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06x03 - Night and Day

Posted: 09/17/22 17:29
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Chesapeake Shores...

You're back!

[CONNOR] I got Gran, I've got Mom,
I've got Dad, I've got Abby,

I've got Margaret...
I got the nieces taking care of me.

[MEGAN] It's great to know
that the Getty offer still stands,

but my son had a heart att*ck.

We're lucky he's alive.

We hit the bridge
over the parkway, going...

I don't know how fast. She was my mom.

I don't think I'm dressed for this date.

We almost kissed just then, didn't we?

- We did.
- I don't want to rush this.

[MICK] You think they have a history?

[MEGAN] I guess we haven't
had that talk yet, have we?

- What talk?
- About what happened

during the time that we were apart.


Do you want some tea?

I have tea.

- Let me warm it up for ya.
- You just warmed it up!

It can never be too warm...

It can, actually!



You made me crash my speedboat. I d*ed.

Well, just start over with another life.

[MUTTERS] Kind of feels like
that's what I'm doing.

Want some more tea, Connor?

[ROARS] No, I don't want more tea!

Whoa, little edgy, aren't we?

I'm sorry.
I don't know what got into me.

That's all right, you've had a heart

att*ck. You have a right to be moody.

Still, I'm sorry.

Ah, don't worry about it.

Uncle Connor, do you want some tea?

[TERSELY] No, I'm fine.
I have enough. Thank you.

Can I have my tablet back?


I'm going to show Carrie
how to play Castaway.

I want to make my very own island.

Mm. Wish I had one of those of my own.


[MEGAN] Uh, what do you
think you're doing?

I think I'm walking to the kitchen.

I can do that.

Could I have some coffee?

- Decaf.
- That's fine.

Hey, I want to...
bring something up with you,

and I don't want you to wig out on me.

We won't. Absolutely no wigging.

Um, I reserve the right to wig.

That's fine.

Look, I'm... And Dr. Yang agrees...
I'm... I'm feeling better.

You are.

Yeah. I mean, am I a hundred percent?
No. But I'm getting better.

I'm on the road to recovery.

Thank goodness.

"On the road."

You know what would help me get
a little further down the road?

If I took care of myself.

I want to move back to my own apartment.

You think you're ready?

Yeah. Yeah, I think I am.

You're not.

[LAUGHS] Mom, I...

Be careful, Connor.

When you think you're better,
you start pushing things, that's...


...well, that's what
happened to my father.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I don't want you
making the same mistake.



♪ The miles are getting longer ♪

♪ It seems ♪

♪ The closer I get to you ♪

♪ So I'm going home ♪

♪ To the place where I belong ♪

♪ Where your love has always
been enough for me ♪


♪ I'm not running from ♪

♪ No, I think you've got me all wrong ♪

♪ I don't regret this life
I chose for me ♪


♪ I said these places and these faces ♪

♪ Are getting old ♪

♪ So I'm goin' home ♪


♪ I'm goin' home ♪

[ABBY] I don't understand

why you are being
so obstinate about this.

I'm not obstinate. I'm unyielding.

- That is the same thing.
- No, it's not.

Yes, it is. I'm gonna look it up.

Please do.


There! "Obstinate..."

"stubbornly refusing
to change one's opinion."

Not giving way to pressure."

- Totally different things.
- Exactly the same.


What were we arguing about again?

What kind of double-doors we
need for the HVAC system in the hotel.

Right, right.
Why don't we put a pin in that?


I'm right. But okay.

Wow! You are so headstrong.

I'm obstinate.


Could we put down
our thesauruses for the moment?

It's almost time
for your video conference, sir.

Right. Um, do you mind if I do it here?

Sure. I can clear out.

No, no. No need. It'll only
take a couple minutes.

I'm briefing the Mid-Atlantic team

on tonight's
annual Kincaid Group retreat.

It's a team-building exercise.

Oh, we used to do those at
Capitol Management in New York.

It was, uh, CrossFit athletic training.

It was the worst.

Ugh! No, at the Kincaid Group,
it's more of a mental exercise.

A car rally and scavenger hunt
through D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

Mm-hmm. It's an all-night test
where teams of drivers compete

to accomplish various tasks by sunrise.

- A great deal of fun.
- Yeah.

- When do you go?
- Oh, I don't do it.

Why not?

I've done it too many times,
so I leave it for the newbies.

Well, if it's a team-building exercise,

don't you need to be a part of the team?

