04x36 - Please Take Me Skiing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x36 - Please Take Me Skiing

Post by bunniefuu »

There are these things known as death flags in our world.

A spoken line or situation which foreshadows death.

"Could you feed the goldfish for me?" would apply.

Once the flag is set, the man will soon challenge the bad guys to a final battle and lose his life.

The woman will feed his goldfish in tears.

This example is easy to understand, but there are other situations.

A bad guy who becomes a good guy is also at high risk.

A man who regrets everything wrong he's done and vows to live an honest life from now on.

On his way home from work, he stops at a cake store of all places.

"Oops, I forgot to ask them to top it off with mayonnaise.

" That's when death is really near by.

Captain of the Shinsengumi First Division Sogo Okita.

I have avenged my father's death.

He cannot bring himself to ask who that was For the man has hurt too many people in his lifetime.

He may try to change, but those sins will never go away.

It was selfish to seek happiness for himself.

The man had a mocking smile on his face as he quietly toppled towards the ground.

And then The man locked his legs around the girl's neck and smashed her into the ground.

As luck may have it, the man didn't die.

Hey, how are you gonna make up for this? The cake's a mess now.

And I just loaded it up with tabasco sauce for those morons to chow on.

That's because I was a good guy to begin with.

["Beware of Foreshadows"]

There you have it.

Could you sell her off to some illegal red light district institution? She's just a kid, but some freaks pay a lot for that.

Don't make it sound like I'm a sl*ve trader.

Huh? Aren't you a sl*ve trader? You've got this little girl, an illegal immigrant, working for you without pay.

Who are you calling a sl*ve?! Want me to k*ll you, brat?! Don't bring trouble to me.

You guys can deal with this little girl.

Such a pain There would be no end if we dealt with every two-bit criminal around.

We're busy, unlike you people.

Pretty big-headed for a bunch of murderers.

You go off k*lling innocent people along with t*rrorists.

No wonder you would be so busy.

Kirie-san, was it? Did your father belong to an Anti-Foreigner Faction? Are you implying that I'm mistaken? My father was an innocent, ordinary citizen.

This man and his colleagues work to protect ordinary citizens from t*rrorists.

They wouldn't- He was caught up in a fight.

The Anti-Foreigner Faction and the Shinsengumi were engaged in a chaotic brawl My father was caught in the melee and cut down by this man.

So she says, Okita-kun.

I don't know anything about that.

Don't play dumb! Don't tell me that you've forgotten my father, Muneharu Rokkaku! I can't put up with this.

If I tried to remember the face of every person I've ever cut down, I wouldn't be here now.

If I let myself worry about that, I'd be the one cut down.

On the b*ttlefield, a moment's hesitation can cost you your life.

Whoever dispatches the people before him quickest will survive.

It's more or less impossible to distinguish between commoners and t*rrorists on that field.

So you don't remember anything, and you don't plan on denying you did it? All I have to say, whether or not I did it, is that it was her old man's fault for dawdling around in that place.

You son of a bitch! Kirie-san, please calm down! You did it! You k*lled my father!! I'll k*ll you! I swear I'll k*ll you!! A pity.

If you weren't a girl, we'd recruit one with such spirit.

But no more of your revenge games.

The next time you step into my realm, I'll slaughter you without hesitation.

Well, boss, I'll leave the money here.

And this is a little smashed, but you can eat it.

Wait! You won't get away! I'll never let you get away with this! Kirie-san, calm down! Let me go! I'll k*ll you! I swear I'll avenge my father! Kirie-san Gin-san, Kagura-chan.

What do we do? A mere girl trying to avenge her father alone Brings tears to my eyes Kagura-chan I understand.

I'll give you a hand.

Huh? What? I said I'll help you k*ll that son of a bitch! There's no doubt about it! He's the one who did it! Water! Shinpachi! Water! Wait! I'll k*ll him! Wait, Kagura-chan! I swear I'll k*ll that son of a bitch! Kagura-chan! [Kabuki Land]

The Rokkaku incident.

A melee between the Anti-Foreigner Faction radicals named the Sokai Faction and the Shinsengumi which happened at Rokkaku Inn two years ago.

The Sokai Factions's plan to simultaneously set fires all around Edo as a distraction for the assassination of the Shogun.

["I have a part!"]

The Shinsengumi learned of the plan at the last second and assaulted Rokkaku Inn where they were hiding.

It resulted in thirty-six catastrophic deaths between the Shinsengumi and Sokai Factions.

