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02x10 - Bee Is for Brandenham

Posted: 09/25/22 17:22
by bunniefuu
Season 02 Episode 10

Episode Title: "Bee Is for Brandenham"
Aired on: March 04, 2022.

Oh, boy.
Dad's got frozen peas on his head again.

The stove works too.
You don't have to face cook 'em.

Kids, be nice. Your dad's in pain.

Yeah. Still can't shake this headache.

I'm pretty sure it's because
my glasses prescription is too strong.

I'm glad you're going
back to the eye doctor today.

I can't believe
you're missing Dim Summies.

Get your priorities in order.
Sorry your head hurts.

Since when is being able to see
more important than a mouthful

of tasty gummy goodness?

- Also, sorry your head hurts.
- Let me explain.

Dim Summies are gummy candies
that look just like dim sum.

They're having a one-day pop-up
at the South Street Seaport.

They've got it all. Sugary shumai,

peanut butter pot stickers,
fried fudge balls.

And their specialty, the Dumpling Inferno,

that's so hot,
you have to sign a waiver just to try it.

I know, kids. I'm sorry to miss it.
Between my doctor's appointment

and the million things
I gotta take care of at work...

- Owen?
- And here we go.

This is Elwood from work.

- Yeah, hi. Go ahead, Elwood.
- We have a situation with a tree.

- A sit-tree-ation.
- What happened? What's going on?

A tree on Great Hill got pretty banged up
by last night's storm,

and we got a dangler.
I think we need to lop it off.

No. No lopping. Removing branches
has to be done carefully.

Rope off the area
until I'm back from the eye doctor.

You're the boss.
This is Elwood from work signing off.

Someone bring Dada more peas.

Sweetie, can't Elwood handle the tree?

Maybe if it were a shrub or a bush
or a weed.

But this is tree surgery.
I have to be the one to do it.

- You don't have to.
- It's not my choice. It's my job.

Plus, you don't lop it off.

It's like human surgery,
but far more important.

Honey, you can't take care
of every little problem in the park.

Actually, that is exactly
what I'm supposed to do.

I'm saying it's a big park.
You're one man.

One superhot, long-legged, lovely man.
Maybe you could delegate?

This doesn't really seem
like a good time for that.

Yeah, Dad looks great.

See, Paige. Molly gets it. I'll be fine.

I am the park guy for this park job.

