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01x06 - Rival Busker

Posted: 09/25/22 17:13
by bunniefuu


Thanks. Thank you.
Oof, that's a big bill.

Oh, hey there. I'm your new narrator.

Wanna hear a story about a park?

Hey, hey, shush, shush, shush, shush.

Don't be scared. You're with a pro now.

- You're with the best.

A guy with know-how. A
guy who's, well, dressed.

I know it's hard to comprehend

the level of quality you're seeing,

but I can make this very simple for you.

♪ You deserve to be in ♪

♪ First-class hands ♪

♪ That's right, I said
first-class hands ♪

♪ You've been distracted by a dude ♪

♪ Who's been uprooting the whole plot ♪

♪ I'm not trying to be rude ♪

♪ But there's no way in hell he's got ♪

♪ A pair of first-class hands ♪

♪ Don't you wanna be
in first-class hands? ♪

♪ See, the last guy
sort of missed the mark ♪

♪ It's why I'm here to take
you through Central Park ♪

♪ In first-class hands ♪

Hi, excuse me. What are
you doing here, Griffin?

Oh, hey, buddy. Yeah, so you got fired.

Fired? Why?

- You know why.
- [CHUCKLES] No, I don't.

Somebody spilled the beans.

The "Bitsy Brandenham
was secretly funding

Mayor Whitney Whitebottom's
campaign" beans. Hmm?

Uh, I don't even like beans.

It's Bitsy! It's Bitsy
Brandenham! Oh, no.

So, yeah.

Oh, those beans.

You messed up. We're narrators,
not guardian angels.

Can't we be both? Like,
narrators with benefits?

Help out around the farm, so to speak.

I mean, I guess you could nudge,
you could guide them a tiny bit,

but you can't blurt out spoilers

or change the course of everything.

I have two words for you.

- I'm leaving?
- Free will.

Can I guess again? I
was gonna say free will.

♪ Birdie, Birdie, you
dirty little thing ♪

♪ You could've stayed,
you could've made ♪

- ♪ Your little ukulele sing ♪
- It's a fiddle.

♪ But you just had to
blow it had to interfere ♪

♪ And the next thing you
know it's over and I'm here ♪

But, Griffin, if in fact I got involved,

don't you think my selfless
act just might have solved it?

♪ They gotta make their own
decisions we just get to watch ♪

♪ There's no room for new revisions
unless you wanna botch it ♪

- ♪ They need first-class... ♪
- Okay, constructive criticism.

Yeah, I can take a note. I got it now.

♪ Hands ♪

- ♪ Hands ♪
- Listen:

♪ From now on, I'll give them ♪

- ♪ First-class hands ♪
- No, Birdie... Birdie, listen to me.


♪ You've all been shackled
to a chaperone ♪

♪ Who needs to take a hike ♪

♪ I could end this cute toe-tapper ♪

♪ Only, wait who doesn't
like when I sing? ♪

- ♪ First-class hands ♪
- ♪ I get it now ♪

- ♪ I'll give them first-class hands ♪
- ♪ A professional who understands ♪

♪ Just sit back, enjoy the music ♪

♪ I've played with three
different Coachella bands ♪

Ah, that is impressive.

♪ With these first class
chorus and verse ♪

♪ Class, so well-rehearsed
class, once met Fred Durst ♪

♪ Class ♪

Oh, really, Durst? When was that?

It was years ago. It
was at a Barnes & Noble.

♪ Why have the worst when
you can have first-class ♪

♪ First-class hands? ♪

So, you should go.

Right, like motivational.
Like, "Go, girl".

Thank you. Here I go.

Owen and the family are... [SIGHS]

And now to... Over here. [GRUNTS]

I'm sorry. I need to
just turn away from you

and take us over to Owen,

- who is trying to get his family
- Trying to get his family

- excited about an owl camera.
- excited about an owl camera.

Damn it!

So, yeah, the Natural History
Museum is setting up a camera

to livestream the owl nest
in that tree, right there.

Isn't that incredible?

So, when you were like, "Hey, guys.

Wanna see something really cool?"

this is what you meant?

And I was so right, right?

Wasn't I kinda right, kids?

No. Sorry, I said that
out loud. I mean, yes.

Molly, it's an owl's nest.
They are the Beyoncé of birds,

if Beyoncé could turn her
head all the way around.

