01x49 - A Life Without Gambling Is Like Sushi Without Wasabi

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x49 - A Life Without Gambling Is Like Sushi Without Wasabi

Post by bunniefuu »

And so, graduation day is finally here.

This is the last class.

[Once you graduate, you're an adult! In this episode, we'd like to introduce you to the world children cannot understand.


[Anime and gambling are very similar.

Either it's a big hit, or you lose your shirt.


Kabukicho Also known as the Town of Greed.

Many pleasures can be found in this town.

Alcohol, women And dr*gs There's nothing you can't get in this town.

And tonight, these men are about to seek challenges on a whole new stage.

Are you ready? Yeah.

Tonight, we'll say goodbye to a life of poverty.

We're gonna win! Until we get kicked out.

Damn it! I'm gonna win more money than I could ever spend! And we'll celebrate with Dom Perignon mixed with Dom Perignon! We'll drink until we have the runs! Casino, here we come! ["A Life Without Gambling is like Sushi Without Wasabi"]

Is everyone ready? Place your bets! Odds or evens! Place your bets! Evens! Odds! Odds! Odds! Evens! Boy, I'm glad it isn't winter.

We'd be on the verge of freezing to death.

That's for sure.

Although, it's winter in our wallets again.

We sure are lucky.

We sure are.

The God of Poverty is definitely with us.

Now that I think about it, my left shoulder's been feeling awfully heavy lately.

Like there's someone on it Like the God of Poverty.

Don't you think it's drooping a bit? My left shoulder? You worry too much.

If you look too desperate, even Lady Luck will avoid you.

Lately I keep seeing this creepy old man carrying a huge sickle.

But I've decided not to worry about him.

I think you should be worried.

See? Speaking of the devil Huh? Behind you.

Akuryotaisan! Youmakoufuku! [Note: These are all spells to cast off evil.

Akuryou taisan = evil scatter/release; is a common charm from Shinto temples.

Youma koufuku = phantom scatter.


Eromuesaimu! Tekumakumayakon! [Eromuesaimu is a chant from the anime "Akuma-kun.

" Tekumakumayakon is a chant from the anime "Himitsu no Akko"]

Look at you clowns.

You either have it or you don't.

And you call yourselves gamblers.

Huh? These arethe clothes they won off us! Who are you? Luck's not a snack your grandma gives you.

If all you do is wait, Lady Luck won't come.

You have to seduce the goddess of gambling yourself.

He's amazing! He's been raking it in for a while now.

Who is he?! Hey, that scar on his face.

He might be Kanbe, the Luck Reader.

"Luck reader"? The unbeatable gambler with amazing luck.

A legend among gamblers! They say he can read how his luck's gonna run.

He can change all odds in his favor He's every gambler's idol.

I heard he disappeared from Edo for a while.

But I never thought I'd get to see him in person! Well, however legendary he is, I didn't know Lady Luck was such a whore.

Hell, I've been working my butt off to woo her and she didn't even glance at me.

She's probably not interested in married guys.

Hatsu went back to her hometown and hasn't come back.

You'd think she could forgive me for a one-night stand.

Maybe the goddess likes the wild type, like him.

Yeah, I'll bet she does.

So I'll go wild too! Odds or evens? Evens! Huh? What's wrong? Not wild enough maybe? Can't I get more into the mood of "I don't give a damn"? Hasegawa-san, take off your boxers.

Huh? Hey, I don't mind, but I'm not wild, y'know.

If anything, mine is more on the mild side.

What're you morons doing?! And after everything I went through to get your clothes back!! Are you stupid? Go home already! You're not suited to gambling! You did it on your own.

I don't remember asking you! Or what? Could it be the trick to winning Lady Luck is to look shallow but be secretly generous? You're so full of it.

But you better watch your health.

I'm not forcing myself to be kind! There are two types of gamblers.

The first are guys who simply love to gamble.

The second type are guys who think they're cool when they gamble.

The second type makes crazy bets.

He gets caught up in his own euphoria and destroys himself.

The better the gambler, the less extravagant the bets.

You don't go for it unless you know you can win.

You guys are obviously number two.

Just take my advice and quit now.

We're not number two.

We're number three.

There's no such thing.

Sure, there is.

The kind who just really needs the money! The easy way.

So get a job! Like you'd understand a laborer's feelings.

Gamblers are frivolous.

You're wrong.

Life is a gamble.

We're all gamblers.

Shut up.

Anyway, a gambler shouldn't hang around in the sacred gambling hall in a pair of boxers.

I won't allow you to sully this place any further.

What a strange guy Huh? Huh? How did this happened?! Where'd I go wrong? Hey, hey.

Is it okay to dirty the sacred gambling hall with your loincloth? Huh? You guys! On top of that, you sullied your name by cheating.

