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06x06 - Straighten Up and Fly Right

Posted: 09/19/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on Chesapeake Shores...

- Is Sarah pregnant? [GASPS]
- Yeah. But you guessed it.

I didn't tell you
and you cannot tell anyone.

Don't do that thing
where you sabotage the relationship

so you don't risk being disappointed.

- Why did you do it?
- I didn't.

I have some trust issues, huh?

See, my issues
are with people who don't trust me.

Why would your father
do something like this? We are ruined.

[MICK] Good thing I stopped
taking those pills when I did.

I could've gotten hooked.

- You don't think you did?
- Hi. My name is Mick.

I am an addict.


Oh, there's my phone.

I've been looking for that.

I'm not sure you're gonna get that back.

She's got that intense look
from online shopping.

More like buying a DNA test
for my science project.

X-Y-Me. I've heard of this test.

They generate an ancestry report,
confirm all your wonderful traits.

Or genetic mutations.

Even find relatives we don't know about.


So it turns out that cleaning up
my house was, uh, very productive.

- Good to hear.
- Do you remember a while back

you accused me
of borrowing your purple sweater

- and never returning it?
- I do.

I also remember you
adamantly saying I was wildly mistaken.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, um...

Ta-da. I return it freshly cleaned
and with a thousand apologies.

I knew it. Thank you. Hey, while
you were cleaning your closet,

did you find my Jimmy
Choo heels as well?

Jess has those. I told you.

That's what you said about the sweater.

If I had them, I would return them

because I'm never
gonna wear high heels again

because I'm never going
on another date again.

- Things still not going well with Luke?
- That's an understatement.

I scored those tickets
to Red Rocks this weekend.

- Great.
- Means your mom and I

are gonna have our rendezvous in Denver.

Sounds romantic.

- Might extend it for one night.
- Great, but TMI, Dad.

Much TMI.

You're big boys now.
You're old enough to know the truth.

Oh, I never thought this day would come

when I was jealous of my parents' plans.

I'm sure Evan
would love to take you to Red Rocks.

Might even buy the whole venue.

- When is he back from Belgium?
- When his deal is done.

- You need to take your mind off of him.
- My mind is not on him.

Okay. Well, I have a spa certificate
that expires in a week.

- You and me? Tomorrow?
- Yes, you had me at "spa."

Here you go. You
really need a new phone.

Thank you, my daughter.

I was gonna see Jess later.
Maybe she'll wanna come.

Oh, and I bet you Sarah
could use some time off her feet.

Sure. Great idea. Do you think
Sarah is really a spa person?

Maybe she just hasn't met the right spa.

Kevin, does Sarah like spas?

I don't know.

♪ Plane ticket already paid
I'm gone but it don't mean nothing ♪

♪ I'm close even though I'm far away ♪

♪ That's how I remember you ♪

♪ Stuck here on the red-eye special ♪

♪ I can't wait to see you again ♪

♪ Just don't think of me
Not being around ♪

♪ Just listen for the
sweet, sweet sound ♪

♪ Of the taxi pulling up the driveway ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon ♪



Those that got a nudge from the judge,
I'll sign your papers.

Anyone available to sponsor,
raise your hands.

If you need anyone, look around,
plenty of folks available.

Thank you, everyone.


- Hey, congrats.
- What for?

Well, it's your first full week, right?

It's only a week.

[RALPH] It's a big week.

So, uh, how's the sponsor search going?

It's going.

Uh, look, can I just...?

Can I work the steps
on my own for a while?

You could.

But we have a name for people

who try to get through recovery
on their own.




In conclusion,
the purchase of Fenton Creek Vineyard

in addition to a tasting room
at our B and B,

presents a massive opportunity
to increase revenue

and expand the Inn at Eagle Point brand.



Hey, going into the winemaking business
is a shot in the dark,

but you have really done your research.

Yeah. Well, it's been kind
of a welcome distraction.

Hm. Still no word from David's father?


Well, I am proud of you.



You know why.

David's been so distracted lately.

Running the business
has really fallen on your shoulders.

You are the one
keeping the B and B afloat.

- David helps.
- Yeah.

But before you were helping him.
Now he's helping you.

You learned accounting software.
You're taking a marketing course.

