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03x01 - Gimme Shelter, Part One

Posted: 09/23/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
But that's what I'm saying, Dad.

I've done a ton of research already.

It's not that big of a deal.

You're gonna get weird.

I'm already weird.

No, you're perfect, perfectly weird.

You can get a great education


and I promise I'll still socialize

so I won't get weirder.

I've got Chloe. She's my best friend.

It's not gonna happen.

Look, I know you're anxious.

Your mom told me that

after the drill, you

It's not just one drill, Dad.

We've had three lockdown drills

since the school year started.

The world is going to crap.

It's only a matter of time

before some madman

walks in my classroom.

Don't say that.

Don't ever say that.

What, Jesus, you're 15, Lily,

you're staying in school.

Look, there's a lot of stuff

that's out in the world.

But the chances of anything

bad actually happening

Stay here. You don't move. Don't move.


Miss, are you okay? Miss?

No, wait, wait, wait.

Damn it.

What the hell?

- She ran right in front of me.

- Call 911.

I didn't see her.

I didn't have time to

Call 911 now.

- Easy, easy, easy.

- No!

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa, wait, wait.

Hey, slow down. Easy, miss, calm down.

Easy, no, no, no. I'm the police.


That's right.

I'm here to help you.

Calm down. Slow down.

Slow down. Slow down.

Look at me. Look at my eye.

You're gonna be strong now.

You need to calm down,

though, all right?

Slow your breathing down for me.

That's it. Here.

I'm gonna take your pulse,

you're gonna take mine.

Feel my pulse?

If I'm calm, you can be calm, all right?

You gotta be strong for me.

All right?

Slow your breathing.

I've called for an ambulance.

It's on its way.


He who?

Is someone chasing you?

- He hurt you?

- Yes.

You know who he is? You know his name?

Hold on.

Over here!


Over here, bring a stretcher!

Calm down, all right?

I'm gonna stay with you, all right?

I'm gonna help you.


- Hold on one second.

- No, no, no, no!

Whoa, no, no, no, no, no,

I'm not leaving you.

I'm not leaving you.

I'm just getting them

over here, all right?

I'm not gonna leave you.

I'm getting the ambulance.

I'll be right back.

I'm not leaving you. I'll be right back.

Move these cars. Come on, let's go!

Come on, move, move, move!

Come on! Let's go, people.

Let's get these cars out of the way.

Let's go, move, move, move!

Let's go!


Hey! Hey!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


What do we got?

We're canvassing for

witnesses, surveillance video.

What's going on?

Who are you?

- Who am I?

- Yeah.

Detective Frank Cosgrove, 2-7.

Detective Jalen Shaw, 3-2.

I got the handle five minutes ago.

No, I got this.

I was with the girl when she was shot,

so I'm not going anywhere.

Just so I'm clear,

if you were with the girl,

how did she get shot?

I saw the victim running down

the street covered in blood.

She ran out into traffic, got struck.

I went over to her,

I tried to help her, I

tried to figure out what was happening.

Then I heard the sirens.

I alerted the ambulance

about the girl, her location,

I tried to get her through.

There was chaos.

I cleared the street.

That's when I heard it, two pops,

double tap like an execution.

I saw a male running away, hat, masked.

I pursued.

I lost him.

It sounds like you did

what you had to do.

What does that mean?

It just means you tried

to save the girl's life, right?

Yeah, I tried.

Look, um

as far as you working the case with me,

I'm not really sure how that works.

No offense, I'm new to Homicide.

Well, I'm not so new.

I'll handle it. I'll make some calls.

Maybe we can work this together.

I gotta go. It's Shaw, right?


Excuse me. You seen a little girl?

She was sitting right there,

brown hair, brown eyes, 15?

Lily, Lily.

What the hell are you doing?

I told you to stay at the restaurant.

I heard g*nshots. I got scared.

I wanted to make sure you were okay.

Yeah, I understand that,

but when you hear g*nshots,

you run away from them, not

toward them, you understand?

