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08x11 - First Student

Posted: 09/24/22 06:02
by bunniefuu
UB: Kouka?

UB: I see.

UB: I guess I messed up royally.

UB: But I can finally join you now...

UB: You won't let me, huh?

UB: I've now become

UB: a father who can neither beat nor embrace his naughty children.

UB: What could I possibly do now?

UB: Come on, Kouka...

UB: Tell me.

M: You always were that kind of man.

M: Whenever I thought you couldn't survive something,

M: you came back to life like it was nothing

M: and told me of adventures that set my heart aflutter.

M: I can't wait to hear your story this time.

UB: Even if it's just complaining that'll make your heart burn?

Gintama,OP Card: Gintama

OP Card: The Battle on Rakuyo

Title: Battle on Rakuyo Arc Part

Title: First Student

Warning,Sign: Watch the Battle on Rakuyo arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

Abu: Such troublesome siblings.

Abu: What makes them think they need to pass out more than we do?

Gin: You can say that again.

Gin: If a babe's willing to let me rest on her lap,

Gin: I'd like to jump in there right now.

Gin: But, unfortunately, it looks like that'll have to wait.

Gin: All I see around me are the disgusting crotches of dudes.

Gin: It'd probably give me nightmares.

Abu: I feel like we're already having one.

Gin: Then we should hope for some rousing activity that'll wake us up.

G: Hold it.

G: Don't jump to conclusions.

G: Like we'd ever be cheap enough to fight wounded men.

Abu: Shokaku, one of the Three Mad Stars!

G: He was until a while ago, that is.

G: Now that we've lost to the samurai

G: and were cast aside by our master,

G: we're basically the same as you.

Abu: Were cast aside?

Abu: You mean you cast him aside.

Sho: One thing's for sure:

Sho: that man held no pride as a pirate,

Sho: and I never had any loyalty worth throwing away for him.

Sho: Pirates are supposed to be free spirits.

Sho: That's how I felt watching you guys...

Sho: You looked to be having so much more fun.

G: Now, let us ask you.

G: Does the th Division,

G: Harusame's thunderbolt, still remain unbroken?

Abu: Who knows?

Abu: I sure don't.

Abu: I don't even know if the guy lying there is our commander

Abu: or just another big brother.

Abu: The only thing I can say for sure is...

Abu: This isn't like you.

Abu: Be it on a b*ttlefield or on your sister's lap,

Abu: it's not like you to stay down.

Abu: It's not like you to stay down after being beat up and losing.

Abu: I won't lose again.

Abu: Not to anyone.

Abu: I...

Abu: However long I spent as a son and a big brother,

Abu: I've spent far longer living as a pirate.

Abu: I never planned on turning back anyway.

Abu: I can only keep going.

Abu: So far ahead, my little sister will never be able to catch up.

Abu: So high up, I can look down on my old man.

Abu: And so far away, I'll be able to reach her.

Abu: Unless I'm willing to go that far,

Abu: I'll never be able to catch up

Abu: or go back there.

UB: I came here to stop that beast.

UB: I was even willing to k*ll him,

UB: because I thought that was my duty as his father.

UB: But I couldn't do it.

UB: And it was probably the same for him.

UB: No matter how far apart we drifted, we were family.

UB: The resolve we needed wasn't to cut our ties as family.

UB: Those ties weren't going to snap no matter what.

UB: So even if we got tangled up in them and suffered at times,

UB: we needed the resolve to hold on to those ties and draw them closer.

UB: I was made to realize that

UB: by the girl who never let go of those ties.

UB: And by the bizarre ties who always came with her.

Gin: Hey.

Gin: Enjoy your holiday?

Kag: Sorry for acting so selfish.

Kag: I didn't want to drag you guys into this.

Kag: But...

Gin: I'd always wondered where a kid

Gin: would have to be born to grow up into a crude brat like you.

Gin: I have my answer now.

Gin: What a filthy town.

Gin: But it's just like our own.

Gin: We got to see the family and town that brought you up.

Gin: Not a bad holiday.

Gin: So, put that thing away.

Shin: You can't ignore Umibozu-san and leave, right?

Shin: Even so, we can't accept a resignation letter.

Shin: A leave letter is good enough.

Shin: So come back again sometime

Shin: to your other home.

Kag: No...

envelope,: Paid Leave Request

Kag: That's not what this is.

Kag: Can we make this not an ordinary holiday, but paid leave?

Kag: What are you doing to a wounded girl, you scumbags?!

Gin: In Odd Jobs, a request for paid leave is the same as a request for death.

Gin: And I accepted yours.

