01x31 - You Always Remember The Things That Matter The Least

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x31 - You Always Remember The Things That Matter The Least

Post by bunniefuu »

Keep the room well-lit and watch from a distance, okay? On his way back from buying JUMP, Gin-san gets into an accident on his moped!!]

[(Administrative message) There have been many careless accidents lately.

So let's all be on the alert.


Man, I vowed I would move on from JUMP already So why am I doing this? Weekly serials are all about the attraction.

Once they suck you in, you have to know what happens next week.

You lose track if you miss a single issue, and No, that's exactly why I should stop This is really a sin Shonen Jum Huh? Huh? What's this? The sky is all red.

Huh? It's me that's all red.

Huh? How the hell did this happen? Huh? Wait a minute, I Guys! Shinpachi Gin-san? Is Gin-san all right? Don't shout in a hospital, idiot! Same for you, granny! You, too, brat.

And me, too! Hmph Nothing to worry about.

He's not the type to die from getting hit by a car.

They say he got hit when he went out to buy JUMP.

That's what happens when you read this kind of junk at his age.

Let's hope he'll take this opportunity to grow up a bit.

You said it.

You know Hearing you say that makes me feel better.

I'm really sorry.

I was talking on my cell phone and didn't see him in time.

So you're the bastard! Let's see how far you can fly!! I'm sending you to the moon! If Gin-chan dies, I'll strangle you to death with your own cell phone strap! Maybe he's not okay, after all Keep it quiet! Where do you idiots think you are?! Look who's talking.

Hey! You can't go in there yet! Hey, he looks fine.

You scared the hell out of us! I won't let you buy JUMP anymore! We were worried, Gin-san You sure hit some bad luck, huh? Who are you? Do I know you people? Do we know each other? ["You Always Remember the Things that Matter the Least"]

Amnesia?! His injuries aren't that bad.

He hit his head real hard, and that must have made some of his memories pop out.

"Pop out"?! What is he, a toaster?! It's common for someone to lose their memory of what happened before and after an accident.

In his case, he seems to have also forgotten his entire identity.

That could be quite a problem.

You'd better not be faking this.

This fool doesn't have amnesia.

He just wants to get out of paying rent.

Doctor I think I'm hallucinating, too.

I keep seeing this hideous goblin.

Sakata-san, there's nothing to worry about.

There are no goblins in this hospital.

Maybe a ghost or two Doctor, that's not right.

The human memory is very complex, like a tree with its branches intertwined.

If one branch is disturbed, the others move, too.

Let's just see how it goes for a while.

Odd Jobs Gin Is this where I live? That's right, Gin-san.

You take on odd jobs A freelancer.

Odd Jobs It's no use, I don't remember.

An Odd Jobs who did practically nothing at all.

We were like paupers.

Pau?! Paupers at my age?! To make matters worse, you always look like a walking corpse with dead fish eyes.

And you didn't pay the rent.

And you also stole Otose-san's money.

That was you! You might remember something if you go inside.

This is your home, Gin-san.

Doesn't it bring back memories? That's right! You always sat on this sofa, digging your boogers! Look, Gin-chan! It's Sadaharu.

See? Humongous! What'd you feed him to make him this big? Gin-chan, you were always fond of Sadaharu.

How could I be fond of a ridiculously sized dog like this? It's pitch black.

I can't see a thing.

Could my mind be unconsciously trying to seal away my memories? No, that's not it.

You've been bitten, that's quite normal really.

My consciousness is fading away Kagura-chan! He's bleeding! He'll lose his consciousness as well as his memory! Do something quickly! Look, it's your favorite: Ms.


You'd always peer at her from a low angle during her morning forecast! Ketsuno, Ana? Well? Do you remember anything? I don't rememberor rather, I don't want to remember Pull yourself together! Be a loser! Discard your conscience.

That's who GINTOKI is! Is that so? That's who GINTOKI is! He's a sore, sore, sore, loser!! Otose-san, what should we do? Walk him down the streets of Edo.

This is a man with connections throughout Edo.

You might stumble across something that might strike a chord in his memory.

What? Amnesia? Is this true? Tell me the details of what happened, Gintoki.

As I said, he lost his memories.

By the way, what're you doing here, Katsura-san? To save the country, first you've got to have money.

