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01x02 - Skater's Circle

Posted: 09/25/22 17:07
by bunniefuu

[SIGHS] I love mornings in the park.

The light through the trees,
the birds and the squirrels.

Is that a squirrel?

What the hell am I looking at?

Anyway, so peaceful, so tranquil.

Uh, I mean, outside it
is. Inside there, it's not.

Where are my shorts?

They're in the dryer. Remember?

I was gonna wash, you were gonna fold.

Gotta get 'em out.
They're gonna be wrinkly.

Mom, my heart is broken.

And I can't find my shoes.

I should probably not
go to school, right?

Oh, honey, I know you're
sad about that dog,

but you have to go to school.

And sorry. Your shoes were
stinking up the kitchen,

so I threw them somewhere.

Oh, God. The smell.

Cole's shoes! [GAGS]
They're blocking the stairs.

I'm trapped up here. I'm
gonna try and jump over them.

- Molly, hot iron.

- Dad's freaking out.
- I'm not freaking out!

Owen's freaking out

because he has a video
conference call with the Park League

in about one minute.

And he thinks it'll look unprofessional
if he's not wearing pants.

Which it will.

Who's the Park League, you ask?

Here's the crazy thing
about Central Park.

They get about % of their
money from the Park League,

which basically is nice rich people
who got together in the ' s

to turn this place around.

It used to look like this.

won't cut my hair, Dad!

But now it looks like this.

Which you knew already

'cause of pictures and
postcards of Central Park.

I bet you're saying, "Why
tell me all this, Mr. Handsome,

albeit, slightly unhealthy, Busker?

Why show flashbacks
and talk about leagues?

Is it a super league of some kind?

Is this a superhero
story?" Well, kind of.

See, Owen will be tested today
in a way he didn't expect.

Molly truly wants to be a superhero

and just might get her chance
along with her brother, Cole.

And Paige is gonna end up right
in the middle of the action too.

Even though, at first,
you'll be like, "Mm-mm".

It'll involve the Park
League and the city and...

[GRUNTS] Just wait. Just wait.

My video call is in, like,

T-minus two minutes, and I'm shortless.

Honey, the camera's not
gonna see below your waist,

unless the Park League people
insist on looking at your legs.

And, I mean, who can blame 'em?

Give us a quick strut.
One for Mama. Come on.

- Paige, no.
- Come on.

Give me a quick hit
just to get me going.

Oh, okay. I'm late. I'm off to work.

In that wrinkly blouse?

Oh, God. You're right.

This doesn't scream
real deal news reporter.

This screams sad, frumpy lady
with no mirrors in her house.

- Okay, do me. Do me, please. Real quick.

So many parent body parts
on display right now.

Paige, I have a video
conference in one minute.

Everybody, out! Out!

Hey. How come Mom doesn't
have to wear a shirt?

- Oh, God.
- Mine's coming off.

- Good morning, everyone.
- Whoa, Owen. Little close, huh, buddy?

[WOMAN] We can see up your nose.
Is that what you were going for?

There we go. Is that better?

It's less personal.

Right. So, you all
know a lot of plants...

Owen, was there a mugging
yesterday in Skater's Circle?

Yes. A tiny mugging. No
one hurt. Like a mini-mug.

Oh, I love mini things.

Should we be concerned?

That's a busy spot. Lots
of people around usually.

No. I'm headed over there now
to check it out this morning.

Everything's smooth.
Everything's under control.

- [PAIGE] I smell burning.
- No, no, no!

Whoa, your tighty
whities are mighty tighty.

Good Lord!

[BIRDIE] These are the
offices of Paige's newspaper.

What's New, New York?

It's the city's most absorbent
paper three years running.

I have got a ton of ideas for
my first hard-hitting news story.

Idea one: I go after
the Mafia. Idea two...

Cover the City Council
Contracts Committee meeting.

What? Contracts committee?
That's so boring.

It's hyperlocal. That's
a good angle for us.

The big papers have dropped
that kind of coverage.

Hyperlocal? I think maybe that
only applies to vegetables.

Paige, your editor is giving you
an assignment on the first day

after he agreed to let you cover news.

