05x31 - The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Show Up After You Forget Them

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x31 - The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Show Up After You Forget Them

Post by bunniefuu »

Gin Yeah, back to staring at a static background.

Gin We had a little something planned for this segment, but, y'know?

Gin And these lines were recorded three days before the episode aired.

Gin I'm sure that the clever members of the Gintama audience can figure out what happened.

Gin So here's another episode of Gintama, living on the edge.

Caption Okay, so the comments here were also written at the last minute the day before the episode aired

Caption The Lions won the Pacific League.No idea who won the Central League since they're still playing.

Don't Look

Zura Don't look.

Zura I found this in Elizabeth's room.

Zura What is it that I'm not supposed to look for?

Zura Or does it count as looking when I'm looking for what it is

Zura that I'm not supposed to be looking for?

Zura In that case, I'll have to look for someone to look

Default ,for what I'm not supposed to look for,

Zura before deciding if I should look or if I should not look.

Zura So I'm looking for someone who's willing to look for the answer.

Zura But if I'm not supposed to look,

Zura then I can't look for the someone to look for the

Default ,someone to look for the someone to look for the...

Gin You're making this too hard.

Shin It's like you're lost in a maze of what not to look for.

Zura Don't look...

Gin I won't.

Gin It's pretty obvious what this is.

Gin He ran away from home.

Zura E-Elizabeth ran away from home?!

Zura I-Impossible! Unfathomable!

Zura He had no reason to be unhappy!

Zura The last time I saw Elizabeth...

Zura The last time I...

Zura Th-The last...

Zura When was the last time I saw Elizabeth?

Shin You can't remember?!

Kagura I thought you noticed as soon as he disappeared?

Zura No...

Zura We have a testimonial from Mrs. E who was able to find her happiness.

Zura Two episodes ago, when I was writing that text message,

Zura I didn't recognize who was in the picture.

Shin That's why he ran away from home!

Shin There's a tiny date on the sign.

Shin That means he was still around then.

Gin Huh?

Gin What day is today?

Kagura October st.

Shin I would understand if he put yesterday's date,

Shin but why is it tomorrow's date?

Kagura The sign must be from the future!

Shin That can't be it.

Gin Yeah, yeah.

Gin Go the other direction.

Gin Maybe that's a year old?

Shin Huh?

Gin Now that I think about it, it's been

Default ,a while since I've actually seen him in person.

Zura Wh-What do you mean?!

Zura E-Elizabeth ran away from home a year ago?!

Zura And I went about my life without a clue?!

Gin You're the one who can't remember.

Zura Don't be ridiculous!

Zura You heartless bastards may have forgotten,

Zura but how could I have forgotten about Elizabeth?!

Zura That's absurd!

Zura Damn, I can't remember!

Zura For some reason, my memories of Elizabeth are so erratic!

Shin Have they ever not been?

Zura What happened between us, Elizabeth?!


The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Shop Up After You Forget Them

Zura We must locate Elizabeth at once.

Zura But my memory is hazy.

Zura I won't be able to remember anything in the past.

Zura That is why...

Zura It's not Zura, it's Katsura.

Shin Uh, nobody said anything.

Kagura What are these, Zura?

Zura It's not Zura, it's a sign.

You little girls should go home and watch Ainori!!

Zura Does this look familiar?

Shin That was Elizabeth's line from the popularity contest arc.

Zura Yes, all of the signs he's used are stored here.

Zura We can use these to determine why he ran

Default ,away from home, and his current location as well.

Gin Hey, I don't have time to dig through all of these.

Zura This is the only lead we have.

Zura Don't worry.

Zura Elizabeth was a samurai at heart.

Zura He only spoke when necessary.

Zura For example, look at how this line is short and simple.

No, could be anyone.

Shin Uh, who was he talking to and what was trying to say?

Zura It's very simple.

Zura This is...

TV Is it an echo?

No, could be anyone.

No, could be anyone.

Shin How the hell were we supposed to know that?!

Zura Every time we saw this commercial,

Default ,he would raise this sign and I would go "OC"!

Zura But now I hear nothing...

Shin How is he a samurai at heart?!

Zura Elizabeth...

Shin We're supposed to go through all of these stupid signs?!

Gin Is there anything that looks suspicious?

Gin Oh, this is...

Thank you.

Gin He suddenly said thank you.

Shin And look at the next one.


Shin This was when he decided to leave.

Shin What lead to these signs?

N ...will bring you lots of scary friends...

Zura Pop, pop, pop!

Shin AC again?!

Zura Every time we saw this commercial,

Default ,we would take turns on the bunny and Lionel Richie parts.

Shin If you don't cut this out, I'm gonna Goodbye Lionel Richie your ass!

