03x39 - Let's Talk About The Old Days Once In A While

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x39 - Let's Talk About The Old Days Once In A While

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome home, Ojiki! Hey, where's sis? She's waiting upstairs.

Papa! Papa! What?! Tanaka?! You idiot! Don't just stand there! Bring me the head of the guy who did it! S-Sorry.

You little turd.

Sis, allow me to be of assistance.

You two! Go that way! Yes! Hey! Why are you sneaking around? Show yourself! That psychogun attached to your arm you're the Black Dragon, aren't you? Do you know why they call me Stainless Boy? That's because my body is made of a specially armored stainless steel.

That psychogun on your arm is useless.

That's right.

I'm the Black Dragon.

The man with a g*n for a right hand.

In a mad dash to k*ll me, they've done everything they can.

In front of me, somebody dies all the time.

Someone always fires a g*n, but you know, I really got sick and tired of that too much stupid days.

I threw away my face at all, and got rid of my past, too the silly, funny, and bloody days [Thanks for everything this year.

Here's wishing for a prosperous new year! From Snack Otose]

What? It's not dondake? I was sure it would win.

[Snack House Otose]

the Space Buzzword Grand Prix this year.

It won in Edo, but, it's not even in the top 50.

Space is big.

Umm What was fourth place? Smegma Prince? Ah.

This year we still have that senseless "prince" boom.


Huh? "Prince" is at number eight.

I believe number four is "Where are the EXLE CDs?" What is that? Is that really popular? Third place is "My grandson asked me.

" Why are fourth place and third place connected? It sounds just like an old lady is trying to get an EXLE CD for her grandson.

That grandson should buy his own CD.

There's no way that an old lady would know about EXLE.

Oh, yeah, "There's no way an old lady would know" was number thirteen.

Why are comments included in the ranking?! Number two is Huh? I can't remember.

I think number one is, "B'z are gonna be all right.

" Don't give up! Why did you give up and buy something else? Besides, B'z and EXLE are completely different musically! What in the world happened at number two?! Shinpachi, this is what happens when you yell.

Why is it my fault? What is it? Is there an EXLE CD? A photo came out from behind the picture frame.

It looks like a pretty old photo.

Who is she? Could it be? It's his ex, isn't it? Huh? You think so? Yeah? There's no mistake.

That lascivious air about them They must've had a wet, sticky, lusty relationship.

It's pretty effeminate of him to cling to this picture.

Isn't it? Let's put it back now! Put it back, quickly! We've got to put it back before Gin comes back! He'll freak if he finds out we saw this.

This makes a mother catching her son doing something nasty seem pale in comparison! Quickly! Quickly! Hey.

I bought some detergent.

Gin's here! Hurry! Kagura! Quickly! Shut up! I'm putting it back now.

Oh! W-Well Gin! It's not like that! Umm We didn't see anything! We don't know anything! Why are you still dragging that around? That woman probably doesn't even remember you.

K-Kagura?! Hey.

What a great little piece of nostalgia.

Where did you find this? Well, while we were cleaningit came out from behind the picture frame.

I see.

So that's where it was.

Huh? You seem kind of indifferent But, huh? What is that? Who is that? That What is it? It's one of the Odd Jobs.

Huh? "It's one the Odd Jobs"? But we're the Odd Jobs.

Now we are.

"Now we are"? If anything, we're the new Odd Jobs.

This was a prototype.

A p-p-p-prototype? Hold on.

You never told me about that! Huh? Didn't I tell you about it? ["Let's Talk About The Old Days Once In A While"]

Basically, this was before you joined.

It was around the time when I set this all up.

It was a time when I had, not you, but different friends.

You said before that you had done this by yourself.

Did I? When we met, you were definitely by yourself.

In this business I do whatever people ask me to do.

Setting up a new premise is problematic.

We've already got 137 episodes to deal with.

Anyway, I basically work alone.

But for short periods of time, I did it like that.

Inoue and Okuda also had times like that.

Never heard of 'em.

Who are they? Anyway, a lot happens to adults.

It feels kind of refreshing.

I never knew we had more senior predecessors.

Senior? It's not that special.

It was just a temporary arrangement.

We split up immediately.

Huh? Then does that mean that that sensual beauty was also a member of Odd Jobs? What do you mean, "sensual?" That's gross, Shinpachi.

She's wasn't really a member, sort of a semi-regular.

The closest comparison now would be Catherine.

Catherine?! This is Catherine? Well, she used to work at Granny's place.

