02x09 - Croquette Sandwiches Are Always The Most Popular Food Sold At The Stalls

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x09 - Croquette Sandwiches Are Always The Most Popular Food Sold At The Stalls

Post by bunniefuu »

A moth flew in the darkness The moth Did nothing but fly in complete darkness.

Scared of the dark and searching for light, it flew on When the moth found a light, it flew around and around it But By that time, the moth could no longer pull itself away from the light even if it wanted to.

I wish you all the best of luck.

There's no need to worry, senpai.

If anything happens, I'll be the one to deal with it.

Let's go.

It's time tobegin our legend.

[Tetsuya Murata is this episode's client.

He runs a swordsmith business with his younger sister, Tetsuko.


[His father was, Jintetsu, Edo's best swordsmith.

Benizakura, his infamous creation, has gone missing]

Excuse me a moment.

I'm looking for Kotaro Katsura-dono.

You've got the wrong guy.

No need to worry.

I'm not one of those Bakufu government dogs or anything.

You're a dog, but more like the bloodthirsty, rabid kind.

I've heard there's been a Tsujigiri roaming the streets lately.

[Note: A Tsujigiri is someone who kills innocent people randomly in order to test a new sword or skill.


You should be careful who you try to bite.

Unfortunately, my partner and I thirst for the blood of strong men like you.

Will you fight me? Shit! That sword Oh, my Is that all you've got? ["Croquette Sandwiches Are Always the Most Popular Food Sold at the Stalls"]

Hey, what's all the hubbub? It seems another corpse popped up.

Oh, that Tsujigiri again? How many people has he k*lled now? I've heard that He only goes after ronin.

It's so scary that I can't go out on the town at night.

Well, that just means You'll have to stay home and take care of your wife.

Here's your tea.

Umm What brings you here today? What is this? Why has she come here? She's creepy.

She's been silent this whole time.

Is she mad? Is she mad about something? Did I do something bad to her? Is she angry? She's smiling, isn't she? Shinpachi, she doesn't like your tea.

Our guest is a coffee person, not a tea person, uh-huh.

You're a tea server.

You should be able to figure out which one she is.

That's why you're Shinpachi, not Shinichi.

What is a "pachi"? [NOTE: The "pachi" in "Shinpachi" means "eight" in Japanese.

"Ichi" means "one" in Japanese.


There's no way I can tell that just by looking at her! I noticed it right away.

Take a look at our guest.

Her mouth looks like a coffee bean.

You don't have very good observational skills.

Here's your coffee.

Hey! What is that?! Nothing's changed at all!! You said her mouth looked like a coffee bean!! I did not.

I was talking about the side-view of a dorayaki.

[NOTE: Dorayaki is a Japanese sweet that consists of two pancake-like patties with sweet red bean paste in between.


Really, could you cut it out already? Why does it have to be so tense in my own home? I feel like I'd get sucked in if I stared into those eyes.



This is the Odd Jobs.

Shinpachi, we've got to use our last resort.

Let's use it.

Huh? But that's Gin-san's.

He'll get mad.

It's all right.

He's got to be weaned off of it by now.

He has no parents.

We need to raise him intoa proper adult.

Hey, I'm going out for a bit.

Oh! Hey, where are you going?! Work.

Take care of our guest.

Liar!! You're just trying to escape!! Have some strawberry milk.

Elizabeth, samurai should eat plain and simple things.

If you consume strawberry milk, parfaits, and other soft and sweet foods, then your body as well as your heart will become corrupt.

It cried!! We did it!! Does she like it that much?! Good job.

Well done, Shinpachi! Huh? Did we really do it? Umm Excuse me.

I'm from the Odd Jobs.

Umm Excuse me.

I'm from the Odd Jobs! Excuse me.

I'm the Odd Jobs guy! Excuse me.

I'm the Odd Jobs guy! Huh?! What'd you say?! I'm the Odd Jobs guy! We talked on the phone!! I told you I don't need a newspaper!! Stupid, stupid piece of crap! You can't hear me anyway.

I've done a terrible thing!! I'm all sweaty from working, so my hand slipped.

I'm sorry! It's all right.

They definitely heard me.

