04x10 - Ghosts Aren't the Only Ones Who Run Wild Around Graveyards

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x10 - Ghosts Aren't the Only Ones Who Run Wild Around Graveyards

Post by bunniefuu »

Feeling all beat by 6 PM.

[The Tamo-san Hour Smile! Is that Good? Final Episode!]

Everything's still all good.

Getting all bitchy by 6 PM.

Tomorrow will be all good.

Yeah, after four weeks, we're starting to get tired of this.

I feel the same way, y'know? Get your act together, damn it! Yosan wo agete.

Give me money! Yes! We're the only ones using 4:3 in this day and age.

After all these years, the costs haven't changed! Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, zai, zen.

[Note: Refers to the Nine Symbolic Cuts/Syllables often used in Buddhism meditation.


Sharingan hiding behind my sunglasses.

[Note: Parody of Tamori and Sharingan from Naruto.


Laugh away! Bitchin' sparking! Yay! Project X.


Project X.


Project, project.


We'll cut to a commercial for now.

["Shocked by the Phone"]

We'll cut to a commercial for now.

What?! Good evening.

Good evening! Today's the last episode.

Sure is! We'll cut to a commercial for now.

What?! We've had a lot of commercial breaks today.

Sure have! Shall I call in a guest now? Sure thing! Then we'll cut to a commercial first What? We're out of commercials? I see Then we'll cut to GinTama for now.

I'm definitely going to take it! Victory! Victory for all of us! We'll handle the rest.

Gin-san! Taka-chin! Who is that? Here we are! First place in the prelims for the pianist battle to decide Tsu Terakado's official fan club is team Tsusengumi's Toshi! After joining forces with the other teams to beat his rivals, he has now crossed the line! A fine job of using wits to win the marathon prelim, believed to be a test of stamina! Well done.

Majumbo lottery.

Thank you very much.

Huge mountain.

Excuse me! Could you look this way? And especially impressive was the power displayed in commanding the other teams! The Tsusengumi is a fearsome force! Is there a team capable of defeating them?! They still haven't realized that these people were my pawns to begin with? There are no other teams in sight! The Tsusengumi has an overwhelming lead! But isn't it kind of odd that there isn't anybody else coming? Was there an accident back there somewhere? You're having trouble holding them back? It doesn't matter.

It isn't possible for them to break through that human wall.

We have a report! They're giving up! We have information that a large number of teams are giving up before reaching the goal! A bridge has been knocked out at the seven kilometer mark! A train has derailed at a crossing at the eight kilometer mark! A large quantity of dog shit has appeared at the nine kilometer mark! What is going on here?! It's as if the heavens have decided to rain natural disaster after disaster to impede the otakus! Only one team is past the nine kilometer mark! Could that team have caused this?! Is that humanly possible?! D-Don't tell me they No That's not Ah! Please take a look! We have a team running through the empty streets! It's! That coat is! The Tsu Terakado Fan Club's! Who the hell is that?! Okay! Yes! Okay, we've made it to the finals.


The Tsu Terakado Fan Club has made an amazing comeback! They've finished in second! Hold it right there! Who the hell is that?! Where did you get him?! Why is a total stranger crossing the finish line in slow motion?! This guy wasn't on your team! Yeah, enough of that already.

We already saw that reaction enough times last week.

What's with the attitude?! How can you be so shameless when you used an illegal sub?! Illegal sub? Hey, don't make baseless claims when you have no evidence.

Evidence? That guy right there is the evidence! Caught red-handed, damn it! Hijikata-kun, a marathon is like life.

After making it through trials and tribulations, you've matured so much that by the time you cross the finish line you're practically a different person He's a different person! He's obviously a different person! You just don't get it.

Ah, he's come at a perfect time.

There, have a look at your teammate.

Yamazaki-kun has also matured and completely changed.

His hairdo's changed! Why would his hairdo change during a marathon?! Why would a hairdo mature during a marathon?! And wait, this would be the opposite of maturing! Oh! And after the arrival of the Tsu Terakado Fan Club, we have a member of the Tsusengumi who's practically a different person! How am I supposed to carry out my job as inspector with this wild hairdo? Yamazaki, don't tell me those guys I'm sorry.

I goofed up.

But Hijikata-san, please just let it go.

Just overlook it.

They're holding a much bigger offense over our heads.

Ah, this is the place.

Don't worry.

Don't worry.

I won't get caught.

Yeah, just send an invoice.

To Toshiro Hijikata.

Oh? He looks awfully familiar.

Isn't that-- N-Now that I think about it, I recall seeing him That's right! There was a foreigner on your team! Uh, what was his name again? Taka-tin.

Yeah! Taka-tin! Yeah, there was a Taka-tin! Sorry about making false accusations.

Yamazaki's also grown so fine.

Okay, with that all settled, let's move on to the finals.

No looking around.

Let's just move on! As long as you understand You should have behaved to begin with.

Is this okay? I can take you inside.

This is fine.

Then be careful.

Don't get lost again.

