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06x02 - Crawl, Walk, Run

Posted: 09/25/22 16:57
by bunniefuu
Previously onSEAL Team...

This is my last run with Bravo.

I need to be there
for my family.

Tell you what, drafting you was
the best decision that...

Ray ever made.

Down! Down!

Where's his med kit?!
Where's his med kit?!

Serious heavies down here.
Bravo 6 is down hard.

Copy. One man down.

Also has internal bleeding.

Sounds like it's touch and go.

- Oh, my gosh, baby.
- Don't worry, all right?

I'll be with you and Brian
in no time.

Somebody messed up,

and they need to be held

If I stood down when I learned

about my TBI,

Clay would've been on his
family leave like he planned.

Clay? Clay.

His blood pressure was crashing.

It's... sepsis.

- What is it?
- Well, the infection

was spreading,
so the doctors did

what was necessary
in order to save his life.

To prevent the sepsis
from spreading,

we had to perform an emergency
transtibial amputation

on your right side.

Petty Officer Spenser,

we removed your right leg
below the knee.


you guys got to come up with
a better prank than that, man.

I can feel my leg just fine.

It hurts like a bitch.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

Done for the day?

Not even close.

Well, maybe you should be.

Don't want to overdo it.

I will smack the shit out of you

with those kid gloves
if you use 'em again.

Roger that, Stumpty Dumpty.


Ooh, ooh. sh*ts fired. Too soon?


You sure it's less than
three months since your injury?

You hear that, buddy?
Sounds like I'm getting

some more DEVGRU records
to my collection.

[groans] Greg, you are supposed
to be working on his balance,

- not his ego.
- Hey, at the rate you're going,

with some hard work, you should
be able to stand on your own

for up to five minutes
next week.


A whole week for five minutes?

That should keep your ego
in check there, bud.

I can do one minute right now.

Oh, really? Okay.

What you got there, tough guy?

Clock is starting.

There you go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, okay.

- All right.
- f*ck.

Happens all the time.
You're all right.

Look, why don't you read me in
on some of the exercises

that'll speed things along, huh?

Crawl, walk, run.

You just keep doing
what you're doing.

How'd that drip treat you,
Mr. Jeffrey?

Tell you what, I feel younger
every time I leave here, Debbie.

That's what we like to hear.

I see we don't have
your insurance on file.

Yeah, you know,
I like to avoid the red tape.

- Right? So, $2,000, right?
- Yeah.

I will see you in three weeks.

- Have a good day, Debbie.
- You, too.

Ooh. Sorry.

I didn't mean to interrupt
your therapy.

No. [Grunts]
I was just finishing up.

You know what?

I was thinking
I would make you some waffles

for your last day of work.

[chuckles] My last day of work
at the hospital.

Getting our vet center
up and running

is gonna be a full-time job,

only with...

much worse pay.

Did I mention there'd be, uh,
whipped cream on those waffles?

Wow. [Chuckles]

- Hmm?
- Let's save

the sugar and carbs
for tomorrow.

We're gonna need the energy

while we're looking at

the realtor has lined up for us.


This means a lot,

you giving up your career

so we can do this together.

I'm getting a lot more
than I'm giving up.

It's the right move
for the people who need us.

This w*r's making
a lot more of 'em every day.


Tight corner.

You'll give Austin Dillon
a little run

for his money now, buddy.

Hi, Daddy.


- Say hi.
- Hey.

Um, so Brian did something awful

- in his diaper. I'm sorry.
- Well, anything is better

than Clay's

stinky sock when that leg
comes off, isn't it?

- Sonny, please.
- Your daddy's got

a stinky leg, doesn't he?

- He got a stinky leg. [Babbles]
- [sighs] Here, let me...

Yeah, you got to let me do this.



- Ooh... Oh, okay, okay, okay.
- You see?

- Yeah.
- He's right.

Might need to burn it.

Thank you. Throw it over there.

Sonny did send me
a video from PT.

Looked like you were, uh,

you were pushing kind of hard.