She'd come to clean up once in a while.

She'd help with the Odd Jobs office work and accounting.

She was a good woman who'd look after you.

Unlike Catherine.

How nostalgic Catherine's job was a lot better back then, wasn't it? Well, it was the good old days.

Tell us more.

What about us? Who filled our positions? I want to know.

They probably don't compare to us, though.

The Odd Jobs hasn't changed at all.

We worked in trios.

Oh? Trios? They were useless lumps just like you.

Oh, here.

I have a picture.


This guy had your job.

Kanemaru, a four-eyed good-for-nothing whose job it was to make witty jokes.

Kanemaru's totally high-end! What is this?! He doesn't look like a "Kanemaru" at all! He's a "brother"! He looks like he's straight out of downtown LA.

Naw, he sucked.

He had a psychogun for a right hand, but he couldn't use it at all.

I bet he could use it! No matter how I look at it, he had to have been able to use it! Kanemaru worked as a no-account waiter.

He lived an uneventful life.

But when he got into a virtual simulator to unwind he remembered his true past.

What's with the expository tone of voice? Besides, we already know that setup.

We know it really well! Kanemaru was so feared in the underworld that his nickname was Black Dragon.

f*ck you! f*ck you! f*ck you! f*ck you! Indeed, his fighting abilities surpassed everyone else's.

After that, he ended up working here.

But I don't really understand what "after that" is referring to.

What is "that"? Well, a lot of things.

This and that.

But what's "this and that"? Adult stuff.

You don't want to go there.

Oh, okay.


So how was Kanemaru? He wasn't bad.

What sucked werehis witty jokes.

Ah I see.

It's just not the Odd Jobs without any witty repartee.

Well, he was foreigner.

What could you do? There's a language barrier.


I remember he surprised me once when we were at a family restaurant.

We ordered lasagna and chazuke, but Thank you for waiting.

The waiter gave me the lasagna and gave him the chazuke.

Huh? She gave the chazuke to Kanemaru? Yes.

So I had a lasagna that Girolamo or Lana would love.

Is everything all right? Aw You better say something about that, Kanemaru.

Read the situation.

Say, "Do I look like I eat chazuke?!" Oh, shit! Oh my god! It's no good.

He's only saying western words, like "f*ck you," or "oh my god.

" It's impossible for a foreigner.

Shinpachi is the best at making witty comments.

Miss, I asked fer ume chazuke, not sake chazuke.

He can speak Japanese?! I'm sorry.

I'll exchange it.

Hey, Kanemaru is the one who's ordering chazuke! No biggie.

Just be careful the next time.

That aside, why are you eating lasagna? It's usually the other way around! Ah Japanese people love chazuke the most! Hey, who am I calling Japanese?! That's top class! It's a well-made remark.

It's like a witty comment from Kansai itself! Kanemaru was from the Kansai region.

His grandmother was Japanese so he was into Enka and Dotonbori.

What, is he Jero?! Kamemaru always used to say, "I'm not a Japanese person.

I'm a Kansai person.

" No such Kansai person exists.

He has a psychogun! I've lost all confidence.

He's got me beat coming and going.

Well, anyone could fill your position if he wanted to.

There wasn't anyone in my place, was there, Gin? There was someone who filled the Kagura position.

What?! Here.

The dazzling Ikezawa.

He's almost exactly like the other guy! How is he dazzling?! Just what the hell do you think my job here is, you naturally-wavy-haired bastard! I'll squirt ya with juice from this tangerine! Ow! It got in my eye.

And why the hell are all of your people armed with psychoguns?! Oh, sorry.

My bad.

This is Furuhashi.

He filled the Sadaharu position.

This isn't getting any easier! Furuhashi was like a mascot for us.

He had a very charming personality.

His only flaw was his monstrous appetite.

But he was a cute mascot.

I don't want a mascot like him.

He isn't all that different from Kanemaru! Sorry.

My mistake.

Here's Kagura's spot.

The dazzling Ikezawa.

She's pretty cute.

Aren't you glad, Kagura? She's not all that.

She's just female.

You have no regard for my position if you think she could stand-in for me! No, I'm not talking about her.

She's the same thing! She just has a sake bottle instead of a psychogun! Gimme a freakin' break! How is this me?! Calm down.

Ikezawa used to be a housewife.

But her husband began cheating on her at work and never came home.

So she became a drunk.

After that, she'd always say "uh-huh" just like Kagura.

Alcohol! Alcohol, please! Hey! Alcohol, please.