Zura Elizabeth...

Gin Hey, these are all related to commercials!

No, it's kefir.

No, it's Yayataka.

Shin How much TV do you watch?!

No, it's Pitts.

No, it's Boss.

Shin Aren't the Joi supposed to be taking back the country?!

No, it's Ondroid.

Gin These are the only decent ones.

Gin Excuse me, your collar is turned up.

Gin Was your hair done at the same place where Tokiko Gato goes?

Gin How do you write out Renho?

Shin They're all about Renho!

Shin And when did he use these signs?!

Shin Doesn't this mean he was talking to Renho?!

Zura Was your hair done at the same place?

Zura I'm close to remembering something.

Zura I believe this line was when...

Zura Yes, it was a winter day that left you cold in body and soul.

Shin No, stop!

Shin Don't start a flashback from those stupid lines!

Zura We were on the run, without a roof above our heads.

Shin Hey! I said to stop!

N This race pits the young

Default ,Renho against the older Ishihara in a one-on-one duel!

Shin You're watching TV again?!

Shin Just end this!

Shin Say something funny about Renho's hair and end this!

Zura I see, so these two are...

Shin Don't bother setting up the joke!

Shin Look at Renho's hair!

Shin She must go to the same place Tokiko Gato goes!

Zura Is Ishihara the one who can provide hope in these times of trouble?

Zura Or is it Renho?

Zura Which one is the answer?

No, it's Katsura.

Shin Another OC commercial?!

Shin Wait! You're not going to say anything?!

Shin You're not going to comment on Renho's hair?!

Zura Idle chatter did little to stave off the biting cold and hunger.

Shin Stop wasting time on this pointless flashback!

Zura I couldn't die here before starting a revolution in this country.

Zura As we dragged ourselves along, that was when...


Renho Make Renho your first choice.

Renho Make Renho your second choice.

Renho Renho is more than number one.

Shin Hey! It's the real Renho!

Renho Renho is the only one.

Shin Look at that hair!

Shin Her collars are turned way up!

Shin You can use all of your signs now!

Shin I see, you ignored the previous opportunity so you could use them all here!

Zura Are you okay?

Zura I can carry that for you.

Gin Forget about the old lady!

Gin Look at that hair behind you! Say something!

Fumi Thank you.

Fumi There are still kind souls left in Edo.

Gin Yeah, very nice!

Gin But it would be even better if he ended this stupid flashback!

Zura That was when we met Grandma Fumiko.

Gin Uh, nobody cares about the old lady!

Zura Grandma Fumiko would tell picture stories to

Default ,the children in the park at the top of the stairs.

Gin You've completely lost your chance!

Gin You're never going to get a better shot!

Zura In this age, kids don't care about picture stories.

Zura Yet Grandma Fumiko would climb the stairs

Default ,every day with her heavy load.

Zura Maybe that was why Elizabeth began visiting the park every day.

Gin Damn! This is turning into one of those heartwarming stories!

Gin Renho's never coming back!

Zura When it was raining...

Zura When it was windy...

Zura When it was Renho...

Shin There's Renho!

Zura Elizabeth went to the park with Grandma Fumiko

Default ,every day to watch the kids play.

Shin It's a miracle!

Shin Renho is back with her funky hair!

Shin Er, wait.

Shin Renho's eating something!

Shin Gin-san! It's fried chicken!

Zura One day, Elizabeth finally asked Grandma Fumiko the question that had been bugging him.

Shin Renho's eating fried chicken!

Gin Hey, look behind you!

Gin Say something!

Gin Funky chick eating fried chicken!

Why do you come here every day?

Fumi You think it's strange?

Fumi A storyteller spends all day watching the children instead of telling stories?

Gin It's no use!

Gin The fried chicken doesn't help! They aren't looking!

Shin Hey!

Shin Renho is throwing fried chicken at them!

Shin But they still haven't noticed her!

Fumi I tell stories to make the children smile.

Fumi But look, they're having plenty of fun already.

Fumi So my job is to watch over them.

Shin Renho's messing up her hair in front of them!

I want to see your picture story.

Fumi You're such a strange one.

Gin If he doesn't use those signs now, he's never gonna use them!

Fumi Oh, well. I suppose I can tell you one of my best stories.

Gin Please! End this flashback!

Was your hair done at the same place where Tokiko Gato goes?

Fumi Let's begin then.

Fumi The story of "Was your hair done at the same place where Tokiko Gato goes?"

Both There?!

Shin You can use it there?!

Gin Wait!

Gin After all that buildup, it wasn't even Elizabeth's sign?!

Gin It has nothing to do with Renho, you a-hole!

