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06x05 - L-O-V-E

Posted: 09/18/22 06:29
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Chesapeake Shores...

[THOMAS] I found these
in Mick's glove compartment.

I have this under control!

Are we officially a couple?

I think we are.

Carter, really... Thanks, but no thanks.

Did you just turn down a job
at the Getty?

I'll support her, whatever she decides.

How was your day?

[BREE] Much better,
now that you're here.

[MICK] I think my family
just did one of those, uh...

intervention things on me.

Addiction can break
the strongest people.




Hello! Good morning!


Here you go.

Thank you very much.

Okay, so this...

is the treasure you found at The Bridge?

Yep. Yep. I thought it'd be a cool
addition to the Sea Side Festival.


the Sea Side Festival.

The most romantic night
in Chesapeake Shores.

- The bonfire.
- Mm-hmm.

The bandstand.

The big dance.

People treat it like Valentine's Day.

Well, I guess when you're young,
any excuse for romance will do.

And what if you're not-so-young?

Then you don't need an excuse.




You want to christen it?


Sure, I'll be the guinea pig.


Although, one of my favorite
Twilight Zone episodes starts this way.

Oh, really? Yep. Right there.








You try.

Here you go.







Um... well...

Oh, come...

Once is cute, twice...

that's pushing it.

Better luck next time.


Don't blame me.

Blame "Mr. Mystic".



[GROGGILY] Mick? Is everything okay?

Hey! Did I wake you?


it is five in the morning here.

Oh, I'm sorry, I can't get
these time zones straight.

Go back to sleep.

No, it's okay.

I gotta get up in two hours anyway.

Oh. How's work going?

H... How's Carter?

Work is fine and Carter's fine.

Listen, I'm sorry if I sounded
jealous about Carter before.

I-I don't know what I was thinking.

I understand.

Hey, did you have trouble
sleeping again?


You know, it-it was
kind of a rocky night.

I'm surprised how hard it is
to stop taking these pills.

I... I ache all over.

I can't sleep.

I feel... [SIGHS]
I feel queasy all the time,

and my... my heart won't stop racing.


It's a good thing that I stopped
taking those pills when I did.

I really could've gotten hooked.

You don't think you did?

I came close.

Are you going to meetings?

Oh, yeah. Every day.

It helps to hear those guys talk.

"There, but for the grace
of God," you know?

[SOFTLY] Yeah.

I love you, Mick.

I love you, too.

Listen, thanks for...

thanks for calling me out on the pills.

I'm doing much, much better.

I'm glad to hear it.

Well, I better get going.

I got a meeting this morning
and I gotta fix the sink in the bathroom

and mow the lawn... It's a full day.

Okay. Talk to you later.





♪ The miles are getting longer ♪

♪ It seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ To the place where I belong ♪

♪ Where your love has always
been enough for me ♪


♪ I'm not running from ♪

♪ No, I think you've got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret this life
I chose for me ♪


♪ I said these places and these faces ♪

♪ Are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm goin' home ♪


♪ I'm goin' home ♪

Welcome back, sir.

Your Cobb salad.

Thank you, Mandrake.

This is exciting!
I've never had a Cobb salad before.

Yes, I'm aware of that, sir.

But I really want
to keep trying new things.

Did you research the salad,
like I asked?

Yes, sir. The origins of
the traditional Cobb salad

come from the Brown Derby
in Hollywood, California,

in the year .

Named after restaurant owner
Robert Howard Cobb.

He threw together a bunch of
leftover ingredients late one evening.

He tossed the salad in French dressing,

and the "Cobb salad" was born.


Wow. A salad that was invented
years ago.

years ago, sir.

I rounded up.


That is so good. Oh, my gosh.

Mandrake, would you care to join me?

No, thank you, sir. I've already eaten.



Now that I think about it,

I can't ever recall having seen you eat.

I'm quick and discreet, sir.

Good for you.

Have you seen to my date
with Abby tonight?

It's all arranged.

"Egg... cellent."


Could you bring the car around in a few?

I have to meet her
at the Sea Side Festival soon.


Mm! You are magnificent.


You know what I miss most about England?

[ABBY] The rain? Warm beer? Bad food?

FaceTiming you.

Aw, that's sweet.

Oh, you haven't begun to see sweet.

I have a very special date
planned for us tonight.

I don't need anything special.

