03x18 - Beauty Is Like A Summer Fruit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x18 - Beauty Is Like A Summer Fruit

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's defeat Otohime.

Now that everyone on this planet has become old, we're the only ones who can do it.

But since you're not, I can toss you aside.

I'm much cuter.

Huh?! Bring it on! Show your face! Huh?! You want to fight?! You think you can beat me?! Otohime gave up her quest for eternal youth and beauty.

And decided to use the box as revenge against those who had what she no longer did.

In other words, she planned to turn all the people of Earth into old geezers.

You're just a young brat, that's all! If I was younger If only I was younger Your age isn't your only problem, tramp! [Gintoki and the others split into three teams And head for the palace!!]

[Shinpachi's fighting power is 362 K.

What's a K unit?!]

["Beauty is Like A Summer Fruit"]

Yes Otohime won't let anyone be more beautiful than her.

In order to insure that she's the most beautiful woman in the world she plans to turn this world into a planet of the elderly.

No way That's such a selfish reason.

She thinks she has the right to throw our world into chaos for a crappy reason like that?! She thinks people will let her take away their summer vacations?! History is always moved at the whim of its rulers.

She's 3,000 years old.

She's lived a very long timetoo long.

During all that time, she's lost so many important things.

The only way to stop her is to put an end to her life.

Isn't there any way to turn everyone back? What about Sis? All our answers are probably in there with Otohime All right, let's split up into three teams.

If we stay together and are discovered, we'll all be caught.

If just one of us is caught, the rest of us can still get to Otohime.

Even if in the end there's only one of us left.

But can we split up into three groups and still take out Ryugu Palace's security? It'll be tough with our numbers.

We can a least confuse and distract them by splitting up.

Let's see if we can divide up our power evenly.

What is that? I think I saw that in a another manga somewhere.

It's a spouzer.

It basically measures fighting ability.

[Note: Parody of scouter from Dragon Ball.


No, that's a scouter, isn't it? It looks just like a scouter, don't you think? No, It's a spouzer.

I won it in a festival night stall raffle.

It's just a copy!! I'll use this to measure your fighting power and split everyone into three equal teams.

First You.

Oh? That's pretty impressive for your age.

What is a K? I don't know what you're basing that on.

Is that impressive? It means you have the fighting power of 362 leaves of kelp.


Why kelp?! A single leaf of kelp doesn't have any fighting power! Taking into consideration that a normal person is about 360 K, you're two leaves of kelp better than the average person.

Just two leaves?! What exactly was my ten years of sword training for?! Hey, Kamenashi, can I have these sunglasses? I can't relax if I'm not wearing sunglasses.

Your fighting power is 654 K.

Why?! Why is Hasegawa-san higher than me?! You shouldn't judge others by how they look.

Without his sunglasses, he's only 1 K.

What?! Oh, Madao is really nothing more than just a pair of sunglasses.

It's like his essence.

That's weird!! 1K? That means I'm not human!! I'm just a single leaf of kelp!! You're next Amazing.

7930 O.

What's O mean? That's a different unit.

The units change when I scan girls.

It becomes cuter.

Oh, does it stand for 7,930 flowers? [Note: "Boobs" in Japanese is "oppai.


That's not cute at all!! That's perverted!! Are you trying to make fun of a warrior?! I don't need boobs.

Change it to 7,930 penises!! Stop!! That's even more disgusting!! Hey, how many boobs am I? No Wait a second.


It went up again No, it's It's dropping?! It's not 8,500 O! It's minus 8,500 O!! Unbelievable.

What's the meaning of this?! What's this?! It's those two behind her?! Those two geezers equal a fighting power of -15,000 NO, -30,000.

I-It's still going down! It's simply immeasurable.

-30,000? How much of a burden are they?! All of us together can't overcome that!! -30,000 Even the whole staff of a retirement home can't handle that.

If I place one of them in each team, they're still -15,000.

That's a big gap.

Oh well.

In order to raise their numbers as much as possible, I'll have each of them carry It's a mere consolation, but it's better than nothing.

No, nothing is better!! Why does their power level increase when they're carrying kelp?! I'll hold 300 leaves! I'll cover Gin-chan's gap!! That's Oh no!! They found us!! They're going to fire.