Kag: My purse is empty thanks to your measly pay!

Kag: You could at least offer to share some of my load!

Gin: What did you use all your money on?

Kag: Staying at hotels, buying art, China dresses for calligraphy.

Kag: They were all necessary expenses.

Shin: Who are you, an ex-governor of Tokyo?!

Kag: I'll also need to pay for the baldy's treatment now!

Kag: Cut me some slack, you outsiders!

Gin: What treatment does the baldy even need?

Gin: So what if he lost an arm or two? That monster will be just fine.

Gin: Apply some aloe, and they'll grow back eventually.

Shin: They're not hair!

Gin: I don't think his hair's gonna grow back.

Shin: Why is his hair more hopeless than his arms?!

Abu: It's true!

Abu: My arms grew back!

M: Yes, I figured combat prosthetics would be best for you.

Adlib: Asura Temple!

UB: I'd like some more firepower.

UB: Oh, and put it on their tab.

M: Certainly.

Gin: Screw you!

Gin: He's the picture of good health!

Shin: Someone pay for our treatment, too!

Sak: I'll put the ship's repair fees on your tab, too.

Sak: Now, then. The trade talks are over.

Sak: So how about we close this deal, too?

Sak: Members of the Kiheitai.

Sak: You ran off partway without a word.

Sak: What happened?

Sak: Where's Takasugi?

Hen: I bring a message from Shinsuke-dono.

Mat: So annoying!

Mat: How far are they gonna chase us?

Hen: It seems we've been separated from Katsura and the Kaientai.

Hen: At this rate...

Tak: I don't recall teaming up with them in the first place.

Tak: I don't want to be further indebted to them.

Tak: I'll pay them back with interest someday.

Tak: Of course...

Tak: You too,

Tak: Oboro.

Mat: Wha...

Ob: Good job leading them here.

Ob: The Harusame have started to retreat.

Ob: You all should leave, too.

Ob: Hurry up and go.

Mat: What are you playing at?

Obo: Your survival was unexpected,

Obo: but the true purpose of this battle lies elsewhere.

Obo: Compared to that man fulfilling his longstanding desire,

Obo: what happens to the lives of insects that crawl on the ground doesn't matter.

Tak: Then why are you here?

Tak: To make excuses for losing to mere insects?

Obo: Because I know.

Obo: That some insects will never give up,

Obo: flapping their wings until they reach the heavens.

Obo: I got my wings from the same man, so I know.

Tak: The same man?

Tak: The monster crow you follow and Sensei?

Tak: Yoshida Shoyo died.

Tak: And one of the people who k*lled him stands before me.

Obo: I don't care either way.

Obo: I merely wish to remove all obstacles in his way.

Obo: I will use the last remaining flames of my life to burn your wings away!

G: Is that all of them?

G: Yeah.

G: It's all over now.

Obo: Is this what they call death,

Obo: reaper?

U: This is all I can do for you.

Obo: What are you...

Obo: Forgive me.

Obo: I can't even die as your target of revenge.

Obo: So I hope you at least

Obo: live and continue to hate me forever.

Obo: Back then, I died.

Obo: I decided to dedicate everything to him.

Obo: I was an insect fated to die like a sl*ve, with no one to grieve for me.

Obo: So I decided to serve him until I shed all the blood that kept me alive.

U: I told you to leave once your wounds healed.

U: We took your home away from you.

U: That said, if you stay here,

U: you'll end up a k*ller.

Obo: Please teach me.

Obo: I'm willing to do anything to help you.

U: I'm no teacher.

Obo: In my eyes, you're a teacher who I owe my life to. One who deserves respect.

U: That's not something you say to a leader of assassins.

U: I cannot offer anyone anything.

U: In fact, I wish I could be one of the children, and learn along with them...

U: How to clean my bloodstained hands.

Obo: In that case, how about running a school yourself?

Obo: A school where a teacher and his students learn together...

Obo: That sounds wonderful.

U: Who would join a school run by a m*rder*r?

U: All I can teach anyone are techniques to k*ll.

Obo: But you refuse to teach me those.

Obo: If you truly were evil, I'd already be a k*ller by now.

Obo: I'll give up on learning k*lling techniques,

Obo: so make me your first student at that school, okay?

G: The chief has run away.

G: As you know, quitting is not an option for us.

G: He must be dealt with.

Sho: Oh? Did you finally decide to leave that place?

Obo: Sensei!

Obo: What are you fooling around for?!

Sho: I couldn't lure you outside without doing this much.

Sho: If I want to get you out of the group,

Sho: the best way to do it is by leaving.

