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09x04 - A Family

Posted: 09/24/22 06:29
by bunniefuu
Hokuto_Shinken,Sign: Hokuto Shinken

Kat: Every year, late on New Year's Eve,

Kat: a man would visit Ikumatsu's restaurant.

Kat: He would always order a bowl of ramen,

Kat: say, "I can't eat this much,"

Kat: divide it into three portions, and share them with Ikumatsu-dono and her husband.

Kat: However, as time passed and her husband died,

Kat: the man stopped showing up.

Kat: Just who was he?

Kat: We investigated, using the scarf he forgot at the restaurant as a clue,

Kat: and the truth was brought to light through the word of an unexpected source.

Kat: That man was Ikumatsu-dono's father, Nishiki Matsugoro.

Kat: Ikumatsu-dono thought he had died years ago,

Kat: but he was actually still alive and living somewhere around here.

Kat: Who is Ikumatsu-dono's father?

Kat: Why didn't he tell his daughter who he was?

Kat: And why did he disappear?

Mad: Seriously, where do you think you're taking a plunge?!

Gin: You've got it wrong, Hasegawa-san.

Mad: The Lawd's getting swept away!

Gin: This straight man really wants to plunge into Ikumatsu's pus—

Mad: Hey, knock it off!

Mad: I can't handle these three stooges!

Gintama,OP Card: Gintama

Slip Arc,OP Card: Slip Arc

Ep Title,Title: A Family

Mad: What's wrong with you guys?

Mad: I don't know who you came here to look for,

Mad: but forget about all this once you get back to the surface.

Mad: Here, eat some bread crust.

Mad: Like I said, everyone there wants to forget about their past.

Warning,Warning: Watch the Slip Arc in a bright roomand at a safe distance from your TV!

Mad: Nothing good will come out of digging it up.

Mad: Actually, I guess it's still okay if they want to forget.

Mad: Some of them have pasts that they can't remember even if they want to.

Odd_Jobs_Gin_cha,Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Oso: I'm sorry.

Oso: I actually kept something from you.

Oso: And from the young miss, too.

Shin: You kept something from us?

Oso: But you seem to be trusted friends of the young miss,

Oso: so I figured I should tell you.

Oso: Someone once came looking for the master, just like you did.

H: Why?!

H: Why won't you tell Ikumatsu the truth, Mother?

H: She'll continue to have the wrongimpression about her father for—

Mo: And that's fine.

Mo: He really did die once.

Mo: And he abandoned Ikumatsu and me in the process.

H: But he didn't!

H: All he did was forget...

H: And all because he saved someone.

Mo: Then what do you want me to tell her?

Mo: That her admirable father

Mo: saved some kid drowning in the river

Mo: and disappeared?

Mo: And when we finally found him,

Mo: he'd forgotten all about us and had married another woman?

Mo: The man we knew no longer exists.

Mo: It was all too late.

Mo: I believe that this is the best choice to make for both his sake and Ikumatsu's.

Mad: Apparently, that geezer lost all his memories.

Mad: Memory impairment, was it?

Mad: Whatever happens one day, he forgets by the time he wakes up the next morning.

Mad: And after moving from place to place, he found his way to the waste dump.

Mad: That geezer had no idea about his past or his family, but one day,

Mad: a man showed up in front of him.

H: I finally found you.

H: I looked all over for you.

H: You probably won't remember me,

H: but I have never forgotten what you did for me.

H: If you can't remember, you don't have to.

H: And if you don't want to come with me, I won't force you.

H: But even if it's just one bowl, could you please come have our ramen?

H: I know this is nowhere near enough to repay my debt to you.

H: I know it won't make up for my sin of doing this to you.

H: But I want you to come see how well your daughter is doing!

H: That's my one wish as the boy whose life you saved back then!

H: Ikumatsu.

H: This is our restaurant's year-end tradition now.

Flashback: ,Should anything happen to me, make sure you keep it going.

Mad: I hear the geezer didn't pay much attention to the man's tearful plea.

Mad: But every time New Year's Eve came around, he would go off somewhere by himself.

Mad: It's strange.

Mad: He'd lost pretty much all his memories,

Mad: but he did remember just one thing.

__Soba,Sign: / Soba

Iku: Dad,

Iku: are we having just one bowl of New Year's soba again?

Mo: Don't be greedy now, Ikumatsu.

Fa: Your mother's right. This is more than enough.

Fa: Besides, if we split it into three portions like this...

Fa: There.

Iku: Can I really have so much to myself, Dad?

Fa: Go ahead.

Fa: Your mother and I already ate at work.

Fa: I can't eat this much.

Oso: Daigo-sama talked about it so happily.

Oso: He said they finally got to eat soba as a family of three again.

Mad: At this point, on top of his memory impairment, he's also gone totally senile.

Mad: Looks like he's forgotten all about going to that ramen restaurant, too.