Everyone, scatter!! We'll attack from this side!! Shinpachi and everyone else take a different route!! Hey, wait!! Weren't you going to split our fighting power into three even groups?! What was the point of the spouzer?! There's only trash here!! At least take one of the old men! Hey, don't ignore me! I know you can hear me, can't you?! They're coming after us!! Shinpachi-kun, leave this to us and run!! Run?! I'm stuck with these old geezers?! Why me?! I'll leave the future of Ryugu Palace the future of the world to you young fellas.

They're not young!! You're going to fight with me, huh? Sorry for sticking you with such a terrible job.

I'm the one with the terrible job!! It doesn't matter.

I discarded my life once before.

Old soldiers like us should just pass on.

The old soldiers are right over here!! Let's go!! We're taking all of you with us to hell!! You guys were completely useless! Are you putting all your hope in those fools? They are this planet's last hope? I have nothing to worry about then.

They'll meet your fate soon.

Why don't you go meet them in the next world? This is your punishment for incurring my wrath.

If you want to k*ll me, then go ahead.

You k*ll people you don't like, you turn people who are more beautiful than you into senior citizens.

You won't ever gain eternal beauty that way.

Even if you did gain eternal youth.

No matter how beautiful a kimono you wear I know without a doubt that you will always be ugly.

Your heart and soul are ugly and rotten.

Watch your mouth, little girl! What do you know?! You're young and beautiful! What could you possibly know?! What do you know about the feelings of a woman who's been left to live and grow old by herself for thousands of years? What do you know about my feelings? About getting uglier and decaying all alone but never dying! You're not the only one who ages.

Everyone, no matter how beautiful, grows wrinkled and dies in the end.

But even if their looks change, there's always some things that never change.

Even if our bodies are destroyed.

No matter how many years pass We believe there's something that can never be destroyed.

But even if we become wrinkled, we still won't lose to you.

That's because we know what true beauty is.

Something that is truly beautiful cannot be destroyed, you say? How interesting.

In that case Show me That beauty you speak of!! It's you or me The winner is the one who's truly beautiful!! Where did they go?! Find them! They should be nearby! We managed to escape.

Please, Gin-san, Katsura-san, run away on your own two feet.

I don't care what happens to you geezers anymore.


Young people these days Complaining about something like this? How pathetic.

When we were young, we had to carry Master Roshi, [Note: Parody of Dragon Ball.


who had a turtle shell on his back, and deliver the milk Who's Master Roshi?! Don't revise your memory to include parts from a mega-hit manga! Hey, Zura What was I going to say? You're taking too long to comment, and you even forgot what you were saying! Oh yeahIn the end, you played with the Mega Drive, too.

That was your comment from the last episode!! Why are you commenting on something that happened an episode ago?! No one will remember that!! As I expected of you, Gintoki.

That's one of those surrealism comments that's so popular lately.

A fine surreal comment.

Young people just don't get it.

Zura, who is Master Roshi? Don't go revising your memory to include parts from a mega-hit manga.

Old fart!! If you don't cut it out, I'll dump you off in the mountains, damn it!! Crap.

If we fight against Otohime like this, we're going to lose.

What should I do? What's this? That's long enough.

Pull her up.

What a foolish woman.

Does she think she can get away with defying me? I'm sure she's become quite beautiful now A beautiful bloody corpse.

I-Impossible! What?! Y You fools! How did you get in here?! Th-The water!! I-Impossible!! You broke in by smashing the ceiling of the lower floor?! Get them, my guards!! Fire!! Tsk.

She's so fast that we can't get near her!! Yahoo! Tsk! She's on top of the shark!! sh**t her and the shark down!! What are you fools doing? They're all rebels!! Hurry up and get rid of them!! Yes!! I told you.

We won't lose no matter what happens to us.

I-I won't accept that!! I'm the most beautiful woman in the world!! I'm going to win this battle!! I won't allow anyone to be more beautiful that I am!! You're just a little girl who only has youth!! That face!! I'll make it ugly and swollen!! She's beautiful?! I-Impossible! Why is she so beautiful when I'm hitting her? It's like the ethereal beauty of a falling flower!! You think your weak slaps can make me ugly? Now it's my turn!! What?! A punch?! Who punches a woman's face?! Furthermore, she's hitting places that'll definitely make me ugly.

