04x06 - Glasses Are Part of the Soul

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x06 - Glasses Are Part of the Soul

Post by bunniefuu »

It's starting! [Note: Written on Elizabeth's sign.

Parody of an MGM silent film.


Elizabeth's first errand Starring Elizabeth Kotaro Katsura All the people in Edo Katsura: Elizabeth, I need you to run an errand.

An errand? Katsura: There's a sale on shampoo at the Oedo Mart.

Why me? Katsura: I'm a wanted member of the Anti-Foreigner Faction, though I may not look the part.

Katsura: I can't go shopping at a supermarket in broad daylight You can keep the change.

Hostess Bar Only 2000 yen!! Hostess Bar Old Lady Paradise Nakamura Restaurant Flower Shop Hemorrhoids.

Your Worries Katsura: Elizabeth isn't back yet Where's the Oedo Store again? Where is the Oedo Store? Michael: I can't read Japanese.

I'm trying to get to the Oedo Store.

Old Man: My eyes aren't too good.

Where is the Oedo Store located?? Pedro: How about you listen to my story instead? Pedro: This weird kid showed up at my place again last night.

Pedro: They ring my doorbell and say Pedro: So yeah, this story doesn't really have a punch line or anything.

Where is the Oedo Store located? Pedro: Huh? Oedo Store? Pedro: Never heard of it.

Kagura: Elizabeth, what's up? Big Sale My spare sign is gone.

What do I do? What do I do?! Excuse me.

[Note: Voice by supervisor, Shinji Takamatsu.


Where's the Oedo Store? Kagura: Over there.

Katsura: Oh!! What a relief, Elizabeth.

Katsura: This is conditioner.

Katsura: Unbelievable!! This is unbelievable!! Katsura: I expected you to be a little more useful.

Katsura: What are you going to do if my long hair becomes all dry?! Katsura: I don't want to end up with dandruff.

I'll have a hard time leading my men if my head's covered with flakes.

Katsura: Everyone will be staring at the dandruff instead of listening to what I say.

Ahh, I expected you to be a little more useful.

A preschooler could run this errand for me.

I saw it on TV the other day, and I almost cried.

But no, look at you.

Whoohoo! [It was back in winter]

["It Takes a Bit of Courage to Enter a Street Vendor's Stand"]

[The Whinery]

Welcome! Man, it's freezing today, old man.

It sure is.

It might snow soon.

They keep talking about global warming, but Earth's only getting warmer on the outside.

Here in Edo, the town and the people's hearts are just getting chillier.

Got that right.

When will I get some warm action going on? [Note: "Warm action" refers to getting some more money in his wallet.


Warm yourself up with some of this, big guy.

Sorry, but I'm looking for something sweeter.

Sweeter? Sorry, but could you mix a little coffee milk or strawberry milk in there? Can you fix one up? Absolutely, but you have unique tastes, big guy.

You know what they say.

Something sweet helps when you're exhausted.

That's right, big guy.

You look awfully tired.

And your hair's all white.

Did something happen? I was born this way.

If you've got something on your mind, why not let it out here? Huh? Men are vain creatures.

They never complain, whether at work or at home.

Some things can only be told to a stranger.

Men need a place like this.

There really isn't anything on my mind Besides, the audience is watching.

Don't worry.

This place protects the privacy of its customers.

Like how they can't even see your face.

Ah, I see.


It'll be like this the entire episode, so nobody will know who you are.

Feel free to say anything.

Ah, I see.

By the way, the practice here is to pretend you don't recognize each other if you're acquaintances.

First: Complain all you want.

Second: Come alone.

Third: Pretend you don't recognize each other if you're acquaintances.

Fourth: Forget everything you hear in this place and do not tell a soul.

A place where you can feel free to complain.

That's what this stall is for.

Come on, big guy.

Don't think too much and just spill your guts today.

Brush off all the dirt from this sad world so you can feel refreshed tomorrow, yeah? Okay, coffee milk with shochu.

Complain, you say? Actually, I'm complaining all the time, so I don't really have anything 'Sup.

Hey, welcome! Ah, sorry, big guy.

Could you slide over a bit? Give this handsome samurai a seat.

Ah, sorry.

Not at all.

Go ahead.

Whew, I can finally warm myself up.

It's freezing out there.

Came out of nowhere, really.

It wasn't this bad yesterday.


We're pretty much guaranteed to have snow Eh? Why did the two of you suddenly stop talking? Don't tell me Ah, no.

It's nothing.

Hey, pops.

Give me hot sake.

And a fish cake, a tofu fritter, and an egg.

