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07x40 - Sworn Enemy

Posted: 09/23/22 13:31
by bunniefuu
Gin: Hey, you.

Gin: Takasugi, was it?

Gin: Don't get cocky just because you won.

Gin: In the time it took you to beat me once by sheer miracle,

Gin: how many times did I beat you?

Gin: If you truly wanna beat me...

Gin: If you wanna make up for all your losses,

Gin: come back tomorrow.

Gin: I'll be the one to win then, too, though.

Tak: Too bad, Gintoki.

Tak: The score is now - .

Tak: I win.

Title: Shogun Assassination Arc Part Six

Title: Sworn Enemy

Warning Bar,Sign: Watch the Shogun Assassination Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

Kat: Now here's a pleasant sight.

Kat: There's a moron flying in the sky.

Tak: Yeah, it's a pleasant sight.

Tak: I can look down on a moron.

Kat: What are you going to do from now on?

Tak: There's nothing I can do.

Tak: I was told I'd be disowned if I ever set foot in that place again.

Kat: I see. So your father caught wind of that rumor, too.

Kat: There's a rumor saying that the Shoka Sonjuku school gathers local kids

Kat: and feeds them shady anti-bakufu and seditious propaganda.

Sho: You can each flaunt your own brand of bushido

Sho: and become your own samurai.

Tak: Sounds about right.

Tak: If all samurai were like the ones he talks about, this country would fall to ruin.

Kat: Perhaps.

Kat: But they were a pleasant bunch.

Kat: I always thought samurai were prisoners, shackled by all kinds of things.

Kat: But if it is possible,

Kat: I'd love to be a free-spirited samurai like that.

G: The rumors were right.

G: We were wondering why we hadn't seen you at the academy lately.

G: Who'd have thought you'd get attached to this shady temple school?

G: I guess you'll finally be expelled from the Military Arts Academy, Takasugi.

G: But too bad, this school might get shut down as soon as tonight.

G: I told my father about some of the nasty rumors about this place.

G: The officials will make their move soon.

G: That man will either be run out of here or arrested, if he's lucky.

G: Serves that random vagabond right for pretending to be a teacher.

G: This is what happens when you step out of line and insult us samurai.

G: Takasugi, you'll never be a samurai now.

Kat: Takasugi.

Kat: Should you be staying out this late?

Kat: You could actually get disowned this time.

Tak: No need to worry.

Tak: I'm going to get disowned tomorrow anyway.

Tak: And you, Katsura?

Tak: You could lose your scholarship if you're caught hanging around here this late.

Kat: You needn't worry.

Kat: I was getting sick of that worthless, spoiled education anyway.

Kat: I told them to run before nightfall.

Shoka,Sign: Shoka Sonjuku

Kat: After all, debts ought to be repaid.

Kat: The prestigious Military Arts Academy's biggest prodigy and bad boy are teaming up.

Kat: We should be able to stall the officials.

Gin: Two students from a prestigious school? Don't make me laugh.

Gin: Don't you mean the den of evil that's training rebels to topple the government,

Gin: the Shoka Sonjuku school's three bad boys?

Kat: Why are you here?

Kat: I thought I told you to run.

Gin: That was for Shoyo.

Gin: Why would I have to run?

Gin: Besides, you guys learned how to play hooky and enjoy the nightlife.

Gin: You're part of our school already.

Gin: Of course I'd come to say goodbye.

Gin: But you've done enough.

Gin: I'll handle the rest, so get out of here.

Gin: Shoyo and I are nomads to begin with.

Gin: We can find a home anywhere.

Gin: But you guys are different.

Gin: If you get involved any further, you won't be able to go back.

Gin: Do you wanna be stripped of your samurai status?

Tak: If I had anywhere to go, I wouldn't be here in the first place.

Kat: I've been all alone since my grandma died.

Kat: More than anything,

Kat: I no longer have any ambitions I'd need some kind of status to fulfill.

Tak: Even if I had ambitions like that, I wouldn't want them just handed to me.

Tak: I'd find them with my own eyes...

Kat: ...and grab them with my own hands.

Gin: That so?

Gin: I won't say anything more, then.

O: Hey, you kids over there.

O: What are you doing at this late hour?

Gin: I'm Sakata Gintoki, disciple of Yoshida Shoyo and student of Shoka Sonjuku.

Kat: Katsura Kotaro, likewise.

Tak: Takasugi Shinsuke, likewise.

All: En garde!

O: What's with these brats?

Sho: Don't draw them.

Sho: Keep your swords sheathed, all of you.

Sho: Please don't make me draw mine.

O: Yoshida Shoyo!

O: You bastard!

Sho: You can say what you want about me.

Sho: If you find me an eyesore, I'll gladly leave.

Sho: But...

Sho: If you point those blades at my students,

Sho: I won't hesitate to truly topple the government.

Gin: Shoyo...

Sho: Goodness.

Sho: I thought I'd sent all students home.

Sho: There were a few bad boys left here, huh?

Sho: But I'm sorry, Dojo Challenger.

Sho: There is no dojo or school left for you to challenge.

Tak: Don't worry.

Tak: My target isn't some dojo.

Tak: It's you, Shoyo-sensei.

Kat: And if you ask us,

Kat: so long as you're there, even a meadow or a farm can be our school.

Tak: Besides, neither your brand of bushido nor ours

Tak: is frail enough to be broken by something like this, right?

Sho: Gintoki.

Sho: You seem to have brought along a couple of students more impertinent than you.

Gin: I know, right?

Sho: Very well.