- So, when's it gonna go live, Dad?
- Tonight at : .

It's gonna be like a reality
show about owl roommates.

Should be called "Owl in the Family".

Ha. Or maybe "The Owl Couple".

"Real Owl's Wives of New York"?

No? You guys are so cliquish.

- Bitsy, you have a phone call.

I'm mid bubble beard.
Let it go to voice mail.

It's Dmitry.

What? Don't let it go to
voice mail, dummy. Answer it.

Hello? One minute.

Put it on speaker. Put it on speaker!

Dmitry, how are you?

Are you finally ready to invest
in my plan to buy Central Park?

I-I've been thinking about it,

but it's, uh, kind of
on the back burner.

On the front burner

is the hotel where my daughter

is supposed to have her wedding tonight.

Because it's burning. It's on fire.

It's kind of our fault.
The wedding theme was fire.

I-I have a proposal for you:

The Brandenham Hotel hosts
my daughter's wedding.

Ugh, fine, fine.

We're booked six months out,
but I can make it four for you.

How about four hours? I need it tonight.

- Tonight?
- It has to be tonight.

We've got guests in town,
and my hair looks amazing.

Put him on mute.

I'm gonna make him think
we're fully booked tonight

so I can leverage the hell out of this.

- Sorry, I didn't mute it yet.
- Damn it, Helen!

- Muting now.
- [DMITRY] What did you...

Well, now you can take it off.
It doesn't matter anymore.

Dmitry, we have a secret
ballroom on the tenth floor.

You can use that.

- You want me to take it off mute?
- Oh, my God. Yes.

- Dmitry?
- Yes?

We can do it, but you and I
are gonna talk business tonight.

Yes, yes, we can talk business.

But first, we're gonna
talk ice sculptures.

Okay. Okay, bye. Thank you.

Cole, I just got a hot tip
from a pal at the paper.

What do you think about this?
Oh, can you set the table?

- Wait, wait, wait. Don't touch my notes.
- Uh...

Are we eating around Mom's notes again?

I call the only chair that
doesn't have papers on it.

You know how I've been
trying to figure out

why Bitsy Brandenham was
funneling money to the mayor?

- Let's say yes.
- Uh-huh.

Huh. Two sort of open
spots, one fork, four of us.

I'm figuring it out.

A sandwich could go here.
A beverage could go here.

- This could be a chip zone, maybe.
- I can eat on my lap.

Listen to this.

Doug from work just saw something
weird happen at the Brandenham Hotel.



I'm excited to see the secret ballroom.

Well, now it's not a secret, is it?

[GRUNTS] Follow me.

Paige... [SWALLOWS] I
just saw something weird.

[SIGHS] I've gotta sneak into the hotel

and find out what's going
on in that secret ballroom.

How? That hotel's a fortress
unless you're staying there.

Then I guess I'll have to stay there.

Hey, Marvin.

I need the newspaper to pay for me

to stay at the Brandenham
Hotel for one night.

Okay, great.

He said absolutely hell no.

Ooh, hey, babe, maybe
we could possibly...

Oh, boy. Sorry, just bracing for it.

- Pay for a room?
- It's, like, bucks a night there.

- It's closer to five.
- Oh, I just got light-headed.

I know it's a lot of money,

but my gut has a hunch
that my inklings are right.

- I really think I can crack this thing.
- I believe in you, Paige,

but I'm allowed to cry a
little bit about the ...

- I don't wanna say it.
- You know what makes people feel better

when they spend a ton of
money they don't really have?

Watching some owl cam.

Thank God for those damn
owls. Molly, you in, baby?

Hotel. I wanna go hotel.

It's kind of a work trip.

Please, Mother. Don't
leave me with the owls.

A girl shouldn't even have to say that.

All right, fine. But
nothing from the minibar.

If I see one of those
triangular chocolate bars

on the bill tomorrow, so help me...

I'm gonna wear a fluffy robe tonight.

[CHEWS, GULPS] This one
is disappointing too.

Three hours till the
wedding. No pressure.

- What do think, Anya?
- Ooh, it's terrible.

- Give me another one.
- She's a nervous eater.

Gets it from her mother.


- The bride looks sort of terrified.
- That's just her face.

