03x35 - Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x35 - Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories

Post by bunniefuu »

Is she taking the Stand into her own body? But you're just His Excellency! I'll turn you into a wax dummy, too! D-Don't underestimate me, you old hag! It's providence that a dead person goes to the next world.

Yes, that's right! But not everyone can go to heaven.

Some people can't go there! This is the only place for people like them! You You have no right to take it from them! What keeps them here is not their failure to go to heaven.

Okami, it's because of you! No way! It can't be.

This is This is You old, dirty hag! [Tou (Sugar)]

I'll make sugar candy out of you! [Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories]

You dirty, old hag! I'll make sugar candy out of you, too! His Excellency?! Impossible he can transform into His Excellency and yet still be himself?! Wait! More importantly, who did he possess himself with? Rei! Damn! This is the spell prison I trapped Rei inside of! Okami.

Danna How long has it been like this? Us this inn when we started it was a much more wonderful place.

Do you want to come with me? I'm sure you don't have any relatives to go to.

Listen, this inn is for ghosts who failed to get to heaven.

They couldn't make it to paradise, but we can at least give them a bath here and help them get to heaven.

So many souls have been able to go to heaven from here.

This place was like a terminal for lost and weary souls who had no other place to go.

However, after that day, the inn now lies in ruins filled with Stands.

Okami and Danna, both of you knew about this, didn't you? Stop blathering, little girl.

The Stands are our business partners.

That's all! Gin.

All right.

The time has come to break these cursed chains that have tied down the sprits here for so long.

Gin, please free them all.

The Stands and Okami.

Don't think you can push your luck just because you have become His Excellency! You think you can beat my husband just by possessing a small fry like Rei?! Such a weak vessel.

I'll smash it! Second Stand! Iron Girl! [Kami (God)]

He's suddenly increased his power.

Don't tell me this is This is I'll turn you into a figure like that cardboard Yunkeru standup of Tamori at the pharmacy! Did he switch to another Stand?! Has this guy got multiple Stands?! What amazing power! It took ten years even for me to handle a couple of Stands at the same time! I'm losing energy.

I must replenish quickly! Third Stand! Cabaret Club Smile! [Tae]

It's time for lunch! That is Dark Matter! She distorted space to create dark matter within her hands! Fried eggs! It burns! It's the final blow! Go! Fourth Stand! Jimmy Heavenly! [Shin (New)]

[Niku (Meat)]

I turned into some kinda freak! Who is this?! I don't remember inhaling anyone like this! What kind of imitation hero is this? What kind of meat-puppet is this?! You must be very good at collecting Stands! Evil spirits are gathering around you! Old hag, are you putting in these Stands randomly? Gin, it's full in here! Hey! Just where do you think you're coming out of?! It hurts! Kagura! What the? Where did you just come out from?! Gin! Look in front! Front! All I can see is you! Don't get me wrong.

I'm not trying to flirt with you.

sh**t! All the Stands have left him! Gin! Run away! You don't have any Stands! It's too late! No, I have one left.

It's a chance I have to take! Die! [Sen (Missionary)]

A completely unrelated character took her out! I can't believe it! You can handle so many Stands at the same time.


Ginand all of you.

No wonder Otose sent you guys.

It looks like I've lost.

Oh, dear.

I'llprotect you.

I promised important things.

II'm sorryOiwa.

It's all right.

Stop talking.

Don't worry.

Everything will be the same.

Dear I'llbe with you forever.


I'llprotect you.

I promised you.

I said I would protect you.

OiwaYouthis inn I said I would protect both! I, Tagosaku, promised! Stop, the fight is over! Protect Okami.

Protect our inn.

Protect Okami.

You guys! Wh-What the-! Protect our inn.

The customers, employees and Stands are all going to Tagosaku! No, it's not just the Stands at the inn.

That's Tagosaku sucking in all the Stands from every living thing in the village! He's sucking in all of the Stands?! That means death.

Our fears have finally come to pass.

Dear! What are you doing?! This innI'll protect it! Oiwa, if I collect everyone's Stands, all these customers, Oiwa, you won't feel lonely anymore.

Dear, what are you talking about? Are you going to take the Stands of all the living creatures in this village?! If you do that, the bodies will rot, and everything in this village will die.

