05x28 - Making It Through Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x28 - Making It Through Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Who has the best in-game girlfriend? We'll find out in the My Wife World Tournament!

Can the power of Gintoki and Pinko's love shatter Shinpachi's illusions (girlfriend)?!

Making It Through Love

Love ChorisMy Wife World Tournament

N First, for the preliminaries, we'll need everyone to split up into three groups

N according to their heroine.

N So there will be a Sayaka group, a Momo group, and a Pinko group.

N You will compete against the other members in your group,

N and one victorious couple will advance to the finals.

N That couple will represent

their group in determining which heroine is best.

N The one who best demonstrates his

N girlfriend's charm during an in-game date wins!

N Let the games begin!

Allow me to show you the power of a girlfriend

with over , hours of play time logged!

Boyfriend's Perspective

N Contestant # from the Momo-san group has made the first move.

Momo Shige-kun!

N Naturally, his boyfriend and intimacy levels are both maxed!

Momo Sorry to keep you waiting.

Momo There aren't very many people around...

Momo I can't hold myself back!

N Hey! The girlfriend is jumping right into the action!

Kondo That's what happens when bystanders are zero,

Kondo points are maxed, and the heroine's mood is aroused!

Kondo The French Kiss!

French Kiss

Gin Aroused?!

Gin Is this supposed to be an erotic game?!

Kondo It's so rare that most of the hardcore gamers have yet to experience this!

I spent all that time preparing for this day!

C Stop!

C My poor Momo-san!

Momo Please calm yourself.

Momo Your Momo is right here.

N Oh no!

N After witnessing contestant 's passionate kiss,

N the other contestants are crumbling one after another!

N What do the judges think?

Cute Factor points

Thrill Factor points

N points in the hard-on category!

Hard-on Factor points

N A total of points!

N We already have a very high score!

Gin Hey! Who let the gorilla on stage?!

The Momo-san group is mine!

N Oh! We still have a boyfriend left!

Kondo Shinpachi-kun...

Kondo That's...!

N What is the meaning of this?!

N They're on a date, but they aren't holding hands!

Sensitivity LevelCharm LevelBoyfriend LevelIntimacy Level

N In fact, his boyfriend and intimacy level are below average!

Kondo Impossible! After all the time he spent?!

N Platonic!

N Unlike contestant and his intense kiss,

N this couple is in a platonic relationship!

Victory is mine.

Shin Uh, are you thirsty?

Shin I can get you something.

N He can no longer bear the silence?

Momo I'll go buy something then.

Momo What do you want, Shinpachi-kun?

Shin Th-Thanks...

Shin I'll have tea then.

Momo Here you are.

Shin Uh, Momo-san, there's only one...

Momo I also wanted tea.

Momo We can just share, right?

All In-In-In-

All Indirect kiss?!

N Now this is a surprise!

N They're countering the passionate kiss with a platonic indirect kiss!

A Why?!

A An indirect kiss isn't even a kiss!

B But I'm getting really excited!

B It feels more realistic than that other kiss!

Kondo Shinpachi-kun, could it be?!

Kondo It's certain that the contestants and judges here are all virgins.

Kondo For them, a deep kiss is the

stuff of fantasy like dragons and pegasuses!

Kondo But an indirect kiss is different.

Kondo I'm sure that everyone has played the recorder

Kondo or tried on the track pants of the girl that you like!

Kondo This is much more realistic than a kiss!

Gin The track pants thing is just you.

Kondo Is that what Shinpachi-kun is aiming for?!

Gin He's obviously just another virgin!

Gin How can you get so excited over an indirect kiss in a game?!

Gin An indirect indirect kiss is basically pointless!

Shin I-I'm sorry! I'll go buy another one!

Momo It's okay.

N Oh, no! He's made his girlfriend upset!

Victory! My Momo-san wi-

Momo I don't need it anymore.

Momo My thirst is quenched.

N Contestant advances to the finals!

N I can tell you without looking that he's achieved a perfect score!

Cute Factor points

Thrill Factor points

Hard-on Factor points

Gin Gorilla! You just have a permanent hard-on!

Kondo Rejoice!

Kondo Love Choris holds infinite possibilities!

A A god! We've been graced by a god!

A Hooray for the virgin god!

A Hooray for the goddess Momo-sama!

Gin Uh, wouldn't the virgin god rank below the toilet god?

Gin Below a god covered in shit.

N Now, what has happened with the Sayaka-chan group at the zoo?

Sayaka Hey, kiss me.

N It appears that more and more couples are trying to avoid kissing.

Sayaka Why won't you kiss me?

N They've realized that this tournament can't be won

N through wanton displays of affection.

N Couple appears to be frozen in place.

What is their goal?

Sayaka Ah, I'm so embarrassed!

Okita Embarrassed?

