04x31 - The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Show Up After You Forget Them

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x31 - The People You Tend to Forget Tend to Show Up After You Forget Them

Post by bunniefuu »

I wish you had told me this sooner.

I wish you had allowed me to share your burden.

If the master's duty is to shoulder the student along with their pain, what is the student's duty? To grow strong enough to shoulder the master.

You're light So light, Master I never knew you were so light Can you see, Master? Yes I can see A moon more beautiful than any I've ever seen That's one helluva student.

A student's duty is to grow strong enough to shoulder the master, huh? I was always relying on my old man, so I was never able to do that.

Same here.

Reconstruction is coming along smoothly.

Boy, that's a relief.

At this rate, Yoshiwara will be back to the way it was in no time.

We were able to keep the damage to a minimum.

And miraculously, there were no casualties.

Oh, I need to thank that ninja, too.

Will he be coming by again? He's probably drinking at some cabaret full of fuglies.

In any case, how has Tsukuyo-san been doing? She's recovered from her physical injuries, but her emotional scars, well She's been in her room since the incident.

Who can blame her? She went through so much.

And she also feels responsible.

She believes it's her fault that this happened.

But it isn't Tsukky's fault.

Should we go cheer her up? Just leave her alone.

She's been working nonstop this whole time.

Probably feels like taking a break for a change.

That's true Oh, that's it! Since she's taking a break, we should take her out.

It'll be a good change of pace.

Why are you coming up with ideas that mean more work for us? I won't do it.

I'm gonna hit the pachinko parlor.

That's a wonderful idea.


She was always working so she's never been to the surface.

Introduce her to a place where she can relax.

Say, Hinowa-san Weren't you listening to me? You're pretty abusive, huh? Rattling off request after request.

Tsukuyo-chan! Let's go play! Hey, wake up, damn it.

We're hitting the pachinko parlor.

You probably got a bunch saved up, right? I'll blow it all for you.

Huh? She isn't here? Forget it.

Just leave her alone.

I'm leaving.

I feel like I'm gonna hit something big today.

Jackpot? The hell are you doing?! ["Watch Out For A Set of Women and A Drink"]

I see You all thought I was feeling down from the incident.

Looks like I made everyone worry.

Sorry to cause unnecessary concern.

But as you can see, I'm fine.

You don't need to worry.

Yeah, no kidding.

Too fine, if you ask me.

Great to hear.

Really, that's great to hear.

Uh, we heard that you were too depressed to leave your room.

Yes, I was somewhat injured.

Hinowa would give me an earful if I went out to work.

I did a little acting and pretended to sleep, before sneaking outside through a side exit.

Huh? You were still working after that?! In that condition?! Of course.

Yoshiwara has taken a big hit.

I can't be resting, just because I'm injured.

Besides, even if the illegal dr*gs have disappeared, crime is still a problem in Yoshiwara.

I don't have time to sleep or be depressed.

Well, I made Hinowa and the others worry unnecessarily.

I've recovered from my injuries.

I should start working in the open and show them that I'm doing fine.

There you have it.

Sorry to cause you trouble, but I don't need a vacation to rejuvenate.

I'm fine now.

Thank you for everything.

I'm too busy right now, but at some point, I'd like to properly thank you.

I can't provide much service, but enjoy your stay.

Tsukuyo-san hasn't changed.

She's still the same.

Never letting anyone else see her weak side.

She just doesn't know how to open up.

I thought she would have changed after everything that happened.

I guess people can't change so easily.

She'll let us know when she's really suffering.

She just puts that off considerably more than the average person.

But Gin-san That just means she's pushing herself too hard.

Leave her alone.

There isn't anything for us to do.

I wanted to let her take a break.

Guess that won't happen if she would rather work.

But she'll ruin her health if she keeps pushing herself like that! If she won't take a break, we just have to help her rejuvenate on the job.

There wouldn't be any problem if it was that easy.

