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07x30 - Afuro and Wolfro

Posted: 09/23/22 13:20
by bunniefuu
Warning ,Sign: Saito Shimaru's request for all viewerz: Please watch this program in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TVz.

Police,Sign: Special Police Shinsengumi

G: It's the Third Squad! The Afro Squad is back!

G: In the Kabuki District,

G: they rounded up thirty-six men suspected of being radical Joi Rebels!

G: Captain Afuro's done it again!

Kon: The Shinsengumi's ace makes his triumphant return, huh?

Kon: Jeez...

Kon: Spare a thought for us, will you?

Kon: We'll lose all face if a newcomer does this well.

Kat: Chief.

Hij: This is the least that's expected of you.

Hij: Don't let it get to your head, Hashira.

Kat: Vice Chief...

Oki: Always the critic, Hijikata-san.

Oki: Hashira-san's exploits are a great wakeup call, you know?

Kat: Okita-dono.

Oki: All of our men want to be him.

Oki: Some of mine even want to transfer to the Third Squad.

Kat: No.

Kat: This is all thanks to the chief's leadership,

Kat: for giving a newcomer like me such a great opportunity.

Kat: It is because I have reliable comrades like yourself

Kat: that I can put myself in harm's way.

Kon: Hashira-san!

Kat: Let us keep working together, hand in hand.

Kat: We may have been born on different days,

Kat: but we will put our lives on the line and die on the same day.

Kat: We are comrades-in-arms, bound by loyalty and honor!

G: Yeah!

Kon: What a guy...

G: Hashira! Hashira!

Oki: Looks like we'd better be careful, too, Hijikata-san.

Kat: Edo is peaceful again today.

Gin: Are you kidding me?!

Title: Afuro and Wolfro

Gin: What are you doing?! I thought you'd have given up on your infiltration long ago!

Kat: No, my wig!

Kag: Here's your "zura."

Kat: I'm not Zura. I'm Katsura!

Shin: You're behind enemy lines! Why are you fitting in and performing splendidly?!

Shin: Why does everyone in the Shinsengumi have an afro now?!

Kat: In order to unify the organization,

Kat: we unified our hairstyles, as well.

Shin: Why are you sorting out your enemy's organization?

Shin: You're no longer a Joi Rebel, are you?!

Kat: A great leader is a great leader, no matter which side he's on.

Kat: Sometimes, I get the sneaking feeling that this might've suited me better.

Gin: I'm not surprised, given you're selling out your comrades!

Kat: I only att*cked heinous criminals who pretend to be Joi Rebels.

Kat: As if I would ever lose sight of my cause!

Kat: In order to destroy the Shinsengumi,

Kat: my plan initially was to take control of the Third Squad,

Kat: but Saito Shimaru proved to be a tough nut to crack.

Kat: He left no openings whatsoever.

Kat: And so, I changed plans.

Kat: I switched the Third Squad to a dual-leader system

Kat: to gain trust, as well as influence, by showing off my leadership skills.

Kat: And using that power, I'll get rid of that man,

Afuro,Sign: Third Squad

Kat: and officially become the captain.

Shin: You've got your means and ends all mixed up.

Shin: What happened to destroying the Shinsengumi?

Kat: Rather than such trifling matters, dealing with that man comes first.

Shin: Now he's calling it trifling!

Kat: I've already prepared everything over the past month.

Kat: I took advantage of his unwavering reticence

Kat: to spread baseless rumors about his negligence and abuse of authority to indict him.

Kat: Tomorrow, Wolfro will be punished in adherence with the Shinsengumi Code.

Shin: How could this be?

Shin: In just one month, Saito-san's been driven into a corner.

Gin: Hey, Wolfro.

Gin: If you stay silent, you'll get ex*cuted.

Gin: The guy you were trying to be friends with was just that kind of man.

Gin: He used your inability to speak to frame you.

Gin: Get it now?

Gin: He cared about Zura that much?

Gin: I understand how you feel,

Gin: but this is no time to be talking about making friends.

Gin: The time has come to break your years of silence.

Gin: Only you can prove your innocence.

Gin: Speak up, Wolfro!

Gin: You can do it, right?

Sai: Zzz...

Gin: Can't wait for the execution tomorrow.

Shin: Gin-san?!

Kon: I never dreamed this day would come.

Kon: To think Shimaru would break the code...

