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10x16 - Do Something Uncharacteristic, and Something Uncharacteristic Will Happen

Posted: 09/24/22 17:02
by bunniefuu
Watch the Silver Soul arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!

But what's wrong with that?

I want to live with that pain, because it's proof that he still lives on inside me.

But I've only come to feel this way because you and this child are with me.

So, Ensho, don't you die in battle and leave me behind.

You must live longer than me and cry when I die.

That was the last time I spoke with her.

She said she would continue to live with the pain, completely oblivious to what caused that pain in the first place...

Welcome back, Gunpowder Prince.

Or, well, my admirable little brother.

You are truly the guardian spirit defending Burei's peace!

And completely oblivious to my feelings for her.

Don't worry.

The purpose of this trip is to sign a treaty.

Nothing dangerous will happen.


Besides, I have the Gunpowder Prince with me.


The offer of a treaty was just a trap?!


We're surrounded by the enemy!

Send backup at once!



I never had the right to resent someone over her...

because I was the object of her vengeance.

I wasn't heading courageously into battle, but simply running away the entire time.

She had the strength to fight her suffering, and my weakness caused me to keep running from her.

Only when I was on the precipice between life and death could I forget that.

Only then could I forget the grief of being powerless to prevent her loss.

And so, even now, I continue to run.

Gintama Silver Soul Silver Soul Arc Do Something Uncharacteristic, and Something Uncharacteristic Will Happen What happened?

The squad engaging the enemy has been wiped out!

Put out the fire at once!

Fortify Gate Three's defenses!

Don't let anyone near the control unit!

The energy supply system has been damaged!

Energy circuits all over the ship are going down!

The flow of energy to the Flame of Kagutsuchi has completely stopped!

Its emergency system is shifting it to hibernation mode!

What happened to the enemies trying to stop the Flame of Kagutsuchi?

Currently, our comms are in disarray, too.

We cannot confirm anything!

Restarting the Flame of Kagutsuchi will likely take fifteen minutes!

They threw their lives away to keep their hopes alive, but how frail they are.

Monitors coming back online.

Th-This is...

What happened?

We put all our hopes into these things right here.

Have a taste!


No way...

They're still alive?

We are, and we aren't missing anyone.

The souls of those who died and entrusted us with their hopes are also here with us!

We shall fight together, win together, and return together...

To our home, Earth!

How many more corpses must I walk over to reach my goal?

What, exactly, will I find when I get there?

I no longer...

have anything to call my own.

So, at the very least, let me shed my blood.

My sword will only break atop the mountain of your corpses.

That, and only that, is my final destination.

The Heavenly Bird...

The Flame of Kagutsuchi's control unit has been destroyed!

The energy it was charged with is going out of control and flowing back out into the ship!

It's causing explosions all over the ship!

We must take measures at once or this ship will sink!

So they did it.

But lookin' at this, they musta paid a heavy price.

Put your weapons down and surrender.

This bridge is already under our control.

You have lost.

Of course, if you wanna keep fightin', that's just fine.

Until this ship sinks, we'll k*ll as many of you as we can.

Do you get it?

I'm no different from you lot.

We all feel the same way.

That's some splendid resolve.

I, too, was told that I couldn't die just yet.

That I had to burn down every last one of you.


You had a woman save your life, too, huh?


You fiend!

Take cover!

The w*r is only just beginning.

The flame that couldn't be unleashed is still burning strong on this ship.

Then all we need to do is crash this ship into that planet.


You still refuse to stop fighting?

What do you think will remain once you've burned everything down?!

That isn't for us to decide.

We shall fight for all those we've lost until their souls rest in peace.

Do you really think that's what your dead comrades and your late wife want?!

Oh, I'd love to see you try!

That flame...

...burns within us, too!


You hate me, don't you?

I took away your friends and the ones you love.

Even I hate myself.

Having lost everything, my loved ones and the objects of my hatred, all I can do is keep burning myself to ash!

We haven't lost a thing.

No matter how many times we lose them or have them taken from us, we will keep loving people and hating them!

My ride has arrived, huh?

If that's what I was, I would've let go of this aged hand of yours.

The reason I'm not letting go is because I'm neither a ride nor a lolicon, just a feminist.

Get ready to evacuate!

Hurry up!


D-Don't let those guys get any closer!

If we let them in, we'll go down with the ship!

That so?

We let ourselves in without knowing.

Sorry about that.

The man stood there.

With just that, the enemy's mood, the mood of our allies, and the mood of the b*ttlefield changed completely.


How are you here?

Trying to cause a miracle was uncharacteristic of me, and I guess this was a hint never to try it again.

Yo, Strategist.

Being the kamikaze squad sounds like a fun role.

Can't let you hog it for yourself.


I'm so glad you're alive!

Did you do this, then?

I tapped into your comms, learned your plan, and destroyed the equipment first.

A strategist must stay alive and use his brains until the very end in order to win.


I made a promise with that guy.

The survivor would decorate the bones of the one who died with the enemy's skulls.

But I'm an idiot, you know?

I don't know how to do that.

I have no idea how to even avenge my friends.

So please, use me.

How can we win?

What now?

The control unit has been destroyed.

But it hasn't stopped completely yet.

In which case...

The enemy will try to evacuate before crashing this ship into Earth!

Let's gather up all the men we have!

We will collect our remaining strength in one place and throw it all at the enemy.

Even in the darkest depths of despair, he makes you forget all about giving up.

That's what a hero does.

Isn't that right, Matako-san?

Let us all head together to where our hero awaits us!

Y-You bastards!

Strategist, we found your general.


Yeah, but...

He's already...



Are you hurt?

You're worrying about me?

How far I've fallen.

I'm fine.

Just take care of Matako.

Even if it was just by chance, she was the key to the Kiheitai's formation.

If anything happened to her, Bansai would yell my ears off.


There's no time.

We're going ahead.


No need to let them know.

They don't need to know.

I can't fall just yet.

I must stay standing.

I must remain the Takasugi Shinsuke they believed in!


Your hero doesn't exist.

He's merely a dream, a fabrication.

And yet, will you still stand by me?

Will you stand beside an ordinary man named Takasugi Shinsuke?


Perhaps I was the one dreaming...

There's no need for a hero anymore.

To Be Continued Silver Soul Arc Our king certainly was there.

Several Kings Ensho falls in the battle with Takasugi...

What words does Nobunobu give the soldiers?

And it's been a long time coming, but these sisters make their comebacks, too!