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10x18 - The Unemployed Cannot Be Stained By Anything

Posted: 09/24/22 17:13
by bunniefuu
Gintama Silver Soul Silver Soul Arc The Unemployed Cannot Be Stained By Anything As for you...

Die right here and now!

What do you think you're doing, you stupid cue ball?!

Watch the Silver Soul arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!!!!


How do you have the gall to show up after everything you've done?

I'll end you this time for sure.

You're wrong, Daddy!


I'm not wrong about anything.

A big bro who got a hole in his belly protecting his kid sister?

No father would ever praise him for doing a good job.

If he's here to do stupid crap like that, I'll take him out for good.

That so?

No need to worry, then.

I still have the strength left to k*ll you!

I wanted to save the main dish for last, but if you insist, I'll gobble it down with the appetizer!

Hold it, you morons!

What did you just say?!

Whose head is Made in Bangladesh?!

Nobody said anything of the sort!

There's nothing up there!

I'm not wearing a wig!

That's enough.

You two...

Even at a time like this, you wanna fight?

No matter how much time passes or where we are, you never learn, do you?

But that's just fine.

Even if it's just for a moment, my entire family's on Earth.

That's enough for me.


We're breaking through!


Use it.

It'll stop your bleeding.

I don't care if you die a dog's death out of my sight.

But I won't let you die on this planet.

I didn't do that for you.

Direct your thanks to her.



Your father told me about it a long time ago.

That there's a very beautiful blue planet out there.

So, did you get to go there?


Who knows when I'll be able to?

Let's go to Earth, Mommy.

Let's go with Daddy and Kamui...

The whole family, together.

Mommy, sorry we kept you waiting so long.

But everyone's here now.

Here, on Earth.

Was it you, Nobume?

Was it you who brought another nuke to a nuke site?!

A nuke?

Do you really think that would bring down Utsuro?

He's the trump card, the only one who can defeat Utsuro.

I brought him along because he said that.

And to me, an outsider, they look like two peas in a pod, a loving father and son.

Are you blind?!

I told you, didn't I?

That I'd definitely find a way to k*ll him?

N-No way...

I collected, from every corner of the universe, the crystals that the planets gave birth to!

Our fragments of hope...

Altana crystallites!


If we have those things, can we nullify Utsuro's immortality?

Utsuro's no immortal.

If his body takes a strong dose of incompatible Altana, he can't maintain his immortality.

I couldn't save Kouka.

So this time I'm going to make sure, with the hope she gave me, to save this planet she so loved.


This is what's hidden in the crystallites...

The power of Altana!

When I sprinkled them on my head, I grew a full head of hair!

What'd you do that for?


Look, my head!

It has so much hair!

Come off it!

What the hell are you using the crystallites for?!

I'm showing the enemies that they're not the only immortal ones.

My hair roots are, too!

That serves no purpose at all!

Then let me take a good look, too.


It's a wig, just like always.

Everyone's hair turns into a wig when pulled with that much force!

What have you done, you little shit?!

We don't have time for that crap!

The enemy's coming!

Good grief.

If you're baddies in a Sentai show, you're supposed to take a hint and not attack while the robots are combining.

But all we've got is a cue ball and a wig combining!

I'll have to take the hint too, then.

I'll show you the power of an Altana w*apon made from crystallites.



Buy me three seconds!

It'll grow right back!

Who would wait?!

What's all this about?!

Our last hope, the crystallites, are being used on nothing but trash!

If that's our trump card, Earth is done for.

Nothing but hair roots will remain.

Those hair roots should die, too!

We can't break through like this!

It fired something!

I told you.

An old man and a cannon are combining!

Take a hint!

Converting Altana extracted from crystallites and firing it all is what this Altana w*apon, Shoryumon, does!

It was a byproduct born while I was building the hair-growth g*n.

That other one's clearly the extra here!

The Altana imbued in it can destroy any immortal.

What's more, the Altana particles the cannon spreads in the air eat into the bodies of all immortals nearby.