Oki: Shimaru-niisan is easy to misunderstand because he doesn't speak.

Oki: Are you sure you're not overthinking this, Hashira-san?

Kat: I do wish I could trust him.

Kat: But I cannot distort the truth.

Kat: And while he's a long-serving comrade, does anyone truly know him?

Kat: Has anyone ever spoken to him?

Hij: We may have never conversed, but I believe I know his nature well.

Hij: This is a good opportunity. Let him speak up clearly for himself.

Oki: Were you listening to me, Hijikata-san?

Oki: Shimaru-niisan can't—

Sai: Um...

Sai: Not that I really care, but are you done yet?

Sai: You've been mumbling to one another this entire time.

Sai: Why don't we discuss this loud and clear?

G: He talked!

G: Captain Saito talked!

Kon: Wh-What's the meaning of this, Shimaru?

Sai: What do you mean?

Sai: Did you really think I'd keep silent with my life on the line?

Sai: Are you serious?

Sai: I'm on trial here. The mysterious, silent personality can go to hell.

Sai: I'm not that fixated on my character.

Sai: Seriously, Chief. Are you serious?

Kon: Hey!

Kon: The dam broke! Words are flooding out of his mouth!

Sai: Wait, am I not allowed to speak?

Sai: Can I leave, then?

Sai: My perm's giving out, so I'd like to go get it touched up.

Kon: That's how he talks?

Kon: I'm kinda shocked.

Kat: Impossible!

Kat: He opened his mouth now, of all times?

Kat: Did he pathetically cast his character aside in a bid to cling to his life?

Gin: Listen up.

Gin: I'll talk in your stead through a mic and speaker.

Gin: If you don't want to die,

Gin: match what I'm saying and wave your hands around as if you're the one talking.

Shin: Gin-san...

Shin: Will this really get him through the trial?

Gin: I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he died here.

Gin: Fortunately, his mouth is hidden,

Gin: and there's hardly anyone who's ever heard his voice.

Sai: If Conan can get away with it, so can we.

Shin: Gin-san, you're talking into the mic.

Kat: Saito-dono, what was that you just said?!

Kat: As I thought, you are hiding something bad!

Sai: N-Non, non!

Sai: I was talking about the culprits in Conan, 'kay?

Sai: They're pretty obvious each episode, 'kay?

Sai: There's a characteristic Conan villain face, 'kay?

Kon: What's with the "kay"?!

Kon: Why'd your speech suddenly get so stilted?!

Kat: Hey, Saito!

Kat: You are hiding something, aren't you?

Sai: Oh, wrong!

Sai: I keeping it secret, but I actually foreigner.

Sai: Sushi, geisha, sumo,

Sai: Japanimation awesome!

Sai: Conan awesome!

Kon: R-Really?!

Kon: Is that why you never talked? You didn't understand the language?

Hij: Uh, wasn't he speaking perfect Japanese earlier?

Shin: We managed to cover it up!

Shin: But now we'll have to play a foreigner character.

Shin: What have you done, Kagura-chan?

Hij: So which country are you from, exactly?

Gin: H-Hey! Which nationality do we go with?

Gin: If it's too clichéd, they'll find out.

Gin: But something obscure could cause problems down the line!

Shin: What nationality is that?!

Shin: His upper and lower halves are in completely different states!

Shin: Nobody asked you to do that, Saito-san!

Sai: O-One more, please.

Sai: I don't understand.

Hij: His hearing suddenly got worse.

Hij: I'm asking you what your motherland is.

Sai: I don't understand.

Hij: Your birthplace, damn it!

Sai: I don't understand.

Hij: If you don't answer this time, you'll be ex*cuted.

Hij: Where are you from?!

Sai: I Don't Understand Republic.

Hij: That was the country name?!

Hij: I've never heard of the Republic of I Don't Understand!

Sai: Well, even if we say our country people don't understand,

Sai: so it's only natural that you don't know.

Hij: What does that mean?

Hij: Is it a name that I wouldn't understand, or is the name "I Don't Understand"?

Sai: Give it a rest already.

Sai: I don't understand you, rotten vice chief.

Hij: You meant that one, didn't you?!

Sai: Apologies.

Sai: In my country, "rotten vice chief" is just how we end sentences.

Sai: I wasn't implying anything, rotten vice chief.

Hij: I'm sensing nothing but implications!