What do you think, Hasegawa-san? Trying to seduce Lady Luck with magic tricks? How pitiful.

Totally pitiful.

And you're supposed to be a legendary gambler! Humph I told you.

You have to create your own luck! Hey, your cool dude act won't work.

Not when you're only in a loincloth.

Well, bad luck sure seems to stick to you two.

It seems you took my good fortune too.

Aw, c'mon.

Do us a favor.

Blast away this bad luck with your little tricks and help us make some money.

We won't say a word! Gentlemen Please come with us.


We never have any luck, do we? So these are the scum who cheated in my gambling den.

You're pretty gutsy.

There's one ruler in Kabukicho and that's me, Kada the Princess Peacock.

Trying to outwit me? I hope you're prepared to die.

Hold it! Hold it! We didn't chea--! I hate men who make excuses! And you call yourself a gambler? Hey, hey.

Talk about a goddess.

She's the female boss who controls most of the casinos in Kabukicho.

No one has ever escaped her shackles.

We're doomed to end up at the bottom of the ocean.

I wondered where I saw you You're Kanbe.

Kanbe, the "Luck Reader.

" Hmm So the legendary gambler of Edo turned out to be a mere cheater? Your name had reached even my ears.

A man who could read and change the course of luck even in the most dire situations.

That was long ago.

Now, my eye has closed, and I can't read anything.

I'm just a rotten cheat.

Hmm Your right eye may be closed, but it can still see luck Interesting.

Rumors say five years ago, you lost your right eye after losing a big match.

But surely, what your right eye can't see, your left eye can.

I shall give you one last chance.

This is It seems our last chance will be in mahjong.

Isn't it weird? Mahjong in a time slot featuring children's anime? Shouldn't we be having an exciting challenge with something like Kurohige Kikiippatsu? [Kurohige Kikiippatsu = Pop-up Pirate.

A popular children's game in which you stick plastic swords into a barrel and try to eject Blackbeard the Pirate.


Well, I'm sure there are all kinds of grown-up concerns like sponsors and things.

Mahjong, eh? I only know the basics.

Huh?! H-Hasegawa-san, you Huh? What'd I do? Is there something on Huh?! What's this?! What's this? Why only me?! Huh?! You're! You know him? Janki Akage.

The pro mahjong player for the Kada g*ng.

He's gone twenty years without a single loss.

He's wasted guys named Dragon and Tiger one after another.

In the underworld, he's a living legend.

Kanbe, the Luck Reader, knows about me? Now that's an honor.

We'll have a lot of fun today.

In other words, if we beat you, we can leave this place alive? Right If even just one of you beats me, all three of you can go free.

But if you lose you'll become fish food in the bay of Edo! What a farce Well, we have no choice, but to go along.

There's no other way to get out alive.

Stillwhat's that woman thinking? I hear she loves gambling too.

She plans to enjoy watching us squirm.

What a detestable woman.

Okay, shall we begin? This game of life? Six to the right well, you're the parent.

[Note: The term used is "oya" = parent; which means "dealer" in the game]

What?! What parent?! I don't remember having a naughty kid like you!! Wha--? Huh? This guy's eyes and his hand gestures He's no ordinary guy.

Gin-san and I are the type who will never be loved by Lady Luck.

We have to let Mr.

Luck Reader handle it.

Huh? Not again.

What's with these losing tiles?! What'll I do?! There's no way I can win with this! That's why I didn't want to play.

And I told you from the start.

Man, he's already talking like it's hopeless.

All right then.

I guess it starts with me! See? Hey, you can't do that! You can't just throw away three tiles like that.

What? I can't? So what? I don't need them.

It's over.

He doesn't know the rules.

Help, someone! Please help us! What a boner! The ones challenging me are total amateurs! Fine, I'll let you do as you please, for a while.

So let's just continue like this.

This is impossible, I tell you Even if us three losers team up to beat you, we can't possibly win! Hey, hey, what's the matter, Hasegawa-san? The match has barely started.

Akage is being so kind.

It's too early to throw in the towel.


Gambling isn't over until it's over.

I'm gonna sh**t to win, my way! Wh-What's with this baseless confidence?! But his eyes look unwavering.

Maybe something's gonna happen Mahjong! SHOUSANGEN HONITSU HANEMAN.

I knew it was hopeless!! It's no good.

We didn't have a chance! I was a fool to even think it for a second! Now, now, don't get too dismayed.

This is just one game we lost.

That's right.

We still have Mr.

Luck Reader.

The man with amazing luck who can turn the tide! Mahjong!! Huh? JUNCHANSANSHOKU OYAMAN.

Aww, come on! We can't! We can't win! [Note: The following are all mahjong terms which lead to winning the game.


Pong! Chow! Mahjong! Kong! Akari! Reach! Draw!! KANPIN SANSHOKU DORADORA HANEMAN! It's over.