Shin And what kind of picture story is this?!

Shin No wonder the kids stayed away!

Zura I can't remember the details...

Zura I wasn't paying attention so I can't remember anything after the title.

Gin Was it that scary?!

Kagura But why does Elizabeth have a sign from the granny's story?

Zura I have a feeling that this line will help me remember.

Excuse me, your collar is turned up.

Gin No, no more!

Gin Just stop!

Zura I believe this line was when...

Shin He started another flashback!

Shin Please get to the point and make this short!

Fumi Eli, you were too much.

Excuse me, your collar (my penis) is turned up.

Fumi My back can't take it.

Gin That was too short!

Gin How did that even happen?!

Gin What went down between them?!

Zura You wasted all that time on the first flashback!

Zura It isn't proper for us to probe into the affairs of other couples.

Zura All I can say is that Elizabeth isn't picky.

Gin This isn't a matter of being picky or not!

Gin And where were you watching this from?!

How do you write out Renho?

Shin Wait!

Shin There's only one sign left!

Kagura Hey, Zura! What's wrong?!

Zura My head...

Zura I-I have a feeling

Default ,that I'm not supposed to remember what comes next...

Gin Wait!

Gin Don't tell me that you're talking about Elizabeth and the old lady getting down and dirty!

Gin The flashback started! It started!

Fumi Snow... It's so cold...

Hold on.

Fumi It's okay. Don't overdo it.

Fumi You'll end up catching a cold.

Fumi Besides...

Fumi I have my own.

Fumi I'm sure that you've seen through my disguise.

Fumi I may be wearing the skin of an earthling right now,

Fumi but you could never forget your former lover, could you?

Fumi But you could never forget your former lover, could you?

B Part

Fumi Or did you approach me because you recognized me?

Fumi So you could dispose of the traitor?

Fumi I was surprised to see that you were still using those signs to lie to yourself.

Fumi After watching the people on this planet smile,

Fumi I discovered my true calling.

Fumi I want to tell stories and protect the smiles of the people here.

Fumi That is how I truly feel.

Fumi Don't you feel the same way?

Fumi So why are you still wearing that costume?

Fumi Why are you still using signs to talk?

Fumi Don't you realize what we're doing to this planet?!

Y-You're such a coward...

Fumi Please... Stop this...

Fumi Y-You don't need to follow someone else's script...

Fumi Write your own story...

Are you finished?

We've been ordered to return.

Our survey of Earth is complete.

Let's go, Captain.

Zura E-Elizabeth!

Zura Wh-Why you?!

Zura What is the meaning of this?!

Zura One Elizabeth, two Elizabeths, three Elizabeths...

Fumi I see that he's regained his memories.

Fumi I just remembered everything myself.

Fumi Yes, he wasn't...

Fumi We aren't cute pets.

Fumi We came to invade this planet.

Fumi We were sent as spies to scout the enemy's land.

Fumi We are members of the legendary mercenary tribe

Default ,who have worked for Dakini, Shinra, and Yato...

Fumi Feared as the white devils...

Fumi We are known as the...

Zura Elizabeth, who are you...?

Fumi Renho.

Shin I can't keep up with everything that's wrong!

Shin What are you people talking about?!

Shin Just look at what you're wearing!

Shin Why is the show suddenly serious?!

Shin Just look at what you're wearing!

Shin How are we supposed to follow all these twists?!

Zura I remember everything now.

Zura The legendary mercenary tribe...

Zura The white devils, Renho!

Zura That is Elizabeth's true identity.

Fumi Yes, he infiltrated Earth by pretending to be your pet

Fumi while secretly sending information about

Default ,this planet back to the main fleet.

Shin I've never seen a pet act like that!

Shin And he wasn't being secretive!

Shin He drew attention everywhere he went!

Fumi And your adorable pet was their leader.

Don't look.

Fumi And now they've returned to the main fleet

Default ,having completed their mission,


Fumi after erasing any potentially inconvenient memories.

Fumi You forgot about him because he erased your memories.

Zura Y-You're lying.

Zura The time Elizabeth and I spent together was all a lie?

Zura It was all an illusion?

Zura I-I refuse to accept that...

Zura I absolutely refuse to accept it!

Gin Zura!

Zura Oh, don't come too close. I don't want you to hear me.

Shin You picked the worst time to take a dump.

Fumi I didn't want him to betray you.

Fumi That's why I fought alone to interfere with their work.

Fumi But I wasn't able to stop him.

Fumi I believe that over the past year,

Default ,they've almost finished preparing for their invasion of Earth.

Fumi At this rate, Earth will fall to the Renho.

FUmi But it isn't too late.

Fumi We can still stop him!