So, after you're done
eating half the appetizers

we prepared for tonight,

can we talk business?

I-I'm too nervous.

If all goes well tonight, there
will be nothing to discuss.

Uh, that sounds like a bad thing.

No, no, no, "nothing to
discuss" in a good way.

Like, if this goes well, I'm in.

Ah, this salad is beautiful. Approved.

- That's a centerpiece.
- Shh! Now it's a salad.

Okay, drumroll. [IMITATES TRUMPET]

- Dad, that's trumpets.
- Right, sorry.

[BOTH] Whoa!

- Okay, we're headed to the hotel.
- That's great, babe.

Are you sure you're not
just watching a still image?

Yeah. I mean, I don't think we are.

Well, have a fun night
looking at a picture of an owl.

It might be a picture.

It blinked. It just blinked.
It definitely blinked.

Yeah, it did.

Hey, did you know owls are
actually not intelligent at all?

- Huh. They're lucky they're hot.
- So hot.

An elevator for short people?
This place has everything.

That's a dumbwaiter. If you
were to order room service...

Which we will definitely not be doing,

because someone brought yogurt.

You're welcome.

For guests who did not bring yogurt,

the kitchen sends a food cart to
your floor on that little elevator.

Uh-huh, and a dumb waiter pushes
it in, or where does he come in?

And here's your room.

All right, I'm gonna use this
desk as my command center.


And... yeah. There it is.

All right, I'm gonna go snoop around,

see if I can find any Russians.

I'm sorry, but I think this
has to be mama by herself.

Pretty focused on this bed
right now. I've had a week.

Just know you're gonna be
poor again when this is done.

And don't even look at this.

Look away. Good.


[GASPS] Oh, no. Did we both fall asleep?

Hopefully the owl didn't see.
Should we take a break?

I've had to pee so long
that I no longer have to pee,

which I think is dangerous.

Or I peed.

Oh, my God, owl babies!

[BOTH] Aw!


There's a couple of white Russians.

- Aha!

You're not so secret anymore, ballroom.

Oh, come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on.

[PANTING] Oh, God.

[GROANS] Oh, God.


Oh, hi. Just doing
exercise on the stairs.

Love stairs. These are good ones.
They go up and down, huh?

Da-da-bab. Give me a name, please.

Um, you look like a Derek.

- Okay, bye.
- No, your name.

Uh, what do you think my name is?

- Lookie-loo who's leaving.
- They're expecting me.

- You're gonna be so sorry.
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Will you just tell me if
this is the secret ballroom?

- It's definitely not.

what you sound like.

- This one looks like a Tito.
- I can see it.

Their mom has been
gone a really long time.

Yeah, they look so hungry.

I wanna go chew up some food
and spit it in their mouths.

- Oh, no!
- Tito!

- Tito can't get back in the nest.
- Why did he do that?

- Why did he just fall over?
- 'Cause they're dumb.

You're so dumb, Tito!

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean that. I love you.

We should do something.

Ah, but we would be messing
with nature. That's a big no-no.

Tito is not nature. He's our baby.

We've watched him grow
and make bad choices.

[GROANS] Hold on, Tito.
Your human family's comin'.

Oh, boy.

- Hello?

[WOMAN] This is your
wake-up call, Ms. Thang.

Oh, thank you so much. Can I set
another for one minute from now?

No. Once you're up, you're up.

Amazing wedding so far.
Incredible! On such short notice.

Everyone's talking about
how great everything is.

- What?
- So, my park plan.

Should we make small talk
about big numbers? [CHUCKLES]

- You start.
- Where is Anya?

I'm sure she's just, um,
having a-a pre-wedding BM.

It's pretty standard.

- Isn't that right, Helen?
- It's her day.

Ms. Brandenham, Ms. Anya just
grabbed some meats from the fridge

and ran off screaming,
"Don't let them find me".

- What? [GROANS]
- Okay, now that seems bad.

So, do we need her to proceed?

This is terrible. What is she thinking?

Zack is Syracuse royalty.

- We need to find her.
- Helen, seal the exits.

Dmitry, we'll find her. Or
someone that looks like her.

- What? No.
- Oh, never mind.

That's the plan, that's plan B.

Come on. Let's move.

As Bitsy and Helen leave to
hunt down the runaway bride...