The one that's half
high school students.

AP high school students.

And now you have a real shot
at buying a vineyard. You're a fireball.

You think the bank will bite?

I have a friend over there.
I could float it past them.

- You'd do that?
- Well, that depends.

Are you coming with me
to the spa tomorrow?


Are you sure this
doesn't need more work?

If your business plan
is half as good as your line

about the salt air
on the pinot noir grapes, I'd fund you.


[BREE] You ate that sandwich
in the blink of an eye.

When it comes to deli food,
I don't mess around. I know cured meats.

You sure do. You sure do.

Hey, so I heard
that Luke found a place to live.

When I heard he needed one,
I remembered the little attic apartment,

so I told him he could
stay there as long as he needed to.

Very nice of you.

Well, I owed him one
and nobody was using it, so...

I take it this means
that you two are still on the outs.

He hasn't exactly reached out, so...

Have you considered reaching out to him?

I'm just glad he has a place to live.

And I was thinking
that you could give him this.

Why would I do that?

It's a housewarming gift.

It's kind of like an inside joke.

Very inside.

Why don't you give it to him yourself.
It might be funnier.

Oh, I don't know.

Or you could just tell him you miss him.

It's hard.

You talk to somebody every day,
and then...

poof, they're just gone.

- I know the feeling.
- Yeah.

- How long has it been since you talked?
- Like, a week and change.

You're gonna need a bigger cactus.

- Hey. Did you hear anything?
- Hi. Still no word.


Thirty seconds to noon. I can't look.

Twenty-eight seconds. Okay.

Ujjayi breaths.

Just breathe, breathe, breathe.

- You did well on your bar exam.
- Don't jinx it.

You can always take it again
if you didn't.

Oh, man, you're so jinxing it.

- I'm sorry.

- It's noon. Refresh. Refresh.

[CONNOR] And we have a progress bar.



Pinwheel and progress bar.

They couldn't cause you more anxiety
if they tried.

Here we go.

"Maryland State bar candidate

does not appear
on the fail list this quarter."

What does that mean?

I think that means...


I passed?

You passed.

Why phrase it with the double negative?

Because they're lawyers.

Get used to it because
now you're one too.

Margaret Keller, Esquire.


I passed!







Oh, it's so good to hear your voice.

- You're calling now? It's been months.
- I'm sorry.

Mom's a wreck.

I'm so sorry.

You're sorry. You know,
Alexandra literally wants to k*ll you.

I know I shouldn't have run,

but when the world sees you perp-walked
into a courthouse,

they assume you're guilty.


Because you did it.


Do you know what it's like to hear

your victims talk on the news every day?

How you stole from them
their retirement, their dreams?

David, don't believe this narrative

they're spinning. I'm the victim here.

You're the victim?

- I should hang up this phone right now.
- I'm innocent.

- Oh, really? I suppose you were framed?
- Yes.

See, it's impossible
for me to believe you.

Because you literally stole my trust.

You stole my trust fund.

I didn't steal it.

I just put it somewhere safe
so they couldn't get at it.

- Oh, really?
- You're gonna get it all back.

- You just have to trust me.
- Yeah, see, Dad...

it's impossible for me to do that.

I know how what it sounds like,
but once you see the evidence,

you'll know I am telling you the truth.

I was framed by somebody on the inside,

by... somebody we know.

- I've gotta get off this phone here.
- No, wait, Dad, what do you me...?

People could be listening.
Promise me you won't give up on me.

Dad. Dad.



Okay, so, um,
I hope I'm not going overboard.

I'm wondering if we should put mock-ups

of merchandise on the business plan.

I did some calling and even small
wineries sell their own tote bags,

wine openers, umbrellas. Look at this.

You didn't hear a word I just said,
did you?

My dad called.


What did he say?



I know how hard this is for you.

I gotta call that FBI agent now.

You do?



I mean, he's still my dad.

Okay, whatever you
choose to do, I'm here.

What if I choose the wrong thing?

I'll still be here.




Um, is this a bad time?

No, no. I'm just, uh,
doing some maintenance.


- What's that?
- Oh, this is...

I heard you found a place.
So it's a house-warming gift.


It's a little like you, isn't it?

Cute, means well,
but don't get too close?


Still working on that last part.

