07x05 - A Mirror Provides a Frozen Reflection of Both Your Beautiful and Ugly Sides/Nobody Likes the Photo on Their License

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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07x05 - A Mirror Provides a Frozen Reflection of Both Your Beautiful and Ugly Sides/Nobody Likes the Photo on Their License

Post by bunniefuu »

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Kag: What's with the morning sickness?

Kag: So annoying. Scoot.

Kag: Where's the toothpaste?

Gin: In your hand.

Kag: Not this. The new tube.

Gin: That one's still usable.

Kag: It's all empty.

Kag: You used the last bit.

Gin: Then...

Gin: Fill it with water.

Kag: This isn't Setsuko's can of fruit drops.

Gin: You should learn from her and try taking some runny dumps.

Gin: It doesn't matter what you brush your teeth with anyway.

Gin: All right. You can use some of my Tsubakiki Shampoo.

Kag: My poop really will be runny.

Gin: What's your problem? Bitching and whining first thing in the morning...

Gin: I'm hungover here.

Gin: What will it take to satisfy you, Your Highness?

Kag: Vidal Hahhoon.

Gin: Fine.

Gin: Here's some money. Go buy—

Kag: Woohoo!

Gin: Hey! Don't you dare!

Gin: Buy toothpaste !

Gin: That's weird.

Gin: Did we always have a mirror here?

Kag: I'm off!

Kag: Hold it right there, Kagura!

Sac: That was close!

Title: A Mirror Provides a Frozen Reflection of Both Your Beautiful and Ugly Sides

Sign: I got some repair work done while you guys were out, so don't touch the mirror - Otose

Sac: This note...

Sac: I really should stick it in a more noticeable place.

Sign: I got some repair work done while you guys were out, so don't touch the mirror - Otose

Sac: Perfect.

Sac: At last, my home,

Sac: the mecca where I get to observe, long-term, Gin-san's knapsack,

Sac: my very own LGK, is complete!

Sac: There aren't many properties with a view this good!

Sac: From this magic mirror,

Sac: I can ogle every last bit of him, from the back of his **** to the tip of his ****!

Sac: Ah, I'm starting to get hot just thinking about it...

Sac: He's back!

Sac: You can bare it all, Gin-san.

Sac: This mirror exists to freeze that moment in time!

Shin: Huh?

Shin: Gin-san?

Sac: What, it's just the glasses hanger? Get lost!

Shin: Kagura-chan? Where are you?

Shin: Huh?

Shin: A mirror?

Shin: Wow, when did she get repairs done?

Shin: Well, yeah, I guess we do use the kitchen as a washroom.

Sac: Yes, thanks for that explanation. Now will Yamcha please exit the stage?

Shin: I wonder if they'll notice I got a haircut.

Sac: But nothing's changed. Nobody's gonna notice, for sure.

Shin: Did I get too adventurous this time?

Sac: I'm not seeing where you went on an adventure.

Sac: You haven't set one foot outside your home.

Sac: Uh, what's the deal? Aren't you done yet?

Sac: Enough with the degree angle already!

Sac: You're pissing me off!

Shin: All right.

Sac: He finally left.

Sac: I had to see a pointless side of a pointless guy there.

Sac: Somebody's here!

Sac: Enough already, damn it!

Shin: What the hell?!

Sac: What the hell is your problem?!

Shin: Who are you calling Tom Cruise?!

Shin: We just share the same hairstyle!

Sac: You're never gonna get a chance to use that retort!

Shin: I only look like him from a degree angle!

Sac: Nobody's gonna notice! You haven't changed one bit!

Shin: Don't get me in trouble!

Shin: All right.

Sac: Are you done now?

Shin: Bed hair, all good.

Shin: Nostril hair, all good.

Shin: Unshaven spots, all good.

Sac: Yeah, yeah. Don't worry.

Sac: Nobody pays that much attention to you, you pre-pubescent virgin.

Shin: Chest hair, all good.

Sac: All good, my ass!

Sac: Why is a virgin so shaggy?!

Shin: Who knows what they'd say if they saw this.

Sac: For such a paper-thin character, he sure has some thick body hair!

Shin: Maybe I should give permanent hair removal a shot.

Sac: I saw something I shouldn't have.

Sac: This is Shinpachi-kun's true form.

Sac: The name "Shinpachi-kun" doesn't fit him anymore.

Sac: I can only see him as Wakadaisho!

Kag: I'm back.

Sac: Wakadaisho!

Kag: What are you doing?

Shin: N-Nothing.

Shin: I wanted to drink some Fanda Grape, but it burst out.

Shin: A-Anyway, weren't you with Gin-san?

Kag: Don't ask me.

Shin: I-I see.

Shin: That won't do, Kagura-chan.

Shin: You shouldn't go out without washing your face.

Kag: Oh, I forgot.

