04x33 - Piggy Banks and Trash Cans

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x33 - Piggy Banks and Trash Cans

Post by bunniefuu »

To celebrate the Gintama anime becoming a movie & breaking roughly one million in DVD sales, we held the second character popularity poll.

However, someone unsatisfied with the results att*cked Yamazaki-san in 9th place to slide the ranking.

This caused the girls, led by my sister, to go for the k*ll before being k*lled.

Hideaki Sorachi, the original author at 15th place, was the first to be taken out.

[Please wait one moment.


Then the anime staff attempted to cancel this week's episode using the author's absence as an excuse.

But such scene does not exist in last week's episode With the original author gone, what will happen to this show? And how are we suppose to pull off another 30 minute show this week?! The screen's back to normal somehow.

That gorilla author must have recovered after a week.

That's a relief.

At the very least, this show won't be canceled because the author died.

In any case, I must get to Gin-san quickly I can't let this popularity poll No I cannot allow those wretched fiends to have their way with this distorted, yet beautiful world! [Gintama]

[Episode 182]

[Farewell, Friend]

[Artwork by: Cyborg Sorachi]

[Original story by: Gudonson]

[Note: A spoof on Buronson, the writer of the manga "Fist of the North Star.


Here I come! Dark Shogun Ieyasu!! What the?! The art style just changed dramatically here!! Who the hell is Cyborg Sorachi?! Who the hell is Gudonson?! Who the hell is Dark Shogun Ieyasu?!! [Gotta love a glass of oil after finishing a draft!! Mr.

Cyborg Sorachi is whirring away!]

This program is brought to you by OEDO Records, Viper Industries, and the following sponsors.

What's with the damn sponsor message rolling like that?! A glass of oil after finishing a draft?! Sorachi's been turned into a cyborg! Sorachi, you managed to survive, but your style turned into someone completely different! And the drawings are too detailed! We won't last to the end of our fourth season at this rate! I appreciate Mr.

Gudonson for helping out with the story, but he obviously has no clue to what this show's about! Could you at least read some of the manga?! Huh?! The land of the samurai!! There was a time, long ago, when our country was called by that name!! Cut it out! That's not what I meant when I said read the damn manga! It's not about matching up the opening narration and the teaser! What?! Another change?! Are the artist and original author fighting over the theme?! Hey, stop that! Get along now! What are you thinking?! What is the editor doing?! The artist and author would always get into a fight if they meet! That's why the editor is suppose to act as the mediator so things can go smoothly! It's common sense, damn it! [Note: Bakuman is a manga about two kids aiming to become manga artists.

By the creators of Death Note.


It doesn't work like Bakuman! And the anime staff should be able to do something! Stop slacking! Ah.

It's over! It's over again! What are we supposed to do?! We still have over 20 minutes left! What are we supposed to do?! [I'll work extra hard to make up for the missing Mr.


Please show your support for the woeful warrior, Cyborg Sorachi!]

This program is brought to you by Club Fugly, Senbokyo Inn, and the following sponsors.

I-It's back to normal! That's good.

Looks like Cyborg and Gudonson were able to settle their differences.

Don't get into another fight.

Let's all get along.

All right, back to business Huh? Mr.

Gudonson!! He got taken out!! Mr.

Gudonson got eradicated by the Cyborg!! ["Popularity Polls Can Burn in Hell"]

Gin-san! It's terrible! It's terrible, Gin-san! Mr.

Gudonson has been Gin-san! I was too late He's already been att*cked No If my ranking hasn't gone up, Gin-san and everybody else are still safe.

But who did this? I see It no longer matters who the perpetrators are or who they're after Everyone below me is an enemy! Come on down, Shinpachi.

To where we are.

I-I'll pass Hey, he's running for it! Catch him! If we drag him down, we'll all go up a spot! After him! After him! I didn't realize the situation was so dire! This town is filled with enemies! Over there! After him! It's no use! I can't get away! H-He disappeared Wh-Where did he go? Find him! Search behind every blade of grass! They're gone? Yeah, it's safe now.