I got weird.

I'm sorry.

- Why is it so hard for you to trust me?
- It's not you I don't trust. It's me.

Feeling this strongly about somebody

is terrifying, and...

I'm just so sure
that I'm gonna mess it up. So...

Mess it up before you can mess it up.

That's a very accurate
way of putting it.

I never said I made sense.

But not getting to see you this
past week or talk to you has been...




I have a word finder app on my phone,
this could go on for hours.

Hm. So, what's the alternative?



You say you understand,

and... we move on?

Well, at some point,
you have to let go and trust.

I can do that.

Well, then so can I.


It's really cute.

[ABBY] Hey, Dad. I brought you a snack.

- Thanks.
- I didn't know you had a meeting.

I don't. You can leave it there.

I'm just calling your mom
to shore up our plans.

- So you guys booked your flights?
- Mm-hm.

Great. Well, I will leave you to it.

Oh, you sure you don't mind
holding the fort for a few days?

Please. I just want you to go
and have a good time.

And, uh, I'm sure there's NA meetings
in Denver, right?

Yeah, it's just a few days, Abby.
I'll be fine.

Mm-hm. I read it's important
to go every day for the first days.

I know.
And I can always do virtual meetings.

I've got this, honey.


Hey. It's me. Can you hear me?

Hi, honey.

- That's a nice place.
- Yeah, it's amazing.

That view? Do you know
how much that view would cost in London?

I can't afford it here.
Your dad is a saint.

Eh, you haven't heard him
drive the Baltimore Beltway.


Uh-oh. Who's that?

That's texts from my agent.

- Too dramatic?
- I'm beginning to like your drama.

Good news. Bad news?

Uh, I'm not sure.

- Do you know Miranda Livingston?
- The actress? She's great.

She wants to option the movie rights
to my novel.

An Oscar-winning actress wants
to buy the rights to your book?

I'd go with good.

- I don't know.
- Okay. Why not?

Well, it's always weird when somebody

else takes ownership of your work.

But she could do an amazing job,
she could win an Oscar.

She could butcher it.

My instinct is to say no.
The book is the book. Leave it alone.

You sure that's what this is about?

No, I'm not afraid of success.

I actually really like success.

And you're not afraid of stirring
things up with your family again?

Wow. How do you know me so well?


I just think about you, a lot.

Well, let's put a pin in that,
I'd like to revisit that later.

As for my family, I just...

don't really wanna
go through that again.


Do you think they'll be upset?

Honestly, I don't know.

You could always run it by them,
see how they react.

Ugh. Be all open and honest?


Crazy thought.

"At a certain point,
you need to let go and trust."

- Right?
- Right.

I love you too, honey. And don't forget,

lots of fluids and lots of sleep, okay?

- All right.
- That didn't sound good.

Your mother got a sinus infection.
She can't fly.

Oh, so no Red Rock?

Ah, that's all right.
We'll go some other weekend.

- Where are you going?
- I got some errands. Why?

- I just wanna make sure you're not...
- Not what?

I'm just worried about you, Dad.

You were looking forward to this
and haven't had the easiest year.

Thanks, honey.
But I don't need this right now, okay?


[MALIK] You're planting pansies?

- Violas.

Well, you're making the world
a more beautiful place.

That's a good way to spend the day.
You had something to tell me?


Um, Agent Malik. My father called.

- What he say?
- He just wanted me to know he was okay.

That was thoughtful
of him. Anything else?

He said that he was innocent.

That he was framed.

That's typical. Did he say where he was?


Well, he called once,

chances are he'll call again.

And if we, um, put a tap on your phone,

we can triangulate his location.

I see.


Are you asking
for my permission to do that?

Do I have to?



My parents are happy I passed the bar,

but I'm not sure
Grandma Olivia will recover.

That's the first time
I've seen someone faint over FaceTime.

- She always does that.
- Really?

That's why the sofa's there.

- No way.
- Yeah.

- Post your results on social media?
- Everyone did.

Why, do you think I should take it down?

I think you should enjoy the attention.

You deserve that.

Except it's not just from my classmates.

Law firm recruiters are so aggressive.

They swoop in fast. Why wouldn't they?
You're a great candidate.