She does have a point, sir.

We know how you feel, Mandrake.

Listen, it just stopped
being fun for me.


What would you do if one of
your employees said that?

She does have a point, sir.

Stop saying that.

Look, I tell you what.

Next year, I'll change it around
to something new,

and then I'll do it.

Oh, what about morale this year?
Does this year not matter?

She does have a point, sir.


All right.

I'll do it.

If... you are my team partner.

Oh, I don't work for the Kincaid Group.

Right, right, right,
but you are my partner in the hotel,

which does make you part of the Group.

See, I have the girls...

You're right, you're right,
you do have the girls,

but you've also got
Nell to take care of them.

And Mick and Megan.

And Connor.

He does have a point, Abby.

Whose side are you on?

I don't take sides.

What do you say?

I'll do it if you do it.

Is this your convoluted way of
asking me out on a third date?

It is most certainly not a date.
It's business.

Oh. Well, if it's business...

I'll do it.

Great! I'll pick you up
at seven. You're driving.



[MARGARET] How are you feeling?

I can't take it anymore, Keller.


I love my family...

I love them... But enough is enough.

If I have to spend one more day here,

I am gonna go crazy.

Okay, but do you feel up
to being on your own?

I do!

Then why don't you just go?


Mom and Dad won't let me.

Mm. I understand.

You do?

Parents are powerful.

Just wait till you meet mine.

Put them together
and they could defeat an army.

I just want to sleep
in my own bed, you know?

And not have people
hovering all over me.

Are they hovering?

- So much hovering!
- Mm.

I'm too old for helicopter parents.

[LAUGHS] Wish I could do something.


You can.

Okay. I'm listening.

You can help me make a break for it.

- O'Brien...
- Just... Just let me finish.

Abby has a thing with Evan.

Mom and Dad are going out
and Gran has bingo night at the church.

It's the perfect night for a getaway!

I just need a getaway driver.

Okay, well, I sympathize, but...

I'm not getting involved
in a family dispute.

Especially not one involving
parents and a grandmother.

She is feisty.

Little bit.


Look, whether you're here or not,

I'm going to be walking
out that door at : tonight,

and it's a long walk to my apartment.

- Is it long?
- It's long!

Then I suggest you bring a coat.

Gets pretty cold at night,
this time of year.

What, is that a no?


It's an... "I'll think about it."


I'll take it.


[MICK] What time's your flight tomorrow?

: .

And you don't have to drive me.

No, no. I want to.

Thank you.

I'll be home soon.

- That's right.
- Mm-hmm.

- In two weeks.
- Mm-hmm.

And then I come see you in four weeks.

And in three weeks,
we are gonna meet somewhere half-way,

and that is gonna be very fun.

Yeah. Long-distance relationships...

They always work.

We'll be fine.

Yes, we will.

We will.

Are you nervous about the job?

Oh, so nervous.

Well, you're gonna do great
at the Getty.

I don't know, Mick.

It's been a while
since I've been in the game.

It's like riding a bike.

Well, I'm good at that.

You are great at that.

I better head out,
if I'm gonna have dinner ready.

You don't have to do anything special.

Oh, I want to have
a quiet evening at my place.

Just the two of us.

A romantic evening?


And it will give us
time to have that talk.


What talk?


The one...

that we've been putting off
for years.



That talk.

[EVAN] Wow!

I don't see anybody coming.
You got us a good head start.

Where did you learn
that shortcut out of Baltimore?

Secrets of a misspent youth.

What, uh, what happened to the Tesla?

Mandrake has it.

I decided this adventure called
for something a little more dramatic.

What, no Batmobile?

No. Sadly, it wasn't available.

So, what is in the briefcase?

It is a list of the places we
must go, things we must do.




cell phones can only be used to
take pictures to confirm our activities

- or call for help.
- Mm-hmm.

No GPS allowed...

Only paper road maps and road signs
can be used for navigation.

Right. Very important.

Mm-hmm. "And remember,

this is about team-building,
cooperation, and good sportsmanship...

It's not important who wins or loses."

Okay, so it is very important
that we win.

Oh, we are definitely gonna win.

So, our first task is...

...go to "the rockets' red glare."

Okay. That's
the Star-Spangled Banner
, so...

[TOGETHER] Fort McHenry.

Come on! See? We are great at this.

We are so good.


Hello, sir.