- [GROANS] Fine!
- Yeah. You got cream cheese on my door.

I'm coming back for it! There. Happy?


Oh, no. It's Sewerpipe Mike!

We have no one to blame but
ourselves. We created him.

Don't put grease down the drain, people.

And don't flush baby wipes!

He's almost % baby wipe!

But it's you I'm gonna
put down for a nap.



[STRAINING] Can't... get... free!

Hold on! [GRUNTS]

[LAUGHS] Nice try.


Five-second rewind activate.

Hold on! [GRUNTS]



Nice thinking. Gas
dissolves grease, huh?

Yes. It's a powerful solvent.

Just wash really well. It'll
dry out your beautiful skin.

- Did you say my beautiful skin?
- Huh?

- What?
- What was that?

Five-second rewind activate.

Gas dissolves grease, huh?

Yes. It's a powerful solvent.

Just wash really well.
It'll dry out your skin.

And no one smoke, in general,
but especially right now.

[WOMAN] Thanks, Fista-Puffs.

You're so great at everything
and not awkward at all.

Wait, what? What do you
mean "not awkward at all"?

[WOMAN] Oh, I mean,
you're just not awkward.

I know. But when you say that,
it makes me think I am awkward.

No, no, no.



- Feeling sad, I take it?
- Mm-hmm.

I get it. I get it.
The heart, it's, uh...

It's tricky stuff. Trust me. I know.

How do you know?

Are you serious? How about
hundreds of drawings of a boy

I've talked to once?

Oh, no offense,

but I really don't think our
relationships are in the same league.

I mean, one is a love pure
and true and eternal.

- And one is your thing.
- Yep. Thanks.

Oh! Sorry. [CHUCKLES]
You came outta nowhere.


You probably don't think
that you came outta nowhere.

You probably had a clear plan
of where you were going to go.

Okay. I see by your eyes that you
would like to get away from here,

so I'm just gonna sit back down
and put my arms over my head

and sink into a hole.

Here I go.

Did that sound as bad as I think it did?

Did you think it sounded really bad?

♪ Another day of this ♪

♪ Living in a made-up
world where I fit ♪

♪ I know I can dominate ♪

♪ More than two-dimensional space ♪

Did I just break that? I'm sorry.

♪ And if I had my way
I could surprise them ♪

♪ I'd flip the script and say ♪

♪ Everybody else's lines, like ♪

Good morning to you, fine sir.

You're looking well.

[NORMAL VOICE] Why am I doing an accent?

Or yeah. Sports. [CHUCKLES]
I mean, right? Ugh!

♪ I wouldn't get tongue-tied
get nervous ♪

♪ But he's so tall ♪

How old is he?

♪ She's gorgeous ♪

♪ Is it too much to ask for? ♪

♪ I wanna be more ♪

♪ I wanna be ♪

♪ A superhero ♪

♪ Watch me fly ♪

♪ Anywhere that I want to go ♪

♪ And you can give me
all your problems ♪

- Whoa!
- ♪ 'Cause you know I'll solve them ♪

♪ It's a secret everybody
ought to know ♪

♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪

♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪

♪ See, now it's catching on ♪

♪ We're in our very own
personal Comic-Con ♪

♪ And everyone's invited ♪


♪ Weirdos united ♪

♪ Ooh, and I can be with my true love ♪

♪ Shampagne, here I come ♪

- Loving a dog romantically is very cool.
- Yeah.

♪ Weird is the only rule ♪

♪ And I ♪

♪ Wanna be a superhero ♪

♪ Watch me fly ♪

♪ Anywhere that I want to roam ♪

- ♪ You can give me all your problems ♪
- ♪ I'll give you all my problems ♪

- ♪ 'Cause you know I'll solve them ♪
- ♪ 'Cause you know I'll solve them ♪

♪ Weird is super and now you know ♪

- ♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪
- ♪ Weirdos make great... ♪

♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪

I just need to see him.

But he's all the way up in that
penthouse, so it's impossible.

- Nothing's impossible.
- Did your voice just get really weird?

Listen, Cole. After school, we
are going to the Brandenham Hotel.

And I'm gonna get you up in
that penthouse, gosh darn it.