Mus: I can't eat this much.

Mus: Want some?

Mad: But he still hasn't forgotten about that, or so I hear.

Gin: Forgot everything?

Gin: That's not true.

Kat: If he remembers that much...

Gin:'s more than enough.

Mad: Gin-san... Zuracchi...

Bro: Is that Ikumatsu's old man?

Mad: Wh-Why are you guys here?!

Bro: Don't go looking down on the homeless information network.

Bro: I knew you'd make a move, Katsura.

Bro: Don't worry.

Bro: I've sent Ikumatsu an invitation, too.

Bro: After all, she is the main heroine in my revenge story.

Kat: That'd be a problem.

Kat: We just called that restaurant

Kat: and made a reservation...

Kat: For a bowl of ramen.

Iku: You kids...

Kag: Wow.

Kag: When did this restaurant get popular enough to have people lining up, Matsu-nee?

Shin: Too bad.

Shin: And here we thought it was a hole in the wall that only we knew about.

Shin: Did people finally realize how good the food here tastes?

G: Enough of your nonsense, you brats!

G: Do you have a death wish? Outta our way!

Kag: Cutting in line isn't nice.

Kag: Sorry, but we have a reservation.

Shin: Ikumatsu-san.

Shin: Can we get a bowl of ramen on the double?

Shin: We've got a delivery order.

Kag: To an unknown address...

Shin: Nishiki Matsugoro-san's residence.

Bro: Katsura, are you thinking of not handing that geezer over?

Kat: Even if I did listen to you,

Kat: I don't believe scum like you would leave Ikumatsu-dono alone.

Bro: You're right. That's the way I like it.

Kat: Father, could you entrust yourself to us for a while?

Kat: We swear to help you eat Ikumatsu-dono's ramen one more time.

Bro: What can a samurai who ended up homeless and abandoned his sword do?

Bro: Go!

Bro: Get them, old man and all!

Kat: A sword isn't a samurai's only w*apon!

Mad: Forget the samurai crap! That's not a w*apon!

Kat: Here we go, Father!

Mad: Where? Is that what you meant by entrusting himself to you?!

G: What's wrong with you? Don't you wanna save that geezer?

Gin: To a samurai, everything within his reach is a w*apon,

Gin: a hammer to crush scumbags like you!

Mad: People who call human beings hammers are much bigger scumbags!

Mus: Getting out of here takes priority.

Mus: Please hang in there, Father.

Mad: Hey! His senility's getting even worse!

Gin: Tch.

Gin: The old man's head is gonna be empty by the time we get him to Ikumatsu's place.

Mad: That's your fault!

Gin: If we waste too much time, Ikumatsu'll be in danger, too.

Gin: Oh, well.

Gin: I'll let you hog the spotlight, Zura.

Gin: Get going, before the ramen gets soggy.

Kat: Nonsense. There's no spotlight left to hog.

Kat: We were simply led here by the two men who loved Ikumatsu-dono.

Kat: All we can do is sip on their leftover ramen soup.

Kat: Maybe we never had a role to play in this at all.

Kat: Because Ikumatsu-dono only has eyes for one man.

Gin: But even then,

Gin: if the two men's feelings reach her,

Gin: then whether his own feelings reach her or not,

Gin: the third guy's still gonna go, right?

Gin: For the sake of his beloved Ikumatsu's ramen.

Kat: Not ramen. Soba.

Kat: But I've eaten enough to get sick of it.

Kat: Leftover soup will be enough to fill me up.

Gin: That so?

Gin: Then get going and sip on that leftover soup or a body shot or whatever!

Bro: Hold it, Katsura!

Gin: Whoa there.

Gin: You're dealing with me.

Gin: Let's play nice as fellow lonely extras.

Bro: My targets are Katsura and Ikumatsu!

Bro: I couldn't care less about y—

G: Boss!

Gin: Did you not hear me?

Gin: I'm saying he's too good to be taking on trash like you.

Gin: Did you guys know?

Gin: The people who were at rock bottom in the lower world can make it to the top here.

Gin: I don't know how far down you pieces of trash got...

Gin: It's gonna be great, huh, Hasegawa-san?

Gin: The hole this guy and me fell into is a bottomless pit of despair.

Gin: Zura...

Gin: You're no different from those two, if you ask me.

Gin: All of you are nothing but morons.

Shin: Go!

Iku: Why did I forget?

Iku: Why didn't I remember?

Iku: I loved him so much...

Iku: When did I lock him away in the depths of my memories?

Iku: I feel like we could clearly see what was important when we were poor.

Iku: If it weren't for that, I'm sure his eyes wouldn't have strayed from us.

Iku: I was the one who abandoned her dear family.

Iku: He watched over me for years, even though he'd lost his memories.

Iku: And he brought us together in order to tell me that.