Sweating can cause friction

and put you at risk
for infection.

Do you see any rash or bruising?

No, I don't.

I'm all good.

All right, I changed that
Chernobyl of a diaper

and I got Brian down for a nap.

Oh, thank you.

[sighs] Sonny, will you tell
my wife how I feel

- about being babied.
- Well, from her,

I-I don't see how
that's a bad thing,

considering the potential
of a sponge bath,

Professor Clay-vier.

Thank you.

Hey, you got to be kidding me.

20 years of fighting this w*r,

and it's still
open season on us.

Maybe someone should
remind the world what happens

when they poke the bear.

You know what?
In happier news,

you guys should both see
what Brian did this morning

during tummy time.

Why does this kid
always hit targets

in the few hours a week
that I'm gone?

I would love to stay and watch,

but DEVGRU is calling, so...

if you, uh, y'all need
a little chauffeur later

to transport this chair around,

- just holler at your boy.
- Okay.

And I bet you, right now,
you're really wishing

you'd taken that minivan.

Absolutely the f*ck not.

Thank you, Sonny.

- Love you, buddy.
- Yeah.

Oh, this is a surprise.

Did you forget I was coming?

We sure this stem cell stuff
is working?

No, I meant,

you know, the hair m*ssile
using you as a pillow.

It is working.


I tell you what,
that treatment that I'm

using right now...
It is worth every dime

I'm spending to keep it
off Command's radar.

Is there a treatment
for your new addiction

- to brain-training apps?
- It's Sonny.

He always updates me
after Clay's PT session.

I'm sure he'd appreciate it

if you stopped by his next one.

Yeah, you know, I'm just trying
to give him his space right now.

I don't want to be a reminder

- of everything that he's lost.
- Reminder

because you're his team leader

or because
you think you're the one

who put him in the line of fire?

Well, I just hope

you're not ignoring
and overriding

whatever it is you're
carrying around about Clay.

I tell you what. What do you say
we, uh, go to the beach?

Better yet, go on a hike
with Cerby? Come on.

Let's go for a hike.
Good boy.

Have a little extra energy
from mainlining

the fountain of youth, do you?

Just because I'm getting

all these brain treatments

doesn't mean I have to ignore

the bonus side effects.

I think I have, uh, a better use

- for the side effects.
- Really?

- What's that? Mmm.
- Mm-hmm.

Always so well prepared.

Yet you rarely speak up.

Prefer to listen and learn.

I would rather answer best
than first.

Rough day for the Navy. Any word
on who hit the Crampton?

It's a rough day for all of us.

And no one has taken credit
for the attack.

I see this group
is as eager to discuss

the attack on the USS Crampton

as the Joint Chiefs'
morning session was.

It is indeed a reminder why
we're establishing a beachhead

for much-needed change
in the ways we wage w*r.

You were driving to a point,
Major Gerretsen?

Good morning,
Admiral Stevens. Yes, ma'am.

Our strategy of pouring money
into spec ops

to chase extremists
seems to have failed

twice here. First,
because our special forces

clearly didn't
prevent the attack

and again, because it left
the ship with outdated

CIWS technology that failed to
take out all incoming rockets.

Interesting analysis.

The question
we in this room face:

How does this insight
factor into the strategies

that we're considering
for SecDef

as we prepare to effect
structural changes

in our pivot away
from the global w*r on terror

and toward great power

It argues against going all in

on cyber and
disinformation tactics

at the expense
of conventional forces,

who have already
been left ill-equipped

after two decades
of narrow-minded focus

on spec ops and expensive tech.

The advantage to cyber
and disinformation tactics

is the reduced risk
to our troops on the ground,

both spec ops and conventional.

But w*r remains kinetic.

With Russia's invasion
of Ukraine

and China poised to move
on Taiwan any minute,

we need to ask ourselves
if the U.S. were att*cked,

would we really continue to rely

on a select few
special operators

to defend our whole nation?

