03x43 - Life Is About Making Consecutive Decisions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x43 - Life Is About Making Consecutive Decisions

Post by bunniefuu »

Oi, stop daydreaming! Don't compare me to these country bumpkins.

I was born and raised a city girl.

You got me.

I thought you might be, but that umbrella, that skin.

Just when I thought I had stopped the w*r with the old man, I get this.

Give me a break.

I don't like k*lling my own kind.

Maybe this is also the destiny of those with Yato blood, to continue fighting until you die.

The cursed clan.

Gin-chan, leave this to me.

You can go.

Are you stupid? He'll be tough even with three people.

Please go, Gin-san.

I will protect Kagura-chan.

What are you talking about? You'll just get in the way.

Just go! You're in the way, Gin-san.

Get out of here.

I'm talking about you! Jeez.

You two.

You know where to meet up, right? Oi.

Next time we meet it'll be under the Sun.

Sounds good.

Life is said to be made of a string of important decisions.

This is the first time I've seen someone clearly pull the Joker.

That guy loses.

Up against the Night King by himself, there won't be a single trace of him left in this world.

You two win.

You're saved I'll turn you both into mince meat.

The loser is you.

We're going to turn you into Arabiki wieners! Do it! Why don't you fight back? Why do you just stand there taking it? I don't have the right to k*ll you.

Until now to protect Yoshiwara together, we judged those who broke the laws.

At times, women who tried to escape from Yoshiwara.

At times, women who were no longer able to attract customers.

I have piled up those burdens.

I can't just abandon these laws and continue to live on peacefully.

k*ll me.

But I will buy some time.

You would turn your back on your own and protect the intruders?! There is no worth in protecting this town.

While believing so, I became Housen's puppet.

I protected Yoshiwara and its laws.

I couldn't change anything.

I gave up, believing nothing would change.

By protecting the town she was in, I was protecting Hinowa herself.

Believing that, I've been wielding my sword.

I was not protecting anything.

What I was protecting was neither Hinowa nor this town.

It was my own cage.

A cage was placed around Yoshiwara by none other than ourselves.

Fearing Housen and unable to change a thing, we silently watched.

We placed a cage around our hearts.

Trapped in a cage because of our own beauty, we desperately tried to protect that cage.

To protect Yoshiwara, to protect Hinowa.

They were all excuses.

In order to hide my cowardice, I used Hinowa.

Nothing has changed.

True enslavement is when you place a cage around your own heart.

I haven't changed at all since then.

If you have the energy to whine about dying or whatnot, then fight from within your cage against yourself.

Hinowa, I won't run anymore.

I'll fight to break the cage.

Stand up straight, watch the heavens, and continue to live your life.

Until the very end, facing the Sun, I will stand tall.

Do it! I can't do it anymore.

I don't want to! Boss, you aren't a coward.

You weren't protecting nothing.

You were protecting something, us.

The women who tried to escape from Yoshiwara The women who no longer attracted customers The one making it look like those who broke the laws were taken care of, and sheltered us inside the Hyakka was none other than you! I stole the path of a woman from you.

I've k*lled the woman in you.

By the time we were sold here, we have already forgotten how to be women.

Instead of remaining mere objects, you made the path for us to live as human beings.

The ones that are here now, are the ones that you have been protecting.

Boss, the Sun is not the only thing shining in the sky.

The Sun and the Moon are both irreplaceable lights that illuminate this town of darkness! Boss?! The Sun and the Moon I thought I was by your side protecting you this entire time, yet you were so far away Now, for the first time, I feel like I was able to stand beside you.

The way has been lit.

Yoshiwara Hinowa and Seita I leave them to you.

What's wrong? The Arabiki wieners aren't ready yet? I'm no match for him! Even Kagura-chan is being brushed aside.

Even though they're both Yato, for there to be such a gap in ability We don't act on obligation or money.

A Yato only acts when there's a b*ttlefield that drips with the stench of blood.

Is how it was long ago, but not anymore.

I'm just here on business, but it doesn't seem like that's your case.

Could it be to save that little kid? Where is he? I'm asking you where my stupid brother, Kamui, is! Brother? It couldn't be Stop! We finally found him.

Surround him quickly! Just just a little furth- What're you doing in a place like this? Are you possibly looking for your mother? Huh? What's wrong? Are you cold? Are you okay? Hey.

If you want to meet her that badly, come with me.

I'll let you meet her.

With Hinowa.

A-Are you messing with me? You aren't on our side.

You're not on Housen's side either.

Who are you? Unfortunately, I have interest in neither Yoshiwara nor business.

I want to meet her The woman who turned Night King Housen into a coward.

I want to meet her The woman whom all the women of Yoshiwara depend on as their "Sun".

Oh dear.

It seems like she wasn't one of them.

Now, shall we go see her? The most beautiful most powerful woman in all of Yoshiwara.

I see.

You now that I think about it you look like the commander What to do.

Just when I thought I had coincidentally met a fellow clansman on this remote planet, she's an enemy.

And to top it off, a comrade's relative.

This goes beyond k*lling your own kind.

There's no need for concern.