♪ It's quicker if I do it ♪
♪ It takes too long to delegate ♪

♪ The intricate details ♪
♪ Are easier for me to trace ♪

♪ Feel the pressure mounting on me ♪
♪ So I'm working overtime ♪

♪ Everybody's counting on me ♪

♪ Forty million yearly visitors ♪
♪ On the line ♪

♪ Ideally, I'd deal with it ♪
♪ 'Cause I got a feel for it ♪

♪ Just wish I had more hours ♪
♪ To spend on the trees and flowers ♪

♪ It's like a game of chess ♪

♪ You have to think ahead ♪

♪ A billion things to stress ♪

♪ For every flower bed ♪

♪ 'Cause one ounce of prevention ♪
♪ Is worth a pound of cure ♪

♪ I've got a backup for my backup ♪
♪ Whether deicing, sprinklers, or manure ♪

♪ Ideally, I'd deal with it ♪
♪ 'Cause I've got the zeal for it ♪

♪ All the fine points get my focus ♪
♪ Whether tree, pond, shrub or crocus ♪

♪ Don't wanna jeopardize ♪
♪ The quality of an arbor ♪

♪ Gotta use the three-cut method ♪
♪ To protect the branch bark collar ♪

♪ Need a pruning saw to saw this ♪
♪ For the tree to heal up flawless ♪

♪ What's with this headache ♪
♪ throbbing from behind my eyeball? ♪

♪ Ideally, I'd deal with it ♪
♪ Got years of experience ♪

♪ Gotta k*ll that fungal blight now ♪
♪ Hey, slugs, you're in for a fight now ♪

♪ -When there's a bag of seeds ♪
♪ -You better sow 'em right ♪

♪ -When there's a sprawling green ♪
♪ -You better mow it right ♪

♪ -When there's a patch of weeds ♪
♪ -You better hoe 'em right ♪

♪ -When there's a ton of leaves ♪
♪ -You better blow them right ♪

♪ The park doesn't use leaf blowers ♪
♪ 'cause they're so noisy. ♪

♪ Instead, we have a methodical, multistep, ♪
♪ raking process. Let me see that. ♪

♪ First, you start with edges ♪
♪ Then proceed to hedges ♪

♪ Move in a U-pattern ♪
♪ To keep 'em from scatterin' ♪

♪ Whenever things go wrong ♪
♪ Expect them to phone me ♪

♪ At least ♪
♪ Until the day that they clone me ♪

♪ Ideally, I'd deal with it ♪
♪ 'Cause I've got a feel for it ♪

♪ Keep the park ready for prime time ♪
♪ Some see it once in a lifetime ♪

♪ Ideally, I'd deal with it ♪
♪ 'Cause I've got a feel for it ♪

♪ I'm capable of being uptight ♪

♪ And it's all right ♪

Trust me, Paige. After the eye doctor,
I'll be as good as new.

Good luck with your broken eyes
and broken tree.

We've got Dim Summies to eat.

First we have to stop by Marvin's
apartment. Quick, won't take long.

Remember I'm taking care of his cat
while he's at his summer camp reunion.

Which we all agree is totally normal
for a grown man to attend.

Yep, totally normal.

We have to feed his cat,
put some anti-itch cream on his belly,

- and we're on our way.
- To Dim Summies!

All right. Come on, kids.
Let's get meow-ving.

That's Landon Volk,

a sneaker mogul who's always
one step ahead when it comes to footwear.

Yes, that was a brilliant pun.
You're welcome.

Anyway, he invented Roboots.

AKA robots for your feet
that tell you how to get in shape.

Deep knee bends. Feel the burn.

- There he is.
- I guess if I were that rich,

I wouldn't care
how dumb I looked in public either.

Listen to me. If we can get Landon Volk
to have his big sneaker convention here,

the Brandenham will become the place
for young people to stay in New York.

We'll be swimming
in cool, fresh, new money

while the Dagmont stews in its own farts.

Jumping jacks. Don't quit on me.

Excuse me, Landon. I'm Bitsy Brandenham.

I own this hotel you're jumping in.

Hi. The retro-haunted vibe
you've got going on here is very cool.

Are you talking about her hair
or her makeup?

Sit. Relax, bro.

Okay, and you're sitting.

- If Landon wants to sit, he can sit.
- Join me. Pop a squat.

Why not? Helen, fold me.

- You too, pal.
- Okay, pal.

I can't help but notice
you're both still wearing "dumb" shoes.

Dumb is what I call
anything other than Roboots,

the smartest shoes on the planet.

- What size are you?
- Ten.

I mean, you don't care if I'm a ten.
Ms. Brandenham wears a doll's medium.

We're not making doll sizes yet,
but you're in luck.

- Got a size ten here, just for you.
- Wow. Cool. Thanks.

Genius and generous?
You fit right in here.

I'm as with it as my cool, hip hotel.

And my cool new hip.
Hey, quick casual question.

Have you given any thought to where you'll
be having your shoe convention this year?

Walk. Giddy up.

Well, time to walk.
But, hey, let's catch up later.

So, I'm guessing you want me
to wear these ugly calculators?

If it makes Landon happy,
drink soup out of 'em.

What the hell? A bee?
Get out of here, ya buzzy freeloader.

Helen, get rid of him.

Walk. Let's lose those love handles.

Sorry, my shoes are yelling at me.

Should I deal with the bee
or listen to my feet?