Whoa, girl. Look at you. All confident.

I know. I'm trying something.
I think it's going really well.

You're gonna see Shampagne again.

Ah! Do the chairs look all right?
Are they too close together?

Do meetings still have chairs,

or should we be like those
tech companies and stand?

Should we order a foosball
table? Oh, what do we do?

- The chairs are fine. Calm down.
- I am calm!

We're about to have $
billion in one room. [EXHALES]

We gotta knock these bozos' wieners off.

- Now, tweeze me while I get pumped up.
- Fine.

Not my eyebrows. Start with my moles.

Fat Man first, then Little
Boy, then get my chin.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, this one's a fighter. Mm.

- Ow. Be the ball. Ow. Bring it home. Ow!
- Mm. Mm.

I sure hope they don't talk
over you like the last meeting.

- They didn't talk over me. Ow.
- Mm.

They just kept saying words
while I was saying words.

Uh-huh. Right. It's just... I mean,

sometimes it seemed like those investors

were just outright ignoring you.

Ow! I'm not going to let them this time.

Ow! They will respect me and fear me.

- Ow.
- Uh-huh. Uh...

Can we talk about the
dog in the BabyBjörn?

You heard the dog therapist.

This is to help recreate
the bond that got broken

when he was so traumatized
by being free...

I mean, being out there.

No wonder someone got mugged up here.

There's no one around.

Where is everyone? People skate
here, right? Like, all the time?

Yeah, you know, not so much anymore.

- What? Since when?
- Well, since Glorious Gary stopped coming.

He's really the heart
of the scene, you know.

I know he's the heart of the
scene. I've known Gary for years.

- It's Glorious Gary.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Glorious Gary.

[BIRDIE] Oh! Did I ever love to watch

that man move on eight wheels.

And when he'd sh**t
the moon... Exquisite.

But you never liked
those skaters, did you?

[OWEN] Well, "never
liked" is a little strong.

I liked the skaters. I just didn't
like how they treated the place.

- All their gum wrappers.
- The gum wrappers?

Yeah. They tossed gum
wrappers everywhere.

It drove me crazy.

But if Glorious Gary and
his crew had been here,

maybe, you know, the mugging
wouldn't have happened.

Oh, you're walking over there. Okay.

Hey, Owen. Maybe you
and Glorious Gary should,

I don't know, bury the hatchet.

I know where he works. You
could go see him and apologize.

- For what?
- For being uptight and uncool in general.

I wasn't uptight! I wasn't uptight!

Waste treatment disposal plant
number five needs a repainting.

We have multiple bids.

Valve replacements on the
Murray Hill fire hydrants.

- We have seven bids.

- Oh! Did I miss anything?
- Yes.

You missed a fistfight between
Councilman Collins and Councilman Kim.

Wow. When was that?


Oh, well. I'm gonna go back
to paying a lot of attention.

Okay. So Paige isn't excited yet,

but the meeting she's
covering is very important.

[WHISPERS] Trust me.

By the way, guess who took my advice

and went to go make
peace with Glorious Gary?

Which is surprising because

Owen really doesn't leave
the park if he can help it.

I mean, he doesn't
have real-life clothes.

- Oh, here we go. Easy-peasy.

- Oh, God! Okay, oncoming cars.

Wait for the walking sign
to walk out of the park.

Right, right, right.

♪ Do-do-do it while we
can do-do-do-do-do-do ♪

What are you doing here?
This isn't your b*at. Hmm?

Mr. Lead Detective from the
Special Gum Wrapper Unit.

Nice to see you too, Gary.

Look, I got boom boxes to fix here.

So I really don't need any
of your crabby crab face.

I don't have crabby crab face.

If anyone has crabby
crab face, it's you.

Well, shouldn't I? You hassled
me every time I put on my skates.

You didn't respect the park!

We know when we're not wanted.

I heard from Disco Doug that
you wanted to rip up the pavement

and plant flowers or something.

Yeah. 'Cause it's a park.

- And your rules. Your crazy rules!
- My rules weren't crazy.

- You k*lled the scene.
- I didn't know gum was a scene.

- Get outta my shop.
- It's not your shop, Gary!