What kind of use of "uh-huh" is that?! Don't worry.

Ikezawa doesn't drink anymore.

She recovered and she's getting alimony.

What about that? Anyway, what kind of Odd Jobbers are these people anyway?! It's just full of Kanemaru's! It wouldn't sell.

They'd never turn this into an anime.

Really? When Hedoro was on the cover, they said it wouldn't sell.

But when Kanemaru was on the cover, we sold [censored]

thousand copies of the first print.

It's totally copacetic.

Even the anime You bastards! Do you see this old man?! That's my pickled seaweed! Hey What are you eating?! Perhaps something like that? I don't want to see my sister off while she's in tears.

Gin, what'll we do if she really is in love? We'll be the villains.

You're used to being a villain, aren't you? And also getting in people's way Kanemaru, remember that.

We're not allies of justice, or your sister's allies.

We're your allies! Something like that.

Take a look at this.

Her, too?! Wait! Tama Gin You can't tell the difference.

There's a huge difference! Don't say that.

They're your seniors.

They're my precious friends with whom I shared countless adventures! Look at this.

This is when we caught the phantom thief that was terrorizing Edo.

That was really tough.

This is when we took down a k*ller.

The morning sun sure was bright.

This is when we caught a purse-snatcher.

That old lady was in tears when we brought her stuff back.

This is when we beat up a pervert.

That lady was really grateful.

This isWhat was this? That was the time we did something.

This is I kind of forgot.

Hmm I'm not sure.

They never bonded with you at all! They were just wandering around! They didn't warm up to you at all! That's not true.

Kids like you might not understand this, but adults leave this much space between themselves when they associate with each other.

They don't get all touchy, and taking a piss together is off limits.

Those two are getting pretty touchy behind you! Kanemaru and Ikezawa totally have a thing for each other.

Looks like those two are bonding, leaving Gin by himself.

You've become like Parc Manther from Glope.

You're the most Japanese, but you turned into Parc.

Shut up! I'm not Parc Manther! I lead the Odd Jobs.

I'm [censored]

! No.

I've never seen such a lonely [censored]


Don't be silly.

I'm [censored]


I don't feel pathetic at all! I actually supported their relationship.

But as the director of Odd Jobs I warned them not to get wrapped up in their relationship and ignore their work.

Well, young people these days just go to pieces when you just slap them around a bit, so before I knew it, they disappeared.

They didn't just happen to disappear! You still have some terrifying pictures! Black Dragon is drowning here! What are you doing?! We were gonna wrap this up all nice, but it's been filthy all the way through! Don't you have even one or two nice stories?! Now I know that Odd Jobs doesn't have anything good in its history! If we leave it up to him, he'll take straight down the road to destruction! Let's handle the Odd Jobs without him.

We're going to make history! It's the supporting characters who keep a series afloat, not the main character! That's right.

The main character is just an ornament.

People in high positions don't understand that.

Ow, ow, ow.

They really kicked my ass! Don't they know how to hold back? What is it? [MIND YOUR SUGAR LEVELS]

[Sugar Content]

I hope next year will be a good one! [A few years later]

No, you idiot! Not that one! It's right there.

There! Even a chimp can work a cash register! You're a human, right? You've been here for a year! How can you not know this?! II'm sorry.

I've only propracticed long-range fires up till now You bastard! Still clinging to your g*n! I don't care if you're a hitman or a hit-maker.

How long are you going to act like a cool guy, huh?! Katana, samurai?! Blah, blah, blah! Just look at this.

Because of you guys my awesome chocolate parfait spilled on the floor! He was called a samurai, but he was too wild for the norm.

Even though he was called a hoodlum, this man had eyes that were sharp with seriousness.

That was my first impression to the "otoko.

" Tell your manager that this parfait is on you.

[Starting January 8th, 2009]

[Gin Tama - The Final Chapter]

[The Second Chapter Begins]

The underground city, Yoshiwara Shangri-La.

Sustained by corrupt government officials, it is a heavenly city ignored by the government and beyond the reach of the law.

[Yoshiwara In Flames Arc]

[Boy of Ill Fate - Seita]

[Guard of Yoshiwara - Tsukuyo]

[A Ray of Sunlight in the Ever Darkness of Night - Hinowa]

[King of the Night - Housen]


You're in my way.

Move it.

I said I have no time for the weak.

["Don't Put Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket"]

[Karmic reunification?! Chance encounter with the young boy, Seita.


[He was gathering money in order to see Hinowa, the top Yoshiwara lady of the night.

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