Obo: Sensei, you can't mean...

Sho: No. I've been plotting this since before you came.

Sho: But it may have been thanks to you that I finally made up my mind.

Sho: I may bear sins that won't go away even after death,

Sho: but I can keep atoning for them as long as I live.

Sho: I will fight, too,

Sho: with the reaper within me.

Obo: B-But...

Obo: You'll be targeted because of me.

Sho: That goes for you, too.

Sho: If anyone even considers you a member of Naraku, that is.

Sho: But I will make you one of my own.

Obo: Shoka Sonjuku?

Obo: What's that supposed to be?

Sho: The name of the school.

Obo: What does it mean?

Sho: A school born under a pine tree...

Sho: Just now.

Sho: Right now, it's just you and me,

Sho: but I hope many more will join us under this pine tree one day,

Sho: and that you'll have many junior students.

Obo: Junior students?

Sho: Yes.

Sho: In Naraku, you were the weakest,

Sho: but from now on, you'll be the most advanced student.

Sho: We both need to do our best.

Obo: Y-Yes.

Obo: Junior students, huh?

Obo: I can't wait to see them.

Obo: There's no escape.

Obo: Not even for Sensei,

Obo: if he takes me along.

Sho: This is a trap to delay your pursuers.

Sho: You must never use it to k*ll.

G: Aren't you the chief's page?

G: Hey!

G: What happened?

Obo: I helped him escape...

Obo: But once he found out how many were after him,

Obo: he cut me off, saying I'd hold him back.

G: Which way did he go?

G: Wait.

G: This certainly is the chief's sword.

G: But why are you alive, then?

G: If he decided to k*ll someone, he'd never fail.

G: Especially not a brat like you.

Obo: He didn't fail to k*ll me.

Obo: He just chose not to.

Obo: Sensei won't k*ll anyone anymore.

Obo: And I'll make sure he never has to.

Obo: Sensei,

Obo: I'm really sorry.

Obo: I broke our promise.

Obo: I decided that, since you saved me, my life didn't belong to myself.

Obo: That I would use it for your sake.

Obo: If I can't protect your ideal,

Obo: if I can't protect the junior students I have yet to meet,

Obo: how can I call myself your first student?

Obo: Sensei, I know our school,

Obo: Shoka Sonjuku, will...

Obo: Apparently, he thought I was dead,

Obo: but his blood coursing through my body

Obo: told me to live and continue to serve him.

Obo: Having covered up my betrayal,

Obo: I strove to keep Naraku's fangs away from Sensei.

Obo: I went against his teachings and didn't hesitate to dirty my hands with blood.

Obo: I didn't mind, even though I wasn't by his side,

Obo: if it meant I could protect him and his ideal...

Obo: That's what I thought.

Obo: That's what I thought...

Obo: Or so I thought.

Obo: I'm the one who got him captured.

Obo: Even so...

Obo: Even so,

Obo: I believed he would come back.

Obo: You and I are the same.

Obo: We lost our teacher due to our weakness.

Obo: One swore to never betray him again.

Obo: The other swore

Obo: to bring him back, even if it meant having to k*ll him again.

Obo: Until the spirit your teacher gave you completely dies out,

Obo: keep fighting.

Obo: That's what we...

Obo: Yoshida Shoyo's students are all about.

Obo: Come out. It's time.

Sho: Can you pass on my last words

Sho: to my students?

Sho: Without you, I never would've gotten to meet them.

Sho: Without you, I never would've become Yoshida Shoyo.

Sho: Thank you.

Sho: And I'm sorry.

Sho: If possible, I would've loved to bring you together.

Sho: Those kids,

Sho: and my pride and joy, my first student.

Obo: I have seen with my own eyes, Sensei,

Obo: my junior students I'm so proud of.

Obo: It dried up, huh?

Obo: This blood has dried up, at last...

Obo: Now I can finally go back.

Obo: It's been so long...

Obo: But this pain is nothing.

Obo: Compared to your eternal suffering,

Obo: my suffering must be no more than the fleeting pain of a needle prick.

Obo: Hear me, Takasugi.

Obo: Rather than Utsuro's minion,

Obo: there's something I must tell you as Yoshida Shoyo's first student...

Obo: Just what Yoshida Shoyo...

Obo: What Utsuro is.

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Title: Battle on Rakuyo Arc Part

Obo: Put an end to him before everything is all over.

Title: Hope

Obo: The Battle on Rakuyo Arc that took us into a late night slot,

and even into outer space, is nearing its end!

Obo: Also, there'll be a major announcement next week!!!

Be sure you stay tuned to Gintama until the end!