The bee! No, wait.
Your feet, then the bee.

Just keep Landon happy. Now, walk!

I've been an eye doctor for 15 years and
you have no medical training whatsoever.

But maybe you're right.
I gave you the wrong prescription.

I just wanna figure out
what's giving me these headaches.

You're fully dilated,
and your eyes look good.

Good eyes, mate!

Having some fun. Anyway,
the problem isn't your prescription.

Just out of curiosity,
are you stressed at work lately?

I don't think I'm stressed.
But I guess I'm not "not" stressed.

Does that make sense?
Everything's really blurry.

Remind me how long
till the eye drops wear off?

- Only four hours.
- Four hours?

Until then,
wear these disposable sunglasses.

People might point and laugh,
but it doesn't matter

- because you won't be able to see them.
- I'll be able to hear them.

That's true. Well, I'm not a therapist.

Okay, let's slather the cream on Sir Peter
so we can spend the rest of the day

eating candy I don't wanna
tell your dentist about.

These must be
the instructions Marvin left for me.

"The Joy of Caring for Sir Peter."

That's a lot of pages.

Please tell me half of that is pictures.
And the other half is pictures.

I can't wait to meet Sir Peter.
I have a feeling he's gonna love me.

Okay. "Toe flossing. Bedtime lullabies.
Crushes and lovers."

Here it is.
"Creams, ointments, salves, and jellies."

We just need to get this cream on him.

"Your cat will be
feline better in no time."

Hi, Sir Peter.

Got him. No.

Here, kitty, kitty.

Don't sass me like that.

- I don't think he likes you.
- I'm taking over.

Here, Sir Petey.
It's me, Cole, friend to all animals.

Purr once if you understand me.
I'm getting nothing.

We gotta get him out from behind there.
Help me move this, kids.

- No, no, no. Not in there.
- Hole-y cat.

Does that mean we're done
and we can leave?

- We've gotta get that cat out of the wall.
- Great. No, totally. That's what I meant.

March. Get those knees up.

How much longer do I have to
keep doing this? I think I might collapse.

Here he comes. Don't stop.

Do it without all the breathing
and sweating. It's gross.

Hey, there.
So I've been checking out your hotel.

Love the vintage computers
in the business center.

I didn't know people still printed things.
So old and cool. It's like a museum here.

Yep. It even has its own mummy.

My sneakerheads would love this place.

I do a big convention every year.

You don't say?

Helen! I thought I told you
to get rid of that bee.

I did. I think that's a different one.

I'm sorry. That never happens.
You were saying?

My shoes are telling me to go over there,
so that's what I'm gonna do.

Helen, where in the world
are these bees coming from?

Ms. Brandenham, there are about
a million bees in the front of the hotel.

I think they're coming
from the front of the hotel.

I bet those bees
are from that filthy park.

- Oh, no. Oh, no!
- Remain calm.

We'll use fire or poison or some kind
of bee g*n to get rid of those pests.

Why are you all glaring at me like that?

Hurting bees is a no-no. Pivot, pivot.

Did I say poison? I meant tickle.

We aren't a bee poisoning hotel, no.

We're fun hoteliers who love bees

almost as much
as we love to host hip, cool conventions.

- Nice.
- Helen, call the mayor

and have him tell that dorkus
who runs the park to...

Already dialing.

What? I have to get rid of a massive
swarm of bees at the Brandenham?

They think they're from the park?
I'm not sure.

Our head beekeeper's out of town.
I told him I would check on the bees,

but that was on a list of 20 other things.

Fine. Tell the mayor
I'll take care of the bees.

I've got everything under control.


It never ends.

