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07x39 - Those Who Protect Against All Odds

Posted: 09/23/22 13:30
by bunniefuu
Z: I have the perfect ninja technique for your massive asses.

Z: It's my trump card,

Z: and I've already used it!

Tak: Took you long enough.

Tak: I got sick of waiting for you,

Tak: Gintoki.

Tak: Be it destroying this country or protecting it,

Tak: we're the only ones who can do it, right?

Title : Shogun Assassination Arc Part Five

Title : Those Who Protect Against All Odds

Warning,Sign: Watch the Shogun Assassination Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!

Hen: It's the White Yaksha.

Hen: Get hi—

Z: Don't move, you bastards.

Z: Stay right there and fortify your defenses or something!

Sho: That's not right.

Sho: That's not how you throw these knives.

Sho: Grip it correctly, Zenzo.

Sho: I haven't forgotten.

Sho: If you become the Oniwaban someday...

Sho: If I become the shogun someday,

Sho: I hope we can fight together

Sho: for this country.

Sho: We finally meet,

Sho: my Oniwaban.

Kam: Sheesh.

Kam: The final trump card to defend this country

Kam: turned out to be quite the letdown.

Tak: You're still playing your silly game of house with these kids, Gintoki?

Tak: Looks like there's a large gap between us now.

Tak: We once fought together and lost everything.

Tak: Now, one of us has sworn revenge on this country,

Tak: gained enough power to topple an entire nation,

Tak: and almost forced a checkmate.

Tak: But the other one has tried to fit in,

Tak: and with just two kids by his side,

Tak: is still struggling to protect the country.

Tak: Gintoki,

Tak: you can no longer defend anything from me.

Gin: Is that what you've found since then?

Gin: Takasugi, I don't care how much power you've gained,

Gin: or how large an army you've got in tow.

Gin: It doesn't scare me one bit.

Gin: While you were casting aside a hundred people,

Gin: I formed bonds with a thousand.

Gin: When you were destroying a thousand people,

Gin: I had ten thousand helping me out.

Gin: So what if you've got thousands of troops?

Gin: The three of us have protected thousands more against all odds!

Gin: We are Odd Jobs!

Tak: Gintoki,

Tak: your game of house ends here.

Tak: This country has nothing worthwhile for you to protect.

Tak: There's nothing left for us to protect.

Tak: All you're carrying on your shoulders are toys for playing house.

Tak: And soon, they'll be destroyed along with this country.

Tak: Gintoki, you will lose everything again.

Gin: I haven't lost anything.

Gin: It's just...

Gin: There's one less back for me to protect now!

Gin: Kagura!

Gin: Shinpachi!

Gin: Let's do this!

Kam: Well, well.

Kam: You see your sibling after so long, and you greet him with a fist?

Kam: You're acting a little more like a Yato now.

Kam: You make your brother very happy.

Kam: Just one problem...

Kam: You're acting too arrogant towards me!

Kam: Sorry, but I'm a working man now.

Kam: I'm busy.

Kam: I can't let Shinsuke hog all the spotl—

Kag: Where do you think you're going?

Kag: Your opponent isn't the country.

Kag: It's me!

Kag: A moronic brother like you is more suited to a sibling spat than a w*r of conquest!

Kam: Give it a rest.

Kam: Let me go.

Kam: I told you, didn't I?

Kag: Where are you going?

Kag: Where are you going, leaving Mommy behind?

Kam: Get lost.

Kam: I want nothing to do with weaklings.

Kag: I was waiting for you to use your right hand.

Kag: You've been favoring it all this time.

Kag: Do you think I can't see through your mannerisms?

Kag: Every time you got hurt, you'd always hide it.

Kag: You didn't want to worry Mommy.

Kag: But Mommy is gone now,

Kag: so what are you so afraid of?

Kag: I'm no longer the crybaby little sister you knew.

Kag: I'm no longer the weak little sister who could do nothing but watch you leave.

Kag: This country, this planet, and everyone here showed me...

Kag: How strong people can be.

Kag: How weak people can be.

Kag: How fragile their lives can be,

Kag: and how precious they are!

Kag: This planet of samurai taught me all of that!

Kag: I'm the Kagura who was born on this planet.

Kag: I won't let anyone do as they please with my birthplace.

Kag: Kamui!

Kag: I will no longer lose to you or myself!

