02x22 - Some Data Cannot Be Erased

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x22 - Some Data Cannot Be Erased

Post by bunniefuu »


To-502, who embodies Dr.

Hayashi's character data, started a coup d'etat in Edo.


[Gintoki and friends headed deep under the robot-conquered Terminal to return a smile to Fuyo's face.


["Some Data Cannot Be Erased"]

In a city wrapped in darkness, you can see a mass of bodies glowing eerily in the darkness.

It is a coup d'etat.

A coup d'etat by the robots against humanity! At present, patrol officers from the Magistrate's Office are headed this way to quell the coup.

With the Terminal occupied by the robots, the city is paralyzed, making this a tough battle! Right now, I do not know if video of this report is being broadcasted.

What will become of Edo? And will my salary be paid?! Isn't this a much better shortcut than up on the ground level where it's crawling with robots? Security is lax, it seems Old man! What shortcut?! What's that huge thing?! That is No.

307, a.




Her specialty is cleaning tall buildings.

She is a destructive type recalled for breaking the neck of the Great Buddha at Kamakura.

Old man! Do something! Tama! Affirmative.

Inserting disc.

Y-You! Sounds like Rocky.

She's playing a Rocky-ish theme.

It's similar, but It's the stuff adults worry about, you know, like getting into trouble if you use the real theme.

But why Rocky?! Just hearing it motivates you.

She's nothing more than a CD player! Fenis monjaa, fenis monjaa! [Note: Gibberish that sounds like the "Gonna Fly Now" song from the Rocky movie.


And now you're singing?! She doesn't know the words! What's a "Fenis"? It just makes me angry and doesn't heighten my will to fight at all! Adrian! We're falling! Hang on! Tsk.

Pochi! Ol Old man! Gin-no-ji, save the robots and Ryuzan.

They're crying.

Old man! Old man! As I continued my research, I realized bringing my daughter back to life was impossible.

And even No.

To-502, which holds Dr.

Hayashi's character data and which we thought was the closest to being perfect, developed a bug.

It may sound strange for me to say this, but it seems my character was destroyed by a robot infection.

But one possibility emerged from my research.

The first daughter of the Fuyo Project, and the basis for all the Fuyo models, was No.


Compared to the models that followed, it was far inferior in its capabilities, and no one expected "The Seed" to germinate within her.

However Ka Kagura! Sadaharu! Gin-chan.

We'll join you later.

Wait for us, okay? You foo-- It's too dangerous! It's useless to try to save them.

Their chances of survival are Let go of me! I don't have time to listen to your stupid calculations! I'm saying it's useless.

And I said to shut up! Because they're alive.

I'm saying they're still alive.

Certainly, via any normal calculation, their chances of survival are less than 0.

1 percent.

However, they are all still alive.

I hope they're alive.

I'm sorry.

I know I'm saying such strange things.

It would seem I have a bug.

It's not a bug.

What? You know what I mean.

Emotions are beginning to develop in No.


Without a doubt, human emotions.

By storing Fuyo's soul for such a long time within its body, changes have begun to occur in No.

i-Zero's programming.

We could say she's Fuyo's child No, the reincarnation of Fuyo.

She's coming back.

Coming back to me, at last.

I'll never let you go again.

I won't let you feel lonely.

Soon, the world will be filled with only the friends you loved.

For your sake, I will change this country No, you won't.

You're not doing this for your daughter.

You're trying to bring her back to life and creating such a huge disturbance all for your own sake.

The lonely one was you, Ryuzan.

Gin-san! Fuyo.

I waited so long for you.

Now come to me.

What's the matter? Can't you obey my order, No.

i-Zero? Unfortunately, I do not recognize you as the doctor.

Wh-What? "Make my daughter smile" In compliance with Dr.

Hayashi's orders, No.

To-502, I will destroy you! Fuyo I want to become a robot, as well.

Then I will be released from this suffering and sadness.

I understand now Why the doctor said those things He came to a realization.

The reason he wanted to give eternal life to frail Fuyo-sama, and the reason why he tried to bring Fuyo-sama back from the dead, wasn't for Fuyo-sama's sake.

It was for his own.