It says "Larry's Stereo
Repair" on the sign.

Well, Larry's my best friend,
so it's like my shop.

Your name is Gary and you
have a best friend named Larry?

Yeah! So what?

That's... I don't even know
what to say about that.


That went well. I'll make some calls.

Uh, don't worry about it. Let's
keep moving. Let's keep moving.

Hello, every money... body. Everybody.


Sorry. Thank you for coming.

What if I were to tell you

that you could get
in on the ground floor

of the biggest real estate deal

- in the history of the world?

Hi. Uh, quick question over here, Bitsy.

Are you wearing a dog?

- It's Shampagne.
- Oh, yes, please.

But why are you wearing a dog?

It's Shampagne. He was traumatized.

It's a whole thing.
D-Don't worry about it.

I'm not gonna lie. It's
a little distracting.

No, it's not! It's perfectly normal.

- Now... Damn it. Hold still. Shh.

- [GROANS] Take him out of here.
- Like, to a farm?

- No. To his room.
- Fine.

- [MAN] You're too nice.
- Uh, all right. Um...

- Oh, son of a bitch.

Why has it always been like this?

♪ I wish I could forget the past ♪

♪ The kids at school picked me last ♪

♪ I wasn't tall, I wasn't fast ♪

♪ I was small and a total outcast ♪

Maybe it's time I forgive them.



♪ I'll make 'em pay
proper respect to me ♪

♪ Pay for not accepting me ♪

♪ Pay for neglecting me ♪

♪ Pay for their sins
God, where do I begin? ♪

♪ My brother was the golden child ♪

♪ He taunted and reviled me ♪

♪ I envied Little Orphan Annie ♪

♪ The only person meaner
than my father was the nanny ♪

♪ I'll make 'em pay for
their condescension ♪

♪ Pay with their full attention ♪

♪ Pay for the privilege of kissing
my toes as I sit on my throne ♪

♪ I shower them with
golden opportunities ♪

♪ But no one bites ♪

♪ They belittle me ♪

♪ I'm constantly ignored ♪

♪ And no one sees my genius ♪

♪ I'd like to be adored ♪

♪ Must I grow a penis? ♪


♪ I'll make them pay ♪

♪ Tell the bankers to wire ♪

♪ Pay to build my empire ♪

♪ Pay my desire is
to raise up the rent ♪

♪ And squeeze every cent ♪

♪ They will pay ♪

♪ Oh, they will pay ♪

♪ And they won't dismiss me ♪

♪ I'm Bitsy, I'm ritzy, I'm glitzy ♪

♪ They can't resist me ♪

♪ I'll make them pay ♪

Hello. Are we guests at the hotel?

May I see your keycard?

Oh, welcome back,
Mr. and Mrs. Ottomeier.

Did you enjoy the museum?

You should. You paid for it. [LAUGHS]

- Oof, he knows everyone.

I mean, hey. It'll be fine.

I'm gonna create a diversion.

You slip in and then head
straight to the elevators.

- Straight up to the elevators. Right.
- Relax. Relax.

The most important thing is
to look rich. Like you belong.

- Show me your rich pose.

No, not like that. Do it better.

W-What is that? What are
you doing with your hands?

I'm throwing all my money
in the air like confetti.

Huh. Maybe don't do that.

Or, I don't know, try it.

Anyway, get on the elevator
with someone who has a keycard.

Then pat your pockets
and say something like,

"Oh, mine must be in my dinner jacket".

I don't know. I guess
that seems pretty doable.

- Great. Let's go.
- Wait.

What if Shampagne doesn't remember me?

Well, yeah. That would hurt.

But there's only one way to find out.

Okay. I was kinda hoping you'd be like,

"Of course he'll remember you.
You're great". Blah, blah, blah.

Oh, totally. That too. That too.

Now get ready to strut in there like

a rich, pompous little gentleman.


Sneezing fit. [SNEEZES]

Do you have a Kleenex?
Does anyone have a Kleenex?

Hey, here's a tissue for your issue.

Oh, thank you.


Oh, wow.

[BLOWS NOSE] Oh! Bear with me, guys.