Little shit doesn't even
have teeth yet,

and he still just bit my nipple.

You want me to kiss it
and make it better?

How's the phantom limb pain?

It's still a trip, but

it's a little less freaky
thanks to this mirror therapy.


- It's Jason.
- What's he saying?

He's asking if I want
to see the team.

They've come by
since you got back.

I think that he means
all of them

at the same out in the world.

You sure you're ready
for full Bravo reunion?

I mean, it's not like
I've been avoiding them.

But I have been at DEVGRU,
like, three times a week,

and I haven't wandered over
to the cages or the team room.

Maybe you're just waiting
till you can walk in

on your own two feet.

All I've been doing these
past couple months is wait.

You know, to come home
from the hospital,

for the incision to heal, to get
fitted for the prosthetic.

I'm done waiting.

Brock, you suck at this, man.
Clay would literally have

twice as much done
in half the time.

How long they been
at each other?

Yeah, long enough.
All right,

hey, listen up,
Clay's definitely in

for a hang tonight, all right?
We're all going. Got it?

Be good to see him.

- Yeah.
- Well, uh, first round's on me.

- Oh, look who it is.
- Oh, Trent.


What's up, man?

- This mean you're back, brother?
- And cleared hot.

Oh, that's fan-f*cking-tastic.

Fewer chances for Brock
to open his trap.

Hey... I'm just, uh,

I'm sorry I wasn't, uh, with you
guys when you got hit in Mali.

Yeah, well, you know
what, you definitely took

your own beating,
that's for sure.

Good to see you, man.

Sure you're good to go?

Docs fixed my back,
my hip, my shoulder.

I mean, hell, at this point,
I feel like

I got it easy compared
to the rest of you guys.


Well, the rest of us
got off easy, too.

I mean, waiting ten weeks
to get cleared to operate

is nothing compared to Clay.

Well, life after Bravo 6

is definitely
gonna be an adjustment.

Nothing to adjust to.

Without Clay,
Bravo isn't Bravo anymore.

Now, him coming out...
That's a good sign, right?

Yeah, it's a good sign,
but, you know,

I don't know if this
is the right place.

Well, Bulkhead was his idea.

There's nowhere to look
without seeing SEAL stuff.

It's definitely gonna
stir things up.

Well, maybe confronting
those emotions

head-on will help him.

Haven't, uh, seen him since
before the injury.

How rough's it been?

Well, he was pretty down
in Germany,

had some rough days
at Walter Reed,

but him getting home
to his wife and son...

I think it was good for him.

There he is.

- You good?
- Yeah.

- Hi.
- What's going on?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Well, all these years,
I never knew that

Clay was the life
of Bravo's party.

Well, they've just never seen
a one-legged frog before.

There he is.

- Good to see you, boss.
- Man of the hour.

- You look good.
- Yo, yo.


you haven't seen all of me.

- Hey, now.
- Oh.

Thing's got
state of the art hydraulics.

Still shiny two weeks in.

It's made in China, so, uh,

careful what you say.

Hey, I'm gonna get a drink.
You want something?

Uh, can we just get a round

- for the table?
- Yup.

I'll help you.

This, uh, was, uh, your
fifth rehab session today?

Yeah, you know, got to push hard

if I'm gonna instruct
at Green Team.

Well, Green Team
sounds like a great way

of adapting and overcoming.

It's smart to find
another way to serve.

out of the field is

a tough enough adjustment
even when it's your choice.

Technically, this was my choice.

I made the plan before Mali
so I could spend more time

with Brian and Stella.

Injury only changed
the timetable.

Well, Green Team is lucky

to have you show the ropes
there, Hot Wheels.

You do remember what Clay
was like on Green Team, right?

Oh, yeah.

I mean, I-I once saw the man

mouth off to his instructor

and slip his number to a girl

who had a g*n at his head
all in the same breath.

True story.

Hey. Hey.
No, no, no, no. Hey, now.

Look, I'm a quiet
professional, okay?

She gave me her number.

