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07x48 - Undelivered Mail

Posted: 09/23/22 13:40
by bunniefuu
Ymz: Hey! The hell are you?

Ymz: You're the punk who's been sneaking around lately, aren't you?

Note,Sign: Note: This is Yamazaki Sagaru.

Ymz: You can't fool this Mountain Zaki's nose.

Ymz: Do you know what this place is?!

Ymz: Try anything funny, and the Roshigumi will arrest you—

Hij: You're the one who needs to be arrested.

Roshi Small,: Roshigumi Applicants

Ymz: H-Hijikata-san?!

Hij: Are you trying to piss about, or are you trying to piss me off?

Hij: Either way, I'll gladly kick your ass.

Hij: If you don't want that, get back to training.

Hij: And do a thousand swings extra.

Ymz: Yes, sir!

Ymz: Yamazaki Sagaru, heading back right away!

Hij: One of our men seems to have been rude to you. I'm sorry.

Hij: Wait, aren't you...

Sas: How you've changed.

Sas: In just a few days, the stray dogs have been transformed

Sas: by a wolf that's mixed in with the pack.

Sas: What is his name?

Hij: Kondo Isao.

Hij: He's our general.

Sas: Kondo Isao...

Sas: He is both gentle and firm. A most mysterious man indeed.

Title: {\fad( . )}Farewell Shinsengumi Arc Part Six

Title: Undelivered Mail

Hij: Kondo Isao.

Hij: He's our general.

Phone,: I hope our child will be someone like that, and not a stiff like you.

Warning,Sign: Watch the Farewell Shinsengumi Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

Phone,: I hope our child will be someone like that, and not a stiff like you.

Phone Middle,: Delete?

Mat: Oh?

Mat: That's a pretty trendy item you've got there. How unlike you.

Sas: L-Lord M-Matsudaira?!

Mat: Oh, yeah. You're newly wed, aren't you?

Building,: Sasakawa's

Mat: The elite Sasaki is still human enough to flirt with his wife through email, huh?

Sas: Y-You've got it wrong!

Sas: She's at her parents' home for the birth, and it's easier to keep in touch—

Mat: Ah, so you're not flirting by email.

Mat: You already flirted to your heart's content someplace else, eh?

Sas: Knock it off!

Sas: I'm simply doing the bare minimum to keep in touch.

Sas: I don't even know how to type an email.

Mat: Unless you learn, you won't be able to seduce any girls in the era to come.

Sas: You're talking about cabaret girls, aren't you?!

Sas: What I want from you is your reply.

Sas: You've heard what they're saying, haven't you?

Mat: You mean the decree making them an official police force?

Sas: Yes. Ever since Kondo took charge, their work has been exemplary.

Sas: The brass want to bestow upon them a status befitting an important mission.

Mat: An important mission? Doing what, exactly?

Sas: Escorting the members of one of Tokugawa's three houses,

Sas: Lord Hitotsubashi Narinari and his son Nobunobu.

Sas: Or so they'll be told,

Sas: but they'll be att*cked by rebels on the way.

Sas: Their job is to let the assassination succeed

Sas: and then take responsibility by disemboweling themselves.

Mat: That's not a job for police.

Sas: Exactly.

Mat: In order to eliminate the political enemies of Lord Sadasada, the current ruler,

Mat: you're telling me to sacrifice those stray dogs?

Sas: I suppose taking out one of the three Tokugawa houses

Sas: will require sufficient smoke and mirrors.

Sas: And it seems the brass never saw them as anything but sacrificial pawns.

Mat: What about you?

Mat: Do you still think that's all they're worth?

Mat: Talk about ironic.

Mat: We hold titles that are appropriate for samurai,

Mat: but we're too shackled by them to do anything befitting of samurai.

Mat: Unlike those guys, who try to act more like samurai than samurai themselves.

Mat: Who can say which of us are the real samurai here?

Mat: Sasaki, when is your child expected?

Sas: In a month's time.

Mat: I see.

Mat: In this era, you may not be able to do anything befitting a samurai or a father,

Mat: but you should at least respond to her emails.

Oki: What're we gonna do about the name?

Hij: The name? What are you talking about?

Oki: We can't call ourselves the Roshigumi anymore.

Oki: We're gonna become real samurai.

Hij: You're jumping the g*n.

Kon: Either way, we came from Bushu with nothing but the clothes on our backs,

Kon: and finally made it this far.

Sas: What a coincidence.

Sas: I'm having a bit of trouble deciding on a name myself.

Phone ,: It's almost time. Did you come up with a good name? I can't wait to see you with our child.

Sas: Oh, I'm talking about my child, though.

Kon: That's great news. Congrats.

Sas: But I have no idea how I should raise a child in this chaotic era,

Sas: or what kind of father I should be.

Sas: What kind of samurai do you people wish to be?

Kon: No idea.

Kon: Even after we become samurai,

Kon: and when the time comes for us to die as samurai,

Kon: we probably won't find an answer to that question.

Kon: But that's fine.

Kon: I believe that there isn't one true way of the samurai.