Ah, come here.

Come here. I'm sorry.

I'm fine.

I appreciate that

you're caring about me.

But next time, you stay where you are

or you run the opposite way, okay?

So what happened?

Uh, the girl she

she got hit by a car.

Then what?

Look, I'm the first officer on the scene

so I need to take this case.

- I gotta go back to work.

- She's dead.


But I'm gonna find this guy

and I'm gonna

make him pay for what he did.

You always say that.

What does that even mean?

He'll pay for it?

Even if you catch him,

even if he goes to prison,

that girl will still be dead.

I need to get you

out of here, all right?

I'm gonna put you in a taxi.

No, I'm gonna call your mom.

She'll come pick you up.

Sounds good. Thank you.

I just got off the phone

with your captain.

It's all good.

You and Frank are gonna take the lead.

But we're gonna work the case

from here out of the 27.

Copy that.

I'm sorry you had to go

through all that, Frank.

It's a hell of a thing to see.

Do we know where the sh**t came from?

A building, a restaurant?

No clue.

I turned, there he was.

And before I could

even react, he shot her.

What about the girl? We have an ID yet?

We're running the prints now.

You recover any personal belongings,

jewelry, a phone, anything?

No, nothing.

Hey, I got a hit on Missing Persons.

Ava Marchenko, 15 years old.

The girl's a Ukrainian refugee

who came into the country

four months ago,

was staying with her aunt.

She's the one who reported her

missing two months later.

That's her.


Go talk to the aunt.

Look, if you don't mind,

I'd rather handle

this notification myself.

Oh, taking charge already, huh?

No, it's just I'm new to Homicide.

I spent the last five years

in Narcotics.

I've never done one of these.

Be my guest.

- Ms. Marchenko.

- Yes?

I'm Detective Shaw.

This is Detective Cosgrove.

Is this about Ava?

You found my niece, huh?

Is she okay?

We found her.

But I'm afraid I have some bad news.

She's dead.

Someone k*lled her earlier this morning.

k*lled her?

Why would

I'm so sorry for your loss.

This is on you!

You let this happen!

She came here four months

ago from Ukraine.

She lost all her family in the w*r,

my sister and her husband.

I'm all she had left.

She ran away?

Is that why you reported her missing?

You don't understand

what is it like in Ukraine,

scared every moment.

Then she comes here

and it all looks so fun,

like an amusement park.

I tried to warn her.

I told her she needed

to be careful, stay inside.

But she didn't believe me.

I woke up one day and she was gone.

I looked everywhere.

So that's when you called the police?

But they you

didn't do anything.

Just to be clear, you never heard

from her again after that day?

No, never.

She left and that was that.

Actually, that wasn't so bad

for your first notification.

I'm not so sure about that.

No, I've seen worse.

What about an autopsy,

you ever been to one?

Can't say I have.

Well, in here,

you definitely won't get slapped.

Good to know.

You got kids, Shaw?



It makes it a little easier.

There's clear evidence of repeated

and recent sexual trauma.

No semen or DNA on the body.

But the vaginal tearing

definitely occurred

in the past 48 hours.

Somebody scooped her up,

started trafficking her.

That's probably why she was running,

trying to get away from a john or pimp.


Anything else?

Stomach contents, anything interesting?

More like expensive.

Lots of undigested caviar.

One minute she's eating

caviar somewhere,

the next, she's running down 8th Avenue

running for her life.

That it?

Only other thing that's sort

of interesting is,

her face and hands had traces

of saltwater on them.

So she's got saltwater

on her and caviar in her.

It sounds like a boat party to me.

Chelsea Pier is five blocks

from the crime scene.

As you can see, we have

a lot of party boats here.

Yeah, what about a party

boat that serves caviar?

Caviar? No, none of these.

But there was a mega yacht over there,

beautiful 250-footer.

- Where is it now?

- Don't know.

Pushed off around 9:00 a.m.

I need the information on that yacht

and any surveillance you got.