Shin: Girls need to be careful about their appearance.

Sac: He made it through!

Sac: Why do I have to go through such a nerve-racking experience?

Kag: Eye crap, all good.

Kag: Nose crap, all good.

Kag: Teeth crap, all good.

Sac: Now it's your turn?

Sign: I got some repair work done while you guys were out, so don't touch the mirror - Otose

Sac: As if a heroine could ever have stuff like that.

Kag: Oops.

Kag: I forgot about the pole of crap.

Sac: Something very unbecoming of a heroine just burst out of her ass!

Kag: I have to shampoo this, too.

Sac: Wait, is that...

Sac: A tail?!

Sac: This girl has a tail?!

Sac: episodes in, and this shocking truth comes to light?!

Kag: It'd really suck if people saw this.

Kag: They'd definitely call it a pole of crap.

Kag: Maybe I should give permanent hair removal a shot.

Sac: Uh, will permanent hair removal even work on that?

Kag: But without this, I wouldn't be able to braid my hair...

Sac: That's how you braided it?

Kag: Or transform when I see the moon...

Sac: She could transform?!

Kag: Or wrap it around my waist like a belt when I put on my combat suit.

Sac: I'd heard she belonged to a warrior race,

Sac: but I had no idea they were the real deal!

Sac: The name "Kagura-chan" doesn't fit her anymore.

Sac: I can only see her as Kakarot!

Sac: What am I to do?

Sac: One after the other...

Sac: How am I supposed to take these revelations?

Gin: I'm back.

Sac: Kakarot!

Gin: What are you doing?

Kag: N-Nothing.

Kag: I just drank some Fanda Grape, and it started bursting out of my ass.

Kag: I-I put the Vidal Hahhoon and toothpaste over there.

Gin: H-Hey.

Kag: Also, I bought you some hangover medicine, so don't forget to take it.

Sac: You guys forgot to take something far more important!

Sac: And now it looks like something outrageous!

Sac: Another two dragonballs and Shenron will show up here!

Sac: It's over!

Sac: You guys will be exposed for sure!

Sac: Ah, how wrong I was.

Sac: I shouldn't have witnessed their true selves.

Sac: I never wanted to see the bond that Odd Jobs had fall apart.

Gin: Those guys...

Gin: They were hiding something like this from me?

Gin: Sheesh.

Gin: Did they seriously think I hadn't noticed?

Sac: Don't tell me, Gin-san...

Sac: You knew?

Sac: You knew everything and had long since accepted it all?

Gin: You guys...

Gin: I knew long ago that you'd realized

Gin: I wear a wig.

Gin: Thanks for this wonderful present,

Gin: for accepting me as I am.

Gin: What am I supposed to use this for?

Gin: Oh, I get it.

Gin: I have been really thinning down there lately.

Gin: So this is how it's used.

Gin: Yeah.

Gin: Lookin' pretty good—

Sac: P-Pardon the intrujin.

Gin: A mirror also reflects your ugly side as it is.

Gin: While she was watching us, she was also taking a long, hard look at herself...

Gin: The ugly sight of her peeping at things people wanted to keep hidden.

Shin: Uh...

Shin: No matter how you look at it, we were the ones exposing ourselves.

Kag: Well, I hope she learned her lesson.

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan Snack Otose

Gin: At the very least, she won't be able to look in a mirror for a while.

Gin: The hell are you doing?

Sac: Have I become a mirror of your true self now?

Sac: Tee-hee.

Gin: I don't wear glasses.

Station,Sign: Special Police Shinsengumi

Award,Sign: Special Service Award Yamazaki Sagaru

Award ,Sign: Special Service Award Yamazaki Sagaru

G: Looks like Yamazaki did some good work and got recognized by the brass.

G: Guess he really is cut out to be an inspector.

G: He's truly an inspector among inspectors.

G: But, you know,

G: I've been wondering for a while...

G: What exactly do inspectors do?

G: I've heard their job is to eat anpan / .

G: Nah, it's all about badminton.

G: What? Really?

G: That's what inspectors do?

G: Basically, it's mundane work assigned to mediocre guys with no particular talents.

G: Ah, I see.

G: No wonder Yamazaki's a good fit.

Ymz: Damn it all!

Ymz: Nobody understands what I go through!

Ymz: Sure, inspectors handle boring, behind-the-scenes tasks like stakeouts and recon.

Ymz: But if it weren't for us laying the groundwork,

Ymz: those guys who do the actual field work wouldn't be able to do anything!

Sign: Spies don't get any days off this year either!!

Sign: Available for Rental Starting / (Thu)

Sign: Spy Works Collection

Ymz: Maybe I should become a spy, too.

Att: I'm very sorry.

Att: Your license seems to have expired, so we can't issue you a membership card.

Zen: Ack. I forgot to go renew it.