Hey, bro! Come on in! We got hot chicks here.

I know, Gintoki, why don't you stop by, too.

We have lots of pretties.

[All you can drink! All you can grope!]

You'll be able to forget all the bad memories.

Hasn't he forgotten enough already?! Are you really friends?! I feel a memory stirring! Let's check it out.

Liar!! I felt something just now! It's coming! Really? Remember, Gintoki! Remember the days when you slaved as my apprentice! Hey! Don't go changing his memory! Where is it? Where do I hit to jog your memory? Here? Here? No, it's probably around here.

No? Then here? Oh no, no Stop it! [Shinsengumi]

What's going on? Is it a fight? It's been a while.

Think we should jump in? Hey, that's Katsura! Did you get him? Is this ours? Sogo, run.


Stupid samurai should stay home and play with their swords.

No! You're playing with us today, Katsura! Hmph, not bad.

Run, Elizabeth.

Come back here! Gin-chan! Gin-san! Gin-san! Are you okay, Gin-san?! Who are you people? What? Amnesia?! What is that? A new kind of play? No, never mind.

If they can hear each other, they can converse This is Candid Camera, isn't it? I can tell you're all trying to deceive me to get your kicks.

By the way, where's the camera? You've got it all wrong.

He actually has amnesia.

You're lying.

That means Yes He's completely forgotten all the embarrassing things he did with me and all those painful experiences that came with it? Um, what is your relationship to me? How cruel! We were on the brink of being married! You even wore formal wedding wear! Well, yes, but You only say the facts that are convenient to you.

Those are the tricks of an evil con artist.

Then are you my That's right, Gin-san! I am your love S-L-A-V-E! Why're you doing this to me? Is this a kind of abandonment role-play fantasy? That turns me on, too, but that's not the normal you, Gin-san! We've been trying to tell you Gin-chan isn't his normal self.

Who is this person? At this rate, you'll catch her abnormality.

Let's go, Gin-san.

I won't let you I won't let anyone else have Gin-san! Phew! What is this stench?! There was natto in that smoke b*mb! Gin-chan's gone! Uh, why're you doing this? It's all right, Gin-san.

Leave everything to me.

I won't hurt you.

No, grandma always said, you can't trust the people who say they won't hurt you.


There! You're not getting away! Too easy.

You can't get me with that kind of attack.

Don't worry.

I'll teach you everything about me.

I just want to know about my own memory.

Gin-san, knowing about me means knowing about yourself.

Let's rent a small studio apartment.

That'll be the first step of our new beginning.

As for kids, one boy and one girl would be nice, too.

We'll think of wonderful names for them.

Sarutobi Stop deciding things on your own! I don't want to take my first steps with you! Those words squeeze my heart as strong as they did before! I won't let you have Gin-chan! You think You can stop me with that? Huh Where'd Gin-san go? Gin-chan! Gin-san! I can make it in time! I'll break his fall! Why'd you take a full swing?! I don't understand! Doing it half-heartedly isn't like Gin Tama.

That's no reason to "wham" him! Gin-san! Gin-san! Gin-chan, are you alive? Hey, are you okay? What is this place? My, that's awful.

Has he forgotten about me, too? I'm sorry.

You still remember me, right? No, he said, "I'm sorry.

" No, he remembers.

Don't play dumb with me.

You mean I remember him, but he doesn't remember me? That sucks! Who does he think he is? Shin-chan, hit me with this so I forget my memories of Gin-san.

Sis, what am I, a brain surgeon?! Then I have no choice.

I'll make you remember me, no matter what! If I duplicate the shock, I'm sure he'll remember! Sis, not that! You'll put us back where we started! I'm sorry.

I still cannot remember you, but I know I will soon.

Please just be patient.

What? Oh my, why is my heart pounding over someone like Gin-san? His eyes and eyebrows just look closer togetherthat's all.

And his pupils are biggerthat's all.

Sis? Forget the past.

Live looking forward rather than backwards.

What?! You changed your mind! Why?! Lock up that worthless old Gin-san and live your life as the new Gin-san.

Big Sis! That's like putting a cover on smelly things to hide them! Did I say smelly? What do I see in a man with dead-fish eyes, anyways? I prefer Gin-san the way he is now, compared to that frivolous Gin-san.