- What? I'm just busking.

- Is this bothering you?
- No. Ignoring you.

- As Bitsy and Helen search the hotel,
- Busking louder. Busking louder.

hoping to find Anya and change
her mind about this wedding...

- Okay, that's it.
- Not bothering. Not bothering. Hey!

You need to go. Go. Bad boy.

No. I'm a good boy.

I'm not gonna leave.
This family needs me.

♪ When there's a man
outside your window ♪

♪ And he's out there looking in, oh ♪

♪ And you know it's just his
job to clean the windows ♪

♪ That's how his day goes ♪

♪ But the look upon his face shows ♪

♪ That this might be way
too close way too close ♪

♪ You're fully naked and
he's basically a foot away ♪

♪ That's way too close, way too close ♪

♪ That is what I mean when
I say you're too close ♪

♪ I don't get what you're saying ♪

♪ It sounds like he was just concerned ♪

♪ And I feel like that is earned ♪

You're not getting it.

♪ When there's a boy
who loves his piggy ♪

♪ Sounds like a great piggy ♪

♪ But the pig gets really biggy ♪

♪ Piggy's gotta grow, gotta fly ♪

♪ And his daddy says ♪

- ♪ "It's time to give me Piggy ♪
- ♪ What? ♪

- ♪ He's coming with me" ♪
- ♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ The boy forgot that
they were farmers ♪

♪ Pig farmers ♪

♪ And he knows that he is
way too close, way too close ♪

♪ Now he can barely eat his
bacon and he knows that he was ♪

♪ Way too close, way too close ♪

♪ Wouldn't you agree he got too close? ♪

♪ Is it like when a stranger
in the next stall over ♪

♪ Asks you for some toilet
paper which is fine and dandy ♪

♪ Until they start to tell you ♪

♪ All about their day
without you asking ♪

♪ And they talk to you while
you can hear everything ♪

- ♪ Everything ♪
- ♪ Everything ♪

- ♪ Everything ♪
- ♪ Everything ♪

♪ You don't know what
the heck is happening ♪

♪ Or how to stop whatever
it is yeah, whatever it is ♪

♪ Uh-huh, it's way too
close way too close ♪

♪ None of this applies to
me this family's my family ♪

- ♪ You're way too close, way too close ♪
- ♪ Never too close, never too close ♪

♪ This is why it's bad to be too close ♪

♪ This is not that boy and his piggy ♪

♪ That boy is probably a vegan now
because he got way too close ♪

♪ And it's hard to be a vegan ♪

♪ 'Cause there are not as many options ♪

♪ I guess that's something we agree on ♪

Can I stay here if I play quietly?

I wanna at least find out what happens.

No! You're torturing yourself.

And, more importantly, you
are driving me crazy. Go.


Birdie takes this in as
he walks away, defeated,

with his funny little waddle and
his mayonnaise-stained jacket.

Stop narrating about me! Stop it!

He's a sad, sad, broken spirit.
Oh, who just stepped in gum.

I said stop it!

He's not down here, so he
must still be in the tree.

Or he's... Or he's already been eaten.

Tito! Are you okay?

Hoot once for yes, twice for no.

No hoots. What does no hoots mean?

I think I gotta climb up there.

I mean, if we're really committing

to this whole
interfering-with-nature thing.

We are. We're very on board.

We're gonna make T-shirts.
"The Nosy Nature Boys".

- Okay. Here I go.
- Here I go too.

- Stay there, Cole.
- What? Why?

- 'Cause it's dangerous.
- Well, will you just tell Tito

that the whole rescue thing was my idea

and you're just doing the easy part?

Yes, Cole, I'll relay the message.

Mm. Good ice. [CHEWS]

Fancy ice. So cold.

- Hello?

- [WOMAN] Hello, I'm stuck!
- Hello?

[WOMAN] I have put myself in
tiny elevator. I can't get out.



- I need to hide.
- I mean, you were hidden.

Yes, but it was very uncomfortable.

And there was no
place for my fart to go.

Uh, come with me.


- There you go, Tito.
- Yay, Dad, you did it.

I told you not to follow me up here.

I had FOMO... "fear of missing owl".

Oh, my God, we're so high up.

You're standing too far out.
Come closer to the trunk.

Come up here with me.