Sho: Let me get right to teaching you a roadside lesson, then.

Sho: You half-growns are a hundred years too early to be out playing at night.

Sho: Welcome to Shoka Sonjuku.

Tak: Sensei...

Tak: Have you come to punch me again?

Tak: Are you here to stop me from half-assing things?

Gin: He's gone.

Gin: Sensei is no longer in this world.

Gin: We're the only ones who can stop us now.

Gin: If we don't like something,

Gin: and we can't accept it,

Gin: we'll have to stop it with our own fists!

Gin: Takasugi...

Gin: How long will you keep using that crushed left eye of yours

Gin: to look at the back of your eyelid?

Gin: Open the one eye you've got left and take a good look.

Gin: The guy you've got to swing your fist at

Gin: is right here!

Tak: I can see that with my eyes closed!

Tak: Gintoki!

Tak: I, and this closed eye of mine,

Tak: still see the desires from back then,

Tak: along with the bonds,

Tak: the aspirations,

Tak: and...

Tak: the hatred.

Tak: I haven't forgotten any of it.

Tak: I've never once lost sight of it.

Tak: The guy I have to swing my fist at

Tak: is still burned into the back of my eyelid.

Tak: Now, stand up,

Tak: Gintoki.

Tak: Our sworn enemy is right here.

Tak: Don't avert your eyes.

Tak: Clench your fist.

Tak: Avenge Sensei.

Tak: We can't point a blade at ourselves.

Tak: But we've got someone far more intimate to cut and curse.

Tak: I have you,

Tak: and you have me!

Ten: How pitiful

Ten: for youngsters with hearts so concerned for their country to meet such a terrible fate.

Ten: Is this what you wanted to do,

Ten: Shoyo?

Ten: Your students died in vain, just as you taught them to.

Ten: You're trying to say you never taught them anything of the sort, huh?

Ten: Shall we put it to the test, then?

Ten: Will your students choose to die in vain with you,

Ten: or will they

Ten: choose to live on, even if they have to k*ll their teacher with their own hands?

Ten: It's the perfect execution for an educator like you, don't you think?

Ten: Pick whichever you like, your teacher or your friends.

Sho: Gintoki, I leave the rest to you.

Sho: Protect your friends... Protect everyone.

Tak: Gintoki, if I die...

Tak: Take care of Sensei.

Tak: This is a favor I can only ask of a fellow good-for-nothing.

Gin: Then I've got a favor to ask of a good-for-nothing, too.

Gin: Don't die.

Tak: Gintoki!

Tak: N-No, Gintoki!

Tak: Please!

Tak: Please stop!

Tak: N-No, Gintoki!

Tak: Please!

Sho: Thank you.

Tak: Gintoki!

Obo: Don't waste your lives after your teacher saved them.

Ten: Are you really going to send them back alive?

Ten: Did you take pity on that man, Oboro?

Obo: These men have lost everything they wanted to protect.

Obo: For samurai, that is no different from dying.

Obo: What's more, they destroyed it with their own hands, due to their own weakness.

Obo: They're not even worth k*lling.

Obo: They'll probably never hold a sword again.

Tak: The last thing I saw with my left eye

Tak: was your face.

Tak: If the enemy burned into this eye had been the bakufu,

Tak: everything would be so much easier.

Tak: Our sworn enemy is ourselves.

Tak: Even though we fought to save him,

Tak: we were so weak, we had to use his life as a stepping stone to survive...

Tak: And we made you bear that cross.

Tak: Every time I remember your face etched into this eye,

Tak: the scar throbs and bays for blood.

Tak: "Why won't you avenge Sensei?"

Tak: "You can put an end to everything by piercing that chest with a sword!"

Tak: And that's exactly right.

Tak: We weren't meant to survive.

Tak: Why did you come to save us?

Tak: Why didn't you abandon us and save Sensei?

Tak: I'm sure you could've done it.

Tak: You promised me back then.

Tak: And you must've wanted to save him more than anyone.

Tak: So why...

Tak: Why?

Tak: Why did you choose us, Gintoki?!

Gin: If you'd been in my shoes back then, you would've done the same.

Gin: That's why you point your sword at me.

Gin: That's why you slash not yourself, but your alter ego.

Gin: That's why you seek a revenge that'd hurt you far more than cutting yourself.

Gin: Well, too bad for you.

Gin: I...

Gin: I, your alter ego, won't go down.

Gin: Until you fall, and until you stop, I'll stand up as many times as it takes.

Gin: Takasugi, I don't recall ever choosing you.

Gin: It's just that while I knew well what you held dear,

Gin: I knew what he held dear all too well.

Gin: Even if I have to walk over my teacher's corpse,

Gin: and even if I have to walk over your corpse,

Gin: I'll protect the soul of his student, our friend, and Shoka Sonjuku's Takasugi Shinsuke!

Gin: I'm Sakata Gintoki, disciple of Yoshida Shoyo!

Tak: I'm amazed you can still say that now...

Tak: I see. I had no idea.

Tak: I haven't been expelled yet, have I?

Obo: I thought I told you

Obo: not to waste your lives after your teacher saved them.

Obo: The Yatagarasu's prophecies offer no second chances,

Obo: Shoyo's disciples.

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Shogun Assassination Arc Part Seven

Title: The Crows Caw After The Battle Ends

A sudden assassin's blade takes out Takasugi.

Why is Oboro of the Tenshoin Naraku here?

The Shogun Assassination Arc reaches its endgame.

Things go awry on Kagura and Shinpachi's end, too!