I haven't told you yet We siblings are swordsmiths! I'm Tetsuya, the older brother! And this is Hey, at least greet him, Tetsuko! If you don't say your name, Sakata-san won't know what to call you, Tetsuko!! Big Brother, you already told him my name.

And loudly.

Sorry, Sakata-san, she's a shy beast! Anyway, it must be pretty tough being a sword smith when swords have been outlawed.

Anyway, the job I want you to do is Hey, you're ignoring me? Maybe he didn't hear me Actually, someone stole Benizakura, the masterpiece that the late headin other words, my father, created! Oh?! And what is Benizakura? I want you to find it.

What?! He can't hear me again?! Benizakura is a sword forged by my father, Jintetsu, who was considered the greatest swordsmith in Edo.

It was said to be his greatest creation.

Its blade could split boulders and gleams pale crimson in the moonlight.

It's as mysterious and beautiful as cherry blossoms at night.

A truly splendid sword that has no equal.

Is that so?! That's amazing! So do you have any idea who stole it? But the Benizakura is a thing no human should ever touch.

Sir?! Listen to what other people have to say!! Where are you looking? Are you looking at me?! It all started when my father mysteriously died one month after forging the Benizakura.

Ever since then, misfortune has befallen everyone who became involved with the Benizakura! It's It's a demon sword that consumes people's souls! Come on.

Give me a break.

That means misfortune might fall on me too!! Sakata-san.

Please find the Benizakura before it causes any more tragedy! Listen to me!! He hasn't heard a single thing I've said!! When you talk to my brother You've got to get close to his ear and speak from your diaphragm.

Huh? Really?! Sir!! Excuse me!! Shut up!! So you're saying you found that here? That bloody thing.

Furthermore, you haven't seen Katsura-san for several days? Why didn't you tell us about this earlier, Elizabeth? [A Tsujigiri has been roaming the streets lately Do you suppose that]

Elizabeth, you know better than anyone that Katsura-san isn't the sort of person who would lose to some Tsujigiri.

But looking at this, it's obvious something happened to him.

If we don't find him quickly, something terrible might happen.

Katsura-san [It may already be too late]

You idiot!! [Gah!!]

If you don't believe in Katsura-san, then who will?! When you were captured by that evil magistrate, Katsura-san never gave up on you, no matter what! Right now, what is it you must do, Elizabeth?! What must you do for Katsura-san?! Tell me!! Say it! Say it!! That hurts.

That hurts.

Let go of me.

Or I'll rip your guts out.

Sorry!! Shinpachi, I'm going to look around with Sadaharu.

You look for the Tsujigiri with Lizzie!! [Recycled Goods Shop Earth Defense Army Base]

A demon sword? There's no way there'd be one in a recycle shop.

Well, nowadays you can buy demon swords by mail order.

Those are knockoffs.

I've been to numerous pawnshops, but it's nowhere to be found.

I thought the thief would sell it.

But if money isn't what he was after, that means I don't know if this is the same demon sword you're looking for, but I've heard rumors of a strange sword.

You know there's been a Tsujigiri roaming the area lately, right? Well, everyone who's met him has been k*lled, but there was a guy who saw him from a distance.

He said the sword the slayer wielded was more like a living thing than a sword.

Well, you should be careful of that Tsujigiri, too.

Kawakami-dono, we'll be arriving soon.

Bansai-dono, we'll be arriving soon!! We'll be arriving soon! Can you hear me?! Okay.

Got it [Otsu's New Album "Your Father is a XX"]

Now then I wonder if my smooth-talking can win them over This is a once-in-a-lifetime production.


[Defeat the Tsujigiri]

Greetings!! Elizabeth-senpai, I bought you some yakisoba buns! [Note: Yakisoba is a sort of fried noodles.


[I asked for a croquette sandwich.


They were sold out, so I got you the closest thing I could find.


How's it going? Has the Tsujigiri shown up? But don't you think it's a little reckless to ask the Tsujigiri in person about Katsura-san? We're not even sure if he's the culprit.

Hey, what are you doing?! [Eligo 13 (on headband)]

[Note: Parody of the manga series Golgo 13.

Elizabeth + Golgo 13]

[Don't stand behind me.


Shut up! I can't even tell which side of you is the front or the back! Hey.

What are you doing here? You're kind of suspicious.

Oh It's a policeman from the magistrate.

Don't scare me like that.