Kag: This time, for sure,

Kag: I will stop you!

Tak: This could be the end, so I'll ask you something that's been on my mind, Gintoki.

Tak: Why did you fight in this w*r?

Tak: To defend the country from these guys?

Tak: Or to leave your name in the history books as a warrior?

Gin: Dunno.

Gin: But one thing's for sure: only men of honor die for such causes.

Gin: Not me

Gin: or you.

Gin: Yeah, we're not respectable men like Zura and Tatsuma.

Gin: We're good-for-nothing warriors who don't get bushido.

Gin: But there are some things only good-for-nothings can understand.

Gin: Gintoki, if I die...

Gin: Take care of Sensei.

Gin: This is a favor I can only ask of a fellow good-for-nothing.

Gin: Then I've got a favor to ask of a good-for-nothing, too.

Gin: Don't die.

Kat: I knew I'd find you here.

Kat: I hear you went on another rampage at school.

Kat: Even the famed Military Arts Academy, where the future leaders of the country assemble,

Kat: is not enough for you, is it,

Kat: Takasugi?

Tak: Don't make me laugh, Katsura.

Tak: They're all rich brats who only know how to use their parents' money or connections.

Tak: I was told to take training seriously, so I did. That's all.

Tak: Those morons don't even know how to fight.

Tak: I can't wait to see what kind of future they'll lead this country to.

Kat: Takasugi...

Kat: Do you realize that you're still among the fortunate?

Kat: There are some people who can't even read because they're too poor.

Kat: And some who can't become samurai, even if they want to.

Tak: No wonder they let you join the school as a special case due to your prodigious mind.

Tak: You've got a broad perspective.

Tak: I'm sure you can become an admirable samurai there.

Tak: An admirable samurai who'll serve his family and country, and die for them.

Tak: Unfortunately, I don't have such worthless ambitions.

Kat: Then...

Kat: Just what kind of samurai do you want to be?

Kat: Just where are you headed?

Tak: Beats me.

Tak: My life would be much easier if I knew.

G: Takasugi, I hear you took good care of my little brother.

G: For the son of a plebe samurai, you've sure got some nerve.

G: Know your place!

Tak: I hope this will serve as decent training.

Kat: Wait.

Kat: Trying to get revenge for training with a fight, are we?

Kat: And you call yourself aspiring samurai?

Kat: What's more, you're fighting with numbers...

G: Katsura, huh?

G: Perfect.

G: I don't care if you're a scholarship student.

G: But I was getting sick of sharing a classroom with a kid who reeks of poverty.

Tak: Hear that, Katsura?

Tak: There are no samurai here.

G: Beat them both up!

Gin: Blah, blah, blah, blah. How annoying.

Gin: Are you bastards in heat?

Gin: If you wanna train, do it at your temple school.

Gin: Haven't you spoiled brats learned how to play hooky?

G: Who are you?

Gin: Take a nap.

Gin: Samurai shouldn't half-ass things.

Gin: I'll join you guys.

Gin: Let's all go to sleep together.

G: Like hell we will!

G: You'll pay for that!

Yos: Well said, Gintoki.

Yos: That's right.

Yos: Halfheartedness is unbecoming of samurai.

Yos: And ganging up to bully a few is out of the question.

Yos: That said, Gintoki...

Yos: You half-growns are a hundred years too early to know how to play hooky.

Yos: In a fight, both parties are to blame.

Yos: You two should head back to your school at once, too,

Yos: my little samurai.

Tak: Wh-Who's that?

Kat: I see.

Kat: I've heard rumors about him.

Kat: A samurai with a white-haired kid in tow opened a private school recently,

Kat: and is teaching poor kids for free.

Kat: So that's the founder of the Shoka Sonjuku school,

Kat: Yoshida Shoyo.

Shoka,Sign: Shoka Sonjuku

Yos: Goodness me.

Yos: I've never heard of a dojo challenger attacking a temple school.

Yos: Thank goodness this is the extent of your injuries.

Tak: I actually wanted to fight you.

Tak: I never thought I'd lose to him...

Yos: You are plenty strong.

Yos: After all, you pushed Gintoki that far,

Yos: my little dojo challenger.

Tak: But I lost.

Yos: You did.

Yos: And that's why you'll grow stronger.

Yos: Victors only gain self-satisfaction and conceit,

Yos: but you have gained something far more meaningful.