- Oh.
- Oh, my God.

It took a lot of lobbying
to get you on Bravo.

Best decision Ray ever made.

I'm surprised you took
your eye off Clay.

Got a career in the
Secret Service after operating.

Don't let him hear you
talk like that.

He'd rather be picked on
than pitied.

I'm actually very proud of
the way you stepped up for him.

I mean, you already
had a full plate

with Bravo and Leanne.

He's my brother.

Got no other choice.

Thing I am struggling with,
though, is, uh,

you know...

we'll never get to play Johnny
Bravo outside the wire again.

I'm sorry.

- This is not easy.
- Hardest part is...

is keeping a stiff upper lip
around him.

I don't know
if you know this about me,

I just tend to, uh,

wear my emotions on my sleeve.

Think I've seen that
once or twice.

- Oh, really? Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Wow.
- If it makes you feel any

better, I've been struggling

- to hide my emotions, too.
- Oh, yeah?

- Yes. Over at the Pentagon.
- Oh, yeah?

- Mm-hmm.
- What, you're already

butting heads at, uh,

cake-eater fantasy camp, hm?

Okay, we're setting policy,
we're not just blowing hot air,

- all right?
- Oh, really?

And I'm walking a tightrope
trying to argue

for stricter scrutiny
before approving ops

that are high-risk
and low-reward.

Just trying to...

- prevent another Clay.
- Well, in the meantime,

I'm really hoping that the Navy
is using their resources

to wipe out the dirt bags
that did this to him.

Well, the official AAR
on the Mali op came down,

blames the ambush
on the CIA's SGS informant.

Seems he was playing both sides.

The Agency screwed up?

- Yeah.
- Color me shocked.

Oh, damn, Davis, I thought
you were gonna come over here

and cheer me up.

Okay, then
here's some good news.

- Oh, really?
- Yes.

I am moving

to a new posting
in Command next week.

Overseeing intel
for all the teams.

Wow. That...

That's great. I'm... I'm...

- really happy for you.
- Wow. Okay.

- Does your face know it?
- I mean, come on.

You're leaving Bravo,
like we always talked about.

- Yeah.
- But you're...

...still at Command.

So, that leaves us...

In our same, normal,
dysfunctional place.


Gonna crush on the Green Team.

There you go.

Thanks, boss.

So, how's, uh,

how's everything going
with your noggin?


My turn to get an update on you.

Come on, Jace, I asked first.

You find something to work?

Yeah, I got some treatments
I've been looking into and, uh,

seems like this new stem cell
infusion thing seems to be, uh,

getting me the best results
so far.

That's some new school thinking
for a crusty old bullfrog.

Yeah, yeah, it is.

Listen, I...
You know, I remember that time

you got blown up in Manila

and you went radio silent
for some time.

You showing up here tonight

speaks volumes.
Says a lot about you.

I'm not the same person
I was then.

In a lot of ways.

But, you know, overcoming
my injuries back then

helps remind me that
I can do it again.

Right. This a little
different, though, huh?

You know, it sucked at first.

And I had
my pity parties, but...

You know,
then I-I remembered the...

You know, the path
getting me here

might be different
than I expected,

still moving towards
the same target.

- Green Team.
- For now,

then we'll see, you know?

Wouldn't be the first guy
to operate again

- after losing a limb.
- Just don't overdo it.

All those surgeries.
Healing hurts, man.

I'm not touching
the painkillers.

You know, I saw with Swanny that

the cure can be worse
than the problem.

I got a good support system
between Stella and Bravo.

That's good. How's she,
uh, handling all this?

She's the strongest person
I know.


Though I overheard her
on the phone with her mom

saying that, you know,

whenever she gets a little
overwhelmed by everything,

she reminds herself
to be relieved that

she doesn't
have to worry about me

being k*lled in battle anymore.

Look, uh...

Everything you're going through

is, uh...

I'm sorry.

You're saying that
like you blame yourself.

Well, you know, you lost
your leg because of me.