Fumi Please help me protect Earth from the Renho!

Dark Vader

has arrived.


the time has come.

After losing our mother planet in the great w*r, we have stayed strong while living on this planet.

However, we will no longer hide in the shadows.


Once we take their planet, we will regain our former glory.

Our advance forces have already set the stage.

Take planet Earth away from them!!!

Regain the glory of the Renho!!




A We've lost the target.

A Captain, this is...

Saka Oh, they vanished into the darkness.

Saka They've earned that legendary mercenary moniker.

Mutsu Shouldn't you be a little concerned?

Saka Don't worry about it.

Saka Those guys are still on that planet.

Galaxy Warriors

Zura Battle!

Zura Onward to space!

Kagura Zura, that White Base ain't taking you to space.

Gin Oh, that's how the catapult works.

Gin He might be able to make it to space.

Gin Good luck.

Zura W-Wait, you fools...

Zura A true samurai would never ignore a danger to Earth.

Zura If an idiot who didn't realize that his

Default ,pet was an alien invader can be a samurai,

Zura I give up on being a samurai.

Zura Bastards!

Zura You trust that Fujiko knock-off more than Elizabeth?!

Zura I will not accept that!

Zura Elizabeth would never invade Earth!

Zura That slutty woman could never be Elizabeth's former lover!

Fumi Oh? What makes you think that I'm slutty?

Zura Why you...

Fumi Please tell me.

Fumi Well?

Fumi In what way am I slutty?

Zura O-Obviously, your...

Fumi Why are you cooperating with this slutty woman?

Zura I'm not cooperating with you!

Zura And I am not fighting as a Joi patriot defending his planet!

Zura I'm going to save my friend!

Zura I may have a hundred doubts, a thousand doubts,

Zura but I choose to believe in the drink we shared.

Zura That's how a friendship between men works.

Zura He must have his reasons.

Zura He must have been forced into his current situation.

Zura In that case, I will cross the galaxy and rivers of blood to save him!

Shin Uh, the rivers of blood are flowing down your face.

Fumi He's not as innocent as you think.

Fumi But that's fine.

Fumi In any case, we share the same goal.

Fumi If you don't want Earth to be destroyed, you should work with me.

Gin Screw that.

Gin Why are we supposed to help you when you're the ones invading us?

Gin Do you even know how to write invasion in Japanese?

Kagura The Yato can't do it.

Fumi Why don't we have a round, boy?

Fumi And I don't mean on a bed.

Gin Don't call me a boy!

Gin And stop acting like you're Fujiko Mine.

Gin You're like the tub and rubber duckie in one!

Fumi Oh, didn't you notice?

Fumi There's an angel above you.

Gin Sh-She's fast!

Gin She's already working her slutty magic on me!

Shin You were just as fast when you moved in for the upskirt!

Fumi I prefer being on top.

Fumi Want me to take you to heaven?

Gin That's too bad.

Gin I prefer to take the lead.

Shin What do you think you're doing at the playground?!

Fumi H-He's fast...

Fumi He was able to instantly awaken my masochistic side.

Shin You were already a sick freak!

Fumi I never thought I would meet such a dirty man on Earth.

Fumi I'm impressed!

Gin The pleasure's all mine.

Gin Welcome to our planet!

Planet Pervs

Shin It's Planet Earth!

Shin And why are you so impressed with each other?!

Shin What kind of handshake is this?!

Zura Behold how quickly two individuals of different races were able to make peace.

Zura I'm sure that we can find a peaceful solution if we talk to Elizabeth's brethren.

Shin They didn't talk about anything.

Shin All they did was reveal their fetishes!

Zura In any case, we need to come up with a plan.

Fumi Then you can use me as the map!

Zura Well, if this is space...

Gin What are you talking about?

Gin A woman's body has always been like space.

Kagura Space? All I see is a forest.

Shin Elizabeth-san!

Shin Go ahead and destroy Earth!

Shin No way!

Shin They actually att*cked us!

Shin They're actually invading Earth!

A Captain, we were able to remove the obstacle.

Saka Really now?

Saka Let's land then!

Mutsu What are you doing?

Mutsu You want to destroy Edo before they even get here?

Shin Y-You're...

Saka It's been forever, huh?

Saka How many episodes has it been?

Saka I love the air on Earth.

Shin Sa-Sa-

Shin Sakamoto-san?!

Shin Mutsu-san?!

To Be Continued

Next EpisodeSpace Ururun Homestay

Zura Next time

Zura Space Ururun Homestay

Caption Following Elizabeth into spaceGintoki and co invade the enemy's home planet!!

Caption The true nature and demonic weaponry of thelegendary mercenary tribe Renhou are finally revealed!!
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