Yeah, sure thing, but I'm

gonna need to see a warrant

or some sort of court order.

My boss doesn't like sharing info.

And I don't like young girls getting

whored out on mega yachts.

So I'd say we're even.

Look, buddy, just so you know,

my next request

is gonna be even less desirable

for you and your boss.

So if you're smart or a man of

just an average intelligence,

go get us the information we need.


What's so funny?

Nothing, just enjoying your swag.

Yeah, I don't buy that.

I'm not selling anything, Frank.

Nothing negative.

You know, just taking it all in.

My last partner was 29, Puerto Rican,

a lot of bad tattoos, you know

Do you ever say what you mean?

What I mean is, it's not that

damn hard to get a subpoena,

so maybe refrain

from threatening people.

That wasn't threatening,

that was encouraging.

Well, all we need is an encouraged idiot

telling a virtuous ADA

that we threatened him

to get the records.

Because then every single piece

of evidence that we get

based on that information

makes it tainted too.

Fruit of the poisonous tree, Frank.

Are you a cop or a lawyer?

- I happen to be both.

- Oh, you're kidding me.


NYU, practiced for three years,

it wasn't for me,

so I enrolled in the Academy.

- I got two requests.

- sh**t.

One, let's keep those

brilliant legal insights

to yourself.

And two, may I encourage you

to go find out

why that idiot has taken so long to find

the information we need, please.

- That's encouraging.

- Not threatening.

No. You see the difference?


Hell of a boat.

280 feet long, 12 cabins,

steel hull, pool,

helipad, movie theater.

Must be a great place to throw a party.

It is.

Yeah, girls, champagne.

Caviar, lots of caviar.

What's this all about, fellas?

- I've got a meeting in ten minutes.

- You know this girl?


You've never seen her before?

I just told you.

So she wasn't on that yacht last night?

I don't know. It's possible.

It's not in my possession at the moment.

Care to elaborate?

I only use the boat

one month a year in July.

Charter it out the rest of the time.

Must get a pretty penny for that.

600 grand a week.

Well, we're in the

wrong business, Frank.

People love to lease.

It's like they say, if it

dries, floats, flies or

better to lease.

Yeah, that's great advice,

but we're much more interested

in the name of the person

who leased that yacht.

Lessee is a Delaware LLC,

which is owned by a Chechen corporation,

which is owned by a series of

Russian limited partnerships.

Shell game.

The only person on the lease

is a 73-year-old car salesman

from Grozny, which is

the capital of Chechnya,

which is something I just found out.

So we're thinking that

this girl was trafficked.

Sounds like that to me.

I mean, she ran away from home.

My thinking?

Somebody in her neighborhood

swept her up,

pimped her out.

The M.E. found clear signs

of repeated sexual trauma.

So how can I help?

Wondering if you know anybody

who pimps out young girls

to rich Eastern Europeans

on super yachts.

Well, not that matches

those particulars,

but your instincts are right.

Lots of sex workers tend

to end up on those yachts.

Yeah, it seems like nothing good happens

when you put a bunch

of rich guys on a big boat.


So have you been able

to pull any security footage?

Dockworker claims the outside cameras

weren't working that day.

Yeah, for some reason, those cameras

never seem to be functional,

which is why we put up our own cameras

down there near the pier.

We also have some in the parking area.

I will have them pull up

security footage for you.

This is Ava running from the

yacht heading east at 8:43 a.m.

Then 30 seconds later,

some guy chases after her.

So Ava was on the yachts,

something bad happens,

she runs like hell.

This guy chases after her,

kills her five blocks away.

The footage is so grainy.

Are you sure this guy is the sh**t?

No, it happened too fast.

He had a mask on, so.

Do we have any other video?

No, this is it.

What about the parking lot?

Benson mentioned there

was cameras there.

That's your car in the parking lot.


We're gonna need a name of the customer.

That's confidential information.

It might be private, but

it's not confidential, bro.

You're a chauffeur, not a priest.

Look, I don't want trouble.