Hey, Mandrake. Can you give me
directions to Fort McHenry?

Wait, wait, wait. No. It...
What are you doing?

You have to use a map.
You can't use GPS.

I'm not using GPS. I'm using Mandrake.

You can't just call Mandrake.

It said I can call for help.
Mandrake is helping.

"Help" if you break down
or get in an accident.

Doesn't say that.

No, but I think it violates
the spirit of the rally.

Well, you call it "violating,"
I call it gaming the system.

Actually, I call it cheating.

She does have a point, sir.

Oh, we're losing you, pal!


All right, fine. We will do it your way.

Okay, well, hold your horses!
I gotta find it, first.

Oh, no, I know
how to get to Fort McHenry.

And that's not cheating?

No, that's called "being smart."

♪ Let's go!

♪ Hurry up, hurry up! ♪

You're so slow!

I'm not slow...

- We're in a race!
- You're just super-hyper.

Cool out.


Hey, Mick.


Hey. Still taking those pain-K*llers?

What? No, no. That's just an
aspirin. Got a little headache.

Oh. Do you have any for me?

No. I'm sorry. Last one.

Ah, just my luck.

Why? What's got you down?

You first.

Oh, well, Megan's off to L.A. tomorrow.

That's right. The Getty.

- Mm-hmm.
- You worried about that?

No. But she wants
to have dinner tonight.

And "talk."

- "Talk"?
- Mm-hmm.

- Mm.
- Not that I'm nervous about it.

No. Of course not.

No, I think it's time we cleared the air
about a few things.

Only, do we really have to have a talk?

You know? Why talk?


You know, I used to wonder
about that, too.

Then it occurred to me...

maybe they're wondering what we'll say.

It can't be that simple.

- Mm?
- No.

What's got you down?

Oh. Well...

the pipes burst in my apartment,
and there was water...

I don't even wanna think about it...

Up to my ankles.

Great way to start off the morning.

You want me to take a look at it?

No, I... that's what
my landlord's for, isn't it?

Being Irish,
I don't have much faith in landlords.


But I'm here if you need anything.

- Thanks for that.
- Mm-hmm.

And, Mick, thanks for everything.

All right? I mean it.

Now, don't get all sentimental on me.

Hi, guys. How are you?

[GRUNTS] Oh...
he's got a headache and I got to go.

Oh. Okay.

Is he okay?


Just about to have dinner with your mom.

Oh! Oh, she probably wants to "talk."

Could be, yeah.

- Oh...

If you'll excuse me.

Yep? Yeah, what's the word?

[SIGHS] Great.

Well, what am I supposed
to do until then?

All right. Thank you.

What's wrong?

Just my landlord.

Apparently, they won't have my place

cleaned up till
tomorrow, at the earliest.

So where are you supposed to sleep?

A hotel, he said.

As if I have any money for a hotel.

Well, what are you going to do?

And don't say you're gonna
sleep in your truck again,

'cause that's not gonna fly.



I guess I could sleep here tonight,

after we close up.

Oh, but don't tell Mick, okay?

I'll, uh, I'll tell him afterwards.

- Okay.
- Excuse me.

All right. Say "cheese."


All right.

What's next on the list?

Uh... oh!

"Learn a secret from your partner
and vice versa.

Don't tell anyone the secret...
Just keep it to yourself."

Okay, go ahead
and check that one right off.

Without telling a secret?

Yeah. Who'll know?

You really don't understand
the concept of rules, do you?

Yeah, I understand strategy.

Okay. We'll save that for later.

Uh... "Switch drivers."

Ooh! Let's not, and say we did.

Evan, you set up this game.
Why can't you follow your own rules?

I can! And I will. Just not that one.

- You can't pick and choose.
- Who says?

I do. Drive.

You're no fun.

You're annoying!



Well, Mick O'Brien.

You remembered.

That peonies are your favorite flower,

and you like Prosecco
better than champagne.

Gee, it's like you've known me
for years.

And then some.


Wow. This is...

Your favorite meal?

When you make it, it is.


This is nice.

Very nice.

And we don't really have
to have that talk tonight,

if you don't want to.

That's a trap, isn't it?

Maybe a bit of a test.

I have an idea.

- Mm?
- After dinner, why don't we talk?

If you want to.

Would you like some bread?

Ooh, I would love some bread.


I'm going upstairs
to finish my homework.

Do you need anything, Uncle Connor?