Thirty-six?! The Sokai Factions were eradicated in this incident, while the Shinsengumi only suffered three deaths.

Despite the fact that they only had time to send f-f-f-five members from the First Division.

You could say that Sogo Okita, Captain of the First Division, carried out most of the k*lling at Rokkaku.

He destroyed an entire Anti-Foreigner Faction unit by himself? Scary kid.

But even if he is the strongest of the Shinsengumi, he couldn't have made it through the ordeal unscathed.

Kabuki Doggy! Kabuki Doggy! With those extreme circumstances, the extreme tension, I wouldn't be surprised if he accidentally cut down the owner of Rokkaku Inn, Muneharu.

It's Katsura, not Kabuki Doggy! Katsura-san You agree with Kagura-chan that Okita-san did it? No idea.

I'm merely saying that it's possible.

Zura, what happened to the Rokkaku Inn afterwards? For a while, Muneharu's wife and daughter kept it going, but nobody wanted to stay at the inn after such an incident.

It went out of business a year ago.

His wife passed away soon after, perhaps from the exhaustion.

As you can see, I have nothing left.

Father Sincerity? Yes, sincerity.

The most important thing for an innkeeper.

Always remember to serve customers with a sincere heart and devotion.

But I have something more important.

Mother and you.

For the two of you, I would do anything Father was always so kind.

He cared deeply for Mother and me.

But Father and Mother are gone now.

I have no home to return to.

He took everything from me.

And yet! How can he say he doesn't remember anything?! I will never forgive that man! Gin-san, I can understand why Kirie-san wants revenge.

But I can't blame Okita-san either.

That was just an unfortunate accident.

An unfortunate accident that happened as he was trying to protect Edo.

It's not that Okita-san doesn't remember Maybe he just wants to forget? There's no point in digging up the past now for revenge.

Kirie-san will end up suffering more.

We have to stop her.

You don't need to worry.

Kagura's with her.

That's why I'm worried! It's fine.

The guy knows.

I can tell after all our run-ins.

Don't you find it odd? He's the kind of guy who doesn't hesitate to cut down women and children if they're after his life.

Yet he didn't even try to catch her, much less k*ll her, and left her with us along with money.

He remembers.

He doesn't want to forget.

He probably just [Rokkaku Incident]

Greetings, Captain Okita! Studying in the reference room after returning from patrol.

I would expect no less from the captain! Skilled in both literary and military arts! The ideal samurai! I will follow you forever! No need.

You're annoying, so make a U-turn and leave.

And you never need to come back.

Is that the case file regarding the Rokkaku incident? That was a while ago.

I'm surprised.

I believed the captain to be someone who doesn't dwell on the past.

Sometimes, it's necessary to look back at the past in order to move on to the future.

Keep that in mind.

Yes, sir! I'll write it down! If you understand, make a U-turn and look back at the past.

And you never need to come back from the past.

Yes, sir! I'll write it down! I'm telling you to leave, not take notes.

But the Rokkaku incident brings back memories.

Hey, you listening? In fact, I must admit that was when you captured my heart.

Don't admit that.

Go get spirited away.

Please, God.

That was a violent bunch of Anti-Foreigner Faction men.

One by one, our comrades were cut down.

Only the captain and I were left.

Each watching the other's back, guarding it.

After surviving that furious battle, I was able to recognize that my fate was tied to the captain's! You didn't do a thing.

I'd rather let a locker watch my back than you.

But why are you researching the Rokkaku incident now? I was stabbed by that thing.

Huh? The daughter from Rokkaku Inn said she was avenging her father.

Stabbed?! Are you okay?! Where were you stabbed?! The ass?! a**l?! The anus?! Or was it the assh*le?! Those are all the same thing.

Now look here.

Cut it out or I'll really s*ab you.

Please s*ab me! My dream is to die at your hands, sir! We told the survivors of Rokkaku Inn that Muneharu died at the hands of the Anti-Foreigner Faction.

So why now? It wasn't Captain Okita's fault that Muneharu Rokkaku died! That was Forget it.

That isn't the problem here.

Forget it? Don't tell me that you allowed the girl to walk free?! I'm saying that a girl or two won't be able to give me any trouble.

But, Captain! Are you upset about letting her father die? In that case! That isn't it.

Then why?! I can't bear this! I shall prove your innocence! I'm not innocent.

You should be well aware of that.

You didn't do anything wrong! I shall go tell her the truth! I can't hold it in any longer! Didn't you hear me tell you to forget it? We were the only survivors.

If we keep quiet, there won't be any further trouble.