It was the doctor who was lonely.

It was you! He didn't want to lose Fuyo-sama.

The emotions that stemmed from his worry brought about his daughter's death.

Hey, what're you doing? C'mon.

He had k*lled his own daughter.

He was tormented by feelings of guilt.

And yet he still wanted his daughter and struggled to bring her back.

He came to that realization.

This is no time to be having a conversation! He became a robot to get rid of those emotions and escape from the torment.

But you are still tormented and suffering.

Clutching to the remnants of your dream.

You are pitiful.

I will put an end to it all.

That is my duty.

I was built to put a smile on the faces of Fuyo-sama and the doctor.

It is my duty! Wonderful.

It would have been unthinkable in your former state to disobey me.

Unlike me, whose character and memories are being destroyed, new emotions are blossoming inside you as you become more human.

That is wonderful.

You're even going through a rebellious stage.

But you've gone a bit too far.

Tama-san! Hey Father, she's not in a rebellious phase.

She's trying to leave the nest.

Don't think you can alwaystake a bathtogether! Too bad.

My central processor is not inside my head.

Gin-san! Don't think of me like the other robots.

As long as the central processor deep within my body remains safe, I can repair myself no matter how severe the damage.

And I have more unfortunate news for you.

My processor is tinier than a single micron.

Finding it inside my body and destroying it is like looking for a single grain of sand in a desert.

One micron.

What a puny soul.

Gin-san! Tama-san! Even if she's in a rebellious stage, a child always returns to her parent in the end.

It appears that your contact had a great deal to do with how much emotion No.

i-Zero acquired, but it is inconceivable that she would go against her reason for existing-serving me.

It's a temporary bug.

An adjustment will quickly have her back with me.

Fuyo, finish him off with your own hands.



Shinpachi! You're next.

Any last words? You'd make your own daughter k*ll someone? A daughter who does anything you say.

So that's what you wanted in the end, Father? A daughter who would never let you be alone, who never dies, who would always stay with you.

You don't want a daughter.

You want a maid to do your bidding! If you're so desperate for a woman who does your every bidding, you can have her.

However She's rugged-looking.

Master! Those aren't any of my robots! Guys! I'll show you a man's machine! Fire! Fuyo?! Why?! Why are you?! Let go! Let go of me! I am afraid I cannot comply.

You are not my master.

They are.

Were you just pretending to obey me? That can't be! You feel that much for them?! If I survive but couldn't protect what was important to me I might as well be dead.

Once I decide to protect something, I protect it to the very end.

Doctor, is that in your data? This way of life? What're you? I told you-it's useless.

Unless you destroy the microprocessor, I will keepcoming back.

If I stuff you inside this energy beam that concentrates all the energy of Edo, your puny soul should be destroyed.

Wh-What're you Go fool around with your maids in hell, you sick old man! Gin-san! Gin-chan! M-My bodyisdisintegrating! My souldisappearing.

Stop it.

Please stop.

Don'tdon't leave me all alone FuFuyo! FuFuyo Good-bye.

Good-bye, Father Ryuzan You damn fool.

Did I do the right thing? I did it to make Fuyo-sama and the doctor smile, but The Fuyo-sama inside of me won't smile.

She won't stop crying.

I am unstable and my thought circuitry is not working properly.

I want to run away.

Is this how it feels to suffer? What should I do? How can I restore myself from the effects of this bug? It's not a bug.

It's proof that you are functioning normally.

That's why there's no need to run away or be afraid.

A pregnant woman gives birth to her kid by suffering through what feels like squeezing a watermelon through her nostrils.

Artists endure suffering that feels like pulling the entire universe out of their ass to create their works.

Everyone has times when they've come up against a wall and feel like giving up on everything and running away.

But you mustn't forget that during these times when the going is rough, the soul inside of you will try to create something to break through that wall.

And don't forget that in your suffering there is something very precious.

We're all suffering in agony with our own troublesome lives.

Sometimes it comes to tears.

When that happens, let it flow as much as it wants.

If it still doesn't stop flowing, then we'll come and mop it up.

Thankyou Thankyou.

Thank you, everyone.

I think we were a bit too rough.