Well, you're getting special!

But let's talk business.
What's new with the landscaping?

Uh, we have a few new bids.
We can go over them at the office.

Wonderful. Oh!

A fortune-telling machine?

Do you have a nickel?

You're the rich guy.

And yet I never carry any change.

Change is so mid- th-century.

Mm. So is this machine.

Here. I'll pay you back.
What's your cash app?

Oh, it's okay, it's my treat.

Oh! Big spender. Okay.

Should I ask if the hotel
will be a success?

You don't really believe
in this stuff, do you?

No, but it's fun.

Here, you do it. Ask Mr. Mystic.

What? Do you believe in it?

No! No.

But I'm a mother,
and when you're a mother,

you don't mess with stuff like this.


Then I'll do it.

Mr. Mystic... [EXHALES DEEPLY]

...what does the future hold for us?





Ahem. That was not what I was expecting.



Are these avocados ripe?

[JESS] David said they are.


Doesn't he usually
like to make the salads?

Yeah, it's just...

this whole thing with his dad
has really got him down.

I wish there was something
I could do to help.

Well, that's the thing. There's nothing

anyone can do, except his father.

I can't believe
he hasn't called David or his family.

Let's change the subject.

Uh... how are you and Luke doing?

That is actually kind of a funny story.

You know how he found that
fortune-telling machine at The Bridge?

Yeah. "Mr. Mystic".

That thing used to scare me.

Oh. We'll unpack that later.

Um, anyway, he fixed it up,
put in on the boardwalk,

and asked me to try it,

so I pull a fortune and it said

"The love of your life
is right before your eyes."

That's funny?

Wait. Then I asked him
to try it, and guess what?

Exact same fortune.


I don't follow.

Well, I bet he fixed the machine
so that we would get the same fortune.

That's sweet!


It's a...

...kind of sweet, I guess.
It's also very forward.

Of course, he wouldn't admit it.

He wouldn't?

No. I'm sure he's embarrassed.
I mean, it's a... Kind of a silly joke.

- Unless...
- Unless?

Unless he wanted me
to believe it was real?

- Real?
- A real fortune.

Why would he want that?

Maybe he wants to take our relationship
to the next level?

Maybe it's his way
of saying he loves you.

No. No, no.

Because the fortune that I got
said that I love him,

not that he loves me,
which is pretty pushy.

It's a joke.



...It was a real fortune.

A real fortune twice?

A real-real fortune!

No. No, he planted it.

Don't be so cynical.

I'm not being cynical.
I'm being a realist.

Okay? I've known more men
than you, and...

yes, I'm being cynical.

Okay, well, just don't do that thing

where you sabotage the relationship

so that you don't have to risk
being disappointed.

I don't do that.

Do I do that?

Let's just give Luke
the benefit of the doubt.

You're going on a date with him tonight?

Yes, I... He's taking me to dinner.

So talk to him.

Talking is good.

Ask him if he did it on purpose.

I will.

You give good advice.

Yeah. Who knew?


[MEETING ATTENDEES] "...The courage
to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference."

Oh, hey there!


I've seen you
at a lot of meetings lately.

Yeah. I, um...

I've been coming every day this week.

Ah. Good for you.

You planning on sharing anytime soon?

Do I have to?

There's nothing wrong
with being an active listener,

but you might find talking helps.

I'll think about it.

Can't ask for more than that.
By the way...

I'm Ralph. I'm an addict.

I'm Mick.

How are you doing on The Steps, Mick?


Yeah, the first one's the hardest...

Admitting you are powerless
over your addiction.

Well, to be honest with you,
I'm not actually an addict.

I, uh... had a little problem
with painkillers,

but, uh... I caught it in time.


I had a little problem, too.

I had it for years.

It's called "denial"...

That stands for
"don't even know I'm lying."

That's not how you spell that, you know.

Yeah, I know.

There's another meeting
here this evening, if you need it.

I'm doing fine.

Keep telling yourself that, Mick.



You know...
you can admit it if you're scared.

- I'm not scared.
- I'm scared.

Come on, I'm having lunch with
your family. It doesn't faze me.

My girlfriends' mothers
have always liked me.

- Ah!

That's nice.

Often, more than my girlfriends did.

- Mm...

I can see that.


No, it's my father I'm worried about.

He's always been
rather hard on my beaux.

[SNICKERS] Your beaux?

