I'm not smelling your towel.
- It smells like flowers.

[man] ♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

[man 2] ♪ Sometimes it's great to be me
The double Dutch prodigy ♪

[man] ♪ Turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

[man 2] ♪ Sometimes it's great to be me
The double Dutch prodigy ♪

[man] ♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪

♪ Turtle baby, turtle baby
Turtle, turtle, baby, baby ♪