If I'd dealt with my head...

when that building
came down in Mali,

there's-there's no way

you would have been with Bravo
on this ambush.

You would've been back home like
you planned with your family.

Like, you-you...

you want to think
of yourself as the master

of everyone's universe.

Well, see it this way.
It helped me feel better, too.

If not for you, my picture

would be up there,
Stella would be a widow

and Brian would
never know his father.

You ended that fight and
you got me out of there alive.

There's more to life
than operating.

Rooms for short-term housing,

long-term housing,
a medical clinic.

Kitchen, probably a chow hall.

You really think there's a place
around here that has all this?

If there isn't, we'll make one.

We're not gonna be another group

cutting corners
at vets' expense.

Well, if the broker
tells us we have to settle,

it's good to know you've
already got your speech prepped.

- Yeah.
- Look at you.

Let me see. Look at you.

[sighs] It's work.

I didn't want
to miss this one, baby.

I can handle a couple of
real estate showings on my own.

Of course you can, I just...

I wish I could
be there with you.

This is our project.

- Our dream.
- That's true, whether

you're in Virginia Beach or some
highly-classified location.

We're in this together. Bye.

The Navy destroyer

U.S.S. Crampton
was hit yesterday

with three
Russian Kornet rockets

while stationed off of the
Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

20 American sailors
were k*lled in the attack.

Biggest haymaker
thrown at us in years.

- Who's taking credit?
- Nobody yet,

but it has
all the hallmarks of !sis.

Well, reaching out and touching
some !sis dirt bags

may actually, uh, help Bravo

get their groove back.

Alpha and Foxtrot
will be hitting

targets in the region that

may yield the trigger-pullers.

So why are we here?

Intel has determined that
the Kornets used in the attack

were supplied by an arms dealer

operating out of the port
of Sukhumi, Georgia,

most likely skimmed from
Russia's campaign in Ukraine.

Bravo will infiltrate
the arms depot,

capture the traffickers,

conduct an SSE for intel

and disable the remaining
cache of weapons.

Well, that's in Abkhazia.

separatist region of Georgia.

Their dispute goes back
to the end of the Soviet Union.

Don't they all?

The Sukhumi Seaport
is roughly 45

klicks south of the
7th Military Base in Gudauta,

home to over 4,000
Russian and Abkhaz troops.

So, goes without saying,

if they even catch
a whiff of Bravo...

American boots hitting
a Russian-occupied

target on the Black Sea...

Mistakes, they just
lead to World w*r III.

Cannot stay long
in the contested region.

That's why we're diving.
In and out.

C-17 can't get anywhere near
Russian airspace.

We'll run a duck.

Jump from Bulgarian airspace
with a Zodiac.

Take it as far as we can
into international waters,

swim the rest of the way in.

That's four to six
hours underwater.

Welcome back.

We can have an agency team
standing by

to collect the arms dealers

before we swim back
to the Zodiac.

That's optimistic, being that

we're gonna be shark bait
for 12 hours,

and considering
Bravo's hits lately,

I'm not sure that
I want to tempt fate.

How are we gonna
take out the rockets?

Stack 'em and blow 'em.

Sukhumi's heavily populated.

We can't risk
civilian casualties.

If we control the expl*si*n,

we can minimize
the blast radius.

Still, that boom is gonna

draw a lot of eyes in an area

with Russian troop presence.

Which is why
we'll be in the water

while those fuses are going off.

They won't know what hit them.
Easy day, boys. Let's go.

Okay, don't forget the, um,

massaging the scar,

the hand tapping exercise.
Oh, and, uh,

- you got to do the second...
- Yeah,

with and without the liner.

Yes. Do you not trust me
to take care of my own husband?

Didn't she prove herself
the week that you went back

to Texas to see Leanne?

Listen, y'all lost
a lot of points with me

when you put a Baby Shark toy
in Brian's nursery.

You hear that?

He's terrified.
He's gonna be scarred for life.

Just come back

- in one piece, okay?
- Okay.