Stop it! Can't you hear me?! Tagosaku! It's no good! He won't even listen to Okami.

The Stand has gone out of control! Keeping so many Stands in one place for a long time will increase the negative emotions and the power of the Stands will have an even bigger influence on this world.

To the point where they can't be controlled by human power.

This place will no longer be a province of nature, but a living hell.

The negative emotions will continue increasing and the entire world will erode if we don't bring this under control.

No! You can't be doing such a thing! Rei! He's trying to take us, too! He's going to suck up every soul! Shin-chan! Hang on tight! Hey! If you Stands get swallowed up by him, it's all over! Escape into my body for now! Hurry up, this way! Gin! Almost there Just a little Even Gin's Stand came out! What the hell are you doing, you wavy-haired jerk! His suction is unbelievable! Every household should have at least one.

Everyone has become Stands! Hurry! Return to my body.

What the hell?! That weirdo just made off with your body! Xavier, wait! That's my body! Hey, give it back, baldy! Oh crap! My body has been stolen! This way! Enter my body! Take my hand! Hurry! No way! You old bat, where do you think you're showing your hand from! I would rather lose my soul than go in there! Fine, already.

Then how about the front? You're dead, you old bat! Seriously! Oiwa, everyone will become one.

Everyone will throw away their bodies and become one.

Then everyone will be together.

You won't feel lonely anymore.

Old hag! Gin! Rei! Rei! Okami, you're not alone.

Everyone! Everyone! You carry all our souls within your heart.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe this.

I must apologize to them.

I seem to have forced them into terrible penance.

It was neither their wounds, nor regret that kept them in this world.

It was me.

The first time I saw those kids was back when illness took my mother.

I was crying really hard when the Stand appeared before me.

Looking back, now I remember that they always appeared when I was alone.

Soon after, they were next to me, and sometimes would encourage me.

Sometimes we cried together.

It became more natural to be with Stands than with other humans.

Friends that only I could see.

I thought that I was chosen.

That it was a power granted to me by the heavens to carry out some important deed.

This inn is for ghosts who failed to get to go to heaven.

They were not able to go to paradise, but we can at least give them a bath here and help them get to heaven.

I helped a lot of souls go to heaven.

It was satisfying watching them smile before passing away.

However, when my husband passed, I realized something.

That the only beings next to me were all Stands.

That Ihave been alone for a long time.

I'd be really lonely if I lost all the Stands.

And the thought of it made me extremely scared.

They probably understood my weak feelings.

From so long ago Yes, from the very first time I met them.

Me, a Stand user? Give me a break! Save souls who've lost their place to go? Stop being so presumptuous! I was the one being saved.

For the longest time, they've been keeping me company.

They were worriedabout me being all alone.

Even when they turned into ghosts Always Yes.

They always stayed with me.


I'm really sorry, all of you.

Thank you for everything.

That's it! The inhaled Stands are going to heaven! Okami! Okami, you're not aloneall of us we will always bein your heart.

We will alwaysalways be with you.

I promiseOiwa.

This is all I know how to do.

I'll just start scrubbing down the backs of skeletons again.

Are you going to manage the inn all by yourself? I'm not alone anymore.

I have everyone in here now.

I want to save them this time.

I'm repaying a favor.

If you can't get to heaven, come back here again.

I'll send you to heaven right away! Having that old hag wash my back doesn't sound very good! I wonder if Okami is all right.

She looks kind of sad.

I think she'll be okay.

ReRei?! What are you doing here?! I thought you went to heaven.

Well, I feel like I still have something to do in this world.

But don't worry.

The reason I came back here isn't because I was worried about you.

It was because there's a man whose back I want to wash.

Excuse me.

Welcome to Senbokyo bathhouse.

Please do not cry atop my grave.

For I am not there.

I am not asleep.

A thousand winds I've become a thousand winds And now I'm blowing across the great, big sky.


What? The next episode is about leveraging Gintama? That sounds awfully familiar.

What? No? It's about leveraging Gintaman? That sounds even more familiar.

The next episode: "Before Thinking About The Earth, Think About The More Endangered Gintaman's Future!" [We did get ourselves purified, but we still had a few accidents this week as well.


[Today's word of wisdom: Get yourselves purified as soon as possible!!]

[See you again next time!]
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