Okita Then we should show off your ugliness.

All What kind of game is this?!

Kondo Sogo! What are you doing to my Sayaka-chan?!

Sayaka If you must use body painting, be sure to draw glasses too...

Okita Yeah, yeah. Glasses, glasses.

Gin What kind of request is that?!

Sayaka And my skin can't get any air. It hurts...

Sayaka Water...

Sayaka Please give me water, Master...

Gin Why does she keep requesting stuff she really doesn't need?!

Okita Water?

Okita This is all I have.

Sayaka That's good enough.

Sayaka I mean, please let me have some.

Sayaka Let's drink it together.

N Another indirect kiss!

N Is the indirect kiss still the key, even under these bizarre circumstances?!

Okita Good idea.

Okita One is enough for the two of you.

Gin Who is she supposed to share that with?!

Sayaka What about you, Master?

Okita I don't need it.

Okita My thirst is quenched.

Gin Your thirst for what?!

Gin Quenched with what?!

E Hey! I won't stand for this travesty!

N Oh! The Sayaka group is upset by this shocking display!

Okita Could you not interrupt our quality time?

Okita Sayaka is enjoying herself.

E No, Sayaka-chan would never enjoy this treatment!

E Look at how happy our Sayaka-chans are!

E Huh? Sayaka-chan?

Sayaka I have returned, Master.

N The Sayaka-chan group has fallen!

N As for the scores...

Cute Factor points

Thrill Factor points

Hard-on Factor points

N This is a surprise! A perfect score!

Gin You guys will take anything if it's female!

F How was he able to tame the strong-willed Sayaka-chan?!

F This was the perfect way to nail people with a fetish for being cheated on!

A A god! We've been graced by a god!

Gin How many gods are you going to roll out here?!

N The Momo-san group and Sayaka-chan group have their finalists!

N All that remains is the finals!

Gin Wait up!

Gin There's still Pinko!

Sa Why are you ignoring us?!

Tojo Yeah! You're going to die without ever witnessing how cute the lady is!

N Uh, they all receive points.

Cute Factor points

Thrill Factor points

Hard-on Factor points

Gin We haven't done anything yet!

A Well, I guarantee there won't be any cute factor.

Gin Screw you!

Gin Why do you think I'm even in this creepy tournament?!

A Then let me ask you this.

A Do you really want to date Pinko-chan?

Gin Uh, not really...

Gin But I need to reach the finals...

B Do you love Pinko-chan?!

Gin O-Of...

Gin Of course I do, bastard!

Gin Huh?

Gin Hold on.

Gin Why does everyone look so serious all of a sudden?

Gin Why isn't everyone laughing?

Gin Why do you look so upset?! Why are you crying?!

Pinko I'm not happy to hear that or anything.

Gin Why are you blushing?!

Gin Stop!

Gin Please stop this mood!

N I understand.

N If you insist, we'll have you prove those words!

N The Pinko-chan group will have their date at...

Dream CastleLove World

N ...Dream Castle!

Dream CastleLove World

N They will have their date at Dream Castle!

Gin J-Jumping right to the hardest challenge!

Gin Hold on!

Gin The other groups went to the amusement park and the zoo!

Gin Why are we the only ones who have to engage in physical activity?!

Okita Well, time to show what you're made of.

Gin What's that supposed to mean?!

Shin Try to climb your way up here.

Gin I can't!

Gin I'm at the bottom of the ladder!

Gin In the septic t*nk!

Kondo Why are you getting scared, Joe?!

Kondo Show them the fastest left straight in the world!

Gin What left straight?!

Gin I'm more limp than straight!

Gin I have no tomorrow!

Tojo I'm supposed to reveal how naughty the lady can be?

Tojo That... That...

Tojo That turns me on!

Go on a date.Call her.

N Contestant has made the first move!

Tojo Lady, my diaper feels icky.

Tojo Can we go inside so you can change it?

Gin Yeah, change his brain while you're at it.

N The baby role-playing couple easily clears the first...

Kyubei Can you stop that?

Kyubei I don't do this stuff.

Kyubei If you don't stop, I'll call the manager.

N Oh! What could this mean?!

N The girlfriend Pinbei-chan was actually a Pinko Salon Pin-girl!

Gin What's a Pinko Salon?!

Gin Why would he go to a place like that in a game?!

Kyubei Hello?

Kyubei I got this weirdo customer here.

Tojo Ah! Wait!

Tojo I'll give you another thirty thousand!

Kyubei Manager, over here!

Tojo Not the manager!

Tojo Anyone but the manager!

Gin Now it's turned into a fighting game!

N Contestant is in a match with the manager!

N Now he must defeat the branch manager, the head manager,

N the CEO, and then the last boss Fri-{\i}beep{\i}-za, before he can return to his date!