Gin-san! Okita-san! Don't talk so loudly! Boss, you're louder.

H-How Why are the two of you together? What kind of combination is this? Didn't you see them? The whole town is like that.

There are only a few people you can trust in this situation.

I normally can't trust him, but he's 2nd, right after me.

It just happened to turn out this way.

I was running around when I bumped into him.

And I figured since the boss is in Though I can't trust her just yet.

What was that?! Aren't you cozying up to Gin-chan because you're after 1st place?! Kagura-chan! Don't worry.

At the very least, I'm not interested in the dirty seat of 6th place.

Hey, you better watch your back.

I don't care about being 2nd, but I'm always after your head.

Cut it out, kids.

Honestly, what a sorry sight.

Letting a popularity poll manipulate you Why do I have to deal with this? I wish I had never gotten 3rd place.

Hijikata-san! Then Hijikata-san can go outside.

You're fine with your rank going down, right? You're fine with your underwear and rank being dragged down, right? Open up, damn it! If you want us to open the door, say that you're happy to be in 3rd.

Open up! Even if you're a loser who lost to us.

Who are you calling a loser?! But say that you're still happy.

Cut it out! Say it, Hijikata.

You should be able to say it, Hijikata.

I'm gonna k*ll you, sadistic freaks! Just kidding, I'm sorry.

I'm super happy about being 3rd! It rules! Open up! What a hopeless bunch.

Despite all that talk, they care about their ranking.

What's so great about being 1st or 2nd? This old man can't understand.

Yeah, no kidding.

Once you're our age, that stuff no longer matters.

I'd be completely fine with a low ranking.

And there wouldn't be much difference if I was 1st or 2nd.

Yeah, it's just a cheap ranking based off of looks.

Quite frankly, they can do whatever they want.

That's not what we're focused on.

I mean, can you be happy about a high ranking for such superficial reasons? I don't get it.

I could rank higher if I really wanted to.

But I'm purposely not doing that.

After all, I could dress myself up to rank higher, but that wouldn't feel right, yeah? You want to be cool on the inside.

They can play that game if they want.

We're going all-natural.

Honestly It's a little annoying when they arbitrarily rank us.

I'm all, don't lump me with the rest of them! I'm all, don't vote for me! I'm probably happier with a lower rank.

Man, I know what you mean.

Seriously, only a few can understand.

I mean, just look.

I don't understand how he's 4th.

This guy hasn't done anything! He's in 4th by wrapping a bandage around his head! There probably isn't any real reason for it.

It's a fashion statement.

Yeah, you've got that right.

Mine is just a pink eye, by the way.

And Kagura's big brother at 7th.

I don't understand this one either.

He came out of nowhere and he's 7th? Isn't he a bad guy? He's just wearing a Chinese outfit.

You're right! Absolutely right! In my case, the Shinsengumi's having Chinese Outfit Day.

To be honest, it's a pain when these other characters kinda overlap with mine.

Overlap? Aren't they ripoffs? They're total ripoffs of our characters, yeah? We showed up first! I don't care about the ranking, but we need to make this clear! That's right! I don't want the audience to think that we're the ripoffs! Would you cut it out already? Now is not the time to argue about who did the ripping off, or who was ripped off, or how I've been cuffed up.

Katsura-san! It doesn't matter if we're the Anti-Foreigner Faction or Shinsengumi.

Now is the time to unite and deal with this situation! Why can't you understand?! Why won't you uncuff me?! Cowards Are you so scared of a wounded beast? It's true that if I wasn't wounded, I wouldn't have been caught by dogs of the Bakufu.

Katsura-san, then those injuries are from?! I can no longer judge who is friend and who is foe.

No place is safe in this world Katsura-san, there's something wrong with that flashback.

No place is safe? Isn't that a safari park? You got injured riding a bicycle through there? The nightmare began when I decided that I wanted to see those paws close-up.

