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08x06 - Ten Years

Posted: 09/24/22 05:57
by bunniefuu
Gu: When that man

Gu: ran over the b*ttlefield, amidst the bloody winds,

Gu: he was truly an oni.

Gu: So you're the boss?

Gu: Looks like I drew the winning card.

Gu: We finally meet.

Gu: Samurai.

Gu: What is your name?

Gu: Pakuyasa!

Gintama,: Gintama

The_Battle_on_Ra,: The Battle on Rakuyo

Gu: Pakuyasa!

G: No, that's not me.

G: That wasn't me.

B: Don't play dumb.

B: You can deceive the eyes of others,

B: but you cannot deceive my enlightened eye,

B: Pakuyasa.

G: I'm not Pakuyasa. I'm the White Yasha.

Warning,: Please watch this program in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

B: It is indeed possible that I got the name wrong.

B: But even if my eyes and ears are closed,

B: I can perceive everything with this eye.

B: That flabby double chin of yours, and your Idaho accent,

B: definitely belong to Pakuyasa.

G: No, that's completely wrong.

G: You're describing a different person. What is that eye looking at?

B: And just like it was then, your heart is filled with thoughts of one person...

B: Is it your master?

B: Or your friend, or the object of your revenge?

P: I can't lose!

P: Until I reach him,

P: I can't lose to anyone else!

G: You want to be my student?

G: Sorry, but I've never tried to recruit new students.

G: If you really want to be my student,

G: go buy me some yakisoba bread.

P: I cannot lose

P: until I bring him this bread!

G: Yeah, that's me.

: Huh?

G: There was once this kid who came to me and said he wanted to be my student.

G: But I figured he wouldn't last a minute on a b*ttlefield,

G: so I put him in charge of supplies.

G: He was all about appearances.

G: Everyone called him Pakuyasa.

G: I see.

G: I was wondering why this wasn't making sense.

G: So you spent a decade looking for the yakisoba bread supplier, huh?

G: He had no prowess with a sword, so he quickly left the battle

White_Onibito,G: White Onibito

G: and opened up a candy store called White Onibito,

G: but someone sued him,

G: so next he opened a place called White Pantyhose

White_Pantyhose,G: White Pantyhose

G: and was arrested for public indecency.

G: Now he's doing shady part-time jobs.

G: I wrote down his address on this.

G: If you want to go see him, why not—

Pakuyasa,G: Pakuyasa

G: You're telling me that I, the Star Sword King,

G: failed to defeat one of your students and spent ten years searching for him?

G: If that's true,

G: then the man whose life as a swordsman ended at my hand

G: is an insect worth even less than that.

G: I told you, I can see you!

Pakuyasa,G: Pakuyasa

G: You can't see a thing.

G: You haven't even seen the tip of a samurai's topknot.

G: If you want to know, then use that eyeball to look deep inside me.

G: It might be an abyss that you can never come back from.

B: I'll do that,

B: right after I cut your belly open.

B: Drop the act.

B: You deflected the blade at the last moment to avoid a fatal blow.

B: The next action you'll take is...

B: Below!

B: You'll twist your torso to avoid a deep wound and counterattack.

B: Then a spin kick to keep the pressure up.

B: An attack from a blind spot!

B: What's wrong?

B: Is this what's deep inside a samurai?

B: The old you...

B: No, your student, was much stronger.

G: This is... a projection of murderous intent.

G: He's using my eye's ability, to put pressure on me with just his murderous intent!

G: This is the same feeling as before...

G: Maybe it's bad to have vision that's too good.

G: If your eyes take in all that you see,

G: you'll be so busy looking at everything, you'll miss out

G: on what you really want to see.

B: I see...

B: What I fought back then wasn't your student.

B: It was the murderous intent behind him that you threw at me!

B: Back then,

B: the worldly thoughts of your overzealous student caused me to lose sight of you.

B: But this time, that won't happen.

B: Your target is the life of a swordsman.

B: And I'm after

B: the real you!