No. I'm good. Thanks, Caitlyn.

Gran'll be home in a little bit.

Uncle Connor?
Were you popular in grade school?


What, as in not getting pants-ed
and tied to the monkey bars?


No, I wasn't popular.

Hey, come sit.


Your Uncle Kevin, though,
he was popular.

Why was he popular?

Oh, he played sports.

More than that, he was confident.

Took me a while to learn that.

But you did?

Oh, yeah. By the time I'd got to
high school, I was insufferable.

- Are you worried about being popular?

Not really.

My friend, Sloan, has blue hair.


Does that make her popular?

Well, something does.

Do you want blue hair?

Not really.



Listen, Caitlyn, you're... You're cool.

And you know your Uncle Connor,
I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.

You just need to find
your own version of...

what, blue hair?


Thank you.

Any time.


No, no. None for me, thanks.
I want to keep a clear head tonight.


Well, I guess it's time for our talk.


If you want to.

You go first.

What do you want to talk about?

You know, Mick.

Honestly, I don't.
You're gonna have to help me out here.

We agreed to talk about
what happened after our divorce.

What our lives were like before I
moved back to Chesapeake Shores.

Oh, that.


Well... let's see.

I worked.

I worked a lot.


And, uh... that's about it.

I see.


My turn.



After our divorce was finalized,
I was living in New York,

and I was lonely for a while,

and then I started dating.

You did?


I played the field for a while,

but I only had
three meaningful relationships.

Now, just a sec. I-I think I will
have some of that Prosecco.


Go on.


Actually, the first one
was just a fling.





Are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm totally fine.

You're fine?


It's just that Mandrake
usually does the driving.

Not when you picked me up
from the airport.

No, not then.

But that wasn't at night.

I, uh, I don't like driving at night.


Not a problem.

Nothing I can't overcome.


Oh! Whoa!


Did we... Did we just blow a tire?




Hey? You okay?

I'm fine.

It's... It's just a flat tire.

I can switch out the spare,
it's not a big deal.

After we're done changing the tire,

what do you say we call it quits?

I'm done playing the game.

All right.

Ian was a great guy,
but he moved back to England.

It was just one of those things
that wasn't meant to last,

but it... it was fun. You know?

An adventure?

Mm-hmm! Exactly.

And that brings me to Carter.

Okay, I'm g... I'm gonna
stop you right there.

Why are you telling me all this?

Because I want you to know.

I want you to know who I am, Mick.

I want you to know all about me.

I know who you are.
I don't need all these... details.

I know who you are now.
That's... That's all that matters to me.

That is sweet.

But that's not all I need.

I need to know about Martha.





But you better open another bottle.

I met Martha in Baltimore.

She was working for a contractor.

I was lonely and under a lot of strain.

Abby was acting out.
Jess was a basketcase.

I had Nell to help, but...

I'm afraid I wasn't handling
things too well, being a single dad.


I'm not saying any of this
was your fault.

You're not?

No, no. I-I understand why
you had to be on your own.

You sure didn't at the time.

I didn't understand
a lot of things at the time.






Get in.

And I thought you weren't gonna come.

If you were really intent on doing this,

I didn't want you to collapse
in the middle of the road.

Well, I appreciate that.

But don't tell your parents
I had anything to do with this.

I won't. Trust me, you will
have plausible deniability.

That's all I ask for.

You're too good to me.

And don't I know it?


We make a good team.

We do.

So where did you learn
how to change a tire?

Are you kidding?
I'm Mick O'Brien's daughter.

He taught me how to change a tire
when I was ten years old.

Hey, do you want me to check
the oil and the brake pads, too?

No, I'm good, but when I need
a pit crew, I'll give you a call.

All right. Well, you ready to go home?

Actually, uh,
I think I'm okay to keep going.

That is good to hear.

Hey, I have a question.


Why don't you like driving at night?

Is it a vision thing
or did something happen?

Yeah. Something happened.


one time,

somebody asked me to tell them a secret.

I'm not asking for the game.
I really want to know.



Because I...

care about you.

Well, in that case... drive and I will navigate.




You sure about this?

Yes! Of course. I can't have
you sleeping behind the bar.

Oh, I've had worse, you know.


- Yeah.
- Yep.

Do you mind just helping me with this?

Oh, sure. Yeah.

Yeah, so this, this is it.

Um, it's a bit lumpy,
but it's better than nothing.

It's perfect. Really.