[Note: Fish cakes and tofu fritters are popular items in an Oden hotpot.



And the usual Gotcha.

Mayonnaise, right? Uh, do you come here often? Huh? Well, you just asked for the usual Do you have a lot of complaining to do? Nah, only once in a while.

Only been here two or three times, yeah.

You've been here at least fifty times.

Uh, pops? Could you butt out? Please stop.

Huh? You're here today to complain again? No, I'm just here for a drink today.

Is it that gorilla boss of yours again? Pops, keep your mouth shut.

Stop it! Huh, your boss is a gorilla? Sounds hard No wonder you want to complain.

No, you've got it wrong.

Though he's a gorilla.

It's not like I'm badmouthing him all the time.

That's right.

Instead of badmouthing him all the time, you just go "Die!" usually.

Pops! Die! You die! No, listen to me, big guy.

The mayo samurai's boss is always pestering this woman.

And this guy has to clean up afterwards every time.

I see.

That sounds rough.

Sounds rough, but "Die!" was a little shocking.

No, when I say die It's like a figure of speech Like an expression of love If I really wanted him to die, I wouldn't tell him to die.

Hey, you understand, right? Pops, raise the sign again.

One more time.

You understand, right? Look carefully.

Look carefully at the fourth item! Stare long and hard! I got it.

I got it.

I got it.

Don't worry.

Don't worry.

You understand, right? Hold on, big guy.

Look carefully at the third item.

Hey, pops! I'm back! Ah, Gori-san.

It's been a long time.

What a troublemaker.

You're drunk already, aren't you? Well, it was freezing out there today.

So I had a drink over there.

But now is when I get serious! Oh, we've got ourselves a bunch of complainers here today! This looks fun! Ah? Eh? What's wrong, Gori-san, Mayo Samurai-san? You look pale.

Come on, what are you doing? Slide over.

Slide over.

Gori-san's got a big body, so make plenty of room.

Well, we were just enjoying ourselves.

Listening to the mayo samurai's story.

No, no, pops.

Can't we drop that subject already? Can't we drop it already? Huh? What? What story? Fact is, this guy's boss is a gori- Ah! What?! Is that UFO?! Uh, you realize that UFOs are flying around all the time in this world.

And that gorilla's always pestering this woman and he thinks the gorilla should just die- Look! That's definitely a UFO! Hey, let's go check it out! Heh That kinda sounds rough Your boss is a gorilla, huh? What a coincidence.

I have the same nickname as that person.

Ah, that's right, Gori-san.

Huh? Gori-san, are you crying? I'm not! Not at all! Just got something in my eye! I have allergies! Uh, can I leave now? Eh? I'm feeling sick after drinking too much.

Hold on, Mayo Samurai-san.

Listen to what Gori-san has to say.

This gorilla's completely different from yours.

No, no, no, no, no! It's okay! They don't need to hear my story! This gorilla's in a relationship with a hostess girl right now.

Ah, wait! And this gorilla is always watching over her as a bodyguard.

Wow That's impressive.

He's her bodyguard A bodyguard that hides under eaves and stuff Great man, right? You won't find anyone else like this these days.

You won't.

You won't find a bodyguard like that.

That wouldn't be called a bodyguard.

But even after everything Gori-san has done, this woman hasn't let him do Ah! Isn't that Kazuo Umezu?! [Note: Kazuo Umezu is considered the godfather of Japanese horror manga.


He's going as a customer, so you'd think she could show her appreciation by letting him Look! That has to be Kazuo Umezu! Let's all go and do the famous hand sign! [Note: "Guwashi!" is a handsign used in the manga "Makoto-chan" by Kazuo Umezu.


Don't you find this woman pathetic? She's a terrible match for Gori-san here.

I keep telling him to break up with her, but he's such a nice guy.

Good evening.

Ah, welcome, Pony-chan.

[Note: Nicknamed that after her ponytail.


Er? Do you have the night off? Yes, I was just stopping by on my way back from shopping.

Um, I made too many omelets, so I thought I might offer my appreciation for imposing all the time.

Ah, ah Thanks as always, Pony-chan Um Ah! Have a seat.

Have a seat.

Come on, men! Slide over! We've finally got a woman here.

Did you hear what we were talking about, Pony-chan? No, I didn't hear a thing.

Ah, isn't that great, Gori-san? You didn't lose your chance.

Why not switch over to this lady? She's a good girl.

Huh? What's wrong, everyone? You're all pale as ghosts.

Gori-san Huh? Gori-san's foaming at the mouth.

My, I wonder what's wrong.

Are you okay? Huh? Something's growing out of his back? Onion? It's a green onion.