Kon: Losing your way, doubting yourself, seeking who you ought to be...

Kon: That attitude is what makes you a samurai.

Kon: So keep searching.

Kon: Keep struggling.

Kon: Choose your own true path and

Kon: push forward!

Kon: Yes, our name is...

Hij: The Shinsengumi!

Mat: Sasaki, you aren't exactly a goody-two-shoes yourself,

Mat: but don't underestimate how much of a scumbag a real Commissioner-General can be!

Hij: Commissioner-General,

Hij: you shouldn't control an organization you're not fit to lead.

Hij: If you can't remember how any of your men look,

Hij: you won't be able to babysit a bunch of thornies.

Hij: We're taking our general back.

Kon: Toshi...

Hij: Sorry to have kept you waiting, Kondo-san.

Kon: I'm the one who should be sorry.

Kon: My incompetence is what caused all this.

Hij: We're the same as you.

Hij: After all the agonizing and fretting we did,

Hij: we ended up back here again.

Kon: I see.

Kon: If we're dawdling about here,

Kon: then I guess we're still a long way off from our true paths.

Hij: Yeah, no doubt.

Hij: But there's one thing we've realized.

Hij: Be it our true path or a twisted one...

Hij: So long as we get to walk by your side,

Hij: we don't care where we go.

Hij: This is the path we chose, Kondo-san.

Kon: Then let's walk together.

Kon: Even if the road we walk takes us to Hell.

Kon: I will never let you guys go again.

Kon: Live with me and die with me,

Kon: Shinsengumi!

Hij: Out of the way, Sasaki!

Sas: If you wish to see the continuation of your dream, then force your way through.

Sas: Even if it means trampling over the dreams of others.

Nob: Why?

Nob: Why do you fight?

Nob: Why do you resist?

Nob: You Shinsengumi were supposed to vanish before you even came to be.

Nob: So why?

Nob: Why do you point your blades at Isaburo?

Nob: Why does Isaburo alone have to...

Phone,: Are you still having trouble deciding on a name? I'd be fine with any name you suggest.

Sas: Hey, whippersnapper.

Sas: You shouldn't eat up there.

Nob: I don't want to be told what or where to eat when I'm outside.

Sak: Sasaki-dono.

Sas: Sakon-dono, this isn't what I was told.

Sak: You mean this isn't an appropriate place to secretly plan an assassination?

Sak: Rest assured.

Sak: Those kids are the ones most suited to k*ll here.

Sak: They were taken in by Tenshoin Naraku and raised as k*lling machines.

Sak: In particular, that Mukuro girl is the bastard child of death itself.

Sak: She's skilled enough at her young age to be called one of the Three Wings of Naraku.

Sak: Are you dissatisfied?

Sak: Surely you don't mean to say you don't want to make children k*ll?

Nob: Are you going to do it or not?

Nob: Is it messed up for ignorant children to k*ll people?

Nob: Or is it more messed up for knowledgeable adults to k*ll people?

Nob: I'm a child, and yet I k*ll.

Phone,: Are you still having trouble deciding on a name? I'd be fine with any name you suggest.

Nob: You k*ll, and yet you worry about what name to give a child soon to be born.

Nob: We've both strayed off the right path.

Obo: You guys don't know when to give up.

Obo: Sasaki Isaburo...

Obo: That viper in our bosom.

Obo: His goal isn't to solidify the new government or his own position.

Obo: All he wants...

Sak: The plan will be put into motion on April th.

Sak: Escorting the targets will be the Roshigumi-turned-Shinsengumi.

Sak: Create an opening in a post town.

Sak: Ten seconds will be enough for those kids to take the father and son's heads.

Sak: The Shinsengumi may be sacrificed.

Sak: They'll end up having to disembowel themselves anyway.

Kon: All right, let's take a break here.

Hij: What about Lord Hitotsubashi, Kondo-san?

Kon: Matsudaira said not to let him out of the palanquin 'til we reach the destination.

Hij: Sheesh. So he basically told us not to take breaks, either?

Kon: This is the Shinsengumi's first mission.

Kon: We have to make sure it succeeds and show off our strength.

Kon: What?

Kid: Sorry!

Kid: Throw the ball back, old man!

Kon: Who are you calling an old man?!

Hij: A VIP's riding in that palanquin. Stay away from it.

Hij: Go play somewhere else, kid.

Kid: Oh, but...

Kid: There are scary old men with swords hiding all over the place.

Hij: Is that true, kid?

Kon: Could it be an ambush?

Hij: Hey! Check the area at once!

Kon: Where are those scary old men, kid—

Kon: Don't tell me!

Hij: Stop right there, kid!

Kon: I believe that there isn't one true way of the samurai.

Kon: Losing your way, doubting yourself, seeking who you ought to be...

Kon: That attitude is what makes you a samurai.

Kon: So feel free to doubt and lose yourself as much as you want.

Kon: About the baby's I mean.

Kon: That's how fathers are supposed to be, don't you think?

Porno,: O-Ero

Kid: Um, Lord Hitotsubashi, I bought the book you asked for.