He's almost Handsome Why are your cheeks so red? You're blushing! You're not in love with him, are you?! No way! I won't allow it! I absolutely refuse to become this creep's brother-in-law! This isn't about you.

She's right! His eyes and eyebrows may be closer together now, but when his memory returns, they'll separate again! He'll be back to that loose face! What're you doing here? Well, it was just so toasty and warm I fell asleep Here I bought some Bäagen-Dazs for everyone.

It's melted and gooey! How long have you been under there?! So, we meet again.

I haven't seen you in a while.

You've changed quite a bit.

Are you trying to use amnesia to change your image and seduce Otae-san? I won't let you.

My eyes and eyebrows are way closer together than yours! Look at me, Otae-san.

You can search all of Edo, but you will never find eyes and brows closer together than these! I couldn't love a stalker even if he had hair growing out of his eyes! All right.

So what if I grow hair below my eyes? How about that? Wh-What is this? How oddI feel like as this cup is drawing me towards it.

How about it? You'd be a monster! Oh! Sugar! That's right! Sugar might jog his memory! Eat it! Sis! Gather every dessert in the house! Huh? What? Just get something sweet! But I don't Gin-chan come back to us! Gin-chan! III I'm Gin-chan! Gin-sa Big Sis, what is that? A tamagoyaki omelet.

I made it extra sweet today.

This omelet has quite a unique taste Kondo-san! Gin-san! Whoareyoupeople? My, how cute I'm sorry.

You've tried everything, for me, but in the end, I can't remember anything.

Stop it! It's not like you! Even if you're 90% wrong, you'll use everything you have of that last 10% to not apologize! Take your time to remember.

We'll wait.

Let's go home and take it easy.

Yes, you might remember something if you just relax at home.

What's that?! That's A spaceship?! Oh no! It's coming straight at us! Gin-chan! Gin-chan, it's time for you to do your thing! What? Gin-san, quickly! Uh, um Now, Gin-chan.

Um, excuse me, just what am I supposed to do? Chi! Use your chi! You always do something with your chi! That's right.

Whether it's a giant robot or a w*apon of mass destruction, you've always slashed your way through with just this sword! With this? You can definitely do it, Gin-chan! Please do it! Gin-san! I Gin-chan! Gin-san! Me?! Gin-chan There's no way No human being can accomplish such a thing.

Huh? Isn't that in the direction of Odd Jobs? That was intense.

It's totaled.

They'll have to rebuild.

Our house Sorry about that! I was trying to get to a friend's place, but I got lost.

I ran out of fuel as I was circling about, and crashed here.

Is there an Odd Jobs Kin-chan around here? If it's Odd Jobs Gin you're looking for, it's the place you destroyed.

No, no, it's Kin-chan.

Weren't you listening? You're not paying attention.

Yeah, yeah, we heard you.

Come with us to the station.

Oh, you'll show me to Kintoki's place? People in Edo are so nice.


You're obnoxious.

Keep quiet.

Now what are we gonna do? We've even lost the house.

Who am I? Gin-chan! We'll be all right.

We'll manage somehow.

That's right.

When your memory returns, I'm sure we'll joke about this.

For the time being, we have to find somewhere else to stay.

Why are these two people You've done enough.

Don't worry about me.

You both have homes to go back to, don't you? Don't worry about me.

Be free.

Gin-san? From what I've heard, I made you both work without any real salary.

After this, there's no reason for you to stick around.

Now that I've lost my memory and my house All the evidence I ever existed is gone.

But this might be a good opportunity.

According to everyone's stories, I was a real mess of a guy.

This is my chance to start all over again.

So let's end this "Odd Jobs" business.

You're kidding, right, Gin-san? I don't need a salary! All I need is a little pickled seaweed! So please, Gin-chan! I'm sorry.

The Gin-san you both knew isn't here anymore.

It won't work! You can't function in society! You're an idiot! Gin-san! Please wait! Gin-chan! Gin-saaan! [Preview]

Thank you, everyone watching us on TV, for your support.

It looks like Odd Jobs really is going to close down.

Gin-san went off somewhere, but we'll wait forever.

The next episode: "Life Moves on Like a Conveyor Belt.

" [Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura go their separate ways.


[Farewell, Odd Jobs.

Farewell, Gin Tama.


I've decided to relive my life.
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