All right.

I'm just trying to wrap my brain
around my first op

- without my battle boo.
- Yeah, well,

first of many, all right?
So dial it in.


Jason's gonna need more
than a knuckle dragger

- watching his six.
- I get it. You need me

to step up and fill your shoe.

Look, man, I'm gonna follow
your playbook and

hit life's curve balls

instead of letting them hit me.

All right. Hey,

kick a couple doors for me, huh?

I will.

It's weird not knowing
where you're going.

Yeah. Too bad you're
no longer cleared for TS.

Sorry our night got canked.

It's okay. I should probably

start packing, too,
head back to McLean.

You're not gonna stay?

What, now that he likes me,
you want me to

- take care of Cerberus?
- Oh, you know, it's...

Kind of like the idea of, uh,

knowing I'm gonna see you
when I get back home.

Well, when you
put it like that...


Off you go to save the world.

Listen, I know this is
my first spin-up since the...

...but let me tell you,
I'm good,

treatments are working and the
boys are gonna backstopping me.

All right? And thanks to you,

I was able to talk to Clay,

keep my mind from spinning
out of control, all right?

I'm good.


- Yeah.
- All right.

First op back
has got to be brutal.

Uh, technically, it's
everyone's first op back.

I just had more down time
than the rest of you.

Turns out, uh,

I handle life without Bravo
about as well as you do.

Look, there's, uh, something
I got to fill you in on.

Hey, look, uh,

Ray and Sonny have read me in on

what you're dealing with,
and, uh,

how the rest of us are helping.

Boss, you've always had my six,

you better believe
I got yours right back.

- Appreciate it.
- Absolutely.

One hour till we reach
jump coordinates.

All right, listen up,
Dixie cups.

Yours truly

has been elected to be

your dive master
on this fine evening,

- so let's prep it up.
- We all know the drill.

Done dives like this
before, Sonny.

Oh, really?

You've done an exhaustion dive
in the Black Sea?

Also known as
the Inhospitable Sea.

[laughs] Okay.

Didn't we tell him
to stay off Wikipedia?

Yeah. Look,

y'all need to be on high alert
on this mission,

okay? There is danger
at every corner.

From, uh, boat collisions to

other ships' magnetic signature
f*cking with our compasses.

I'm guessing there's no sharks

because, if there was,
you would've led with that.

Five species, to be exact.

Okay, I would like first to go

over the, uh, sea mine report.

Great, those should take care
of the shark situation.

Look, we're down
one swim buddy on this,

so I suggest that everyone

take this seriously.

All right, look,
I know we have lots of questions

after losing Clay,

but it's how we deal
with our shit

after we're knocked down
that makes us Bravo.

No better example of that
right now than Clay.

All right? So, let's go.
We got this.

- Yeah, roger that.
- Come on.


Your head okay? You don't seem,
uh, like you're into this.

What's up?

Well, I wasn't gonna
say anything

with us spinning up,
but since you asked...

The other warrants
heard buzz that

Command's under pressure
to restructure.

Part of a DoD-wide shift
for the new era of warfare.

Meaning what?

Meaning at least one team
is going to get decommissioned.

f*ck. All right, so did those
rumors... I don't know...

Say which team
was on the chopping block?

No, but we'd be naive

not thinking that
Bravo's in the crosshairs.

I mean, we're already down man.

And we got nearly a century
of combat experience

between the rest of us.

So what you're f*cking trying
to tell me right now

is that our first op
without Clay

could be our last op ever.


One minute.

One minute.

30 seconds.

30 seconds.

Green light.

Go, go, go!


Trent, you're with Sonny.
Ray, Brock, with me.

We planned a dive,
dive the plan, boys.

That current was m*rder.

Yeah, my air consumption
was shit.

Swim took 30 minutes longer
than we planned.

- Clock's ticking, boys.
- Go.

Split the train.
Brock, stay in the lead.

That woke up
the damn neighborhood.

For the love of all
things holy, this looks...


Bravo 1.