Zen: What a pain.

Zen: Do I really have to visit that training institute again?

Ymz: W-Wait a second!

Ymz: S-Sorry, just wondering...

Ymz: Where can I get one of those ninja licenses?

Sign: Hattori Zenzo Birthday: / School: Iga Valid until / Former Leader of the Oniwaban

Sign: Current Occupation: Freelance Jonin

Sign: Ninja License

Sign: Oedo Ninja Association

Title: Nobody Likes the Photo on Their License

Sign: Oedo Ninja Training Institute

W: My, how unusual.

W: You don't see a lot of people applying for ninja licenses these days.

Reception,Sign: Reception

W: Let me make this clear first.

W: Becoming a ninja doesn't mean you'll be able to use

W: stuff like the Rasengan or chakra, okay?

Ymz: O-Okay.

W: Write down your name and address here.

Ymz: Okay!

Ymz: Now I can really show those guys.

Ymz: Ninjas are experts at espionage,

Ymz: so if I can get a license...

Ymz: But this place...

NinjaPoster,Signs: Be careful not to use ninjutsu and genjutsu illegally.

NinjaPoster ,Signs: You can be a ninja too!

NinjaPoster ,Signs: Ninja tools on sale

Ymz: Is it really legit?

Room,Sign: Nightingale-Flooring Room

Zen: What course are you gonna go for?

Ymz: Wait, there are multiple courses?

Zen: Yeah.

Sign: Genin Course

Zen: The genin course is basically like getting a moped license.

Zen: You can complete it in a day.

Ymz: What? You can become a ninja in a day?

Sign: Chunin Course

Zen: The chunin course is like a motorbike license,

Sign: Jonin Course

Zen: and the jonin course is like a regular, a*t*matic transmission vehicle license.

Sign: Hokage Course

Zen: The Hokage course is a bit tricky.

Zen: It's the same as a manual transmission vehicle license.

Ymz: Aren't you taking the Hokage too lightly?!

Ymz: There's a limit to taking it easy!

Ymz: What did Naruto and friends put in all that effort for?!

Zen: Well, if all you want is a license, the genin course should do.

Ymz: It doesn't feel special at all anymore.

Reception,Sign: Reception

W: Zen-chan, I take it you want your license renewed?

Zen: Yeah.

Zen: I had a gold license, but I got hit with a speeding ticket.

W: You're too light on your feet.

Ymz: Even ninjas can get speeding tickets?

Ymz: Is it against the law to run too fast?!

W: One moment.

W: I'll go see if any instructors are free.

W: Hey, Gramps.

W: Some kids are here for training.

G: K-Knock before you open the door, you hag!

W: What's wrong with you?!

W: Are you watching A Kunoichi's Porn Diaries again?!

W: Didn't I tell you to stop because it's bad for your health?

W: Anyway, what do we do?

W: How are you gonna teach two at once?

G: Sh-Shut up!

G: I'll just teach them using the clone technique!

W: I threw your clone in the trash because was busted and leaking air!

G: Who said you could do that, you shitty hag?!

G: My Kunoichi III!

G: There you have it.

G: You two will be going through joint training.

Ymz: Uh, Zenzo-san.

Ymz: Is this place really okay?

Zen: No need to worry.

G: Let's get this over with. Report to the garden at once.

Zen: Despite what he looks like,

Zen: that geezer was a trusted friend of my father,

Zen: the former Oniwaban leader.

Zen: His ninjutsu skills are top-notch.

G: Uh...

G: You'll now be taking the ninja course.

G: All right, you two.

G: First make sure it's safe, and then get on your ride.

Ymz: Excuse me, Sensei.

Ymz: I don't see anything safe about this!

G: Don't you want a license?

G: Hurry up and get on.

Ymz: I didn't come here to get a toad license!

G: What? Didn't you want a ninja light vehicle license?

G: Heavy vehicle, then?

Ymz: Not the Nine-Tails, either!

G: Oh, sorry.

G: It wasn't the Hokage course?

G: In that case, dodge the dumbbells and eat the chikuwa!

Ymz: Not Hattori-kun, either!

G: Er...

G: Let's start with training your legs.

G: Since time immemorial, ninjas have strived to achieve superhuman leg strength.

G: And this is one of the training methods they devised.

G: You plant an asagi seed

G: and jump over it every day.

G: Asagi grows quickly.

G: In a few months, it'll grow taller than the roofs of buildings.

Ymz: Oh, I've heard of this training.

Ymz: But since I opted for the genin license, I only get to take lessons for one day.

G: Don't worry.

G: Our Asagi grows even faster.

G: Right, Asagi?

Ymz: Isn't that just the hag from reception?!

G: Our Asagi grows at an incredible rate.

G: Despite being a genin,

G: her clerical efficiency helped her rise to the position

G: of Oniwaban's accountant in no time.