Green onion growing from his back Or no, more than growing, it's burrowing in! Gori-san! This is terrible! It must be a phantom k*ller.

The work of a phantom k*ller.

How terrifying I've never heard of a k*ller that stabs people with green onions! This must be the work of a real monster.

To harden a sprig of green onion to such a degree and s*ab without being noticed They must be an enhancer type of nen power.

[Note: A parody of HUNTER X HUNTER.


I should probably close up soon.

Don't worry.

The target's been eliminated, so the k*ller won't return to the scene of the crime.

Come, let's drink.

Pops, I'm taking Gori-san to the hospital! I'm off then! Sorry about this, Mayo Samurai-san.

Hey! Wait! You're going to leave me alone here?! Leave me alone in a cage with an enraged monster?! What are you talking about? N-No, I was worried about Gori-san, so I was thinking about tagging along But they're already gone.

That was fast! All the way over there in no time! Just forget about it.

Why not have a drink with me? Oh, Pony-chan? You prefer this guy over Gori-san? I'll pour the sake for you.

That's nice.

Quite a pretty picture.

You two look great together.

You think? Do you come to this place often? No, this is my first time here.

I just happened to get off the train early and noticed this oddly named place: the Whinery [Note: Parody of TV show "Burari Tochu Gesha (Getting off the train early).


Uh, does P-Pony-ch Does Pony-sama come here to complain often? It's been this long I'd say.

Ah, five times.

That's more than what I was expecting She's been coming here for five years.

Holy cow! How much pent-up hate does she have?! How much complaining has she done?! The first time was when she came along with her late father long ago, who often came here to complain.

A bona-fide whinery! A whinery specialist! She's been through a lot, though she may not look that way.

She lost her parents when she was young and she's watched over her little brother by herself this whole time.

That little brother is the problem.

Most of her complaining these days is about that little brother.

Ah, he must be an undependable little brother.

I can already picture it.

Glasses and that whole package.

Oh, the problem isn't with her brother but with the people around him.

Her brother seems to have joined a bad bunch of people.

Pony-chan, what was it about that permanently white-haired, always broke, and irresponsible Smegma Samurai.

Ah, that's it.

Smeggy Sammy.

Uh, is there really a need to abbreviate it? Isn't that a little too cruel? Her brother's gotten weird ever since he started working for Smeggy Sammy.

Tissues all over the place in his room.

Washing his underwear by himself in the morning.

He didn't used to be that way.

That's got nothing to do with Smeggy Sammy.

That's a part of nature.

Oh? Really? What kind of nature would this be? Well, I'm sure that Smeggy Sammy is working hard in his own way.

The fact that the brother follows him when he has no money shows how much he cares for the brother What could you possibly know about Smeggy Sammy? I know more than you do! I understand Smeggy Sammy 100%! Well, she keeps complaining about how she can't do anything about Smeggy Sammy these days.

Well, it might be considered plotting instead of complaining.

What do you mean by plotting? That sounds really scary Well, he seems to be very skillful, so she has to create her own opening.

Like letting him drink until he's completely smashed.

Hey! What are you two plotting?! What are you going to do to Smeggy Sammy?! Oh, the green onion I bought is gone.

Excuse me, I need to go buy another one.

She just went to procure a w*apon! It was her! She's going to leave a green onion sticking out of Smeggy Sammy's back! O-Old man, I just remembered something I have to take care of.

I'll leave the money here.

Ah, hold on, big guy.

What? I have something to tell you.

I've been listening to people complain for decades.

I've heard thousands, tens of thousands of complaints.

Badmouthing people, problems at work, stuff that gets you down.

But I was able to bear it all for decades.

That's because there's love behind every complaint.

Why won't things go my way when I'm working so hard at my job? That's how it was with those other guys, right? Complaints are just an expression of love when something doesn't go your way.

Like a form of bragging.

You should understand what I'm trying to say, big guy.

No, Smegma Samurai.

Take good care of Pony-chan.

Oh? He already closed.

Y-Yeah, something came up.

I see.

Wanna get a drink? Huh? I'm saying that if you still wanna drink, I'll tag along.

Are you sure? You may have to listen to my complaints until morning.

That's fine.

Since I understand the true meaning of a complaint.

Wait! I won't forgive you for holding hands with Pony-chan! Gori-san! Don't force yourself! The green onion's still in your back! Who was that? The next episode "Any place with a bunch of men gathered around will turn into a b*ttlefield!" [The Tsu Terakado Fanclub is in danger of disbanding! The cause of this crisis is]

[(This week's complaint, or more like a realization) It's hard to do something you don't usually do.


[See you next time.

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