Iku: But I...

Iku: Dad, I'm sure you've already forgotten about such an awful daughter,

Iku: along with the taste of the bowl of soba the three of us shared as a family.

Iku: But that's okay.

Iku: That's all right.

Iku: This time, I promise not to forget.

Iku: My eyes will never stray again.

Iku: So please, Dad, just one more time...

Iku: Just one more bowl...

Kat: Ikumat—

Mu: Ikumatsu.

Mu: I can't eat this much.

Mu: It's all right.

Mu: Ikumatsu...

Mu: I already ate with everyone.

Mu: I'm already full.

Mu: So share this ramen...

Kat: Ikumatsu-dono!

Mu: ...with the people dear to you, the ones standing by your side.

Kat: Ikumatsu-dono!

Mu: That's what both Daigo-kun and I want.

Mu: Really...

Mu: I'm so full.

Iku: Was it really his voice that I heard back then?

Iku: Did he really still remember me?

Iku: There's no way to tell anymore.

Iku: All I can say is that if it weren't for him, I couldn't have met my husband.

Iku: I couldn't have survived and seen these guys again.

Iku: That much, I know for sure.

Kat: Ikumatsu-dono.

Kat: I asked for soba. I don't remember ordering ramen.

Iku: Really?

Iku: Men shouldn't nitpick.

Iku: Look at your stupidly long hair.

Iku: You should get a crew cut already.

Kat: What does my hair have to do with this?

Iku: This is a ramen restaurant, y'know?

Iku: Wouldn't hurt you to have some ramen for once, would it?

Iku: Or do you mean to say one idiot eating New Year's ramen is enough?

Iku: Why did you, Gin-san, and the kids stop showing up after that?

Kat: I owed them one, you see.

Kat: So they made me look for something they lost and whatnot.

Kat: They drove me like a sl*ve.

Iku: Lies.

Iku: I bet you stayed away out of needless concern for me.

Iku: So distant.

Iku: At least let me thank you...

Iku: You could at least let me make you some ramen on the house!

Kat: I don't see why we must be thanked or fed ramen by someone with such a sad face.

Iku: Please eat that.

Iku: You're the only one left.

Iku: I went through the trouble of making it... I waited all this while...

Iku: But the family I wanted to feed it to

Iku: are all gone now.

Kat: All the more reason not to eat it, then.

Kat: I don't have the right to. I'll come some other time.

Kat: Ikumatsu-dono.

Kat: There's just one thing I want to say.

Kat: I couldn't possibly bring myself to eat that ramen...

Kat: But even if we can't share ramen as family,

Kat: we can share your suffering as friends.

Kat: Let us know when you want to look for something you lost.

Kat: Also, let me make this clear.

Kat: It's not like I hate ramen.

Kat: It's just...

Bo: I can't eat that much.

Iku: Late on New Year's Eve,

Iku: that man ordered a bowl of ramen.

Iku: "I can't eat this much."

Iku: Saying that, he took his ramen...

Iku: and divided it into six portions.

Mad: I've tripped and stumbled my way through life until now.

Mad: So at least in the end, I'll stay far away from the dirt

Mad: and fly high toward the blue sky above.

Ep Title,Title: Life, Death, and Shades

Gol: Don't do it. You'll be mincemeat if you fall from this high up.

Gol: Put yourself in the shoes of the man who runs the BBQ place down there.

Mad: Don't get the wrong idea.

Mad: I just want to know if I still have the wings to fly.

Mad: And I came here to find out, is all.

Gol: Dunno what happened, but surely you have family and friends who will mourn you.

Gol: Most of all, if you died here, it'd cause problems for me.

Gol: Life is precious. Don't throw it away.

Gol: Didn't you hear me?

Gol: If you cause a fuss here, everything will be ruined.

Gol: Life is precious. Don't waste that gift.

Mad: Look who's talking!

Mad: You totally wanna lay waste to a life!

Mad: You're totally trying to k*ll someone, right? You're an assassin, aren't you?!

Gol: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm just here to hunt boars.

Mad: From how far away are you trying to hunt boars?!

Mad: Really, don't be stupid. Don't commit a m*rder.

Gol: I don't wanna hear that from a suicidal man.

Mad: I don't wanna hear that from an assassin!

Gol: I don't wanna hear that from a man wearing filthy-ass shades.

Mad: I don't wanna hear that from a man wearing lame-ass shades!

Gol: Your shades are more lame.

Mad: Nah, your shades are more lame.

Gol: Let me be honest.

Gol: I couldn't care less what kind of shades you wear, or when and where you wear them.

Mad: We're talking about shades now?!

Text: The next episode

Text: will go something like that.

TextR: Hasegawa wants to take offahead of schedule.

TextL: Next time, find out if he gains wings.

TextR: And it won't just be about shades.

TextL: We'll also run a story about cops.