What are you,
from Tennessee Williams-land?

Close! Silver Spring, Maryland.

[SOUTHERN ACCENT] Oh, well. I do...





- Yeah.
- All right.


How's it going with Dad?

Oh... uh, he's been going to meetings.

I think he's doing better.

Yeah. I just wish
he'd tell us how he's feeling.

Yeah. The O'Brien men
are not very good at that.

- Point taken.
- Mm-hmm.

Actually, I...

Never mind.

Oh, come on!


It's just I-I promised someone that...

I wouldn't say anything.

[HUSHED] Is Sarah pregnant?



But you guessed it, okay?
I didn't tell you!

[HUSHED] And you cannot tell anyone.

No, I swear, I won't say anything.

Won't say anything. I just...

How far along is she?

Just a few weeks.

Just I-I'm scared and I'm happy
and I'm sad all at the same time.

Yeah, I get that.

Scared we're gonna lose it,

and then I get sad

because I think about
what happened last time,

but I am so happy
that we get another chance.

How's Sarah feeling?

The same.

Yeah, it's like our life's on pause,

until we know
everything's going to be okay.


I can't pretend to know
what you're going through,

but I do know, as a mother,

you basically spend all of your time

wondering if your kid's
going to be okay...

That's just parenthood.


Yeah. I think
I'm starting to understand that.

How're things going with you?

Yeah. Fine.

Come on! I just... I dropped
that huge bombshell on you,

which you can't say anything!

I won't!

And all you tell me is "fine"?


- How're things going with Evan?
- They're fine.



No! I mean, I'm happy
he's back from his trip.

We're going on a date tonight.


There's no "and".

Okay. So...

we went for a walk on the boardwalk,

and there was one of those
fortune-teller machines there...


We got this one.


That's funny.

[LAUGHS] Funny and awkward.


I mean, we get along great,
but "the love of my life"?

That's a little bit much, isn't it?

Is it?

Yes! Relationships take time to grow!

You don't just go "boom, that's it."

I did with Sarah.

You did?

Yeah. "Boom!" Definitely.

Well, I am not the "boom" type.

You never know.

Sometimes, "booms" have a way
of sneakin' up on you.

No, they don't.








[MANDRAKE] You'll be happy to hear

that all the arrangements have been made

for your date with Abby tonight.


It is very elaborate.

Too elaborate?

Not for me to say, sir.

Funny thing happened today, Mandrake.

"Funny" amusing or "funny" troubling?

A little of both.

Abby and I were on the boardwalk

and we passed a fortune-telling machine

and we got a fortune that said,

"The love of your life
is right before your eyes."

A carnival gag.

Why should that trouble you?

It didn't,
but it did make things a little awkward.

What do you think it means?

I don't think it means anything, sir.

It's obviously
hit home with you, though.

Why do you think that is?

Why do you always answer my questions
with a question?

Why not, sir?

- You think that's funny?
- I don't know, do you?

How long do you want to keep this going?

How long would you care to, sir?


Still, I think we should tone
down the date just a little bit,

so it doesn't look like
I'm taking this fortune seriously.

Mm, so you'd like
to scale it back a bit?

Just a bit.

You have booked an entire
Michelin-star restaurant

for the two of you.

That's fine, but...

ah, maybe we lose
the hanging twinkly lights?

Mm, I was going to suggest that...

Been done to death.

- Yeah.
- How about the bouquets?

Cut it down to .

Hmm. And the string quartet?


I say keep them,
but don't have them blindfolded.


I did think the blindfolds
were a little creepy.

- Mm-hmm.
- And the fireworks, sir?

What do you think?

It's a bit early for fireworks.

You think?

When it's time for fireworks,
you'll know it, sir.









Hey. Is this a good time?

Perfect. It's my lunch break.

See? I'm learning.

What are you having?

Ah, they have the best ramen here.

It's just amazing.

So, how are you feeling?


Great. Just great.

Hey, here's something funny.

You remember that old
fortune-telling machine

that Luke found in The Bridge?

Well, I just got this fortune.

Can you see it?

"The love of your life
is right before your eyes."


Hey, can we talk?

Um, just a second.

Uh, okay. I got a minute.

Are you busy with something?

No, just work.

Oh. I love you, Mick.

I needed to hear that.

I love you, too.

Well, I'm off to another
N.A. meeting this evening.