B: What does a swordsman think of when he realizes his own death is upon him?

B: What does he think of in the last moments before his death?

B: The answer... is nothing.

B: To accept the irrationality of death, a swordsman simply empties himself.

B: An emptiness where even true despair no longer exists.

B: Thus, when I see this emptiness in a foe,

B: I realize...

B: that I have won, and I am alive!

G: I'll have eggs sunny-side-up for breakfast tomorrow.

B: No!

B: He's still far away from death!

G: Too bad.

G: That one wasn't me, either.

G: I told you, your eye's too good.

G: Even without a giant eyeball like that,

G: I can see exactly what's inside you right now.

G: Want me to tell you?

G: You're empty.

B: You're the second one...

B: You're the second person whose mind my eye couldn't see.

B: One is a man who thinks about tomorrow's breakfast

B: as he stands next to the abyss of death.

B: The other is empty even as he is alive.

B: What is that thing to you?

B: Do you intend to fight it?

G: That's what I want to know.

G: I wish you could use that eye of yours to find out.

B: Even with my eye open, I couldn't see the outcome of a battle

B: between two men I don't understand.

B: You're a man who's lived with death by his side.

B: The death of others, your own death,

B: they've always been close enough for you to reach out and touch.

B: And you still live that way.

B: To you, breakfast and death aren't that different.

B: They're just a normal part of your life.

B: But to that man, there is no life or death.

B: How would you fight something so empty?

G: Unfortunately, I don't have a nice eyeball like you that can see this and that.

G: It's all I can do to pursue one thing in front of me.

G: So whether it's the abyss of death

G: or an empty void,

G: I won't fight for the manju offered to my grave.

G: I'll fight for tomorrow's breakfast.

G: That's all.

B: It's ironic.

B: Now that my eye is closed, I can see for the first time.

B: That's no endless abyss.

B: He's just endlessly stupid.

Gu: Shirei-sama!

Gu: The Hotei's been sunk, right after the Fuso!

Gu: What are you doing?

Gu: You're not fighting a fleet!

Gu: Just one old guy!

A: What's going on here?

A: The son, the dad...

A: They really look like they might destroy the Harusame on their own.

A: If this is going to be a legendary battle,

A: will there be anything for us to do in it?

A: We can say there were those who watched the legends' backs!

Gu: Hurry!

Gu: Protect the commander's life at any cost!

Gu: Commander!

Sakamoto,Gu: Sakamoto

Harusame_Forces,Gu: Harusame Forces

Gintoki,Gu: Gintoki

Katsura,Gu: Katsura

Takasugi_s_Group,Gu: Takasugi's Group

Matako__Kagura,Gu: Matako, Kagura

Gi: Where is Shinsuke-sama?

Gi: Where is he?!

Gi: Shinsuke-sama!

Gu: Bansai-san!

B: Not yet...

B: Don't die yet, Shinsuke.

T: If you're going to be judged and die at the nation's hands,

T: why not die for me instead, m*rder*r Bansai?

B: Then what will you die for?

T: I won't die.

T: No matter whose corpse I need to step on,

T: I won't die until I crush this country.

B: That's what you bragged to me

B: when you were going to be ex*cuted the next day, right?

Gu: Bansai-san!

Gu: Oh, my...

Gu: It appears the Three Mad Stars weren't enough to stop you.

Gu: You can't trust stuff from space.

Gu: You can only trust stuff made on Earth.

O: I can't let any of you meet up with the survivors of the rebel army.

O: The students of Shoyo will never meet again in this life.

B: I'm sorry, Shinsuke.

B: I promised to use this life for your sake.

B: I didn't expect I'd waste it here.

B: Kid, you've got five minutes.

B: I'll hold them off.

B: While I do, get out of here.

Gu: Bansai-san, wait!

Gu: Sadaharu!

B: I see...

B: So you'll listen to the last request of a samurai?

B: Then, if you see him, will you tell him something?

B: Shinsuke...

B: This country isn't dead yet.

B: Even hurt, and crawling on the ground...