Some of my clients, I'm not

sure they're good people,

but that's not on me.

We get paid to drive people to airports,

restaurants, Hamptons.

And we get paid to get a name.

So I'm gonna need one.

Like I just said, I don't

want to get involved.

It's not really an option now, is it?

Now, we can do this the easy way,

you give me a name, or the legal way.

I come back here

in an hour with a subpoena

demanding all books, records,

financial statements,

- bank accounts

- Okay, okay, relax.

I'll get you his damn name.

Thank you.

I never said I was a choir boy, Frank.

I just come at it

from a different angle.

Mark Sirenko.

Two counts one for agg as*ault,

one for armed robbery.

Anything that suggests this

guy's running underage girls?

No, but he did hire the car service,

so it's gotta be the same guy

who was chasing Ava

same height, same build.

I'm starting to think this

guy may be a little more legit

than his résumé suggests.

You sure you want

to go at him like this?

I'm gonna ask him.

I'm gonna look him in the eye.

I'm gonna see if he's our sh**t.

NYPD for Mark Sirenko.

He's out the back. Follow me, please.

Gentleman, how can I help you?

We need to talk to you about

something that happened

in Manhattan this morning.

Whatever you need.

A young girl was shot and k*lled.

Sorry, I don't know anything about that.

How about now?

That's a picture of a car.

And a man.

It could be any man.

But it's not.

It's you.

You know, the great thing is

about computers these days?

You type in a few words, you hit enter,

and it gives you the name

of the guy in the photo.

Listen, I'm a busy man.

You want anything else?

I'm about to have some lunch.

Yeah, I'm gonna

interrupt your midday meal

with a few more questions.

This girl, you recognize her?

I don't think so.

You don't think so?

How about now?

- No.

- No?

You sure about that?

Because that's you at Chelsea Piers

running after the girl

you just claimed you don't know.

I'm done talking.

- I'm not done.

- Hey, hey, hey.

She was 15, 15.

I know you were involved.

You know why?

Because I saw you, I was there.


You hear me?

And I'm coming for you.

Okay, that's enough.


Yeah, what's going on?

Have you lost your mind?

Excuse me?

What are you doing

talking to Mark Sirenko,

getting up in his grill?

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

watch your tone with me.

You blew up my case, you

want me to watch my tone?

OC's been working

this prick for six months.

You walk up to his front door,

start asking questions?

You don't De-conflict,

you don't reach out.

Now what do you think

Sirenko is gonna do?

He's gonna close up his biz.

He's gonna stop doing deals.

Look, Stabler, we went fast

'cause we had to.

I'm sorry if I didn't

call every precinct

before I made a move.

There's no need to call the precinct.

You just check to see if

there's an investigative card.

That's all you gotta do.

The son of a bitch

k*lled a 15-year-old girl.

Well, I'll make sure

we nail him for that.

In the meantime, you give me

everything you got

and I'll try and keep you in the loop.

No. I'm seeing this through to the end.

I'll keep you in the loop.

Frank, you're not listening

very well right now.

The case is mine.

The case is mine. Back off.

Frank, let it go.

No. I can't. Not with this one.

Look, I get it.

I need you to take a deep breath

so I can make some phone calls.

Sirenko's main focus

is dr*gs and extortion.

He started drug trafficking

a couple years ago.

How close are you

to opening a grand jury?

It's hard to say, but we

have made a lot of progress

in the last couple of months.

My CI caught wind

that Sirenko wants to get

in the fentanyl business,

and that's our new angle.

We're trying to set up

a deal for 10 kilos.

You got a CI on the inside?

Why don't we use him

to solve the m*rder?

Nope, my CI, too risky, he's too green.

Besides, our angle is on the dr*gs.

I have this kid sniffing

around about a m*rder,

he's gonna be made in ten seconds.

We don't have to have him say a word.

Just plant a wire.

Look, Sirenko and his crew

have been edgy

for a while now, and your knocking

on their door didn't help matters.