Gin This is a completely different game!

A Look, Pinko absolutely stinks.

A How can they stand her as a girlfriend?

N Pinko-chan's reputation is souring by the minute!

Sa That's absurd!

Sa Don't lump my Pin-san with his Pinko!

N Contestant has made her move!

N She forcibly transformed her Pinko-chan into Pin-san!

Sa Let's go inside, Pin-san.

Pin-san Yes

Sa I'm starting to get nervous.

Sa How about you, Pin-san?


Sa Please, you're such a cool player.

Sa Why not show a little excitement?

Gin Cool player?! All he can say is yes or no!

Gin He's turned into a Dragon Quest main character!


Sa Gosh! Don't overdo it.

Sa We have a long night ahead of us.

StrategyKeep using strong spells.Conserve magic.Pay no heed to HP.

Gin Why would you change strategies now?!

Gin Is that how it works?!

Sa Um, excuse me.

Welcome to the inn. It will be g per go.

Gin Why is the clerk the innkeeper from Dragon Quest?!

N It appears that she's hacked the game so Dragon Quest characters appear!

Did you visit the item store next door? Don't forget to equip your condom first.

Gin And what happened to being subtle?!

Item Shop

Sa Yes, we should buy items before we go on our adventure.

Sa Oh, this is terrible!

Cypress Stick

Sa They only sell Cypress Sticks.

Gin What are we supposed to use that for?!

Sa We're supposed to go into a dangerous cave without any armor?!

Gin Your cave is what's dangerous!

Sa Let me talk to the manager!

Gin Why?!

The Manager has appeared!


Normal AttackSpecial Technique

The manager summoned help.

Gin Do you have to fight the manager in this game?!

Gin And isn't this the same manager?

Part-timer A has appeared.Part-timer B has appeared.Part-timer C has appeared.Part-timer D has appeared.

Gin It's the same manager!

Gin And why are you with them?!

N Now they must defeat Part-timers A, C, the last boss,

N and D before Part-timer B can become a full-time employee!

Gin Who gives a damn about Part-timer B?!

N Only one couple remains!

Will they be able to achieve victory?!

Gin C-Can we just skip this?

Gin We're the only ones left.

Gin We should advance by default.

N Oh, what's this?!

N Why are the finalists here?!

Shin H-Huh?

Shin We've gotten lost in a strange place.

Shin I'm sorry!

Shin Let's turn back.

Momo Yes.

Momo Then I'll make sure you don't get lost by holding your hand.

Shin Huh?

Shin But Momo-san...

Shin This way is...

Momo Shinpachi-kun, you see...

Momo As long as I'm with you, I'm never lost.

Momo No,

as long as I'm with you...

Momo Let's get lost together.

All The sign!

All That's the sign!

N Shimura has barged into the Pinko-chan contest

and taken an insurmountable lead!

Okita Huh?

Okita We've gotten lost in a strange place.

Momo Then I'll make sure you don't get lost.

Okita Hey.

Okita Who gave you permission to walk in front of me?

Sayaka Master, I have followed every one of your orders

Sayaka because it made me happy.

Sayaka But...

Sayaka I want to make you happy!

Sayaka I...

Okita Bubera!

Sayaka ...want to grind my heels into this filthy pig!

Okita Huh?

Sayaka Such a stupid pig.

Sayaka Your weak admonishments no longer do anything for me!

Sayaka I'm going to teach you true pain and pleasure, boy!

All The sign!

All We don't know what kind of sign it is, but Sayaka-chan has given some kind of sign!

N Oh! Shimura is also joined by Okita

N with a newly awakened Sayaka-chan as they step inside!

N What's going on?!

N Are they going to leave the Pinko-chan team behind and enter the finals alone?!

Kondo What are you doing, Joe?!

Kondo The bell has rung!

G Seriously, what's wrong with him?

H He should make himself scarce.

C Nobody wants to see Pinko!

C Get lost!

All Go home! Go home! Go home!

Kondo Stand! Stand up, Joe!

Kondo The only one who can save Shinpachi-kun...

Kondo The only one who can defeat Sogo and avenge me...

Kondo The only one who can protect Pinko-chan...

Kondo ...is you, her boyfriend!

Kondo Teach them the true meaning of a boyfriend, a girlfriend...

Kondo Of love!

Kondo Now stand!

Kondo Stand up, Joe!

Pinko Hey, you knocked off my kerchief.

A Th-That's...

B I-Impossible...

B Who...

All ...is that?!

Gin Who is she?

Gin That should be obvious.

Gin She's my Pinko.

Pinko Let me go!

D No way!

D What's happened?!

Shin Wh-What is this?

Kondo He's finally woken up.

Kondo There are times when a grown-up

doesn't have the option to request a change.

Kondo There are times when a grown-up has no choice but to stand erect.