The immortals won't be able to stand anymore.

The last ones standing will be us!

You damn cue ball!

If you had that thing, why didn't you use it sooner?!

What was all that about the hair growth?

Did you just want to show off?!

Wait, wait!

That wasn't my intention!

The Shoryumon takes a while to charge up and fire.

I have to make every shot count.


Don't you have any other Altana weapons?

I do, but they're limited in number...

Wow, these tiny bombs are amazing!

They're sending the immortals flying like garbage!

Stop wasting my weapons!

When did you swipe them, anyway?!

I'm pretty sure this is much better than using them in a hair-growth agent.

Besides, with these things, I can hold off those corpses all by myself.

Get going.

There's no time, right?

I'm already tired of babysitting you.

Why should I have to take care of a dog, too?



If he needs a little girl to watch over him forever, a man will lose all face.

Are you referring to me?

Not you.

I'm talking about me.

But no need to worry anymore.

Even without you, we'll be all right.

So get going.

This time, for the new family you've found for yourself...

And for yourself.

Take this and go.

I made it by forging steel that was imbued with crystallite.

You samurai love your swords, don't you?

You know, samurai used to wield two weapons in the past.

Only when they carried both a long and a short sword were they seen as true warriors.

But at some point, they threw away their pride, lost the beliefs they were meant to uphold, and were left with only one sword, for self-defense.

I staggered through that darkness, swinging a stick of wood around, and somehow managed to get this far.

It was only because I had two blunt yet unbreakable swords with me right here.

I thank you for helping me meet one of those dullards.

So long as I have these two on my waist, this samurai won't break.

I swear I'll come back, both swords in tow.

Hey, do you think that was his way of asking for my daughter's hand in marriage?

That just occurred to you?

I thought you were prepared for that all along.

Don't be stupid.

Kouka hated wimps like that.

Ah, I see.

Well, she did choose a blimp for a husband, after all.

But yeah, nothing beats a son.

A daughter will leave for another man someday,

but a son doesn't leave his old man alone.


I'm always having my life targeted, my arm ripped off, or my hair torn off!

Daddy's so happy to have such a merry family!

We've quelled more or less all of them, I guess?

The only spot left is that one.

Time for checkmate.

Let me express my gratitude.

We gave up on you and threw you out.

But you never abandoned us.

Please Take Me Home

No, that's not it.

I'm sure what you wanted to protect was...

I promise you.

We will take you home to your family.

So give us a bit more...


Wait a second.


Were you always this size?

What's the matter, Sister?

Did I use too much Zen power?

A large is looking like a medium to me.

It isn't just your imagination.

You've grown larger, Sister.

You stooped as low as becoming a cabaret priestess for a while,

but now you're fighting to fulfill our clan's duty.

How you've grown, truly.

I can see it, too.

You look larger than life, like Obayashi Motoko.

Right, Komako?

Even Komako's tiny now!

What's going on?

Why is this happening?!

Don't tell me, is this...




An earthquake?

The ley lines were getting quieter!

Now they're going nuts again?!

What's that mean?

Sadaharu and the others should be holding it down right now!

Only the tributaries were calmed down.

The main river still remains.

Could it be, that man...

The Gate burst.

Nobody can stop it anymore.

Not Utsuro, not anyone.

Your welcoming party is ready.

I'm waiting for you, Shoyo's pupils.

We've lost all control of the Heavenly Bird now.

We have no time to evacuate the people on board, either.

But if we can destroy the ship before it crashes into Earth, we can save that planet and the entire galaxy.

And the only ones capable of that right now...

Hata, it's you and your people.

Admiral, are you telling me to save people?

Or are you telling me to k*ll them?

I don't know, either.

But any path that you choose, as one who has loved every living being, is a path that I can believe is the right one.

Hata, your brother...

Your two brothers stand by you!

So don't hesitate.

Believe in your heart and move forward!


What're you waiting for?

The answer should already be obvious.

Actually, the you of old would never have hesitated.

I suppose.

But I don't know why...