Now they're paranoid.

With all due respect, we don't

know what the hell's going on,

but they're cooking up something big.

With all due respect,

this is a m*rder case.

It trumps a drug case.

I'm not gonna be looking the other way.

What I'm saying is,

we need to take our time.

We do it your way, you get

Sirenko on the m*rder beef.

Do it my way, we roll up

the whole damn crew,

all 40 of 'em.

Yeah, I don't have time

for you to build a case.

This one's different.

I was there when this girl died.

I was talking to her.

I was looking in her eyes.

And this pig Sirenko

put two in her chest

right in front of me.

Her name was Ava.

She was 15, barely.

I'm sorry.


You know, I heard, uh,

I heard Elliot Stabler was a good cop,

great cop, real police.

He'd do anything to get justice

for a girl like Ava.

I guess I heard wrong.

It's up to you.

What is?

It's your case, your CI, but

But what?

Like Frank said, we're

talking about the m*rder

of a 15-year-old girl.

Vincent here?

He out back.

- He's not, uh

- The kid's an idiot.

He's taking bets this time.

Get the right up.

Move your feet!

Take him down!

Take him down!

All right, hey. Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

I got 60 bucks if you stay down.

Great, all right, this is it, over.

Fight's over. Let's go.

Come on up. Come on.

Why do you always gotta

pick guys twice your size?

It don't count otherwise.

You gotta embrace the fear, brother.

What the hell are you

doing here, anyway?

I thought we were gonna leave

the Sirenko thing alone

- for a minute.

- We were.

Things have changed.

Is he ready to meet my fentanyl connect?

No, he k*lled a kid.

What do you mean a kid?

A kid, Ava Marchenko, 15-year-old girl.

He was trafficking her.

What do you need me to do?

I need you to clone his burner.

So if he texts anyone about the m*rder,

just makes a call out,

tries to bury something,

then we'll have him now.

Sirenko is smart.

And he's gonna have security

software on his phone.

So we do a hand-held clone, then?



Just like that? You sure?

Eh, Sirenko is gonna be

at the club tonight.

I'll swing by, grab a few

drinks, talk up some ladies.

Clone his phone.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Use your head, all right?

Just be smart.

These guys are paranoid right now,

and so if the opportunity

doesn't present itself,

you're gonna walk.

Walk away.

Where's my 60 bucks?

What's up, baby?

Stay safe.

What happened to your face?


What happened to your face?

Oh, rough sex.

Totally consensual, though.

Hey, how's it going, Mark?

Why is it so packed in here tonight?

Same reason as always

hot women.

Yeah, that makes sense to me.

Anyone got any cigarettes?

I'm practically shaking.

Oh, come on, he's not really gonna try

to steal the phone, is he?

Vince, pull back.

- What are you doing?

- Whoa, sorry, all right.

I'm just looking for cigarettes.

Look, dude, I'm just dying for a smoke.

Sirenko's not in the mood for this.

Vince, get out of there.

Just pull back.

Hey, uh, any chance you and I

can talk a little business later on?

My guy is getting nervous,

and he thinks you don't like him.

Not tonight, Vince.

Now, you hear me?

Enjoy yourself.

Have a drink.

I guess that's my cue.

Night, all.

Man, I can clear a room.

Vince, don't do it.

Get the hell out of the club now.

You gotta be kidding me.

All right, get patrol on the horn

and get me the excuse to storm

that place if I need to.

Copy that.

I think he's running out of time, Jet.

- Where we at?

- No low-hanging fruit.

Place is up to date

on their liquor license.

No previous 911 calls.

No plates out front come

back as parole violators.

If you go in there, you're

gonna have to wing it.

We could blow Vince's cover.

Yeah. Yeah, okay.

All right, bye.

Hey, man.

What the hell are you doing back here?

I just wanted to apologize.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Want to get a drink?

Maybe maybe later.

Are you following me?

No. No, I'm not following you.

Hey, we're okay. We're okay.

Don't don't do anything crazy.