♪ First, it was the trees ♪
♪ Now it's the bees ♪

♪ What's it gonna be next? Flood? ♪
♪ Like, geez Louise ♪

♪ Maybe the geese roll up and fleece ♪
♪ A joint please ♪

♪ Brimming with frustration ♪
♪ Pupils in dilation ♪

♪ I hate the sensation ♪

♪ All I wanna be is just ♪
♪ A man who's headache-free ♪

♪ See me go walking down the street ♪
♪ Feel like he hasn't a worry ♪

♪ But now my vision is blurry ♪

♪ I can't even get to the tree ♪
♪ 'Cause I'm blind as a bee ♪

♪ Actually, they see ♪
♪ In trichromatic color vision ♪

♪ So they can't see red ♪
♪ But that is all I'm seein' ♪

♪ My headache's getting worse ♪
♪ The more I think ♪

♪ It's like that one time ♪
♪ When I had too much to drink ♪

♪ Oh, boy, it stings ♪

♪ Like pins and needles sh**t' ♪
♪ Through my foot because it fell asleep ♪

♪ Stings ♪

♪ Like when my wife says ♪
♪ "Told ya I was right" ♪

♪ When turns out she was right ♪

♪ Finding out a lie ♪
♪ A lemon in the eye ♪

♪ It stings and it stings ♪

♪ Hanging by my strings ♪

♪ 'Cause, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ It stings and it stings ♪

♪ How we gonna get the cat out? ♪
♪ Sir Peter ♪

♪ Sir Peter ♪

♪ We just gotta go through 1,000 pages ♪
♪ Of this insanely organized manual ♪

♪ But, but, but candy ♪

♪ You best believe Mom ♪
♪ We gonna get our sweet on ♪

♪ Wanna get some Dim Summies ♪
♪ Sweet and nummy ♪

♪ Goin' down to Mommy's tummy ♪

♪ Chewy, chewy cocoa buns ♪
♪ Mamma want a dumplin', hon ♪

♪ I've been saving room ♪
♪ Kitty, come out soon ♪

♪ 'Cause it's all gonna stall ♪
♪ If he stays in this wall ♪

♪ -It stings ♪
♪ -Sir Peter, Sir Peter ♪

♪ Hey, kitty, kitty, how 'bout Mr. Mouse? ♪
♪ Will that make you come out? ♪

♪ -It stings ♪
♪ -Sir Peter, Sir Peter ♪

♪ What if we bring in ♪
♪ One of his girlfriends ♪

♪ Would he come out then? ♪

♪ Cat treats? Or catnip? ♪

♪ Oops, it says here he's an addict ♪

♪ Maybe we could dangle our shoestrings ♪

♪ Or, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Other dangly things ♪

Helen? Help! Don't just stand there.

♪ I got a new boss ♪
♪ They're on my feet ♪

♪ And unlike her, they care about me ♪

♪ Marching now to a different b*at ♪

♪ Bees are buzzing by the dozen ♪
♪ It should bother me, but, no, it doesn't ♪

♪ I feel great all the sudden ♪
♪ Heart rate escalating ♪

♪ And my blood's going thud ♪
♪ Like, bum-bum ♪

♪ In my old shoes I would lose ♪
♪ But these boots got me on cruise ♪

♪ Gotta move, gotta groove ♪
♪ When the shoes say to ♪

♪ But I'll be so screwed ♪
♪ If the bees don't shoo ♪

♪ Yeah, Landon will take the Roboots ♪
♪ I'll be like Mrs. No-Boots ♪

♪ She'll be my boss again ♪

♪ It's like no use, no use ♪

I wanna torch the bees

How come nobody sees
That park's a disease?

♪ Pesky little things ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ -I hope that they sting ♪
♪ -It stings ♪

♪ How we gonna get the cat out? ♪
♪ Sir Peter ♪

♪ Pretend the bees are like my assistant. ♪
♪ Pay her no attention. ♪

♪ How we gonna get the cat out? ♪
♪ Sir Peter ♪

♪ I'll get you back for this, ♪
♪ you little pests. ♪

♪ You're unselling my convention. ♪

♪ -Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ -Time will soon reveal him ♪

♪ -Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ -I can feel him ♪

♪ Ouch ♪

♪ -He scratched me, and it stings ♪
♪ -And it stings ♪

- Are you okay?
- I think so. It's just a scratch.