Wish me luck.



How's he doing?

Oh, he's doing fine.

I hear him say
he was going to an N.A. meeting?


- "Narcotics Anonymous"?
- That's right.

Mick had a problem with painkillers
after the plane crash.

Nothing serious.

But serious enough
for a -step program?

Yeah. He's dealing with it.

That's good.

Megan, I know you love your kids.

I don't want to interfere
with your personal life...

Then don't, Carter.

Have you really thought
what it would mean

for you to get back together with Mick?

I mean, you left him
for a reason, right?

That was a long time ago.

You think people can really change?

Yeah! I think they can.

Mick is a very proud man,

and the fact that he can admit
he has a problem and needs help?

Just makes me love him all the more.

Be honest.

He didn't want you
to come out here, did he?

He had some issues with it at first...

but we worked through them.

Issues with you following your dream?

Carter, would you just stop?

So now what?

The guy has a drug problem...
Is that the kind of person

you want to spend
the rest of your life with?

All right! You have now
crossed the line here, Carter.

I will forget this conversation
and pretend it never happened,

if you stop talking right now.


You ready for this?



Yeah, I even have great jokes ready.

No jokes.

They're just ice-breakers.

Trust me... Leave the ice alone.






Hey, can you hang on a second?




Hey. I'm back.

Are you doing okay?

Well, it's...'s hard, Megs, it's really hard.

I love you, Mick.

[CHOKING UP] I love you, too.

Listen, I gotta go, okay?







Oh, make it stop!



So, Connor.

Margaret tells me
you're quite the lawyer.

I try, Mr. Keller.

Oh, please. Call me Nick.

Okay. Nick.

So, why did you leave that big firm?

Oh, don't put him on the spot, Nick.

Let the boy eat.

We'll get it out of him.

One way or another.

Don't let them worry you.

Their bark is worse than their bite.

Well, I have a few lawyer jokes.

- Do you?
- Oh.

- [WHISPERS] Don't.
- [WHISPERS] What?

[DEEP BREATH] A lawyer, uh...

tells his client, "I have some
good news and some bad news."

"Well, what's the bad news?"
the client asks.

"Well, your blood is all over
the crime scene,

and the DNA tests
prove that you did it."

"Well, what's the good news?"

"Your cholesterol is ."




Okay, let's eat!

Would you like a homemade muffin?

I would love a homemade muffin!
Thank you.

Is this too much for you?

Are you kidding?

I feel right at home.




Here we are.

This is nice.

Oh, I guess we're the first ones here.

We're the only ones here.


I booked the whole restaurant.

Just for us?

Just for us.

That's very romantic.

Too romantic?

I'm gonna have to think about that.


Thank you.

You're welcome.


Hey. How was your day?

Mm. That was nice. What's up?

I just... I needed to do that.

Last call of the day
was this -year-old guy

who collapsed in a grocery store,

right in front of his wife of years.

We revived him and he's gonna be fine,

just forgot to take his insulin.

But his wife thought for sure
that he was gone...

...and then the way that she held him

when she knew he was okay...

tears of joy and relief.

But most of all, it was love.

I hope we have that.

Of course we do.

Yeah... [STAMMERS] I know.

I just...

I'm learning

you should never
take anything for granted.

Well, not that I'm eager to get old...


I'm looking forward
to growing old with you.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Me too.

And just so you know, when I retire,

I'm going full-beard.

- Really?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

I'm just trying to imagine you
with whiskers.

No, I don't just mean "beard,"

I mean lumberjack...

Civil w*r general... pow, out to here.

I'll be rockin' it.

We'll see about that.


Will you freak out
if I don't shave my legs?


It's a two-way street.

Okay, maybe I could just have
like a mustache, like a...

- Mm-hmm.
- ...A handle-bar.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.




Your appetizers will be out in a moment.


This is very nice.

The music, the mood...

it's very, very nice.

You feel self-conscious, don't you?

So self-conscious.

I may have overdone things...

or under-done things.

I had a few extra flourishes,
but I canceled them.

Well, as long as there's
no twinkly lights.

[AWKWARD LAUGH] I know, right?

Like... who would do that?

Hey, can we talk about
the elephant in the room?

I canceled that, too.


That, uh "fortune" we got today

kinda threw us, didn't it?

Little bit.

Why do you think that is?

See, now you sound like Mandrake.