["From A Foreigner's Perspective, You're The Foreigner.

From An Alien's Perspective, You're The Alien.


And the pianist battle to decide Tsu Terakado's official fan club It's only just begun and we've already got a wild one on our hands! With all the injuries, desertions, and dropouts, out of the thousand teams in the marathon prelims, only two teams, the Tsu Terakado Fan Club and the Tsusengumi, made it to the finish line! On top of that, both teams had participants who got lost before being taken in by the police and delivered here, a stretch of the rules How is that a stretch?! Did you ever say that we couldn't get in a car?! No, I didn't say anything about that, but normally, I wouldn't need to tell people this, right? How could we possibly know?! Do you have any idea how stupid we are?! Don't underestimate us! That's right! Don't play us for fools! Uh, Otsu-chan, what do you think? Using a car in a marathon is most definitely The purpose of this contest is to show their love for me, right? To go as far as to use a car in a marathon to come see me I believe that it can only be love! Uh, we've just been treated to an amazing revelation.

You were allowed to use a car in the marathon prelims.

Hey! Are you serious?! What was all our effort for?! You should have told us in the beginning! How are you going to make up for this?! Well, I can understand the complaints, but this is the pianist battle to decide Tsu Terakado's official fan club! Otsu-chan's opinion is absolute.

So these two teams, the Tsu Terakado Fan Club and the Tsusengumi, will advance to the finals.

These two teams will battle for the honor of becoming Otsu-chan's official fan club.

This is bad.

Very bad I didn't expect to end up in a direct confrontation with them.

Only my pawns would have remained once I eliminated their fan club.

I figured I could just wing it and picked up random members.

Who are you? What do I do? What do I do?! You look pale, Toshi.

You okay? Don't worry.

The people here are among the few who know that you've been possessed by that demonic sword.

True comrades gathered to free you from that fiendish blade! We won't lose to that money-hungry bunch.

Right, Sogo? Excuse me, how big is the reward? Right, Yamazaki? Excuse me, how expensive is a hair transplant? They're such a shy bunch! By the way, Toshi, I've gotta go play golf with the old man at three.

What time does this end? We will now hold three contests, and the team which wins more contests shall win the right to be the official fan club! The prelims were a test of stamina! Next, we will test your brains! You should know everything there is to know about your beloved Otsu-chan! We will now have a quiz on matters related to Otsu-chan! And you will be giving your answers from this slide! When you get a question right, the opposing team's slide will tilt at a sharper angle! Victory will go to which ever team makes the other team's members fall off! However, if you get a question wrong, your own slide will tilt, so be careful! Is everybody ready then? The first contest of the finals! Commence the quiz showdown! Shinpachi! What are you doing?! The fan club has lost a critical member at the very beginning?! What happened?! Did his hand slip? Shinpachi Shimura has an expression filled with regret! Charge! Why are you moving on like nothing's wrong?! Why are you starting the finals without me?! Oh? Shimura is also over here?! Oh, my ass! I just finished the marathon and made it here! I had to struggle to make it here after being used as a decoy by my comrades! Oh? You weren't here yet, Shinpachi-kun? I didn't even notice.

We were moving along like nothing was wrong at all.

What? Wait Seriously? Nobody noticed that I was missing? Could you drop the serious looks? I'll tear you all apart.

Well, in any case, your tardiness means that you're disqualified from the quiz showdown.

Hold it right there! You people were the ones who said it was okay for the other members to take their time, as long as one member on the team placed! You people were the ones who forgot about me! Shinpachi, don't worry! We don't need you to beat these guys down! That's not Shinpachi! Those aren't even Shinpachi's glasses! Score.

If he's out of the picture, we've won.

I apologize for reading your mind, but could you at least use a better image to represent me?! And why are they cracked?! What's that supposed to mean?! Then we'll pick up where we left off with the first question! What?! I really don't get to participate?! I don't get to join in?! What is the name of the movie Otsu-chan saw when she was four and loves to death? This is super easy! Am I not allowed to say it?! Am I not allowed to tell my team members?! Hijikata from the Tsusengumi! Roman Horrorday.

[Note: Parody of the movie Roman Holiday.


He's right The last movie Otsu-chan went to see with her father Roman Horrorday! Hijikata-san Even if it's to free himself from the demonic sword, he's done his research about Otsu-chan.

This is bad Gin-san and the others don't stand a chance without me! Sorry, but I came prepared.

This contest is mine! Too bad! Incorrect! What?! So close.

The correct answer is Roman Horrorday, Gangster High School Rock and Roll! Too bad! Hijikata forgot to add an Otsu suffix at the end! Hold on! Forgot to? That wasn't a rule So as a penalty, Hijikata's slide will tilt one notch higher! No, wait, hold on! How was that one notch?! Oh, Hijikata has already been eliminated! U-Uh, excuse me.

Was that really just one notch? That's like a 90 degree angle.

Otsu-chan has control over the slides.

The angle changes according to how Otsu-chan feels.