- We should put something on it.
- Or maybe we should go to the hospital?

Maybe swing by the Dim Summies thing
real quick?

So why do you have to
catch bees at the Brandenham?

Because they're from the park,
and Bitsy told the mayor.

- Oh, boy.
- Yeah, not great.

- Clay, our beekeeper, is on his honeymoon.
- Clay's getting married?

No, no. He calls vacations honeymoons

because he likes honey
because he likes bees.

Maybe the queen relocated her hive
from the park.

Sounds like the new queen
is kind of a bee-word. Sorry.

- You're gonna have to see Bitsy, huh?
- Yeah, I won't see Bitsy because...

Owen, what are you gonna do?

There's no way you can handle
all this alone, especially today.

Well, Clay has actually
been training Elwood

ever since they bonded over the death
of a bee they both loved named Todd.

- How old was Todd?
- Six months.

Is that, like, really old in bee years?

No, it's like 35. Todd lived pretty hard.

Please tell me at least
you and the kids are having fun.

Not yet.
Marvin's cat went into a hole in the wall.

That's probably not good, right?

Yep. And we never got the cream on him,
so he's probably itching like crazy.

Maybe you're right about
the "not trusting your employees" thing.

Also, don't trust cats.

Okay, I'm seeing now the title of
chapter two is "Don't Move the Trunk."

I wonder what that chapter's about.

In my defense,
there's a lot of chapters in here.

One of which is, "Don't Mention Garfield."

- The cat or the president?
- Both.

Oh, no. It's Marvin.

Listen, if he's all the way over here,

we might have to make
another hole there to get him out.

That's madness.

It'd mean
we get to the Dim Summies sooner.

That's brilliant.

Hey, Owen. We roped off the area
exactly like you taught us to.

For a few minutes, Elwood got his shorts
stuck on a branch, but we figured it out.

Change of plans. We got a swarm of bees
to remove from the Brandenham,

so let's head over there.

If you want, Owen, you can take the day
off, and I'll take care of the bees.

Clay showed me
how to handle them pretty well.

No, no, I can do this. I'm here.

I went to the eye doctor,
and I'm good to go.

We'll deal with the bees first and then
we'll come back and deal with the tree.

- Can you even see anything?
- Yep, kinda. I see shapes and colors.

That's all you really need.

Okay, we've waited 20 minutes
for those bee idiots from the park.

Time to distract our guests
and torch the awning.

Wait, those look like bee idiots.

Bee idiots, bee idiots

Well, they're bees all right. I think.

They sound like bees. Just kidding.

I know they're bees 'cause I can see 'em.

Hey, fellas.
Whatcha doin' out of the park, huh?

Hey, Moe, Larry, Curly.
Or maybe that's Curly.

Curly has an evil twin.
That could definitely be him.

Or him. Or him.

What took so long?

- Bitsy Brandenham.
- Park person.

I am a park person and proud.

Tell that to your dumb sunglasses.

Oh, God. The bees are still here?
Are they, like, always here?

No, no, no.
They're actually about to leave.

- Isn't that right?
- Definitely. Consider those bees gone.

Elwood, go ahead
and turn on the bee machine thing.

It's a bee vacuum, boss.

Yep, yep, right. I know. The bee vacuum.

And how does it work exactly?

Pretend you're explaining it
to a person who can't see.

You know what? Maybe I should vacuum
while you hold the bee bucket.

Sure, sure, we can try that.

Bucket, bucket. I'm looking for a bucket.

Hey, Fran,
why don't you hold the bucket this time?

Are the bees gonna
get angry in the bucket?

- 'Cause I gotta be in a wedding next week.
- All right, Elwood, hit it.

Okay, bees, don't worry.