You talked to Mandrake about it?

Yeah, but he was no help.

Who'd you talk to about it?

Kevin. He was no help either.

We have to get better advisors.


Well, I thought about it,

and I think I know why it bothered me.

You do?

Yeah. I, uh...

I haven't really spent
very much time on my own.

I've always been...

a wife or a girlfriend,
or whatever you want to call it,

and I thought that I finally
had a chance to just...

be myself.

I like yourself.

Thank you.

Honestly, I, uh...

don't always know who that is.

And I thought I was finally in a place

where I could settle in
and find out and...

and you came along...

...this very fascinating, odd guy.

I'll take "fascinating".

I'm just not sure I'm ready

to be someone's girlfriend again.


You don't have to be.

Just be you.

I'll be me.

Well, then what does that
make us together?

See, I'm kind of the opposite of you.

I've been alone most of my life.

You know, I've been in relationships,

but none that have lasted very long.

Why is that?

Maybe because I'm too fascinating?


So the idea of you and me together...

it kind of threw me.

Abby and Evan. Evan and Abby.

[STAMMERS] "Abvan..."


No. Please don't do that.

Yeah. Never again.


But then I thought...

why can't we just be

two separate people,



Why can't we do that?

See, we can.

And-and our dates don't have
to be these elaborate events.

No, they don't have to be.
We can just go out.

Without all the romantic stuff.

That is so forced!

[LAUGHS] I agree.

- It's a strain.
- Yes! And why do we it?

Because we think
we're supposed to like it?


Be honest. Do you actually like it?

Not really.

Yeah. So...

why don't we just have a fresh start?

Just... be ourselves?


Well, first...

I hate champagne.

So do I!

I just want a regular old beer.




Could we have two "regular old beers"

and some French fries?


You took the words
right out of my mouth.


So how's the apartment search going?

Not well.


I mean, I might have
to take you up on that offer

for your pull-out sofa.

It's always there for you.

I'm kidding.

I mean, I'll find a place.

Worse comes to worst, I can always
move back in the half-way house.

No, no, no. I would never
want you to do that.

Well, we'll see.

So, that was funny
about the, uh, the fortunes today, huh?

You think so?

Mm. Sure.

I didn't think
you thought it was so funny.

Oh, no, no, no.

I thought it was very funny. You know.

"The love of your life
is right before your eyes"?

Good joke.

Wasn't a joke.

Oh, come on. You can admit it.

Admit what?

That you pulled a funny joke.

I mean, it was a... It was a good joke.

I... didn't pull any funny joke.

So you didn't plant those fortunes

for me to "accidentally" find?




So it was just a coincidence?

Uh, yeah, I mean, it's...

Yeah? We got the same coincidence?

Both of us got the same coincidence?

I guess. You were there.

No, I was. I was.

I mean, maybe I could have
shuffled the fortunes better

before I put 'em in the machine.

Hah! Right. Ha-ha.

"Ah, right," what?

You did put the fortunes in there?

I mean, when I was fixing the machines,

there was a box of fortunes beside them,

and I just put 'em in the machine.

Yeah. So you put them in there.

Yeah, but I... I didn't...
I didn't look at them.

I didn't plant them or anything.


Why can't you just let this go?

I can let this go. I-I...

I'm... I can let it go.

I don't think I'm the one
who can't let this go.

Yeah, but you're the one
that keeps asking about it.

No, I just don't understand
why you can't admit it.

Admit what?

That you planted the fortunes.

Why would I plant the fortunes?

I don't know! I-I... because
you thought it was funny!

I didn't think it was funny.

Okay. Okay! Then why did you do it?


Can we just drop this?

Unless... you had another reason.

Oh, wow. Okay.

Now I really wish
I didn't find that machine.

I mean, first, you planted
those fortunes for us to find.

Okay, just stop.

- And then...
- Bree... asked me
if you could move in with me.

No. No, I did not "ask"
if I could move in with you.

You offered, and I declined,
and then I made a joke about it.

Yeah, but was it a joke?

Yes. It was a joke.
It was a... a stupid joke.

Okay. Yeah. 'Cause I mean,
nobody's laughing.

No. There's no one laughing.

Look. I'm gonna go.

I got the bill.