Quick, quick, quick. All right,
we're going up. We're going up.

Oh, that was the branch we
needed to get down. No big deal.

We're gonna die saving
Tito. Never meet your idols.

Nope, nope, nope. We're not
gonna die. We're gonna be fine.

We'll use the owl cam,
uh, to signal for help.

Hello! We're stuck. We need help.


- I'm sure help is on the way.
- [GRIFFIN] It isn't.


Owen can shout all he
wants, but it's pretty late.

There's no one around to hear him,

and things are about to get worse.

- Did you hear a screech?
- That must be the deadbeat mom owl.

I'm gonna tell her she needs to
take a long, hard look in the mirror

and see if she's... Oh, God!


Okay. [WHIMPERS] Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Okay, go. Go.

- Get away from me.
- Cool, cool. It's fine.

Where's my robe?

I didn't get anything, and
I'm a terrible reporter,

and I've wasted your braces money.

Um, Mom?

No. No! Wha... You... No!

It wasn't me!

Oh, really? Did one of those
hotel bears break in here...

Don't be mad. My father will pay.

I just really needed
to have a Toblerone.

I guess, three Toblerones.

And cashews. And everything else.

Da. I had a snack attack.

[GROANS] I can't believe the
big meeting is just a wedding.

- No offense, Anya.
- It's fine.

It's just the saddest day of my life.

Why is it the saddest day of your life?

I can't marry Zack. I just can't.


I love Zack, but he's
from a normal family.

Mine does some bad things.

I mean, everyone's family has issues.

- m*rder.
- Oh.

- Arms dealing.
- Oh.

- Fixing the Oscars.
- Got it.

- Do you love him?
- Yes. That's why I can't marry him.

Anya, sometimes you gotta just
trust your gut and take a chance.

♪ Okay, when I walked in
I was like, "Wait, what? ♪

♪ Who's she? Who's she? And
did she eat my cashews?" ♪

♪ I looked around and saw you
ate much more than cashews ♪

♪ So now I'm preaching at you ♪

♪ Eh, but I-I get it I booked
this room which was excessive ♪

♪ I thought I'd play some kind
of super-sleuth detective ♪

♪ And I'm not sure if it
has even been effective ♪

♪ But from my perspective ♪

♪ Ay, we gotta show up
ladies, gotta show up ♪

♪ The only way they'll see the
truest you is if you show up ♪

♪ So we're taking chances
we're getting answers ♪

♪ We gotta roll up and show
'em how we show up, ay ♪

♪ Mom's right, she's right
I could've been at home now ♪

♪ I'm not I'm sitting in
this fancy robe now ♪

♪ And take a whiff of me
'cause this is how I smell now ♪

♪ I live in this hotel now, ay ♪

We leave tomorrow.

♪ Anya, you ate
bucks in snack food ♪

♪ But deep down, you know you
really love this Zack dude ♪

♪ I'm here to make you see
your value and I'm glad to ♪

♪ Step number one is that you ♪

♪ That you gotta show up
ladies, gotta show up ♪

♪ Only way they'll know is
if we go we gotta show up ♪

♪ Now we're taking chances
we're getting answers ♪

♪ We gotta roll up and show
'em how we show up, ay ♪

♪ If you can hear me
right now, right now ♪

♪ Then say it with me
right now, right now ♪

♪ "I am worthy" you heard me ♪

♪ I am worthy I am more than worthy ♪

♪ And we gotta help each other out now ♪

♪ When we start to see
the other doubt now ♪

- ♪ Trust your gut and ♪
- ♪ Your husband ♪

♪ Will love me despite
my oligarch daddy ♪

Wait, oligarch what now?

- ♪ She say... ♪
- ♪ I say I got an oligarch daddy, hey ♪

- ♪ You do... ♪
- ♪ Deserve a guy who loves me ♪

♪ So don't don't think
that he's above me ♪

♪ And do you think your dad
is linked to Bitsy's hotel? ♪

♪ I do, I do, but don't tell ♪

♪ Ay, we gotta show up
now I'm gonna show up ♪

♪ Gotta get you ready and
we'll show 'em how you glow up ♪

♪ Let me hear it, ladies
I'm getting married ♪

♪ We gotta roll up show
'em how we show up ♪


♪ Show up ladies, gotta show up ♪

♪ Only way to know is if we go ♪

♪ We gotta show up ladies! ♪

I want to marry Zack!