But as things stand, you'll be called a m*rder*r! I'll become a m*rder*r if that's what it takes, if you don't stop that loose tongue of yours.

The real question is Yes, how did the girl find out and come after me? Someone is trying to k*ll me through that girl by using that incident.

That's why you're reading the case file? Look at that short sword.

A good blade that's been well-used.

But why would the daughter of an ordinary citizen be carrying such a thing when swords have been banned.

There are still people who need to be silenced.

We might not have been the only survivors at Rokkaku.

Kamiyama, go see what you can sniff out.

And wipe that bloody ass, too.

Y-Yes, sir! Sogo is sneaking around? Yes, he's behaving suspiciously.

Talking about being stabbed by someone.

"s*ab me.

" "Go wipe your ass.

" He was whispering about something with Kamiyama.

Yamazaki Even if you're keeping an eye on him, private information like, uh, sexual preferences should stay off-limits, I would say.

Vice-chief? I'll pretend I didn't hear anything.

This information doesn't leave the room.

Vice-chief, you're mistaken.

It seems that someone's after Captain Okita's life.

Do you remember the Rokkaku incident? Wasn't that business dealt with long ago? Yes But, Captain Okita was reading this case file.

I believe there's a connection.

Those two were the only survivors from the incident.

And there were oddities in the report.

The two of them might be hiding something.

[Rokkaku Incident]

The Rokkaku incident, huh? You're not that girl, are you? So you were the one who set her after me.

Man, do you all hate me so much? Yeah, I hate you! How dare you mix in Tabasco sauce, damn brat?! It's you?! What are you doing? Doing odd jobs doesn't make any money, so I quit and became a hitman.

Raise your hands.

Any funny moves and I'll pop you in the kisser.

You're the one who's funny in the head.

Pop yourself in the kisser.

You might become able to think straight, then.

Don't give me lip, damn it.

Show some respect.

Do you understand the situation you're in, huh? Want me to spell it out for you? All nice and slow so an idiot like you can understand? Could you please leave? I don't have time to deal with someone like you.

So you do have manners.

All right, I'll reward you with a Happy Term.

[Note: From "Happy Turn", a Japanese rice cr*cker.


A Happy Term that's all swollen after the salt was licked off and became an Unhappy Term.

I want to k*ll you.

God, I don't care if I die.

So please k*ll this damn bitch in return.

So? Where's the kid? You probably came to k*ll me together.

k*lling you will only make Kirie's hands dirty.

Then why are you here? Are you going to be my bodyguard? Tell me the truth.

It's obvious that you're hiding something.

I know that you're too skilled to mistake an ally for an enemy.

What are you trying to hide by pretending to be a m*rder*r? Tell Kirie to her face.

If you refuse, I'll punch a hole in your face for Kirie.

I am too good to mistake an ally for an enemy That's true.

But What if someone you thought to be an ally was an enemy? Some things in this world aren't meant to be known, little girl.

Besides, you shouldn't go off talking out of character like that.

See? You've triggered my death flag.

Kirie?! Who is it? Don't raise your voice, or the secret investigation you're hiding from your comrades will be for nothing.

Rokkaku survivor, Kamiyama-san.

Wh-Who are you? Could you answer a few questions for me? What's that bastard hiding? What did you do during the Rokkaku incident? All these people gathered on such a nice day for revenge? You've got spirit.

Like you're ready to raid Kira's mansion.

[Note: A reference to the Japanese fiction tale "Chusingura".


They must have loved your old man.

Or they must really hate me.

Kirie! Don't move.

If you don't want to take the daughter's life after taking the father's.

Right, Mr.

Sogo Okita the m*rder*r? Kamiyama, listen to me.

Forget everything you just saw.

Rokkaku was already dead when we found him here.

He was caught up in the battle and k*lled by the Anti-Foreigner Faction.

After concealing evidence and changing the facts, it was foolish of you to allow a survivor to escape.

The Sokai Factions weren't wiped out.

It was revived to get revenge No, to crush you all.

I've gotten caught up in your trouble.

How you gonna make up for this? Serves you right.

That's what you get, damn girl.

[To Be Continued]


C-Captain! I won't be able to bear watching you tied up, abused, stabbed, and suffering next week! I can't sit idly by anymore! Please shut up.

Yes, sir! The next episode "It's Goodbye Once a Flag is Set.

" [Kagura and Okita are caught in a trap laid by the Sokai Factions survivor, Sotatsu.


[The death flags keep coming.

What really happened at the Rokkaku Inn?]

[See you next time.

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