What a formidable woman!! And she's made all the flowers behind me scatter so gracefully.

I can't keep up with this.

I need to use my trump card!! Take this!! Nose hooks!! No one can escape such a devilish attack.

No matter how beautiful you are, you'll become the ugly one What?! She looks like Naoko?! [Note: Naoko Ken is a Japanese actress and singer.


Compared to her, whose nose is even more upturned this girl doesn't look ugly at all even when I've got her stuck in such a position! Now it's my turn!! I won't let you!! In that case, I'll use Shinji!! [Shinji Tanimura is a Japanese singer.


Shinji?! Impossible!! She punched him out first?! You lose, Otohime! Give up and let go of me! Turn everyone Turn the whole world back to normal!! You already know that doing this won't change anything!! Shut up!! Who do you think I am? I am Otohime, the ruler of Ryugu!! I am the most beautiful creature in existence.

I must be beautiful! What's this? It's a man There's a man in there.

I wonder if it's a massage device.

I want to get one, too.

What kind of massage device takes up this much space?! This is something else.

It's probably a deep-freeze capsule, or something like that.

Whatever the case, my back is worn out.

Hey, wait!! Don't touch anything!! What's wrong?! It's a Tengu!! It's cursed!! What's this? Something's written here.

Space century 079, July 15 He still hasn't awakened.

According to the doctors, they've managed to keep him alive, but they don't know if he'll regain consciousness.

It's all my fault.

I kept him in this palace too long.

He was left behind in his time.

He lost all hope and chose death.

Is this what Kamenashi-san was talking about? Believing that he'll regain consciousness someday, I've placed him in a cold sleep.

Now his body will never be destroyed.

He will continue to sleep in his beautiful state, never changing, until the day he awakens.

But I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.

He was so depressed about being all alone and chose death.

Even if he wakes up in the far future, he'll awaken in a completely different world.

It'll be just like before only worse.

If that happens, what should I tell him? I may be repeating the same mistake.

Even so Even if I am I It sure is beautiful It looks as if pearls have been scattered, doesn't it? This is one of the most famous places in the universe.

This is the first time I've seen something so beautiful.

Otohime-sama You're absolutely beautiful.

I want to see him Once more No matter how many hundreds or thousands of years it takes.

Countless men after him have told me that same cheap line.

But his words Why can't I forget his words? I've lived for thousands of years, but his words I must live and stay beautiful.

No matter how many thousands of years pass.

So that he can recognize me.

So that when he awakens, he won't be lonely.

Even if the world changes, I must remain the same.

I must wait for him looking as beautiful as I was when he knew me.

I must let you know that you're not alone that there was one person in this world who was waiting for you.

I'll become the pearl that shines in the depths of the sea.

Follow that light and return to me.

I'll always be waiting for you.

Otohime Ryugu Palace is shaking?! What are these tremors?! Hey! No matter how much you resist, it's useless.

Ryugu Palace will soon be above Edo.

The Heavenly Old Age Cannon contains pressurized gas [Heavenly Old Age]

the equivalent of 100,000 Treasure Box Gs.

If I fire this in the middle of Edo Everyone who remains on the surface will become ugly and old.

Who would want that? Who would want you to do that?! Do you think the person you're waiting for would really want you to do such a terrible thing?! I must be his guide.

I must be the most beautiful pearl in this world.

The only thing that shines in the dark depths of the ocean.

I'm sure he'll notice that light.

He'll follow that light and come back to me.

In order to do that In order to become the only shining pearl I need to sink everyone else into the depths of the ocean.

[To be continued]

[There's barely any time left before the Heavenly Old Age Cannon fires.


[The fate of the world is left to Gintoki and Katsura!!]

[Ryugu Arc - The Final Chapter]

["Even if Your Back is Bent, Go Straight Forward"]

[The smoke has turned everyone old.

Can they stop the Heavenly Old Age Cannon even in such decrepit bodies?!]

[At the brink of despair Urashima calls]
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