You're just gonna feel a little sucking,
like a fun tornado.

Are you sucking 'em up too fast?
Sounds too fast.

Okay, now it sounds slow.

On second thought,
maybe you should let me do it.

You're doing just fine, Elwood.

These people suck at sucking bees.

Okay, we got some bees down.
Bees are down.

Bees are down? I can't see 'em.

They're fine. They're just stunned.

Oh, boy. Nope, nope. Stop the vacuum.

Owen, no! Trust me.
I know what I'm doing. They're okay.

I'm gonna stop the vacuum.
If I can just find the vacuum!

Where did all the bees go?
Did they fly back to the park?


You okay, Fran?

Yeah, I'm fine. I didn't get stung.
But I'm still taking tomorrow off.

Okay, you're bee free.

Wow, Elwood. You really seem to know
your way around that vacuum, don't you?

Clay taught me everything he knew.
You've taught me a lot too.

About so many things.
Trees, plants, trees.

But when it comes to bees, well...

He's tryin' to say he knows way more
about bee crap than you do.

So stop micromanaging
every single thing and let the man be.

You're right. You're absolutely right.

Elwood, you think you can handle this?

I know I can. I mean, I am.
I'm almost done.

You know what? I think you can too.

♪ My daddy bee kept me safe in the hive ♪

♪ But it's time to try ♪
♪ A flight of my own ♪

♪ My boss was cross ♪
♪ With a bee in his bonnet ♪

♪ But I'm on it ♪
♪ And I'll show how I've grown ♪

♪ And for the first time in this job ♪
♪ I feel on fire ♪

♪ Except that one time ♪
♪ When I set myself on fire ♪

♪ You were flying blind ♪

♪ But now I am flying high ♪

♪ High ♪

♪ Up in the sky ♪
♪ I'm high-fiving the stars sh**ting by ♪

♪ By ♪

♪ A hive of bees ♪
♪ Can accomplish their dreams ♪

♪ When it teams up to tackle a chore ♪

♪ If there's a lesson to be learned here ♪

♪ It's just to have trust ♪
♪ In what your teammates are for ♪

♪ And Clay would be so proud ♪
♪ He'd stand by and applaud ♪

♪ This is for you and him ♪
♪ But mostly it's for Todd ♪

♪ Was in a bind, but now I'm flying high ♪

♪ High ♪

♪ And I'm so happy ♪
♪ That I could just break down and cry ♪

♪ Cry ♪

♪ I'm flying blind, yeah ♪
♪ I'm flying blind ♪

♪ Are you really gonna ♪
♪ Make another hole? ♪

♪ All will be fine ♪
♪ I hope it will be fine ♪

♪ Turns out today is not any ol' day ♪

♪ I lost my mind ♪
♪ But now I am flying high ♪

♪ High ♪

♪ So say goodbye ♪
♪ To that micromanagey guy ♪

♪ -Guy ♪
♪ -Flying blind ♪

♪ We'll keep on flying high ♪
♪ We'll keep on flying high ♪

♪ Yeah, we'll keep on flying high ♪

Yep, so cat's still in the wall. Should
I resign or wait for Marvin to fire me?

Let's think of some new jobs for Mommy.

Professional wall wrecker?

Now Marvin wants to do a video call.

Kids, open the window.

Mama's gonna throw her phone out
onto the street.

- He's gonna keep calling.
- Okay. I'll answer it.

Hey, Marvin.
How's summer camp reunion going?

Did you swim in the lake?
Fart in a hammock?

Fall off your water skis
and lose your swimsuit?

That's what happened to me at summer camp.

- I lost your cat. He's in the wall.
- What? No.

- Did you move the trunk?
- We did, Marvin. We did move the trunk.

He zipped into that hole so fast,
you wouldn't believe it.

I do believe it.

There's a whole chapter about it
called "Don't Move the Trunk."

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. It's gonna be okay.
We can get him out.