Kon: Then we should follow suit, rotten vice chief.

Hij: You guys don't have to join in!

Oki: I guess we have no choice,

Oki: rotten vice chief.

Hij: You totally directed that at the "rotten vice chief," didn't you?!

Kat: Don't play dumb, Saito-dono.

Kat: You're no foreigner, rotten vice chief!

Hij: You don't have to add "rotten vice chief" if he's not a foreigner!

Kat: This man abused his investigative authority

Kat: to purge and get rid of anyone who could harm him,

Kat: rotten vice chief!

Hij: I get it. You all want to be ex*cuted, right?

Kat: And I'm no exception.

Kat: Didn't you see him try to k*ll me, back when I joined?

Kon: He did pick a fight all of a sudden.

Kon: Is it true, Shimaru?

Sai: That's right.

Sai: My job is to purge traitors,

Sai: so I can't let a rat that sneaked in run free.

Sai: Isn't that right, Katsura-san?

Kon: K-Katsura?!

Kon: We're all wearing "katsura." Who do you mean?

Shin: Not those!

Sai: That man is Katsura Kotaro, and he's infiltrated the Shinsengumi to destroy it!

Oki: K-Katsura?!

Oki: Shimaru-niisan.

Schedule,Sign: Hashira Katsura

Oki: This is Katsura,

Oki: and this is Hashira.

Oki: Understand?

Oki: Let's write them down ten times each.

Sai: Oh, f**k you!

Shin: Hey!

Shin: Due to the foreigner shtick, they wrote it off as a simple misreading!

Shin: You don't have to write it down, Saito-san!

Sai: Quit making light of me.

Afuro,Sign: Ogura Katsura

Sai: I can differentiate between the two myself.

Oki: Shimaru-niisan, those are both katsuras.

Shin: What the hell are you writing down?!

Kon: Wait, wait. Calm down, you two.

Kon: Your arguments are too abstract for me to make a judgment.

Hij: Don't you have any evidence that proves your innocence?

Sai: I have proof that I was actually conducting investigations.

Exam ,Sign: Investigation Diary

Sai: This Investigation Diary.

Sai: It contains records of my daily work.

Gin: For instance, on this day...

Sai: MM/DD.

Sai: I heard noises coming from the mess late at night, so I went to see with my own eyez.

Hij: What's with the Z?

Hij: In the end, which is your actual speech pattern?

Hij: Your character's all over the place!

Sai: Lately, food has been going missing from the fridge again and again.

Sai: I must purge the culprit behind thiz.

Sai: I saw nothing, yez.

Kon: What happened?!

Kon: You totally saw something! What did you see?

Kon: Who was breaking the rules?!

Hij: Th-That's enough.

Hij: It's clear that you were doing your job well.

Kon: He wasn't!

Kon: He let the culprit go!

Sai: And on this day...

Hij: I'm telling you, that's enough.

Sai: MM/DD.

Sai: I hear noises from the mezz.

Sai: Lately, the vice chief has suffered from diarrhea multiple timez.

Kon: Hey, why was Toshi suffering from diarrhea?

Sai: The mayonnaise yesterday might've been spoiled, is my guezz.

Kon: What do you mean, the mayonnaise yesterday?

Kon: Toshi, don't tell me you...

Sai: Should've replaced it with fresh mayonnaize.

Sai: I saw nothing, yez.

Kon: Seriously, what happened?!

Oki: Shimaru-niisan,

Oki: you're innocent.

Hij: You're not innocent, are you?!

Sai: And on this day...

Sai: MM/DD.

Sai: I hear noises from the mezz.

Kon: Er...

Kon: I just have to make a slit here, right?

Kon: It's not working.

Sai: The chief was standing there naked, cooking thingz.

Sai: The next day at lunch, the mess served konjac with some weird slitz.

Sai: But everyone relished it—

Kon: I shall hereby hand down the verdict.

Kon: Saito Shimaru is judged not guilty.

Kon: The court is now adjourned!

G: Are you kidding?!

G: What the hell did you do with the konjac, Chief?!

G: Don't tell me the konjac that day was...

Kon: Damn Wolfro.

Kon: I never thought he'd use the dirt he'd uncovered in his investigations

Kon: to get more people on his side.

Kon: I never imagined he was such a scheming man!

Kat: Listen up, men!

Kat: What just happened proves Saito's wrongdoings beyond a shadow of a doubt!