Curses Curses, my ass! You're an idiot! You've done this before, haven't you?! I don't care what happens! You can all You can all die covered by paws! You can die by yourself.

You can die by yourself from a separate case.

Anyway, where's Elizabeth-san? Don't tell me you ditched Elizabeth-san and ran.

Uh, sorry I think I just saw something I wasn't supposed to.

I just saw mascots in a bloody battle for supremacy.

So here we have eight people plus two pets from the top 20.

Well, I'm guessing that nobody in the room is going to do any backstabbing.

You'll pay for that once we get back.

Um I'm pretty worried about that.

They're all people who don't know how to hold back their anger.

That's it, Sadaharu! Anyway, we'll be hiding out in this hotel until everything's over.

The manager here's an old friend of mine.

I've explained everything.

We won't need to worry.

We'll want to stay put until the excitement's died down.

Excitement? When are they going to calm down? Hell, are you even sure that they're going to calm down? I have to wait around with a bunch of pests for god knows how long? Hijikata-san, a popularity poll can only work when lots of readers participate.

Don't you find it wrong when people try to twist that for personal gain? We have a duty to protect our own rank.

Aren't we obligated to protect the number that's been given to us? Well, a secondary main character doesn't want to be any lower than 8th.

That'd be pathetic.

You don't want to drop any lower, yeah? In fact, 8th is already pretty bad.

Really bad.

A real shame.

I was wondering if I'd done something wrong.

That's not what I mean! I was unhappy in the beginning.

I thought that popularity polls shouldn't exist.

But I promised Yamazaki-san! Th-The number one position for a boring character You must protect it at all cost The "pachi" in Shinpachi [pachi/hachi = kanji for eight]

is the eight for 8th place.

We all must hold on To our own numbers Our own roles I'm sure we can do this if we work together! If we're together! Of course we can.

If you can't guard a castle with this lot, it's a lost cause.

But the strongest castle will fall without a fight if it's collapsing from the inside.

Don't turn on us.


Same to you.

That's great, Gin-san.

We have a chance now.

Yeah, well done, Shinpachi.

That was a nice little act.

Huh? Hijikata-san, you show occasional flashes of brilliance.

They were completely fooled.

Fooled? What do you mean? Huh? Shouldn't that be obvious? We're going to kick them down so we can dominate the top! [Popularity Poll Arc]

I don't believe this I went to Gin-san and the other higher ranked members believing they wouldn't plan anything bad, but it wasn't any different from the outside.

Even if you place 1st, you end up being driven by a different greed.

Humans are such greedy creatures If this place turns into a b*ttlefield, the popularity poll will be a complete mess.

I have to do something.

In any case, I need to be wary of the outside.

Gin-san and the others won't make a move immediately.

We'll have a real mess on our hands if this place is att*cked.

I need to gauge the outside situation.

That's Tsukuyo-san in 9th place.

Why is she walking around here? If she strolls around outside with that ranking, she'll be targeted by the lower ranked! Hasn't she noticed the trouble going on? Should I call Tsukuyo-san over here? No, I'm not sure that it'd be safer here.

That's! Sis! Then starting from episode 182 She shouldn't need any more screen time That's right! They're after Tsukuyo-san! Tsukuyo-san's in danger! But if I call to her now, it'll also draw in those wild beasts! What do I do? Do I leave her out to dry? What do I do? What should I do?! Tsukuyo-san! Look out! Ah, sorry about that.

It's no use! It's too late! She didn't hear me! Hold it right there! Hey, big girl Wh-What do you think you're doing? The Boss Lady's 15th has fallen off! Ah! It's a hit-and-run scam! How are you gonna make up for this, you stupid idiot?! That's such a yakuza trick! They're being nothing but a yakuza! Look, the Boss Lady's 15th has been scratched! You won't be able to pay your way out of this one! What ya gonna do?! How did it get scratched?! I mean, those things are detachable?! Forgive me.

I wasn't paying attention.