Otsu-chan is the law here! How capricious are you?! Did I do something bad to you?! Was it so wrong of me not to use an Otsu suffix?! Both teams have already lost their captains! This match is completely up for grabs! What do we do? Nobody in there knows a thing about Otsu-chan! I'm sure that the other side also recruited members at random.

We're both in the same situation.

In that case, the best strategy would be to not answer.

It'd be better to wait for the other team to screw up instead of fumbling for an answer.

["As Immovable as a Mountain.


Then, here's the second question.

Don't answer! Don't say anything! Pressing the buzzer so early when you don't know anything?! Who was that?! Who the hell did that?! Taka-tin from the Fan Club! Please give us your answer! Wh-Why did you press it?! You have the least chance! You definitely have no clue! And what is that?! Please wait a moment.

Why did you press the buzzer so early when you can barely speak?! And who the hell is that?! No, wait.

It's too odd for him to press the buzzer when so many factors are against him.

And the way he looks so confident Maybe we have a chance here Sorry.

Can I go take a piss? Kadomatsu mark the way to hell.

[Note: Refers to rare proverb meaning "When you see Kadomatsu (gate pines) in new years, it means you're a year older.


He just wants to take a piss?! You hit the buzzer so you could say that?! And how come your Otsu suffix sounded perfectly fluent when the rest was shaky?! That was a phrase most Japanese people don't even know! We've been done in! Now we're one question in the hole Correct! The question was, "What was the first thing Otsu-chan said to the audience as a nervous wreck during her first concert?" The answer is, Can I go take a piss? Taka-tin gave the correct answer without hearing the question! H-He got it right! Why?! What kind of miracle was that?! Amazing! How did you know, Taka-tin? Hey, Taka-tin! Hey! N-No The entire Tsusengumi team will have their slides raised a notch.

Uh Otsu-chan? Is it my imagination or is my slide the only one at an extremely steep angle? What might this mean? Then, we'll move onto the third question.

Hey! You're ignoring me?! You're gonna ignore me?! Please have a look at this clip! What?! They haven't even played anything! It's Taka-tin from the Fan Club again! Why you?! Didn't you want to go take a piss?! And what kind of answer are you going to give without watching the clip?! What was it again? What? Could it be Do the bathrooms here have washlets? Hit the ball Kiyohara-kun.

[Note: Kiyohara-kun is a baseball player.


This time it's number two?! Shit! Correct! The question was, "What was the first item Otsu-chan bought at this store?" The answer was a washlet! Don't reveal private information about an idol that nobody wants to know! Taka-tin has managed to answer consecutive questions correctly! Taka-tin, way to go! Hey, Taka-tin! Hey! So, the Tsusengumi will be raised another notch! And we'll move onto the fourth question! No, seriously, why?! Oh, it's Taka-tin again! This time, he hit the buzzer without hearing a single word! What?! Fool.

A miracle can't happen three times in a row.

You'll be in the water for sure! No, I can be certain this time.

That person isn't ordinary! Yes, he must be the ultimate savior brought by Gin-san to help us! He'll make this work somehow He'll give us another miracle! Well, Taka-tin.

Give us your answer! Go, Taka-tin!! Sorry, could I change my underwear? Katochan, Pe.

[Note: "Katochan, Pe.

" is a popular phrase used by the comedian "Cha Kato"]

He's actually done it! What?! So he just wanted to take a shit?! He's done it now! He might have made it in time if he'd said something earlier! And his Otsu suffix sounds a little strained! Yeah, he's propping his ass up Just let him go already! Just raise it all the way and finish him off! He's done well! You can change your underwear all you want! Correct! The question was, "What did Otsu-chan say when a friend caught her picking her nose?" The answer is, Katochan, Pe! The Otsu suffix was right?! And what kind of questions are these for a quiz about a popular idol?! Taka-tin has miraculously answered three questions correctly after buzzing in early! And he's even revealed a technique where the Otsu suffix becomes a prefix! No, you've got it wrong! He's just a foreigner who's crapped his pants and wants to change his underwear! Just let him go already! If you don't hurry up, it'll be all over his ass, so let him go! Taka-tin! Hey, Taka-tin! Hey! Forget the "hey"! Enough with the "hey" already! Just let him use the water to wash down! But we're on the verge of winning Taka-tin soiled his pants to earn the blessing of the goddess of victory! We'll do whatever we can to keep her on our side! Uh, Otsu-chan Could it be that by some chance You hate me? Correct! The answer was, "I physically can't stand him.

" The Tsusengumi has rebounded from the verge of defeat to win! The first contest, the quiz showdown, goes to the Tsusengumi! [To Be Continued]


The finals consist of three contests! The second contest is a glamour showdown! Glamour?! How do you have a glamour showdown?! How do you decide who wins?! The next episode "Laputa's Still Good After Seeing It So Many Times.

" Ready, and Barusu! [Though getting here was difficult and exciting, the way back is surprisinglynot.


[Next week is about maybe going to that place.


[See you next time.

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