Kat: Under the pretext of internal investigation, he uncovered dirt on our troops,

Kat: and as you just saw, he even controlled the top brass!

Kat: Chief,

Kat: please order the purge of this traitor!

Kon: C-Calm down, Hashira-san.

Kat: I cannot!

Kon: We don't know for sure that Shimaru's a traitor.

Hij: Then order him

Hij: to purge the traitor, too.

Kon: Toshi?

Hij: I'm sick of listening to all this prattle.

Hij: Everyone here is prepared to live and die by the sword.

Hij: If you've got something to say, say it with your sword.

Hij: Isn't that what the Shinsengumi is all about?

Kat: Interesting.

Kat: Let's settle our unfinished fight right here and now.

Kon: W-Wait!

Shin: This is bad, Gin-san.

Shin: Saito-san's stuck on the defensive!

Gin: What's he doing?

Sai: The one who would be my friend was Hashira Afuro, no one elz.

Gin: Is he...

Kag: What are you doing, Gin-chan? Gimme that!

Kag: We need to hurry up and give him some lines.

Kag: He's still keeping the promise to match his actions to what we say.

Gin: That's why he's not fighting back?

Gin: He's waiting for our lines? Is he stupid?

Kag: Just gimme that already!

Kag: Mwahaha, Hashira, is that all your sword's capable of?

Kag: It's so slow, a fly could land on it, 'kay?

Kag: You won't cut me or a fly with skill like that, kay?!

Shin: He finally moved.

Sai: Just watch. It's my turn now.

Shin: Not your turn to cut flies!

Shin: He completely misinterpreted the lines!

Gin: Oh, apologies.

Gin: I mistook you for a large fly.

Gin: In my eyes, you're not much different from a fly.

Kat: You dare insult me to that extent?!

Sai: Get ready. It's your turn next.

Shin: Not your turn to cut flies!

Shin: Why are you participating in the game, too?

Kat: I win. I cut down three flies.

Shin: What the hell are you guys competing over?!

Sai: Now that the annoying flies have been dealt with,

Sai: it's time to get serious.

Sai: Time to put you away.

Kat: Let's bury it here.

Shin: What are you guys putting away?!

Kat: It wouldn't do for either of us to step on poop while fighting.

Kat: Or so I say to mislead him, and then...

Kat: You left a gaping hole at your back, Saito!

Shin: Oh, no! It was a trap!

Shin: Saito-san!

Sai: Too bad.

Sai: You're the one who left a gaping hole!

Kat: This does seem to be a wider and easier hole to bury the poop in.

Shin: Your brain is what's a gaping hole!

Shin: Or so I say, and then...

Shin: You're the one getting buried, Saito!

Kag: Now's his chance!

Sai: You fell for my trap, Hashira!

Sai: Eat this...

Sai: Afro-style Ultimate technique, Z Slash!

Afuro,Sign: Afro-style Ultimate technique Z Slash

Gin: Uh, he's looking this way.

Gin: Looks like he doesn't know how to use the Z Slash.

Kag: Eat this... Z Slash!

Gin: Nope, not working.

Gin: And what's a Z Slash?

Gin: Did you talk to him about this beforehand?

Kag: A Z Slash is just a Z Slash.

Gin: You need to explain it to him in simpler terms!

Sai: The Z Slash is a technique where I hit my opponent with a Z-shaped slash.

Sai: Can you dodge it? Z Slash!

Gin: There's no way he can use it!

Gin: The enemy will know what's coming before he even uses it!

Sai: Then eat this... Z Wave!

Gin: Wait, what's a Z Wave?

Sai: Then eat this... Z Kai!

Afuro,Sign: Z Kai

Gin: Pick one! What the hell is Z Kai?!

Sai: The Z Kai is a Z state of mind where one is freed from all worldly desires!

Sai: Zzz...

Shin: He's already using it!

Shin: The ultimate move nonsense took so long, he's entered Z Kai already!

Shin: This is bad! He's wide open!

Kat: Th-This is Z Kai?!

Kat: He looks like he's sleeping,

Kat: but he's actually in a blank stance that can swallow up any attack?!

Gin: He's reading too much into it!

Sai: Come at me from wherever.

Sai: Even with my eyes closed,

Sai: I can see your next move.

Shin: It really does look like it!

Kat: I can't! He seems full of openings, but there actually aren't any!