We're all clear on this side.

Havoc, this is 1.
I pass Cleves.

Three tango kilo.

We can tell the Agency
they're off the hook.

Sounds like they cleaned
the target, no prisoners.

Ahead of you.
Just got off with the CIA team.

They heard the sh*ts. Also heard

they got picked up
on a police scanner.

Bravo 1, be advised

local law enforcement
are aware of activity

on target
and will be responding.

Working on an ETA for you now.

There's a lot of damn crates
out there, Jace.

All right, look, collapse
security, consolidate on me.

We're gonna
be busy tonight, boys.

Let's f*cking go.

"Join the Navy," they said.

"See the world," they said.

How's the SSE coming along?

Just ripped the phone lines,
pulled the hard drives.

This place is a gold mine.

Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.

Local law enforcement
is ten mikes out. How copy?

Good copy, Havoc.
1 out.

Bravo 3, you got five mikes
to set those charges.

Our guests of honor have arrived

for our down-home
Georgia barbecue.

Look, everything in this room

and in this building
has got to be rubble.

- Charges set.
- All right, let's go.

Let's kick rocks.


Safe in, safe out.
Same swim buddies.

Sonny, how much time
on those fuses?

- Eight seconds.
- Go, go, go.

Oh, my God. Babe.

- Babe.
- Babe, I-I told you,

okay? Just...
I got to do this myself.

At least take a break.
You're-you're overdoing it.

That's who I am.

Get down. Patrol boat.

Where the f*ck
are Sonny and Trent?

That patrol boat ain't out

for a pleasure cruise,
I'll tell you that.

We're chasing daylight.

You think we didn't

give ourselves
enough margin for error?

That swim was hell.

Imagine not operating
for six months.

Worried Trent pushed
himself to come back too soon,

take Clay's spot?

Yeah, I am.

Nice of you to f*cking join us.

Trent ran out of O2.

I had to buddy breathe him
the whole way,

then my rig flooded.

Yeah, I can smell that
caustic cocktail

on your breath, brother.

Yeah, that's what
happens when you

swap spit with Trent
for three hours.

Brock, take us home, buddy.

Let's move. Come on.

Let's get the f*ck out of here.

There you go.
Suck on that long neck, Brock.


Thanks for saving
my life, Sonny.

Even at the expense
of your own digestive system.

No, you're lucky. It usually
takes me a handle of bourbon

to be capable of, uh,
that much intimacy with someone.

- Give it up for Aquaman.
- Oh, Brock.

Stop touching me.
Please, stop, stop.

Hey, Davis.

Did we, uh, did we stop

the Cold w*r from going hot?

Uh, for now, at least.

There's no chatter anywhere
about Americans in the area.

The authorities in Sukhumi
are blaming

careless arms dealers.

Any word on Alpha and Foxtrot's

- targets?
- Dry holes.

Search continues.

Well, at least we're putting up
points on the board.

- Indeed.
- Yeah.

And the shit ton of SSE
you boys got me will help,

so I'm gonna go
get a head start on that.

Is it just me or you happy
that Foxtrot and Alpha

came up empty on that?

It's just good
to come back home with a win

after being down
for so long, Sonny.

What, uh...

what are you not telling us?

All right, look,
Ray heard some rumors that, uh,

some of the teams
are getting decommissioned.

I just, uh, I just got back

to Bravo, now they're
gonna take it away?

Doesn't matter, okay? Look,

we k*lled tonight's op,
and that's just gonna

crush any doubts that
Command has on us, right?


Okay. If you think
one mission success

will make up for us
getting blown up twice

in our last handful of ops.

And with the absence of

Clay-rah Fawcett
spreading his youthful glow,

we're DEVGRU old-timers.

Of course they're gonna
stick a fork in us.

This one has a better
kitchen setup,

but this one has better access

to public transportation.

- Mm-hmm.
- And both landlords agreed

not to lease to anyone else
until you got back to see them.

- That's great.
- It's lucky.