I know what I want: pick my own clients,
represent the little guy,

and grow a company from the ground up.


Something I won't get from "an informal

coffee and chat at Winthrop Davis."

- Winthrop Davis?
- Mm-hm.

One of the top shops in D.C.

You're not gonna see
what they're offering?

I thought the plan was to work with you
at your firm?

Sure, but I'd never hold you back
from something better.

Better than working with you?

Come here. Let's be honest.

I've had to slow down
since my heart attack.

Now you have the world at your feet.
I don't wanna hold you back.

If you don't explore your options,

down the road, it might feel like I did.

I just don't want you
to have any regrets.


Welcome to my happy place.

I like to call it my
home away from home.

Except neater and with fluffier towels.

- How have I never been in here?
- How have we never taken you here?

Ooh! Lavender scalp massage.
That's right up my alley.

Infrared sauna. That's new.

It can "neutralize negative thoughts."

Well, that's my first order of business.

I would like to have a positive attitude

for my massage. What do you say?

You wanna join me for degrees
of cedar-scented relaxation?

I broke in a new pair
of work boots this week.

I was gonna go for the foot rub.

Foot rubs are nice.
If you change your mind...

Okay. Let's go. This way.


[LUKE] Hey.


I got your text.

- I thought you were flying to Denver?
- Meg got sick, had to cancel.

That's disappointing.

Eh, nothing I can't handle.

Hm. Uh...

Make you think about using?

Honestly, everything from I-beam delays

to burnt pancakes
makes me think about it.

At NA meetings,
everybody looks like a giant pill.


I don't know.

I mean, how can you handle
working in a bar?


It's a trial, you know?
One day at a time.


- You find a sponsor yet?
- Working on it.

Well, maybe work a little harder?

All right.

Will you be my sponsor?

Oh, Mick, I...

I wish I could, but, um...

We're friends. It's just not advised.

Oh, okay.

There must be somebody
at your NA meetings, right?

Oh, yeah. I'll look around.
And, hey, don't worry about me.

I'm done with the
jumpy withdrawal period.

From here on, my recovery's all on me.

Ladies, are you ready
for complimentary wine service?

- Complimentary wine service.
- Complimentary wine service.

Oh, am I.

I opened this Côtes du Rhône.
Care for a taste?

I'd care for a glass.

And I cannot let you drink alone, so...


Do you still have
that amazing pressed green juice?

Apple cucumber with pinch of ginger?
I have a fresh batch in the back.

You cannot leave without trying this.
It is life-changing.

- Twist my arm.
- Thank you.


How did I know you'd be the one
bringing your phone into the Zen room?

Oh, sorry. I have to take this.

[SIGHS] I didn't know
my feet could feel this good.

I want to build a tiny
home in the sauna.

Hot-stone massage.

Are there three more beautiful words
in the English language?


Well, that was the school nurse.

Oh, no. Everything okay?

Yeah, I think so.

Caitlyn's been paying
her a lot of visits.

Complaining about this and that.

It's become her hangout.
The nurse was concerned.

I'd be concerned. It's a germy hangout.

She said she was worried
that she's avoiding something.

Well, that's where I used to go
when we had surprise algebra tests.

Hope it's something that simple.

Her grades have been down,

but she likes her teachers,
she's making friends.

She spends almost every weekend
at Sloan's house.

- I don't know what she's avoiding.
- I don't know.

But I am glad you had kids before us
so you could figure it out first.

Jessica, Bree? They're ready for you
in the hydrofacial room.

The nail tech will be ready
in a few more minutes.

- Thank you. Mm-hm.
- Guess we'll finish these after.

Have fun.


Hey, uh, thanks.

Yeah, any time.

I meant for what you did earlier.
With the wine.

You know I'm pregnant, don't you?

Kevin told you, didn't he?

No, no. I guessed.

And he confirmed it, but he made me

swear not to tell anyone, and I haven't.

I appreciate that.

I understand if you don't want to talk.

That's the thing is, I...

I do want to talk about it,

but I'm afraid.

I understand.

I don't even know
how I'm supposed to feel.

I mean, how can you be...

happy about something that might...?


Yeah. You know, I just hope that...

you find a way to be excited
about what could be.

Yeah, I guess.

What I'm trying to say is...