I'll wash it and return it.

I'm sorry, Tsukuyo-san! It was my fault! You won't be able to wash away the dirt that's been thrown onto our emblem.

Could you come down to the office with us? Emblem?! That's a emblem?! Sarutobi, Kyubei.

That's enough.

That young lady didn't do it on purpose.

It's despicable to bully an honest girl like that.

But, Boss Lady! Forgive the disturbance my young girls caused.

I've done you wrong.

It seems that you've lost something important It doesn't matter.

Don't worry about it.

I was going to clean up from this business anyway.

Boss Lady?! A half-assed 15th sign won't get me anywhere.

Our methods are too old.

I already realized that.

But I kept thinking they might sell character goods, or release character songs, or let us form a unit like PRINCESS PRINCESS, [Note: PRINCESS PRINCESS, or Puri-Puri, was a Japanese girl band from the 80's.


and kept hoping and hoping The next thing I know, we're already half way done with the fourth season.

But even Puri-Puri was unable to beat the new wave.

Puri-Puri's time is over This is a new age Yes The age of you, the Perfume.

[Note: Perfume is a Japanese female technopop group.


Thanks to you, I no longer have any regrets.

I finally disband the group.

Thank you for the guidance.

I leave the rest to you.

Electro-on for our sake.

Ah, wait up.

I found this lying around.

Does it belong to you? She snapped it off! Tsukuyo-san snapped her own ranking off! Uh, isn't that yours? No, it was just lying there.

Hey, Tsukuyo-san! Just lying there? You're bleeding.

Your tore it off, so there's blood everywhere.

I just fell over there.

Don't worry about it.

It's okay, Tsukuyo-san! You don't need to be considerate to that lot! Young lady, I appreciate the thought, but I can't accept that.

Puri-Puri still has its pride.

Pride as hard as a diamond.

Besides, it wouldn't matter if I became 9th by myself.

That won't be enough to feed our bunch.

Boss Lady Isn't there a way? A way for all of us to become 9th? Don't be foolish.

It's okay.

Electro-on the diamonds for our sake.

Oh, wait up.

This broke into four pieces after I dropped it.

She shattered it! Now she shattered her ranking into four pieces! Perhaps we can all be 9th if we divide this among us? I really doubt that.

It'd be a stretch Wait! Hold it right there! That won't do! That can't work! Then how about this, Boss Lady? The four of us can join together as Diamond Perfume at 9th place.

Who are you calling Perfume?! That's allowed?! You can do that?! That's great.

I love that.

A brilliant idea, Kyubei.

Hey, Boss Lady.

We can electro-on too? We can also do the really bad robot-dance?! I-I don't believe this I didn't expect them to conquer their target without a single drop of blood shed They climbed up to 9th by absorbing instead of destroying They're nowhere as cute as Perfume They're They're They're! Vacuum! A terrible vampire unit which absorbs everything to become their own flesh, Vacuum! That's right.

It wouldn't be right with only the four of us.

We should also invite Kagura-chan.

Now they intend to absorb 6th place! This won't do! I can't let them have their way! I have to tell everyone! They saw me! I've been noticed by Vacuum! This is bad! They're barging in! This place will be a b*ttlefield soon! We need to tighten our defenses in preparation! Gin-san! We're under attack! This isn't the time to be fighting among ourselves! Fighting among ourselves? I see So you all were planning on turning on us from the beginning.

O-Okita-san! Y-You've got it wrong, Okita-san.

That wasn't what I meant Don't play dumb.

Look over there.

Ha-Hasegawa-san?! [To Be Continued]


First Yamazaki-san, and now Hasegawa-san And the Diamond Perfume is already on our doorstep! What is going to happen to this popularity poll?! [Popularity Poll can]

If this is the result, then popularity polls can [The intense survival battle surrounding the rankings leads to a showdown between Diamond Perfume and the higher ranking men!]

[Who will be in 1st place when the ranking battle ends?!]

[See you next time.

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