Yos: There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Yos: Besides, that boy is a unique case.

Yos: In order to live and survive,

Yos: he was forced to grow strong.

Tak: Did you take him in, too?

Yos: Who knows?

Yos: Did I take him in?

Yos: Or did he take me in?

Yos: I can't tell anymore.

G: One...

G: Two...

Tak: What's the point in gathering kids of unknown births and backgrounds,

Tak: and teaching them academics or the sword?

Tak: Do you really think they can become samurai?

Yos: Will they, I wonder?

Yos: I can't wait to find out myself.

Tak: I'm the one asking the questions here.

Yos: I'd like to ask you something, too.

Yos: What is a samurai?

Yos: Would you tell me?

Tak: Aren't you a samurai?!

Yos: Well...

Yos: At the very least, I'm not the kind of samurai you know.

Yos: Do you think there are qualifications to become a samurai?

Yos: Do you believe that without a family to protect, or a lord to serve,

Yos: one cannot become a samurai?

Yos: I don't think so.

Yos: Bushido is the will to discipline one's weak self

Yos: in order to reach one's stronger self.

Yos: It refers to the act of devoting oneself to one's ideals.

Yos: So both they, who study diligently and try to become better human beings,

Yos: and you, who came here as a dojo challenger to grow stronger,

Yos: are already samurai in my eyes.

Yos: Even if your births and backgrounds are unknown,

Yos: and you don't have a master to serve or a sword to fight,

Yos: you can each flaunt your own brand of bushido

Yos: and become your own samurai.

Yos: Guiding as many of those samurai as possible

Yos: might just be my brand of bushido.

Yos: You ended up here after losing your way, too, didn't you?

Yos: I am the same.

Yos: I'm still lost.

Yos: But that's all right.

Yos: Doubt yourself, lose your way,

Yos: and become the kind of samurai you want to be.

Gin: What's your problem?

Gin: Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday?

Tak: Fight me once more.

Gin: Give it a rest already.

Gin: How many times are you gonna show up as a dojo challenger?

Tak: As many times as it takes to win.

G: What's with Takasugi lately?

G: His look is finally starting to match his status.

TakD: Shinsuke!

TakD: What the hell are you doing, and where?

TakD: The next time you cause a problem, you'll be disowned.

TakD: Sit there and cool your head. Think about what it means to be a samurai!

TakD: Jinbei! Don't feed him!

Kat: Stupid grandma.

Kat: I told her I only eat rice balls with plum filling,

Kat: so why did she use tuna mayo?

Kat: Oh, well. I guess I'll leave it at the shrine as an offering.

Tak: Katsura...

Tak: Didn't your grandma die a long time ago?

Kat: Takasugi, did you find something?

Tak: Not a thing.

Tak: But I realized that I'm weak.

Tak: I realized that there are lots of stronger guys out there.

Tak: Then, at the very least,

Tak: I want to become a stronger samurai than them.

G: Point!

G: Whoa!

G: You actually beat Gintoki! Amazing!

G: You did it! Good job hanging in there!

Tak: D-Don't act all friendly with me!

Tak: We're not schoolmates!

Yos: Oh, you're not?

Yos: And here I thought you'd already joined our school.

Yos: I mean, you were so enthusiastic every day about training...

Yos: No, about challenging the dojo.

Gin: Hey!

Gin: What's with the cozy atmosphere?!

Gin: He's a dojo challenger!

Gin: He took out our dojo!

Gin: He popped my loser cherry!

Kat: We're not on opposing sides anymore.

Kat: Let's all make rice balls together.

Gin: Never mind which side you're on, who are you?!

Gin: Why do I have to eat rice balls made by a complete stranger?!

Kat: Who said you could eat?

Kat: Just make them.

Gin: What kind of ritual is that?!

Yos: Oh, I'm sorry.

Yos: I ate one already.

Bo: That was quick!

Tak: You're strong.

Tak: You really are strong,

Tak: Gintoki...

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Preview Red,Sign: Preview

Yos: Welcome to Shoka Sonjuku.

Tak: I have you...

Tak: And you have me!

Gin: I'm Sakata Gintoki, disciple of Yoshida Shoyo!

Title : Shogun Assassination Arc Part Six

Title : Sworn Enemy

text r: The feelings that bind teacher and student together...

text l: The promise made in bygone days...