When in doubt, choose joy.

Thanks again for coming over to help.

Thank you. I could use the company.

If I get this up
before Margaret gets back,

I can pretend I did it all myself.


Say no more.
Have you got any masonry screws?

Are these masonry screws?

No, but I've got some in my toolbox.

Yeah, I'm also gonna need a carbide

drill bit and a, uh,
hex-head nut driver.

- Are you just making up words?
- No.

- Are those for Margaret?
- Yeah.

Passing the bar is a big deal.

Now the vultures are circling.

The big law firms already after her?

That's why she went to D.C.,

for an informal coffee chat
with Winthrop Davis.

- That sounds like a job interview.
- You think?

Well, if she takes a job with a big

firm, then what happens with you two?

I'm not sure.

One thing I learned from you and Mom,

you gotta let people go their own way.

- Sometimes they come back to you.
- True.

- I got a towel somewhere around here.
- I can wash my hands.

- Bathroom this way?
- Yeah.


- Hard day at work, Mom?
- Yes. Oh, the worst.

I brought you one those gold face masks.

I thought maybe we can do them later.

- You can give it to Carrie.
- Okay.


Hey, is there anything
that you would like to talk about?

Not really. Do you?


Not really.

But, um, you know
I'm always here for you, right?

Uh, Carrie!

Did my mom get any calls today?

Who would've called?

I don't know, the school nurse?

Great. That's why
she wants to talk to me.

Well, talking is good, right?

Yeah, well, except with my mom,

% of the time
a talk always turns into a thing.


I've had things. Things are no good.

But if it was something serious,
you'd say something, right?

Don't worry, Aunt Jess, it's
nothing serious. It's just whatever.

Okay, well,
I have a black belt in whatever.

You know where to find me.

But I will leave you with one gem.

It only gets better from here.

There's high school,
then college, and then after college.

They're all an improvement
on middle school.

Middle school is the worst.

Well, thanks, I think.


Anyone else want to speak?

Okay. Well... Ah, yes?

Hi. My name is Mick, and I'm an addict.

[ALL] Hi, Mick.

Uh, I haven't been coming to these much.

Eight days actually.

I woke up this morning thinking
that I didn't belong here.

That I was doing this for my family.

That I didn't have a problem.

And then I got some bad news.

Nothing major, but enough to set me off.

I went over to my son's place
to help him put up a shelf, and...

And while I was in his bathroom,
I opened the medicine cabinet.

I don't know why.


Oh, what am I saying?

I do know why.

My son had surgery recently,

and there were some
leftover painkillers in there.

I knew that.

I took one out of the bottle,

and I was...

very tempted...

to slip.

So I guess my question is...

when does the wanting stop? Never?

Is it always with you?

That's not a very inspirational share,
is it? But, uh, anyway...

That's all I got.

[ALL] Thanks, Mick.


- Hey. How was your day without me?
- Hey.


I, uh, made that quiche for Sunday,

replaced that bulb in the maple room.

Oh, yeah, and I watched the FBI install

a wiretap on my cell. So that was fun.

Oh, David, I'm so sorry.

I know whatever your dad did...

he's still your dad.

But that's the thing.
I'm not so sure anymore.

I mean, what if he is innocent?

You believe him?

Logically, no. No, no, no, but...

Do you believe him?

I don't know. I go back and forth, like,

three times in the last five minutes...

Okay. Come here.

It's okay.

Thanks for making me feel less crazy.

Well, usually it's you doing that
for me. So I can return the favor.

That's what a marriage is, isn't it?

Making each other feel less crazy.



- Quite the share, Mick.
- Oh, I was just telling the truth.

Were you? You didn't finish the story.

What do you mean?

You took the pill, didn't you?

I don't know what happened.
I just swallowed the pill.

I didn't even think about it.

I have no control over this.

And that's the first step:

admitting you're powerless
over your addiction.

That your life has become unmanageable.

Well, if that doesn't describe a guy
showing up high to an NA meeting,

I don't know what does.

You don't need to be clean
to come to a meeting.

All you need is the
desire to stop using.

I need a sponsor.

Think I might know a guy.



- Who goes there?

Margaret Keller, the hotshot lawyer?


- Hey.
- Hi.

So how did it go?