G: Isn't that right, Asagi?

Ymz: Okay, so she climbed the ladder to success real fast, but she's old and withered now!

Ymz: She's just a hag!

Zen: Gramps.

Zen: I don't think this is gonna work as training.

Zen: Jumping over her is too easy.

G: What are you talking about?

G: Asagi has a lot left in her yet!

G: Nobody can stop her!

G: Isn't that right, Asagi?

G: She's not anywhere close to being done.

G: In fact, she hasn't even begun.

G: Isn't that right, Asagi?

Ymz: This really is endless Asagi! What the hell?!

G: This is the clone technique.

G: It's the only way to gain superhuman leaping ability in one day.

Ymz: She grew so much, she's ultimately returned to the earth!

Ymz: The Asagis turned into dominoes!

G: Asagi!

Zen: Ninjas leap over walls because it requires the least effort.

Zen: But breaking through a wall that would

Zen: take too much effort to leap over is also a ninja technique.

Ymz: That just ruined the whole effect!

W: That's Zen-chan for you.

W: You incited my self-destruction and broke through the wall from the inside.

W: You truly are the boss's son.

W: Become a fine ninja...

Ymz: There isn't a single fine ninja in the place!

G: Well done, you two.

G: I never thought you'd take Asagi down.

G: Here's your reward!

G: I'll now throw Asagi and chikuwa at you!

G: Dodge the Asagi and eat the chikuwa!

Ymz: Pick up poor Asagi!

G: Let's move on to the next task.

G: You must now hide in this pond.

Ymz: Ah, the water-escape tactic, right?

Ymz: The one where you hide underwater and use a bamboo pole to breathe?

G: No.

G: You must hide underwater and use Asagi's hole to breathe.

Ymz: Why her hole?!

G: There's no guarantee you'll always have a bamboo pole in an emergency.

G: Isn't that right, Asagi?

Ymz: Always having an Asagi around would be even weirder!

G: It's basically the same as using a bamboo pole.

G: Asagi will put her head above the surface and take in oxygen.

G: You two must take that oxygen from her ass.

Ymz: That's not oxygen! It's poison gas!

G: You mustn't resurface until I call out to you, okay?

G: Begin!

Ymz: No way.

Ymz: Even if it'll get me a license,

Ymz: I'm not going mouth-to-mouth with that!

Zen: That so?

Zen: Then make do with my gas.

Zen: Through me...

Zen: And through you...

Zen: That's three people's worth!

G: Asagi!

G: Y-You stink!

G: Ew!

Zen: You just called out "you," didn't you, Gramps?

Ymz: What kinda solution is that?!

W: I never thought you'd use that as a w*apon.

W: Brilliant.

W: Become a fine ninja...

Ymz: You know, the key to that lethal w*apon was your fart!

G: Well done. Here's your reward!

G: I'll now throw Asagi!

G: Stand there and watch!

Ymz: That's nothing but domestic v*olence!

G: I didn't expect you to be this good.

G: You have far too much talent to stay a mere genin.

Ymz: Um...

Ymz: All I did was fart, pretty much.

G: But here's your final task.

G: If you don't clear this, you won't get your genin license.

G: Ninjas must, at all times, believe in themselves alone.

G: No matter what their mission, they must be prepared to turn

G: their heart to stone in order to fulfill their objective.

G: Even if it were

G: a mission to k*ll their own master.

Ymz: D-Don't tell me...

W: Gramps, you...

G: That's right.

G: Your final task

G: is to k*ll Asagi—

W: Here's your final task.

W: I'll now throw Gramps, chikuwa, and a license at you.

W: Choose what you want and pick it up.

Sign: Yamazaki Sagaru Birthday: / School: Iga Valid until / Eats a lot of anpan during stakeouts.

Sign: Genin

Sign: Ninja License

Sign: Oedo Ninja Association

Ymz: Ask yourself.

Ymz: What was it that you wanted?

Ymz: Here we go!

Award,Sign: Special Service Award Yamazaki Sagaru

G: Hey, apparently Yamazaki earned some kind of distinction again!

G: Same old boring inspector work again, though, right?

G: Nah, I heard he rounded up a bunch of bad guys all on his own this time.

G: Huh?

G: What the...

G: What happened to him?

G: Yamazaki!

G: Congrats on a job well done! Give us the whole story.

G: How about joining us for a meal?

Ymz: I'm good.

Ninja,Sign: Ninja Hattari-san

Ymz: I've got chikuwa to eat.

Title: Arriving Late to a Reunion Makes it Hard to Enter

Gin: Next Episode: "Arriving Late to a Reunion Makes it Hard to Enter."

Text r: Next week, we have a Joi rebels reunion,

Text l: with an all-star cast making appearances!

Text r: It's organized by...

Text l: N-

Text l: N-No way...
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