Each of you has zero points.

Meaning you have nothing.

There's nothing you can bet with anymore.

Zero or nothing.

So what?! A man doesn't win with points! Hmm Then what will you do? Well, I'm not going to lose the next one.

Huh?! Strip mahjong?! Tet-chan and Ken-chan used to say in the old movies [Note: This refers to the yakuza movies of Tetsuya Watari and Ken Takakura]

"When you lose, you lose your shirt.

" Who are they? Sounds like fun.


Let's continue.

I'm already close to winning it all.

Huh?! The most important thing for a gambler is guts.

He seems to be overflowing with that.

However, gambling is not so easy that you can win with just guts.

C-Calm down, you guys.

One must not lose his cool, ever, in gambling.

Even if you are surrounded in flames, you must keep calm and concentrate.

I'm so cool my entire body is frozen!! It's cold Well now, it seems you have nothing else to strip.

It's almost over.

How boring.

I thought I could enjoy this a bit longer.

To think, this is all the Luck Reader had.

Playtime is over.

Next, it's your life.

Sorry, but I'm gonna settle this.

He's the legendary Janki, after all.

He's in a different class from us.

This is it Say mister, I wanted to ask you one thing.

When your right eye was still good, were you really able to see luck? He probably cheated.

But relax.

I'll be the legend from today on.

Shut up! You be quiet! Hah! If I could see luck, I wouldn't be one-eyed today.

Kanbe, your man did a terrible thing.

How will you settle this?! There's one thing I can say By the way, Kanbe.

I hear you have a very interesting right eye.

That you can read luck.

I've always made choices I didn't regret.

Smash it.

If you want him to live, gouge out that right eye! I've always done as I pleased.

In gambling and in life.

Humph, and this is the result? In essence, a cheater, that's all you were.

And I'll prove it right now! You're mine! Now I'll stop their breathing.

Reach! Mahjong!! Atari.

[Note: chiitoitsu = seven pairs]


Damn right! He's got it! Wh-What?! How?! I thought you didn't even know the rules! No, I don't.

That's why I moved as I pleased.

I just realized that I had completed my tiles.

Besides, I don't like you.

As long as you don't beat me, I don't give a damn about the rest.

Th-That's so ridiculous He really is ridiculous.

But just now, the current of Luck changed.

Let's go, mister.

The counter move begins! MENTANPIN Dragon Dragon Punch! [Note: Dragon Punch refers to a term in the Drxxon Ball anime]

TONNANSHAPEI RINSHAN Release!! [Note: "Release" refers to a term in the Naxxto anime]

Taihai! Shanpai! Chonbo! Furiken! Noten! Mopai! Double East Double South Double Reach Kick!! We're no small fries! We just ain't! Now we're all naked.

Let's settle it with the next game.

I can't lose.

She doesn't permit losing.

If I lose now, I'll be k*lled.

I'll do whatever it takes to win.

Whatever it takes! I guess I underestimated you guys.

But this is it.

I'll finish you off with this one deal.

I'll send both you and Kanbe to hell! I can't change my strategy now.

But I still have a trick or two left.

Sorry, but you're gonna have to disappear! Lethal w*apon! Giant Tiger Illusion Tiles! I can pull 1000 tiles per second! No way you can see my moves! Oh sorry I was sitting for so long, my legs started to hurt.

It wasn't on purpose.

No really.

Oh man, this is terrible.

Let's put the tiles back.

I'll help.

S-Stop! No, it's nothing.

Damn! A few of the tiles ended up in the wrong position.

Especially that row they piled back up.

I have to get it back! It's all right.

I'll just delay a few of my moves.

Here I come! Bring it on! Huh?! Huh? What's this called? Hey, I just I'm the dealer, so I was about to get rid of a tile andlook.

It's all in place.

See They're all paifu tiles.

That doesn't matter.

If you've reached haipai Heaven's hand? Good fortune bestowed upon man by Heaven.

Huh?! Heaven's hand?! Impossible! How can that be?! So at the end of the end, Lady Luck had a one night stand with me! You did it, Hasegawa-san! I always knew you were someone who could do it! I feel like my life has changed.

Maybe Lady Luck will love me forever.

How can this happen?! Where did I go wrong? Hah! That's life.

Say Gin-san, let's go celebrate before Lady Luck turns away from me.

Sounds good.

How about we splurge on Dom Perignon with Dom Perignon? Take it easy You're hopeless.

That's why gambling is [Thank you for your support this past year.


[Please continue to watch.


Everyone, repeat one year.

Anyway, you guys have to repeat the grade.

So come to class another year! Gin Tama begins another year! But before that, there's something to do! [After overcoming a reorganization, there's a new ordeal?]

[What happens to Gin Tama has not been determined yet.

This is not a final decision.

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