There were better contenders
we missed out on

because you and I agreed
not to sign anything

till you were back
to make a decision with me.


Are you even listening?

I'm sorry, baby, I...

It's something with Bravo's
got my head spinning.

Well, maybe I should
get my job back

and we try this again
when you hit your 20.

When you have time to give it
your undivided attention.

Babe, my 20 just gives us
access to my pension.

It doesn't mean I won't be
dealing with Bravo anymore.

We both agreed that
the vets need us now.

You're not planning
on retiring next year?


I-I guess we, uh...

We never discussed what

doing this together
looks like in the long term.

Maybe we should now.

Might not be a Bravo anymore, so

makes the decision easier.

Then what's making it harder?

Jason, babe.

He relied a lot on Clay

before he got hurt, and...

now I don't know who fills
my shoes with Jason

if Bravo survives.

I know this isn't fair to you

right now, but...

I just don't know
what to tell you.

So, look, if we, uh...

If you hadn't been here
when I got back,

we would not have been able
to do that,

what we just did.

It was very acrobatic of you,
I will say.

We could've done
what we just did

at my place, only we wouldn't
have had a dog audience.

Hey, I don't mind, you know,
moving the show to your place.

It'd be good for me to get out
of Vah Beach for a few days,

but the dog's got to come.

- Sorry.
- I can't. I'm, uh...

I took a job.

- What kind of job?
- Going to Afghanistan.

Get female educators to safety.

What, you going after a former
asset, like Burkina Faso?

No, a friend of mine
started an NGO,

recruited me to help.

I'll be protecting people,
not stirring the pot.

Come on.

Water. Good boy. Yeah.

You know...

when you thought
I was worried about you

before you spun up,

I was.

But more than that, I...

- was jealous.
- Yeah. No,

I can totally understand
you wanting to run back

into the fire, but, you know...

Cerby's just, he's just
finally loving having you...

you be here,
and everything's just getting

smooth, and...
So how-how long you gone for?

I don't know.

Everything that's
happened to Clay,

you know, me having to deal
with my TBI stuff

and all the treatments...

Everything you've done
for me, it's, um...

God, I would have just,
uh, stepped on some

serious, serious land mines

that would have
blown me up in the past.

- How was this op?
- How was this op?

The guys backstopped you?

- Was your head okay?
- Yeah.

- It's good.
- Just like you promised.


You're gonna be fine without me.

You've got the team
supporting you.

Till Command splits us up.

- What?
- There's a rumor going around

that Command's
gonna break us up.


You know what?

Uh, six weeks ago,

I told them I couldn't get away.
I'll just say

I need a little more time.

[sighs] No. That's good.

It's all right, you go.
People are in danger.

You go.

That's what you do.
That's what we do, so, hey.

It's, uh, you don't
have to worry about me.

I'm not worried about you,

- but if-if you are...
- No, not at all.

I'll be fine. Trust me.
I'll be good. Got this.

All right, Cerby, that's good.


How long have you been...

A minute, 57.

58... 59...

[chuckling] My God, two minutes.

Day and a half, twice my goal.

Well, I'm still
processing intel from Georgia.

What's your excuse?

You have anything
actionable yet?

No, it's a lot to sort through.

Well, forget actionable.

I mean, uh,
do you have any leads?

Maybe one.

But it's isolated,

and it's not enough
to build a package around.

The IP address
linked to the payment

for the rockets is anonymous,

but we traced it
to northern Syria.

Northern Syria, who's there?

Who isn't? It's the Wild West
of extremist groups.

It's a f*cking hornets' nest
to send a team into,

especially with no support
in the region.

So, I'm hoping that the rest
of this intel points elsewhere.

I'm just hoping that, uh,
Bravo Team is still around... know, to be that spear,
wherever you point it.

You hear anything?

Yeah, I mean,
I did some poking around.

Yeah, this decommissioning
is more than a rumor.

Anything on Bravo?

They're part
of the conversation.


I got to get back to it.

I'll see you around.