So, how long have you lived here?

Um, I moved in right after
I got back from London.

I used to play
down on the beach as a kid,

and I'd always look up at this house

and wish it was mine.

And now it is.

Yeah. I mean, kind of.
I rent it, but still...

A childhood dream come true?

Kind of. Can you...?


Thanks. Blankets!



Comfy as can be.



I want you to know
I really, really appreciate this.



That's all.


I'll get you another pillow.

Oh, no need.

This is, this is great, thank you.

Oh, okay. Well, bathroom's in there.

And help yourself
to anything in the kitchen.


- 'Night.
- 'Night.


You know what,
I did get you another pillo...



Thanks to... Thanks... um.

You're welcome. Yeah. You're welcome.





I should have listened to you more.

Would have been nice.

I should've seen the pain you were in.

I didn't.

I resented you so much for that.

I know you went through a crisis.

What I can't understand is,
after you came through it,

why you didn't come back?


Maybe I didn't know how to come back.

I let you down.
I'm... I'm sorry for that.

Please, just stop apologizing, okay?

I am sorry, too.
More sorry than I can ever say, Mick.

What about the kids?
You had five children.

You couldn't come back for them?

Don't start that again.

You're the one
who refused to share custody.

Because you wanted
to take them to New York.

Mick! We could've made it work.

Their home was here,
in Chesapeake Shores!

Yeah, you made that very clear
to the judge.

Okay. I knew this was a bad idea.

Nothing good ever comes
from dredging up the past.

So, what, you're just gonna walk out?

I think I should,
before we both say something that we...


The dessert's ready.

[HAUGHTILY] Rhubarb pie.

That's my favorite.

I know.

Maybe I'll stay for just one piece.


- Done!
- Done!

Oh, my gosh.

We each drank two rootbeer floats
in less than two minutes!

Who rules?

- Whoo!
- And who gets diabetes?

These guys.

Okay, that's, uh, what, tasks down?

Five to go?

Ten. You still
have not told me a secret.

Oh, come on. That again?

Yeah, "that again."


I'm gonna tell you something
that I have never told anyone.


- Ready?
- Yeah.

Okay, when I was planning
my wedding to Wes,

I came very close
to canceling the whole thing.

Every fiber of my being was just crying

out that I was making a huge mistake,

but I didn't listen,
I went through with it anyways.

And I'm glad I did, because I
got Carrie and Caitlyn out of it,

and they're my greatest blessing,

but I almost didn't go through with it.

Thank you for telling me that.

You are welcome.

Your turn.

All right.

All right, yeah, sure. Okay. Here goes.


Uh, this is not easy to say, but, uh...


cannot stand rootbeer floats.

Whew! Oh, my gosh!
That feels so good to get off my chest.

Thank you! It's like
a weight has been lifted.




It's so good to be back.

A lot of books.

I like that.

Oh, I've even read some of 'em.

And vinyl records?
Nerdy, but I like that too.

I appreciate that.

Miles Davis?

You know, you just went up five points.

Five points?

Just wait till you get to my Coltrane.

Oh, be still my heart.

Can I offer you something to drink?

Sure. What do you have?

Iced tea...

juice, and beer.

Oh, I'll take the beer.

Good. Somebody has to, because I can't.

Doctor's orders?

Yeah. No alcohol, no red meat,
and no salt.


Three of my favorite things.

Thank you.

Add action movies to that
and I'll start crying.

You'll survive.

[SIGHS] You bet I will.

Oh! My couch!



Turning over a new leaf.

A spinach leaf.
And then I am going to eat it.

Mm. I'll hold you to that.


So, how do you feel
after taking the bar exam?

It was fun. And hard. And terrifying.

Yeah, see, that's how I remember it,

but not the "fun" part.

Well, I like law,
so I liked the studying.

It's just when I think my whole life
depends on that test...

Your whole life?

Well, yeah, I mean,
I have this whole plan,

and if it doesn't work out,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Okay. Tell me the plan.


first, I pass the bar, become a lawyer,

gain a national reputation
as a litigator,

become a judge,

get appointed to the Maryland
Supreme Court before I'm .

Not the U.S. Supreme Court?

Oh, well, you didn't let me finish.


I like your plan.


I want to help you make it a reality.


Oh... that is good pie.

Turned out okay.

You know, you're right.
We should not talk.

It just opens old wounds.
We need to let sleeping dogs lie.