You know, it went pretty well.

She's a very nice lady.

- Lady from Winthrop Davis?
- Yeah, Sophie.

She made a very good case.

Did you know
they have special mentorship programs?


Yeah. And she said they wanna
put me on the partnership track.

Gave me hours to respond.

Something about
booking a retreat to Belize.

That's... That's great.

So I guess...

I told her no.

No, thank you, but no.

You did?

I've been there before.

To Belize?


A big firm.

Remember what a nightmare DLP was?
It taught me what I don't want.

So, what do you want?

To work with you in your practice,
if you still want me.

Of course.

Why wouldn't I?

You seemed pretty pumped for me
to take that interview in D.C.

I just wanted you to see
how valuable you are.

I know.

And I know that you know.

Which is why I wanna raise the stakes.
With your offer.

You know it's just me, right?

I can't offer you any more money or...

fly you on some
exotic retreat to Belize.


But you can make me an equity partner.

Keller, you drive a hard bargain.

That's not an answer, counselor.

That's why I'm crazy about you.

Still not an answer.

Let me put it to you this way...

what sounds more equitable?

Keller and O'Brien
or O'Brien and Keller?



[MICK] It's this step five thing.

"Admitted to God, to ourselves,
and to another human being

the exact nature of our wrongs."

- Do...?
- Sponsors count?

Yes. That's what we're here for.

You know what I
will say before I say it.

I said it before you.

But let's not jump ahead to step five.

Let's focus on steps one through four.

- That's why they're called "steps."
- Look at you, so quick on the uptake.




That's not necessary. Uh...

Seeing as I have you here,
I have an announcement to make.

Um, it's more of a question.
You could call it a survey.

- Bree.
- Yes.

Uh, yes. I, uh...

I'd like to ask all of your permission

to proceed with a creative endeavor.

Ugh. Not another book about me.

A, it wasn't specifically about you,
and B, it's not a book.


Miranda Livingston wants to make
All Our Yesterdays into a movie.

[CARRIE] What?

And since the book
is loosely inspired by all of you,

um, I would never move forward

without getting a yes
from each and every one of you.

Uh, what about Mom?

Oh, I spoke to her. She's fine with it.

So it's all on us?



I agree on one condition.


That my role
will be played by Harrison Ford.

- Or by the guy from Prince of the City.

Don't talk to me
unless it's Hilary Duff.

Kristen Stewart? Am I wrong?


I can't decide
between Chris Pratt and Chris Pine.

- One of the Chrises.
- No, no, it's got to be Luke Wilson.

Would Dwayne Johnson wear a wig?

- I'll see if he's available.
- Yeah.

Oh, Pee-wee Herman.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.



So, what did he say?

- The guy at the bank?
- Mm-hm.

He's not a decision-maker, but he
said if he saw your business plan,

he would give it the green light.

Thank you. Thank you, thank you.

I know it's not a sure thing,
but it feels so good to have some hope.

I need to talk to Caitlyn
about this nurse thing.

Oh, yeah, I meant to tell you.
She brought it up to me.

She did?

Um, she said it wasn't serious.
She said it was "whatever."

Did you believe her?

I mean, at that age,
"whatever" can mean anything.

I remember when she used to talk to me.

It's probably better though,
she'll tell you more than me.



Will you keep talking to her?

I will make a point of it.

Thank you. That means a lot.

Little one.

You think we should?

They're going to find out. So why not?

But you should be the one to tell them.

- You need to be the one to tell them.
- No, you.

- [KEVIN] No, you...
- Tell what?

Tell us what?

All right. Well...

You know our history,
and you know we're scared.

But a friend once told me to choose joy.

So that's what we're doing.

- Kevin and I are...
- She's pregnant.


- Oh, thanks.
- So great.

Oh, we're so excited.



It's me.

I owe you an explanation.

- Dad.
- I know I wasn't the best father. I...

I tried to make you, well, like me. I...

I could never understand
you were following your own path.


And it's a good path, son. A good path.

It won't lead you where...

Where mine led me.

But I did not do what they say I did,
you must believe me.

Dad, listen.

The FBI knows where you are now.
They put a tap on this phone.

I figured that.

That's why I called you.

I wanna give myself up.

I wanna come home.