The controlled energy is about to explode.

Explode?! This is under the Terminal, where all of Edo's power is concentrated! If an expl*si*n occurs here Edo will be blasted to smithereens! You guys get out of here as fast as you can! Gengai-san! A mechanic caused this situation.

A mechanic has to find a way to stop it.

That's rash! It's too dangerous near the control panel! You can't get near it! Tama! Tama-san! The doctor caused this situation.

A maid will have to clean it up.

Gengai-sama, use that to communicate.

Please provide instructions.

Wait a minute! Tama-san! Gin-san! Gin-chan! No! Gin-chan, let me go! Tama! Tama-san! If I survive but couldn't protect what was important to me, I might as well be dead.

That probably meant the death of one's will; the death of one's soul.

I thought there was no way a robot like myself could understand, but I feel I understand it a bit now.

I, too, have something I want to protect.

No matter how many times you flip the off switch or trip the circuit breaker or if I should be destroyed, I won't forget.

So So please everyone, please don't forget me.

That way, my soul will live on inside all of you.

Tama! FatherI madefriends.

Not robots, but true friends The robots have stopped moving?! The lights have turned back on in the city! Did you see that? The robots suddenly stopped moving.

What could have happened? I'm currently reporting live, but I have no idea when this will be broadcast-- Huh? I'm on.

I'm on the air? We did it! It appears the city is functioning again! Hey, it went off again.

What's with this pile of junk? Are we having another robot coup d'etat? That TV hasn't been working right ever since I removed Tama's central processor.

Tama? What's that? Whose cat is that? You've forgotten already? That's good.

I thought for sure you'd be depressed.

The kiddies are.

I'm afraid I can't let such things bother me.

Even if bad things happen, I know how to lie to myself, or let off the steam in a good way.

Oops, I'm becoming more cunning the older I get.

That's not good.

Right, old man? That's important.

There are things in this world that we can't do anything about.

Fighting is not the only way.

It's wiser to drink and forget about it.

So true.

By the way, Gin-no-ji.

Huh? What is that? Something I picked up.

During that incident? I thought I could sell it for a high price, but unfortunately, the head's empty.

I can't sell it like that.

Then throw it away.

It's just junk.


I don't know if it's combustible or non-combustible trash.

By the way, old man Huh? What're those things? During the incident, my robots picked those up.

They're getting in my way.

Then throw them out.

They're just junk.


I don't know what days the trash goes out.

Gin-no-ji, did you know? After that incident, Ryuzan's robots were destroyed, but the broken robots found their way by the truckload to shady dealers.

I hear they're being sold on the black market.

If you sell that as-is, the police will know about it immediately.

Make sure you take out what's inside the head.

There might be something Forget it.

I thought there might be something of value.

If you start getting involved with black market dealers, no amount of lives will be enough Hey, what's that? We picked them up.

That's great, Otose-san.

You've got a young girl now.

From way back, I've always thought this place lacked a bit of sex appeal.

What?! Are you saying we're not enough to satisfy your desires? No, no, you're both sexy, but you need some youth.

What?! I dare you to say that again! What's so great about a girl who's just a head?! You can't do anything sexy with her! She has a mouth.

Otose-san, what're they all doing? Giving her knowledge.

I don't know what happened before she came here, but she was really beaten up.

When she came here, her memory and data were all wiped out.

She was like a newborn baby.

That's why when you teach her something, she absorbs it like a sponge.

They all get a kick out of that.

Hey you! Stop teaching her nasty things! I see.

She doesn't remember a thing.

Poor thing.

Okay, I'm next.

There was one thing she still remembered What was it, now? My name's Kotaro Katsura.

I'm a revolutionist.

A revolutionist? Never heard of it? I'm a samurai.

You don't know that, either? Samurai Samurai, I know.

Oh?! They rank above the brave warrior and the evil king.

They are one of the four kings.

No, that's not right.

What's that? My precious friends.

The next episode "Drive With A "Might" Attitude.

" [Katsura and Gin-san go to driving school.

Captain Katsura returns!!]

[The other episode is about Sadaharu in love? "A Dog's Paws Smell Fragrant.

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