Whoo! It's fighting me. [BLOWS NOSE]

Okay, I think we got 'em.
[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

Oh, boy. No, thanks. That's
not how this transaction works.

[WOMAN] I believe the
show starts at : .

[WOMAN ] Oh, that's great.
Well, we'll meet you.

- [WOMAN] Oh, good.
- [MAN] Yes, well, that's about it.

- [MAN ] Fabulous.
- [WOMAN ] I got them.


Must have left my dinner
in other jacket. [CHUCKLES]



Um... Um, um, um, um, um...


I have a feeling you need
my help in not being here.

Hey, I know where I know you from.

You're that kid. The
one who found Shampagne.

I just wanted to see him again.

We bonded, like the most you can bond.

And there were things left unsaid.

Listen, I'm sorry.

I would tell you you can
see him when they walk him.

But he's on lockdown. No walks.

They put down Wee-Wee
Pads on the balcony.

They even have a trainer who
goes up to work him out up there.

- A trainer?
- Yeah.

A lot of stretching,
Pilates, core work, you know.

He doesn't need core
work. His core's perfect!

Sorry, kid.

Here. In case you need it.

- Thanks. Oh! It's wet.
- Yeah.

So, we're gonna try this again
with Owen and Glorious Gary.

And this time, I'll be here to help

with my always good words
and delightful dimples.

Do I have dimples? I
might not have dimples.

Owen, Glorious Gary, thank
you for meeting me here.

I know you spoke earlier,
and it wasn't great.

But, Glorious Gary, you
don't talk with your mouth,

you talk with skates.

- No, I also talk with my mouth.

I'm making a good point.

And, Owen, the second you heard that

Glorious Gary wasn't skating up here,

you were upset. I saw it.

And you probably just couldn't
say that to Glorious Gary

because of your litter issues,

which are a total vibe k*ller.

It's the park rules.

Littering's a crime committed
by criminals. But yeah, sure.

So let's come together and
skate it out. Right, Owen?

- Yeah. Wait, what?
- It's the only way to make this right.

I mean, no. I'm-I'm not really a skater.

I have a high center of gravity.

Yeah. You're not a skater.
You're a hater. Let's forget it.

It was stupid of me to think

you'd care about something
that wasn't a plant anyway.

Oh, he went there, plant-wise.

[SIGHS] Gary, wait.

Glorious Gary, let's skate.


- I'm dying. I'm dying!
- He's fine.

Oh, it hurts. It hurts!

Ow, heart! You son of a bitch!

- He just didn't have lunch.


- That's him!
- He heard you.

I can't believe it. What do I do?

- Howl back.
- Oh, right.


[GASPS] He remembers me.

You were right. We did it.

♪ He remembers me ♪

♪ I'm so relieved ♪

♪ He remembers me ♪

♪ I should've believed ♪

♪ He remembers me ♪

♪ We'll be best pals ♪

♪ He remembers me ♪

♪ What a boost in morale ♪

- ♪ And I'm feeling like a superhero ♪
- ♪ I'm ♪

- ♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

♪ You can give us all your problems ♪

♪ 'Cause you know we'll solve 'em ♪

♪ It's a secret everybody should know ♪

♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪

♪ Weirdos make great superheroes ♪


And now for the final
items on the agenda:

the renewals of the city's P s.

- What are the P s?
- Public-private partnerships.

Oh, my God.

It's more boring when you say
the whole thing. I prefer P s.

Like the business improvement
districts. Times Square, Bryant Park...

Yeah, I got it. Thanks. Thank you.

Motion to re-ratify the
Union Square partnership.

- All in favor.
- Aye.

Motion to re-ratify the Hudson
Yards Hell's Kitchen Alliance.

- All in favor.
- Aye.

Motion to re-ratify the contract
for the Central Park League.

- All in favor.
- Aye.

- [MAN] No.
- [MAN ] Whoa!


What's going on?

Councilman Leo
Shallenhammer just voted no.

But everyone else voted yes.

If the vote's not unanimous,

the Park League contract automatically
goes into a debate period.

So they have days to
debate it and get it ratified.

And if not, their contract
with the city ends.

We're talking about Central Park?

The one that's central? [STAMMERS]
The park that's in the middle?