Martha was a wonderful woman.

She was sweet and funny and very caring.

Then why didn't you stay with her?

She wasn't you.

Why didn't you stay with Carter?

[VOICE BREAKS] He wasn't you.


Come on.



Has your doctor cleared you for this?

What, you mean can my heart take it?

Well, yeah.

He said to take a couple weeks.
It's been a couple weeks.

A couple? I thought he said "a few."

A few's just a couple. It's two weeks.

Connor, you've only been out
for ten days.

Plus the three in the hospital.
Two weeks.

Let's Google it.

All right.

Yeah, it says that two weeks is fine.

Mine says three to four weeks.

It's a Canadian site.

Hearts are the same everywhere.




As much as I want to do more,

I don't think we should.

You know, I think you're right.
It's the safe bet.

I love you, and I don't want to be
the one responsible for k*lling you.

Wait. Did you just say that you love me?

I did.

Well, Margaret Keller,

I love you, too.


Here you go.

Thank you.

Well, we've completed
every task on the list

except for one,
and we've got an hour until sunrise.

Admit it... This has been fun.

It has been.

A lot of fun.

Thank you for forcing me to do it.

It was my pleasure.

My mom d*ed in a car accident
when I was .






Luke? Is something wrong?

No, I'm fine. I'm okay.

You know, I think this was a mistake.

I... I'm gonna go.

Okay. Why?

Did you have a nightmare or...?

I just couldn't sleep.

Okay, well, where are you going to go?

I have my truck.

Luke, this really isn't anything

to be embarrassed about...
I used to have nightmares.

Well, as a kid.

I'm a grown man.
I shouldn't be having these.

It's okay. It's...

Stop saying it's okay. It's not okay.


I've been out for almost a year.

I should be able to go through one night
without having these...


You've been through a lot.

Way more than I could imagine, so you...

you know, you can't really
expect yourself to be superhuman.

Ha. Yeah.

And do something incredible
like sleep three hours straight?

You have to go easy on yourself.


Have you talked to anybody about this?


I'm kind of on my own here.

Yeah, except you're not.

Not anymore.


Evan, I'm so sorry.

I've only told
a couple people that story.

Do you know why I told you?

Because I want you to know.

I want you to know me.

I think I like knowing you.

All right.

Should we go win this flippin' rally?

- Yes. Let's do it.


All right, well, what's
your favorite courtroom drama?

Mm, that's a good one.

Well, I'm old-school.

Twelve Angry Men
and Anatomy of a m*rder.

Oh, so we're going black-and-white?

I'm a purist.

Apparently. I was gonna say
A Few Good Men.

"You can't handle..."

[BOTH] "...the truth!"

And, uh, And Justice for All.

"I'd take a flamethrower to this place!"

Well, no, that's Scent of a Woman.

- Oh.
- I know my Al Pacino movies.

I stand corrected.


We talked all night.

We did.

Want some coffee?


Doctor's orders.

Of course.

Yes. Go make some.

All right.





Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Mm.

Hey, I made, uh...

My favorite?

Well, not quite. You didn't
have any smoked salmon,

so I made do.

Careful. Hot, hot.
Coming over. Coming over.

There you go.

Well, let's try the taste-test,
shall we?



Mm! Mm.

It's my new favorite.

Thank you.

Mick... last night,

you were more emotionally open
than you've ever been.

Yeah. I don't know what got into me.

Well, I liked it.

I think we can make this
long-distance relationship thing work.

Heck, yeah. We're gonna be great at it.


Better hurry up and eat.

We gotta be at the airport soon.


Thanks for driving me.

I'll be back in Chesapeake
Shores before you know it.

You know what?

You were right.

Talking is good.

So's kissing.


New Calvert Park Playground! This is it!

Three minutes till : ! Go! Go! Go!

Wait for me!



♪ Suddenly feel alive ♪


♪ Heart on fire in my chest ♪


♪ Heart on fire in my chest ♪


♪ Suddenly feel alive ♪

[OVERLAPPING] We did it! We did it!

We won! We won!


That was it?

That was it.

Our first kiss.

♪ Suddenly feel alive ♪


Why is there no one else here?

Because we're the best?


♪ Heart on fire in my chest ♪

[EVAN] Oh... yeah.

That must be "New" Calvert Park.

So we didn't win?

I think we kind of did.

♪ Suddenly feel alive ♪


♪ Suddenly feel alive ♪