Gin: There's nothing but openings!

Kat: In that case,

Kat: this is my only option!

Gin: Why?!

Gin: Why are you entering Z Kai?!

G: So that's a battle between masters?

G: They're so quiet, it's almost like they're sleeping.

Gin: No, they really are in dreamland!

Gin: What's with this battle? How are they gonna determine the victor?!

Kat: No good. I can't sleep.

Gin: Well, duh! This is a b*ttlefield!

Kat: I guess I'll have to Z Kai, too.

Bigger Afuro,Sign: Z Kai

Gin: Your Z Kai is taking off your wig?!

Bigger Afuro,Sign: Z (Zura) Kai

Kat: Excellent. Now I can reach the Z state of mind.

Kat: Looks like I can have some sweet Zs.

Hij: Is that so? Glad to hear it.

Hij: Then why don't you stay in Z Kai forever...

All: Zura.

Kat: Saito!

Kat: How dare you expose me when I was this close to taking over the Shinsengumi?

Gin: Didn't you just dig your own grave?!

Kat: But I had a Plan B prepared for this moment!

Kat: As if Elizabeth could ever be tamed by the likes of you!

Eliza,Sign: Katsura-san, everything's ready.

Kat: While you were distracted by me,

Kat: I had bombs placed all over the station!

Kat: The moment I press this detonation switch,

Kat: all your hard work will be laid to waste, along with this station!

Shin: Saito-san moved on his own, without any lines!

Gin: Looks like our words aren't needed anymore.

Gin: Did you find the words to say to him, Wolfro?

Kat: Let's go, Elizabeth.

Hij: Shimaru, leave the bombs to us!

Hij: Go after him!

Hij: Go after the traitor!

Hij: You are the Third Squad Captain!

Sai: "To Odd Jobs.

Sai: Thank you for helping me face up to the problem I'd been carrying for yearz.

Sai: While I tried everything I could,

Sai: it really does look like it's impossible for me to converse freely with otherz.

Sai: But unlike before, I no longer consider it a source of sadnezz.

Sai: There have been very few times that I've spoken to anyone,

Sai: but there are plenty of people with whom I've crossed swordz.

Sai: At times comrades, at times enemies...

Sai: I've fought them with my raw feelings poured into my sword,

Sai: free from the shackles of wordz.

Sai: Looking back on it now, that very b*ttlefield

Sai: might've been the perfect locale for conversation in my eyez.

Sai: So I've decided to never again run from battlefieldz.

Sai: Even if I have to use my sword to cut down comrades who break the code...

Sai: Even if I have to use my sword to cut down the first person

Letter,Sign: Hashira Afuro Z Boop Beep Bam Boom Chaka Boom Beep Boop Bow Boom Shakalaka - Prince of Cannock's Theme

Sai: I ever thought would be my friend,

Sai: the sounds of our swords clashing are the only words I can offer them.

Sai: The only words the Captain of the Shinsengumi Third Squad, the 'Silent Squad,'

Sai: Saito Shimaru, can offer them."

Kat: You can't chase after me with that leg.

Kat: But now my plan's a bust, too.

Kat: Another draw, huh?

Hij: Hey, Shimaru.

Hij: It looks like you prevented Katsura from detonating the bombs,

Hij: but an extra-large time b*mb is still functioning.

Hij: There's a whole bunch of wires, and we don't know which to cut.

Hij: Catch him and make him spill the beans.

Kat: Cut all the wires except Z.

Kat: Cutting Z down is my job.

Kat: I swear to k*ll you with my own hands, Z!

Kat: Until then, do your best to keep your afro prim and proper!

Kat: Farewell!

Hij: Hey, Shimaru!

Hij: Hurry up, there's no time.

Hij: There's A to Z. Which should we cut?

Hij: Hey, Shimaru, you listening to me?!

Sai: Zzz...

Hij: All right! Cut Z!

Hij: In the end, we're still afros!

Sign:Saito Shimaru can offer them. Hashira Afuro Z Odd Jobz

Title: Take the Initial Premise Lightly, and It'll Cost You

Kag: Next Episode: "Take the Initial Premise Lightly, and It'll Cost You."

text r: Fall's hitting its stride now.

text l: Mornings and nights are getting a lot chillier.

text r: Come to think of it, this summer was pretty hot.

text l: Even though they predicted it'd be a cool summer.