Don't give me that.

I'm asking you what you're doing.

[We don't need to tell you!]

Don't you two understand? Lately, there's been A Tsujigiri in the area.

It's very dangerous.

Eliza Elizabeth!! Come on.

I came here looking for a demon sword Only to come across some familiar faces.

G-Gin-san!! It's true.

I've smelled that scent of yours before.

Y-You're Butcher Nizo the Butcher!! So you were behind those slayings!! Gin-san, why are you here?! Our objectives were different, but it seems we were looking for the same guy.


I'm pleased.

You came all this way to see me.

I heard this was a cursed demon sword that brings misfortune, but it seems to attract the strong too.

It allowed me to meet you and Katsura, exactly the people I wanted to see.

Maybe it's a sword of good-fortune for me.

Katsura-san?! What did you do to Katsura-san?! My, my.

He was an acquaintance of yours? Sorry about that.

I was playing around with my new sword and I ended up k*lling him.

Zura would never lose to a low rent cutthroat like you.

Don't get angry.

I apologize for that.

Oh yeah.


At the very least, I'll give you a memento of him.

I cut it off of him as a trophy, but I'm sure he'd want you to have it.

But is Katsura really a man? This smooth hair is as silky and soft as a woman's.

Don't make me repeat myself.

Zura would never lose against a small fry like you.


I'm no match for him.

But I wasn't the one who k*lled him.

I just let it use my body for a bit.

Right, Benizakura? T-This is It's gotten really dark.

Sadaharu, if we don't go soon home, Gin-chan and Shinpachi will worry about us.

Or not.

I think Zura will be okay.

There's no way he'd die so easily.

Let's go home for today and look for him tomorrow.

Sadaharu? Sadaharu, have you picked up Zura's scent here? What is that boat? Hey.

Did you find him? It's no good.

Okada-san's got that illness again He's been real quiet Ever since he was defeated by some ronin, too.

He's really dangerous.

He was bragging that he defeated Katsura.

I wouldn't put it past him.

What are we going to do? This happened because you weren't keeping watch over him.

If the existence of that thing ever came to light Anyway, let's go back to the ship and start over.

Sadaharu, take this to Gin-chan and the others.

Even if you see a cute lady dog, don't take any detours.

And don't climb on top of them! All right.

I'm off.

Gin-san! [What a violent development.

Did this turn into a different anime?]

There! That's odd.

I thought you were stronger than that.

That's odd.

Is that thing really a sword? It's more like a living thing than a sword.

You've got to be kidding.

That's not a living thing It's more like a monster!! Gin-san!! Fights aren't only won with swords! What?! This isn't a fight.

It's a battle to the death.

Gin-san!! Is he an alien or something? This strength isn't human.

Hey, this is bad No way.

This can't be.

Gin-san is Gin-san is Gin-san is Gin-san!! Do you regret not k*lling me in our last battle? If you had k*lled me, this wouldn't have happened to you and Katsura.

This all came to pass because of your naivety.

The White Knight.

He's probably really disappointed.

That all the old comrades he fought beside ended up like this.

This country turned corrupt because of weak samurai like you.

If I had been by his side instead of you, this would still be the Japan of old.

Samurai don't need silly things like a warrior code or morals.

Samurai only need swords.

Your sword is broken.

You're no longer a samurai.

Weak samurai should vanish from this country.

My sword is broken? I still have a sword.

One more sword, just in case.

I can't pull it out Oh, my.

You took off my arm.

You're really awful.

Don't come any closer! Or I'll make it a set! Hey! What's going on down there?! Tsk.

Such annoyances.

We'll finish this later.

Let's meet again when we have the chance.

Hey, wait!! Gin-san! Hang on! Gin-san! Shinpachi, I knew you had it in you.

Gin-san! Gin-san!! Hey! Are you a part of this ship's crew? Could you show me around? Unless you want me make your head go pop.

Hey, you hear me? [Danger approaches]



[Shinpachi goes after]

[The truth.


[What is the Benzakura?!]

[Next Episode: "Be Careful Not to Leave Your Umbrella Somewhere"]

[Shinsuke Takasugi shows up in Edo once again.

What does he plan to use the cybersword, Benizakura, for?]

[Is Katsura really dead?! And what will the badly injured Gintoki do?!]
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