Kondo If virgins create illusions to escape from reality,

Kondo grown-ups create illusions to fight against reality.

Kondo Yes, illusions that are capable of altering reality!

Kondo Love.

Pinko Th-That's not funny!

Pinko I'm not your woman!

Pinko I already said that I'm gonna avenge En-{\i}beep{\i}-ri!

N Oh, it appears that Pinko-chan hasn't changed on the inside!

Pinko Die!

Enari Mom, that's not helping, okay?

A En-{\i}beep{\i}-ri has also transformed!

Enari I'm sorry, Sakata-san.

Enari My mom needed to vent her grief on someone after losing me!

Gin Except you're still talking!

Enari But the truth is that she appreciates that you were always there for her...

Pinko Hey, what are you saying?

Pinko I was just tailing him.

Pinko And it wasn't because I like you or anything!

Pinko I did it so I could k*ll you whenever I wanted!

Pinko Don't get the wrong idea.

Pinko I don't like you at all!

Enari Mom, I never said that you liked him.

All A-A tsundere?!

E What?!

E How can such a worn-out genre feel new and refreshing?!

D The impact of her tsun was doubled because she was originally Pinko!

D The result is that the impact of her dere is also double!

Enari I just want you to be happy.

Enari You shouldn't have to bear the burden of a son who isn't even your own.

Enari You haven't been able to live the life of a young girl.

Pinko I am your father's wife.

Pinko It doesn't matter if he's dead.

Enari Your relatives forced you into that marriage.

Enari You never even held hands with Dad.

All Wh-What's that?!

A Impossible!

A A widow with a son, and she's miraculously pure?!

Pinko But Tak-{\i}beep{\i}-zo was kind to me.

Enari Yes, Dad cared deeply for you.

Enari That's why he's wishing for your happiness from up above.

Takuzo Pinko, go do it!

All Tak-{\i}beep{\i}-zo has given his permission?!

Pinko I-I guess I don't have a choice.

Pinko If Tak-{\i}beep{\i}-zo insists...

Pinko I don't want to do this, but I guess I'll go with you...

Pinko But don't get the wrong idea.

Pinko I-I'm not the kind of girl who would

come to a place like this with a man I don't like!

N There it is!

N Sakata has shown us the power of an awakened Pinko-chan

and gone inside!

Shin An illusion to fight against reality is love?!

Shin My ideal girlfriend will never lose to a grown-up's disgusting fantasy!

Shin Isn't that right, Okita-san?!

Shin Okita-san?! Okita-san!

Gin Love isn't all it's cracked up to be!

Gin Just you watch!

Shin My love with Momo-san is eternal!

Shin This is the end!

The manager has appeared.

Both Why is the manager here?!

N Well, we can't actually show what happens next,

so we'll use the manager instead.

All That only makes it worse!

N The final battle will be a contest to send the manager to heaven!

N Managetris!

Shin What's that supposed to be?!

Shin After all that, I have to face the manager?!

N Shimura has made mistake after mistake!

N He can't mask his frustration?!

Shin Damn! Damn!

N Oh, and here comes the penalty!

N A rain of managers!

Shin This is...

N Sakata!

N He's calmly sending managers to heaven as though nothing happened!

Shin Y-You don't love your girlfriend, Gin-san!

Shin So it doesn't matter if her appearance has changed!

Gin That's true.

Gin But is it love in your case if you're so easily disturbed?

Gin Women aren't going to follow the script like in a game.

Gin The hottest girl around will still fart and poop.

Gin Eventually, she'll age and become an ugly manager.

Shin Uh, she won't turn into the manager!

Gin If you love someone, that means you're ready to accept that.

Gin Love is the resolve to create an illusion that accepts this reality.

Gin When you love a cold machine...

Gin If you can't show affection for the manager, humans, reality,

Gin you have no right to speak of love!

Gin This is my love!

Gin straight Pinkos!

N There it is!

Winner Loser

N The manager has gone!

N It's over!

N Sakata has shown the virgins what adult love is about!

Gin Stand up, Shinpachi.

Gin It's not over.

Gin This is a new beginning for you all.

Gin If you were able to pour this much love into a game,

Gin I'm sure that you'll be able to love a real person one day.

Shin Gin-san...

Gin That means you need to stop playing games and face reality.

Shin Uh, well...

Shin You're the one who needs to face reality.

Okita Most people wouldn't take off their underwear.

Sa Gin-san! Over here!

Kondo We were on the verge of becoming him?

Kondo We need to wake up.

Gin Okay, I need to increase my boyfriend level so I can go

on a trip to Atami next weekend.

Game Over

It Would Take Too Much Effort to Make This Title Sound Like a Text Message Subject

Kagura Next time

Kagura It would take too much effort to make this title sound like a text message subject.
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