♪ Oh! Oh-oh-oh... ♪

♪ Oh! Oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Nothing like being
on top of the world ♪

♪ Nothing like soaring
up high beneath the sun ♪

♪ I can now... ♪

[JESS] I'm sure you'll work it out.
Just talk to him.

We did talk,
talking is what got us here.

Well, what went wrong?


He thinks I called him a liar.

Why does he think that?

Because I called him a liar?
Because he lied!

Yeah, but about something silly.

I know, I know! And I gave
him every opportunity to 'fess up.

Well, maybe he wasn't?

Wasn't what?

Wasn't lying.

Well, you know what,
it doesn't even matter anymore.

I'm in too deep.

Has it ever occurred to you
that you really love drama?

I don't. I don't.

Although I am a dramatist.

Hey, Caitlyn.

Hey, Aunt Bree. Aunt Jess.

Does your mom know you're out here?

Oh, sure.

We're allowed to stay out until .

This is Sloan.

I'm Caitlyn's BFF.


- Sure.
- We've heard a lot about you, Sloan.

I've heard a lot about you.

You're Bree... The cool aunt.

I am?

What does that make me?

You're Jess... the wacky aunt.


I like "wacky".

We're gonna go play at the arcade.

Okay. Have fun, guys.

Don't stay out too late!

That's nice. Caitlyn has a friend.

Yeah. Who thinks I'm coo-oo-ool.

Who thinks I'm wacky!


Wacky's way better than cool,
by the way.

If you say so.

I'm cool.

♪ No, no ♪


I love you, too.



"Well" what?

Did I pass the Keller test?

What do you think?

I think I did great.

Your family's just like mine.
They're loud, they're dynamic...

they're over-achievers, one and all.

That's true.

There' a lot of love in that room,

but no one ever misses a chance
to call each other on their B.S.


you'll be happy to know you passed.

The Kellers approve.

Yes! I knew it.

Uh, was it unanimous?
I bet it was unanimous.

Oh, good lord, no.

"Good lord, no"?

Who didn't like me?

You made the mistake of telling my
grandmother you're an Orioles fan.

[PAINED] Your gran?

Yeah. She's Nats, all the way.

- But...

Fortunately, my mother outvoted her.

She liked your hair.

Well, I'm glad I used
extra product this morning.

Mm, I thought you put
a little extra care into it.

- I knew it.

I did! New product.


Hey, is it too early for cravings?

Because I want ice cream,
saltwater taffy, and a lobster roll.

In that order?


Hey, Jess. How's it going, Bree?


Luke's over there.

I know. I saw you guys talking to him.

Yeah, he's working on
the fortune-telling machine.

"Mr. Mystic".

We tried it earlier.

- You wanna see what we got?
- Sure.

Abby got the same exact one.
[GASPS] Isn't that something?


Yeah, that's something, all right.




Kevin and Sarah showed me their fortune.

Yeah, they did?

Yup. Same one as ours.


Yeah. So I'm wondering
if maybe that's all that's in there?

Nope. No, they're all different.

All shuffled.


I guess, uh, maybe
the first ones were stacked.

Hey, look, maybe, um...

I think maybe I came on
a little strong at dinner?


If you say so.

Yeah. You know.

I guess I have some trust issues, huh?


[CHUCKLES] You know, uh...

I have trust issues, too.


Well, maybe we can work
on our issues together.

Yeah, I'm... I'm not so sure.

See, my issues are with
people who don't trust me.


Thanks for the share.

If no one else has any more,
we'll wrap up.



My name is Mick...

and, uh...

I am an addict.

I just realized that today.

I'm a pilot
and I had a crash a while back, and...



[ABBY] This is a great night.

Of course it was. We had a breakthrough!

I don't know if I'd call it
a "breakthrough".

All right, well, an... an insight, then.

Mm, much better.

No more silly romance.

No, just two adults
spending time together.

Would you care to dance?

I would love to.


♪ I saw into your soul ♪

♪ How you looked straight into my eyes ♪

♪ And said, "I'm sorry, love
I'm afraid we're out of time" ♪


♪ What if we hold on? ♪

I lied.

I think I like romance.

So do I.

And I might love twinkly lights.

Yes! The twinklier, the better, right?




♪ What if we hold on? ♪

[ABBY] Wow.

♪ Maybe we'll get it right ♪


Ah, now it's time for fireworks.


♪ What if we hold on? ♪

♪ Hold on tight ♪

♪ What if we hold on tight? ♪