Hey, you two want to
come to the wedding?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I love weddings. I can't
wait to meet your dad.

Sorry, I'm sounding too excited
right now. Don't be scared. But yes.

I didn't bring a dress. Can I wear this?

I have too much dress under
my dress anyway. Have a layer.

Things are not looking
good for Owen and Cole.

And it's just getting later and
later, and... Oh, you're back.

Of course I am. Owen
and Cole need our help.

I feel like we can both agree
that this has gone far enough,

and we can just go save their lives.

You just don't get it, do you?

Maybe this will help. Let's
say my hand is the universe.

- D... Ow. Ow! Why are you doing that?
- To help you.

See, now I can't just interfere
and stop this from happening.

Ow! Ah, yes, you can.
Ow! It's your hand!

No. It's the universe.

- And we can't interfere.

Ow! This is not a helpful analogy.

Maybe it is. No, it isn't.

Well, that hungry little idiot
is nowhere to be found.

We failed. We failed.

Dmitry will never invest with me now.

Maybe we should just
chain him to the radiator

until he coughs up the cash.

- Hmm?
- Well, I'll be.

Found her.

- Anya.
- Anya.

Get in here, Bitsy, you little piroshki.

- [GROANS] Help me.
- Oh, that's sweet.

- You're hugging. That's nice.

You're not getting away
so easy, Henry. [CHUCKLES]



Dad, why is your scream
so much higher than mine?

I don't know.

I have to help them.

Birdie, if you break
the rules one more time,

who knows what will happen to you?

It could be really, really bad.

It could be bye-bye, Birdie.

You could be out of
the story altogether.

I don't care what happens
to me. I-I'm helping them!

God, he's a hot mess.

- And a terrible runner.

Owen! Owen!

Birdie! Is that you?

Yes. I know someone with access

to a Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon.

I think it's a Pikachu.

We can create a cushion
for you to fall safely onto.

Maybe it's a Garfield.
It should still work.

Or you can get a ladder
from the storage shed.

Ooh, that works too.

That was so much fun,
even though we almost died.

We cheated death.

Yeah. Don't use those words

when you tell your mom
what happened tonight.

You know, avoid the D-word.

What do you wanna do when
we get back to the house?

- I wanna make cupcakes from a mix.
- Okay, let's do it.

Man, Mom and Molly really blew it

by not being on Team Owl tonight. Mm-mm.





Just out of curiosity, what
song are your arms listening to?

What do you mean? I'm dancing.

Okay, I'll take your word for
it, but I don't believe you.

Hey, did you get what you
needed for your article?

Yep. Oh, wait, that's blurry.

There. Got it.

- What's that mean?
- I don't know yet. It's something.



- I guess this is it.
- Yeah.

Birdie finally accepts his fate

and walks off into the dark,
terrible unknown.

The only certainty being
that he's crap at his job

and annoying to others.

- Wait.
- Um...

What is happening? No,
there must be some mistake.


- I'm in charge again.
- But you broke the rules.

- He broke the rules.
- Aha!

Maybe the rules changed.

Maybe narrators can be
guardian angels too, huh?

But that's not our job.
It doesn't make sense.

Doesn't matter. I'm
back, baby. I'm back.

What about me? I'm really good at this.

And I'm a way better singer.

♪ Yeah ♪

Oh, God.

Don't look at me like
that, squirrel. You idiot.

[BIRDIE] ♪ Is it like when a
stranger in the next stall over ♪

♪ Asks you for some toilet
paper which is fine and dandy ♪

♪ Until they start to tell you ♪

♪ All about their day
without you asking ♪

♪ And they talk to you while
you can hear everything ♪

- [GRIFFIN] ♪ Everything ♪
- [BIRDIE] ♪ Everything ♪

- [GRIFFIN] ♪ Everything ♪
- [BIRDIE] ♪ Everything ♪

[TOGETHER] ♪ You don't know
what the heck is happening ♪

♪ Or how to stop whatever
it is yeah, whatever it is ♪

♪ Uh-huh, it's way too
close way too close ♪

[BIRDIE] ♪ None of this applies
to me this family's my family ♪

♪ Never too close, never too close ♪