B: We're not giving up, but still trying to rise.

B: We're writhing from the pain,

B: but we're going forward, and trying to change.

Gu: I paid my debt.

B: So Shinsuke, you must rise once more, too.

B: You promised me, right?

B: Your enemy is still standing.

B: Your friend is still fighting!

B: So you must fight once more.

B: Become the enemy of this country as it is reborn and destroy it, if you want.

B: Or become its friend, and watch over its fate.

B: Either is fine.

B: But do one thing...

B: When you die,

B: die next to your friend.

Gu: Bansai-san!

Gu: Stop!

Gu: So he has actually

Gu: come back here?

T: The sky looked like it was about to cry at any minute.

T: I guess that's where I came down from.

T: I try to think back on my hazy memories...

T: Was I the first rain that came down from a gloomy sky that

T: could no longer hold it back?

T: Or was I the last rain that fell down from a sobbing sky that was trying to stop?

T: It feels like it was both,

T: and it feels like it was neither.

T: The one thing I can say

T: is that

T: I'm sick of rain.

T: Attention, Kiheitei.

T: Crush the crows!

Gu: k*ll him!

Gu: k*ll that man!

Gu: Takasugi-san!

T: Move.

T: There's someone that...

T: ...I have to greet before you.

T: Move!

K: I see.

K: Then I will clear your path.

K: Shake hands or punch each other, whichever you want!

S: Hey, stop egging them on!

S: I'm the one who has to stop their fight!

K: Then we should just join in!

S: That's a great idea!

Gu: Gintoki,

Gu: I guess humans don't change that easily, huh?

Gu: Even after dying,

Gu: even after ten years,

Gu: everybody's still just screwing around.

G: I don't think so.

G: Ten years ago, I would've k*lled you.

K: I see.

K: So you've learned to save your fun for later, huh?

K: You're all grown up.

G: Shove it.

G: Battle on Rakuyo Part

G: Ten Years

?: So this is the end, huh?

?: I'd rather die like a samurai

?: than let the enemy k*ll me.

?: Let's commit seppuku.

?: Don't be stupid.

?: Stand up.

?: If you've got time to give yourself a beautiful end,

?: then you might as well live beautifully to the end!

?: Let's go, Zura.

Gu: It's not Zura.

Gu: It's Katsura.

G: No, that's me.

G: Forget "It's not Zura, it's Katsura."

G: It's me.

S: I see...

S: I thought it would be an interesting trip with you around.

G: Sorry.

G: I may not look it, but I like this planet.

G: Go off to space and kick some butt.

G: A tiny little inn doesn't suit you.

G: Toss a big net into space,

G: and go catch a star or something.

S: So what will you do now?

G: Me? Well...

G: I'm gonna do some fishing here.

G: I'll catch a sh**ting star that fell to Earth,

G: and then release it back into the sky.

G: No, that was also me.

G: That was after the Joi w*r ended.

G: And that's definitely me.

Gu: Gintoki, if I die...

Gu: Take care of Sensei.

Gu: I can only ask it of another good-for-nothing like me.

G: Then I'll ask another good-for-nothing a favor, too.

G: Don't die!

G: Damn it, I told you, that was me!

G: This episode had a badass ending,

G: so why are you screwing with it now?

G: I won't be able to keep up my motivation 'til next week like this!

G: I may not be here next week.

G: You okay with that?

Preview Right,G: Preview

G: Wait!

G: I'm not letting you get to the preview!

Preview,G: Preview

G: You want to mess with people's heads because it's getting serious, don't you?!

G: Listen to me!

G: So what I'm saying here is...

G: "Don't die, buddy."

G: I'm back from Hell!

G: Go, for the things you truly want to protect right now!

G: Battle on Rakuyo Part

G: I made my decision a long time ago.

G: Way

The four legendary Joi rebels have gathered at last,

but will Gintoki even be there ready for them next time?

Silliness aside, the Battle on Rakuyo arc

is nearing its climax! Don't miss it!