Stay calm.


Now you want me to be calm, huh?

Now how's this, huh?

Calm enough?

Hey, man, I just wanted

to talk some stuff over.

I could come back another time.

You never walk into my office

without an invitation,

you understand?

Do you understand?


Okay, I understand.

I'm sorry, like, for real.

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

You remember what I said, Vincent.

Get out of my office.

Looks like your CI worked out.

- We'll see. Jet?

- Still downloading.

Where'd you find this kid, anyway?

About a year ago, I was

driving down 2nd Avenue

and I see this 135-pound kid

beating the snot out

of this 300-pound guy.

I pull over, I pull 'em apart.

I have to call an ambulance

for the 300-pounder.

While we're waiting for the bus,

I ask the kid, "What the hell

were you doing

lighting the guy up?"

And he says, "I was bored".

Then he asked me for a job.

I don't know what

you're so worried about.

He pulled through.

Well, he's a very smart kid.

And he can obviously handle himself,

but he's impetuous as hell.

Hey, check it out.

Now, that looks like a yacht to me.

I told you Sirenko was paranoid.

He had the camera surveillance

downloaded to his burner.

Look at the timestamp.

This footage is from the day

of the m*rder.

That girl looks even younger than Ava.

- Who's that guy?

- We never see his face.

Well, now we know there

were two girls on the boat,

which means we have a witness

who can maybe fill in the blank

and tell us why Ava ran off the boat.

And why Sirenko k*lled Ava.

All we gotta do is find that girl.

I'll start reviewing

missing persons cases,

recent juvenile arrests.

There's a good chance she's a runaway.

I'll check the footage

from the Chelsea Piers.

If she didn't leave from that dock

Then she's definitely

still on that boat.

We tracked the boat

to City Island Marina.

This is the young girl,

potential witness,

no idea who she is.

And the woman next to her,

also don't know.

We ran her through facial rec,

didn't get a hit.

- Well, that is a tough angle.

- Mm-hmm.

How about now, ring any bells?

Uh, no, I'm sorry.

Shot in the dark,

but we need to find out

who that woman is, and fast.

All right, well, let us

run with this, Elliot.

Look, if she's the pimp and

she's cut from the same cloth

as every other female pimp,

it's a good chance

that she's gonna have priors

for promoting prostitution.

Thanks, Liv.

Okay, guys, listen up.

I want it all, faces of the nation.

Get me through to the CHRIS system.

We run juvie.

We run halfway home rosters.

I want to touch base with the Feds.

Any system that we have access to,

we run it through

to find our mother hen.

And these are the stats on mother hen.

She's female, white, 35 to 45;

5'5 " to 5'7".

She's got light hair,

pale skin, thin build.

And she's gonna have

a connection to New York,

a last known, car registration,

filter for priors.

A woman like this, she's gonna have 'em.

Victim turned abuser?

You know the story as well as I do.

Most female pimps

started off as victims.

So again, I want you

to look for all types

of prostitution charges.

And go back to the beginning on this.

Mother hen might have gotten charged

- when she was 16 or younger.

- Yeah.

I think I got something,

something that threads the needle.

- Let's have it.

- Name is Sam Ellis.

Her last charge was five years ago,

promoting prostitution of a minor.

She was arrested for

solicitation and prostitution

three times before she was 21.

She's 41 years old, 5'6", thin build.

Okay, bring 'em up

side-by-side on the screen.

That looks pretty close to me.

Same build, same mouth.

That's her. That's our mother hen.

Call Cosgrove, I'll call Stabler.

We found our pimp.


- Go, go, go!

- Up, up!

Go, go.

Drop your w*apon! Drop your w*apon!

Drop your w*apon!

You have the right to remain silent.

No, no, no. No, no!

No, no! No, no! Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

I got you. You're safe.

Drop the knife.

Drop it. Drop it. Drop it.

Just sh**t me.

No, please, just just sh**t me!

I just I'd rather die. Please, no.


Just please sh**t me.