He doesn't think anything of me anyway.

Forget fellow clansmen, even family.

He's a heartless bastard who even fought his own father and younger sister.

You can add subordinate and master to that list.

It seems we're all in the same boat.

Victims who have been pushed around by that idiot.

Siblings or subordinates don't matter, huh? When the older one is nonchalant, the younger one needs to pick up his slack.

Move aside.

Stopping the idiotic actions of the older sibling is the duty of the younger one.


Wiping the butts of the higher ups is the duty of the subordinate.

K-Kagura-chan Take this! Kagura-chan! T-This is a fight between Yato! To think that a kid who's never been on a proper b*ttlefield would come after me.

At least your instincts are from your father No, they're closer to your brother's.

Don't compare me to him.

I won't belittle you.

I recommend you leave.

If you hang around these lame guys too long, your first-class potential will be ruined.

Or should I get in between and mediate your sibling quarrel? I'm telling you not to compare me to you guys.

You guys are swept away by the blood of the Yato and scour the battlefields.

I choose my own battlefields.

Not through my blood, but with my heart.

I stand on the b*ttlefield to protect what I want.

If you're going to get in my way, it doesn't matter whether you're my clansmen, my brother, or whoever else I'll crush you! An older brother who fights as his blood commands, and a younger sister who fights as her heart commands.

No, it's more like an older brother who follows his blood and a younger sister who fights against it.

It seems an understanding was impossible from the start.

However Unfortunately, no matter how much you try, you won't beat your stupid brother like that.

And now, a question for you.

A fist that defeats and a fist that kills Which one is heavier? The answer is a kick that kills! Destructive power is stronger than brute strength by far.

What? A trick question? Don't be so stiff.

It was just a quiz.

Didn't you notice? Subconsciously, you pulled back on your punch.

Trying to suppress your Yato instincts, your punch dies before it even reaches me.

You don't want to hurt people.

You don't want to k*ll people.

It's quite the commendable way of thinking.

On this tepid Earth, that is.

However, that kind of thinking doesn't work on the b*ttlefield.

On the b*ttlefield, those who hesitate are the first to die.

You, who rejects your blood, and we, who take pride in it, weren't even a match from the outset.

Kagura-chan Let go of Kagura-chan! That was a good one just now, boy.

You fully intended to k*ll me.

However, too bad.

That one's not there anymore.

Shinpachi! Now, another choice.

Which one of you wants to die first? Choose! Stop it! Let go of Shinpachi! That's not one of the choices.

I told you, life is a string of important decisions.

Make sure to pick the best option so you don't regret it.

You You Die! Don't be so stiff! It's just a quiz, right?! I guess it's decided.

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!! Her movements suddenly What happened to that kid? K-Kagura -chan? So the chains have broken, eh? The chains that subconsciously suppressed her Yato powers, because of her fear of hurting others In response to her friend's peril it disappeared along with her sanity.

You've finally awakened.

You beast! Kagura-chan! I've been waiting for you to appear! I've been thinking that having just one arm wasn't enough of a handicap! Has your intelligence gone with your sanity? If you lose both hands, you won't be able to attack or defend! In the end, even if a beast is a beast, are you a little bunny? Oi, oi.

You have to be kidding me.

I was pretty serious with that last one.

You're going to hurt this old man's feelings.

She's overpowering him! An experienced Yato Kagura-chan is Is that Kagura-chan? Is that Is that our Kagura-chan? You got me It seems that the chains I took off weren't connected to a beast, this is a monster.

Even though I lectured you that the ones who hesitate die first on the b*ttlefield, it seems I was the one who was hesitating.

When I look at you I can't help but see your brother's face.

k*ll me, as your instincts command you to.

No matter how much you struggle against your blood, you're no different from your brother.

In the end, you're the same as your brother.

Obey your blood and k*ll me.

Embrace the Yato and k*ll me.

The b*ttlefield is the only place we belong.

It's what you have to do to survive on the b*ttlefield.

That is the duty of beasts that fight until they die, a Yato's duty! What do you think you're doing? I'm not doing this for you.

I made a promise with Gin-san! That I would protect Kagura-chan! I'll Kagura-chan! I'll protect the Kagura-chan we trust! Not the Yato, nor the sister of the crazy brother! The blunt cocky gluttonous but very kind girl! I'll protect our precious friend! I won't let Kagura-chan dirty her hands on the likes of you! Open your eyes, Kagura-chan! Your enemy The one we have to fight isn't this grimy bastard! Kagura-chan! What a completely naive bunch.

I've told you.

On the b*ttlefield, the ones who hesitate to k*ll are the first to die.

Now then, here's another choice.

To be k*lled by Housen without being able to k*ll him or to be k*lled while trying to k*ll Housen Now then, which do you choose? What? Both end in being k*lled? Don't be so stiff.

It's just a quiz.

Life is made of a string of important decisions.

You should see how far your naive choices take you.

You! I told you I don't like k*lling my own kind.

In this world, there's no such thing as a never ending night.

The time has come for the morning sun to rise on this town.

With the sunrise, the Night King should go to sleep!
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