Are you telling her to play around or drink while working? What kind of job Oh! Welcome, savior of Yoshiwara! Thank you for coming.

Now, come this way.

Um I came because I was told there'd be free drinks, but is that for real? I'm flat-out broke.

Since I lost at pachinko.

Yes, it's our way of saying thanks.

You've saved Yoshiwara so many times.

Please enjoy yourself tonight.

Whoa, is this for real?! Are you saying I can have free drinks, AND also try some seaweed sake? Oh, don't just stop at seaweed, sir.

Anything from dancing clams to picking chestnuts.

Hold it! You shouldn't get nuts involved! I'll end up with a Mont Blanc, you know?! Cook myself some rice with nuts! Is that really okay?! That's fine! Enjoy yourself all you want.

You know, call me if you ever need any help again.

I'll come flying at a moment's notice.

I'll cook nut rice at a moment's notice.

Yeah, it's a good thing I didn't bring Shinpachi and Kagura.

You'll be in this room.

Then please enjoy yourselves.


Ah, hello there.

I am the Courtesan of Death, Tsukuyo.

Please enjoy your I am the Courtesan of Death, Tsukuyo.

Please enjoy your Change! Change please! Get me a girl who's more friendly!! Hey, what's the meaning of this? Why are you here? That's my line! Why are you! Nobody mentioned this! Any drink will taste bad when served by such a grumpy woman.

Hinowa requested me to perform this important job.

She said that an important customer would be coming.

The other girls are busy with Yoshiwara's reconstruction so they can't help.

Please, Tsukuyo.

Could you at least pour a drink for him? I was told that this was an important job.

T-those bastards got me good So much for providing me service They were just using me to help rejuvenate this woman.

It looks like Gin-san's figured out what's going on.

I'm sorry, Gin-san.

Tsukuyo isn't the type of girl to rest during her time off.

I have to use the pretense of a job to allow her to take it easy.

Please help her relax.

I'm sure that Gin-san can do it.

I can't be sure, but I assume that Hinowa was trying to say that serving you, someone who's saved Yoshiwara many times, was also an important job.

That I represent the women of Yoshiwara in thanking you.

No, I'm pretty sure it's nothing that formal.

No matter, I also wanted to show my appreciation.

Is this good enough? Do I look like a corrupt politician to you?! What kind of appreciation is that?! Hinowa would never tell you to do that! But she told me to provide service.

Not THAT kind of service! For someone so pure, you sure know your stuff! You really are a woman of Yoshiwara! What am I supposed to do then? I've never been in one of these rooms before.

Guess I don't have a choice.

For now, just drink.

A lot's happened, but for today, just forget it all and drink.

That's your job today.

That's our Gin-san.

He knows what to do.

Oh, she drank.

Mom, she drank.

That's wonderful.

This is how it should be, Tsukuyo.

You can hold your liquor, huh? She looks like a normal girl now.

You should relax and rest every once in a while, Tsukuyo.

Hey, don't drink it all.

Pour me some.

Man, who's serving who here? Huh? Pour.

Pour! Huh?! I said there ain't enough liquor! Bring the whole damn barrel! Wha- W-who the hell is THAT?! She's turned into a completely different person after one shot?! She's not just cutting loose anymore! Something more important just got loose! Hey, damn it! How long you gonna lie there?! Hold it, hold it!! That definitely isn't a normal girl! She's acting like a drunk old man! Gin-chan! She's gonna k*ll Gin-chan! Hey, wake up.

It's too early to get smashed.

The night's only begun.

Yeah, s-sorry I suddenly lost consciousness.

Maybe I drank too much.

Th-That's odd.

Maybe I should l-l-leave.

You come to my house and think that you can leave before the sun rises? I'm joking.

Please forgive me, Lady Tsukuyo.

I'll accompany you till morning.

I'll k*ll all the morning birds and accompany you till morning, But um, Lady When did we start drinking together? Was there a change at some point? I was with the Lady to begin with? You're the Lady, right? Obviously! I dressed up and prepared all this liquor for you today! I'm gonna k*ll you, bastard! I-I never knew That she had such low tolerance for alcohol Come to think of it, I've never let her drink before.