Become a kind king who loves all living beings, Hata.

I said shut up, you pet freak!

But there's a part of me that doesn't want to destroy either the ship or the planet!

Thinking back, meeting a bizarre creature on Earth sealed my fate.

You will take responsibility for this, samurai.

If I make the wrong choice again, punch me in the face.

All ships, prepare to fire!

The target: the Heavenly Bird!

Forgive me, my brothers!


He really punched him!

He punched him at the worst possible time!


What did the prince get wrong?

Did he do something bad?

His face.

What do you mean, he got his face wrong?

That's nothing new!

That face has always been a fail!

I punched you, lost my job, and hit rock bottom in life.

I regretted my choice over and over, and over and over I wanted to k*ll myself.

But you know what looking at your face right now made me feel?

It made me glad I socked you.

So I did it once more.

Only this time, it was to climb back up from rock bottom with you!

Will you quietly watch Earth be destroyed?

Or will you destroy the ship your brothers and comrades are on to save it?

Even a child would know which choice here is right or wrong.

They're both wrong.

The only right choice is to save it all, both Earth and that ship!

Sister, please hang in there.

Shut up and drive.

I can't quit right now.

These two are starting to lose their bodies due to using so much Zen power.

At this rate, their very existences may be erased.







Why won't you fire?!

Admiral, I'm with Immigration.

Sorry, but we can't sh**t down a ship with our comrades on it.

Of all the stupid...

Are you saying you'll approve this burning ship's entry?!



If we can't stop it, we'll have to let it in.

This is a job for ex-Immigration Bureau Chief Hasegawa Taizo.

All ships, full speed ahead!

Take position in front of the Heavenly Bird!

Are you out of your mind?!


Didn't you say you could believe in my choice?

Then believe in me.

Believe in the choice this man I believed in made!

I'm a kid brother who loves his brothers and the creatures known as samurai, and this is my answer!

Anti-impact shields?

Don't tell me, you plan to stop this ship head-on?!

This is insane!

You'll be dragged down to Earth along with this ship!


But if we can delay the impact even a little, that's enough.

I know who's down there on Earth.

I know that they, and Earth, will definitely come back to life!



I'll take care of things here.

Hurry up and go to him.


I say abandoning one or the other is much more insane.

If both choices are insane, I'd rather choose the world with the people I can trust in it.

No need for IDs or annoying paperwork.

It doesn't matter if you're Earthlings or otherwise.

Just bring your stupid faces back home alive!

That's the kind of passport the land of the samurai issues.


The shields have crossed critical load!

We can't hold it off anymore!

If this keeps up, the entire fleet will be crushed!

It really didn't work!

That's why I told you not to do this, you stupid prince!

Shut up, Gramps!

Hey, Hasegawa, take responsibility for this.

What did you base this moronic plan on?

The entire universe.

That thing can't be stopped unless we gather all the ships in the universe.


Quit sleeptalking, you dimwit!

As if we could...

We have all the ships you need right here.

Earthlings, you clawed your way back from total despair.

And now, you're trying to save our mother ship from sinking.

I'm amazed you're trying to save all those lives, ally or enemy!

Perhaps we misjudged you people.

Ex-Immigration Bureau Chief, was it?

Would you give us a chance?

If you say you'll save our mother ship...

...we'll use our entire fleet to protect your planet.

The Liberation Army?!

That so?

Guess giving away our passports for cheap paid off.

Welcome to the land of the samurai.


Who are you really, Hasegawa Taizo?

Just how much power and influence do you have?!

Isn't that obvious?

I answer to no authority and am free to say and do whatever I please, without having to take responsibility for any of it.

But I have no power, influence, or money.

Hell, I don't even have a job.

I'm just an unemployed man.

To Be Continued Silver Soul Arc No matter what, I'm not letting go!

Always Hold On to Your Trump Cards Being unemployed may seem awesome all of a sudden, but please take great care with your life choices in the real world.

Meanwhile, the w*r started by Utsuro is reaching its climax...