Are you really a reporter?

This is huge. Oh, crap.

Downtown, downtown. Two-step. Turn.


- Owen, you're not gonna believe this.

The Park League contract is,

I don't know, in debate, or something.

It's a P thing. P is lingo.
I know a lot of lingo now.

I don't wanna worry you.
Everything is probably okay,

but you should possibly,
totally be worried.

- I'm gonna head home.

Is that... Dad?

Oh, my God. That's horrifying. I mean...

Go, Dad!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa!


- Is it done?

- [BITSY] Oh!

There's the fist pump. That's
the signal we agreed on.

Helen said it was too
big, but she's a dork.

Anyway, everyone!

The Central Park League contract

has just been put on
hold by the City Council.

I feel like you're saying
that like it's a big deal,

but I don't get why it's a big deal.

It means that soon funds
to the park will be cut off.

And when those funds are cut
off, the park will start to die.

And when the park starts to
die, people will turn against it.

And then they will sell.

That is interesting.

You have my attention.


Enjoy your park while you
can, you stupid New Yorkers,

'cause Bitsy's in the big leagues now.

I just want you to know,
Gary, I'm-I'm sorry.

The skaters are as important
to the park as plants.

I mean, not as important,
but very close. Kinda close.

Anyway, it'd be great
to have you guys back.

I was just thinking I'd
maybe get rid of those signs.

- They seem kinda...
- Uptight.

I was gonna say wordy,
but yeah, that too.

All right. It's a deal. Now come
out here and spread your legs.

[LAUGHS] What? Why?

I'm gonna sh**t the moon through them.

- No.
- Yes.

Come on! You have the perfect legs

for a man to sh**t the moon under!

Don't waste your gift!

All right. Oh, God.

- Moon!
- [OWEN] Oh!


- It seems like Gary did all the work.
- Just go with it. He needs this.

I like to think that's
how I came outta Mom.


♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ There's no time to
waste so take my hand ♪

♪ Let me see the crab walk ♪

♪ My feet are on fire ♪

♪ Let me see the iceberg ♪

♪ I'm just trying not to fall ♪

♪ Let me see the grapevine ♪

♪ Look out below ♪

♪ Let me see the side slide ♪

♪ I'm too young to die ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ Together ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ Together ♪

♪ There's no time to
waste so take my hand ♪

- ♪ Do the snake walk ♪
- ♪ Aah! ♪

- ♪ Do the hurricane ♪
- ♪ Whoa! ♪

- ♪ Do the circle walk ♪
- ♪ Aah! ♪

- ♪ And the kick fake ♪
- ♪ Help! ♪

- ♪ Do the toe jam ♪
- ♪ Whoa! ♪

- ♪ And the split roll-back ♪
- ♪ Yeah! ♪

- ♪ Do the five star ♪
- ♪ Oh! ♪

- ♪ And the backspin ♪
- ♪ Oh! ♪

♪ I got you, buddy ♪

♪ I'm sorry I judged you ♪

♪ I really need your moves tonight ♪

♪ I told you don't be uptight ♪

♪ I'm rolling because you ♪

♪ You got me feeling out of sight ♪

♪ When Owen checks his phone ♪

♪ His mind will be blown ♪

♪ And his shorts may be too ♪

♪ He might poop his shorts ♪

♪ Ignorance is bliss ♪

♪ He doesn't know this ♪

♪ He has everything to lose ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ Together ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ Do it, do it, do it ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ Together ♪

♪ There's no time to
waste so take my hand ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ We gotta do it ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

- ♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪
- ♪ We gotta do it ♪

♪ There's no time to
waste so take my hand ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ There's no time to waste ♪

♪ So take my hand ♪

♪ We gotta do it now ♪

♪ Do it while we can ♪

♪ Come on and do it ♪

♪ We gotta do it while we can ♪

♪ While we can ♪

- ♪ Do it ♪
- ♪ So take my hand ♪

♪ Gotta do it while we can, whoo ♪

♪ Do it, do it, do it, do it ♪

♪ Hey, yeah we gotta do it, baby ♪

♪ We gotta do it while ♪

♪ We can we gotta do... ♪