And if you get really desperate,

you can always put another hole
in the wall, right?


But before we do anything too drastic,
here's what you're gonna do.

Turn to page 46 of the manual.
You know what? I'll tell you.

Put a bowl of strong-smelling food
by the hole.

Tuna and seaweed is the strongest.

- Oh, wow.
- Oh, boy.

Put it in one of the glass bowls
that I laid out in the kitchen

and then tap on the bowl with the can.

Even if it all comes out easily
and you don't need to,

you must still tap the can on the bowl.

- He just purred.
- That's good. Do it louder.

I got him. And he's clawing my nipple.

There he is. Hi, Sir Peter.

Now, I know you probably
don't trust this weird stranger

that's in our home right now.

But I do. Mostly because we have to.

And now she's gonna put itchy goo-goo
on your tumsy-wumsy.

Don't do like you do with the other
cat sitters and scratch at her eyes.

- What?
- He doesn't do it every time.

But if he does,
don't make him feel bad about it.

Okay, applying cream now.

When you're done, make sure
you move the trunk back over the hole.

Then feel free to stick around,
and get to know each other.

He's quite the jokester.

- Uh-uh.
- We're gonna leave right after this.

Great job, you two.
I'm sorry about how I've been as a boss.

- Don't worry about it.
- Yeah, it was bad.

I guess we should all
go take care of that tree now?

You two can handle
the tree surgery on your own.

- What? Really?
- Yep. Things are gonna change around here.

From now on,
I'm gonna trust you guys more.

Okay. Well, then, I guess
I'm gonna go learn how to use a chain saw.

Yep, yep. I guess so.
Don't hurt yourself. Or the tree.

So, Landon, did you see the way
I took care of those bees? Pretty heroic.

What'd you think of the boots, pal?

I mean, they look uncomfortable,
but they're actually excruciating.

Also, at one point, the robot voice said,
"I'm telling your mommy on you,"

- which was unsettling.
- Helen!

Don't listen to her. Her bun
cuts off the circulation to her brain.

No, no, it's fine.
I actually appreciate her honesty.

She's a great employee.
You probably tell her that all the time.

Yep, yep. Of course I do.

And this great employee
was just agreeing with me

that you should have your convention here
at the Brandenham.

- Right, Helen?
- Yep, classic me.

Well, your elevators are so old and janky,

I feel like it would encourage
the convention-goers

to use my Roboots in the stairwell.

- Okay, let's talk later.
- Yes, yes, let's.

You're keeping those shoes on
until he writes the check.

God, these are good.

So glad you could take some time
off work and join us, sweetie.

Dad, are you okay?

My mouth is on fire. So hot.

Dad, you tried a Dumpling Inferno?
Tell me you didn't eat it all at once.

Let's order some milk
and hope for the best.

I'm still glad I came.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ I hope that they sting ♪

♪ And heart rate escalating ♪
♪ And my blood's going thud like ♪

♪ Got a new boss and they're on my feet ♪
♪ And unlike her, they care about me ♪

♪ Marching now to a different b*at ♪

♪ Bees are buzzing by the dozen ♪

♪ It should bother me ♪
♪ But, no, it doesn't ♪

♪ I feel great all the sudden ♪
♪ Heart rate escalating ♪

♪ And my blood's going thud ♪
♪ Like, bum-bum ♪

♪ In my old shoes I would lose ♪
♪ But these boots got me on cruise ♪

♪ Gotta move, gotta groove ♪
♪ When the shoes say to ♪

♪ But I'll be so screwed ♪
♪ If the bees don't shoo ♪

♪ Yeah, Landon will take the Roboots ♪
♪ I'll be like Mrs. No-Boots ♪

♪ She'll be my boss again ♪
♪ It's like no use, no use ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ I hope that they sting ♪

♪ And, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ I hope that they sting ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ I hope that they sting ♪

♪ And, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ I hope that they sting ♪