Mat: Oh, good work.

Kid: Sorry, I was asked to do this.

Kid: A long-faced old man told me he'd pay me to deliver the porn mag to the palanquin.

G: E-Enemy attack!

G: For real this time!

G: Joi Rebels were lying in wait to ambush us!

Kon: Don't let them near the palanquin!

Kon: Let's roll, men!

Mat: Hey, I asked for a hardcore masochism book.

Sas: If you were k*lled holding something like that, your reputation would be ruined,

Sas: Lord Hitotsubashi—I mean, Lord Matsudaira.

Mat: Shut up, Long-Faced Old Man.

Sas: I leaked information to the Joi Rebels.

Sas: If you're lucky, they'll attack before the assassins do.

Mat: They already have.

Mat: Are you sure this will prevent the assassination?

Sas: If the assassination ends in failure due to unforeseen events,

Sas: the higher-ups won't be able to blame anyone.

Sas: So basically, their fate rests in their own hands.

Sas: Goodbye, then.

Mat: Wait, Sasaki.

Mat: Why did you lend us a hand?

Sas: I don't recall ever offering you a helping hand.

Sas: I only used my fingers to send emails.

Sas: I practiced using my cell phone, you see.

Phone,: It's a healthy baby girl. Sadly, she's inherited your long face, but she's very cute.

Sas: Anyway, I need to respond to my wife now.

Sas: I may not be able to become a fine samurai or a fine father,

Sas: but I do want to give her a fine name.

Oki: Sasaki saved us?

Nob: Not just you.

Nob: Back then, I think Isaburo tried to save us kids, too.

Nob: But there was nobody to save him.

Nob: Nobody could.

Sas: I finally thought of a nice name.

Sas: I'm sure you'll like this one, too.

Sas: When are you getting here?

Fail,: Sending failed.

Sas: Email me once you're nearby.

Sas: Actually, email me even if you're far away.

Fail,: Sending failed.

Fail,: Sending failed.

Sas: I will come pick you up wherever you are.

Sas: I will come pick up

Sas: both you and Nobume.

Obo: The crow didn't k*ll its target.

Obo: And Sasaki didn't k*ll his.

Obo: Because he saw at the time the enemy he really ought to cut down.

Obo: He's trying to dye this era in the colors of rebellion.

Obo: By making you guys start a revolt,

Obo: he's trying to end the samurai era, along with himself.

Obo: He is but a rebel, just like you people.

Hij: What's going on?

Sas: Playing the villain is no walk in the park, I must say.

Sas: I have enemies all over the place.

Sas: It doesn't seem like anyone's willing to be my mail buddy, either.

Sas: Very well.

Sas: As the evil overlord, I shall take you all on at once.

Sas: But Hijikata-san...

Sas: I can't take on a demon like you while distracted.

Sas: Could you please wait a while?

Nob: Isaburo fired a burning arrow of rebellion at society.

Nob: But Naraku's trying to extinguish every last spark of it.

Nob: That's why Isaburo

Nob: plans on using the flames being lit here.

Nob: He wants to destroy everything and significantly weaken the country.

Oki: Are you gonna sit back and watch your general commit su1c1de with the country?

Nob: That is my duty.

Sas: Why didn't you cut me down, whippersnapper?

Sas: Back then, you said we were already murderers who'd strayed off the right path.

Sas: Well, you were right.

Sas: Right now, I feel no hesitation to k*ll a child like you.

Sas: So why...

Sas: Why are you shedding those?

Nob: I don't know.

Nob: I don't know where these are coming from.

Nob: I don't know why I can't cut you down.

Nob: I don't know why I must k*ll all of you.

Nob: A certain someone once told me something...

Nob: He said people are born weak,

Nob: but we have the freedom to defy our weaknesses and struggle to change ourselves.

Nob: Maybe that's why.

Nob: You were struggling with all your might.

Nob: I must struggle, too.

Nob: I don't deserve to k*ll you.

Nob: The only thing I deserve is to be k*lled by you.

Sas: If you wish to be cut down, then I won't.

Sas: What I really need to cut down

Sas: is this era where the country commits such acts of brutality.

Sas: And myself, for being unable to protect anything from this era.

Sas: Keep swinging your sword for my sake.

Sas: And when the time comes, use it to k*ll me.

Sas: That is my vengeance.

Nob: Yes, that is my duty.

Nob: Even though I took everything from Isaburo, I couldn't cut him down.

Nob: I made him live on.

Nob: But this time, for sure, I must k*ll him.

Nob: I have to put an end to that man.

Kag: Stop right there!

Kag: That's enough.

Kag: You two have done enough.

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Title: Farewell Shinsengumi Arc Part Seven

G: Just who...

Obo: It wouldn't be any fun otherwise.

Gin: Who the hell is that?!

Title: Karma

G: You know.

In the past, Sasaki chose to uphold his pride as samurai,

deceived the Tendoshu, and lost everything.

As Gintoki and the rest keep struggling against their fates,

a reaper, a crow, suddenly swoops down before them.