This is way beyond low tolerance.

The alcohol is releasing some kind of unknown power.

Okay, I'm gonna entertain you good today.

We've had plenty to drink, so let's play a game.

Look thataway.

N-No, it's okay.

I'm happy just to drink by your side.

Don't you know this game? The loser has to remove an article of clothing.

No, it's okay.

You don't have to push yourself, Lady.

What's that? You don't wanna see me naked? You have no interest? No, that's not true.

But you're drunk right now, so you'll regret it later.

So you wanna see.


Gintoki's a perv.

Such a pain! This lady is such a pain in the ass!! Then if I lose, I'll take something off, so if you lose, you also take something off Like your skin.

Lady, look up the word "fair" in the dictionary and circle it! Here we go! Listen! Rock, paper, scissors! Look thataway! Lady, this is already punishment enough! Again! Rock, paper, scissors! Okay! Look thataway! Lady, I still lose when I win! Rock, paper, fist! Look thataway and bam! One more time! Stand up, damn it! Rock, paper, scissors! Tsukuyo's having so much fun.

She looks like an ordinary girl now.

How?! Okay, let's play cards next.

Hey, the people hiding over there should join in.

I'll k*ll you if you don't show yourselves in three seconds.

Ready? One, two No more, please Going on patrol? In the end, you never change.

Say, if If I didn't have this scar Could I have lived a different life? You wouldn't be any different.

That's the path you've chosen, your way of life.

There's no need to regret it.

There's no need to feel any shame.

You, and nobody else, chose this path yourself.

Walk tall.

Your face isn't ugly.

It's a pretty face carrying a clean soul.

Gintoki I'm glad to have met you all.


[In response to calls from passionate fans,]

[we finally have]

[a movie!!]

[That sword-]

You That sword I wasn't the one who cut him down.

is said to suck human blood.


Right, Benizakura? [GinTama the Movie: Benizakura Arc]

[Danger creeps toward Gintoki.


Gin-san! [Their name is-]

You think you can win against Matako Kijima's quick-draw?! [The Kiheitai]

I don't have a Lolita complex.

I'm a feminist.

What's with this girl?! [Go quick.


Elizabeth! [Shinsuke Takasugi returns]

Don't ever call them my chums again.

There are no warm feelings between us anymore.

When did our paths diverge? [Their beginnings were the same]

We may have started from the same place.

But we've been looking to different things ever since.

[Original Story: Hideaki Sorachi (Weekly JUMP)]

[He's the dumbest samurai in the universe, bastard.


The intense fight is bringing back the fighting skills his body still remembers! [The excitement returns to the big screen!]

So that is Gintoki Sakata and Kotaro Katsura.

They are strong I'd like to face off with them some time.

Takasugi! We'll do everything to take you out! [GinTama the Movie: The New Benizakura Arc New Translation Nationwide - Golden Week 2010]

[Note: Golden Week falls under the first week of May]

Uh, what is this? What? A trailer for GinTama the Movie.

GinTama can finally join the other popular Jump anime.

Uh, no! This is that fake movie preview we used last time! So after the fake ending scam, we're going to have a fake movie scam?! Well, the decision came so suddenly that there wasn't any time, and then we were like, we can just use this.

You're still making excuses?! Might as well skip the effort and reuse footage for the movie itself.

Toss in a few new scenes and you'll fool them all.

That won't work! Really? Most of Sunrise's movies are recompilations.

Like XXXX and XXXX and XXXX.

Those are all Gundam series! Oops, he said it.

And there you have it.

GinTama the Movie: The New Benizakura Arc.

Come shake my hand in the theater! Who's gonna believe that?! [And so, we have a movie coming up.

Sorry that it isn't a Hollywood production.


[Adding "New Translation" will make it work.

That's what a certain someone said.


[See you next time.

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